Disc will not complete

when i put in disc it will not complete

when it gets to the end with multiplexing and burning it just sits there all day on the same thing and it never completes the burning.
How long is this ?
to me a single layer DVD with 2hour movie incl menu can take about 4 hours to get ready. DL - might take about 8hours.
If You look into Activity Movitor - it will say iDVD do not respond - THAT IS A LIE !
It should say - iDVD has to much to do to be able to respond - If You see how many percent CPU it uses - then it's not ZERO but anything like 80 to 150 % - so it has a full time shift.
IF YOU - Force Quit or Panic Halt - then You create problems for it and Your Mac - If so
• Run Repair Permissions - Disk Util tool - and -
• Run Repair Hard disk - Disk Util tool - but NOW You have to start from DVD or external hard disk to do this
• AND - trash iDVD pref file
This to prevent a Mac failure in future as Panic Halts builds up small errors that can lead to a severe Crash.
Yours Bengt W

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    Hi can some on help me.
    My Mac runs on 10.6.8 and I am using iLife 11 and when I try and burn a disc it goes through the whole proses and when it gets to the end with multiplexing and burning it just sits there all day on the same thing and it never completes the burning. I am burning a Dual Layered disc because of the size of my project and I have changed the settings to say it is Dual layered disc. Also I have it on professional Quality.
    Kind Regards,
    Taylor Budge

    when it gets to the end with multiplexing and burning it just sits there all day on the same thing and it never completes the burning.
    How long is this ?
    to me a single layer DVD with 2hour movie incl menu can take about 4 hours to get ready. DL - might take about 8hours.
    If You look into Activity Movitor - it will say iDVD do not respond - THAT IS A LIE !
    It should say - iDVD has to much to do to be able to respond - If You see how many percent CPU it uses - then it's not ZERO but anything like 80 to 150 % - so it has a full time shift.
    IF YOU - Force Quit or Panic Halt - then You create problems for it and Your Mac - If so
    • Run Repair Permissions - Disk Util tool - and -
    • Run Repair Hard disk - Disk Util tool - but NOW You have to start from DVD or external hard disk to do this
    • AND - trash iDVD pref file
    This to prevent a Mac failure in future as Panic Halts builds up small errors that can lead to a severe Crash.
    Yours Bengt W

  • Discs will not load

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    Hi macmac1, and a warm welcome to the forums!
    Tough to tell from here, but...
    Could be many things, we should start with this...
    "Try Disk Utility
    1. Insert the Mac OS X Install disc that came with your computer, then restart the computer while holding the C key.
    2. When your computer finishes starting up from the disc, choose Disk Utility from the Installer menu. (In Mac OS X 10.4 or later, you must select your language first.)
    *Important: Do not click Continue in the first screen of the Installer. If you do, you must restart from the disc again to access Disk Utility.*
    3. Click the First Aid tab.
    4. Click the disclosure triangle to the left of the hard drive icon to display the names of your hard disk volumes and partitions.
    5. Select your Mac OS X volume.
    6. Click Repair. Disk Utility checks and repairs the disk."
    Then Safe Boot from the HD, (holding Shift key down at bootup), run Disk Utility in Applications>Utilities, then highlight your drive, click on Repair Permissions, reboot when it completes.
    The usual reason why updates fail or mess things up, is if Permissions are not fixed before & after every update, with a reboot... you may get a partial update when the installer finds it doesn't have Permissions to change one obscure little part of the OS, leaving you with a mix of OS versions.
    Some people get away without Repairing Permissions for years, some for only days.
    If Permissions are wrong before applying an update, you could get mixed OS versions, if Directory is the slightest messed up, who knows!
    If many Permission are repaired, or any Directory errors are found, you may need to re-apply some the latest/biggest updates.
    May even need to do an Archive and Install if you have room on the HD, but saves all your files and gives a new OS...
    I only use Software Update to see what is needed, then get them for real via...
    That way I can wait a week or so, check the forums for potential problems, and get Permissions & such in order before installing.
    If all the above fail, it appears to be time for an Archive & Install, which gives you a new OS, but can preserve all your files, pics, music, settings, etc., as long as you have plenty of free disk space...

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    *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 7 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*
    :: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{6D96660C-1444-410E-9A84-681C0AFB8937}] took 18266.2 miliseconds (18.2662 seconds) DTR = 88.4693 KBPS (0.0863958 MBPS)
    User specified overrideFile:
    Calling the custom action code for post-install for payload {6D96660C-1444-410E-9A84-681C0AFB8937} PDF Settings CS5
    Calling the custom action code for pre-install for payload {E39A5ABD-516B-46F9-A042-694BBA6A4E08}
    ::START TIMER:: [Pre payload :{E39A5ABD-516B-46F9-A042-694BBA6A4E08}]
    Font Installer: productName is Recommended Common Fonts Installation
    Font Installer: Using [AdobeCommon] path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe
    Custom action return code: 0
    :: END TIMER :: [Pre payload :{E39A5ABD-516B-46F9-A042-694BBA6A4E08}] took 16.2035 miliseconds (0.0162035 seconds)
    ::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{E39A5ABD-516B-46F9-A042-694BBA6A4E08}]
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    Installer Operation: PayloadInstaller
    Request to install payload
    [    4060] Sun Jan 09 10:34:11 2011  INFO
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    Have you looked at this completed previos discussion. It discusses 0x8007054F.
    Re: Error message when trying to install iTunes

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    Welcome to the Apple community.
    A number of people have reported similar issues recently, many appear to have found a discrepancy of some kind in their account settings and making changes to these settings or simply resetting them has resolved the matter.
    Check your account details are correct, check that you are using the correct details for Location, Region and Time Zone. You may want to change these settings and then change them back to see if that helps.
    You might also try logging out of and then back into your iTunes account (Settings > iTunes Store > Apple ID’s > Sign Out) and restarting your router. (Some have reported that after doing this, they need to check for rentals even though it may report that there aren’t any, after which rentals once again appear in the ‘movies’ feature)
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    - iOS: Not responding or does not turn on           
    - Also try DFU mode after try recovery mode
    How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings
    - If not successful and you can't fully turn the iOS device fully off, let the battery fully drain. After charging for an least an hour try the above again.
    - Try another cable                                                       
    - Try on another computer                                                       
    - If still not successful that usually indicates a hardware problem and an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store is in order.
      Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar

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    Do I have to buy a new scanner?  It seems so close to working correctly. 
    I have downloaded the Epson recommended driver (5.4) and have Epson Perfection 1200 6.6 Universal showing in the Applications List.
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    On your iPad tap Settings > Store
    Switch Books off then back on then reset your iPad.
    Hold the On/Off Sleep/Wake button and the Home button down at the same time for at least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.

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    What have you tried to get the app to finish downloading e.g. have you tried logging out and back into your account on your phone, disconnecting and reconnecting to your network, soft-reset of your phone (press and hold both the sleep and home buttons for about 10 to 15 seconds, ignore the red slider, after which the Apple logo should appear and it should reboot) ?
    You could also try downloading the update on your computer's iTunes and see if you can sync it over to your phone (or delete the app its Apps tab when connected to your computer's iTunes and sync the new version - deleting the app will delete its contents).

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    My MacBookPro (mid 2012) will not complete the boot process. Yosemite's progress widget gets about 1/3 to 1/2 way across when the logo disappears and the screen goes all white for 10-15 secs, then the machine shuts down and restarts. This sequence will repeat seemingly forever unless I shut it down manually.
    I upgraded to Yosemite from Mountain Lion a couple months ago, skipping Maverick completely, and I've done any associated updates that Apple told me about. I don't recall which version of Yosemite I have, but I'm sure it is the "latest and greatest".
    I've tried re-starting in Safe Mode / Safe Boot and that does the same thing as described above except without the endless restarts. Instead of restarting at some point, SafeBoot proceeds to the white screen and then it hangs until I restart it manually. (I've waited as long os 20-30 minutes with no response).
    When I tried the option-command-p-r key combo I never get any chimes or other noises besides the original 1 time boot sound that you would expect to get when starting up a macbook pro.
    I was using the mac quite normally (meaning I was doing work I normally do on it and there was no indication of anything wrong) immediately prior to this happening.
    The machine is BootCamp(ed) with Windows 8.1 which I use from a VMWare virtual machine instead of natively so that I can have both OSes running at the same time. I also think this is unrelated to my problem. I have been using this setup for more than 2 years.
    My upgrade to Yosemite was uneventful and I thought it went well and was very smooth. I don't want to lead attention away from Yosemite, but at this point my problem does not seem related to the upgrade.
    Any help is appreciated.

    Install or Reinstall OS X from Scratch
    Be sure you backup your files to an external drive or second internal drive because the following procedure will remove everything from the hard drive.
    Boot to the Recovery HD:
    Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the COMMAND and R keys until the menu screen appears. Alternatively, restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the OPTION key until the boot manager screen appears. Select the Recovery HD and click on the downward pointing arrow button.
    Erase the hard drive:
      1. Select Disk Utility from the main menu and click on the Continue button.
      2. After DU loads select your startup volume (usually Macintosh HD) from the
          left side list. Click on the Erase tab in the DU main window.
      3. Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Optionally, click on
          the Security button and set the Zero Data option to one-pass. Click on
          the Erase button and wait until the process has completed.
      4. Quit DU and return to the main menu.
    Reinstall OS X: Select Reinstall OS X and click on the Install button.
    Note: You will need an active Internet connection. I suggest using Ethernet if possible
               because it is three times faster than wireless.

  • My iPhone 4 will not complete a back up. Error - 5000 comes up

    Error 5000 appears after "preaparing phone for back up" completes. "Continuing will result in the loss of all contents of this phone" is the message. Phone will not complete a synch and iTunes often goes into "Not responding". I have repaired iTunes by downloading the software from Apple's website. No improvement.
    Can anybody offer a solution?

    This is a bad situation. Your iPhone is in a state which cannot be backed up, and the Restore will return iPhone to factory specs erasing it. You need to Restore your iPhone to get it working again. If you were experiencing problems before, maybe your iPhone is damaged. If still faulty, and you have Warranty or AppleCare take iPhone to Apple for evaluation. If no coverage and still faulty it may be time for new phone.

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    Mavircks 10.9.1 keeps erring during the download and will not complete.  What do I do?

    Get the official version of Firefox here: http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/
    As long as you '''''don't''''' select the option to '''Remove Firefox personal data and customizations''' when you un-install that "Yahoo version", you won't lose anything.

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