Display Map in PeopleSoft ERP

Does PeopleSoft ERP have map interface (Database - MS Sql server)?
a. If yes, is it in-built.
b. If no, can we have any Map Interface plug-in?

Does Peoplesoft ERP have the capability to display Maps like Administrative boundaries, Street network, Point of interest etc.,
I am having ArcGIS Server(ESRI-GIS) system (database MS Sql Server) and I would like to send a query from PeopleSoft ERP system(database MS Sql Server) to this GIS system and the result (Location Information - Map) need to be displayed in PeopleSoft ERP System. Can you provide a solution for the same?
Edited by: user12132843 on Nov 2, 2009 2:25 AM

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    Assuming I understand his question correctly, here is
    the scenario:
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    application's GUI appear on the screen of one or more
    remote clients, while the application continues to
    operate on the server machine.
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    ability. First it they had telnet, for console based
    applications, later they got XWindows, for GUI
    Java display remoting however, is like XWindows on
    steroids. The display and presentation code now
    actually execute on the client. The open source
    project I lead
    at java.net not only can do this, but with no
    architectural impact to the application itself. It
    can remote the GUI as an applet, or as an application
    via WebStart.
    I hope that helped,
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    Assuming I understand his question correctly, here is
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    remote clients, while the application continues to
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    type OS environment are quite familiar with this
    ability. First it they had telnet, for console based
    applications, later they got XWindows, for GUI
    Java display remoting however, is like XWindows on
    steroids. The display and presentation code now
    actually execute on the client. The open source
    project I lead
    at java.net not only can do this, but with no
    architectural impact to the application itself. It
    can remote the GUI as an applet, or as an application
    via WebStart.
    I hope that helped,
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    Kind regards

    Having thought your answer it would work, it didn't. Having read through the MapViewer manual, I can find no reference to scale with regard to centre. There is just size.
    Using scale I got an error message which I've posted below. However as soon as I changed it to size I got no error message, although I get a blank screen no matter which number I've used.
    The error using scale is:
    Message:[XMLHelper] error in parsing xml map request.
    Sun May 17 13:06:02 BST 2009
    Severity: 0
    Message:[XMLHelper] map size/scale not defined in xml map request.
    Sun May 17 13:06:02 BST 2009
    Severity: 0
    at oracle.lbs.mapserver.core.XMLHelper4Mapper.convert(XMLHelper4Mapper.java:207)
    at oracle.lbs.mapserver.core.XMLHelper4Mapper.convert(XMLHelper4Mapper.java:169)
    at oracle.lbs.mapserver.oms.getMapRequest(oms.java:678)
    at oracle.lbs.mapserver.oms.doPost(oms.java:314)
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:760)
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:853)
    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(ServletRequestDispatcher.java:765)
    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(ServletRequestDispatcher.java:317)
    at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(HttpRequestHandler.java:790)
    at com.evermind.server.http.AJPRequestHandler.run(AJPRequestHandler.java:208)
    at com.evermind.server.http.AJPRequestHandler.run(AJPRequestHandler.java:125)
    at com.evermind.util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$MyWorker.run(ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor.java:192)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:534)
    </oms_error> My script is using size is as follows:
    <?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
    title="Hello World"
    datasource = "geg00001"
          <geometricProperty typeName="center">
       <theme name="georaster_theme" >
       select A.web_raster_map_bng
        from geg50160.web_raster_map_file_bng A, geg50160.HQ_RASTER_MAP_FILE B
         AND B.original_map_publication_id=200001
    </map_request>I am not sure what number I need to put in for the size so in the above example I used the centre coordinate figure. I also tried 253.99999999999997, which is the master scale listed in the MapBuilder messages, when I entered a scale of 10,000 [1:10,000]. However I did try other figures too and none of them worked.
    Kind regards

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    Hello experts
    Kindly help
    I am creating quotation in crm web UI and  when  i save it it gives warning message "CRM business partner 65451 could not be mapped to an ERP customer"
    when  i checked in ECC system for same  quotation it is avaialble there .
    Then why this warning message is coming

    You have to define mapping between CRM and ERP customer. The information which customer is associated with which BP is stored in CRM in table CRMM_BUT_CUSTNO and but0id. Use transaction PIDE on the ERP side to form mapping. Then work with load of customers.
    Such error appears when data about BP is entered in document directl but system couldn't find mapping in tables above. Hope it helps.
    Regards, EL

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    Verify the parameters that you entered on mapclient.jsp page.
    1) Data source name must exists on MapViewer service
    2) Base map name must exist on data source
    3) Center and size should define an area that intersects with base map data.
    If you think the parameters that you entered are right, then take a look on MapViewer's log for additional messages.

  • Displaying Map object fields in DataTable

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    public void addShoppingItem(String index,Product item)
           }The Product class has fields, such as id, name, price and getter/setter methods. The index argument passed to addShoppingItem() is the id field of the value of the Product object.
    I am now desperately trying to display information of all Product objects added to the Map in a datatable.
    Is this possible? Please help.

    It should be possible - you will need something like
    JSP/JSF code
    <h:dataTable id="cart"
    var="product" first="0" >
    <h:column >
    <f:facet name="header">
    <h:outputText value="product code" />
    <h:inputText id="productCode" value="#{id}" />
    In your Backing bean code you will need a
    Map getProducts() method
    NOT the above definetely works whenreturning a List
    I have seen people say it also works with a Map - but haven't tried it myself - so am not 100% sure
    Post up your code & someone will help you out

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    The net is working on my device.

    Vaisali, As Simon said this is not a development issue.
    Also from the error message, it is clear that the application is not having proper transport.
    Do check once with BIS enabled SIM if it does not work with BIS then check with your network provider.
    Rishikesh Singh

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    Thanks in advance!

    Only closed so that I could open other questions (10 question limit).

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    Is ther anybody with a solution.
    Waiting for your respone.

    palanithendral wrote:
    Our application using in English, German, Franch and chinese.You have several different idioms in your application and have not accurately identified where the actual problem is. You have all of the following
    -excel in http
    -display on the target computer
    The first step with these sorts of problem is to identify where the problem actually occurs.
    String chineseCharacter=""; // chineseCharacter like &#38263;&#38271;&#29248;&#24202;&#26481;&#19996;&#24447;&#20315;. This chinese data coming from oracle database..A good theory. Now explain how you proved that that is what is coming from the database.
    After export the data to excel show the result for 長长牀床東东彿佛.As another example. Presumably you are referring to what the browser on the target computer displays. Your theory is that that computer and that browser (together) will display the correct information if they had the correct data. How did you prove that?

  • Lightroom 5.2 map module not displaying maps

    I am having all sorts of problems with Lightroom 5.2 and wish I'd just stayed with Lightroom 4. I've already posted about not being able to import directly from an SD card in my laptops reader, and have at least found a work around to that (copy files to hard drive them import - I see others have found the same thing and it works just fine).
    Now I have realised that the map screen in the map module is blank. I had this problem initially with Lightroom 5, and then it seemed to resolve itself. It is refusing to resolve itself in Lightroom 5.2 however. I've searched on the web for similar problems, and have found some responses to blank map screens in Lightroom 4, but they are so technical I haven't got a clue where to start trying to follow them.
    So, I am a simple soul who needs a simple answer. I am using LR 5.2 on an HP laptop running Windows 7. In the map module, where I already have GPS data (from a Canon EOS 6D) it is displayed in the metadata, and the little pop up box shows the number of photos at selected locations etc. But the central map screen is black. If I search, the screen stays black although it appears as though it has gone to the location. The Navigator screen is blank too.  And yes, I am connected to the internet and LR5.2 seems to be able to find the internet (I checked by going into the web module).
    Can anyone help me please. I like to put GPS locations on my photos prior to upload to Flickr, and whereas they are there from photos from my 6D, they don't exist for photos taken on my Canon Powershot.

    A work-around that I am using is to run Lightroom as an administrator on my Windows 7 system (right-click on the icon and choose run as administrator).  Everything then works ok.  I also needed to run as an administrator to be able to update some plug-ins I was using.  I fixed the plug-in update issues by changing the permissions on plug-ins folder.  I suspect that it is a similar issue with the maps.
    I have not figured out what folder or files need to have the permissions altered to stop Lightroom from working in the unelevated state but if someone reading this knows please share.  I saw some posts related to the same issue but on Macs but the Windows configuration is different.

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    {color:#ff0000}{size:18px}Cross posted{size}{color}
    Cross posting is rude.

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