
I would like to know if the Java 3D technologie was discontinnued. I never seen an version update for it.

I would keep up this thread because i'm searching for informations about the future of Java3D wich i consider one of the best "3D language" (or structure for a 3D environment) ever made.
I spent some time learning about various kind of bindings such as jogl or gl4java (i wonder how much is worth Java as a procedural-like language because this is what bindigns seems to make to Java) and i have some basic knowledge about C++ & OpenGL but in fact no one of this can be compared with the structure of Java3D.
I think that the simplicity of the structure can be easily show if you try to make a Java3D-translation of any C-OpenGL sample that can be found on internet (obviously keeping in mind that is just OpenGL 1.2 compliant).
Anyone knows were to take officials informations about Java3D future? I heard lots of rumors about his death, but nothing coming out from sun!

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    pluggedin2 wrote:
    Syncopator, how did you retrieve the app from Time Machine? I thought it would be fairly easy to do but I'm not finding the app I need. Thanks for any light you can shine on this!
    Actually, it is easy.  :-)
    You have to start by viewing the folder that contained the item you want to restore. (Or navigate to that folder in Time Machine.)
    That folder is:
    ~/Music/iTunes/iTunes Media/Mobile Applications
    (The symbol "~" is shorthand for your home folder, which you can access from the sidebar in a Finder window.)
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    Source:        MSExchangeIS
    Date:          10/23/2012 10:41:53 AM
    Event ID:      9818
    Task Category: Exchange VSS Writer
    Level:         Information
    Keywords:      Classic
    User:          N/A
    Computer:      PLYMAIL.mcquay.com
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    Source:        ESE
    Date:          10/23/2012 10:41:53 AM
    Event ID:      2005
    Task Category: ShadowCopy
    Level:         Information
    Keywords:      Classic
    User:          N/A
    Computer:      PLYMAIL.mcquay.com
    Information Store (3572) Shadow copy instance 2051 starting. This will be a Full shadow copy.
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    Restore in iTunes. See

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    ◼ Blog and photo comments
    ◼ Blog search
    ◼ Hit counter
    ◼ MobileMe Gallery
    All of these features can be replaced with 3rd party options.
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    Click to view full size
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    This might be of some interest to you at this time: Life After MobileMe.

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  • Trnsfr Rqmnt created via PP for discontinuation mateiral and follow up mat

    Production order was created and it has PN A which has been set for discontinuation (1) with follow up material B. The effective out date is in the future.
    When generating WM Picklist, TR was created for both parts and issued. On confirmation only the part marked with discontinuation was consumed.
    How can i not generated TR for the follow up part?

    In the production order components details, there is a column for Discontinuation of the components.
    If you do not want the TR to be generated for follow up material, then in the material master(MRP 4) view of the parent component remove the followup material first and then uncheck the Discontinuation column in the order.
    If you want to discontinue the parent component from now with a followup material put "5" into the column it.It also has a option of simple discontinuation as "1" where in TR for the followup material will not be generated.

  • Discontinuation Material in MRP run

    In our scenario, we are using Discontinued parts with (Discontinuation Ind - 1, Effectivity-out date - Nil) with follow-up material in MRP4 view of MM.
    It is observed that whenever there is no sufficient stock exist, dependant requirement is not transferred to the follow-up material during MRP run. However is the same is happening during Material Availability check.
    Is there any IMG setting for this to happen during MRP run also.
    Thanks in advance.
    Parthasarathy P

    Hi ,Parthasarathy,
    if an item to be disticontinued item , the following must be true.
    1. you have to define Discont ind= 1, and followup material  in MRP VIEW,
    2. Both Discont item and followup items should have same base unit of measure.
    3. When BOM of Header Material creation, discontinuation data is maintained for the discontinued item and follow-up data is maintained for the follow-up item -in CS01.
    4. Then you have to assign some value for Discontinuation Group  in "Discontinuation Data" for your Discot item in BOM. -in CS01
    5. Then create a followup group with same value of Discont Group for yourFollowup item -in CS01.
    During the MRP run the Dependent requirements of header material will be transferred to Followup item if it is not enough stock of Discont item.
    Please check your Discont data has defined in BOM. The value of Discont group and follow group should be same.
    please letus know for further doubts...

  • Discontinuation functionality with production orders

    Dear Guru's,
    Can anyone please confirm: is the functionality for discontinuation of a material (including follow-up material) not available with production orders?
    Example: in our system we have component A that is followed up by component B. This is set in material master - MRP 4.
    We also have production orders for the upcoming 4 months in our system. If the stock of component A is depleted within these 4 months, we would expect to see requirements (orderreservations?)  on component B, but this is not the case.
    Thanks for any comments,
    Rgds, AJ

    Discontinuation works for Production orders.Couple of Checks needed for both Follow up and Discontinued Materials to arrive to actual problem
    1) Base unit of measure must be same
    2) Should have same MRP type
    3) Not defined as Co-Products
    For detailed info pl refer the link

  • Discontinued parts - how include fixed receipts??

    In the MRP 4 view , we can set Discontinuation indicator for one material ,and defined the follow-up material.
    And the system will transfers the dependent requirements in materials planning to the follow-up material if they are no longer covered by warehouse stocks.
    In standard SAP system , When discontinuing parts, the system does not include fixed receipts such as order proposals or production orders if they are after the effective-out date. The system issues the "Please cancel and Receipt" after effective-out date exception messages in Stock/Requirement List  (MD04 View)
    But we now indeed need the system to include fixed receipts,that is affter the last fixed receipt ,the discontimuting parts begin to take effect!
    How to do this? How discontinuing parts include fixed receipts??
    Thaks for any replay!

    Hi Fei Liu,
    The thing is rather simple; the idea with discontinuation is that from a certain date on we don't want to procure material A anymore, but B instead. Nevertheless, if there's any stock left from A I want to use it first.
    In this situation, if somebody manually creates a fixed procurement element, like purchase or production order, the system will only create an exeption message for the planner, since by the normal course of the process this should not have happened.
    If you have this situation happening a lot, the question is then if you're using the right functionality for your business case.

  • Discontinuation part management

    Dear all,
    I need to manage the following case.
    A material M1 is replaced with a follow-up material M2 only in one Bill of Material and we neet to transfer dependent requirements for a material component M1 that is no longer in stock (in sufficient quantities) to a follow-up material.
    Can you help me?

    I think once you define the discont indicator and follow up matl in material master for component M1 in MRP4 view , then the component M1 will be discontinued in all the BOMs and  the dep reqmts will be transferred to follow up matl defined in either matl master or BOM depending on the priority, once the stock of M1 gets exhausted.
    By defining discont group for M1 and followup group for M2 in one BOM , your reqmt will be fulfilled.
    (Followup matl M2 will override the followup matl defined in Matl master , if its different from M2)
    But , in other BOMs also , the component M1 will be discontinued and the dep reqmts will be transferred to the follow up matl  defined in matl master.

  • Activate Discontinue Data in MRP4

    Hai Techies,
    Could you please advice me how to activate the discontinue data, Follow up material, effectivity out of date in MRP4 screen for MM.
    Does it have any MPR setting to be done in IMG Or is it available as default for all SAP ECC 6.0
    Thanking you in advance.
    Edited by: krishu100 on Jun 23, 2011 3:11 PM

    krishu100 wrote:
    Hai Experts,
    > I found out that using transaction we could find set the reference material field for the Material Master. In the transaction under the reference material list you could find that there is a selection allowed for follow-up materials.
    > Can any one please check me that in case if i activate this, is there a relation for the discontinous data, Follow up material and eff date gets activated?
    > I don have a SAP system so i feel so hard to check.
    > Thanking you in advance.
    > Regards,
    > Kris.S
    > Edited by: krishu100 on Jun 24, 2011 5:28 PM
    in SAP standard without any change in feld references, these fields are visible in the MRP view.
    If they are invisible in your system, then you must have changed the settings yourself.
    about which transaction are you talking?

  • Using up all discontinued parts stock

    Hi all,
    How can i use up all discontinued parts stock before follow up material has been valid by using engineering change management when the change comes into effect on valid to date?

    discontinued parts

  • Discontinuation data

    I have one error getting during setting discontinuation indicator and follow-up material in MM.
    I need to discontinue one material with other material as follow-up material. But when i am putting the other material as follow-up material it is giving me the error" The specified follow-up material results in recursiveness".
    When i have analysed then what i found is , the follow-up material is already discontinued in other plant. But does it make any sense that if the material is discontinued in one plant , I can not use the same materil as follow-up material in other plant?
    I hope that discontinuation of the material is at plant level not client level. Is it correct? if yes then why I am getting this error.
    I have checked the BOM also there is no recursiveness in the BOM.
    Please resolve my problem.
    Deepak Sharma

    Thanks for response. But how can i resolve this issue as my one discontinued material in one plant can not be discontnued in the other plant. And follow-up material in one plant can be discontinued in other plant.
    Please advice.
    Deepak Sharma

  • Why there is no dependent req. passed from discontinued material ?

    Dear gurus,
    I set discotinue indicator=1, effective-out date and follow-up material. But, there is no dependent requirement passed from discontinued material material. That is I can't see the dependent requirement for the follow-up material. Anyone tell me the reason? Thanks!

    I will test soon. Thanks to all involved.

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