Display values of Microsoft.IIs.PowerShell.Framework.ConfigurationElement in Powershell

Hi all
As part of my struggle to write a comprehensive script to deploy web applications to the servers of the company that I work for, I have coded a part of the script which displays the properties of the necessary application pools.  This is shown below:
Get-Item -Path $POOLPATH | Format-List *
And it returns information in this form:
name : DefaultAppPool
queueLength : 1000
autoStart : True
enable32BitAppOnWin64 : False
managedRuntimeVersion : v4.0
managedRuntimeLoader : webengine4.dll
enableConfigurationOverride : True
managedPipelineMode : Integrated
CLRConfigFile :
passAnonymousToken : True
startMode : OnDemand
state : Started
applicationPoolSid : S-1-5-82-3006700770-424185619-1745488364-794895919-4004696415
processModel : Microsoft.IIs.PowerShell.Framework.ConfigurationElement
recycling : Microsoft.IIs.PowerShell.Framework.ConfigurationElement
failure : Microsoft.IIs.PowerShell.Framework.ConfigurationElement
cpu : Microsoft.IIs.PowerShell.Framework.ConfigurationElement
workerProcesses : Microsoft.IIs.PowerShell.Framework.ConfigurationElement
ItemXPath : /system.applicationHost/applicationPools/add[@name='DefaultAppPool']
PSPath : WebAdministration::\\ITPCWXG4\AppPools\DefaultAppPool
PSParentPath : WebAdministration::\\ITPCWXG4\AppPools
PSChildName : DefaultAppPool
PSDrive : IIS
PSProvider : WebAdministration
PSIsContainer : True
Attributes : {name, queueLength, autoStart, enable32BitAppOnWin64...}
ChildElements : {processModel, recycling, failure, cpu...}
ElementTagName : add
Methods : {Start, Stop, Recycle}
Schema : Microsoft.IIs.PowerShell.Framework.ConfigurationElementSchema
My question is, how do I get the information for the properties displaying "Microsoft.IIs.PowerShell.Framework.ConfigurationElement" to show?

I don't think Get-Item will show that information. Do you have Web Adminisration module installed?
Then you can try the below
get-website -name "Default Web Site" | select -ExpandProperty ProcessModel | Select -ExpandProperty Collection
get-website -name "Default Web Site" | select -ExpandProperty Recycling | Select -ExpandProperty Collection
Regards Chen V [MCTS SharePoint 2010]

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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <Report name="Execution Action" type="detailedchanges_rpt">
                <TimestampCriterion name="date" displayvalue="08/10/14 23:08">
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                <String name="typeName">Windows Server</String>
                <ReportSection name="Critical System Files" category="rule">
                    <String name="typeName">Windows File System Rule</String>
                    <ReportSection name="C:\Temp" category="element">
                        <ReportSection name="08/10/14 22:48" category="version">
                            <Integer name="changeType">1</Integer>
                            <String name="changeTypeName">Added</String>
                            <Integer name="severity">10000</Integer>
                            <String name="severityName">High</String>
                            <Timestamp name="changeTime" displayvalue="08/10/14 22:48">1412779682000</Timestamp>
                            <String name="approvalId"></String>
                            <ReportSection name="attributes" category="attributes">
                                <ReportSection name="DACL" category="added">
                                    <String name="observed">Inherits Entries: true
    NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM, Access Allowed:
     Standard rights:
      Full Control
      Read &amp; Execute
      List Folder Contents
      Read Control
      Write DAC
      Write Owner
     Specific rights:
      Full Control
      Traverse Folder / Execute File
      List Folder / Read Data
      Read Attributes
      Read Extended Attributes
      Create Files / Write Data
      Create Folders / Append Data
      Write Attributes
      Write Extended Attributes
      Directory Delete Child
      Read Permissions
      Change Permissions
      Take Ownership
     Header flags:
      Object Inherit
      Container Inherit
    BUILTIN\Administrators, Access Allowed:
     Standard rights:
      Full Control
      Read &amp; Execute
      List Folder Contents
      Read Control
      Write DAC
      Write Owner
     Specific rights:
      Full Control
      Traverse Folder / Execute File
      List Folder / Read Data
      Read Attributes
      Read Extended Attributes
      Create Files / Write Data
      Create Folders / Append Data
      Write Attributes
      Write Extended Attributes
      Directory Delete Child
      Read Permissions
      Change Permissions
      Take Ownership
     Header flags:
      Object Inherit
      Container Inherit
    BUILTIN\Users, Access Allowed:
     Standard rights:
      Read &amp; Execute
      List Folder Contents
      Read Control
     Specific rights:
      Traverse Folder / Execute File
      List Folder / Read Data
      Read Attributes
      Read Extended Attributes
      Read Permissions
     Header flags:
      Object Inherit
      Container Inherit
    BUILTIN\Users, Access Allowed:
     Specific rights:
      Create Folders / Append Data
     Header flags:
      Container Inherit
    BUILTIN\Users, Access Allowed:
     Specific rights:
      Create Files / Write Data
     Header flags:
      Container Inherit
    CREATOR OWNER, Access Allowed:
     Generic rights:
      Generic All
     Specific rights:
      Full Control
      Traverse Folder / Execute File
      List Folder / Read Data
      Read Attributes
      Read Extended Attributes
      Create Files / Write Data
      Create Folders / Append Data
      Write Attributes
      Write Extended Attributes
      Directory Delete Child
      Read Permissions
      Change Permissions
      Take Ownership
     Header flags:
      Object Inherit
      Container Inherit
      Inherit Only
                                <ReportSection name="Group" category="added">
                                    <String name="observed">TRIPWIREENT\None</String>
                                <ReportSection name="Owner" category="added">
                                    <String name="observed">BUILTIN\Administrators</String>
                                <ReportSection name="Read-Only" category="added">
                                    <String name="observed">false</String>
                                <ReportSection name="SACL" category="added">
                                    <String name="observed">(null)</String>
                                <ReportSection name="Type" category="added">
                                    <String name="observed">Directory</String>
                    <ReportSection name="C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts" category="element">
                        <ReportSection name="08/10/14 23:08" category="version">
                            <Integer name="changeType">2</Integer>
                            <String name="changeTypeName">Modified</String>
                            <Integer name="severity">10000</Integer>
                            <String name="severityName">High</String>
                            <Timestamp name="changeTime" displayvalue="08/10/14 23:08">1412780929000</Timestamp>
                            <String name="approvalId"></String>
                            <ReportSection name="attributes" category="attributes">
                                <ReportSection name="SHA-1" category="modified">
                                    <String name="expected">de375d8a456a7345323babee88975ca567a2d5c4</String>
                                    <String name="observed">3c5520382f91cb1cd898fee2da4eba3fa338d982</String>
                                <ReportSection name="Size" category="modified">
                                    <String name="expected">829</String>
                                    <String name="observed">854</String>
            <ReportSection name="reportTotals" category="reportTotals">
                <Integer name="summary.nodeCount">1</Integer>
                <Integer name="summary.ruleCount">1</Integer>
                <Integer name="summary.elementCount">2</Integer>

    Hi Ritehere,
    I know this is simple but am beginner in Powershell Script so I was looking for logic to go through however the output you provided is not what i am looking for and your script is too complicated, as under timestamp i wanted display value and correspoding
    to display value the OID name and then name value correspoding to that OID. May be u got it wrong.
    Thanks anyways.

  • Timeline usage : To display value at the end of timeline values

    Hi Team,
    In my current project, I want to implement functionality given below. All records are present in one single table.
    Table has columns as (City,Date,Positive,Negative,CountOfItems)
    I have created data model as given below.
    I need to design Power View Report for which Date will act as "Timeline", so when I select DAte as "2010-10-01" to "2010-11-01" then It should show me report having data on "2010-11-01 because it is latest data I am having.
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    But as I have used "Sum" function, it shows me wrong result.
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    Can anyone help me to do db design and report formulation.

    It looks like this was answered in your other thread...
    Display value at the end of timeline range selection: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/sqlkjpowerpivotforexcel/thread/20ce91d4-9cc1-4680-be71-6172c64e4da7/#20ce91d4-9cc1-4680-be71-6172c64e4da7
    In the future, please try to avoid creating multiple threads for the same problem :)
    Please remember to mark a post that answers your question as an answer...If a post doesn't answer your question but you've found it helpful, please remember to vote it as helpful :)

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    Powershell 4.0
    Windows Server 2008 

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    $array = @($realval.Split(';'))
    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $array.Count - 1; $i += 2)
    $word = $array[$i].Trim('#')
    $number = $array[$i+1].Trim('#')
    "$number $word"
    $lookupvalue1 = GetLookUpValues -val $number
    [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldLookupValueCollection] $itemValues = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldLookupValueCollection
    [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldLookupValue] $lookupvalue = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldLookupValue
    [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldLookupValue] $lookupvalue2 = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldLookupValue
    [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldLookupValue] $lookupvalue3 = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldLookupValue
    $lookupvalue.LookupId = 1
    $lookupvalue2.LookupId = 2
    $lookupvalue3.LookupId = 6
    $CMRSItems["Event Type"] = $itemValues;
    Write-Host "items:" $itemValues
    # This works when its updating only one value but when it needs to update multivalue it only updates the last one
    #so for example with the lookupvalue above only 6 gets updated below
    $array = @($realval.Split(';'))
    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $array.Count - 1; $i += 2)
    $word = $array[$i].Trim('#')
    $number = $array[$i+1].Trim('#')
    "$number $word"
    #send param to GetLoolValues func to return records as SPFieldLookupValue
    $lookupvalue1 = GetLookUpValues -val $number
    #I can view the lookupvalue returned successfully
    #Write-Host $lookupvalue1
    [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldLookupValueCollection] $itemValues = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldLookupValueCollection
    #This LookupId returns 3 values like on the hardcoded one above like so :1,2,6
    $lookupvalue.LookupId = $number
    $CMRSItems["Event Type"] = $itemValues;
    #I can view the items returned successfully
    Write-Host "items:" $itemValues

    The problem I can see with your code is that the below line of code, you are instantiating inside the for loop. This should have been outside the for loop as by keeping it inside the loop you are overriding the value.
    [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldLookupValueCollection] $itemValues = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldLookupValueCollection
    Please have a look at the below solution and modify your code as per your requirement. What I am trying to achieve in the below code is that I have a listA in which one of the field is being used as a multi-lookup in my listB.
    $lookupCollection = $something.split(";")
    [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldLookupValueCollection] $lookupValueCollection = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldLookupValueCollection
    #Get the Lookup Item from Parent List
    foreach($item in $lookupCollection){
    IF([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($item.trim())) {
    $LookupItem = $LookupMasterList.Items | Where-Object { $_.Item("FieldInternalName") -eq $item.trim()}
    if($LookupItem -ne $null)
    $myLookup = New-Object Microsoft.Sharepoint.SPFieldLookupValue($LookupItem.ID,$item.trim())
    #Set the Lookup field value
    $newItem["Lookupfieldinternalname"] = $lookupValueCollection
    The above logic has no hard coding and it fetches the lookup information directly from the master list and generates a collection based on that. You can modify the above code as per your requirement.
    Geetanjali Arora | My blogs |

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    I'm having an authentication problem. i know that the error lies in the IIS Powershell. when i go to open it to correct "kerbauth"
    Line number: 33
    Error Cannot add duplicate collection entry of 'add' with unique key attribute 'name' set to 'kerbauth'
    EMT shooter also pointed me here. but there must be another route.
    I have 2 2010 Exchange Servers, both 08 R2.
    you advice is appreciated
    The Big Lug

    It's ok. i read the error and deleted line 33... Doh
    The Big Lug

  • Is it possible to easily view the actual (not displayed) value of a cell?

    Is it possible to easily view the actual value of a cell calculated by a formula, not the displayed value after it has been rounded off?
    For instance, if you enter the number 1.23456789 and display it rounded to 3 decimal places, you can still see the full, actual value in the formula bar:
    The problem arises when you reference that number in a formula: you can't see the underlying value (even though it's obviously known to Numbers):
    Is there a way to get the formula bar (or a tooltip) to show the full, unrounded value? Changing the display to more decimal places is not very convenient, especially on big spreadsheets. Maybe it could be done via AppleScript?
    A related issue arises when you try to look at the sum or average of a number: if the numbers being summed have the same number of rounded decimals, the sum displayed is rounded too. I find this very annoying: I want to see the actual value, not how my spreadsheet may be displaying it in that cell.
    Although, curiously, rounding to any number of decimals as long as they are not all the same displays the full, correct underlying values:
    Has anyone come up with workarounds for these issues?

    I did it with an AppleScript.
    Now any time I have a cell or cell range selected, I do one click (AppleScript menu > Display Value at Full Precision), and it shows me a popup alert that simply reads:
         rowname : columnname
    Here's the script:
    tell application "Numbers"
                        set selectedTables to (tables of sheets of front document whose selection range is not missing value)
                        repeat with selectedTable in selectedTables -- tables of each sheet
                                  if contents of selectedTable is not {} then -- the list is not empty, it's the selected sheet
                                            set selectedCells to cells of selection range of (get item 1 of selectedTable)
                                            repeat with i in selectedCells -- each selected cell
                                                      set {selectedRow, selectedColumn, selectedVal} to {row, column, value} of i
      --                                                  display alert "value of " & name of selectedRow & " : " & name of selectedColumn & " (" & address of selectedRow & ":" & address of selectedColumn & ")" message selectedVal
      display alert name of selectedRow & " : " & name of selectedColumn message selectedVal
                                            end repeat
                                  end if
                        end repeat
              on error eMsg number eNum
      display alert eMsg
              end try
    end tell
    ( Props to Jacques Rioux who posted code to get me started at https://discussions.apple.com/thread/3964938 )

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    Also, according to the installation guide the SSO feature is deployed when chosing "Advanced installation type" during the installation. This advanced installation type requires the Oracle Application server. We have not installed Oracle Application server in our environment, and we chose "Basic" installation.
    Is the SSO functionality available without Oracle Application server? What are the steps to setup SSO in our environment?

    I'm experiencing the same issue with IIS. Did you find any resolution in the meanwhile?
    Please let me know...
    Thanks a lot,

  • Change display value of "select list"

    I have a problem with a select list, I want to change the display value through an own pop up (page 5 of apex application) after I submit in it.
    The select list is based on a sql query:
    select A_NAME display_value, A_ID return_value
    where a_application_type='GROUP'
    order by 1
    beside I have an link to open a pop up window:
    ... onClick="window.open ('f?p=&APP_ID.:5:&SESSION.::::', 'newWin',
    'scrollbars=no,status=no,width=500,height=270' ...
    On the pop up site there is a tree and a submit button which close the window and renew the original page:
    Through the tree I get the value (Group-ID) which I need.
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    I don't know why it doesn't change immediately!?
    Thanks ahead

    I have done with a solution just in a nutshell of what u r looking for:
    1.create HTML region.
    Add two items : Select list with redirect(P6_X) and text field(P7_X)
    2. Select list is based on LOV query as :
    select empno d,empno r from emp ;
    Source value is Empno Type:DBcolumn.
    3.The text field Source type : SQL Query .
    Query : select ename from emp where empno = :P6_X
    Now select from the dropdown empno and it will populate the Ename value accordingly based on the query .
    U can have more than one text fields and populate those in the same way.....

  • Display value and description of one field in alv grid

    Hi Folks,
       I want to display value and description of one field as one column in alv grid.
    for example iam having Xfield = 01,02,03.
    and 01 iam having text value as xxx,
    01 xxx
    02 yyy
    03 zzz
    Im report display the values are displaying as 01,02,03..
    but i want to display it as 01 xxx,02 yyy, 03 zzz.
    Please do needful.

    Hi, swetha
    You can do this with "concatenate".
    In you code check where you final internal table is getting filled up before that do this concatenate and then append it.
    data t_text type string.
    t_text = textfield
    CONCATENATE 'Xfield'
                      INTO wa_workarea SEPARATED BY space.

  • Include a display value in HTML footer

    hi guys,
    I am trying to make a report and i included a HTML footer in the report for signatues ,now i have a value in the same page i want it to be included in the report besides the "rceptionest Signautre"it can be ??can i include a value from the page to be displayed in HTML footer ???anybody can help me
    this is the code
    <p align="left"> </p>
    <p align="left"> </p>
    <table border="0" width="696" id="table1" >
              <td width="315" style="border-left-width: 1px; border-right-width: 1px; border-top-width: 1px; border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-width: 1px" style="text-align: left">
              <b>Patient Signature:            </b></td>
         <p align="left"> </p>
              <td width="371" style="border-left-width: 1px; border-right-width: 1px; border-top-width: 1px; border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-width: 1px" style="text-align: left">
              <b> Receptionest Signature:</b></td>

    Hi NightCabbage ,
    I have a report that it will be printed from the receptionest i included space at the bottom of the report in the page footer
    like this one Receptionest Signature
    by using HTML code as following :
    <p align="left"> </p>
    <p align="left"> </p>
    <table border="0" width="696" id="table1" >
              <td width="315" style="border-left-width: 1px; border-right-width: 1px; border-top-width: 1px; border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-width: 1px" style="text-align: left">
              <b>Patient Signature:            </b></td>
         <p align="left"> </p>
              <td width="371" style="border-left-width: 1px; border-right-width: 1px; border-top-width: 1px; border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-width: 1px" style="text-align: left">
              <b> Receptionest Signature:</td>
    and i have a display value that displays the cashier name ,how can i add the the cashier name from the display value into the html code to be displayed besides the signature
    help me plesase,
    Thank you in Advance,
    Ahmed ,

  • Formatting display value in LOV

    I have an LOV whose display value is a concatenation of 2 database fields. That works fine. But I want to put a tab in between the
    2 fields, otherwise the values are displayed one right after the other, and the columns are out of alignment from one row to the next.
    In sqlplus, I can do:
    select CHR(9)||to_char(objecttype_id)||CHR(9)||objecttype_name from hdb_objecttype;
    And I get:
    12 acoustic velocity meter
    1 basin
    11 canal
    2 climate site
    3 confluence
    4 diversion
    10 hydro plant unit
    5 hydro power plant
    6 reach
    7 reservoir
    14 riverware dataobject
    When I do the same thing in my LOV query, I get
    12 acoustic velocity meter
    1 basin
    11 canal
    2 climate site
    3 confluence
    4 diversion
    10 hydro plant unit
    5 hydro power plant
    6 reach
    7 reservoir
    14 riverware dataobject
    I've tried lpad and rpad, also. With blanks as padding they produce the above results. If I use a character such as '.' they behave
    correctly, but I still don't have standard field widths because of the variance in character sizes.
    Why won't any of this formatting work, and how can I get it to?

    Hi, Carol,
    In addition to what Max said, you may be displaying this in a region where whitespace is compressed; in which case you would need to use non-breaking spaces in place of regular spaces:
    SELECT     REPLACE ( RPAD ( TO_CHAR (objecttype_id)
                     , 10
                     ) || objecttype_name
               , CHR (38) || 'nbsp;'      -- CHR (38) is ampersand
    ...Speaking of compressing whitespace, this site does it.
    So when you say
    CarolM2 wrote:
    In sqlplus, I can do:
    select CHR(9)||to_char(objecttype_id)||CHR(9)||objecttype_name from hdb_objecttype;
    And I get:
    12 acoustic velocity meter
    1 basin
    11 canal
    2 climate site
    3 confluence
    4 diversion
    10 hydro plant unit
    5 hydro power plant
    6 reach
    7 reservoir
    14 riverware dataobject
    When I do the same thing in my LOV query, I get
    12 acoustic velocity meter
    1 basin
    11 canal
    2 climate site
    3 confluence
    4 diversion
    10 hydro plant unit
    5 hydro power plant
    6 reach
    7 reservoir
    14 riverware dataobjectThey come out looking identical.
    When you post formatted text (such as the results above) on this site, type these 6 characters:
    (small letters only, inside curly brackets) before and after sections of formatted text, to preserve spacing.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

  • Null display value in List of Values

    In Page item ---> List of Value ---> Null display value I need to give a different value depending on language
    I tried using an item in the "Null Display Value" e.g. &P1_Display_value.
    This does not work ... I get " &P1_Display_value. " and not the value contained in the item
    Anyone come across this before?

    The Query for the LOV could be modified to be something as below.
    Select displayy_val, return_val from lov_table
    select '&P1_DISPLAY_VALUE.',null from dual
    order by 2 nulls firstVarad

  • To display value in html: textarea in struts

    I want to display value in <html:textarea> in struts application from my userdefine FormBean.
    i tried like this
    <html:textarea property="documentNumberList" value='"<bean:write name="QualityForm" property="displayDocumentNumber">" ></html:textarea>
    I am not getting success.
    I would be appriciate to you if anyone could let me know what is the solution of this problem ? or send me one example.
    [email protected]

    That did'nt solve my problem. Actually i am trying to get the arraylist data one by one into different textareas. There are two arrays one is quesArray and the other quesIdArray. I need the quesIdArray in the individual text areas.How can i achieve this?
    I am using the following code to do that.
    <logic:iterate id="item" name="selectionCriteriaForm" indexId="index" property="quesArray">
    <tr><td><li><em><b><bean:write name="item"/> </em></li></b></td>          
    <td><html:textarea property="quesIdArray" cols="50" rows="2" name="selectionCriteriaForm" onkeyup="limitTextarea(answer<%=i %>,5,50)" />          
    <% i=i+1;
    Pls help me on this.
    Thanx in advance.

  • Display Display value in Red Color in Pop Up List of value Item

    Dear All,
    i have created an Pop up List of Value item.I need to display Display value in Red Color in Pop Up List of value Item.
    What should i pass in HTML Form Element Attributes .I have try using
    style="font-color:red";That code.
    How can i display Display Value in Red Color.

    Is this what you are looking for?
    If so..
    * Go to Shared Components -> Templates -> Select Type as "Popup List of Values"
    * Edit Popup LOV template
    * See the class name being used for div under Result Set section. In My case, its t1PopupBody
    * Under Page Attributes -> Page HTML Head section append following CSS
    <style>.t1PopupBody a{color:red;}</style>* Apply Changes
    If its not working, then inspect the pop-up lov with firebug and update CSS definition accordingly.

Maybe you are looking for

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