Display field as Verticaly in Report Builder

Hello Guys.
I have question regarind to field. I have generate a report where i have group_by_column template. Now, I need to rotate my group column heading from Horizontal to Vertical. Does anyone know how to rotate the field from Horizontal to Vertical side way?
For example: Let see i have report like
col_1 col_2 col_3
Honda Accord $25000
civic $25350
CR-V $19000
Odyssey $32000
So, as you see above example where HONDA is my group by col_1. I need to rotate HONDA from Horizontal to Vertical. Is it possible in Report Builder and if it can you guys tell me how to do it?
I know DMARS have answer for me...please let me know that will be a great help.
Thank You

In the paper layout you will have to expand the frame that contains col1 to be able to rotate col1. Once you have the frame big enough, select the col1 field. Over on the tool palette click on the rotate button...third button down on the right column. Click on one of the 4 corners of the col1 field and rotate it. You will get an error if it doesn't fit. Also, you can only rotate boilerplate text so you will have to change your field into a text or boilerplate item. Look to see the source of your col1 field and then delete the field on the paper layout. Put a text iten in its place. Put the following text in there "&col1" or whatever the source of your col1 field was. Do not include the double quotes. Now you can rotate the item. If you need more details, search for "rotate" in Reports Builder help.

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    How to display field information, depending on the description in DOMAINS..dynamically in reports...
    give an example.

    the text u should take into the internal table for that and
    it should send into the ALV_GRID_DISPLY
    other wise u should set in the write statement
    write : / '     '.

  • Different display on client report builder and web reports

    Hi all, I have build a report in report 6i version Report Builder I set the page to 8.5*11 ,and it runs well in the client ,but when I put it on the UNIX SERVER,and run it from web URL,It displayed different from the client report builder.The web report is "smaller" than the client report ,but the font size is as same as the client .
    My HPUX is 11x,and display the Chinese report .
    Any body know why ?give me some advice ,thank u very much.

    If you had built the report definition on Windows and then moved this to Unix server, you may find different fonts in use. This is becuase your Unix setup does not have the same fonts install. At design time, You need to use fonts which are available on Unix also. The same fonts shaould also be installed for printer in Unix i.e. the AFM/PFM font files should be kept under $ORACLE_HOME/guicommonX/tkXX/admin/AFM or PFM directory. This would give you the same output and would lessen the porting affect.

  • SQL Server 2008 R2 - Report Builder 3.0 - timeout using shared data source and stored procedure

    I select the shared datasource from the data source propeties dialog, test the connection and everything is good.
    I add a dataset by selecting "use a dataset embedded in my report" option within the Dataset properties dialog.
    I select the newly added data source, click the "Stored procedure" query type and drop down the list box and select my intended stored procedure.
    the timeout for the dataset is "0" seconds.
    I click the "OK" button and I'm presented with the parameters to the stored procedure.
    I enter valid data for the parameters and click the "OK" button.
    I then get the following error message after 30 seconds:
    The problem is, all of the timeouts, that I'm aware of, have values of zero (no timeout) or high enough values that 30 seconds isn't even close to the timeout.
    I think the smallest timeout we have is 120 seconds.
    I have searched this site and many others and the solutions all involve altering the stored procedure to get the fields into report builder and then revert the stored procedure back to its original form.
    To me, this is NOT a solution.  
    I have too many stored procedures that need to be brought into Report Builder.
    I need a real solution.
    Thank you for you time, Tim Caldwell.
    Timothy E Caldwell

    I don't mean to be rude, but really, check to see if the stored procedure can return data rows???
    Maybe I'm not being clear enough.
    The stored procedure runs perfectly fine.
    it runs perfectly fine in the production environment and the test environment.
    I can access the stored procedure in several ways and have it return correct data.
    I can even trick report builder into creating a dataset with parameters and run the stored procedure that way.
    What I cannot do, is to get report builder to not timeout after 30 seconds on the initial creation of a dataset with a Query type of stored procedure.
    I have seen this issues posted again and again and again on may different sites and the "solution" is to simplifiy the stored procedure by creating a stored procedure that has a create table and a select in the stored procedure and that's it.  After
    report builder creates the dataset the developer then has to replace the simplified stored procedure with the actual stored procedure and everything works fine after that.
    HOWEVER, having to go through this process for 70 or more stored procedures is ridiculous.
    It would appear that there is something within report builder itself that is causing this issue.
    The SQL Script included is an example of a stored procedure that will not create fields create a dataset with fields and parameters in Report Builder 3.0:
    /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[COGNOS_Level5ScriptSP] Script Date: 11/17/2014 08:02:26 ******/
    ALTER procedure [dbo].[COGNOS_Level5ScriptSP]
    @CompanyCode varchar(8) = null,
    @GetSiblings varchar(1) = 'N'
    -- get emergency contact info
    select *
    into #tmp_Contacts
    con.connamelast as [Emer Contact Last Name],
    con.connamefirst as [Emer Contact First Name],
    con.connamemiddle as [Emer Contact Middle Initial/Name]--,
    ,ROW_NUMBER() over (Partition by ConEEID order by ConNameLast)as rn
    case when con.conphonepreferred = 'H'
    then '(' + substring(con.conphonehomenumber, 1, 3) + ')' + substring(con.conphonehomenumber, 4, 3) + '-' + substring(con.conphonehomenumber, 7, 4)
    else '(' + substring(con.conphoneothernumber , 1, 3) + ')' + substring(con.conphoneothernumber , 4, 3) + '-' + substring(con.conphoneothernumber , 7, 4)
    ) as [Emergency Phone]
    from [ultiprosqlprod1].[ultipro_crum].dbo.Contacts con
    where con.ConIsEmergencyContact='y'
    and con.ConIsActive='y'
    ) A
    where A.rn = 1
    CREATE TABLE #tmp_CompanyCodes (CompanyCode varchar(8))
    If @GetSiblings = 'Y'
    INSERT INTO #tmp_CompanyCodes (CompanyCode)
    EXEC [z_GetClientNumbers_For_ParentOrg_By_ClientNumber] @CompanyCode
    INSERT INTO #tmp_CompanyCodes
    values (@CompanyCode)
    select *
    into #tmp_Company
    from [ultiprosqlprod1].[ultipro_crum].dbo.Company
    where cmpcompanycode in (select CompanyCode from #tmp_CompanyCodes)
    select distinct
    cmpcompanycode as [Client ID],
    CmpCompanyDBAName as [Client Name],
    eec.eecEmplStatus AS [Employment Status],
    eec.eecEmpNo AS [Employee Num],
    rtrim(eep.eepNameLast) AS [Last Name],
    rtrim(eep.eepNameFirst) AS [First Name],
    isnull(rtrim(ltrim(eep.eepNameMiddle)), '') AS [Middle Initial/Name],
    rtrim(eep.eepAddressLine1) AS [Address Line 1],
    isnull(rtrim(eep.eepAddressLine2), '') AS [Address Line 2],
    eep.eepAddressCity AS [City],
    eep.eepAddressState AS [State],
    WHEN len(eep.eepAddressZipCode) > 5 and charindex(eep.eepAddressZipCode, '-', 1) = 0
    THEN substring(eep.eepAddressZipCode, 1, 5)
    ELSE rtrim(eep.eepAddressZipCode)
    END AS [Zip code],
    WHEN len(eep.eepAddressZipCode) > 5 and charindex(eep.eepAddressZipCode, '-', 1) = 0
    THEN substring(eep.eepAddressZipCode, 6, 4)
    WHEN len(eep.eepAddressZipCode) > 5 and charindex(eep.eepAddressZipCode, '-', 1) > 0
    THEN substring(eep.eepAddressZipCode, charindex(eep.eepAddressZipCode, '-', 1) + 1, 4)
    WHEN len(eep.eepAddressZipCode) <= 5
    THEN ''
    END AS [ZIP + 4],
    substring(eep.eepSSN, 1, 3) + '-' + substring(eep.eepSSN, 4, 2) + '-' + substring(eep.eepSSN, 6, 4) AS [SSN],
    isnull(convert(VARCHAR(10), eep.eepDateOfBirth, 101), '') AS [Date Of Birth],
    eetFED.TAXCODE AS [FED Tax Code],
    eetFED.FILINGSTATUS AS [Fed Filing Status],
    eetFED.EXEMPTIONS AS [Fed Exemption Allowance],
    eetFED.ADDITIONAL AS [Additional Fed Withholding],
    eetSIT.TAXCODE AS [SIT Tax Code],
    eetSIT.FILINGSTATUS AS [State Filing Status],
    eetSIT.EXEMPTIONS AS [State Exemption Allowance],
    eetSIT.ADDITIONAL AS [Additional State Withholding],
    isnull('(' + substring(eep.eepPhoneHomeNumber, 1, 3) + ')' + substring(eep.eepPhoneHomeNumber, 4, 3) + '-' + substring(eep.eepPhoneHomeNumber, 7, 4), '') AS [Home Phone],
    isnull((SELECT cod.codDesc
    FROM [ultiprosqlprod1].[ultipro_crum].dbo.Codes cod WITH (NOLOCK)
    WHERE cod.codCode = eep.eepEthnicID
    AND cod.codDosTable = 'ETHNICCODE'), '') AS [Race-Origin], --eep.eepEthnicID AS [Race-Origin],
    eep.eepGender AS [Gender],
    isnull(convert(VARCHAR(10), eec.eecDateOfOriginalHire, 101), '') AS [Original Hire Date],
    isnull(convert(VARCHAR(10), eec.eecDateOfSeniority, 101), '') AS [Seniority Date],
    isnull(convert(VARCHAR(10), eec.eecDateOfTermination, 101), '') AS [Termination Date],
    isnull(eecTermType,'') as [Termination Type],
    isnull(TchDesc, '') as [Termination Reason],
    rtrim(eec.eecJobCode) AS [WC Code],
    isnull(eec.eecJobTitle, '') AS [Job Title],
    pgr.pgrPayFrequency AS [Pay Frequency],
    eec.eecFullTimeOrPartTime AS [Full/Part Time],
    eec.eecSalaryOrHourly AS [Pay Type],
    isnull(convert(MONEY, eec.eecHourlyPayRate), 0.00) AS [Hourly Rate],
    isnull(eec.eecAnnSalary, 0.00) AS [Annual Salary],
    [YTD Hours],
    isnull(eep.eepNameFormer, '') AS [Maiden Name],
    eec.eecLocation AS [Location ID],
    rtrim(eec.eecOrgLvl1) AS [Department ID],
    eec.eecorglvl2 AS [Cost Item],
    eec.eecorglvl3 as [Client Project],
    eec.eecPayGroup as [Pay Group],
    isnull(eepAddressEMail,' ') as [Email Address],
    isNull(BankName1,' ') as PrimaryBank,
    isNull(BankRoute1,' ') as PrimaryRouteNum,
    isNull(Account1,' ') as PrimaryAccount,
    isNull(AcctType1,' ') as PrimaryAcctType,
    isNull(DepositRule1,' ') as PrimaryDepositRule,
    isNull(BankName2,' ') as SecondaryBank,
    isNull(BankRoute2,' ') as SecondaryRouteNum,
    isNull(Account2,' ') as SecondaryAccount,
    isNull(AcctType2,' ') as SecondaryAcctType,
    isNull(DepositRule2,' ') as SecondaryDepositRule,
    WHEN DepositRule2 = 'D'
    THEN '$' + convert(varchar, cast(EddAmtOrPct2 AS decimal(10,2)))
    WHEN DepositRule2 = 'P'
    THEN convert(varchar, cast((EddAmtOrPct2*100) AS decimal(10,0))) + '%'
    ELSE null
    END,' ') as SecondaryDepositAmount,
    isNull(BankName3,' ') as ThirdBank,
    isNull(BankRoute3,' ') as ThirdRouteNum,
    isNull(Account3,' ') as ThirdAccount,
    isNull(AcctType3,' ') as ThirdAcctType,
    isNull(DepositRule3,' ') as ThirdDepositRule,
    WHEN DepositRule3 = 'D'
    THEN '$' + convert(varchar, cast(EddAmtOrPct3 AS decimal(10,2)))
    WHEN DepositRule3 = 'P'
    THEN convert(varchar, cast((EddAmtOrPct3*100) AS decimal(10,0))) + '%'
    ELSE null
    END,' ') as ThirdDepositAmount,
    eec.eecEEID AS [Employee EEID],
    eec.EecJobCode As [Job Code],
    isnull(eec.EecTimeclockID,' ') As [Time Clock ID],
    con.[Emer Contact Last Name],
    con.[Emer Contact First Name],
    con.[Emer Contact Middle Initial/Name],
    con.[Emergency Phone]
    from [ultiprosqlprod1].[ultipro_crum].dbo.empPers eep WITH (NOLOCK)
    inner join [ultiprosqlprod1].[ultipro_crum].dbo.empComp eec WITH (NOLOCK)
    ON eep.eepEEID = eec.eecEEID
    inner join #tmp_Company cmp WITH (NOLOCK)
    ON eec.eecCOID = cmp.cmpCOID
    inner join [ultiprosqlprod1].[ultipro_crum].dbo.PayGroup pgr WITH (NOLOCK)
    ON eec.eecPayGroup = pgr.pgrPayGroup
    left outer join [ultiprosqlprod1].[ultipro_crum].dbo.TrmReasn
    on tchCode = eecTermReason
    left join (select CAST(sum(isnull(eee.eeeYTDHrs,0.00))AS DECIMAL(18,2)) as [YTD Hours],
    from [ultiprosqlprod1].[ultipro_crum].dbo.EmpEarn eee with (NOLOCK)
    group by eeeCOID,eeeEEID)eee
    on eec.eecEEID = eee.eeeEEID
    and eec.eecCOID = eee.eeeCOID
    left join (SELECT eetCOID AS COID,
    eetEEID AS EEID,
    eetTaxCode AS TAXCODE,
    eetFilingStatus AS FILINGSTATUS,
    eetExemptions AS EXEMPTIONS,
    eetExtraTaxDollars AS ADDITIONAL
    FROM [ultiprosqlprod1].[ultipro_crum].dbo.empTax WITH (NOLOCK)
    WHERE eetTaxCode = 'USFIT'
    ON eec.eecCOID = eetFED.COID
    and eec.eecEEID = eetFED.EEID
    left join (SELECT eetCOID AS COID,
    eetEEID AS EEID,
    eetTaxCode AS TAXCODE,
    eetFilingStatus AS FILINGSTATUS,
    eetExemptions AS EXEMPTIONS,
    eetExtraTaxDollars AS ADDITIONAL
    FROM [ultiprosqlprod1].[ultipro_crum].dbo.empTax WITH (NOLOCK)
    WHERE eetTaxCode like '%SIT'
    AND eetIsWorkInTaxCode = 'Y'
    ON eec.eecCOID = eetSIT.COID
    and eec.eecEEID = eetSIT.EEID
    left outer join (SELECT eddCOID,
    eddEEBankName BankName1,
    eddEEBankRoute BankRoute1,
    eddAcct Account1,
    EddAcctType AcctType1,
    EddDepositRule DepositRule1,
    EddAmtOrPct EddAmtOrPct1
    FROM [ultiprosqlprod1].[ultipro_crum].dbo.EmpDirDp WITH (NOLOCK)
    WHERE eddSequence = '99')edd
    ON eec.eecCOID = edd.eddCOID
    and eec.eecEEID = edd.eddEEID
    left outer join (SELECT eddCOID,
    eddEEBankName BankName2,
    eddEEBankRoute BankRoute2,
    eddAcct Account2,
    EddAcctType AcctType2,
    EddDepositRule DepositRule2,
    EddAmtOrPct EddAmtOrPct2
    FROM [ultiprosqlprod1].[ultipro_crum].dbo.EmpDirDp WITH (NOLOCK)
    WHERE eddSequence = '01')edd2
    ON eec.eecCOID = edd2.eddCOID
    and eec.eecEEID = edd2.eddEEID
    left outer join (SELECT eddCOID,
    eddEEBankName BankName3,
    eddEEBankRoute BankRoute3,
    eddAcct Account3,
    EddAcctType AcctType3,
    EddDepositRule DepositRule3,
    EddAmtOrPct EddAmtOrPct3
    FROM [ultiprosqlprod1].[ultipro_crum].dbo.EmpDirDp WITH (NOLOCK)
    WHERE eddSequence = '02')edd3
    ON eec.eecCOID = edd3.eddCOID
    and eec.eecEEID = edd3.eddEEID
    left outer join (SELECT eecCOID,
    rtrim(eepNameLast) + ', ' +
    rtrim(eepNameFirst) + ' ' +
    isnull(rtrim(ltrim(eepNameMiddle)), '') AS [Supervisor]
    FROM [ultiprosqlprod1].[ultipro_crum].dbo.EmpComp WITH (NOLOCK)
    join [ultiprosqlprod1].[ultipro_crum].dbo.EmpPers with (NoLock)
    on eeceeid = eepeeid)eec2
    ON eec.eecSupervisorID = eec2.eecEEID
    left outer join #tmp_Contacts con
    on eep.eepEEID = con.ConEEID
    order by [Client ID],
    [Last Name],
    [First Name]
    drop table #tmp_Contacts
    Timothy E Caldwell

  • Displaying images in report builder

    aoa to all!
    Dear gurus, i want to develop such type of report in report builder 6i.
    empno employee name emp photo
    1 abc (here i want to show photo)
    i have build such report but the problem is when any employee who has no photo, i want to display default photo. i m displaying photo using the below steps
    1. create a formula column of type char which returns the path of emp photo like this ' return 'd:\photo\' || :empno || '.gif';
    2.create a field in layout and set the read from file property set to yes and format to image.
    my requirement is when a new employee record is entered into table emp but his photo is not currently in the directory then i want to display a logo.
    hope my question is clear. thanks in advance. plz reply a.s.a.p

    in your select statement you can check if the employee has not its picture or picture field is null then return logo. for this you have to assign some default value to the field Like 'N' is default value for picture field so when there is not picture or field is null then 'N' will be its default value and you can check in your query like
    SELECT DECODE(pict, 'N',Logo,pict)                    FROM emp

  • Display issue with HTML formatted text in report builder

    I am using the FCKeditor in my application to allow endusers
    the ability to create formated text on reports. We curently are
    experiencing 2 issues: 1. If you copy and paste from MS Word
    2003/2007 it will not display the text correclty in the report; 2.
    If you use the FCKeditor toolbar to insert bullets or a numeric
    list it will not align the text correctly on the report. We are
    using Coldfusion 8 with Hotfix 1 and Coldfusion Report Builder's
    lastest build release.
    Has one experiences this same issue with HTML fields not
    printing correctly using the Report Builder? What other HTML
    editors besides FCKeditor might we use?
    Dan VanWieren

    Can you tell me how to use </td> for each values
    Give me your example report - using before or after report
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by fdenis:
    Hi Gavin,
    If I understand well, your HTML tags are coded directly in your fields in the database, right? Because if it was not the case, you could have use a format trigger checking for which destination you're generating your report...
    if UPPER(:DESFORMAT) = 'HTML' or
    -- insert your HTML code in the value
    -- of your field. something like...
    newValue := '<B>' | | :YOUR_FIELD | | '</B>
    srw.set_field_char( 0, newValue );
    -- when generating to other format,
    -- you'd have to add the formatting as
    -- you want.
    end if
    return( true );
    Of course, if it's not acceptable to remove the HTML tag from your database fields, you could develop a procedure that would translate your HTML tags to the good formatting (eurk... ;-)
    Good luck... :-)

  • SSRS (Report Builder 3.0) Showing all values for Multiple Line field with Append Changes

    I have a simple SharePoint list with a multiple line column that has append changes enabled. I am doing a report with Report Builder 3.0 and I want to show all values of the field the same way you achieve it through a DVWP using:<SharePoint:AppendOnlyHistory
    FieldName="Comments" runat="server"
    ControlMode="Display" ItemId="{@ID}"/>
    Any suggestions to show all the appended values?

    I am trying to involve someone familiar with this topic to further look at this issue.
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Rebecca Tu
    TechNet Community Support

  • XL reporter  -Financial/Match Date field not in the formulae builder

    XL reporter Version:      6.80.218 (from Help/About XL reporter)
        (from Add-on Manager Screen)
    Match date required to build ageing report but can't find this field.

    u'll be selecting a row for any expansion right?
    Do select ur row expansion i.e. highlight ur row which is having the expansion. now in the Formula Report Builder scroll down to " Transaction Row " . Click ' ... ' button to open Lookup window.
    There in the attribute field select 'Document Date -- A/R' .
    When you choose in the header ' Parameter ' tab u can see ur described parameter. double click the "fromdate" it 'll be displaying with symbol @ like @FD. now click adjacent to @FD and type :@TD   manually.
    Click OK. dont forget to click 'Apply'

  • Report Builder 2012 - Omit Certain Fields

    I'm using SQL Server Report Builder 2012 to make a bar chart from a query I ran off. The table is great but the nature of it causes some problems in Report Builder without some tweaking which I've never used before (new to SQL in fact). Apologies for what
    is a difficult question to put into words and in fact took me a while to grasp in my mind.
    I've got a table with three date fields in it:
    000111 01/01/2000 01/01/2000 01/01/2000
    000112 01/01/2000
    000113 01/01/2000 01/01/2000
    If there's a value in OPEN in all three cases in the above then it will count that three records are open. However, one is CLOSED and one is IN_PROGRESS. In the case above, record 00111 is closed, 000112 is open and 000113 is in progress.
    My question is, is there a way to filter the results of a query in Report Builder 2012 so that if a field is populated, not to use the previous in the chart? E.g. if IN_PROGRESS is populated but CLOSED isn't, don't use OPEN.
    I know that was probably a very convoluted and difficult explanation but I don't know how else to explain it.
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Adam-M,
    As per my understanding, there are four fields in the table, three fields’ data type is date. You want to add a field named status, when all the three fields have values, the status is closed, if only Open field has value, the status is open, else, the status
    is in_progress. You want to create a bar chart using Report Builder 3.0, the data of status displays on x-axis and count of status displays on y-axis. If so, we can achieve your goal using reporting service. Please refer to the following steps:
    1. In the left pane in Report Builder, verify that New Report is selected.
    2. In the right pane, click Chart Wizard.
    3. On the Choose a dataset page, click Create a dataset, and then select an existing data source or browse to the report server and select a data source, then paste your query into the query pane.
    4. On the Choose a chart type page, the column chart is the default chart type. Click Bar, and then click Next.
    5. Right click the dataset used to retrieve data and click Add Calculated field, type Status in the field name text box, click the expression (Fx) button, then type the following expression:
    =IIf(IsNothing(Fields!CLOSED.Value)=0 and IsNothing(Fields!IN_PROGRESS.Value)=0,"CLOSED",IIF((Fields!CLOSED.Value)IS NOTHING AND ISNOTHING(Fields!IN_PROGRESS.Value)=0,"IN_PROGRESS","OPEN"))
    6. Drag Status to the Categories pane.
    7. Drag Status to the Values pane. The Values pane displays [Sum(Status)] because the chart displays the aggregate for each status, click the arrow right to the aggregation, click Expression and type the expression:
    8. Click Run to preview the report.
    For more information about Add a Bar Chart to Your Report (Report Builder), please refer to the following document:
    If you have any questions, please feel free to let me know.
    Best Regards,
    Wendy Fu

  • Report Builder: ContentType Field shows always "System.Byte[]"

    Hello Community!
    I use the following systems:
    SharePoint 2013
    SQL Server 2012 Report Builder 3.0
    So, I have a SharePoint List with some columns (Responsible Person, Serial Number, Content Type).
    Responsible Person and Serial Number is displayed correctly. But in the field Content Type, I have seen "System.Byte[]" instead of the realy value of Content Type.
    When I execute query, I have seen realy value of the field Content Type!
    Could anybody help me?
    Thanks a lot und greets from austria!

    Hi Daniel ,
    According to your description, when you use SharePoint list as data source, the Content Type display as "System.Byte[]" instead of real value when running the report.
    As we tested in our environment, Content Type can display correctly both in query designer and preview results. Please refer to our test results below to check if you design the report correctly:
    1. Type the query in dataset like below:
    2. Run the report:
    Besides, it has reported the same issue with Content Type. In your scenario, please also try to use XML data source to connect to SharePoint list to retrieve data. For more information, please refer to this similar thread:
    Reporting: ContentType Field Value always "System.Byte[]". If issue persists, please create the same report in SSDT and run the report, then check if there are warning messages in output.
    If you have any question, please feel free to ask.
    Best regards,
    Qiuyun Yu
    Qiuyun Yu
    TechNet Community Support

  • SQL Server Report Builder Numeric Field Formatting

    I am creating Reports in SQL Server Report builder.
    When I set format of any number fields, in design it is displaying sample value.
    For e.g. If I set format 0.00 to one numeric field, it started to display 12345.00
    I have 10-12 fields in design, it caused very much confusion.
    Is there any solution to change this?
    When I open report in Visual Studio, it doesn't display like that.
    Check Following screenshots:
    In Report Builder:
    In Visual Studio:

    Hi Harsh10,
    If I understand correctly, there are two placeholders in each textbox in the report. You want the second placeholder which contains numeric field to format as 0.00. If in this scenario, we can refer to the following steps:
    Right-click the second placeholder which contains numeric field in each textbox to open the Placeholder Properties dialog box.
    Click Number in the left pane.
    Select Number with Decimal places ‘2’ in the Category drop-down list.
    Formatting Text and Placeholders (Report Builder and SSRS)
    If there are any other questions, please feel free to ask.
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

  • Regarding Selection Screen field making display field  in ALV report

    Hi All,
               In ALV Report,  at runtime how can i make the field as Display Field in selection screen .
    Thks & Regds

    Go to se38 and give the below progra name execute.... check the source code it is very easy to understand.
    if tou are using grid,u can refer to foll link
    sequencing / choosing fields in report screen at runtime,
    Display the Columns in the grid at run time

  • WBS element field to Depreciation Simulation Report  output display

    Hi SAP Experts,
    We need to Add the WBS element field to Depreciation Simulation Report  output display (S_ALR_87012936)
    Could please give your valuable inputs
    Hari Pothula

    HI Javed,
    We have capitalized with WBS element but not displaying in simulation report.
    All configurations done in in ACSET and activation Account assignment objects

  • Query a dataset in MS SQL Server Report Builder and get splitted output of one of the fields

    Hi experts,
    I have a dataset in MS SQL Server Report Builder containing some rows like the following:
    What I need is:
    Can this be done?
    I'll be very happy when one finds a solution.
    Kind regards,

    try like this..
    Declare @ta table ([FIELD-1] int, [FIELD-2] nvarchar(100), [FIELD-3] nvarchar(100))
    insert into @ta
    select 1, 'efgh', 'xjhg[R]ztazutsuz[R]9' union all
    select 2, 'abcd', '1234[R]abcd[R]5678'
    select t.[FIELD-1],t.[FIELD-2], a.b.value('.','nvarchar(100)') as [FIELD-3] from @ta t
    Cross apply
    (select cast('<R><C>' + replace(t.[FIELD-3],'[R]','</C><C>')+ '</C></R>' as xml) as XStr ) x
    Cross apply x.xstr.nodes('R/C')a(b)
    http://www.linkedin.com/in/sbhadauria http://www.experts-exchange.com/M_6313078.html

  • Comparing fields from multiple entities in the same report (report builder 1.0)

    Created a model that contains 2 entities. I open that model in report builder 1.0.  When I drag a field from one of the entities into the design area, i can no longer see the other entity or use any of the fields from that other entity. 
    I need to use fields from both entities in the same report (join tables).  In management studio i would simply write a query and join tables but i cannot figure out how to do this in report builder.  Once i select a field from one entity
    how do i select fields from more than one entity and drag them into the same report.

    Would it be possible for you to send me instructions for this? I am not that familiar with SQL coding but I can definitely figure it out. I have been wanting to get information on reports from multiple entities for a very long time! The only way I can
    currently do it is have our document management software people write the report for me for quite a large fee. I would much rather do this myself. Right now I can select a few fields from one entity (the main one), some from a second entity under that one,
    but I cannot add any fields from a third entity! Quite annoying and hindering! Thank you :)

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