Disappointing Design of N73

The memory card jack of the phone at the bottom of the cell phone has disappointed.
I sweat a lot generally and also talk for over hours on the phone. last summer I while I was talking over the phone.
 sweat made its way to the memory jack. The memry card then lost all the data. When the phone was opend at the nokia care, it was full of salt. I was warned of damaging the motherboard, if i wished to put it for service or do anything
to the phone. They washed their hands off and I had to, with great difficulty convince them to atleast clean the MMC jack.
Some of you may advice me to use the headphones. After what happened with my phone, I was cautious and did the same. The headphones do hav an impressive sound output, but they coil me like, a Python coiling its prey,
Sounds funny but its very very irritating. the no of times I remove and plug the earphones only made the earphone jack bigger and now even earphones dont work.
Hope somebody is listening...
The good part is i am very much impressed with the camera features of this phone. Awesome 3.2 ! Good Shutter and nice night mode pics...Wondering why they didnt add the feature of 16M color display.. That would have created ripples.

You could use a wireless earpiece...
The N73 is an old model that I doubt is being sold any more. There are now newer S60 phones with 16M colour displays that are generally more responsive than the N73 and also accept microSD cards of 8 and 16GB capacity instead of the 2GB that the N73 is limited to.
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    You can see this post for more information :

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    In addition to pixel density, you are up against the translation driver card in the TV.
    If you read the fine print of computer-resolution-capability in the TV user guide, you will see a chart as tall as the manual page.  At the top is the smallest resolution capable, at the bottom is the full use of the 1080p in the TV.
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    Actually, when Adobe moved from Type 1 fonts to OpenType CFF fonts, all the so-called “expert typefaces” were consolidated into the base fonts. In other words Adobe Garamond Pro Regular not only has the Western Latin characters of the original Type 1 version of Adobe Garamond, but also has alternate Latin capitals (with titling, titling floating accents, and stylistic alternates), alternate Latin lowercase (swash and superiors), Latin small capitals (alphabetic and floating accents), ligatures, multiple numeric forms (including lining tabular, lining proportional, oldstyle tabular, oldstyle proportional, superscripts, scientific inferior, numerator, denominator forms, fractions, mathematical operators, etc.) plus a raft of other special symbols.
    OpenType fonts are Unicode-based and allow for more than the 256 characters in Type 1 fonts which required multiple typefaces all with mappings to a standard keyboard to accommodate all these glyphs.
    Thus, hopefully your disappointment will turn to joy.
    To assist you in understanding OpenType fonts and to show you what is in the current Adobe Garamond fonts, I have attached a few PDF files for your perusal.
    Let us know if you have any questions.
               - Dov

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    You would think most of the reviewers are color-blind based on their enthusiastic write-ups on the Nokia N73 camera.
    Besides the issue of compression, the camera's auto-white balance function also seems to be poor. If you want better looking images, manually select white balance - you'll find that even your outdoor shots will come out a little bit better - or try fixing white balance on your existing photos and you'll see remarkable improvement.
    Unfortunately, it does not seem to be possible to have the camera set by default to a particular white-balance mode - every time you restart it is back to 'Auto' and the disappointing colors (black is nearly always off).
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    Today I was performing a paste in Word and the application crashed altogether.
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    Sounds like you've been extremely unlucky. Why don't you make apple get you a new one again, if this machine is also flawed?? I have a mac pro and a macbook pro, and even though my mac pro went down today (hopefully something i'll manage to fix), i must say that that machine has been the most stable machine i've ever owned. It's basically been switched on non-stop for 5 1/2 years, the only times i've ever rebooted it has been after installing some software requiring a reboot, and it's always been rock-solid. I've only had my macbook for a year now, but so far it's also a winner. Only thing i dislike about it is the case-design, as it has a spot wich is extremely vulnerable to liquid damage. It's the opening between the screen and the rest of the case. However an opening is needed there for air-flow, but it could be designed in a smarter way.

  • One design for computer and mobile

    Hi, i'm kind of a nubie to Muse CC, but love what i've seen so far...so much so that i also purchased a one-year subscription to muse-themes.com, in order to download a theme that would give me a head-start with a new portfolio site i have to do for myself.
    Just to explain why i'm only a noob to Muse CC, but not to web-design as a whole:
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    Back to my issue/question:
    After modifying the template i downloaded from muse-themes.com and doing a first few hours of customization on it (some text, headers and images) and using business catalyst to preview what i've done, and quite liked it for a first start, but when checking the design on my iPad, i discovered with disappointment that not only did it not show *any* of my customizations (only the original, generic theme design and content), but even then, menu items had weird glitches, and the long scrolling content of the computer version didn't appear after the first couple of page-heights.
    Let's forget about the glitches for moment...my main question is:
    If a theme has been designed with Desktop, Tabel and Phone versions in mind, will i have to maintain content and all changes *separately* for all 3 platforms?! is there a way to "sync" changes between platforms...in other words, since Computer and Tablet versions should pretty much be exactly the same, can i have Muse automatically interpret what i do for the Computer version *also* for the Tablet version? i do understand that the Phone version should get special attention, but even then, shouldn't text and header changes "trickle down" through all versions of the site?
    Am i doing something wrong here, or is building 3 separate versions independently really what i am expected to do?
    I keep seeing many references to "responsive UI designs"...is this why people work on one responsive design, rather than on 3 separate versions, or are those issues not really related?
    Excuse my naive questions, but i have a difficult time believing that Muse CC, and/or a custom theme, purchased from a reputable 3rd party company (such as muse-themes), would require me to maintain 3 websites for 3 device platforms, with no "communication" between the 3 during the design process...there must be a way to "sync" my changes/updates, or is this really so?
    Just to illustrate what i am talking about, here is the first revision of the theme i purchased:

    Hope I can help here .....
    The first issue is most likely a Business Catalyst caching issue that pops up occasionally. Or it could be that the original template had a Tablet view done and that is what you are seeing instead of the desktop view.
    Yes, you will need to maintain content seperately on the different views. This is actually a good thing in my opinion as you likely won't want all the same content on all three.  As for the responsive sites, while yes you do have to only update once it also can take a much longer time to develop to get consistant results. With the so many different browser widths now it is getting more and more difficult to display the site consistantly and properly.
    So while one may be more to update it is much less to develop and the other is much more to develop but less to maintain. It works out in the end.

  • What is the replacement for design view in in flex builder 4.7 for cs extension builder?

    Because design view is not available in flash builder than what is the use of extension builder in UI designing now we have to do design UI with xml which is very time consuming and boring  if there is any replacemnt for it than please help me .1 more thing i want to know is that when i make new default project in extension builder(flash builder 4.6) than it also not able to load design mode errror is
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4.6\eclipse\plugins\com.adobe.cside.libsinstaller_2.0.0.4-33034\archive\cslibs\2.0\4.5\re lease\apedelta.swc- not respondingSWC file failed to load. Any component dependent on this SWC file will not be displayed in the Design Mode.The SWC may have failed to load because of:
    *  Incompatible definitions caused by usage of a different SDK version
    *  Missing referred class definitions

    I have researched this quite considerably and my understanding is that Adobe have no intention of supporting Design View any more for Extension Builder.  In my opinion a very disappointing decision and one that is hard to comprehend.
    The best workaround I can find is to create the majority of your design in a parallel, non Extension Builder, project and then convert/import your design into your Extension.  This is by no means as satisfactory as having Design View for the Extension you are writing but it is better than simply creating your layout by guess work/trial and error.
    Although this has not been announced by Adobe, I have a suspicion that the reason they have decided not to put any further resources into fixing Design View is that Extension Builder as we know it is going to be abandoned soon, probably replaced with an HTML5/JavaScript method of building extensions.  My concern with this is that, other than wanting reassurances that there will be backward compatibility support for old extensions, There will not be a way of compiling an extension in a way that prevents people from seeing your code.
    This is all speculation and I guess we will have to wait and see what happens.  Hope this has helped.

  • How can i exchange for the new design

    Last year my sister purchased a ipod shuffle 3rd gen, for my 10 yr old daughter. She bought it from Target and spent $145.00 at that time. Shortly there after i became aware apple had replace this 3rd gen shuffle with a new design. One that is more user friendly, especially for my 10 yr old. I have to say we have been very disappoint with her ipod for several reasons.
    1. there is no face so you cant see what your doing
    2. you must memorize the amount of clicks in order to operate it.
    3. we have only been able to upload new music to her ipod once since she got it a year ago. Even with online tech support,reading online forums,owner manuals, help from family and friends. To no avail.
    She has it still in the box neatly packed away. Its used as a show piece on her dresser to show that she has an (ipod). Neadless to say she does not use it,does not  like it mainly because there is no display panel which make it very difficult for her to function.
    So how can i exchange/replace the old design ipod shuffle generation 3  for the new design.

    Try disabling your firewall and try again.

  • I'm so disappointed with my new Creative Zen

    hi Amy,Its probably best to go into Zen Media Explorer, assuming you have loaded the software from the supplied disc, the open up your song files anf delete using your delete button on your keyboard, Try it once just to make sure yHey everyone, I was hoping one of you may be able to help me. My mp3 is playing up in that when I try to skip tracks or do anything using the push buttons nothing happens. I have emailed Creative and they have emailed back with some instructions but all of the answers need me to be able to select things on my mp3 which I can't do without clicking the buttons....which don't work! I have searced through this site for a contact number (I'm in England btw). If anyone can help, please give me a shout. I go on holiday in 2 weeks and can't stand the thought of being MP3-less! Cheers Jess xu I've been a loyal Creative customer for over three years now. I've never been one to follow the crowd, so when I looked to purchase my first mp3 player over 3 years ago, I bought a Zen Touch 40gb instead of following everyone else and buying a very well-known brand made by a rival company. I found the build-quality, sound quality and ease of use to be far superior to my friends' rival brand mp3 players, so much so that when I was looking for a replacement mp3 and video player, I didn't hesitate to buy a new 60gb ZV:M from my local Comet store. That's when my problems started. After two months my ZV:M gave up the ghost. I took it back to Comet for a replacement, only to be told that the ZV:M had been discontinued (despite the 60gb version only having been available for a few months!) and that I would have to have a refund or another brand of mp3 player. I was told by the salesperson in Comet that Creative were releasing a new brand of multimedia player, called the Zen at the end of September. I decided to wait for it's release. I decided to wait for the 6gb version. I waited... and waited... and waited. Eventually, my parents, panic-stricken at the thought that it was getting close to Christmas and I had no present, went ahead and bought the 8gb version. The Zen disappointed me in many areas. The finish is that gloss, scratch-if-you-look-at-me black. The screen got smudges just by sitting on my bedroom cabinent and when I tried to wipe them off it made little difference. The screen, although looks good, is just too small to watch any videos for any length of time and the smudges make the videos appear distorted. The buttons are clearly designed to be used by right-handed people (what about us lefties ). SD card is not intregrated into your music or video library. 8gb is simply not enough memory and there's no choice in Creative's product line-up for a large capacity, compact HDD-based multimedia player. I almost feel as though Creative have concided defeat to their rivals, when it's so clear that a lot of the technology that has made Creative's rivals so popular were developed by Creative themselves. Come on Creative, pull your socks up and take the fight to your rivals. I know you may consider flash-based memory devices as the future, but at the moment flash-memory is just too expensi've to use and a market for the higher capacity HDD-based player is still out there (imagine the possibiliies - listening to all your music in a lossless format with Creative's renowned audio quality!). I have, reluctantly, decided to take my Zen back tomorrow and until Creative decide to overhaul their entire multimedia player line, I cannot see me coming back to them. I suppose then this is kind of a goodbye. I'd like to thank all the people who have taken the time on these forums to help me, especially the mods (Cat and Dale spring to mind!) and I hope that on my way I've been able to help others who needed it. I hope to be back on here one day! Take care and have a Happy New Year!re doing it correctly then go for your life Kev

    Well, in his defense, his parents bought him the player so I guess we can't blame him. Though the 6 GB versions were available in November so I guess they really did get 'nervous' about Christmas and like to get their shopping done early! Kudo's to you for trying to remain with the Creative line but for what you're looking for it's obviously not the player for you. Creative seems to be fine-tuning their line for the audio crowd. I'm into mp3 players for the audio. Sure, the ability to watch video's and look at pictures on a decent screen is a plus but for me at least, it's all about the music. And with music, 6 GB is more than enough. Heck, 8 GB would have been more than enough for me. I'm a subscriber to Napster-to-go, so I don't feel the need to carry 00 plus GB of stuff on my portable player. I honestly don't understand the desire to watch movies or TV shows on tiny little screens. But you're also talking to a guy who doesn't watch television. What a complete waste of time and brain cells. Probably the **competitor products we can't discuss here** or one of those players would better suit your needs. Companies are definately picking their niche markets carefully and Creative's decision to not offer hard dri've players any more seems to definately be saying bye-bye to that market. I can't say I blame them. Hard dri'ves eventually give up the ghost and are quite delicate for people on the go. Good ridance, I say. Let Apple, Zune and all the others cater to the Z generation's need to be spoonfed their video/TV addictions anywhere and everywhere. I'll pass. It's one thing to be able to enjoy some music on the go and enhance an otherwise dull work day or dri've. But movies/TV shows at work, school, or wherever? Please. Cut the cord! Just my $.02 - YMMV! M.Message Edited by Dale-CL on 2-26-2007 :4 AM

  • IPod touch 4 requires MAJOR system overhaul.  Major Disappointment!!!!!!!

    Folks, I have a nice iMac that's about 3 years old.  Bought about 2 months before snow leopard, so I've been using 10.4 just fine until recently.  Daughter's iPod bit the dust, and she got a new iPod touch the Fourth.  What a disaster this whole experience has been.  Apple shows absolutely no deference to loyal customers.  This is the 5th iPod our family has purchased. 
    It will not run without the latest iTunes; and the latest iTunes will not run without OSuX 10.5 or later.  So, I got 10.6.3.  Major hassle having to upgrade OS, just to upgrade iTunes, just to get an iPod to work.  New OS has a little troube identifying the linksys wireless router I've been using forever, so had to do some troubleshooting just to get internet.  Apparently, if your wireless hub isn't an iAirport, Apple can't figure it out without you holding it's hand. 
    Downloaded latest iTunes, and the iPod was still a brick.  After much ******* around and research, and trying nearly every troubleshooting trick, I finally completely uninstalled iTunes and RELOADED the latest version again.  Voila, this time it worked. 
    I'm just starting to scratch the surface this disaster of a decision to let my child bring an iPod 4G into the house.    For starters, the Geniuses at apple designed snow leopard to be incompatible with that POS Aperture 1.5.6 I bought a few years ago.  So now, I have 40,000 photos that I can't access via Aperture until I purchase an upgrade.  WHAT!?!??!?!?!?!   I am annoyed and appalled that Apple would do this to me or any other customer.
    It is truly disappointing that Apple treats their software like disposable tissues.  As a consumer, I want stuff that's built to last.  I know they put some fluffy bells and whistles in every new release, but I have WAAAAYYYYY better things to do with my time and money than overhaul systems and upgrade every piece of software just so it WORKS.  If they're going to do this crap, they should be honest at the point of purchase and tell you it's not really a purchase.  It's a rental, and after 2-3 years, something will come along that will render your OS obsolete, and when that happens, by design, we render a lot of other stuff obsolete.
    --Former PC user turned Mac user, thinking seriously about turning back to PC land. 
    "Kiss Me. ...   I like to be kissed while I'm being F'd."  Al Pacino, Dog Day Afternoon,

    Good question.  I didn't read the fine print.  Just assumed that they would sell a product that was more robust, and backward compatible.  All our family's old iPods worked just fine.  It's basically a device for listening to music.  I know Apple wants to 'enhance the user experience' (translation: make it easier for Apple to make gobs of money through iTunes and App store), but the frustrations I had with the iPod touch 4G and all the associated OS, software, & driver issues are beyond maddening.  It's just a stinkin' iPod after all.  After googling a lot on this issue, looking for how people resolved similar issues, I find the Web littered with complaints on iPod touch 4g.  Lot of problems getting iTunes to recognize it.  After getting everything up-to-date, iTunes fails to recognize iPod.  Re-install iTunes. Completely uninstall iTunes, then re-install it.  Next week, same issue.  Re-install iTunes.  Rinse and repeat.  That's been my experience too. 

  • Adobe CS4 Design Center Premium Installation issues on Windows 7 Ultimate x64 (RTM)

    I am in the process of moving my systems to Windows 7; as part of that I have attempted to install the Adobe CS 4 Design Center Premium version that I purchased on August 16th.  Thus far my experience with this has been disappointing.
    My previous system (Windows Vista x64 Ultimate) was running Adobe CS 4 Production Premium version without problems.  Upgrading this to Windows 7 worked just fine (so, Win 7 upgrade over Production Premium worked.)  However, for unrelated reasons I decided to reinstall a fresh version of Windows 7. and the Adobe CS 4 Design Center Premium version in question.
    What I observe is a highly repeatable failure during installation, in which as soon as I get to the phase where it displays "Currently installing LangPack(English) for Device Central" and then dies.  Applications are half installed at that point (I can actually use most of the tools, which is why I keep setting this aside to look at it later.)  This was a clean system and Adobe CS 4 Design Center Premium was the first thing I tried to install on the box.
    Since that failure, I have tried to install it on a completely different system (my laptop) running Windows 7 Ultimate x64 and experienced the same error.  The desktop system is a Dell, the laptop is an HP.
    The event log indicates a generic "event ID 1000" error.  The detailed information shows that something returns STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER (0xC000000D) as an exception, which is not handled and the program then dies.
    Log Name:      Application
    Source:        Application Error
    Date:          9/11/2009 6:56:19 AM
    Event ID:      1000
    Task Category: (100)
    Level:         Error
    Keywords:      Classic
    User:          N/A
    Computer:      wam-mps1730
    Faulting application name: Setup.exe_Adobe Setup, version:, time stamp: 0x48bf0040
    Faulting module name: Setup.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x48bf0040
    Exception code: 0xc000000d
    Fault offset: 0x000ab71f
    Faulting process id: 0xb20
    Faulting application start time: 0x01ca32e6eed97c22
    Faulting application path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\55230b0b70661df0f212e88f0b655f7\Setup.exe
    Faulting module path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\55230b0b70661df0f212e88f0b655f7\Setup.exe
    Report Id: e0e73da0-9eda-11de-8e4a-001e4ce53d44
    Event Xml:
    <Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event">
        <Provider Name="Application Error" />
        <EventID Qualifiers="0">1000</EventID>
        <TimeCreated SystemTime="2009-09-11T13:56:19.000000000Z" />
        <Security />
        <Data>Setup.exe_Adobe Setup</Data>
        <Data>C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\55230b0b70661df0f212e88f0b655f7\Setup.exe</Data>
        <Data>C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\55230b0b70661df0f212e88f0b655f7\Setup.exe</Data>
    In attempting to find a work-around (since I would like to be able to actually use everything here) I have tried to run the installer in compatibility mode - both XPSP2 and Vista SP2 mode.  Both fail in the same fashion.
    At this point I've now installed a post-mortem debugger (WinDBG) and will attempt to capture more information about the specific failure.  I am hoping that someone has seen this issue previously and has found a successful work-around.  I see that others have installed the Master Suite version successfully and I suppose that is one potential solution to the problem that I may explore if i cannot get this package to work properly.

    Additional information that I have collected (the wonders of a post-mortem debugger):
    0:016> kv
    Child-SP          RetAddr           : Args to Child                                                           : Call Site
    00000000`024ce7e8 00000000`74b0a2df : 00000000`0c12faec 00000000`0c12fb04 00000000`04fda3e0 00000000`74b0a74c : ntdll!NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory+0xa
    00000000`024ce7f0 00000000`74aecf87 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00001000 00000000`0c12fd30 00000000`7efa7000 : wow64!whNtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory+0x23
    00000000`024ce840 00000000`74ad276d : 00000000`755d0f09 00000000`00000023 00000000`00000001 00000000`0c12fae4 : wow64!Wow64SystemServiceEx+0xd7
    00000000`024cf100 00000000`74aed07e : 00000000`00000000 00000000`74ad1920 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : wow64cpu!TurboDispatchJumpAddressEnd+0x24
    00000000`024cf1c0 00000000`74aec549 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : wow64!RunCpuSimulation+0xa
    00000000`024cf210 00000000`76f4d177 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`7efdf000 00000000`7efa7000 00000000`00000000 : wow64!Wow64LdrpInitialize+0x429
    00000000`024cf760 00000000`76f0308e : 00000000`024cf820 00000000`00000000 00000000`7efdf000 00000000`00000000 : ntdll! ?? ::FNODOBFM::`string'+0x2bfe4
    00000000`024cf7d0 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : ntdll!LdrInitializeThunk+0xe
    0:016> !analyze -v
    Last event: 770.978: Exit process 0:770, code c000000d
      debugger time: Fri Sep 11 07:33:12.750 2009 (GMT-7)
    0:016> r
    rax=00000000000000c0 rbx=000000000c12fedc rcx=0000000000000000
    rdx=0000000000000000 rsi=000000007efa7000 rdi=000000007efa9000
    rip=0000000076f217ba rsp=00000000024ce7e8 rbp=000000000c12ff88
    r8=0000000000000000  r9=0000000000000000 r10=0000000000000000
    r11=0000000000000000 r12=0000000074b0a2bc r13=00000000024cfd20
    r14=00000000024cf170 r15=0000000074ad2450
    iopl=0         nv up ei pl nz na pe nc
    cs=0033  ss=002b  ds=002b  es=002b  fs=0053  gs=002b             efl=00000200
    00000000`76f217ba c3              ret
    Thus, this appears to be related to WoW64 behavior in some fashion.  I am unfamiliar with NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory, so I'm not sure why it would be returning STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER.
    So, I've collected a mini-dump for the process, but it's 300MB.  In the unlikely event someone is interested in analyzing it, let me know and I'll gladly provide it.
    I'm now wondering if I should re-wipe this drive, install Vista, Adobe CS 4 Design Center Premium and then upgrade to Windows 7.  But that is a lot of effort to work around an app compat issue.

  • BREAKING: New Design of InvisibleShield for iPhone 3G Released late July.

    For anyone that got the pre-order of the iPhone 3g Shield full body case, anytime before july 20th send it back because there is a newer design that came out and it fit the iPhone Perfectly, just letting everyone know so they are not disappointed with the company.

    Timthedj wrote:
    so what is the major difference(s) between the upgraded shield and the old style
    The new full body design changed both the front and back pieces. The front now covers the upper and lower chrome bezel, making it a bit trickier to install. There is no longer the separate small lower bezel piece, but the home button piece is retained. The back no longer extends over the headphone jack and docking port, and has additional "flaps" to better cover the bezel corners. The corners are also now slotted, so they lay flat easier and don't crease. The back is significantly easier to install and covers the corners and chrome bezel better.
    The front coverage only version is the same as the original. Instead of buying a separate back piece, to later make it full body, you now get a "full body upgrade" kit which replaces both pieces.
    Message was edited by: modular747

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