Disable inline pdf in 5.1

When using Safari 5.0 and previous, you could simply disable the Inline PDF Viewer and open in Adobe by going to your terminal and typing: 
defaults write com.apple.Safari WebKitOmitPDFSupport -bool YES
This option no longer works in 5.1? 
Is there a way to disable in 5.1?

A number of discussions have not yet found a solution to this - as of the moment there is no way to disable inline browsing. You can still however manually download the file by 'Save Link As...' (or similar through contextual menu).

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    This worked for me, but you do have to restart Safari first before the changes take effect. You can find information about this fix
    MacBook Pro   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

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    Thank you, Ralph.
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    DRM - digital rights management. Controversial and complicated subject.
    If you just want a password you can set that with Acrobat, but it has no expiry system. Expiry is a pretty complex area, for instance, it cannot trust the clock in the user's own computer, because they could change it to fool you. And if you count opens or whatever they can just start with a fresh copy. Adobe's DRM runs on a server 24/7, so that checks can be made whether to open or not.

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    I am out of the office until 1/22/13.
    If you need assistance with technical issues, please contact the Help Desk at:  518-402-8888
    >>> Test Screen Name <[email protected]> 01/17/13 10:30 >>>
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    "Re: Adobe Reader XI enterprise deploy-disable display PDF in browser?"
    To view the discussion, visit: http://forums.adobe.com/message/5001441#5001441

  • Disable "Display PDF in browser" | Acrobat, Reader XI

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    From the KB note: "Acrobat XI and Reader XI do not include a preference setting to open web-based PDFs. "
    In other words, what you want is already the default. All of the major browsers have their own PDF viewer. Moreover, the old reg pref "disable browser integration" never worked across all browsers due to the number of browsers and the rate at which they were evolving. That pref is removed in 11.x products.
    While I don't understand the question in your first bullet, the default browser behavior seems to be what you are looking for. Browser behavior should be configured with browser settings rather than Acrobat/Reader settings.

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    Hi URT301,
    Please see this document: PDF Ownership when Reader X is Installed with Acrobat. You'll find several solutions to this problem in the FAQ section.
    Please let us know how it goes.

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    I am out of the office until 1/22/13.
    If you need assistance with technical issues, please contact the Help Desk at:  518-402-8888
    >>> Test Screen Name <[email protected]> 01/17/13 10:30 >>>
    Test Screen Name http://forums.adobe.com/people/Test+Screen+Name created the discussion
    "Re: Adobe Reader XI enterprise deploy-disable display PDF in browser?"
    To view the discussion, visit: http://forums.adobe.com/message/5001441#5001441

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    From the screenshot it looks like you have both Acrobat and Reader on the machine and only Reader is disabled.
    Check again. If you think the doc is incorrect, post back.
    --- more info ---
    All browser integration prefs were deprecated with 11.x because browser companies are releasing new versions every 6 weeks or more. It was simply not possible to keep pace without requiring admins to update every few weeks. Moreover, most browsers are gradually phasing out such plugins or at least disable them by default (e.g. Chrome). Many companies provide a browser-specific PDF viewer. Acrobat and Reader share the same config and there's nothing different between the two.

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    Sounds like a file association issue in Windows. Right click on the files of interest and select Open With>Choose Default Program and select the program you want used (be sure the "always use" box is checked. The Acrobat installation should not have done this change, but this is the process to make the change on each file type.

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    Go to HD/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/ and remove AdobePDFViewer.plugin.

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    <[email protected]> wrote in message <br />news:[email protected]..<br />> ...<br />> Is it possible to do this? (i.e configure the reader only to show<br />> the content without toolbar/option bar)?<br />> ...<br /><br />Since you are producing the PDF, take a look at the ViewerPreferences <br />dictionary in the PDF Reference Manual; for PDF 1.4 it's section 8.1.<br /><br />> ...<br />> Now, I'd like to prevent the users to be able to save the<br />> displayed PDF, because they should be allowed only to read them.<br />> ...<br /><br />However (a) that's only a preference, the viewer may honor it or not, (b) F8 <br />is still there to put the bar back, and last but not least (c) it won't <br />prevent making a copy of the file, but I'm sure it will irritate a lot of <br />your clients (lack of navigation/ zoom/ etc buttons, for one thing).

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    Anyone have any idea how to fix this issue?

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    take a look to this
    transfering files to web service

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