Discoverer in Portal

I have tried to publish a discoverer workbook and worksheet through Portal with no success. I have built the Discoverer portlet provider, but when I go to edit the worksheets or list of workbooks, I do not get a list of available Discovere workbooks. Any suggestions on how I get my existing workbooks to show in the drop down lists?

The CORBA Error is definitely Discoverer specific. It could be several causes..the Object Activation Daemon (OAD) is overloaded, a misconfiguration, etc.
You mentioned you tested the worksheet with Discoverer Plus; however, the Discoverer Portlet Provider uses the Discoverer Viewer (servlet) as the underlying technology.
I would suggest the following:
1.) Test with Viewer
2.) We do have the capability to turn on some diagnostic tracing via the configuration.xml file
Try this:
· Stop Oracle HTTP Server (Apache)(via EM or $ORACLE_HOME/dcm/bin/dcmctl stop –ct ohs)
· Stop Oracle Discoverer Services
· Delete (or copy and delete if you want a backup) the OHS error_log, access_log and the OC4J Discoverer application.log
(<Middle-Tier OH>/j2ee/OC4J_BI_Forms/application-deployments/discoverer/OC4J_BI_Forms_default_island_1/application.log)
· Enable the highest level of logging in the httpd.conf (For example: httpd.conf = LogLevel debug)
· Enable any further Diagnostics for Discoverer Plus/Viewer per: Note. 209582.1 Oracle Discoverer Complete Diagnostics as directed by Oracle Support
Setup additional logging for Discoverer Viewer:
<$Middle-Tier OH>/j2ee/OC4J_BI_Forms/applications/discoverer/web/WEB-INF/configuration.xml
Add the logkey parameters like this example:
<!--Server connection configuration. Determines how the Discoverer middle-tier connects to a Discoverer server session.
session is normally defined by system property oracle.discoverer.server.session=<yoursessionname>DiscovererSession
but can be overridden here by attribute session="SESSION_NAME"
To provide middle tier trace information, add attribute logkeys -->
<server use_log_file="true" logkeys="disco.portlet.debug"/>
<!-- alternate logkeys "discoiv.init execute discoiv.requestdiscoiv.servlet_exceptions discoiv.state_machine discoiv.http_session discoiv.cookies discoiv.hijack" -->
<!--Discoverer Servlet configuration. -->
· Start Oracle HTTP Server (Apache) (via EM or dcmctl)
· Start Oracle Discoverer Services
· Immediately reproduce the issue
Unfortunately, this is a best efforts forum, so...
3.) you may want to log a Service Request with Oracle Support to help evaluate the diagnostics

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    when installing AS 10.1.2 i have several install options.
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    You cannot do that. You have to do a fresh install of and choose Business Intelligence and Forms install type. This install type provides you the ability to install both Discoverer and Portal in the same Oracle Home. Seems like you installed Discoverer from BI CD, which gives you the ability to just install Discoverer. Instead use the EE download or Oracle Application Server main CDs from the CD pack.

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    Are you saying you are having issues with a database link between 8i and 11g (pl post exact versions to 4 digits) ? If so, it should be expected as database links between these two versions are not supported. Is there a reason you cannot upgrade the portal database to at least 10gR2 ?
    See MOS Doc 207303.1

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    Do you know how to do it?
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    Thank you very much,

    There is no such process of rollback the patchset.
    If you have a backup of the Forms and Reports Release 1 , restore it back.
    Note: Please mark the answer as correct or useful if it helped you.

  • Discoverer within Portal

    I am trying to do an automatic login into discoverer from an application. THe only way to achieve this is to use discoverer within a portal. Can any one explain me or point me to any documents as to how this can be achieved. I am trying to make use of the SSO functionality of Portal.

    - Log in as Portal Admin
    - Home page, 2nd tab, 'Admin'
    - 'Administer External Applications'
    - Create a new External Application
    - Name = 'Oracle Discoverer Viewer'
    - URL = 'http://yournode/discoverer4i/viewer'
    - Field for user = 'us'
    - Field for password = 'pw'
    - Additional fields
    Depends on what you need, I chose
    tnsname and language:
    - Fieldname = 'db', Value = 'mydb'
    - Fieldname = 'nlsl' Value = 'de-ch'
    The various parameters are described in the
    Disco 4i Config-Guide, '4.3 Discoverer Viewer URL arguments'.
    Then the individual user has to include the portlet 'external applications' and activate the newly created entry...
    Hope that helps
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by [email protected]:
    I am trying to do an automatic login into discoverer from an application. THe only way to achieve this is to use discoverer within a portal. Can any one explain me or point me to any documents as to how this can be achieved. I am trying to make use of the SSO functionality of Portal.

  • Problem in showing worksheet of discoverer in portal

    Hi All,
    I have created a worksheet in an user called BI.
    I have logged into Portal using user orcladmin.
    I have registered the portal provider.
    I have added the portlet in the portal page.
    I can see the public connect in the edit page.
    When i click next in the edit page it shows me the user and share node.
    I click the user node it shows me the list of user.
    When i click the user BI it show me an error as "An error occurred while handling the request in the controller."
    I am not able to see the workbook.
    Pls help me.

    The problems with the portlet provider. Edit it and do the following:
    Uncheck "Web provider in same cookie domain as the portal" and also for the User/Session Information, choose either "Always" or "Once per user session" NOT "never".
    Its bug no 4118067 in metalink, the above is a workaround!!

  • Setting up Discoverer in Portal for 9iAS

    Can someone point me in the direction of some documentation on deploying the Discoverer portlet?
    I have implemented 9iAS
    Thanks ,

    If you have e-business suite then it's likely you have Oracle support too.
    I'd give them a call to get hold of the zip file you are after. I can't locate it anywhere on our site for you to download.

  • Oracle Portal and Discoverer Integration

    Portal Version:
    RDBMS Versjion:
    OS/Vers. Where Portal is Installed:: Suse 7 SLES
    Error Number(s)::
    Oracle Portal and Discoverer Integration
    We're trying to integrate Discoverer with Portal unsuccessfully.
    We made many things in accordance with oracle's documentation until add discoverer portlets (worksheet and list of workbooks) in a test page.
    In view mode, the worksheet portlet shows the error:
    "The portlet has not been defined. The publisher must define the portlet by clicking on Edit Defaults for the portlet on the edit mode of this page. Please contact the publisher of this page."
    We think we have to edit properties before. Is this? Anyway edit worksheet portlet crashes between step 1 and 2. The error is: "The listener returned the following Message: 500 Internal Server Error".
    We have a public conection created in EM and a discoverer application which can be viewed using plus or viewer.
    Furthermore, it's not possible delete the added portlets neither the page that contain it. The error at delete is:
    Error: An unexpected error occurred: User-Defined Exception (WWC-44082)
    An unexpected error has occurred in portlet instances: User-Defined Exception (WWC-
    An unexpected error occurred: User-Defined Exception (WWC-43000)
    The following error occurred during the call to Web provider:
    at oracle.portal.utils.v2.ContainerException.fillInStackTrace(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.Throwable.<init>(
    at java.lang.Exception.<init>(
    at oracle.portal.utils.v2.ContainerException.<init>(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.portal.provider.v2.PortletException.<init>(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.portal.provider.v2.PortletNotFoundException.<init>(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.disco.portlet.provider.DiscoPortletPersonalizationMgr.destroy
    at oracle.portal.provider.v2.DefaultPortletInstance.deregister(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.webdb.provider.v2.adapter.soapV1.ProviderAdapter.deregisterPortlet
    (Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
    at oracle.webdb.provider.v2.utils.soap.SOAPProcessor.doMethodCall(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.webdb.provider.v2.utils.soap.SOAPProcessor.processInternal(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.webdb.provider.v2.utils.soap.SOAPProcessor.process(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.webdb.provider.v2.adapter.SOAPServlet.doSOAPCall(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.webdb.provider.v2.adapter.SOAPServlet.service(Unknown Source)
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at com.evermind.server.http.ResourceFilterChain.doFilter
    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke
    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal
    at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest
    Edit properties for portlet List of Workbook works but in view mode we have the error in the portlet area:
    "Failed to refresh portlet. Please verify that the information used to create the
    portlet instance or customization is still valid. Otherwise, please contact your
    iAS administrator. oracle.discoiv.controller.FatalControllerException:
    DiscoNetworkException - Nested exception: org.omg.CORBA.OBJECT_NOT_EXIST: minor
    code: 0 completed: No null"
    Any ideas?

    Hi there,
    Have you applied any patches to 9ias since it was first installed? We had the same problem and had to apply a couple of patches to get the portlets working.
    1. Apply the one-off patch for Oracle 9iAS Discoverer which takes Discoverer up to This patch appears to be password protected and you need to get someone at Oracle support to give you a password.
    2. Apply the Discoverer Portlet Provider: patch (patch no. 2595444) which gives you a new discportal.xsl file that actually works. It's this second step that solves your problem but you need to do step 1 before this. This is password protected as well.
    3. As you've upgraded Disco on the server to, you'll need to upgrade Disco Admin & Desktop within your 9iDS installation using patch no. 2555265. This is because Disco uses an upgraded EUL that Disco Admin & Desktop need to be patched to use.
    This was the course of action Oracle support advised us about nine months ago. Of course they may have released a further patch to Disco that does 1 & 2 in one go, but we regularly carry out steps 1 and 2 on servers we use and we can use the Disco portlets successfully.
    Hope this helps
    Mark Rittman
    [email protected]

  • Problem of Visualization of Discoverer Report in Portal

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    I have a report the Discoverer in PORTAL and the problem is that it is seen simultaneously too small and different from as visualizes in the Discoverer Plus or Discoverer Desktop. I have Discoverer and Portal version 9.0.4

  • How to setup discoverer to work with portal in future

    I have to setup the environment for a discoverer 10g R2 based reporting application.
    The application is supposed to display reports on the portal that is hosted on Oracle 10g AS.
    I started with installation of Oracle 10g R2 DB server. I have the Oracle BI suite 10g , Oracle 10g AS, Oracle 10g Portal etc with me.
    Can someone guide me as to how should I proceed in the installation step-wise so as the repoting application can be hooked on to the AS and displayed in portal.
    The slight catch here is there is a separate team working on developing the portal.
    I need to know what is to be done so that there is a smooth merger of discoverer with the portal.

    The interaction between Discoverer and Portal takes place after you have installed the full-blown application server. Stand-alone Discoverer cannot be made to hook into Portal.
    When you install the full application server you need an infrastructure database. You either do this manually by inserting the repository components into an existing database or you use the seeded database that comes with the install. Personally, I prefer the seeded approach.
    After you have installed the infrastructure you run the installer a second time and install the middle tier. While you can install the infrastructure and middle components onto the same machine, performance is better if you use different machines. However, if you are only trying to test things out, doing all of this on one machine would be ok.
    After you have got your middle tier components installed (Discoverer and Portal), make sure they are working. For Discoverer you will need to have an EUL. For Portal you only need to be able to connect to it.
    Next, and only now comes the link between Discoverer and Portal. All you need to do is tell Portal that the link is to be enabled. This is called creating a portlet provider.
    To create a portlet provider for Discoverer follow this workflow:
    1. Connect to Portal as Portal user
    2. On the top right, click the Administer tab
    3. You will see three further tabs, this time on the left, called Portal, Portlets and Database
    4. Click the Portlets tab
    5. Locate the Remote Providers box on the top right hand side
    6. Click Register a Provider
    7. In Provider Information enter the following:
    a) a name - for example Discoverer
    b) a Display name - for example Discoverer
    c) Timeout - for example 30 seconds
    d) Timeout message - for example Please try again later
    e) In implementation Stype select Web
    f) Click the Next button
    8. In General Properties enter the following:
    a) In URL type http://hostname:port/discoverer/portletprovider
    You may need to omit the port on some systems so that it would look like this:
    Note: type discoverer/portletprovider as stated
    If you do need a port and are unsure as to which port number to enter follow this workflow:
    i) Launch a second browser window
    ii) Type http://hosntame:1811 (or whatever is the AS Control port on your system) and press Enter
    iii) In username enter ias_admin and the associated password
    iv) When authenticated, you will see the Farm for your infrastructure and mid tier
    v) Cick on the mid tier instance (you may need to enter your ias_admin username and password again)
    vi) Click the Ports link alongside the word Home at the top of the screen
    vii) Note the port number for your HTTP Server Listen(non-SSL) port
    viii) Close AS Control and go back to the portlet provider setup
    b) Check the box Web provider in same cookie domain as the portal
    c) Leave other defaults as they are and scroll down to section called User/Session Information
    d) In User/Session Information check User and specify that the frequency should be Once per user session
    e) Click the Next button
    8. In Grant Access leave this alone and click the Finish button
    9. If you get a warning about the cookie domain click the OK button
    10. Exit Portal
    You have now successfully created a portlet provider for Discoverer
    To test that this is working enter one og these in your browser window:
    If using ports:
    If not using ports:
    The system should respond with Congratulations! You have successfully reached your Provider's Test Page
    Does this help?

  • AS 10g SE now includes Reports and Discoverer?

    I've read some articles about the "new" AS that it has been "re-packaged" (licensewise) and that the BI stuff like Reports and Discoverer are included in the Std Ed. Also (in the FAQ I think) that some EE stuff has been moved "down" to SE - sounds promising! But I have not been able to verify this... Anyone out there?

    I urge Oracle do the same for Discoverer.
    We have been using Discoverer since 3i. This year, we had some people on 3i still and some on 4i. We went through the conversion to 4i and no one is using 3i at all now. These people are very used to how Discoverer works. They are used to using database authentication and security to workbooks.
    The Infrastructure can store connection information for each user. By default, it stores connection information in cookies on the user's machine but you can configure the Infrastructure to store this data for you. The Infrastructure also stores metadata for Discoverer Portlets (Portal required).
    So that is it. If you are not using Portal nor care about storing connection information in a database, then why even have the Infrastructure for Discoverer? Just like Reports and Forms, if you aren't using SSO or Portal, there is no need for the Infrastructure and Oracle should provide an installer to let you install Discoverer without having the Infrastructure sitting there.
    Here is the doc on Metalink that explains what the Infrastructure does with Discoverer 9i.
    I also spoke with John Entenmann at ODTUG in Miami this year and asked him if Discoverer works and is supported in an install without the Infrastructure. He agreed that if you are not using Portal or SSO, you don't need the Infrastructure with Discoverer 9i.
    Now Oracle needs to support Discoverer customers in the same way they are going to support Forms and Reports customers by providing a more reasonable installer that doesn't require the Infrastructure to be installed first.

  • Oracle9iAS Discoverer

    We have recently installed the Oracle9iAS R2 and our portal tool is up and
    Bud how do I integrate the 9iAS discoverer into portal environment?
    I checked the website and found some docs, but links are not working.
    Any help?

    Here is the main page link
    In the above page, under the title Technical Information, Oracle9iAS Discoverer, most
    of the links are not working....
    One of the link,

  • Register the Discoverer portlet provider Error

    We have the following configuration:
    Oracle9iAS Infrastructure:
    Machine: Pentium 4
    S.O. Windows 2000
    Oracle9iAS MiddleTier:
    Machine: Pentium 4
    S.O. Windows 2000
    We need to develop a portal application using Discoverer Portlet. When we are trying to register the Discoverer Portlet Provider, we get the following error :
    An error occurred when attempting to call the providers register function. (WWC-43134)
    An unexpected error occurred: recv() timed out
    A non-blocking socket operation could not be completed immediately.
    at HTTPClient.ExtBufferedInputStream.fill(
    at HTTPClient.Response.readResponseHeaders(
    at HTTPClient.Response.getHeaders(
    at HTTPClient.Response.getStatusCode(
    at HTTPClient.RetryModule.responsePhase1Handler(
    at HTTPClient.HTTPResponse.handleResponse(
    at HTTPClient.HTTPResponse.getInputStream(
    at oracle.webdb.provider.web.HttpProviderDispatcher.dispatch
    at oracle.webdb.provider.web.HttpProviderDispatcher.registerProvider

    I had a similar problem, first I made sure my discover connections worked by connecting to discover through IAS. Then when I registered the discoverer in portal, it timed out the first couple of times. I then refreshed the browser window a couple of times and it worked.

  • Can't start the web site of Reports Services

    Does anybody know how to fix this problem?
    After installation of the 9iAS, can't start the web site of
    Reports Services
    and Form Services from the URL listed in the postinstallation
    guide using
    default port no 1950. The dev60html and devdem60/demo
    directories are not
    existing, the runrep.htm and runform.htm files are in the
    tools/web60/html. I also tried to replace the dev60html with
    in the URL but it won't work.
    During the installation the discoverer and portal tools failed,
    the portal
    hanged at 100%, and the discoverer didn't install the util
    directory. But we
    can login to the portal from the URL.
    Below is the message when I start from the command line: I am
    not sure if it is
    $ reports60_server start
    Stopping Reports Server processes...
    kill -9 5647
    Reports Server stopped.
    Starting new Reports Server .
    Stopping Reports Server processes...
    kill -9 5910
    Reports Server stopped.
    $ reports60_server start
    Stopping Reports Server processes...
    Could not find running instance of Reports Server
    Starting new Reports Server .

    Dumb question : is one of your server listening on port 7001 ? If not, should it ?
    What is the expected behavior ? A managed trying to connect to the admin server ?
    Check the value for ADMIN_URL value, set in the or cmd.
    Another dumb question : do you have a firewall ?

  • Downgrading from JDK 1.5.x to JDK 1.4.x

    Hi there,
    I hope someone helps me with an issue:
    I developed a web app using JDev using the JDK 1.5 included with JDev.
    As we are now faced with the fact that this app has to run on an OAS 10.1.2, which to my knowledge uses JDK 1.4.x I have to downgrade from JDK1.5.x->1.4.x.
    The technologies that I used are Toplink, EJB 3.0 Session Bean and ADF Faces for the UI layer.
    I already downloaded and installed JDK 1.4.2_15 from Sun and changed the default JDK from 1.5.x in JDeveloper to use 1.4.2_15. When I recompiled my Model Project, as excected, I got the following compilation errors on my Bean Class java source file:
    Error(29,1): errorIllegalCharacter
    Error(29,2): 'class', 'interface', or 'enum' expected
    on the same line where I had the EJB 3.0 annotation as follows:
    @Stateless(name = "NordPublicFacade")
    and also on my Local Interface source:
    Error(22,1): errorIllegalCharacter
    Error(22,2): 'class', 'interface', or 'enum' expected
    for the line:
    OK, I know that these annotations/injections(or whatever they're called) are new features of EJB 3.0 and can only be used with JDK 1.5.
    I also have red underlines in some facade methods where generics are used for Toplink Named Queries (please remember this is generated code) so for example:
    List<CompanyStructure> findAllCompanyStructure();
    On my ViewController project (the UI project) I get the following errors:
    refresh = false;
    Error(37,17): operator = not applicable to class java.lang.Boolean and boolean
    Error(92,7): method setManagedBeanValue(javax.faces.context.FacesContext, java.lang.String, boolean) not found in class NordMaintApp.view.util.JSFUtils
    My questions
    1) What's the best way to go about downgrading?
    a) Should I create a new EJB 2.x Session Bean or should I use the Java Service Facade (which I hope creates a POJO and therefore is EJB version independant or not?)
    b) Is it necessary to do anything special to the Toplink classes?
    2) What are the errors that I get in my ViewController project ?
    Thanks In Advance

    Hi again Shay and THANK YOU!
    We simply downloaded OC4J 10.1.3 & installed it (all we had to do is simply unzip it) in a separate directory on its own, on the SAME Server as OAS ( EE, which includes Discoverer and Portal) AND IT WORKED !
    We're now back on using JD 10.1.3 with all its new features etc etc. We even downloaded JDK1.5 and got OC4J working with this JDK WITHOUT, of course, affecting our OAS 10.1.2 installation which works with JDK1.4.2. That woudn't have been possible without your feedback.
    It's just that looking at that reference you gave me, I thought that I would have to create a separate instance on the OAS 10.1.2 installation and install 10.1.3 on that one. But eventually it was so much simpler than that. And the memory overhead of OC4J is not that much.
    I could create a simple ADF JSF page which just displays data from a table and it's OK!
    I could deploy it just fine, though I found out that I have to deploy the ADF Runtimes first; OC4J doesn't come with them. Other than that, it was just fine!
    As I said, I'm now using ADF JSF pages for my front-end and ADF BC for my back end; it's so much easier than using Toplink directly.
    Only one problem left though (sorry to bother you like that):
    In one of the previous emails you mentioned it might be better to use Webcenter for ADF Faces. Unfortunately we cannot go with this option I'm afraid, because we already have an existing portal running on the Oracle Portal that's already included with our OAS I assume that the Oracle Portal's version is also Can I deploy ADF JSF faces as a portlet on this one ? I realise that JDev 10.1.3 comes with some wizards to do this and it seems that I have 2 options: Oracle PDK-Java Portlets or JSR-168 based portlets. I just want whichever one will allow me to have my ADF JSF pages deployed as Portlets on OP, so that it can be integrated into any one of the exisiting Portal pages that a colleague of mine already developed (and are waiting for my pages to finish, which currently, when called from a link inside a Portal page displays it in a new page and the user can get back to the Portal page by clicking on the browser's back button). I realise that If I have the JSF page as a portlet, it will then be possible to be integrated into an existing page, that is, have my page to occupy it's own region in a Portal's page.
    Once again, Thanks for your help and Thanks In Advance.

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