Display Combo Boxes

Im building a program that queries a database for options and displays the options in a number of comboBoxes. The comboBoxes are dynamically built and loaded via code and added to the stage. I would like to build the comboBoxes into a single movie clip (maybe not the correct wording)  so I can use options like tweening and such to make it look better. The code is below. Any suggestions are welcomed...
ps. the QueryDriver class is the class that provides the methods to load the comboBoxes.
package classFiles
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import classFiles.URLFactory;
import classFiles.QueryBuilder;
import flash.events.Event;
import fl.controls.Button;
import fl.controls.ComboBox;
import fl.data.DataProvider;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
import fl.controls.TextInput;
import fl.controls.Label;
import fl.controls.CheckBox;
import flash.display.Shape;
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
public class MainClass extends MovieClip
private var _UrlDriver:URLFactory;
private var _QueryDriver:QueryBuilder;
private var subBtn:Button = new Button();
private var numbDays:TextInput = new TextInput();
private var treatDays:TextInput;
private var startDate:TextInput;
private var endDate:TextInput;
private var from_Btn:CheckBox;
private var to_Btn:CheckBox;
private var startDateString:String;
private var endDateString:String;
private var _xcoor:int;
private var _yCoor:int;
private var square:Shape;
private var typeBx:ComboBox;
private var dbBox:ComboBox;
private var treatBx:ComboBox;
private var indBx:ComboBox;
private var stkBx:ComboBox;
public function MainClass(xCord:int, yCord:int)
this.x = xCord;
this.y = yCord;
_QueryDriver = new QueryBuilder("hello");
_QueryDriver.addEventListener("SetDataBase", SetDbBox);
_QueryDriver.addEventListener("SetTreatments", SetTreatBx);
_QueryDriver.addEventListener("SetIndicators", SetIndBx);
_QueryDriver.addEventListener("SetStocks", SetStkBx);
function SetTypeBx():void
typeBx = new ComboBox();
var dp:DataProvider = new DataProvider(_QueryDriver.ReturnType());
typeBx.x = 200;
typeBx.width = 200;
typeBx.dataProvider = dp;
typeBx.prompt = "Please Select A Type";
typeBx.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, SetType);
function SetType(e:Event):void
_QueryDriver.TYPE = e.target.value;
function SetDbBox(e:Event):void
dbBox = new ComboBox();
var dp:DataProvider = new DataProvider(_QueryDriver.ReturnDatabases());
dbBox.y = 100;
dbBox.dataProvider = dp;
dbBox.width = 200;
dbBox.prompt = "Please Select A Database";
dbBox.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, SetDB);
dispatchEvent(new Event("DataBaseReady"));
//Event Listener for the Database comboBox
function SetDB(e:Event):void
var temp:String = e.target.value;
var i:int = temp.indexOf('"');
_QueryDriver.DATABASE = temp.substr(0,i);
function SetTreatBx(e:Event):void
treatBx = new ComboBox();
var dp:DataProvider = new DataProvider(_QueryDriver.ReturnTreatments());
treatBx.y = 200;
treatBx.dataProvider = dp;
treatBx.width = 200;
treatBx.prompt = "Please Select A Treatment";
treatBx.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, SetTreatments);
//Event Listener for the Database comboBox
function SetTreatments(e:Event):void
var temp:String = e.target.value;
var i:int = temp.indexOf('"');
_QueryDriver.TREATMENT = temp.substr(0,i);
function SetIndBx(e:Event):void
indBx = new ComboBox();
var dp:DataProvider = new DataProvider(_QueryDriver.ReturnIndicators());
indBx.y = 300;
indBx.dataProvider = dp;
indBx.width = 200;
indBx.prompt = "Please Select An Indicator";
indBx.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, SetIndicators);
//Event Listener for the Database comboBox
function SetIndicators(e:Event):void
var temp:String = e.target.value;
var i:int = temp.indexOf('"');
_QueryDriver.ENTITY = temp.substr(0,i);
function SetStkBx(e:Event):void
stkBx = new ComboBox();
var dp:DataProvider = new DataProvider(_QueryDriver.ReturnStock());
stkBx.y = 700;
stkBx.dataProvider = dp;
stkBx.width = 200;
stkBx.prompt = "Please Select A Stock";
stkBx.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, SetStocks);
//Event Listener for the Database comboBox
function SetStocks(e:Event):void
var temp:String = e.target.value;
var i:int = temp.indexOf('"');
_QueryDriver.STOCK_INDICATOR = temp.substr(0,i);
function CreateSubmitBttn()
subBtn.x = 350;
subBtn.y = 350;
subBtn.label = "Submit";
subBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, SubmitQuery);
function SetDaysToCalculateBx()
numbDays.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, SetDaysToCalculate);
numbDays.x = 200;
numbDays.y = 200;
function SetTreatmentDaysBx()
treatDays = new TextInput();
treatDays.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, SetTreatmentDays);
treatDays.x = 200;
treatDays.y = 100;
function SetStartDate()
var lbl:Label = new Label();
lbl.text = "Start";
startDate = new TextInput();
startDate.x = 275;
startDate.y = 300;
startDate.text = "";
startDate.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, StartDate);
function SetEndDate()
var lbl:Label = new Label();
lbl.text = "End";
endDate = new TextInput();
endDate.x = 400;
endDate.y = 300;
endDate.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, EndDate);
function SetStartChkBx()
from_Btn = new CheckBox();
from_Btn.y = 325;
from_Btn.x = 275;
from_Btn.label = "ALL";
from_Btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, FromClickHandler);
function SetEndChkBx()
to_Btn = new CheckBox();
to_Btn.y = 325;
to_Btn.x = 400;
to_Btn.label = "NOW";
to_Btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, ToClickHandler);
function SetTreatmentDays(e:Event):void
_QueryDriver.TREATMENTDAYS = treatDays.text;
function SetDaysToCalculate(e:Event):void
_QueryDriver.DAYSTOCALCULATE = "-" + numbDays.text;
function FromClickHandler(e:MouseEvent):void
if (from_Btn.selected == true)
_QueryDriver.STARTDATE_STRING = startDate.text;
function ToClickHandler(e:MouseEvent):void
if (to_Btn.selected == true)
_QueryDriver.ENDDATE_STRING = "NOW";
_QueryDriver.ENDDATE_STRING = endDate.text;
function StartDate(e:Event):void
function EndDate(e:Event):void

Yes, that is the way to do it, just don't forget to addChild the mclip as well... here's a quick example using the built-in Tween class...
import fl.transitions.Tween;
var mclip:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
var tw:Tween = new Tween(mclip, "x", null, mclip.x, mclip.x+200, 1, true);

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    hi,  im newbie of xcelsius user
    i realize  that hv a issue that display combo box base on year & month
    let said
    <b><u>step 1</u></b>
    I create excel data like this
    <b><u>year___ </u>  </b>    |     <u><b>month_   </b></u> |     <u><b>Product</b></u> |     <u><b>revenue</b></u>
    02-04-09 |     02-04-09 |       a |     $4,154
    03-04-09 |     03-04-09 |       b |     $6,813
    04-05-09 |     04-05-09 |       a |     $9,875
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    <u><b>year</b></u> |     <u><b>month</b></u> |     <u><b>Product</b></u> |     <u><b>revenue </b></u>
    2009 |     April |     a |     $4,154
    2009 |     April |     b |     $6,813
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    2010 |     April |     b |      $9,875
    2010 |     June |     a |     $9,875
    2010 |     June |     b |     $6,813
    But the problem is when i insert to combo box,use u201Cfilter Row u201D, i excpectation will display only 2009,2010
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    Edited by: Leong Pui Kee on Feb 25, 2011 5:25 AM
    Edited by: Leong Pui Kee on Feb 25, 2011 5:36 AM

    your created  data
    step 1
    I create excel data like this
    year___ | month_ | Product | revenue
    02-04-09 | 02-04-09 | a | $4,154
    03-04-09 | 03-04-09 | b | $6,813
    04-05-09 | 04-05-09 | a | $9,875
    05-06-09 | 05-06-09 | b | $6,813
    06-04-10 | 06-04-10 | a | $6,813
    07-04-10 | 07-04-10 | b | $9,875
    08-06-10 | 08-06-10 | a | $9,875
    22-06-10 | 22-06-10 | b | $6,813
    In this, year and month both are same data, make the diffent data like year  2009, 2010  And month Jan, Feb, March, ...Etc 
    and also one more check you formulas on month and year, select correct source data, destination data  for compoonent..
    from above, to create a date column and convert  date-->year, date--> month and Explore it.
    All the best,

  • Default selection in combo box at struts form

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    for (int index = 18; index < 56; index++)                                                                           %>
    <html:option value="<%=index + ""%>">
    <%=index + ""%>
    <% } %>

    what you need is field "value" in the select:
    see "value" property
    (found it easily with "struts option selected" on google)

  • Display data in list and combo box

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    1 - Write a query to retrieve the data you want from database
    2 - In a servlet, connect to database, Run the query, scroll through the result set and put the data into a list of Java Objects.
    3 - Set a request/session attribute of that list of objects
    4 - Forward to JSP
    5 - In JSP, create a <select> box, and then use a <c:forEach> loop to generate <option> tags from the list.

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    String valueInYourDatabase="2";
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    <SELECT name="square_root_of_for">
    <% for(int i=0;i<valuesToDisplay.lngth;i++){
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    Something like this...
    didn't compile it so their are surely errors ;)

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    data grid. thanks - Karl from Kansas

    If you have the following:
    <mx:ComboBox id="combo_box" dataProvider="{users}"
    labelField="user_name" change="show_details(event)"
    <mx:DataGrid id="data_grid" >
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Name"
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="email"
    private function show_details(evt:Event):void {
    data_grid.dataProvider = evt.currentTarget.selectedItem
    This assumes that your combo box data has a user_name and
    email property value. Substitute your property values where needed.

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    According to your description, my understanding is that you want to show only the month/year in the combo box, we can choose the date, and it will display the value of USD/SGD/BAHT based on the month/year.
    If it is, I recommend you try the steps:
    Create a form based on your data source table>Add the combo box>combo box wizard>Find a record on my form based on the value I selected my combo box>Add mouth and year to selected fields
    If I misunderstand something, please let me know. We may upload some screenshots or a sample through OneDrive.
    George Zhao
    TechNet Community Support

  • How to display data in combo box from xml file.

    Hi All,
            I have the data in xml file.
            <title>When the Levee Breaks</title>
            <artist>Kansas Joe and Memphis Minnie</artist>
            <title>Better Leave that Stuff Alone</title>
            <artist>Will Shade</artist>
            <title>Walk Right In</title>
            <artist>Cannon's Jug Stompers</artist>
    and i want to display the only url in combo box list. for that how can load this xml file and how can i show.
    Can any one help me.

    Get the XML file data into an XML variable in your code, say var jukebox: xml. Then do
    combo.dataProvider = jukebox.song.url
    or as a shortcut
    combo.dataProvider = jukebox.descendants("url")
    The latter will pull out elements with tag name url at any depth in the xml structure, so sometimes you have to be careful, but in your case there should be no problem.

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    'Entity B Inc.' becomes blank
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    Does anybody knows the sollution or have seen this issue before?

    This is a known issue with combo box list of values.
    Please follow this workaround:
    - Remove ComboboxLOV on Deptno
    - Create an updateable transient attribute(Say Dname) of type String
    - Define combobox lov with following values:
    List Data Source: DeptView1
    List Attribute: Dname
    List Return Values:
    Dname - Dname
    Deptno - Deptno
    UI Hints: Display Attribute - Dname
    - Edit Dname(transient attribute) and provide following groovy expression
    oracle.jbo.Key key = new oracle.jbo.Key(Deptno);
    return DeptView1.findByKey(key, 1)[0].getAttribute("Dname");- Now, you are done and observe that Dname combo box lov shows Description even on selection and change in this combo box sets the Deptno value

  • Combo box displays value instead of label

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    Bill F

    I think this is to be expected. Your control will have a value with no associated text.
    It would be much more dangerous if LabVIEW would randomly change (e.g. coerce) the value when the strings array gets shorter by some mechanism.
    You have several possibilities, for example:
    (1) Check the value and coerce to the highest valid entry or switch to entry zero.
    (2) Keep the array of strings at constant size, but replace the unwanted entries with empty strings (see attached), the string "out of range", "invalid selection", or similar.
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .
    ComboMOD.vi ‏24 KB

  • Disabled combo boxes don't display properly after loading a movie.

    I have a main movie that contains some combo boxes. Some of them may be disabled.
    By pressing a button I load another movie using loadMovie. The loaded movie also contains combo boxes.
    When the button is pressed, the clip that shows the combo boxes is removed from the stage and the loaded movie is displayed. By pressing another button, the loaded movie is unloaded and the clip with the combo boxes is displayed again.
    Well, once the other movie has been loaded, when I go back to the clip with combo boxes, the disabled combo boxes have a small gray button covering the black down arrow.
    I have determined that so long as the loaded movie contains combo box in the library, the problem occurrs, even if there is no actual instance of it.
    The combo boxes that are not disabled are not affected. The combo boxes are disabled by setting "cb_name.enabled=false".
    If the combo box is enabled, it displays correctly, but if disabled again, it goes wrong again.
    My project is targeting Flash 8, so it uses AS2.
    I'm using Flash CS4.
    This is a very simple example I did to make sure I wasn't doing anything funny:
    After pressing the button:
    After pressing the other button:
    The behaviour in a web browser is the same...
    I hope someone can help me with this. Thanks in advance!

    Thanks for the response.
    The "Load the movie" button:
    The 2nd frame:
    loadMovie("Test another child.swf",Container);
    The "Unload and go back" button:
    Container is a movieClip with a dark gray square shape the size of the movie clip that is loaded. It doesn't exist on frame 1, only on frame 2.
    The combo boxes are inside a movie clip, and this is only on the stage on frame 1.
    This and the captures belong to a very simple test I did. If there is a way of posting files, I can post a zip file with the two .fla and the two .swf.

  • Displaying text in a combo box.

    Hi, i was wondering if anyone could help me finish an application i am working on. I have two forms, one inputs dat to a text file and another retrieves it. i want to display the text in a combo box and then click an event in the combo box and a description
    of the event will appear in a text  box, also if i select a date on the second form the events in the combo box change for that date if there is events for it. the first form is working fine , i was looking for help with the second one please. my code
    so far is:
    namespace TicketInformation
       public partial class TicketInformationForm : Form
          public TicketInformationForm()
          //creating the community events list.
          List<Community_Event> CommnunityEvents;
          //create the Create Event list method.
          private void CreateEventList()
             CommnunityEvents = new List<Community_Event>();
             // call the extract Data method.
             //Clear any events from the combo box before proceeding.
             //for each event item in the Commuity event list,add it to the eventComboBox.
             foreach (Community_Event item in CommnunityEvents)
             //if the events count is greater then 0, display the following
             if (CommnunityEvents.Count > 0)
                //if there are no events for the date selected display the following
                eventComboBox.Text = " -Events- ";
                descriptionTextBox.Text = "Pick an event";
             }//end if
                //if there are no events for the date selected display the following
                eventComboBox.Text = " No Events ";
                descriptionTextBox.Text = "No events today.";
             }//end else
          //Creating the Method ExtractData
          private void ExtractData()
             // load the data from the file
             List<Community_Event> tempList = new List<Community_Event>();
             //string[] fileLines = File.ReadLines(@"C:\Users\IAN\Documents\calendar.txt");
             foreach(string line in File.ReadLines("calendar.txt"))
                string[] items = line.Split(",".ToCharArray());
                if (items.Length >= 5)
                   Community_Event newEvent = new Community_Event();
                   newEvent.Day = Convert.ToInt32(items[0]);//Converting the Integer to a string.
                   newEvent.Time = items[1];
                   newEvent.Price = Convert.ToDecimal(items[2]);//Converting the decimal to a string.
                   newEvent.Event = items[3];
                   newEvent.Description = items[4];
                   //add the new events to the Comminity Events list.
             CommnunityEvents = (from ev in tempList
                                          where ev.Day == 1
                                          select ev).ToList();
          private void dateMonthCalendar_DateChanged(object sender, DateRangeEventArgs e)
             //calling the create event list method to display any events in the eventscombo box.
          private void eventComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
          private void descriptionTextBox_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
          private void TicketInformationForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
             //calling the create event list to open the form with today's events displayed if any.
     public class Community_Event
          //Declare a DayValue property of type int
          private int DayValue;//day of the event
          public int Day// Name of the Property
                return DayValue;
                DayValue = value;
          //Declare a TimeValue property of type string
          private string timeValue;//time of the event
          public string Time// Name of the Property
                return timeValue;
                timeValue = value;
          //Declare a priceValue property of type Decimal
          private decimal priceValue;//price of the event
          public decimal Price// Name of the Property
                return priceValue;
                priceValue = value;
          //Declare a eventNameValue property of type string
          private string eventNameValue;//name of the event
          public string Event// Name of the Property
                return eventNameValue;
                eventNameValue = value;
          //Declare a DescriptionValue of type string
          private string DescriptionValue;//description of the event
          public string Description// Name of the Property
                return DescriptionValue;
                DescriptionValue = value;

    Hi Dylan2412,
    According to your description, you'd like to pass the ComboBox.Text to the second form's TextBox.
    In Form1:
    private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Form2 f2 = new Form2(this.comboBox1.Text); //pass the comboBox1.Text
    In Form2:
    public Form2(string s) //get the string;
    this.textBox1.Text = s;
    You could get the comBoBox refer to this sample above.
    If you have any other concern regarding this issue, please feel free to let me know.
    Best regards,
    Youjun Tang
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Auto-Suggest feature in Combo-box LOV is not displaying non-unique values

    I have an auto-suggest feature implementation on a combo-box lov that displays the name and email-id of a list of people. There are non-unique names in the back-end, for example :
    Abraham Mason [email protected]
    Abraham Mason [email protected]
    But when I use the auto-suggest feature and type in, say 'Ab', instead of showing both the Abraham Masons the auto-suggest displays only one of the values.
    As in the example above the email-ids of the two Abraham Masons are different and unique.
    If I use the conventional drop down menu of the combo-box then both the values are visible.
    Is the auto-suggest feature implemented in a manner so as to display only unique values?
    This is the implementation of the auto-suggest feature that I have done -
    <af:column headerText="#{bindings.RqmtAtLevel1.hints.Owner.label}"
    id="c23" sortable="true" filterable="true"
    <af:inputComboboxListOfValues id="ownerId"
    popupTitle="#{ResourcesGenBundle['Header.SearchandSelect.Searchandselectanobjectusingad']}: #{bindings.RqmtAtLevel1.hints.Owner.label}"
    <f:validator binding="#{row.bindings.Owner.validator}"/>
    <af:autoSuggestBehavior suggestedItems="#{row.bindings.Owner.suggestedItems}"/>
    Anirudh Acharya

    don't find a bug entry about this, so if this indeed is a defect then this has not been filed. Do you have a test case ? If you have please zip it up and send it in a mail to me. My mail address is in my OTN profile (just click on my name until you get to the profile). Pleas rename the "zip" extension to "unzip" and mention the JDeveloper release you work with. The test case should work against the Oracle HR schema.
    If you need to track the issue, I suggest to file a service request with customer support yourself

  • Display Record Based on Combo Box Selection

    Using Flash Builder 4.6.
    I have a combo box that lists names stored in a mysql database. Once the user selects a name from the combo box, I would like to have the complete record display on a form.  Can you please point me in the right direction to accomplish this task?

    Using Flash Builder 4.6.
    I have a combo box that lists names stored in a mysql database. Once the user selects a name from the combo box, I would like to have the complete record display on a form.  Can you please point me in the right direction to accomplish this task?

  • Is there any limit to the no.of items to be displayed in combo box

    I would like to know is there any limit to have the list of items to be displayed in a combo box.
    My requirement is to show the list in 2nd combo box based on the selection of an item from 1st combo box. But if I select an item from first combo box, then second combo box is not showing the list of dependent items in case the list exceeds 10.

    I'm not sure if there is a limit but if there is its definatley higher than 10.

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