Disruption of Sync with iPhone 4 & Win 7 PC

Hi all. I am using the iPhone 4 and been using it without problems. However tonight i was sync-ing my phone as usual as i had some new music and books to put on.
Part way thru the sync my daughter (1yr old) pulled my usb sync lead out of the PC (Win 7) whilst i was in the bath (missus not watching her).
Now iTunes will not recognise the connection to iPhone 4 or my iPad.
Things I have tried:
1. Update USB driver
2. Re-install iTunes (repair) not uninstall.
3. Reboot PC
4. Switch off iPhone and turn it back on
5. Same with iPad
I would appreciate any assistance please, preferably without having to uninstall and start all over again.
Finally another small problem i have is that iTunes tells me i am on my 5th Activation. I can't understand that, as i only have ever used 2 PC's.

First check in Task Manager to see if Apple Mobile Device Service is running. If it isn't go into Services control panel and start it. If it is running you probably need to completely uninstall iTunes and reinstall.
I assume you have seen this: http://support.apple.com/kb/TS1495
Before that, however, are you using a port directly on the computer, not a hub? Have you tried a different cable? If she pulled on the cable it might be damaged.
Regarding Authorized computers, each time you change the hardware configuration of your computer it becomes a "new" computer. Could this be the cause? If not perhaps your account has been hacked. Anyway, if you are up to 5 you can deauthorize all of them, then just authorize the one. And change your iTunes Store password.

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    So you have business contacts that were lost... do you not have these on a Database in some shape or form? Sounds like you need to invest in a RAID1 backup setup for your computer so you dont have this issue in the future.
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    Message was edited by: Reuben Feffer
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