Display records dynamically in a table

I am using jDeveloper 9.0.3 OADF
I have a table that will display many rows. The rows will be sorted by week-ending date. I would like to group the rows by week and display only one week at a time. Each week would have a different # of rows in the table. I would like to use "Prev" and "Next" buttons on top right of the table with drop-down for week-ending date. Similiar to the standard page navigation with # of rows & prev/next navigation.
Does anyone know if this is possible? and if so, please send details on how to implement. I am new to java and jDeveloper, so samples would help also.
Thanks in advance,

You just need to bind the new set of whereclause and execute the query everytime prev or next is clicked. Obviously you need to keep track what is the current week.
By the way what is 9.0.3 OADF ? Are you talking about 9.0.3 OAFramework ?

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    Can anybody help me how to display records into a non table base block....
    Find below is my coding but it only display the last record in the first line
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    CURSOR car_c IS
    select /*+ rule */ question_id, question_description
    where question_category = 'Carton'
    and question_active_flag = 'Y';
    v_found VARCHAR2(10);
    v_status boolean;
    v_error      varchar2(150);
    v_count number;
    car_r car_c%rowtype;
    select count(*) into v_count
    where question_category = 'Carton'
    and question_active_flag = 'Y';
         when no_data_found then
         v_count := 0;
    if v_count > 0 then
    for car_r in car_c loop
    ---populating carton questions
    :la_carton.carton_question_id     := car_r.question_id;
    :la_carton.carton_question_answer     := 'N';
    :la_carton.carton_error_details     := null;
    :la_carton.attribute2          := car_r.question_description;
    end loop;
    end if;
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi SNatapov,
    Thanks for you reply but still I get this error...
    FRM-40737 Illegal restricted procedure GO_BLOCK in WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM trigger.
    Please note that I call that program unit in the last field of my control block inside when-validate-item trigger the questions should be display in la_carton block which is my non-base table block.
    Find below is the code....
    for car_r in car_c loop
    ---populating carton questions
    :la_carton.carton_question_id := car_r.question_id;
    :la_carton.carton_question_answer := 'N';
    :la_carton.carton_error_details := null;
    :la_carton.attribute2 := car_r.question_description;
    end loop;
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    Thanks in advance.

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    print ('<table>');
    while (!eof) {
    if (cnt % 4 == 0)
    // breakline w/c means let's have another row since
    // we displayed the records 4x now so we need
    // another row to continue
    // continue column generation
    print ('</table>');
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    This was written for pear::db but I think it should go pretty similar for ADODB.
    $result = $db->query ("SELECT PRODUCT FROM INVENTORY WHERE COMPANY='$_SESSION[company]'");
    while ($data1 = $result->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC))
    $data2 = $result->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC);
    $data3 = $result->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC);
    $data4 = $result->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC);
    $rows .= " <tr>\n";
    $rows .= " <td width=150 align=right>".$data1[PRODUCT]."</td>\n";
    $rows .= " <td width=150 align=right>".$data2[PRODUCT]."</td>\n";
    $rows .= ' <td width=150 align=right>".$data3[PRODUCT]."</td>\n";
    $rows .= " <td width=150 align=right>".$data4[PRODUCT]."</td>\n";
    $rows .= " </td>\n";
    $rows .= " </tr>\n";

  • How can I display records dynamically in forms?

    Hi Friends,
    I want to display the number of records in the form dynamically. Suppose the back-end table is having only 5 records means it should display 5 records. If any new records is inserted later then it should show 6 records. It should display 10 records at a time with a scroll bar in case if a table is having more records.
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    Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank You.
    Gopinath Kona

    Why not have number or records displayed as the number that best fits the space and then if less come back the scrollbar is disabled, and if more come back the scrollbar is enabled?

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    One way is to first create a Value node (NewNode) with structure binding of that of the model node. Then iterate through the model node, create NewNode elements and set the value from model node elements into it.
    IPrivate<view>.I<model node> mele;
    IPrivate<view>.I<NewNode> nele;
    mele = wdContext.node<output>().node<record>().get<record>ElementAt(i);
    nele = wdContext.node<NewNode>().create<NewNode>Element();
    Second way is to create that NewNode inside the model node and create a supply function.

  • Update all alv (grid) displayed records to internal table

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    i want to update the records into the internal table which are changed by the user in the edit field.
    after he select save button.
    i  have to save the ALV grid displayed records in the internal table.
    hw can i do this ?

    ALV with EDIT and SAVE functionality
    Code:REPORT z_demo_alv_jg.*******************************************************************
    TYPE-POOLS                                                      *
    TYPE-POOLS: slis. *******************************************************************
    DATA: i_fieldcat TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv,
          w_field TYPE slis_fieldcat_alv,
          p_table LIKE dd02l-tabname,
          dy_table TYPE REF TO data,
          dy_tab TYPE REF TO data,
          dy_line TYPE REF TO data.*******************************************************************
    FIELD-SYMBOLS                                                   *
                   <dyn_wa> TYPE ANY,
                   <dyn_field> TYPE ANY,
                   <dyn_tab_temp> TYPE STANDARD TABLE.*******************************************************************
    SELECTION SCREEN                                                *
    PARAMETERS: tabname(30) TYPE c,
                lines(5)  TYPE n.*******************************************************************
    START-OF-SELECTION                                              *
    START-OF-SELECTION.* Storing table name
      p_table = tabname.* Create internal table dynamically with the stucture of table name
    entered in the selection screen
      CREATE DATA dy_table TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF (p_table).
      ASSIGN dy_table->* TO <dyn_table>.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        MESSAGE i000(z_zzz_ca_messages) WITH ' No table found'.    LEAVE TO LIST-PROCESSING.
    Create workarea for the table
      CREATE DATA dy_line LIKE LINE OF <dyn_table>.
      ASSIGN dy_line->* TO <dyn_wa>.* Create another temp. table
      CREATE DATA dy_tab TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF (p_table).
      ASSIGN dy_tab->* TO <dyn_tab_temp>.  SORT i_fieldcat BY col_pos.* Select data from table
      SELECT * FROM (p_table)
      INTO TABLE <dyn_table>
      UP TO lines ROWS.  REFRESH <dyn_tab_temp>.* Display report
          i_callback_program       = sy-repid
          i_structure_name         = p_table
          i_callback_user_command  = 'USER_COMMAND'
          i_callback_pf_status_set = 'SET_PF_STATUS'
          t_outtab                 = <dyn_table>
          program_error            = 1
          OTHERS                   = 2.  IF sy-subrc <> 0.  ENDIF.&----
    *&      Form  SET_PF_STATUS
          Setting custom PF-Status
         -->RT_EXTAB   Excluding table
    FORM set_pf_status USING rt_extab TYPE slis_t_extab.  SET PF-STATUS 'Z_STANDARD'.ENDFORM.                    "SET_PF_STATUS&----
    *&      Form  user_command
          Handling custom function codes
         -->R_UCOMM      Function code value
         -->RS_SELFIELD  Info. of cursor position in ALV
    FORM user_command  USING    r_ucomm LIKE sy-ucomm
                               rs_selfield TYPE slis_selfield.* Local data declaration
      DATA: li_tab TYPE REF TO data,
            l_line TYPE REF TO data.* Local field-symbols
      FIELD-SYMBOLS:<l_tab> TYPE table,
                    <l_wa>  TYPE ANY.* Create table
      CREATE DATA li_tab TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF (p_table).
      ASSIGN li_tab->* TO <l_tab>.* Create workarea
      CREATE DATA l_line LIKE LINE OF <l_tab>.
      ASSIGN l_line->* TO <l_wa>.  CASE r_ucomm.*   When a record is selected
        WHEN '&IC1'.*     Read the selected record
          READ TABLE <dyn_table> ASSIGNING <dyn_wa> INDEX
          rs_selfield-tabindex.      IF sy-subrc = 0.*       Store the record in an internal table
            APPEND <dyn_wa> TO <l_tab>.*       Fetch the field catalog info
                i_program_name         = 'Z_DEMO_PDF_JG'
                i_structure_name       = p_table
                ct_fieldcat            = i_fieldcat
                inconsistent_interface = 1
                program_error          = 2
                OTHERS                 = 3.
            IF sy-subrc = 0.*         Make all the fields input enabled except key fields
              w_field-input = 'X'.          MODIFY i_fieldcat FROM w_field TRANSPORTING input
              WHERE key IS INITIAL.        ENDIF.*       Display the record for editing purpose
                i_callback_program    = sy-repid
                i_structure_name      = p_table
                it_fieldcat           = i_fieldcat
                i_screen_start_column = 10
                i_screen_start_line   = 15
                i_screen_end_column   = 200
                i_screen_end_line     = 20
                t_outtab              = <l_tab>
                program_error         = 1
                OTHERS                = 2.        IF sy-subrc = 0.*         Read the modified data
              READ TABLE <l_tab> INDEX 1 INTO <l_wa>.*         If the record is changed then track its index no.
            and populate it in an internal table for future
              IF sy-subrc = 0 AND <dyn_wa> <> <l_wa>.
                <dyn_wa> = <l_wa>.
                i_index = rs_selfield-tabindex.
                APPEND i_index.
            ENDIF.      ENDIF.*   When save button is pressed
        WHEN 'SAVE'.*     Sort the index table
          SORT i_index.*     Delete all duplicate records
          DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES FROM i_index.      LOOP AT i_index.*       Find out the changes in the internal table
          and populate these changes in another internal table
            READ TABLE <dyn_table> ASSIGNING <dyn_wa> INDEX i_index.
            IF sy-subrc = 0.
              APPEND <dyn_wa> TO <dyn_tab_temp>.
            ENDIF.      ENDLOOP.*     Lock the table
              mode_rstable   = 'E'
              tabname        = p_table
              foreign_lock   = 1
              system_failure = 2
              OTHERS         = 3.      IF sy-subrc = 0.*       Modify the database table with these changes
            MODIFY (p_table) FROM TABLE <dyn_tab_temp>.        REFRESH <dyn_tab_temp>.*       Unlock the table
                mode_rstable = 'E'
                tabname      = p_table.      ENDIF.
      ENDCASE.  rs_selfield-refresh = 'X'.ENDFORM.                    "user_command

  • JSP, DataWebBean: How to dynamically set the where clause of query and display record

    I am reposting this question as per suggestions made by Mr. Dwight.
    I have used ViewCurrentRecord web bean to display records from EMP table. I have to use the Dept_Id_FK from the current
    record of the EMP table to display corresponding records of Dept table. I have a view object called DeptView in my Business
    Components which selects all the records from the Dept table.
    How do I get the value of Dept_Id_FK and use it to display the required records of the Dept table?
    I tried to declare a variable and get the value of Dept_Id_FK but it did not work. My code is as follows:
    <%! String m_DeptId = null; %>
    <jsp:useBean id="RowViewer" class="oracle.jbo.html.databeans.ViewCurrentRecord" scope="request">
    RowViewer.initialize(pageContext, "EMPApp_EMP_EMPAppModule.EMPView1");
    m_DeptId = (String)RowViewer.getRowSet().getCurrentRow().getAttribute("DeptIdFk");

    First of all, Thank you very much for making use of the new topic format. It is very much appreciated.
    As for your question, I think there are several different ways to accomplish what I think you want to do.
    1. Create a view object that includes both Emp and Dept entities and join them there. In this case, your query would look something like this:
    Select e.empno,e.name,...,d.dname,d.loc from emp e, dept d
    where e.deptno = d.deptno
    You should be able to create a JSP off of this view object that contains both the employee and department information. In this case, BC4J takes care of the foreign key to primary key coordination.
    2. In order to set a dynamic where clause for a view, you need to do the following in your usebean tag:
    rsn.initialize(application,session, request,response,out,"DeptView");
    rsn.getRowSet().getViewObject().setWhereClause("deptno=" &#0124; &#0124; m_DeptId);
    You will need to do this in a separate usebean tag from the EmpView, since the usebean can only initialize one view object.
    In other words, you would have your ViewCurrentRecord bean tag for the EmpView, then a separate one for the DeptView where you use the above code to set the where clause to display just the information for the department you want.
    Another option, but one I'm not sure would work as well, is to create a master-detail JSP to do this for you. Usually a master-detail is a one-to-many (one department to many employees). Your request appears to be the reverse, but might still be doable using the same mechanism.
    You set up relationships between views in your BC4J project using View Links. If you used the BC4J project wizard and created default views, some of these links may have been created for you. They are created when BC4J detects a foreign key to primary key relationship in the database.
    You can create your own View Links using the View Link wizard. Select your BC4J project node and choose Create View Link... from the context menu. You will be asked to select a source view (Emp), and a target view (Dept), then select the attribute in each view that related the two of them (deptno).
    Next, you need to reflect this new relationship setting in your application module. Select your app module and choose Edit from the context menu. On the data model page, select the EmpView node in the Selected list. Now select the DeptView node in the available list and shuttle it over. You should see DeptView1 via yourlink appear indented under the EmpView node. Save and rebuild your BC4J project to reflect the changes.
    In your JSP project, you can now have the wizard create a master-detail form for you based on DeptView1.
    Let me know if the above answers your question, or if I have misunderstood what it is you wanted to do.

  • All Records are not getting displayed in adobe form from table

    Hi All,
    I Want to display records from table  to Adobe Form Table .
    But While Displaying only some of the records are getting displayed How can i display all the records in next pages of adobe form.
    Its Urgent PLZ Reploy soon.
    Thanks & Regards

    dear friend,
    please check the adobe format, must be match to
    the data base format.
    pls go to the setting and adjust the data base table.
    if nothing is going click the radio button
    html format.
    that will work.
    rewards are expecting.

  • Dynamic record deletion from database table

    I need to delete selected records from database table(dynamic names). Table names are being passed from main program with some of their field names. The record to be deleted from the database table is being decided based on the fields passed for the table and their contains passed from the main program.
    It is not possible to write dynamic where clause for DELETE statement directly.
    So, I created a dynamic internal table and i am trying to fetch all records using SELECT statement(for which we can write dynamic where condition, something like...SELECT...WHERE (itab).  ) which need to be deleted in the iternal table.
    Piece of code :
              CONCATENATE c_im v_tablefield1 INTO v_imprtfield1.
              CONCATENATE v_tablefield1 c_in v_imprtfield1
                       into s_condition separated by space.
              APPEND s_condition TO t_condition.
              PERFORM GET_DYNAMIC_ITAB USING s_flds_agtab-tabname
                                    changing t_itab.
              ASSIGN t_itab->* TO <itab>.
    *Select the data (to be deleted) from the database table
               SELECT * FROM (s_flds_agtab-tabname) INTO TABLE <itab>
                 WHERE (t_condition).
    *Delete the records from the table
               IF SY-SUBRC = 0.
                 DELETE (s_flds_agtab-tabname) FROM TABLE <itab>.
    Here t_condition is of standard table of WHERETXT.
    t_condition at the run time before giving dump was:
    Here IM_SPART is renge type of SPART and IM_KUNNR is renge of KUNNR.
    I am getting a DUMP:
    The WHERE condition has an unexpected format.
    Error analysis                                                                               
    The current ABAP/4 program attempted to execute an ABAP/4 Open SQL
    statement containing a WHERE condition of the form WHERE (itab) or
    WHERE ... AND (itab). The part of the WHERE condition specified at
    runtime in the internal table itab contains the operator         
             IN (v1, ..., vn)                                        
    in incomplete form.                                              
    How to correct the error
    If the error occurred in a non-modified SAP program, you may be  
    able to find a solution in the SAP note system.                  
    If you have access to the note system yourself, use the following
    search criteria:                                                 
    If you cannot solve the problem yourself, please send the
    following documents to SAP:                             
    I would like to know whether "IN" operator is allowed in (itab) of WHERE clause. While testing I changed the "IN" to "=" specifying a suitable value there. It worked. So please let me know if i can give "IN" operator using renge table in the dynamic where clause.
    Thanking you,

    Hi again,  so if you can not use the IN in a dynamic where clause you might be forced to dynamically build the entire select statement,  Here is a sample program which may give you some ideas, notice that we are writing the select statement code, putting it in another program and generating the subroutine at runtime, then call this routine.  I'm sure that this will help you see what you need to do.
    report zrich_0003 .
    tables: kna1.
    types: t_source(72).
    data: routine(32) value 'DYNAMIC_SELECT',
                 line type i.
    data: isource type table of t_source,
                xsource type t_source.
            r_kunnr for kna1-kunnr.
    data: ikna1 type table of kna1.
    data: xkna1 type kna1.
    r_kunnr-sign = 'I'.
    r_kunnr-option = 'EQ'.
    r_kunnr-low    = '0001000500'.
    append r_kunnr.
    xsource = 'REPORT ZTEMP.'.
    insert xsource  into isource index 1.
    xsource = 'FORM dynamic_select'.
    insert xsource  into isource index 2.
    xsource = 'Tables r_kunnr ikna1.'.
    append xsource to isource.
    xsource = 'select * into table ikna1 from kna1'.
    append xsource to isource.
    xsource = 'where kunnr in r_kunnr.'.
    append xsource to isource.
    xsource = 'ENDFORM.'.
    append xsource to isource.
    generate subroutine pool isource name program
                             message message
                             line line.
    if sy-subrc = 0.
      perform (routine) in program (program) tables r_kunnr
      write:/ message.
    loop at ikna1 into xkna1.
      write:/ xkna1-kunnr.
    Rich Heilman

  • How to display records from base table as well as some other table?

    Hello expert,
    I have a requirement to develope a form described below:
    One control block and database block.
    DB block  is based on table T1 (USER, Table_name, Column_name, ACCESS);
    In control block, there are three fields,
    User, Table user will enter , and DB block will query based on control block fields(user, table_name).
    In table it is not necessary that all the columns of any table will be given.
    suppose there is a Table X consist of 10 column.
    Initially user give access for all the 10 columns through this form.
    if we query for user , table, all the record will come from table T1.
    now consider the case, when access given to table X number of columns were 10. after that 2 new columns added later.
    now there is no info of added column in table T1. i want if user query DB block, these newly added column must display in DB Block.
    Please help me out.

    >i want if user query DB block, these newly added column must display in DB Block.
    You need to modify your form and add the two columns as base table items. Forms does not add two base table items by itself.

  • Query to display all records count of all tables in a schema

    I need to count all the records of all my tables in a certain schema and display the max amount of the record count. Do you have a script for this one??

    SQL> create function countrec(in_tab in varchar2) return number is
      2  retval number;
      3  begin
      4    execute immediate 'select count(*) from '||in_tab into retval;
      5    return retval;
      6  end;
      7  /
    Function created.
    SQL> select table_name, countrec(table_name)
      2  from tabs;
    TABLE_NAME                     COUNTREC(TABLE_NAME)
    QUERY_TOOL_DATA_COLLECTION                        5
    TEST01                                            0
    T1                                               14
    EMP                                              14
    SALGRADE                                          5
    FILES                                             0
    PROVA                                             0
    TEST                                              0
    T_MASTER                                          1
    T_CHILD                                           3
    TAB_ONE                                          30
    TAB_TWO                                          10
    A                                                 3
    B                                                 4
    C                                                 3
    D                                                 3
    BONUS                                             0
    DEPT                                              4
    18 rows selected.Max

  • ALV display using dynamic field catalog and dynamic internal table

    hi ,
    please guide me for ALV display using dynamic field catalog and dynamic internal table.
    Thank you.

    Hi Rahul,
    maybe thread dynamic program for alv is helpful for you. More information about the [SAP List Viewer (ALV)|http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw70/helpdata/EN/5e/88d440e14f8431e10000000a1550b0/frameset.htm]. Also have a look into the example programs SALV_DEMO_TABLE*.
    Regards Rudi

  • Display message when record is save in table

    How can i display message as "Record Save" when record successfully save into table.
    I have created a form and take one save button, when values fill up in the textboxes and SAVE button pressed record is successfully inserted in the table then
    but how can i display popup window that "Record is save".
    Thanks in advance.

    your page process can have a "success message" which will be displayed after this process has finished and the page is freshly displayed (if your branch doesn't filter the process success message).
    This would be the easiest way to display "Record is save", if you want to do this in a Popup (which is oldskool...) then you can add some javascript code to your process success message.
    Blog: http://www.oracle-and-apex.com
    ApexLib: http://apexlib.oracleapex.info
    BuilderPlugin: http://builderplugin.oracleapex.info
    Work: http://www.click-click.at

  • How to display first three records of an internal table

    I have a requirement, in which i want to display the first 3 records of an internal table.
    Pls help me.

    data: count type sy-tabix.
    count = 1.
    if count <  4.
    loop at itab.
    write: / Field.
    Reward if helpful.

  • Problem with displaying records from the database in a table ui element

    Iam creating an application which retrieves data from an oracle database. Iam able to connect to the database and retrieve the data in a result set. Then I try to set these values in a context node as follows,
    while (resultSet.next()) {
    String name = result.getString(1);
    String EmpId = result.getString(2);
    IEmpNode node = wdContext.nodeEmp();
    IEmpElement el = node.createEmpElement();
    where the context structure is emp(node)
    Then I have bound the node emp to a table ui element.If I try to deploy this it comes up with Internal Server error.
    But if try this way, without creating a node, only with attributes name and empId,
    and binding the attributes to inputfields in the view, Iam able to see the last record in the database table.
    So where am I going wrong while using the table ui element?

    Try this
    //Create the node in outer of while loop and bind to Table UIElement
    IEmpNode node = wdContext.nodeEmp();
    while (resultSet.next()) {
    String name = result.getString(1);
    String EmpId = result.getString(2);
    IEmpElement el = wdContext.createEmpElement();
    Kind Regards

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