Disabling directory listings in WL5.1 SP6

I need help in disabling directory listing for weblogic server 5.1. I
thought it was off
my default, but it is not in my case.

I need help in disabling directory listing for weblogic server 5.1. I
thought it was off
my default, but it is not in my case.

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    How to disable cache implementation in 8.1 SP6 for entity beans
    In our production environment, we want to disable cache implementation for entity beans. We are using weblogic 8.1 SP6.
    Weblogic cache implementation has been causing many cachefull exceptions so we want that it fetches the data from database everytime instead of cache.

    Check the "max-beans-in-cache" setting in your weblogic-ejb-jar.xml. The cache full exception, means that a new bean could not be created because of this cache being full.
    Nothing to do with fetching from the database directly.
    If you really want direct fetches then do not use beans at all. Consider using direct JDCB/SQL calls (without a entity bean) to fetch huge data.
    Let's again review your application based on the below explanation before making a decision on which configuration change to perform:
    If you truly have many ejbs simultaneously enrolled in transactions, then yes, the cache must be big enough to hold all the instances.
    Your cache must have a max size large enough to handle your peak simultaneous transaction load.
    Also, try to ask the following query to your application developer. Does every user actually have to have more than one bean in the cache ? Are many of these values read-only reference values that are not updated ?
    1. If you are testing with more number of users simultaneously, then you will need to increase the "max-beans-in-cache" setting in your weblogic-ejb-jar.xml to match the load.
    2. If you have few users but still seeing a lot of beans, then consult with your application developer and try to ask the above questions (Does every user have more than......) and based on that try to redesign/tune your application to make it an effective Entity bean model.
    3. If you have queries where huge result sets are returned, consider using plain/direct JDB/SQL calls.

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    I have a very specific problem with my laptop in terms of speed. A lot of things happen very quickly on it, especially since I started using tools like Onyx etc to maintain it. But my Finder is notably slower than the machine in general.
    To give you some examples, sometimes when I'm in column view and I click on a folder, it can take several seconds before the list of files appears in the next column. When I go to File > Open inside an application, it seems to take forever for the box to be propagated with the list of files in the directory. Changing directories inside a box like this yields the same result, the whole list goes white for several seconds before the new directory appears.
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    You get the general idea. File and directory listings are very slow, and far slower than almost any other task I want this computer to do.
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    I'm pretty stumped.
    MAcbook is a black late 2006 macbook 2,1 with 2GB RAM (max), running 10.6. Also, when I installed 10.6 a couple of years ago it was far faster than it is now, before anyone tells me I simply don't have enough RAM. The computer behaves this way even when it's fresh from a rebook with 75% of RAM free, so that's not the issue.
    Any ideas?
    EDIT: My SL partition is 100 gigs, 60 used, 40 free. 39.5 contiguous free space in one block, hardly a desperate free space situation...

    I used techtool pro, and I did so specifically in the hopes of solving this problem. It does seem to have sped up the computer somewhat, but more in the sense of how quickly it opens and saves files, which when you consider the result of defragmenting seems to make sense. Hasn't helped with this Finder problem in any way whatsoever though, or with the opening of apps from the dock.
    EDIT: I don't want to get into a debate about this here as this isn't the subject of this thread, but built in defragmentation only handles files up to a certain size, and when you're a producer like myself working with DV and WAV files which can get into the hundreds of megabytes, that doesn't cut it. The TTP defragmentor specifically lists these files again and again as the ones which fragment, so it's obviously not a totally flawless built in system.
    Anyway the slow directory listing issue was present long before I touched the drive with any such tools and the tools made absolutely no difference to that problem, for better or worse.

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    Hi scott,
    Thank you for your question. 
    I am trying to involve someone more familiar with this topic for a further look at this issue. Sometime delay might be expected from the job transferring. Your patience is greatly appreciated. 
    Thank you for your understanding and support.
    Best regards,
    Qiuyun Yu
    Qiuyun Yu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Disable directory browsing

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    I thought the Server App should have this feature, but it looks like the app doesn't have anything like that.
    So, I'm assuming I need to edit .conf files manually, but don't know which file should I edit.
    Please help me to resolve the problem.

    The different site configuration files are in /etc/apache2/sites.
    According to http://www.felipecruz.com/blog_disable-directory-listing-browsing-apache.php you need to remove Indexes from the Options. Or maybe, if indexes is not present at the options line, you can try adding -Indexes (minus sign before) to the Options line.

  • AFP Directory Listings via VPN very slow in Finder

    Hello all!
    I recently exchanged my existing Apple iMac Core2Duo (with Mac OS X 10.6.8) to a brand new iMac 27" i7 (10.9.4). Besinde to this new iMac I´m using a MacBook Pro 15" (with 10.6.8). WLAN/Airport is turned off; only Ethernet / LAN is used.
    My problem right now is: since the upgrade to OS X Mavericks we are experiencing server problems, browsing AFP shares on remote servers (VPN). The Directory Listing is very slow an can take up to 30 minutes for large listings. I can't browse network folders with Finder because it's too slow. It takes forever just list all the subfolders. If I try to transfer or open a file, everything is fine and I can do it at the right speed.
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    2 networks are connected thanks to a VPN connection.
    All clients, in all connected networks can communicate to a common fileserver (MacPro with OS X 10.6.8 SnowLeopard Server) in Network A
    Firewall is not an issue between those networks
    The clients authenticate via OpenDirectory and Kerberos to the fileserver
    So the problems occur if i want to connect a client on network B to the server on network A. Connection, authentication, ... all good. Even the performance over the VPN, to tranfer files is OK. But browsing subfolders is catastrophic. I used AFP , results are the same. I also made tests on older clients, to see if the fileserver is the problem. 10.6 and 10.8 clients can browse normally, speed is OK.
    So my question: What can I do to accelerate the browsing of my AFP/SMB shares for all my Mavericks clients? What can I do to speed up the Directory Listing? And yes: i know about solutions like PathFinder, TotalFinder, .... but i'm more interested in a native solution to this problem.
    OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), 10.6.8 Server

    This has been a major issue in Mavericks all along.   SMB has been a total disaster for anyone who works with MACs on a corporate network, causing admins night terrors, anxiety disorders, and general sadness.    10.9.4 + some server side fixes (smbcreditsmax and smbcreditsmin)  fixed many of the issues, but the slow finder listings over VPN connections is still unusable.  the only workarounds i know of are:
    - switch to windows
    - downgrade to mountian lion
    - use FTP or webDav protocols
    - use a 3rd party finder replacement:  mucommander     (clunky additional app but works!) 
    I will be testing Yosemite beta this weekend, i have heard reports that some of this nonsense is fixed. 

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    Changed entire XML RSS feed

  • Disabling directory non-secure port

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    Is there in Sun Directory Server 5.1 any way to disable non-secure port in order to bind all the connections through the secure port?
    Thanks in advance.
    Jaime Ferragut
    University of the Balearic Islands

    You could try setting the regular port number to "0". I don't think clients can connect on port 0. Be aware that this may disable your ability to manage the DS through the GUI console.

  • Disable directory lookup using skype manager

    Is there a way to disable Skype directory search using Skype Manager?
    Thank you!

    According to the Administrator Guide, there is a way to restrict importing of contacts; you can research further here:
    I do not know of a way in Skype Manager to block a user affiliated with a Skype Manager profile from searching the Skype directory for other Skype users.
    Here's a link to the Skype Manager User Guide so it's handy:
    Was your question answered? Please click on the Accept as a Solution link so everyone can quickly find what works! Like a post or want to say, "Thank You" - ?? Click on the Kudos button!
    Trustworthy information: Brian Krebs: 3 Basic Rules for Online Safety and Consumer Reports: Guide to Internet Security Online Safety Tip: Change your passwords often!

  • Directory listings return information from an old profile while in $HOME

    When logged into $HOME I issue an ls or ls -al and I get
    a directory listing (which is what I want) along with information from an old .profile. (see below).
    Is there a link or something to this old file? If so, how do I get rid of it?
    #export ORACLE_SID
    #. oraenv
    ###jhg custom settings###
    alias ll="ls -altr|more"

    Had the same problem found the answer here:

  • CCM 4.1 Corporate Directory Listings

    Our organization is installing IP Telephony across seven sites, and our Corporate Directory is incomplete - it lists only 64 members out of several hundred. Our CD also lists about 20 members with names but no extensions. So far we haven't found an answer in Cisco's documentation. Would appreciate guidance and help! Thanks!

    Hi Kathy,
    Here is the information that pertains to the Corporate Directory that you may be looking for;
    Setting User Search Limits
    To limit the search time for accessing users in the corporate directory and to reduce overhead for Cisco CallManager, set two enterprise parameters. The parameters apply to the user search from the Cisco CallManager User window and from the Cisco IP Phone directories button.
    Enable All User Search This parameter specifies True by default. The False setting requires that a user search the corporate directory by entering search criteria (e.g., first name, last name, DN).
    User Search Limit By default, this parameter specifies 64 search results at a time (the range is 1 to 64 search results). This parameter remains invalid if the Enable All User Search parameter is set to False and no search criteria is set.
    Searches are limited to 64 results and are random. If the directory contains more than 64 records, a message displays stating that the search exceeded the search limit and the user must specify more specific search criteria.
    From this doc;
    Managing User Directory Information
    Hope this helps!
    Please remember to rate helpful posts...........

  • Printing Folder (Directory) Listings

    In OS 9.2.2 we were able to use the "Print Window" command when we had made the directory = folder listing active.
    Am I missing something, or has Apple deleted this capability ????
    Don't tell me that I have to go back and use and have OS 9.2.2 == Classic LIVE in order to do this function , as I would be accessing a particular folder , on the hard drive, and printing out its "list view" of its contenets.
    Thanks for your help.
    PS:: Where is the spell check function for potings on this forum ????
    iMac 400 MHz DVD SE,1024 MB RAM,0.48 TB HDD   Mac OS X (10.4.5)   Upgraded iMac to 1 GB RAM & 480 GB HDD

    One way to list the contents of any folder, is to use Firefox or Netscape. Just launch either browser and then Drag n Drop a folder onto the browser window. You can choose whatever folder contents to display and print from there.
    PS:: Where is the spell check function for potings on this forum ???? Looks like you nead it. Oops, me tu. Sorry, I could not pass up responding to the irony of your question.
    If you are using Safari, read what ~JB~ wrote in Re: Going on 5 months & spell check still not implemented? What is the status?

  • File prompts doesn't display any directory listings?

    Hi all!
    So, all of the sudden my MBP isn't displaying any files or folders in prompts where I am supposed to select or save files. For example if I want to attach a file to an email, the directory listing of my computer will just be empty. There is a progress circle spinning at the bottom of the prompt, like it is working on displying the contents, but it will never complete. Same thing if I want to save a file to my computer from the net or any other program, I have nowhere to put it and am forced to abort.
    In Finder everything shows up and works as it should, and I can for example drag and drop an attachment from there to Gmail as a workaround.
    No other weirdness going on with the computer, all seems to be normal. Have noticed that boot time is unusually long though. Anyone have any idea on what this could be and how to fix it?
    Thanks a lot!

    I did that, and it reported some weird error on the disk that demanded a reboot into safe mode (or whatever that command+R thing is called). From there I could repair the disk and now it seems to be functioning as it should.
    Many thanks for your help!

  • Directory Listings

    Our client has requested the ability for users to display CSV files on one of our custom pages. These files are created by a different system and dumped on to our middle tier. Our users need a list of these files.
    Is there any way to view a directory listing with OA Framework? The files are placed in different directories, but we should know the directory names in advance, so we just need to present the users with a list of files in each directory.
    I would really love to use something like an HGrid or a Tree, which I know rely on business componenents. So I'm curious to know if anyone knows any way to tie a business component to a directory listing. Or if anyone else has any suggestions on how I might achieve this functionality?
    Thank you all in advance!

    Hi -
    I tried in my environment(Windows 2K), working fine for me with correct link name
    It would be helpful if you provide what is the configuration you are using.
    Platform QA
    "Rip McManus" <[email protected]> wrote:
    Have configured WL 8.1 to produce a directory listing when no index file
    Works fine, but for a file name like "Project Plan.doc" it generates
    a reference
    to Project+Plan.doc rather than Project%20Plan.doc. When you click on
    the link,
    it says the file isn't found.
    Is there a way to modify this behavior?

  • Error while starting Commerce Server3.2 with WL5.1 SP6 on solaris

    I am getting following error while trying to start the commerce
    server thro' start script provided for Solaris. Could anyone help
    Exception in thread "main" java.security.AccessControlException:
    access denied (
    java.lang.RuntimePermission createSecurityManager)
    at java.security.AccessControlContext.checkPermission(AccessControlConte
    at java.security.AccessController.checkPermission(AccessController.java:
    at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkPermission(SecurityManager.java:545)
    at java.lang.SecurityManager.<init>(SecurityManager.java:301)
    at weblogic.boot.ServerSecurityManager.<init>(ServerSecurityManager.java
    at weblogic.Server.main(Server.java:59)
    at weblogic.Server.main(Server.java:55)

    Tuxedo 6.5 needs a patch to run on later versions of Solaris or else the WSNAT_CAT:1008 or JOLT_CAT:1008 "Error: Could not establish listening address on network +netaddr+" message can occur.
    The thread Could not establish listening address on network describes a similar problem with the WSL, and the ULOG in that thread also indicates "TUXEDO Version 6.5 SunOS 5.5.1".
    Please obtain the latest rolling patch from Oracle support. (It would be even better to upgrade to a later release of Tuxedo, since Tuxedo 6.5 is past its end of life date on Solaris. Hopefully whatever compilation problems you are having with later Tuxedo releases can be resolved fairly easily.)

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