Display Specific Values, Suppress others In SQL Query

Hi Everyone,
I am processing a donor report that displays certain status_codes
and suppresses those that do not meet the specified criteria.
mgt wants the specified codes to standout from the others especially with 100,000 donor records.
the specified codes are : 'UDAD' and 'DECD'.
CREATE TABLE DONOR(donor_id number(4), first varchar2(20),last Varchar2(20));
INSERT INTO DONOR(donor_id,first,last) VALUES(1111, 'John', 'Smith');
INSERT INTO DONOR(donor_id,first,last) VALUES(2222, 'Mary', 'Jane');
INSERT INTO DONOR(donor_id,first,last) VALUES(3333, 'Tom', 'Harris');
INSERT INTO DONOR(donor_id,first,last) VALUES(4444, 'Sandy', 'Lee');
CREATE TABLE DONOR_STATUS(donor_id number(4), status_code varchar2(4));
INSERT INTO DONOR_STATUS(donor_id,status_code) VALUES(1111, 'UDAD');
INSERT INTO DONOR_STATUS(donor_id,status_code) VALUES(2222, '998');
INSERT INTO DONOR_STATUS(donor_id,status_code) VALUES(3333,'STMP');
INSERT INTO DONOR_STATUS(donor_id,status_code) VALUES(1111, 'SSS');
INSERT INTO DONOR_STATUS(donor_id,status_code) VALUES(2222, 'ECON');
INSERT INTO DONOR_STATUS(donor_id,status_code) VALUES(3333,'NFEX');
INSERT INTO DONOR_STATUS(donor_id,status_code) VALUES(1111, 'NCOA');
INSERT INTO DONOR_STATUS(donor_id,status_code) VALUES(2222, '995');
INSERT INTO DONOR_STATUS(donor_id,status_code) VALUES(3333,'DECD');
INSERT INTO DONOR_STATUS(donor_id,status_code) VALUES(4444,'UNEM');
INSERT INTO DONOR_STATUS(donor_id,status_code) VALUES(4444,'801');
the output should look like this :
STAT   DONOR_ID FIRST                LAST
UDAD       1111 John                 Smith
           2222 Mary                 Jane
DECD       3333 Tom                  Harris
           4444 Sandy                Leethis is the query I've written so far:
select distinct decode(s.status_code,'UDAD','UDAD','DECD','DECD',null) Statcode,d.donor_Id, first,last
from donor d, donor_status s
where s.donor_id(+)=d.donor_id order by d.donor_idwith this ouput:
STAT   DONOR_ID FIRST                LAST
UDAD       1111 John                 Smith
           1111 John                 Smith
           2222 Mary                 Jane
DECD       3333 Tom                  Harris
           3333 Tom                  Harris
           4444 Sandy                Lee
6 rows selected.it rolls up the non-criteria codes into one row with null value, then outputs the desired row with 'UDAD' or 'DECD' duplicating the output for those donors with the matching criteria code but who also have other non-criteria codes.
any tips/help greatly appreciated.

Here's one way:
SELECT    STRAGG (s.status_code)     AS Statcode
,       d.donor_Id
,       d.first
,       d.last
FROM          donor          d
LEFT OUTER JOIN donor_status      s  ON   s.donor_id     = d.donor_id
                               AND     s.status_code     IN ('DECD', 'UDAD')
GROUP BY   d.donor_id, d.first, d.last
ORDER BY   d.donor_id
;You can't use OR or IN in an old-style outer join; that's why I used ANSI syntax.
Is it possible that the same donor would be both 'DECD' and 'UDAD'? What output would you want in that case?
If you have the user-defined aggregate funtion STRAGG, available from AskTom:
you could use STRAGG (s.status_code) instead of MIN (s.status_code), and get 'DECD,UDAD' when applicable.
Edited by: Frank Kulash on Jan 19, 2011 5:08 PM
Added STRAGG option

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    Do you just wish to display the result of the query? If so, you can simply parse it out in HTML.
    You can then choose if you want to use tables or css.
    Multiple column layout in tables are based on <tr> and <td>.
    <tr> is a table row, where <td> is a column.
    All tags should be closed.
    <td colspan="2">spans over 2 cols</td>
    </table>If you want to do the same in css:
    (Seems this forum removes the styles!):
    float:left; width:50; << first div and 2 div (col 1 and col 2 style)
    float:left;clear:both; width:100%; << clear both, double width (spans over 2)
    <div style="float:left; width:50;">col1</div><div style="float:left;width:50%;">col2</div>
    <div style="float:left;clear:both; width=100%;">Spans over 2 cols</div>
    </div>The div might look more complicated, but if you refrain from styling in the tags them selves, you can define different styles in the .css file.
    You need the clear:both to start a new line with the divs that float.
    I usually run a dedicated "new line" div, without content.. (exception beeing the html-entities version of ' ' (& nbsp ; << without the spaces)).
    <div style="cls"> </div>Parsing out the values from the PL SQL you do like so:
       cursor c_search is 
    Select ul.meaning,
    cfa_rqa_doc_submit_dates rqa,
    cfa_user_lookups ul
    rqa.location_num in (Select location_num from cfa_current_locations_mv
    where operator_person_id = :P1_PERSON_ID and substr(location_num,1,1) = '8')
    to_char(rqa.submission_date, 'month') = to_char(sysdate, 'month')
    rqa.submission_date >= (SYSDATE-365)
    and ul.lookup_ID= rqa.document_type_id
    htp.p('<div style="width:80%;">');
    for v_search in c_search loop
    htp.p('<div style="float:left;clear:none;">'||v_search.location_num||'</div>');
    htp.p('<div style="float:left;clear:none;">'||v_search.submission_date||'</div>');
    end loop;
    end;Ps. hope I understood you correctly, also this code is untested.. but I hope it can still help.
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    2. P1XA
    3. P2AF
    4. P2XA
    5. P2XD
    6. P3AF
    7. P3XA
    8. P3XD
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    Can you confirm that this question is posted to the correct forum, or if it should go into another? 
    If this is Universe Designer related, you can review your LOV's by:
    1. right-click on the object in the universe designer, and select Properties dialog
    2. Select Properties tab,
    3. Select 'Display'
    4. then shift or control select the LOV's that you want to be viewable,
    5. enable the checkmark next to 'Show Selected Only'
    6. Click OK, and then save and re-export the universe.

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    select null link, P_MONTH AS MONTH, SUM(CALLS) AS data
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    select null link, P_MONTH AS MONTH, SUM(CALLS) AS *'P1_WAREHOUSE' || 'P1_ANS_UNANS' || 'P1_PRODUCT'*
    Any ideas/suggests?

    Woof777 wrote:
    Any ideas/suggests?Try the APEX forum ;)

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    so what ever we selected from first select list..the same values should be populated in the second list items?
    How we achieve this?

    Hi All,
    Thanks, but may be my explanation is not celar i believe.
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    1. Country
    3. Country1
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    hi ,
        Do this way 
    1) get the opening balance  
    2)   append that line to final table
    3) then append data from other table in final table where data for all line item
    4) then again get closing balance
    5) append that data in final table and you will get first line as opening balance ,then middle data and last closing data .
    Deepak .

  • Get a insert session value for SQL query at report

    Hi friends
    I created a global temp table and procedure to support web search form.
    and a search result report. The procudure
    gets search result from multip tables and
    insert into temp table --recordsearch. I can get value from temp table  by call procedure
    at SQL*Plus.
    However, I can not get this value by web report.
    How can I get this insert session value and pass to SQL query for report?
    (emp_id          VARCHAR2(200),
    ssn               VARCHAR2(9),
    fname          VARCHAR2(200),
    lname           VARCHAR2(200),
    m_name          VARCHAR2(200)

    it possible that your web form does not have a persistent, dedicated connection. if you have connection pooling for example, multiple sessions will see the same instance of the GTT, so if one deletes it, then nobody sees it (or you can see others data). if the connections are not persistent, then they can disconnect between calls, deleting the GTT table.

  • SQL Query returns values like "---" and "NA"

              When I execute a sql query in MII it returns values like "---" and "NA" for empty Char and numeric fields respectively.
    I have checked the database and made sure that these fields does not have any value. This happens only when I run the query through MII. Can any one know how can we get rid of these values?
    Thanks in advance

    MII sets those values as a default if it discovers null values in a query result. You can change this default behaviour in several ways.
    First, have a look at the document [Setting custom null values in XML|http://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/scn/go/portal/prtroot/docs/library/uuid/70628af0-8ec4-2c10-7da2-f451e412dd8f?quicklink=index&overridelayout=true]. Then you may also use SQL functions like [NVL|http://www.techonthenet.com/oracle/functions/nvl.php] to change the value directly in the SQL query. You can also change the value inside the MII BLT to whatever you need.

Maybe you are looking for