Disappeared Outbox and Draft mailboxes

I seem to have lost both the Drafts and Outbox mailboxes from my left hand toolbar. I am running OX Leopard, not having been a very frequent user of my Mail system I am not sure when they went. suddenly I am a frequent user and am now missing them badly.
I have checked my Library and they are both showing there - but I'm not sure how to extract them, also they do not appear in the Mailbox Behaviours tab of Preferences.
PLEASE does anyone have any bright ideas? on a quick look through, I couldn't find any answers so far, although one thread has helped me get my Junk mailbox back thank you!

This is the only Apple guidance I could find on archive mailboxes. I do not use one, so I have no thoughts... One of my E-mail accounts is a G-mail one. I do not like Google's mail application so I use it for one specific purpose.
Mail (Yosemite): Use the Archive mailbox

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    If this is an IMAP account, try going to Mail/Preferences/Accounts/Mailbox Behaviors and uncheck Store drafts on server.

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    From which mailbox did you delete the message? If that mailbox is selected, do you see a Show/Hide Deleted Messages command in the View menu? Does that command appear enabled or disabled?
    Report the names of the files and folders present at the first level of the ~/Library/Mail/POP-username@mailserver/ account folder in the Finder.
    In order to post the exact file names and avoid typing mistakes, proceed as follows. In the Finder, go to ~/Library/Mail/POP-username@mailserver/. With that folder open, if you’re looking at it in View > as List mode, first collapse any expanded folders so that the Finder only shows the files and folders at the first level. Now, do Edit > Select All (⌘A), then Edit > Copy (⌘C), and paste it in your reply to this post.
    Note: For those not familiarized with the ~/ notation, it refers to the user’s home folder. That is, ~/Library is the Library folder within the user’s home folder, i.e. /Users/username/Library.

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    MacbookPro Core DUO   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

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    Do you mean that they are not listed under Gmail's header at the bottom of the Mailbox List or that they don't exist in the Unified Mailboxes at the top?
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    *there's no reason to be paranoid*
    Says Mulder .
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    You are not getting them from there, you just verifying if you have a back up with notes (you will have to check the date and try to remember if had those at that date and time.) Then you have two ways to go - the apple way and third party way.
    1 Apple way - restore from back up (downside is you going to lose changes to your phone since the last back up)
    be careful - not to overwrite last back up when you connect your phone, I would find and copy back up file just in case to external drive. You can find location of your actual back up file using that article
    if you expand where it says "where back ups are stored on the computer"
    how to restore from itunes back up here
    2. not Apple way.- there are programs for windows that allow you to look inside of actual back up file.
    Google is your friend for that one.
    If you don't like my results just adjust search to your liking.
    https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&rlz=1C1_____enUS481US481&io n=1&ie=UTF-8#hl=en&safe=off&tbo=d&rlz=1C1_____enUS481US481&sclient=psy-ab&q=how% 20to%20look%20inside%20of%20iphone%20back%20up&oq=&gs_l=&pbx=1&fp=87ac1fa8918878 c8&ion=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv.1357700187,d.aWM&biw=1280&bih=643

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    You’re welcome.
    If the *.emlx files associated with those messages are gone from the filesystem, rebuilding mailboxes or re-creating the index cannot make them reappear.
    There is no way to know what may have happened if you don’t know when it happened and what did you do that could have a bearing on it. What you mention about moving data between computers could certainly have a bearing on it when it happened the first time, but there is no way to know what the problem exactly was in that case either with the information you’ve provided...
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    I can't say for sure that this will work either, but when I run into issues like this, I just start toggling the settings - maybe set to show 500 messages then go back to mail and see if the download more messages comes back. Maybe turn the accounts off and then on again. I
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    What does “my POP account, .mac account, and the smtp.mac.com are all working correctly” mean? Which account has the problem? Those accounts are clearly not working correctly if you have this problem...
    What does “The emails don't get sent to the draft file” mean? Which messages would you expect to be moved to Drafts and as a result of doing what?
    I assume that the account is "online", i.e. Mailbox > Go Online appears disabled (grayed out), right? If that's the case, try this:
    1. In Mail, move any messages waiting in Outbox to another mailbox (e.g. Drafts), to avoid losing them.
    2. Quit Mail.
    3. In the Finder, go to ~/Library/Mail/Mailboxes/.
    4. Locate Outbox.mbox and move it to the Trash.
    5. Open Mail. A new (empty) Outbox.mbox will be created automatically. Check whether the problem is fixed.
    Note: For those not familiarized with the ~/ notation, it refers to the user’s home folder. That is, ~/Library is the Library folder within the user’s home folder, i.e. /Users/username/Library.

  • Emails missing from drafts mailbox

    If I use "Save as draft" when composing an email the drafts folder indicates that it contains 1 email. However when I click on that folder it is an empty list. The only way I can access the email is to search all mailboxes (eg search for the subject line of the draft email). The draft email appears in the search results.
    I have tried rebuilding the drafts mailbox but it has not changed anything.

    The emails are coming in, but they disappear after they have been moved to the folder
    So you have sort of rules to organize your mails by moving them to different folders? Does this happen to all clients?
    As suggested by DJ above, please check your view/filter settings first:
    Outlook 2007
    Reset view; View-> Current View-> Customize Current View…-> button Reset Current View
    Outlook 2010/2013
    Reset view; tab View-> button Reset View
    Please have a try and feel free to post back with any findings.
    Ethan Hua
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office

  • Send all messages in Drafts Mailbox in Mail - How to do this in Automator?

    A MacUser only for 20 years, I've just moved from Eudora eMail to Apple's Mail program. One feature that I would like to have with Mail that I had with Eudora is the ability to "queue" a message (similar to putting the message into the DRAFTS mailbox)- but then Eudora would send all 'queued' messages via one send button.
    (There is a Mail Scripts 2.10 workaround out there, but it does NOT work with "Rich Text" and therefore is not at all what I want...)
    So I am wondering if I can just put messages into the DRAFTS mailbox, keep them there and review / rewrite them as I wish; then when ready to send all of them:
    I write an Automator Workflow to check for any messages in the DRAFTS Mailbox, then have this Automator send them -- all at onc; likely by an iterative process after it starts by looking for messages to send in the DRAFTS box and runs until the Drafts Mailbox is empty and then it stops.
    It could be as simple as having the Automator move all messages from the DRAFTS mailbox to the OUTBOX - where they would be sent automatically I believe if the Mac was Online-- which it is all the time.
    I am just not sure how to write a workflow -- I've basically only pieced together 'actions' that others have written to create a small workflow myself-- but nothing like this.
    Best regards,
    Steve Schulte
    Friday 16 October 2009

    I am trying to do the same thing. I am sorry no one is commenting but that tends to be because what you are doing is a workaround and making Mail do something it is not intended to do.
    In other words, I also want to do the same thing (send mail at 2 times per day, and create drafts to send in one batch, without me hitting the 'send' button.)
    The scripts currently in Automator do not have any sort of clear method to do this. Help!

  • 'Drafts' mailbox does not appear automatically

    I am a new user of the Mail app. I have asked a similar question in another category of these Discussions, but have not had a useful answer, so I am trying here.
    If I start typing a new e-mail message and then 'Save' it, a 'Drafts' mailbox almost never appears until I go to the Mailbox tab and select 'Go to favorite mailbox > Drafts'. Just once or twice, but apparently at random, a Drafts mailbox has appeared spontabneously, but very rarely. Why is this? Shoul;d it not appear spontaneously?
    This behaviour (or non-behaviour) seems to be independent of whether I choose 'Store messages on server' or not in Mail Prefetences.

    Thanks for your quick reply, Matt Clinton. I have three mail accounts: Btinternet (IMAP), gmail (Google IMAP) and the mail account of the college where I teach (Exchange). It is the BT one that I almost always use.
    Neither gmail nor my college account has a Drafts folder, Btiinternet, however, has many folders, one of which is called Draft (without the 's' at the end). I have tried ctrl-clicking it, but there is no 'Use Mailbox For' there.  All there is in that menu is New Mailbox, Rename Mailbox, Delete Mailbox, Export Mailbox, Erase deleted items, Synchronize  Btinternet, Take Btinternet offlinw, Edit "Btinternet" and Get Account Information.
    What can I do now?

  • If email message is in sent mail as well as in draft mailbox is it a duplicate or do I need to send it agin to make sure it went through

    if email message is in sent mailbox and also in draft mailbox is it a duplicate that happned by mistake or do i nee to send it agin to make sure it went through?

    I've seen emails get stuck in the Drafts mailbox even after they have been sent. Check in the Sent mailbox to see if it has really gone out. If not, send it again. If so, delete it from the Drafts mailbox.
    Best of luck.

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