Display address service

We have a requirement of displaying the address and bank information of employees in the portal. We are using the service PZ02 and PZ03 for this purpose, but the problem with this service is that it not only displays  but at the same time also allows to change the same which we want to avoid.
Please let us know if there is any other service available which only displays the addess bank information or any other means of avoiding the change option.
With Regards,
Kaustuv Goswami.

we copied these services and made them only to display and not to change.

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  • Address Service customization

    hi all,
    My requirement is The Addresses service from Personal Data workset should be personalized as mentioned below.
    In the service three address type are being displayed
    1.     permanent residence
    2.     contact address
    3.     emergency address
    So out of these there addresses, permanent address details should be read only and other two (Contact and emergency) address should be editable.
    That means Employee will not able to update his/her permanent address. They can only view it. And for other two types employees will have read, write, edit access.
    Thanks in advance,

    check view  V_T7XSSPERSUBTYP, there you can configure what is editable and what isn't (per subtype).
    you can find the documentation in SPRO (Personal management / Employee self service / service specific / own data)
    kr, achim

  • Step by Step configuration for Emergency address service - (Hongkong)

            Can somebody guide me to configure  emergency address service ( EMPLOYEE_PERSINFO_ADDRESS) for Hong Kong ?
      I had configured Japan emergency service last year and I do have some idea . I want to see , if any body out there specifically work on Hong Kong EA service .  Please provide  steps to complete this task .
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    Saquib Khan

    Check following ...................
    You define country-specific services. When an employee starts a service, the system determines the employee's country grouping and checks if there is a country-specific service definition in the V_T7XSSSERSRVCG and V_T7XSSSERSRVCGC views.
    If there is a country-specific service definition, the system uses this definition.
    If there is no country-specific service definition, the system uses the general service definition in the V_T7XSSSERSRV and V_T7XSSSERSRVC views. If the general service definition does not contain a resource object, the system does not display the service (see example 2).
    This enables you to define country-specific variations of services for certain countries while using a general service definition for all other countries.
    Example 1
    Your company has employees in seven different countries:
    Germany (01)
    Austria (02)
    Switzerland (03)
    Canada (07)
    USA (10)
    (Number in brackets = country grouping)
    The service for displaying a salary statement is the same for Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. For Canada and the USA, you need services with additional content.
    You define a general service for displaying the salary statement in the V_T7XSSSERSRV and V_T7XSSSERSRVC views.
    You define two additional services for the country groupings 07 and 10 in the V_T7XSSSERSRVCG and V_T7XSSSERSRVCGC views.
    When an employee from Germany, Austria or Switzerland starts the service for displaying salary statements, the system uses the service definition in the V_T7XSSSERSRV and V_T7XSSSERSRVC views.
    When an employee from Canada or the USA starts the service for displaying salary statements, the system uses the service definition in the V_T7XSSSERSRVCG and V_T7XSSSERSRVCGC views.
    Example 2
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    Germany (01)
    Switzerland (03)
    (Number in brackets = country grouping)
    There is a service that is only relevant for employees from Switzerland.
    You define a general service without a resource object in the V_T7XSSSERSRV and V_T7XSSSERSRVC views.
    You define a country-specific service with a resource object for country grouping 03 in the V_T7XSSSERSRVCG and V_T7XSSSERSRVCGC views
    This service is only displayed for employees in Switzerland.

  • Business Address Services (BAS) and Where-Used ADRV/ADRVP

    Can someone point out any good sources of information on Business Address Services or possibly its predecessors either online or hard-print?  I've been through the help.sap.com information for BAS and all sorts of SAPNotes without finding what I'm looking for.
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    I am observing this behavior in both R/3 4.6c and ECC 5.0.  Trying to understand why SAP is using or not using ADRV in these situations and whether the behavior can and should be changed.

    Can someone point out any good sources of information on Business Address Services or possibly its predecessors either online or hard-print?  I've been through the help.sap.com information for BAS and all sorts of SAPNotes without finding what I'm looking for.
    In particular I'm trying to understand default SAP's usage of the Where-Used links in BAS that are stored in the tables ADRV and ADRVP.
    My Issue: If I create a Sales Document in SAP referencing a partner address stored in BAS there is no Where-Used ADRV record created.  So I cannot use the address number of the ADRC record to find which documents are referencing it via ADRV.
    steps to recreate:
    - Using existing Customer/Partners
    - Create Sales Document (Order) adding partners by selecting partner #'s and not manually overriding any address information.
    - Address of the partner is now linked in the Sales Document via VBPA-ADRDA=D and the ADDRNUMBER references the same ADRC address records that KNA1 points to.
    - There is no Where-Used record created in ADRV indicating that the Sales Document is linked to that address.
    - If I change or delete the ADRC record from KNA1 then I do not have the information available to take any special actions on linked Sales Documents.
    Note: If you manually override the address or use a one-time address when entering the Sales Document then the new address is linked via VBPA-ADRDA=E and a Where-Used record is created in ADRV.  Also any follow-on documents created with reference to the Sales Document will also have Where-Used records created in ADRV.  So in the case of changed or manually entered addresses ADRV does work as I would expect it to.
    I am observing this behavior in both R/3 4.6c and ECC 5.0.  Trying to understand why SAP is using or not using ADRV in these situations and whether the behavior can and should be changed.

  • Change of Country in 'Address' Service

    Hi All,
    In Address service, as I am changing the country from USA to some other country, say India, the dropdown for State does not get updated with the states of India. It still remains with the ststes of USA. Any reason behind this and how this can be resolved. The data actually gets fetched from V_T005S, which is happening in R/3 level but not in ESS

    yes you can change the country the state or region gets refreshed.
    did you add the countries in V_T7XSSPERFORADD
    Please check Class "CL_HRPA_PERNR_INFTY_XSS"    > Method
    In SPRO -> Personnel Management -> Employee Self Service -> Service-
    Specific Settings -> Own Data -> Foreign Address Settings -> Determine
    Countries for Foreign Address and Make Settings
    apply the note 1253136
    Also, Please note the regions will be refreshed accordingly once
    you change the country ie it will take to that country specific
    screen, So please verify which service being launched.
    Also i attach a document, what needs to be done, Not necessary these
    are the steps, but check if these are done.

  • Space is coming in displaying address in adobe forms

    Hi Experts,
    I am displaying address by fetching it from ADRC table. printing individual fields without using address node concept.
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    If there is any address field is vacant then that field is coming with space. I have to suppress this space and display the next field here.
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    Javascript code is written correctly but stilll issue persist.
    Please suggest me.....
    Thanks in advance.

    HI friend,
    I too faced the same issue in Adobe during my project.
    But you can solve this easily.
    Just create an internal table and fill the fields of the address in the internal table. Ie each address line will be as a record in the internal table.
    After fetching all the address lines now you can see the internal table is filled with one employees or 1 items address details.
    Now perform operation on the internal table.
    This will delete all the spaces now loop that internal table and print the address details.
    This is how i solved my issue, If you find difficulties in achieving it please revert back to me i will help you.
    Sri Hari

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    select username,client_name,task,work_date
    from replicon where
    username = :P3_USERNAME and
    work_date between to_date(:P3_START_DATE,'DD-MON-RR') and
    order by work_date
    but I'm getting this error:
    ORA-01858: a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected
    The date format is "DD-MON-RR', and the work_date column is a "DATE" data type.
    The button items are "P3_USERNAME","P3_START_DATE" and "P3_END_DATE" with the same values (&P3_USERNAME etc), and the button redirects to page 41.
    I can't see how I can pass the username, start_date and end_date from Page 3 to Page 41. Am I using the correct ITEMS, or is it the query?
    Help appreciated.

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    So if you are experiencing a no service. there are a few things you can try.
    Power cycle- power off and back on - test.
    Hard reset -hold home and power button until apple logo appears- release - wait until phone restarts -check
    Reseat the sim card - test.
    Reset network settings-  Settings>general>reset >reset network settings - wait for reboot -test.
    Reset all settings>settings>General>reset>reset all settings.
    Restore the phone following- http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1414

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    How do I get the phone to recognise service again so the phone can be used?

    Hi, thank you.  This still has made no improvement so will be contacting my service provider tomorrow.

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    hi i have purchased iphone4 from vodafone australia 2 years back.it is unlocked, when i went to india .it was not working with any carrier in india.it was displaying no service.is it a problem of iphone or any other anybody please could let me know?

    Hi ashish,
    Did you contact TPG about activating International Roaming before you left for India:

  • Display address omitted postal code for all countries in sapscript

    Hi everyone
    Does anyone know how to omit the postal code for all countries(eg. US ) when displaying address in sapscript form?
    I want to avoid to display postal code even the country is US.
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    Also, how to use combination keys of PRIORITY parameter?
    For example, if i want PRIORITY '1' 'S' 'L' 'N' 'C'
    I cannot write like this as following....

    Bold text describes the usage of <b>Priority</b>.
    ADDRESS: Formatting of addresses
    The command ADDRESS - ENDADDRESS formats an address according to the postal standards of the
    destination country defined in the parameter COUNTRY. The reference fields are described in the
    structure ADRS. Both constants and symbols can be assigned to the parameters.
    /: TITLE title
    /: NAME name1[,name2[,name3[,name4]]]
    /: STREET street
    /: POBOX PO box [CODE zip code]
    /: POSTCODE zip code
    /: CITY town1[,town2]
    /: REGION region
    /: COUNTRY country
    /: FROMCOUNTRY from country
    Both formatting data and address data are given as parameters. Address data is formatted for output in accordance with the parameters COUNTRY, PRIORITY and LINES. If available, the P.O. box is used instead of the street as the default.
    •&#61472;DELIVERY: Defines the street address. If this parameter is selected, the system prints the street address on the layout output instead of the P.O. box.
    •&#61472;PARAGRAPH: Defines in which paragraph format the address is output. If the parameter is not defined, the address is output in the default paragraph format.
    <b>•&#61472;PRIORITY: Defines which address lines can be omitted if necessary. You can enter a combination of the following values:
    A form of address
    P mandatory blank line 1
    Q mandatory blank line 2
    2 name2
    3 name3
    4 name4
    L name of country
    S line for the street
    O line for the city
    •&#61472;LINES: Defines how many lines are available for formatting the address. If all the address data cannot be formatted due to an insufficient number of lines, the data entered in the parameter PRIORITY is omitted. If the LINES specification is missing and this command is in a layout set window whose type is not MAIN, the lines available for the address layout are then calculated automatically by means of the current output line item and window size.
    •&#61472;TITLE: Required form of address.
    •&#61472;NAME: Up to four separate names, separated by commas, can be defined.
    •&#61472;STREET: Street specification including address number.
    •&#61472;POBOX: Post Office box number.
    •&#61472;CODE: P.O. box Postal or ZIP code if it is different from the postal code of the city.
    •&#61472;POSTCODE: Postal or ZIP code of the city.
    •&#61472;CITY: Up to two place names can be defined.
    •&#61472;REGION: Determines the administrative area.
    •&#61472;COUNTRY: Specifies the country according to whose specific postal standards the address    is formatted.
    •&#61472;FROMCOUNTRY: Defines in which language the name of the destination country is formatted. In EC countries, only the international country identification letter is put before the postal code with a hyphen.
    /: ADDRESS
    /: TITLE ‘Company’
    /: NAME ‘Widget Technology, Inc.’, ‘All Kind of Widgets’
    /: STREET ‘1005 Lido Lane’
    /: POBOX ‘2935’ CODE ‘94400’
    /: POSTCODE ‘94404’
    /: CITY ‘Foster City’
    /: REGION ‘CA’
    /: COUNTRY ‘USA’
    Generates the following address:
    Widget Technology, Inc.
    All Kind of Widgets
    PO box 2935
    Foster City, CA 94400
    If the supplement DELIVERY is specified for the command ADDRESS, then the street is entered instead of
    the PO box.
    Widget Technology, Inc.
    All Kind of Widgets
    1005 Lido Lane
    Foster City, CA 94404
    Reward points if answer helps you.

  • Problem in Address Service

    We are implementing ESS for ERP2005, we have a situation here, there is a problem in address service.
    When editing Emergency Address from ESS (Portal) and saving its not updating the same data, where as creating a new one (Duplicate). But when we try the to edit it  from PA30 it is updating the existing record.
    The use case used for the subtype  4 is B3
    Please throw some light

    The ESS services will create a new record....not delimit an existing one. Even when "editing" the exisitng record, it will end date the current one and then create a new "clone" of it with the adjusted delimitted dates. It's just the way ESS differs than doing it directly in PA30. Not sure why they went that route (maybe to be able to audit whatan employee changed versus HR admin?), but it is what it is.

  • [SOLVED] systemd display-manager.service problem

    After the upgrade of systemd, i noticed today this error in dmesg:
    systemd[1]: Cannot add dependency job for unit display-manager.service, ignoring: Unit display-manager.service failed to load: No such file or directory. See system logs and 'systemctl status display-manager.service' for details.
    systemctl status display-manager.service
    Loaded: error (Reason: No such file or directory)
    Active: inactive (dead)
    The strange thing is why systemd tries to load a service that doesn't exist! And what is this unit for? I'm using slim to load my xfce desktop, and everything works well...
    Any idea?
    EDIT: Uhm, may be the alias in slim.service, set to display-manager.service, is the problem? Or may be this is not a problem, but it is its normal behaviour , and i misunderstood something! Is it?
    Last edited by nierro (2012-07-15 17:13:42)

    nierro wrote:
    After the upgrade of systemd, i noticed today this error in dmesg:
    systemd[1]: Cannot add dependency job for unit display-manager.service, ignoring: Unit display-manager.service failed to load: No such file or directory. See system logs and 'systemctl status display-manager.service' for details.
    systemctl status display-manager.service
    Loaded: error (Reason: No such file or directory)
    Active: inactive (dead)
    The strange thing is why systemd tries to load a service that doesn't exist! And what is this unit for? I'm using slim to load my xfce desktop, and everything works well...
    Any idea?
    EDIT: Uhm, may be the alias in slim.service, set to display-manager.service, is the problem? Or may be this is not a problem, but it is its normal behaviour , and i misunderstood something! Is it?
    There has been a change regarding display managers. up until now they were WantedBy graphical.target, which was kind of stupid because this allowed you to enable multiple display managers.
    Instead graphical.target now Wants display-manager.service and all display managers are supposed to install the appropriate Alias. Afaik all display manager service files have been updated ragarding this and a "systemctl reenable slim.service" should fix it.

  • Display pm service order on application area CIC0

    Hi Experts,
    We have a requirement that the pm orders created for a business partner can be displayed on CIC0 on the navigation area. (Actually only display Costumer Service Orders) . What can we do?
    Thanks in Advance

    Hi Abdul,
      For this case, It will required some coding. You need to create an subtype for object ISUSMORDER. For exmaple ZISUSMORDE. And add new attribute 'person responsible' to the subtype, create a code to get person responsible into that attribute, and delegate the object to the subtype. then it will show up on transaction ENVD for you to select.

  • Business Address Service - Warning instead of error

    Hello together,
    i start to work with the Business Address Service. It's a smart tool and easy to handle but i'm a little confused about the error-handling. If i create a business partner and enter a RIGHT postal code i'm getting an error. But if a change this bp and enter a WRONG postel code i'm getting only a warning and the bp will be saved.
    I searched in the SAP documentation and found the following information
    "If a value is not contained in the corresponding check table, this is regarded as an error and the address is rejected.
    To avoid incorrect entries, you can use the F4 Help for the relevant fields."
    That's not true in our system. Are there any parameters i have to maintain?
    Best regards

    I'm so sorry you're having issues submitting an email- how very frusterating! Let me check into some alternatives for you.
    Either I or one of my colleagues will be back with suggestions soon.

Maybe you are looking for