Disable Mic on Realtek ALC888 (OSS Mixer)

I now have my microphone (on headset) working on my Realtek ALC888 (OSS Mixer) so I can use Skype, but now that I figured out which switch to flip on ossxmix, it leaves the mic on always and there's a bit of a hiss.
Can I tell it to NOT be an "input" except when I am using it?

Easiest way is to mute everything and try yo unmute one or two things at a time until you have sound back (hiss free of course).
Then figure out what to unmute just to record sound but not hear yourself.

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  • Realtek ALC888 (OSS Mixer) Very Quiet

    xfce4-mixer says I am using "Realtek ALC888 (OSS Mixer)" and the speakers and mic work, but the speakers are VERY quiet. I can't hear well enough to make a phone call with Skype. So I tried this:
    http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Xfc … ew_Xfce4.6
    and it's not any better (I rebooted after I did that just to be sure). I have the volume on the physical speakers on 100% and xfce4-mixer also set to 100%.
    I know that these speakers are actually pretty loud because other distros were LOUD.
    Any suggestions how to debug this?

    To clarify, I don't actually care if I use oss or alsa or a
    kerosene-powered dust buster. I just want to be able to hear youtube and
    Skype normally. And the problem isn't just Skype--also youtube is very
    I removed oss and alsa was still there. Or it claimed to be. I rebooted
    but amixer and alsaconf were 'command not found'
    I installed oss again and soundon gave a crazy output about conflicting
    drivers. So I rebooted. When I now click on my Xfce mixer panel addon it says
    GStreamer was unable to detect any sound devices. Some sound system
    specific GStreamer packages may be missing. It may also be a permissions
    So I added myself (once again) to the audio group and installed oss again. Now I see this:
    [kirk@localhost ~]$ /etc/rc.d/oss restart
    :: Stopping Open Sound System [BUSY] /etc/rc.d/oss: line 18: /usr/sbin/soundoff: Permission denied
    :: Starting Open Sound System [BUSY] /etc/rc.d/oss: line 8: /usr/sbin/soundon: Permission denied
    [kirk@localhost ~]$ sudo /etc/rc.d/oss restart
    :: Stopping Open Sound System [BUSY] OSS not loaded.
    :: Starting Open Sound System [DONE]
    [kirk@localhost ~]$ ossinfo
    Version info: OSS 4.1 (b 1052b/200905252233) (0x00040100) GPL
    Platform: Linux/i686 2.6.29-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed May 20 07:06:02 UTC 2009 (localhost)
    Number of audio devices: 7
    Number of audio engines: 11
    Number of mixer devices: 1
    Device objects
    0: osscore0 OSS core services
    1: oss_hdaudio0 Intel HD Audio interrupts=502 (507)
    HD Audio controller Intel HD Audio
    Vendor ID 0x808627d8
    Subvendor ID 0x103c2a59
    Codec 2: ALC888 (0x10ec0888/0x103c2a59)
    2: oss_usb0 USB audio core services
    Mixer devices
    0: High Definition Audio ALC888 (Mixer 0 of device object 1)
    Audio devices
    HD Audio play front /dev/oss/oss_hdaudio0/pcm0 (device index 0)
    HD Audio play rear /dev/oss/oss_hdaudio0/pcm1 (device index 1)
    HD Audio play center/LFE /dev/oss/oss_hdaudio0/pcm2 (device index 2)
    HD Audio play side /dev/oss/oss_hdaudio0/pcm3 (device index 3)
    HD Audio play pcm4 /dev/oss/oss_hdaudio0/pcm4 (device index 4)
    HD Audio rec mix /dev/oss/oss_hdaudio0/pcmin0 (device index 5)
    HD Audio rec mix /dev/oss/oss_hdaudio0/pcmin1 (device index 6)
    /dev/dsp -> /dev/oss/oss_hdaudio0/pcm0
    /dev/dsp_in -> /dev/oss/oss_hdaudio0/pcm0
    /dev/dsp_out -> /dev/oss/oss_hdaudio0/pcm0
    /dev/dsp_mmap -> /dev/oss/oss_hdaudio0/pcm0
    /dev/dsp_multich -> /dev/oss/oss_hdaudio0/pcm0
    I am a bit lost now.
    EDIT But now when I click on the mixer it says "Sound card: High Definition Audio ALC888 (OSS v4 Audio Mixer)" and when I select controls there are approximately sixty options. Really, sixty.
    Last edited by CaptainKirk (2009-06-10 07:32:33)

  • Hey guys ! I use logic pro ... not logic proX ... and i want to record my drums with 4 mics. I got a mixer with also 4 inputs ( Behringer Xenyx QX 1202USB ) But in my Logic i can't take the third input !?!? i can only choose 1 and 2 .... Please Help :)

    hey guys ! I use logic pro ... not logic proX ... and i want to record my drums with 4 mics. I got a mixer with also 4 inputs ( Behringer Xenyx QX 1202USB ) But in my Logic i can't take the third input !?!? i can only choose 1 and 2 .... Please Help

    Friedrich sp wrote:
    Can you send me a mixer wich can do that, please ?
    Who do you think I am? Santa Claus?
    What you need is not a mixer, but an audio interface with at least 4 mic inputs. There is a lot of choice there, but you should indicate a budget. You can go from, say, € 300 to € thousands, if you want.
    Roland UA 1010
    Focusrite Scarlett 18i8
    However, there are other options (like multi-out mixer plus multi in interface, or standalone mic preamps plus interface with 4 inputs, etc). I have little experience using these however so I really cannot say much about which one(s) to get. The two mentioned above both have four mic preamps, but they are by no means the only way to do it.
    The cheapest solution I can think of is to get a second 1204USB, plug it in, and in OS X create an Aggregate device (=the two are being merged into 'one virtual' interface with two discrete stereo (= four discrete mono) inputs. Disadvantage: you keep the same (limited) soundquality of the 16 bits convertors. Getting any of the interfaces mentioned earlier will also mean you'll make the significant step up from 16 to 24 bits sound.

  • Realtek ALC888 5.1 Sound problems

    Hello everyone,
    I have been using Arch with KDE for quite a bit now, but i'm still a stranger to the sound system (maybe i'm just dumb and all),
    i have a GA-965P-DS3 motherboard with a Realtek ALC888 8 Channel Audio on it, i have an 5.1 plugged in the back and a headphone in the front.
    I rearly use the 5.1, about a month or so. First i used just plain alsa and kMix, it was all fine, untill the native Steam client comed and i noticed that
    all games are running in a 7.1 setup, so ... i installed pulseaudio (i never liked it, but ...), then it was all ok, untill some kernet update.
    Now i have the following issue, when i boot Arch, I allways get the KDE multimedia warning that yada yada yada device is not available, do you want
    to forget, yada yada yada ... and i have no audio at all. So i have to open kMix, and at the Audio Hardware Setup i need to chose Headphones (however
    it can't remember this setting, i have to make this at every boot), so far ok, now comes the 5.1, at headphone i have 2 channels at the 5.1 pluged in at
    the back of the PC, when i chose 5.1 or whatever i have absolutly no sound at all (the channels are mutted every time i change the profile/connector
    in kMix, i unmute them, even tried in alsamixer, everything unmuted, no sound once so ever, even tried the speaker-test -c 6 , speaker-test -c 2 nothing,
    it only works on "headphones" connector and two channels). Here is an image of kMix:
    fuser -fv /dev/snd/* /dev/dsp*
    Specified filename /dev/dsp* does not exist.
    /dev/snd/controlC0: user 407 F.... kded4
    user 661 F.... kmix
    user 751 F.... pulseaudio
    lsmod | grep '^snd' | column -t
    snd_hda_codec_realtek 62279 1
    snd_hda_intel 33946 5
    snd_hda_codec 101474 2 snd_hda_codec_realtek,snd_hda_intel
    snd_hwdep 6364 1 snd_hda_codec
    snd_pcm 76956 2 snd_hda_codec,snd_hda_intel
    snd_page_alloc 7298 2 snd_pcm,snd_hda_intel
    snd_timer 18687 1 snd_pcm
    snd 58893 16 snd_hda_codec_realtek,snd_hwdep,snd_timer,snd_pcm,snd_hda_codec,snd_hda_intel
    ls -l /dev/snd
    total 0
    drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 60 Apr 29 00:33 by-path
    crw-rw----+ 1 root audio 116, 8 Apr 29 00:33 controlC0
    crw-rw----+ 1 root audio 116, 7 Apr 29 00:33 hwC0D2
    crw-rw----+ 1 root audio 116, 6 Apr 29 08:41 pcmC0D0c
    crw-rw----+ 1 root audio 116, 5 Apr 29 23:24 pcmC0D0p
    crw-rw----+ 1 root audio 116, 4 Apr 29 00:33 pcmC0D1c
    crw-rw----+ 1 root audio 116, 3 Apr 29 00:33 pcmC0D1p
    crw-rw----+ 1 root audio 116, 2 Apr 29 00:33 pcmC0D2c
    crw-rw---- 1 root audio 116, 1 Apr 29 00:33 seq
    crw-rw----+ 1 root audio 116, 33 Apr 29 00:33 timer
    Anyone any ideas on how to get the 5.1 working? thank you, help is appreciated.
    Last edited by LyCC (2013-04-29 21:54:01)

    which audio drivers have you tried?
    have you tried these yet?

  • Strange audio produced when Dynex USB Headset is combined with Realtek ALC888

    t seems that just when I connected my Xbox 360 pc controller, my Dynex USB Headset began acting up.
    Whenever I use the microphone function, the audio comes out as though I was talking through a Nintendo Entertainment System (8 bit-ish sound), no matter what I play the sound through. (So it sounds the same, whether I play it through my Creative desktop speakers or through my headset.)
    I've tried almost every kind of troubleshooting technique I could think of.
    Removing the drivers then installing older ones worked for awhile, then began acting up again.
    I tried rebooting (of course), that didn't fix it.
    Updating sound drivers; nada.
    I recall disabling the sound chip through my BIOS, booting, rebooting, enabling it, then booting, although that only fixed it temporarily. I've tried the headset in another computer with the same OS, and it worked fine, so I don't think it's the microphone.
    I've tried shutting down as many electronics as I could (cellphone, air purifier, xbox controller, unnecessary monitors, wireless mice, even lights), although nothing could fix the odd sounds.
    Later, when I was completely cleaning off the Realtek drivers once again, I decided to just listen to sound trough my headset's earpiece. Everything had 8-bit sounds. Even music files, which originally played normally through my desktop speakers. However, I think my headset it still functioning ok from a hardware perspective, since I plugged it into my other XP machine, and it still worked fine.
    Computer specs:
        * MSI P6NGM-FD motherboard
        * Windows XP SP3
        * Realtek drivers, updated to R256
        * Dynex USB Mon Headset
    Also, here's a small soundclip of me saying hello, then blowing on the microphone.
    If anyone can help, that would be great.

    Quote from: Wonkanoby on 10-January-11, 08:29:01
    might be irrelevant but most msi usb problems relate to this
    The issue in there doesn't seem to apply to me, but thank you for the heads up anyways.

  • USB mic or buy amp or mixer

    Forgot to say earlier, would buying a usb mic and putting it into computer instead of using my old one [and buying an amp or mixer ]give me a decent clear volume in my vocals. Just trying to find the simplest least expensive yet effective way. Thanks again

    "A USB mic" is a very broad range of possibilities. It ranges from "amateur sound almost like through a telephone" (the ones that come for 20 $) to "almost professional condenser mic" (Samson, Snowball, 80 $ and up). Since you say "vocal", I am assuming you want to sing - so no way with the cheapo mics.

  • Auto-Adjust disabled; mic volume still adjusts.

    I have the volume auto-adjust turned off on Skype. Yet the mic volume still automatically adjusts in skype. I often run two instances of Skype. On both accounts, I have the Volume Auto-Adjust option disabled. I have even gone into my computer's hardware settings, and disabled the setting that allows applications to take exclusive control of the microphones I use. Whether the mic is built-in, or USB, Skype still automatically adjusts its volume. I've tried three different microphones and it automatically adjusts all of them. I use Windows 7, 64. Skype is up to date. Any help would be appreciated.

    I have a Razer Megalodon.  I have used it for a couple years just fine with Ventrilo, Mumble, Raid Call, Teamspeak 1 & 2, others, AND Skype.  No problems, until my most recent re-install of Skype.  I had Skype uninstalled for several months because i wasn't playing the game(s) that my online friends used Skype as a Voice Client.  I recently started playing again, and reinstalled Skype (latest Installer).  Now it seems my Microphone Level in the System Sound Options panel (Open Sound Devices> Recording> Microphone Properties> Level) gets auto-managed regardless of the settings in Skype.  This is brand new behavior on my system and only happened after installing Skype.  It seems to lower the Mic Level in my system even when Skype is closed (R-Click skype in Notification Area> Quit... Then I check Task Manager for Skype in Processes and in Services> End Task/Process Tree if still running).  Every time i try to check the way it works in my other voice clients and in the "Microphone Setup Wizard" in windows, the Auto-Leveling behavior is there, even when disabled/turned off in ALL other Microphone using programs including Windows.  When i Adjust Skype's Microphone Level from Max to 75%, i can watch the System's Microphone Level drop to 0.  When i move the Skype Microphone Level to 0, then move the System Microphone Level to 2 (yes two) it jumps Skype's Microphone Level to Max. Yes, i have disabled any and all "Application Control / Exclusive Mode" options in Windows and all my Voice Clients including Skype.  With a little digging, anyone reding this can find that there are settings on the Headset as well... again, i have been using this headset for years without issue, i know how to set it up.  As you can imagine, it makes my voice either too soft/muffled to hear, or overpowering with reverb/echo/feedback.  As mentioned before, this is NEW behavior since the latest re-install of Skype, and it is affecting my entire system and other Voice Clients now, wheather Skype is running or not.  I hope this behavior is not intended by design.  I understand the need for Auto-Leveling for those who can't be arsed to learn how their PC works beyond the "Push the Power Button Crowd," however to force those who know how to use a PC (built mine from scratch) and manage their settings properly to use this Auto-Leveling by making it "Always On" is no less than insulting.  Please, Please!, tell me this is an accidental side effect and not another intentional "Dumbing Down" tactic by MS.

  • OSS + mixer volume

    Hello folks, started using Arch a few days ago, must say I'm really impressed by the ease of use and stability I've gotten to know.
    I installed OSS 4.0 instead of ALSA because OSS carries beta drivers for the X-Fi series of cards which I shamefully have, so far the playback is running well, I can't have multiple programs accessing the device however, but that's for another time.
    What I really want to know is how I can have the volume control in XFCE to regulate the volume for the card. In the terminal I can use 'ossmix play <no>' to change the volume of the card, ranging from 0 - 14.
    I need to know this because changing the volume and balance in XMMS does not change a thing.
    Thanks in advance,

    You can use ossxmix if you really desire a GUI, but currently gnome, xfce and kde's native mixers don't work with oss4 unless patched. If you google arround you are likely to find a patch for your mixer, but these are mostly dirty hacks. Use ossxmix for now.


    I have a l355d-s7825 laptop that I can not get my mic to playback through the speakers. I have attached two screen shots that show my computer is missing the volume slider and playback option under mic. I have the latest driver installed with no help. I would appreciate if anyone can shed some light on this issue. Thank you. Oops couldnt get the pics in the attachments....if you google Realtek HD Audio Manager under images you will find the pics im talking about.

    Satellite L355D-S7825
    This image, Kevin?
    I have the latest driver installed...
    Sometimes those get corrupted. Did you reinstall?
       Realtek Audio Driver for Windows Vista (32/64bit)
    Did you try the Realtek control panel instead of the Windows one?

  • Soundcard Realtek ALC888 not found

    My motherboard has a Realtk ALC888 sound card, but arch do not see it. Sound and ALSA work correctly as my Philips VOIP080 is recognised and working, it just does not see the Realtek.
    $ aplay -l
    **** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
    card 0: VOIP080 [PHILIPS VOIP080], device 0: USB Audio [USB Audio]
    Subdevices: 0/1
    Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
    $ lspci
    00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation 4 Series Chipset DRAM Controller (rev 03)
    00:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 4 Series Chipset PCI Express Root Port (rev 03)
    00:1a.0 USB controller: Intel Corporation 82801JI (ICH10 Family) USB UHCI Controller #4
    00:1a.1 USB controller: Intel Corporation 82801JI (ICH10 Family) USB UHCI Controller #5
    00:1a.2 USB controller: Intel Corporation 82801JI (ICH10 Family) USB UHCI Controller #6
    00:1a.7 USB controller: Intel Corporation 82801JI (ICH10 Family) USB2 EHCI Controller #2
    00:1c.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801JI (ICH10 Family) PCI Express Root Port 1
    00:1c.4 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801JI (ICH10 Family) PCI Express Root Port 5
    00:1c.5 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801JI (ICH10 Family) PCI Express Root Port 6
    00:1d.0 USB controller: Intel Corporation 82801JI (ICH10 Family) USB UHCI Controller #1
    00:1d.1 USB controller: Intel Corporation 82801JI (ICH10 Family) USB UHCI Controller #2
    00:1d.2 USB controller: Intel Corporation 82801JI (ICH10 Family) USB UHCI Controller #3
    00:1d.7 USB controller: Intel Corporation 82801JI (ICH10 Family) USB2 EHCI Controller #1
    00:1e.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801 PCI Bridge (rev 90)
    00:1f.0 ISA bridge: Intel Corporation 82801JIB (ICH10) LPC Interface Controller
    00:1f.2 IDE interface: Intel Corporation 82801JI (ICH10 Family) 4 port SATA IDE Controller #1
    00:1f.3 SMBus: Intel Corporation 82801JI (ICH10 Family) SMBus Controller
    00:1f.5 IDE interface: Intel Corporation 82801JI (ICH10 Family) 2 port SATA IDE Controller #2
    01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GT200 [GeForce GTX 260] (rev a1)
    03:00.0 IDE interface: JMicron Technology Corp. JMB368 IDE controller
    04:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller (rev 02)
    $ sudo lshw
    description: Desktop Computer
    product: P43-ES3G
    vendor: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.
    width: 64 bits
    capabilities: smbios-2.4 dmi-2.4 vsyscall32
    configuration: boot=normal chassis=desktop uuid=00000000-0000-0000-0000-00241DCCC01F
    description: Motherboard
    product: P43-ES3G
    vendor: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.
    physical id: 0
    version: x.x
    description: BIOS
    vendor: Award Software International, Inc.
    physical id: 0
    version: F14
    date: 08/23/2010
    size: 128KiB
    capacity: 960KiB
    capabilities: pci pnp apm upgrade shadowing cdboot bootselect edd int13floppy360 int13floppy1200 int13floppy720 int13floppy2880 int5printscreen int9keyboard int14serial int17printer int10video acpi usb ls120boot zipboot biosbootspecification
    description: CPU
    product: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E6850 @ 3.00GHz
    vendor: Intel Corp.
    physical id: 4
    bus info: cpu@0
    version: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E6850 @
    slot: Socket 775
    size: 3GHz
    capacity: 4GHz
    width: 64 bits
    clock: 375MHz
    capabilities: fpu fpu_exception wp vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe syscall nx x86-64 constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts rep_good nopl aperfmperf pni dtes64 monitor ds_cpl vmx smx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr pdcm lahf_lm dtherm tpr_shadow vnmi flexpriority cpufreq
    description: L1 cache
    physical id: a
    slot: Internal Cache
    size: 64KiB
    capacity: 64KiB
    capabilities: synchronous internal write-back
    description: L2 cache
    physical id: b
    slot: External Cache
    size: 4MiB
    capabilities: synchronous internal write-back
    description: System Memory
    physical id: 1c
    slot: System board or motherboard
    size: 4GiB
    description: DIMM 800 MHz (1.2 ns)
    physical id: 0
    slot: A0
    size: 1GiB
    width: 64 bits
    clock: 800MHz (1.2ns)
    description: DIMM 800 MHz (1.2 ns)
    physical id: 1
    slot: A1
    size: 1GiB
    width: 64 bits
    clock: 800MHz (1.2ns)
    description: DIMM 800 MHz (1.2 ns)
    physical id: 2
    slot: A2
    size: 1GiB
    width: 64 bits
    clock: 800MHz (1.2ns)
    description: DIMM 800 MHz (1.2 ns)
    physical id: 3
    slot: A3
    size: 1GiB
    width: 64 bits
    clock: 800MHz (1.2ns)
    description: Host bridge
    product: 4 Series Chipset DRAM Controller
    vendor: Intel Corporation
    physical id: 100
    bus info: pci@0000:00:00.0
    version: 03
    width: 32 bits
    clock: 33MHz
    description: PCI bridge
    product: 4 Series Chipset PCI Express Root Port
    vendor: Intel Corporation
    physical id: 1
    bus info: pci@0000:00:01.0
    version: 03
    width: 32 bits
    clock: 33MHz
    capabilities: pci pm msi pciexpress normal_decode bus_master cap_list
    configuration: driver=pcieport
    resources: irq:40 ioport:e000(size=4096) memory:f8000000-fbffffff ioport:e0000000(size=268435456)
    description: VGA compatible controller
    product: GT200 [GeForce GTX 260]
    vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
    physical id: 0
    bus info: pci@0000:01:00.0
    version: a1
    width: 64 bits
    clock: 33MHz
    capabilities: pm msi pciexpress vga_controller bus_master cap_list rom
    configuration: driver=nvidia latency=0
    resources: irq:45 memory:fa000000-faffffff memory:e0000000-efffffff memory:f8000000-f9ffffff ioport:ef00(size=128) memory:fb000000-fb07ffff
    description: USB controller
    product: 82801JI (ICH10 Family) USB UHCI Controller #4
    vendor: Intel Corporation
    physical id: 1a
    bus info: pci@0000:00:1a.0
    version: 00
    width: 32 bits
    clock: 33MHz
    capabilities: uhci bus_master cap_list
    configuration: driver=uhci_hcd latency=0
    resources: irq:16 ioport:ff00(size=32)
    product: UHCI Host Controller
    vendor: Linux 3.16.2-1-ARCH uhci_hcd
    physical id: 1
    bus info: usb@1
    logical name: usb1
    version: 3.16
    capabilities: usb-1.10
    configuration: driver=hub slots=2 speed=12Mbit/s
    description: Keyboard
    product: USB KEYBOARD
    vendor: SINO WEALTH
    physical id: 1
    bus info: usb@1:1
    version: 1.00
    capabilities: usb-1.10
    configuration: driver=usbhid maxpower=100mA speed=2Mbit/s
    description: Bluetooth wireless interface
    product: ASUS Bluetooth Dongle
    vendor: Broadcom Corp
    physical id: 2
    bus info: usb@1:2
    version: 1.00
    capabilities: bluetooth usb-2.00
    configuration: driver=btusb maxpower=100mA speed=12Mbit/s
    description: USB controller
    product: 82801JI (ICH10 Family) USB UHCI Controller #5
    vendor: Intel Corporation
    physical id: 1a.1
    bus info: pci@0000:00:1a.1
    version: 00
    width: 32 bits
    clock: 33MHz
    capabilities: uhci bus_master cap_list
    configuration: driver=uhci_hcd latency=0
    resources: irq:21 ioport:fe00(size=32)
    product: UHCI Host Controller
    vendor: Linux 3.16.2-1-ARCH uhci_hcd
    physical id: 1
    bus info: usb@2
    logical name: usb2
    version: 3.16
    capabilities: usb-1.10
    configuration: driver=hub slots=2 speed=12Mbit/s
    description: USB controller
    product: 82801JI (ICH10 Family) USB UHCI Controller #6
    vendor: Intel Corporation
    physical id: 1a.2
    bus info: pci@0000:00:1a.2
    version: 00
    width: 32 bits
    clock: 33MHz
    capabilities: uhci bus_master cap_list
    configuration: driver=uhci_hcd latency=0
    resources: irq:18 ioport:fd00(size=32)
    product: UHCI Host Controller
    vendor: Linux 3.16.2-1-ARCH uhci_hcd
    physical id: 1
    bus info: usb@3
    logical name: usb3
    version: 3.16
    capabilities: usb-1.10
    configuration: driver=hub slots=2 speed=12Mbit/s
    description: Mouse
    product: USB OPTICAL MOUSE
    vendor: Pixart Imaging, Inc.
    physical id: 1
    bus info: usb@3:1
    version: 1.00
    capabilities: usb-1.10
    configuration: driver=usbhid maxpower=100mA speed=2Mbit/s
    description: Audio device
    product: PHILIPS VOIP080
    vendor: PHILIPS
    physical id: 2
    bus info: usb@3:2
    version: 1.00
    capabilities: usb-1.10 audio-control
    configuration: driver=usbhid maxpower=500mA speed=12Mbit/s
    description: USB controller
    product: 82801JI (ICH10 Family) USB2 EHCI Controller #2
    vendor: Intel Corporation
    physical id: 1a.7
    bus info: pci@0000:00:1a.7
    version: 00
    width: 32 bits
    clock: 33MHz
    capabilities: pm debug ehci bus_master cap_list
    configuration: driver=ehci-pci latency=0
    resources: irq:18 memory:fdfff000-fdfff3ff
    product: EHCI Host Controller
    vendor: Linux 3.16.2-1-ARCH ehci_hcd
    physical id: 1
    bus info: usb@7
    logical name: usb7
    version: 3.16
    capabilities: usb-2.00
    configuration: driver=hub slots=6 speed=480Mbit/s
    description: PCI bridge
    product: 82801JI (ICH10 Family) PCI Express Root Port 1
    vendor: Intel Corporation
    physical id: 1c
    bus info: pci@0000:00:1c.0
    version: 00
    width: 32 bits
    clock: 33MHz
    capabilities: pci pciexpress msi pm normal_decode bus_master cap_list
    configuration: driver=pcieport
    resources: irq:41 ioport:1000(size=4096) memory:f0000000-f01fffff ioport:f0200000(size=2097152)
    description: PCI bridge
    product: 82801JI (ICH10 Family) PCI Express Root Port 5
    vendor: Intel Corporation
    physical id: 1c.4
    bus info: pci@0000:00:1c.4
    version: 00
    width: 32 bits
    clock: 33MHz
    capabilities: pci pciexpress msi pm normal_decode bus_master cap_list
    configuration: driver=pcieport
    resources: irq:42 ioport:d000(size=4096) memory:fdd00000-fddfffff ioport:f0400000(size=2097152)
    description: IDE interface
    product: JMB368 IDE controller
    vendor: JMicron Technology Corp.
    physical id: 0
    bus info: pci@0000:03:00.0
    version: 00
    width: 32 bits
    clock: 33MHz
    capabilities: ide pm pciexpress msi bus_master cap_list
    configuration: driver=pata_jmicron latency=0
    resources: irq:16 ioport:df00(size=8) ioport:de00(size=4) ioport:dd00(size=8) ioport:dc00(size=4) ioport:db00(size=16)
    description: PCI bridge
    product: 82801JI (ICH10 Family) PCI Express Root Port 6
    vendor: Intel Corporation
    physical id: 1c.5
    bus info: pci@0000:00:1c.5
    version: 00
    width: 32 bits
    clock: 33MHz
    capabilities: pci pciexpress msi pm normal_decode bus_master cap_list
    configuration: driver=pcieport
    resources: irq:43 ioport:c000(size=4096) memory:fdc00000-fdcfffff ioport:fde00000(size=1048576)
    description: Ethernet interface
    product: RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller
    vendor: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.
    physical id: 0
    bus info: pci@0000:04:00.0
    logical name: enp4s0
    version: 02
    serial: 00:24:1d:cc:c0:1f
    size: 100Mbit/s
    capacity: 1Gbit/s
    width: 64 bits
    clock: 33MHz
    capabilities: pm msi pciexpress msix vpd bus_master cap_list rom ethernet physical tp mii 10bt 10bt-fd 100bt 100bt-fd 1000bt 1000bt-fd autonegotiation
    configuration: autonegotiation=on broadcast=yes driver=r8169 driverversion=2.3LK-NAPI duplex=full ip= latency=0 link=yes multicast=yes port=MII speed=100Mbit/s
    resources: irq:44 ioport:ce00(size=256) memory:fdeff000-fdefffff memory:fdee0000-fdeeffff memory:fdc00000-fdc0ffff
    description: USB controller
    product: 82801JI (ICH10 Family) USB UHCI Controller #1
    vendor: Intel Corporation
    physical id: 1d
    bus info: pci@0000:00:1d.0
    version: 00
    width: 32 bits
    clock: 33MHz
    capabilities: uhci bus_master cap_list
    configuration: driver=uhci_hcd latency=0
    resources: irq:23 ioport:fc00(size=32)
    product: UHCI Host Controller
    vendor: Linux 3.16.2-1-ARCH uhci_hcd
    physical id: 1
    bus info: usb@4
    logical name: usb4
    version: 3.16
    capabilities: usb-1.10
    configuration: driver=hub slots=2 speed=12Mbit/s
    description: USB controller
    product: 82801JI (ICH10 Family) USB UHCI Controller #2
    vendor: Intel Corporation
    physical id: 1d.1
    bus info: pci@0000:00:1d.1
    version: 00
    width: 32 bits
    clock: 33MHz
    capabilities: uhci bus_master cap_list
    configuration: driver=uhci_hcd latency=0
    resources: irq:19 ioport:fb00(size=32)
    product: UHCI Host Controller
    vendor: Linux 3.16.2-1-ARCH uhci_hcd
    physical id: 1
    bus info: usb@5
    logical name: usb5
    version: 3.16
    capabilities: usb-1.10
    configuration: driver=hub slots=2 speed=12Mbit/s
    description: USB controller
    product: 82801JI (ICH10 Family) USB UHCI Controller #3
    vendor: Intel Corporation
    physical id: 1d.2
    bus info: pci@0000:00:1d.2
    version: 00
    width: 32 bits
    clock: 33MHz
    capabilities: uhci bus_master cap_list
    configuration: driver=uhci_hcd latency=0
    resources: irq:18 ioport:fa00(size=32)
    product: UHCI Host Controller
    vendor: Linux 3.16.2-1-ARCH uhci_hcd
    physical id: 1
    bus info: usb@6
    logical name: usb6
    version: 3.16
    capabilities: usb-1.10
    configuration: driver=hub slots=2 speed=12Mbit/s
    description: Mass storage device
    product: USB Reader
    physical id: 2
    bus info: usb@6:2
    version: 1.00
    serial: 2004888
    capabilities: usb-1.10 scsi
    configuration: driver=usb-storage maxpower=100mA speed=12Mbit/s
    description: USB controller
    product: 82801JI (ICH10 Family) USB2 EHCI Controller #1
    vendor: Intel Corporation
    physical id: 1d.7
    bus info: pci@0000:00:1d.7
    version: 00
    width: 32 bits
    clock: 33MHz
    capabilities: pm debug ehci bus_master cap_list
    configuration: driver=ehci-pci latency=0
    resources: irq:23 memory:fdffe000-fdffe3ff
    product: EHCI Host Controller
    vendor: Linux 3.16.2-1-ARCH ehci_hcd
    physical id: 1
    bus info: usb@8
    logical name: usb8
    version: 3.16
    capabilities: usb-2.00
    configuration: driver=hub slots=6 speed=480Mbit/s
    description: PCI bridge
    product: 82801 PCI Bridge
    vendor: Intel Corporation
    physical id: 1e
    bus info: pci@0000:00:1e.0
    version: 90
    width: 32 bits
    clock: 33MHz
    capabilities: pci subtractive_decode cap_list
    description: ISA bridge
    product: 82801JIB (ICH10) LPC Interface Controller
    vendor: Intel Corporation
    physical id: 1f
    bus info: pci@0000:00:1f.0
    version: 00
    width: 32 bits
    clock: 33MHz
    capabilities: isa bus_master cap_list
    configuration: driver=lpc_ich latency=0
    resources: irq:0
    description: IDE interface
    product: 82801JI (ICH10 Family) 4 port SATA IDE Controller #1
    vendor: Intel Corporation
    physical id: 1f.2
    bus info: pci@0000:00:1f.2
    version: 00
    width: 32 bits
    clock: 66MHz
    capabilities: ide pm bus_master cap_list
    configuration: driver=ata_piix latency=0
    resources: irq:19 ioport:1f0(size=8) ioport:3f6 ioport:170(size=8) ioport:376 ioport:f900(size=16) ioport:f800(size=16)
    description: SMBus
    product: 82801JI (ICH10 Family) SMBus Controller
    vendor: Intel Corporation
    physical id: 1f.3
    bus info: pci@0000:00:1f.3
    version: 00
    width: 64 bits
    clock: 33MHz
    configuration: driver=i801_smbus latency=0
    resources: irq:18 memory:fdffd000-fdffd0ff ioport:500(size=32)
    description: IDE interface
    product: 82801JI (ICH10 Family) 2 port SATA IDE Controller #2
    vendor: Intel Corporation
    physical id: 1f.5
    bus info: pci@0000:00:1f.5
    version: 00
    width: 32 bits
    clock: 66MHz
    capabilities: ide pm bus_master cap_list
    configuration: driver=ata_piix latency=0
    resources: irq:19 ioport:f600(size=8) ioport:f500(size=4) ioport:f400(size=8) ioport:f300(size=4) ioport:f200(size=16) ioport:f100(size=16)
    physical id: 1
    bus info: scsi@6
    logical name: scsi6
    capabilities: scsi-host
    configuration: driver=usb-storage

    $ lspci -vvnn | grep -A1 '040[1-3]';
    $ cat /proc/asound/modules;
    0 snd_usb_audio
    $ tree /etc/modprobe.d
    └── linuxcnc.conf.dpkg-new
    0 directories, 1 file
    $ grep -Ri hda /etc/modprobe*

  • Gnome OSS mixer (support?)

    Hello all. Seeing as OSS came back to the official repos I finally went through the pain of installing it on my test setup (ALSA is blacklisted, user is in audio group, ossmix is set up, etc.)
    Sound works and all, however I'd like to be able to use the latest GNOME integrated mixer (which based on the OSS wiki page should support it). Sadly, it does not.
    OSS works fine (flashplayer is working, SMplayer with Mplayer2 is working) but not gnome test (in gnome settings).
    I have ossvol (for volume control, for now). Any idea on how to get the supposedly supported mixer working?

    You can use ossxmix if you really desire a GUI, but currently gnome, xfce and kde's native mixers don't work with oss4 unless patched. If you google arround you are likely to find a patch for your mixer, but these are mostly dirty hacks. Use ossxmix for now.

  • Disabling mic input highpass filter in IOS 6?

    Is there a way to kill the obnoxious mic input high-pass filter in IOS6?
    I need to record down to lower frequencies and the mic in path has a bad high-pass filter.

    Yes, exactly the same flow on our side - interesting to know that it's FLV as well.
    My problem remains, though: in iOS 8, if I play a sound (via MP3, SWF, etc) and then check the mic, all further sound in the application stops indefinitely until I close/reopen the app. Since we need to record audio at various times in the app, this will cause a major problem for our users!
    I've added a bug in the hopes that someone can verify the problem: Bug#3801262 - Requesting microphone access in iOS 8 (beta 5) terminates all further audio

  • Sound card - Realtek ALC888

    I need this audio driver/interface/whatev to work. Alsa would be fine.
    motherboard: GA-M57SLI-S4
    Distro: Arch Linux x86_64
    I know this soundcard works in Linux. Fedora 6, 7, 8 all recognized it and configured it. What's the deal?

    Doesn't it work? what doesn't work?
    What says:
    cat /proc/asound/cards
    Can you hear a lot of rubbish when typing
    cat /dev/urandom > /dev/audio
    or does it says that /dev/audio doesn't exist?
    Last edited by Righard (2008-10-06 23:07:05)

  • Re: Satellite A100-033 PSAANE: Realtek Stereo Mix Audio has become "Lost"

    Following an encouraging reply to a forum question, I have replaced the original 60G hard drive in my Toshiba Satellite A100-033 PSAANE with a 500G drive.
    All is well, except that I no longer have "Stereo Mix Realtek High Definition Audio" in the Recording tab in the Sound option in Control Panel.
    It means that I can't record any sound at all, if I try to capture sound, for example using NCH's Debut Video Capture Software.
    If I replace the original 60G drive, Realtek Stereo Mix is there and I can record okay. If I plug in my external sound card, I can record sound with that. If (in my new 500G drive) I look at Device Manager in Control Panel, Realtek High Definition Audio is listed under Sound Video & Game Controllers. So it looks like the correct driver is there okay. But somehow it isn't recognised under Sound in Control Panel, and it can't be used by the software which requires it.
    It may be a simple problem but it's baffling me. Can anyone help?

    Thanks for the suggestions. I used the genuine Toshiba recovery disc. Actually, I have discovered what the problem was. In control panel (home) - hardware and sound - sound - recording, if you right click inside the box, you get the option to show disabled devices and disconnected devices. My Realtek drivers were shown as disabled. Once I ticked to show disabled drivers, my Realtek was shown, and I could then select it as default. It's not something which is at all obvious, but I will try to remember it for next time.

  • ALC888S Realtek Driver Update?

    I have put a lot of work into perfecting my PC's video and audio over the last 2 years, the PC in question is a HP p6313w.
    I had installed a powerful graphics card to the computer, equipped surround sound and the whole lot.
    One of the things I had done, one day I got a wild hair and decided to update all of my drivers. Video and audio to be exact.
    In this process, due to not knowing where to go, I had picked up a single trojan, which my AV had easily cleared without issue.
    Also I had messed up my sound in fact and had to default back to the original. 
    Given the way I am with tinkering around on computers, I kept going, and eventually found a new driver for my soundcard.
    In this new edition, instead of having a list of equalizer styles to choice from, I had a full blown equalizer I could customly tone and adjust. After playing with it daily over the course of several months, I had absolutely perfected it. Had amazing bass and amazing treble that sounded entirely lifelike.
    With this said, I turned it off, and tried my old style of equalizer I had selected months back, and it was so fake sounded I could not stand it, as my custom toned equalizer was much, much better.
    I have never had any problems with my computer, only that I had gathered so much on it over the years I decided to clean it.
    Instead of doing each individual program one by one, I backed up EVERYTHING onto a terabyte USB HDD. One of the things I could not back up was this updated driver.
    I rebooted and set things back up. Everything is running smooth as always (Freaking Love HP computers).
    I entered a game and then heard the sound, and shrieked, I had forgot to get the driver update.
    I have always been happy with my speakers and their sound, but after hearing what an equalizer customized to fit my own ear could do, I can I never go back to the basic driver.
    The problem is, I have absolutely no idea where to find it this time, as it took me days to last time.
    My PC is a HP p6313w.
    My soundcard is a Realtek ALC888S HD audio model.
    The current driver is dated as 9/15/2009 and the version is This is basic and default.
    Can someone please, please point me to a later version than
    I have checked the Realtek website, perhaps I am simply lost in their directories, but I could not even find a driver for it.
    And I have went to Sound, Opened my driver properties, and then the additional properties, and as before "Update Driver" and "Roll Back Driver" are greyed out. Yet, I some how found an updated version than what I have before a long time ago. So I DO know it exists, and I do know the "Update Driver" button is not how I obtained it.
    Can anyone point me towards a newer version than up above? My sound currently I can live without having brain hemoraging, but I still do not like it. To me this is necisary and I only ask for someone to point me to a new driver.
    The reason for the last statement, I have read on multiple sites, plenty of people refusing to help people who want a newer, better version stating "If it works --YOU-- do not --NEED-- an update, suck it up and live with it." as a general tone in what is said to that person.
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    if you want the latest Realtek HD audio driver, you can download it at the link below. Accept the agreement and download the file for the OS you are running.
    The driver is good for most, if not all of their HD audio chips.
    The product specs for your PC indicate it shipped with W7 x64.
    If that is correct, download and install the second driver on the list.

Maybe you are looking for

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