Disabling iTunes Windows Media Shortcuts

I'm on Win7, iTunes, Spotify
Is there a way to disable/remap the Media keys used in iTunes?
I have Media keys on my keyboard for features such as Next Track, Previous Track, etc.
The problem is, whenever iTunes is running and Spotify is not in the foreground windows, iTunes would capture all the Media Keys.
Say I have both Spotify and iTunes loaded and minimised, if I hit the Play key, iTunes will play instead of Spotify.

Same here!
Windows 8.1 Pro
iTunes 64

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    Noroc Blame wrote:
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    If this is yes, you will get 10 points.
    Don't lie.
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    Huh? What's that all about? I'm trying to help you. I have quite a few points to my name, you can see for yourself. Those points are awarded by people who feel that I've helped them, I don't put them there. You will find that I can be very caustic in some of my posts, but that's with people who deliberately come here to cause trouble. Unfortunately, there are many of them. Their posts usually start with;
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    Noroc Blame wrote:
    Don't lie.
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    This microsoft link should help:
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    From this document:
    you can see that Microsoft would prefer WMP users use WMA Pro as an alternative to AAC files.
    Message was edited by: Douglas Cooley

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