Disabling share drive/folder in UCC

Can we disable sharing of drives/folders like C$, D$, IPC$, Admin$ in UCC servers part of the domain, like Router/Logger/PG etc? Checked the ICM Security Best Practise guideline, but was not able to get anything clear on this.

There is no technical requirement for the product that c$, d$, etc. be shared.
It may be necessary for the IPC$ share, as that is just a "named pipe" connection which could be necessary for sql, etc.
The other shares definitely make it easy to allow file sharing (i.e. of logs, config export data, and the like).

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    AsI said - you have to open the application folders and delete the documents  inside - for each folder separately. And wait for these changes to sync.
    The folders themselves cannot be deleted, only their content.
    The iCloud setting for the applications are device specific. If you enabled an app for iCloud on any device, you will see the application collection in iCloud, even if you disable it on other devices.
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    - and there is a big pile of other garbage.
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    Hi, a couple of ideas...
    The Vanishing Startup Drive or Folders by Pink Mutant/Francine Schwieder...
    I wonder if ACLs got enabled on those other drives?

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                             Can any one tell me any function module or any solution to open share drive path by pressing F4.

    1. Try defaulting the intial folder with the path like 'IP_address\Folder1\' while opening the file.
    2. Utilities->Settings->ABAP-Editor->Editor->Path for Local Editing. try to change and point it to the network drive needed.
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    Thanks and  Regards
    Priya S
    Edited by: Priya S on Feb 25, 2009 3:36 AM
    Edited by: Priya S on Feb 25, 2009 3:36 AM

    hi Priya
    This is an old thread but nevertheless would like to give some inputs.
    your point .. common file server and Share drive also to be accessed through DMS,
    1) one option for this may be upload all the documents in the existing servers to DMS Content servers to get the full funtionality of DMS.
    <The option 1 is an ideal option as in future u would one day need to migarate the documents if u intend to use SAP DMS as the DMS system in ur org>
    Alternatively if the documents would still need to be retained in the file server but also would need to associate to SAP business objects u could use the Define data carrier external DMS.
    This again depend on what kind of documents are stored in the file server & are they relevant to be associated to SAP objects/ Transactions.
    The point here is u still want to use SAP DMS to view the file , all though there are other option as Archive link, Service for objects etc. Using SAP DMS option will still call for creating DIR in SAP & assigning the file path hyper link using LSMW /upload prog.
    So as for a temp sol till u clean up the file server u can use the hyperlink and later migrate to Content server.

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    Hello rhearob,
    Apple did not mention or publish anything so far which indicates that it is possible to share iCloud Drive folders or to access iCloud Drive from multiple Apple IDs. As KiltedTim wrote, it could be that Apple is going to add additional functionalities to iCloud Drive once Yosemite is released, but as of today, nothing has been announced.
    Best regards,

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    jrwood116 wrote:
    Thanks, but do you have to do that every time you share a folder?
    No, you just need to do it once and that's it. Anything that is in the Shared folder is accessible by all user accounts within the same Mac.
    jrwood116 wrote:
    I've read numerous 'how to share a folder' blogs and they just say it's as simple as clicking 'share' and allowing specific users to access it...none have mentioned this (not saying your advice is wrong at all, just don't get why no-one else has mentioned what appears to be a key step!)
    Can you give me an example of such a blog. I suspect you may have mis-understood what they were saying but if you can provide a link, I'll look at it.

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    Any ideas?

    jrwood116 wrote:
    Thanks, but do you have to do that every time you share a folder?
    No, you just need to do it once and that's it. Anything that is in the Shared folder is accessible by all user accounts within the same Mac.
    jrwood116 wrote:
    I've read numerous 'how to share a folder' blogs and they just say it's as simple as clicking 'share' and allowing specific users to access it...none have mentioned this (not saying your advice is wrong at all, just don't get why no-one else has mentioned what appears to be a key step!)
    Can you give me an example of such a blog. I suspect you may have mis-understood what they were saying but if you can provide a link, I'll look at it.

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    Thanks! Yosemite rocks!

    Go to Finder > Then click Finder on the top left corner next to the Apple Logo > Preferences > Sidebar > Tick the iCloud Drive. And the folder will be there.
    Hope that helps
    Mann B

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  • Unable to share a folder with specific users

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    to this folder. Both machines are running Windows 7.
    On PC2, I am able to see the shared folder under Networks but if I try to open it, I keep getting a 'You do not have permission to access...' error. The following are the steps I've taken to set up the network share.
    Both machines are on the same workgroup.
    Both machines are on the home network, not work/public.
    Turned off homegroup on both machines in Advanced Networking Properties by selecting "Use user accounts and passwords to connect to other computers".
    Created a standard non-admin user account on PC1 that has the same username/password as the admin login used to log into PC2.
    On PC1, right-clicked the folder I want to share and added the above user account to both the Sharing and Security tabs.
    Removed the Everyone group in PC1 from both the Sharing and Security tab for the shared folder.
    If I am missing a step, please let me know. I have noticed that if I add  the Everyone group back to the Sharing and Security tab for the shared folder on PC1, I am able to have full access from PC2. However, since I want to restrict access
    to this folder to only one machine, I didn't want to have the Everyone group listed.

    As this thread has been quiet for a while, we assume that the issue has been resolved. At this time, we will mark it as ‘Answered’ as the previous steps should be helpful for many similar scenarios.
     If the issue still persists and you want to return to this question, please reply this post directly so we will be notified to follow it up. You can also choose to unmark the answer as you wish.
     In addition, we’d love to hear your feedback about the solution. By sharing your experience you can help other community members facing similar problems.
    Arnav Sharma | http://arnavsharma.net/ Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading
    the thread.

  • How do I share a folder on mac mini with other macs in the network?

    Howdy all!
    The scenario I have in mind is that I have one folder in our Mac Mini (used as Home Theater) with all the family's music files on it. The rest of the family would be able to access the folder and copy the music they prefer onto their own computers (iMacs and Macbooks). The other computers would have read only access, they would not be able to alter the contents of the original file (to prevent accidental deletion). Only the user of the Mini Home Theater could alter the contents of said file.
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    What am I missing?
    Thank you for any advice you can give!

    This isn't quite what I was looking for. I don't want to share the folder with users on the same computer--I want to share the folder with users on other computers.
    Unless there is some way to identify users on other computers. How can I do that?

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