Display XML forms in a single window-URGENT!!!!!!!

I created a project with XML forms Builder. It is working but the thing is that now i just want to display all the forms in the same window. Means that when i want to edit a new item instead of a new window i want to work in the same browser.
Is that possible by configuring a resource renderer(NewsRenderer for example)?
Otherwise do u know another solution?
Please i need help.
I found a topic in the forum (thread below) https://forums.sdn.sap.com/thread.jspa?threadID=46122&messageID=466382
But i didn't understand all the points.
So if someone know something please answer.
Thx in advance.

Hi Robert,
I did as u said: I downloaded the file <u>YOUR_PROJECT_NewsRenderListItem.xsl</u> but i didn't find any <b>_blank</b> in the text. Let's say i have exactly the same problem than in the previous thread, i don't know where to add the URL and where to replace _blank.
I don't know where to find the method <u>CreateXSLDocument</u>(Detlev thread) and what is its interest?
Can u please explain where i can find "xinfo=window.open(url,'_blank',params)"? It should be (according to Detlev) in <u>com.sapportals.wcm.app.xfbuilder.server.generator.xsldocs.CreateXSLDocument</u> but i really don't know how to reach this address.
Thx a lot!!!
best regards

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    // Inventory Program Part 4
    /* This program will store multiple entries
    for office supplies, give the inventory value,
    sort the data by Product Name,
    and output the results using a GUI */
    import javax.swing.text.JTextComponent;
    import javax.swing.JLabel;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
    import javax.swing.JTextArea;
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane; //Uses class JOptionPane
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    import java.util.Arrays; //Uses class Arrays
    public class Product
         private String productBrand[]; // Declares the array
         public void setProductBrand( String brand[] ) // Declare setProductBrand method
              productBrand = brand; // stores the productbrand
         } // End setProductBrand method
         public String getProductBrand( int counter )  // Declares getProductBrand method
              return productBrand[ counter ]; // Returns data using counter to define the element
         } // End method getProductBrand
         public double restockingFee( double value ) // Declares restocking Fee method
              double fee = 0; // Declares variable fee
              fee = value * 0.05; // Calculates the sum of values
              return fee;  // Returns the restocking fee
         } // End method restockingFee     
         public String inventoryValue( double value[] , int number, String name[] ) // Declares inventoryValue method
              OfficeSupplies myOfficeSupplies = new OfficeSupplies();  //Creates OfficeSupplies Object
              Product myProduct = new Product();
              double total = 0; // Declares variable total
              for ( int counter = 0; counter < number ; counter++ )
                   total += ( value[ counter ] + myProduct.restockingFee( value[ counter ] ) ); // Calculates the sum of values
                        return String.format( "%s$%.2f", "Total Inventory Value: " , total );  // Returns the total value
         } // End method inventoryValue
         // main method begins execution
         public static void main( String args[] )
              Scanner input = new Scanner( System.in ); //Creates Scanner object to input from command window
              Product myProduct = new Product(); //Creates Product object
              OfficeSupplies myOfficeSupplies = new OfficeSupplies();  //Creates OfficeSupplies Object          
              //Prompt for maxNumber using JOptionPane
              String stringMaxNumber =
                   JOptionPane.showInputDialog( "Enter the number of products you wish to enter" );
              int maxNumber = Integer.parseInt( stringMaxNumber );     
              String prodName[] = new String[ maxNumber ]; // Declares prodName array
              int numberUnits[] = new int[ maxNumber ]; // Declares maxNumber array          
              float unitPrice[] = new float[ maxNumber ]; // Declares unitPrice array
              double value[] = new double[ maxNumber ]; // Declares value array
              String brand[] = new String [ maxNumber ]; // Declares brand array
              String stringNumberUnits[] = new String [ maxNumber]; // Declares array
              String stringUnitPrice[] = new String [ maxNumber ]; // Declares array
              int productNumber[] = new int[ maxNumber ]; // Declares array
              for ( int counter = 0; counter < maxNumber; counter++ ) // For loop for the number of products to enter
                   productNumber[ counter ] = counter;
                   myOfficeSupplies.setProductNumber( productNumber ); // Sends the Product name to method setProductNumber                         
                   //Prompt for product name using JOptionPane
                   prodName[ counter ] =
                        JOptionPane.showInputDialog( "Enter the Product Name" );
                   myOfficeSupplies.setProductName( prodName ); // Sends the Product name to method setProductName
                   //Prompt for brand name using JOptionPane
                   brand[ counter ] =
                        JOptionPane.showInputDialog( "Enter the Brand name of the Product" );
                   myProduct.setProductBrand( brand ); // Sends the Brand name to method setProductBrand
                   //Prompt for number of units using JOptionPane
                   stringNumberUnits[ counter ] =
                        JOptionPane.showInputDialog( "Enter the Number of Units" );
                   numberUnits[ counter ] = Integer.parseInt( stringNumberUnits[ counter ] );
                   myOfficeSupplies.setNumberUnits( numberUnits ); // Sends the Number Units to the method setNumberUnits
                   //Prompt for unit price using JOptionPane
                   stringUnitPrice[ counter ] =
                        JOptionPane.showInputDialog( "Enter the Unit Price" );
                   unitPrice[ counter ] = Float.parseFloat( stringUnitPrice[ counter ]);
                   myOfficeSupplies.setUnitPrice( unitPrice ); // Sends the Unit Price to the method setUnitPrice
                   value[ counter ] = numberUnits[ counter ] * unitPrice[ counter ]; // Calculates value for each item
                   myOfficeSupplies.setProductValue( value ); // Sends the product value to the method setProductValue
              Arrays.sort( prodName, String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER ); // Calls method sort from Class Arrays
                   Frame myFrame = new Frame();
                   myFrame.displayData( myProduct, myOfficeSupplies, maxNumber );
              // Outputs Total Inventory Value using a message dialog box
              JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, myProduct.inventoryValue( value, maxNumber, prodName ),
                   "Total Inventory Value", JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE );
         } // End method main
    } // end class ProductOfficeSupplies.java ----> This is the data container
    // Inventory Program Part 4
    /* Stores the array values */
    public class OfficeSupplies // Declaration for class Payroll
         private int productNumber[];
         public void setProductNumber( int number[] ) // Declare setProductNumber method
              productNumber = number; // stores the product number
         } // End setProductNumber method
         public int getProductNumber( int counter )  // Declares getProductNumber method
              return productNumber[ counter ];
         } // End method getProductNumber
         private String productName[];
         public void setProductName( String name[] ) // Declare setProductName method
              productName = name; // stores the Product name
         } // End setProductName method
         public String getProductName( int counter )  // Declares getProductName method
              return productName[ counter ];
         } // End method getProductName
         private int numberUnits[];
         public void setNumberUnits( int units[] ) // Declare setNumberUnits method
              numberUnits = units; // stores the number of units
         } // End setNumberUnits method
         public int getNumberUnits( int counter )  // Declares getNumberUnits method
              return numberUnits[ counter ];
         } // End method getNumberUnits
         private float unitPrice[];
         public void setUnitPrice( float price[] ) // Declare setUnitPrice method
              unitPrice = price; // stores the unit price
         } // End setUnitPrice method
         public float getUnitPrice( int counter )  // Declares getUnitPrice method
              return unitPrice [ counter ];
         } // End method getUnitPrice
         private double productValue[];
         public void setProductValue( double value[] ) // Declare setProductValue method
              productValue = value; // stores the product value
         } // End setProductValue method
         public double getProductValue( int counter )  // Declares getProductValue method
              return productValue[ counter ];
         } // End method getProductValue
    } // end class OfficeSuppliesFrame.java ------> Contains the display method
    import java.awt.Color;
    import javax.swing.text.JTextComponent;
    import javax.swing.JLabel;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
    import javax.swing.JTextArea;
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane; //Uses class JOptionPane
    public class Frame extends JFrame
         public Frame() //Method declaration
              super( "Products" );
         } // end frame constructor
         public void displayData( Product myProduct, OfficeSupplies myOfficeSupplies, int maxNumber )
              //Here I attempted to use an array to output all of the array data in a single window
    //          JTextArea myTextArea[] = new JTextArea[ maxNumber ]; // Declares myTextArea array to display output
              JTextArea myTextArea = new JTextArea(); // textarea to display output
              // For loop to display data array in a single Window
              for ( int counter = 0; counter < maxNumber; counter++ )  // Loop for displaying each product
    //               myTextArea[ counter ].setText( packageData( myProduct, myOfficeSupplies, counter ) + "\n" );
    //                add( myTextArea[ counter ] ); // add textarea to JFrame
                   myTextArea.setText( packageData( myProduct, myOfficeSupplies, counter ) + "\n" );
                   add( myTextArea ); // add textarea to JFrame
              } // End For Loop
              setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
              setSize( 450, maxNumber*400 ); // set frame size
              setVisible( true ); // display frame
         public String packageData( Product myProduct, OfficeSupplies myOfficeSupplies, int counter ) // Method for formatting output
              return String.format( "%s: %d\n%s: %s\n%s: %s\n%s: %s\n%s: $%.2f\n%s: $%.2f\n%s: $%.2f\n%s: $%.2f",
              "Product Number", myOfficeSupplies.getProductNumber( counter ),
              "Product Name", myOfficeSupplies.getProductName( counter ),
              "Product Brand",myProduct.getProductBrand( counter ),
              "Number of Units in stock", myOfficeSupplies.getNumberUnits( counter ),
              "Price per Unit", myOfficeSupplies.getUnitPrice( counter ),
              "Total Value of Item in Stock is", myOfficeSupplies.getProductValue( counter ),
              "Restock charge this product is", myProduct.restockingFee( myOfficeSupplies.getProductValue( counter ) ),
              "Total Value of Inventory plus restocking fee", myOfficeSupplies.getProductValue( counter )+
                   myProduct.restockingFee( myOfficeSupplies.getProductValue( counter ) ) );
         } // end method packageData

    Lets pretend that your assignment was to manage a list of employees of a store, and that each employee is identified by their name, position, and hourly wage. If you created a program along the lines of your current product program, I picture you creating three separate ArrayLists (or arrays), one for each variable, something like this:
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    public class MyEmployees1
        private ArrayList<String> names = new ArrayList<String>();
        private ArrayList<String> positions = new ArrayList<String>();
        private ArrayList<Double> hourlyWages = new ArrayList<Double>();
        public void add(String name, String position, double wage)
            positions.add( position);
        public void removed()
            // TODO: I am nervous about trying to manage this!
        //.......... more
    }This program tries to manage three separate parallel arrays (arraylists actually). They are parallel because the 3rd item in the names list corresponds to the 3rd item in the positions list and also the hourlywages list. If I wanted to delete data, I'd have to be very careful to delete the correct item in all three lists. If I tried to sort one list, I'd have to sort the other two in exactly the same way. It is extremely easy to mess this sort of program up.
    Now lets look at a different approach. Say we created a MyEmployee class that contains the employee's name, position, and wage, along with the appropriate constructors, getters, setters, toString method, etc... something like so:
    import java.text.NumberFormat;
    public class MyEmployee
        private String name;
        private String position;
        private double hourlyWage;
        public MyEmployee(String name, String position, double hourlyWage)
            this.name = name;
            this.position = position;
            this.hourlyWage = hourlyWage;
        public String getName()
            return name;
        public String getPosition()
            return position;
        public double getHourlyWage()
            return hourlyWage;
        public String toString()
            // don't worry about these methods here.  They're just to make the output look nice
            NumberFormat currency = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();
            return String.format("Name: %-15s    Position: %-15s    Wage: %s",
                    name, position, currency.format(hourlyWage));
    }Now I can create a MyEmployees2 class that holds a single list of MyEmployee objects, like so:
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    public class MyEmployees2
        private ArrayList<MyEmployee> employeeList = new ArrayList<MyEmployee>();
        public boolean add(MyEmployee employee)
            return employeeList.add(employee);
        public boolean remove(MyEmployee employee)
            return employeeList.remove(employee);
        public void display()
            for (MyEmployee employee : employeeList)
        public static void main(String[] args)
            MyEmployees2 empl2 = new MyEmployees2();
            empl2.add(new MyEmployee("John Smith", "Salesman", 20));
            empl2.add(new MyEmployee("Jane Smyth", "Salesman", 25));
            empl2.add(new MyEmployee("Fred Flinstone", "Janitor", 15));
            empl2.add(new MyEmployee("Barney Rubble", "Supervisor", 35));
            empl2.add(new MyEmployee("Mr. Spacely", "The Big Boss", 45));
    }Now if I want to add an Employee, I only add to one list. Same if I want to remove, only one list, and of course, the same for sorting. It is much safer and easier to do things this way. Make sense?

  • Is there such a setting that in entire site opens the edit,display,new form in the modal windows?

    Hi all!
    I know about setting for lists, but 
    Is there such a setting that in entire site opens the edit,display,new form in the modal windows?

    No, just per list, as you already knew
    Kind regards,
    Margriet Bruggeman
    Lois & Clark IT Services
    web site: http://www.loisandclark.eu
    blog: http://www.sharepointdragons.com

  • Display forms in a single window

    I created a KM navigation Iview for editing news it is quite working well. But when i want to edit or to create a new item a new window is opened. It is better for the user to work in a single window. Is it possible to open the edit form without opening a new window? I think i have to configure a layout set for that but am not sure and which resource renderer or colection renderer shoul i use?
    Thx in advance for your help!!!

    Hi Robert,
    I did as u said: I downloaded the file <u>YOUR_PROJECT_NewsRenderListItem.xsl</u> but i didn't find any <b>_blank</b> in the text. Let's say i have exactly the same problem than in the previous thread, i don't know where to add the URL and where to replace _blank.
    I don't know where to find the method <u>CreateXSLDocument</u>(Detlev thread) and what is its interest?
    Can u please explain where i can find "xinfo=window.open(url,'_blank',params)"? It should be (according to Detlev) in <u>com.sapportals.wcm.app.xfbuilder.server.generator.xsldocs.CreateXSLDocument</u> but i really don't know how to reach this address.
    Thx a lot!!!
    best regards

  • Display Xml forms

    I have next problem:
    In my application, user can create xml documents by xml forms. This generated xml files are stored in the KM.
    My application has another page in order to view/manage these documents.
    Clicking on the Context Menu, it appears a menu with an option called Edit. If Edit is clicked, a popup is displayed with the document in "xml forms" format.
    But if the link of the document is clicked, it is displayed a popup with the xml embedded, I mean document with the tag format,etc
    Does it exist the posibility that the same behavour occurs? I want that when link is clicked, popup is displayed with the document in "xml forms" format.
    Thanks in advance

    The document which you have created is of type XML but not using XML form builder. Hence you will get only XML tag format. In order to get XML edit format, it needs to be associated with some edit form in one of the XML projects.
    If you look into XML projects, you will find that there are style sheets been created for each of the forms i.e. edit, renderlist and show form.
    What you can try is .. define an XML form project with the data you want to store and in your application try to create XML schema simillar to what the form builder would have produced. So when you click on edit, it will able to associate with XML forms project which you had created.

  • Which iView should be used for displaying XML forms?

    Hi All,
      I have created 3 xml forms.
       1.Edit form
       2.RenderList form
       3.Show form
    So How do I embedd them into iViews?
    Thanks in advance,

    HI Jasmine,
    I am not sure if this will help u but u can try this :
    Go to :-
    System Administration -> System Configuration -> Knowledge Management (This is on the left hand side pane) -> Content Management -> Form Based Publishing -> Forms Availability.
    Here in the list of all the Forms that u will see,double click on the form App_All_Public(its a hypelink).
    This will open up the Form details below the list.
    Click on the Edit Button.
    In the textBox for "Forms to Include", enter the project name of the form that u created in XML Form Builder.
    Click on SAVE button to save ur change.
    Now go to ur page and check the links.
    It should show u only the link of the form u want to include for ur user.

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    DATA: it_messages LIKE sls_msgs OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
      CLEAR it_messages.
      MOVE '001' TO it_messages-num.
      MOVE 'message001' TO it_messages-msg.
      APPEND it_messages.
      CLEAR it_messages.
      MOVE '002' TO it_messages-num.
      MOVE 'message002' TO it_messages-msg.
      APPEND it_messages.
      CLEAR it_messages.
      MOVE '003' TO it_messages-num.
      MOVE 'message003' TO it_messages-msg.
      APPEND it_messages.
          p_messages                 = it_messages
        NO_MESSAGES_PROVIDED       = 1
        OTHERS                     = 2

  • Display a PDF in a new window - Urgent***

    Hi experts,
    Im having a hyperlink in my iview, once the user clicks on the link, a PDF document has to be displayed in a new window.
    Im having my PDF in my DMS Server.
    can u guys help me, which function module i have to use to develop a application  so that PDF will be opened in a new window.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Vasanth,
    First convert data to byte[]. Then use the following code to open PDF
    IWDResource wr = WDResourceFactory.createCachedResource(byte[] data , "PDF Report", WDWebResourceType.PDF);
    IWDWindow w = wdComponentAPI.getWindowManager().createNonModalExternalWindow(wr.getUrl(0), "PDF Report");
    try (Exception e){
    wdComponentAPI.getMessageManager().reportException(e.getMessage(), false);

  • Xml forms not rendered in default layout set - urgent

    Hi guys,
    I've to display several properties and to provide the rating and feedback service in conjunction with xml forms because a "NewsRenderer" doesn't support the display of additional properties.
    So I tried to use one of the default layout sets (e.g. "Consumer Explorer") but the <b>xml forms are not rendered after selecting the "contentLink"</b> (displays raw content of xml document). I'm looking quite a long for a command that opens and renders the xml forms in a new window - without any success...
    Please help! TIA

    you have to create a XMLForms Repository Filter. Check this link:
    <a href="http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw2004s/helpdata/en/21/8df33eef091f39e10000000a114084/frameset.htm">XMLForms Repository Filter</a>

  • Hiding some part of rendered XML form

    Hi all,
    is it possible to hide some part of displayed xml form? For example, I have XML form with texts in two languages (two schema nodes, one for each language). I would like to show only text in users language. Users language could be determined from UME or from personalization of iView.
    Thank you very much for answers.

    Hi Wassilios,
    thanks for helpful answer. Exists some documentation about these xsl files (I mean KM specific information)?
    Message was edited by: Zdenek Smolik

  • Multivalue checkbox in single field of datascheme of XML form

    Hello everyone,
    is there a way to provide the user a chance to select multiple values via checkboxes in an XML-form and write the values in a single field of the datascheme?
    Currently only the first of the selected values ends up in the proper field, although several checkboxex are attached/connected.
    Any ideas?

    I found another alternative solution.
    Regarding to how to display the multivalue properties with the multi-valu check box in "Details":
    1) Go to CM -> Global Services -> Property Metadata -> Properties
    2) Go to the property that you want to display multivalue, for my case- "NewsType", set the "Property Renderer" parameter to "allowedvale_multivalued" (for sure you have to define the allowed values)
    3) Go and check in "Details", it should show the multi-value property in check box group. Then you can "tick" and "untick" to change the values.

  • How to open XML form item into the same window?

    Hello All,
    I've developed a xml form, when I click on the  item with KM Navigation Iview It opens in a new window.( _blank ).
    Is there a way to open it in the same window ( _self )?
    Amit Yosha

    Hi Amit,
    at the moment, this is not configurable. See XML form display in same browser window for possible workarounds.
    Hope it helps

  • XML Forms - Upload window

    I would like to change the type of view that my upload window appears in.  Currently its using the upload window with the entry point icons.
    Is it possible to change this?  Where will I be able to find the configuration settings for the xml forms layout set?
    If you can help I would appreciate it and will reward points.

    while creating Page itself,
    Goto Property Category -> Select Navigation and then Set the iview property, Launch in New window -> Select Display in Separate Window.
    Hope it will work, try this.

  • How to display system property in XML forms

    We are using XML forms template for publishing news in KM. In the show form we got author field (a label in the form) which is mapped to system property createdby (PropertyReference = /Properties/default:createdby).But while displaying the form author is not getting populated. When I try to edit the form in XML forms builder in data model tab under properties node no property is visible. Nothing is shown up in properties even after reload option is selected from context menu of properties node.
    I cheked by manually editing PropertyReference to some other property (e.g. modifiedby) but nothing is showing up.
    Can you please suggest how the createdby system property can be shown in the xml form?
    Thanks & Regards

    Hi Sudeep,
    Please try to open the formbuilder in another machine and try to see the properties xml form design view.
    You can even directly can create a lable in show form and add the property name along with the nama space name.
    For default properties namspace is default.Create a lable UI element in show form and select the datasource property and add the property value in that.
    With we can show file related system generated properties in show form.
    Rudradev Devulapelli

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  • What is the meaning for consumption account?-- Please explain

    When doing BDC , I am getting an error message S06138--> Not possible to determine a consumption account. How to rectify this error? I am new to PO. So please explain me guru's..