Disabling memory check on MS 6176 = MS 6209

Hello all,
I know this is a old MB but I like it !
Is there a way to disable (for always) the memory checking at power up ?
Can't find an option for it in the bios (11/16/2000-i810-W83627HF)
I know you can do it by hitting ESC.

Quote from: Fredrik Åsenius on 15-December-06, 08:32:40
Only a little curious, is it this one?
No, it's more this one : http://www.msi-computer.de/produkte/bare_idx_view.php?Prod_id=26
It's even a real 6176 version 1
Will be used as car pc 

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    Please run  Memtest86 after disabling usb.
    And btw a complete list of your hardware including the specs (amps!) of your psu would be helpfull.
    Edit: You've already opend another thread about same topic so I close this one.
    No double threads please.

  • Preventing disabling of check box - item okay in MIGO

    Dear all,
    In the MIGO transaction - during goods receipt for subcontractor material, when the item (incoming) is checked as item okay - automatically the child material (Material sent to subcontractor) is also activated thereby to enable 543 movement.
    Unfortunately some of the users are disabling the check box (for the material sent to the subcontractor). This prevents depletion of stock from the subcontractor but inflates the stock of the incoming material.
    Is there any way - either by authorisation check to prevent users disabling the check box or other methods?
    Experts suggestion is required in this regard.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Magesh,
    it is possible. use Badi enhancement
    MB_MIGO_BADI goto
    tell your abaper to put the logic like
    parent ID and subcomponent ID need to select
    if either of two is not selected
    then error message will prompt not to save the GR doc since subcomponent is unselected.
    reference field EKPO check PSTYP
    hope this help you.
    Edited by: Maia on Apr 18, 2008 3:07 PM

  • MSI KT6V won't boot, won't go to bios setup, hangs at memory check.

    Hey guys.
    I made the mistake of buying his motherboard from a mom and pop shop on a Saturday afternoon right before they close (not open today for support :/ ). I've checked the forums for a similar issue and it looks like mine may be unique. Without further delay, here's my problem:
    So I decided to upgrade from an intel p4 2.4 HT to an athlon xp 3000+. I got a new CPU chip and the mentioned KT6V motherboard. I brought over my 1 gb of DDR400 ram from the p4 system. I hooked all of my drives (HDD, cd, dvd) and hardware components into the new system. Everything seemed to be looking good. But, then it gets to the memory check screen. It looks like the ram is okay, but it doesn't seem to want to locate the hard drives. I'm not certain on this though. It says that it found the 1 gb of ram with 3 ms (or is it ns? Not sure) latency.
    Now, I spoke to an IT guy from my work and he said it is probably be the ram. I borrowed some of his DDR266 CL2.5 ram that he used in his wife's computer. The same thing happened...the system just hung.
    Before I go on and give you my complete system specs, here's what the screen looks like when it hangs before it tries to boot. The 'American Megatrends' screen and logo pops up and as I mentioned, the ram info shows up with an 'OK' next to it (which leads me to believe it's not a ram issue, unless the motherboard is lying to me). Below that information, some options pop up for me to hit DEL to go to setup, ESC to skip memory check, and some other options for F10, F11, and F12 (I remember one of the settings was for boot with network). At any rate, none of these options work. If I hit the delete key to go into setup the DEL text is overwritten with 'OK-->' text so it looks like this: 'DEL: Setup' to 'OK-->Setup'. So that tells me that the system hasn't locked up. Now, the system hangs there but if I then try to hit F12 for Network boot, another 'OK-->' shows up next to that option. No matter how long I wait, nothing happens (I let the computer run for 1 hour last night hoping it'd just eventually go into setup with no results).
    I've tried disconnecting my SATA HDD, my IDE HDD, my CD/DVD drives with no results. I've tried switching memory sticks, trying only one stick (I had 2x 512mb DDR400 ram and 2x 256mb DDR266 ram) to see if maybe the motherboard just doesn't like 2 sticks of ram. Again, nothing. So, I'm pretty much out of ideas.
    Here are my system specifications:
    CPU: AMD Athlon XP 3000+ (not sure of FSB, it's not on my receipt...came installed on my mobo)
    RAM: 2x 512 mb DDR400 CL3.0 and 2x 256 mb DDR266 CL2.5 (testing purposes)
    Videocard: Nvidia geforce 6600 GT 128 mb AGP
    HDD1: Seagate Barracuda ST3160023AS 160GB Hard Drive (Serial ATA-150, 7200 RPM, 8MB)
    HDD2: Western Digital IDE 100GB
    CD drive1: Generic DVD-Rom drive
    CD drive2: Generic DVD-RW drive
    Let me also note that the guys at the shop made sure to take 30 minutes to update my motherboard's bios and test everything out (with THEIR components, not my old system's guts). So apparently everything works, but the motherboard doesn't seem to like some of my hardware. If anyone can shed some light on this subject, I'd greatly appreciate it! Otherwise I guess I'll just have to wait until next week to get it figured out.
    If you need anymore information that I may have left out, please ask! 

    Well, Blazing Storm, I took your advice. Everything is finally setup and working on my new computer now and seems to be working great...BUT, in 3d games, after an hour or two of playing, my computer might randomly lockup and restart. So, I'm assuming it's either my ram being strange or the power supply. My bet's on the 2nd one, especially after what you guys are saying.
    So I ended up buying this:
    It has some pretty good looking power settings as you guys have suggested, so I decided to get it. Hopefully this'll solve the crashing problems I've been having! Thanks again guys. 

  • Disabling the Check for Update feature in 10.1.3

    I work at a government facility that has tight security restrictions regarding downloading software. We are about to prepare a software delivery package for JDeveloper 10.1.3 that will let our IT department install JDeveloper on all of our developer workstations. One thing we would like to do as part of this deployment package is to disable the Check for Updates and PlugIn feature of JDeveloper. Is there a setting in a configuration file that controls this menu item?

    Is the requirement to disable the check for updates feature altogether (i.e. remove the menu item), or to just disable the automatic check that happens on startup?
    There isn't currently a documented way to totally disable the feature altogether, however it's possible to add such a feature in a future service update if necessary.
    There is a potential way in which you can modify the behavior of the wizard such that it will always find no updates (the menu item will still be present, however). If this is an acceptable solution to you, let me know and I'll fill you in on the details.

  • Disabling a Check box

    In my BSP View am using two check box.
    I want to disable one check box when the other one gets checked and vice versa.
    Right now am doing with some logics and with server side events.I want to do this in the client side.
    In <b>Java script</b> how i can code this in my BSP page where the checkbox is created with the help of htmlb.
    Kindly help me in this regards.

    put this in your documentHead:
    <script language="javascript">
         function uncheckyes(){
    <script language="javascript">
         function uncheckno(){
    and this in your layout (documentBody):
           <htmlb:checkboxGroup columnCount = "2"
                                         id          = "expense" >
                      <htmlb:checkbox text          = "Yes"
                                      id            = "yes"
                                      onClientClick = "javascript:uncheckno()" >
                      <htmlb:checkbox text          = "no"
                                      id            = "no"
                                      onClientClick = "javascript:uncheckyes()" >

  • Using Javascript to disable a check box

    I am stuck on what should be a simple requirement and I am hoping you can help.
    I need to disable a form region checkbox if a field on the same form region has anything entered.
    What I have done so far is:
    1) On the item that determines whether the check box should be disabled I have added a call to my Javascript function "onChange="disableDefaultDisplay();" in the "HTML Form Element Attributes"
    2) My javascript funcion is: (this is the basic version, all I am trying to do is disable the check box at this point)
    function disableDefaultDisplay()
    alert("Start of the function");
    var defaultDisplay = document.getElementById("P13_DEFAULT_DISPLAY");
    *defaultDisplay.enabled = false;*
    alert("End of the function");
    Using a combination of firebug and the alert messages I can see that function is called at the correct time (i.e. when the user changes and then leaves the field) and that the values of the variable, defaultDate are set but my attempts to disable the checkbox have yet to work!
    When I look at the type of the checkbox (through the source of the page or firebug) I see the checkbox has the following "fieldset#P13_DEFAULT_DISPLAY.checkbox_group" Do I need to do anything different to disable this type of object?
    Any help would be very much appreciated!

    Hi Andy,
    I was returning to this thread to update it with how I resolved it, so thanks for the detailed response.
    In a nutshell, the solution I used was a loop through the field set(of which there is only one item in it) and disabling it.
    Where you say:
    Secondly, checkboxes are, as you have seen, wrapped within a fieldset tag. The fieldset tag has an ID of the page item name. Each checkbox within that tag has its own ID value, which will be the fieldset ID plus "_n" (where n is a sequential number starting from 0) - thus, the first checkbox will be, for example, "P1_CHECKBOX_0", the second will be "P1_CHECKBOX_1" and so on.From my searching for a solution I had expected to see something like that. But the source for the item I was trying to disable is shown below and I can't see any numbers after it.
    Do you know why? Is it because it is the only item?
    &lt;fieldset id="P13_DEFAULT_DISPLAY" class="checkbox_group"&gt;
    &lt;input type="checkbox" name="p_v18" value="Y" id="P13_DEFAULT_DISPLAY" /&gt;&lt;/fieldset&gt;
    Edited by: IanC2 on Feb 8, 2009 8:07 PM
    Edited by: IanC2 on Feb 8, 2009 8:08 PM

  • Disable a check box

    Hello Experts ,
    Need help to disable a check box via Scripting .
    Appreciate your help ..

    Hi Tayi,
    You can use IapiDocumentLockManager APIs to lock/unlock a particular field.
    Let us know if this is what you are actually looking for.

  • How can I disable a check box in one screen?

    I need to disable a check box in the screen 1106 on the program of the transaction F110. I can do that with a user exit or what I can use to do that?

    you have two options :
    user exit  , check if there is one for this transction
    i attach program below .
    field exit  :
    Within the CMOD transaction type PRFB in the transaction window.
    PRFB is the ok-code to bring up the field exits.
    You can also use Program RSMODPRF to create field exits.
    hope its help u .
    program for user exut  :
    *& Report  ZUSEREXIT                                                   *
    report zuserexit no standard page heading .
    tables : tstc, tadir, modsapt, modact, trdir, tfdir, enlfdir.
    tables : tstct.
    data : jtab like tadir occurs 0 with header line.
    data : field1(30).
    data : v_devclass like tadir-devclass.
    parameters : p_tcode like tstc-tcode obligatory.
    select single * from tstc where tcode eq p_tcode.
    if sy-subrc eq 0.
      select single * from tadir where pgmid = 'R3TR'
                                   and object = 'PROG'
                                   and obj_name = tstc-pgmna.
      move : tadir-devclass to v_devclass.
      if sy-subrc ne 0.
        select single * from trdir where name = tstc-pgmna.
        if trdir-subc eq 'F'.
          select single * from tfdir where pname = tstc-pgmna.
          select single * from enlfdir where funcname =
          select single * from tadir where pgmid = 'R3TR'
                                    and object = 'FUGR'
                                    and obj_name eq enlfdir-area.
          move : tadir-devclass to v_devclass.
      select * from tadir into table jtab where pgmid = 'R3TR'
                            and object = 'SMOD'
                            and devclass = v_devclass.
      select single * from tstct where sprsl eq sy-langu and
                                       tcode eq p_tcode.
      format color col_positive intensified off.
      write:/(19) 'Transaction Code - ',
           20(20) p_tcode,
           45(50) tstct-ttext.
      if not jtab[] is initial.
        write:/(95) sy-uline.
        format color col_heading intensified on.
        write:/1 sy-vline,
               2 'Exit Name',
              21 sy-vline ,
              22 'Description',
              95 sy-vline.
        write:/(95) sy-uline.
        loop at jtab.
          select single * from modsapt where sprsl = sy-langu and
                                             name = jtab-obj_name.
          format color col_normal intensified off.
          write:/1 sy-vline,
                 2 jtab-obj_name hotspot on,
                21 sy-vline ,
                22 modsapt-modtext,
                95 sy-vline.
        write:/(95) sy-uline.
        describe table jtab.
        format color col_total intensified on.
        write:/ 'No of Exits:' , sy-tfill.
        format color col_negative intensified on.
        write:/(95) 'No User Exit exists'.
      format color col_negative intensified on.
      write:/(95) 'Transaction Code Does Not Exist'.
    at line-selection.
      get cursor field field1.
      check field1(4) eq 'JTAB'.
      set parameter id 'MON' field sy-lisel+1(10).
      call transaction 'SMOD' and skip first   screen.

  • Disable individual check boxes in ALV

    Hi all,
    My requirement is that I have one check box against each row. User clicks on the check box then that row is selected and on clicking the push button, bapi is called.
    If result of bapi is success, I want to disable the check box for that particular row/rows. Can you please tell me how I can achieve that? I know how to disbale all the check boxes in the list but I dont know how to disable the individual check boxes.
    Thanks and regards,

    For that you need to play with the EDITABLE feature of the ALV at the field level.
    Declare a field STYLE type LVC_T_STYL as a part of your internal table. Now, for each row, append the fields of that row to the STYLE column specifying whether it has to be editable or not. You can use the attributes cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_style_enabled and cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_style_disabled for this.
    You can look at these threads
    Note - Please mark all the helpful answers
    Message was edited by:
            Ravikumar Allampallam

  • Dbx: Unable to run with memory checking enabled

    When I try to debug any program using memory checking, I get the following error:
    RTC: Enabling Error Checking...
    t@1 (l@1) signal SEGV (no mapping at the fault address ) in __rtc_mutex_unlock at 0xfffffd7ff3534949
    0xfffffd7ff3534949: __rtc_mutex_unlock+0x0159: call *%r8d
    dbx: Stopped within call to '__rtc_suppress_always'. Starting new command interpreter
    Solaris: SunOS 5.10 Generic_118844-20 ( amd64 )
    CC: Sun C++ 5.8 Patch 121018-02 2006/04/08
    dbx: 7.5 Patch 12166-02 2006/05/30

    This segv problem (bug 6431531) has been fixed in SunStudio Express 2. SSX2 can be downloaded from:

  • How to disable spell checker in editable forms?

    Hello, everyone,
    Asking for an advice.
    I want to disable spell checking in an editable PDF form, since I don't have the dictionary of my language.
    Spell checking in this case is bit annoying and slows down the editing.
    I have the checker disabled in the preferences. However the checker still tries to do it's job.
    How do I disable it?

    Thanks for checking it out.
    If anybody has ideas about this, please share

  • Disable authorization check RH_STRUC_GET

    is there a possibility to use FM
    RH_STRUC_GET and to disable authorization check similar to  'HR_READ_INFOTYPE_AUTHC_DISABLE' for fm HR_READ_INFOTYPE?
    thanks for help

    stupid question - solved by myself.

  • How to disable avalibility check

    I don't want to avalibility check only in sales order. How can I disable avalibility check for sales order ? How can I customize for this case?
    Thank you,

    u can do this by maintaining 'kp' in availability chek field in mrp3 view of material master. but make sure the same is active in delivery item category else the syatem will allow PGI even if there are no stocks.

  • Disabling password checking?

    Hi all,
    is it possible in Oracle to disable password checking, so that I could be connect with just
    <username>@<service name>
    without being prompted for a password?
    Now please don't condemn me... The idea is the following:
    It's all about a dedicated developer database / server.
    I have a lot of scripts which deploy the schema objects of our app, in several "connected" schemas, which are used by the app. For the sake of simplicity and speed we have been using <username>=<password>. But the consequence is, that these scripts cannot be used unchanged for deploying into production.
    It would be great, if I could only use the above mentioned connection script and by a central db-configuration, in one case it would connect me to the DB, in the other case I would be prompted for the password.
    Now please, don't value the approach. This not my idea. But is there a way disable password checking (entering question...)?
    Many thanks, in advance

    Mark D Powell wrote:
    What kind of scripts?
    What OS?
    What version of Oracle?
    We use an environment variables to hold the username and password. The OS then substitutes the current username and corresponding password into the script at run time. So the same Korn shell script we use in test can run in production unchanged and the developers do not know the production password.
    Oraclle also support global authenication via an Directory Server with the Advanced Security option.
    HTH -- Mark D Powell --I have the feeling, that you understood what I mean, still I don't understand your solution. But first I should provide more information...
    We are using 11gR2 on Linux machines, both for development as well as for production. We have a concept for continuous integration, where every schema object has it's own DDL script and then we have an allobjects.sql scripts which every single one of them (simply speaking).
    These are all SQL scripts, written to be executed in sqlplus. In SQLPLUS variables I am handling things like schema names and passwords. The "master" sql-scripts "connect"s itself to all necessary schemas for the app, and deploys every single database objects, executing its script. The consequence is, the "master" scripts contains many "connect" statements and in production every single one schema of the app, could have different password, so I can't just pass it as a parameter to the sql-script once.
    I hope, I have been more clear than the first time. So we have an app, which uses 8-9 schemas to be completely deployed. So I thought, if I could just use "<username>@<service name>" in my scripts, than the DBAs would be able to use them, unchanged, entering the production passwords, when prompted, without the developers knowing them....

Maybe you are looking for

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