Distributions not cleaned up in Win2003

I have ZFS7SP1 installed on several Win2003 SP1 server with the aim to roll
it out across the entire fleet. I have found when i remove a subscriber from
a distribution..the distribution is not being cleaned up from the SUB
directory. Anyone seen this or know how to fix this up

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Similar Messages

  • Failover cluster not cleanly shutting down service

    I've got a two node 2008 R2 failover cluster.  I have a single service being managed by it that I configured just as a generic service.  The failover works perfectly when the service is stopped, or when one of the machines goes down, and the immediate
    failback I have configured works perfectly in both scenarios as well.
    However, there's an issue when I take the networking down on the preferred owner of the service.  As far as I can tell (this is the first time I've tried failover clustering, so I'm learning), when I take the networking down, the cluster service shuts
    down, and in turn shuts down the service I've told it to manage.  At this point, when the services aren't running, the service fails over to the secondary as intended.  The problem shows up when I turn the networking back on.  The service tries
    and fails to start on the primary (as many times as I've configured it to try), and then eventually gives up and goes back to the secondary.
    The reason for this, examining logs for the service, is that the required port is already in use.  I checked some more, and sure enough, when I take the networking offline the service gets shut down, but the executable is still running.  This is
    repeatable every time.  When I just stop the service, though, the executables go away.  So it's something to do specifically with how the managed service gets shut down *when it's shut down due to the cluster service stopping*.  For some reason
    it's not cleaning up that associated executable.
    Any ideas as to why this is happening and how to fix/work around it would be extremely welcome.  Thank you!

    Try to generate cluster log using closter log /g /copy:<path to a local folder>. You might need to bump up log verbosity using cluster /prop ClusterLogLevel=5 (you can check current level using cluster /prop).
    You also can look at the SCM diagnostic channel in the event viewer. Start eventvwr. Wait for the clock icon on the Application and Services Logs to go away. Once the clock icon is gone select this entry and in the menu check Show Analytic and Debug Logs.
    Now expand to the SCM provider located at
    Application and Services Logs\Microsoft\Service Control Manager Performance Diagnostic Provider\Diagnostic.
    or Microsoft-Windows-Services/Diagnostic
    Enable the log, run repro, disable the log. After that you should see events from the SCM showing you your service state transitions.
    The terminate parameters do not seems to be configurable. I can think of two ways fixing the issue
    - Writing your own cluster resource DLL where you can implement your own policies. THis would be a place to start http://blogs.msdn.com/b/clustering/archive/2010/08/24/10053405.aspx.
    - This option is assuming you cannot change the source code of the service to kill orphaned child processes on startup so you have to clenup using some other means. Create another service and make your service dependent on this new service. This new serice
    must be much faster in responding do the SCM commands. On start of this service you using PSAPI enumirate all processes running on the machine and kill the orphaned child processes. You probably should be able to acheve something similar using GenScript resource
    + VB script that does the cleanup.
    Regards, Vladimir Petter, Microsoft Corporation

  • Configuration Manager Error: "Could not clean working directory"

    I am currently attempting to install Adobe LiveCycle Reader Extensions ES on a Windows Server 2003 box with 2G of RAM.<br /><br />I am getting an error during the Configuration Manager phase of the installation. Screen capture available here: http://destructoray.com/albums/album01/Error.jpg<br /><br />The text of the error message is:<br />Error [ACM-LCM-000-000]<br />Failed on 'Executing merge scripts for ..\export\adobe-livecycle-native-jboss-x86_win32.ear'<br />Could not clean working directory<br /><br />Here is the dump from the lcm.0.log:<br />[2007-07-23 11:15:29,344], FINE   , Thread-3, com.adobe.livecycle.lcm.feature.configureLC.MergeEars2, Cleaning working directory<br />[2007-07-23 11:15:29,374], FINE   , Thread-3, com.adobe.livecycle.lcm.feature.configureLC.MergeEars2, Deleting contents [323 files] from: ..\working\mergeTmp<br />[2007-07-23 11:15:29,789], SEVERE , Thread-3, com.adobe.livecycle.lcm.feature.configureLC.MergeEars2, Could not clean working directory<br />com.adobe.livecycle.lcm.core.LCMException[ALC-LCM-000-000]: Could not clean working directory<br />     at com.adobe.livecycle.lcm.feature.configureLC.MergeEars2.cleanDirectory(MergeEars2.java:442 )<br />     at com.adobe.livecycle.lcm.feature.configureLC.MergeEars2.init(MergeEars2.java:304)<br />     at com.adobe.livecycle.lcm.feature.configureLC.MergeEars2.mergeEars(MergeEars2.java:217)<br />     at com.adobe.livecycle.lcm.feature.configureLC.MergeEars.mergeEars(MergeEars.java:227)<br />     at com.adobe.livecycle.lcm.feature.configureLC.MergeEars.mergeNativeEars(MergeEars.java:162) <br />     at com.adobe.livecycle.lcm.feature.configureLC.MergeEars.mergeAllEars(MergeEars.java:99)<br />     at com.adobe.livecycle.lcm.feature.expressTurnkey.ExpressTurnkeyTask$ActualTask.mergeEars(Ex pressTurnkeyTask.java:206)<br />     at com.adobe.livecycle.lcm.feature.expressTurnkey.ExpressTurnkeyTask$ActualTask.<init>(Expre ssTurnkeyTask.java:129)<br />     at com.adobe.livecycle.lcm.feature.expressTurnkey.ExpressTurnkeyTask$1.construct(ExpressTurn keyTask.java:103)<br />     at com.adobe.livecycle.lcm.core.tasks.SwingWorker$2.run(SwingWorker.java:114)<br />     at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:619)<br />Caused by: java.io.IOException: Unable to delete file: ..\working\mergeTmp\base\xbean.jar<br />     at org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils.forceDelete(FileUtils.java:1087)<br />     at org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils.cleanDirectory(FileUtils.java:811)<br />     at org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils.deleteDirectory(FileUtils.java:777)<br />     at org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils.forceDelete(FileUtils.java:1079)<br />     at org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils.cleanDirectory(FileUtils.java:811)<br />     at com.adobe.livecycle.lcm.feature.configureLC.MergeEars2.cleanDirectory(MergeEars2.java:434 )<br />     ... 10 more<br />[2007-07-23 11:15:29,789], SEVERE , Thread-3, com.adobe.livecycle.lcm.feature.configureLC.MergeEars, Could not clean working directory<br />com.adobe.livecycle.lcm.core.LCMException[ALC-LCM-000-000]: Could not clean working directory<br />     at com.adobe.livecycle.lcm.feature.configureLC.MergeEars2.cleanDirectory(MergeEars2.java:442 )<br />     at com.adobe.livecycle.lcm.feature.configureLC.MergeEars2.init(MergeEars2.java:304)<br />     at com.adobe.livecycle.lcm.feature.configureLC.MergeEars2.mergeEars(MergeEars2.java:217)<br />     at com.adobe.livecycle.lcm.feature.configureLC.MergeEars.mergeEars(MergeEars.java:227)<br />     at com.adobe.livecycle.lcm.feature.configureLC.MergeEars.mergeNativeEars(MergeEars.java:162) <br />     at com.adobe.livecycle.lcm.feature.configureLC.MergeEars.mergeAllEars(MergeEars.java:99)<br />     at com.adobe.livecycle.lcm.feature.expressTurnkey.ExpressTurnkeyTask$ActualTask.mergeEars(Ex pressTurnkeyTask.java:206)<br />     at com.adobe.livecycle.lcm.feature.expressTurnkey.ExpressTurnkeyTask$ActualTask.<init>(Expre ssTurnkeyTask.java:129)<br />     at com.adobe.livecycle.lcm.feature.expressTurnkey.ExpressTurnkeyTask$1.construct(ExpressTurn keyTask.java:103)<br />     at com.adobe.livecycle.lcm.core.tasks.SwingWorker$2.run(SwingWorker.java:114)<br />     at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:619)<br />Caused by: java.io.IOException: Unable to delete file: ..\working\mergeTmp\base\xbean.jar<br />     at org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils.for

    The above error can occur if you have insufficient rights.
    I faced the same error on Win 2k8 while running the installed using the Local System Admin account.
    The Same was resolved by the following steps:
    Go to the AdobeLivecycleES3 root folder> ConfigurationManager>bin
    Right click on teh configurationManager (BATCH File) and click on "Run as Administrator".

  • Something about "filesystems is NOT Clean"

    I bought Thinkpad X1 recently.  I install arch on it. Everything seems fine, except that "filesystems is NOT Clean" appears everytime when I start the laptop. I cannot find useful information from google. I just guess that it is a problem associated with unnormal shutdown procedure.
    Any suggestions are welcome!
    I use lvm2 to manage logical volumns.
    $ sudo lvs
    LV VG Attr LSize Origin Snap% Move Log Copy% Convert
    home archgroup -wc-ao 255.12g
    root archgroup -wc-ao 19.53g
    swap archgroup -wc-ao 3.91g
    var archgroup -wc-ao 19.53g
    Here, "home" and "root" use the filesystem of "ext4" and "var" use "reisefs"。
    The following is several informations from kernel.log which may be useful:
    Aug 26 14:03:27 Igor-Home kernel: [ 100.249270] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): wlan0: link becomes ready
    Aug 26 14:03:38 Igor-Home kernel: [ 111.193303] wlan0: no IPv6 routers present
    Aug 26 14:04:26 Igor-Home kernel: [ 158.867839] iwlagn 0000:03:00.0: Aggregation not enabled for tid 0 because load = 1
    Aug 26 14:04:30 Igor-Home kernel: [ 162.530151] iwlagn 0000:03:00.0: iwlagn_tx_agg_start on ra = 84:c9:b2:49:55:9d tid = 0
    Aug 26 14:04:48 Igor-Home kernel: [ 180.416263] iwlagn 0000:03:00.0: iwlagn_tx_agg_start on ra = 84:c9:b2:49:55:9d tid = 0
    Aug 26 14:05:30 Igor-Home kernel: [ 222.693282] iwlagn 0000:03:00.0: Aggregation not enabled for tid 0 because load = 7
    Aug 26 14:05:39 Igor-Home kernel: [ 231.802666] iwlagn 0000:03:00.0: Aggregation not enabled for tid 0 because load = 10
    Aug 26 14:05:44 Igor-Home kernel: [ 236.781757] iwlagn 0000:03:00.0: iwlagn_tx_agg_start on ra = 84:c9:b2:49:55:9d tid = 0
    Aug 26 14:06:10 Igor-Home kernel: [ 262.689224] iwlagn 0000:03:00.0: Aggregation not enabled for tid 0 because load = 4
    Aug 26 14:07:04 Igor-Home kernel: [ 316.406812] iwlagn 0000:03:00.0: Aggregation not enabled for tid 0 because load = 1
    Aug 26 14:07:56 Igor-Home kernel: [ 367.799895] iwlagn 0000:03:00.0: Aggregation not enabled for tid 0 because load = 0
    Aug 26 14:08:41 Igor-Home kernel: [ 413.245620] iwlagn 0000:03:00.0: Aggregation not enabled for tid 0 because load = 0
    Aug 26 14:10:59 Igor-Home kernel: [ 550.827063] iwlagn 0000:03:00.0: Aggregation not enabled for tid 0 because load = 0
    Aug 26 14:16:37 Igor-Home kernel: [ 887.984073] iwlagn 0000:03:00.0: iwlagn_tx_agg_start on ra = 84:c9:b2:49:55:9d tid = 0
    Aug 26 14:19:30 Igor-Home kernel: [ 1060.306074] iwlagn 0000:03:00.0: Aggregation not enabled for tid 0 because load = 0
    Aug 26 14:22:48 Igor-Home kernel: [ 1257.936197] iwlagn 0000:03:00.0: Aggregation not enabled for tid 0 because load = 0
    Aug 26 14:25:18 Igor-Home kernel: [ 1407.916947] iwlagn 0000:03:00.0: Aggregation not enabled for tid 0 because load = 0
    Aug 26 14:31:48 Igor-Home kernel: [ 1796.713849] iwlagn 0000:03:00.0: Aggregation not enabled for tid 0 because load = 0
    Aug 26 14:34:45 Igor-Home kernel: [ 1973.279503] iwlagn 0000:03:00.0: Aggregation not enabled for tid 0 because load = 0
    Aug 26 14:35:53 Igor-Home kernel: [ 2041.481879] iwlagn 0000:03:00.0: Aggregation not enabled for tid 0 because load = 0
    Aug 26 14:38:02 Igor-Home kernel: [ 2169.723218] iwlagn 0000:03:00.0: Aggregation not enabled for tid 0 because load = 1
    Aug 26 14:45:54 Igor-Home kernel: [ 2641.575445] iwlagn 0000:03:00.0: Aggregation not enabled for tid 0 because load = 0
    Aug 26 14:51:18 Igor-Home kernel: [ 2964.068080] iwlagn 0000:03:00.0: Aggregation not enabled for tid 0 because load = 2
    Aug 26 15:05:37 Igor-Home kernel: [ 3820.925654] iwlagn 0000:03:00.0: Aggregation not enabled for tid 0 because load = 1
    Aug 26 15:12:50 Igor-Home kernel: [ 4253.483857] iwlagn 0000:03:00.0: Aggregation not enabled for tid 0 because load = 0
    Aug 26 15:15:57 Igor-Home kernel: [ 4440.025743] iwlagn 0000:03:00.0: Aggregation not enabled for tid 0 because load = 0
    Aug 26 15:18:28 Igor-Home kernel: [ 4591.024983] iwlagn 0000:03:00.0: Aggregation not enabled for tid 0 because load = 0
    Aug 26 15:23:11 Igor-Home kernel: [ 4873.182426] iwlagn 0000:03:00.0: Aggregation not enabled for tid 0 because load = 2
    Aug 26 15:29:05 Igor-Home kernel: [ 5225.756546] iwlagn 0000:03:00.0: Aggregation not enabled for tid 0 because load = 0
    Aug 26 15:31:49 Igor-Home kernel: [ 5390.096634] iwlagn 0000:03:00.0: Aggregation not enabled for tid 0 because load = 1
    Aug 26 15:36:06 Igor-Home kernel: [ 5646.766321] iwlagn 0000:03:00.0: Aggregation not enabled for tid 0 because load = 2
    Aug 26 15:37:17 Igor-Home kernel: [ 5717.409054] iwlagn 0000:03:00.0: Aggregation not enabled for tid 0 because load = 0
    Aug 26 15:41:28 Igor-Home kernel: [ 5967.637480] iwlagn 0000:03:00.0: Aggregation not enabled for tid 0 because load = 0
    Aug 26 15:44:11 Igor-Home kernel: [ 6130.459235] iwlagn 0000:03:00.0: Aggregation not enabled for tid 0 because load = 0
    Aug 26 15:47:00 Igor-Home kernel: [ 6298.522120] iwlagn 0000:03:00.0: Aggregation not enabled for tid 0 because load = 0
    Last edited by igor1982 (2011-08-26 14:38:19)

    I just guess that it is a problem associated with unnormal shutdown procedure.
    Well... if my guess is correct, then there are other reasons you may see that message.
    Most Linux filesystems have a maximum mount count and/or a maximum date interval configured inside them. When you exceed the maximum(s), they'll start complaining; trying to tell us humans that we should run fsck on the filesystem.
    If you want to display the maximums on that ext4 filesystem, then run tune2fs -l /dev/sdXY with root authority, where "X" and "Y" match the filesystem in question. Look for Maximum mount count: and Check interval:. You can use that same tune2fs command to change those values, but read the man page first.
    Since I've never run a reiser filesystem, I don't know how to display it's values, but if you look at the "-c" and "-m" parameters in the reiserfstune man page, it will show you how to change those maximums.
    Now... since most filesystems don't like to be fsck'd while mounted (at least in read/write mode), I'd highly suggest that you become familiar with "The sixth field" portion of the fstab man page. If you set your fstab file correctly, it will "Do The Right Thing" when it comes time to scan your filesystems during a boot.
    (Edited to add:)
    Oh...forgot to mention... those kernel logs entries are from your Intel wireless adapter device driver, not your filesystems
    Last edited by pigiron (2011-08-26 17:43:54)

  • SRM 7 Contract Distribution not possible in PPS - is it true ?

    Hi SRM Gurus,
    I gather that the SRM 7.0 Central Contract are not distributed to ECC 6.04 in PPS environment. 
    ( Ours is SRM 7.0 ECC 6.0 Enhp 4 with PI 7.11 on PPS - ECS.)
    Correct me if i am wrong.
    If so, is there any other way to distribute Central Contract to ECC .  Even it its partial distribution. 
    Thogh, I hv config for CCTR following the SNote 1268821. To start the problem, the Distribution button on the header of the contract is disabled.  CCTR tran type configured both in SRM and ECC.
    Kindly share your thoughts.

    You can try reverting the note 1354971, to get an assign distribution button active at item level.
    Interfaces(XML) which are used to transfered the central contract are not extended to all the fields related to PPS functionality. Eg. Guaranteed Minimum.
    These fields will not be transfered to backend and other process like release value updation to the backend contract has limitation as PPS funcalities can be used only in extended classic scenario.
    So we have a limitation and also this functionality will not be supported in PPS.
    Nevertheless, you can enable this funcationality and use with the limitation.
    You will have to handle this through custom meta data handle where you need to create dynamic class and method and maitain in the customizing table /SAPSRM/V_MDA_HC. You can enable the Assign distribution button and link in the dynamic class.
    You can check the configuration in the standard meta table /SAPSRM/V_MDA_HD for reference.
    Courtesy : Lisa Norris!
    Re: SRM 7 Contract Distribution not possible in PPS

  • Message: "The product distribution not could file verified"

    when I try to buy Mountain Lion appears a message: "The product distribution not could file verified. It may be damaged or not was signed"
    I use Lion 7.4, MabBook 2010.


  • Distribution not working.

    I have setup, I think correctly ZFS. I'm trying to do my first
    distribution. I doesn;t seem to be working. How do you diagnose whats
    going wrong. I know this is a broad question, but I'm not sure where to

    Write down your setup and look how things are connected and scheduled.
    Then look if there is any distribution in the channel. Right click on the
    distributor and do a refresh.
    Set the messaging level for the log-file to 6 in the properties of the
    distributor. In the workingdirectory of the distributor there is a file
    called ted.log.
    Some common error message's our files show ;-) are:
    Scheduled to collect .... at Run never
    Distribution not in any channel
    Gather .... stopped with unknown error.
    Hope this is something to help.
    > I have setup, I think correctly ZFS. I'm trying to do my first
    > distribution. I doesn;t seem to be working. How do you diagnose whats
    > going wrong. I know this is a broad question, but I'm not sure where to
    > look.

  • Could not clean working directory during the Livecycle ES 8.2.1 installation

    while using Adobe Livecycle Configuration Manager, I am getting the following error. How could I get around this problem?
    Failed on    'Executing merge scripts for adobe-livecycle-native-weblogic-x86_win32.ear'
    Could not clean working directory

    I'm posting my experiences with this error because it can hopefully help other people.  I was getting the same error during the Configure LiveCycle ES (1 of 3) screen after clicking the Configure button.  It would fail around 75% with a prompt saying error code ALC-LCM-000-000 and could not clean working directory.  The progress log would indicate the failure at executing merge scripts for adobe-livecycle-native-weblogic-x86_win32.ear.  I was installing LC ES 8.2.1 SP3 + QF 3.19 with the Forms and Output components on a Windows 2003 platform.
    Rename working dir (LC support suggestion)
    Rename c:\adobe\livecycle8.2\configurationManager\working to be like working.old.  Re-run ConfigurationManager (CM).  Didn't help since I saw the same error message.
    Clicked Configure again on and it went 100% without any problems.  The rest of the install went just fine.
    Reinstall Adobe LC ES 8.2
    I was getting the same type of error on another box, but clicking Configure wasn't getting past 75% again.
    Reboot of the box didn't help on the next attempt.
    Reinstall LC ES 8.2 worked
    Used the Add/Remove programs to remove Adobe LC ES 8.2
    Reinstalled the software with SP3 + QF 3.19.
    Ran CM again and I was able to get past this error.

  • Distribution not found

    I am having some trouble creating an installer for a program.  I need it to include NI-DAQmx drivers, and selected them as shown in Fig. 1.  Of course, this module has other dependencies, which can be also be seen in Fig. 1.  When I try to build, everything appears normal until a dialog pops up informing me that a distribution is needed (Figure 2).  If I click "Yes," I have the opportunity to locate the component myself (Figure 3).  I think it should be in the Device Drivers Disk, specifically in the folder marked disk 3.  However, the computer disagrees, and cannot find the component, even if I provide the Device Driver DVD.  Out of curiosity, I tried searching the DVD, and cannot find any file or folder named "Variable Engine" or "Base Package".  So I am forced to cancel the build.
    The resulting log file is simply:
    Adding files to installer
    Done adding files
    Preparing to build deployment
    Copying products from distributions
    Your help would be greatly appreciated.
    Go to Solution.
    Figure 1.JPG ‏84 KB
    Figure 2.JPG ‏29 KB
    Figure 3.JPG ‏23 KB

    Hello! Checkout the article below and the link to another forum post with more articles on this issue.
    Distribution Not Found Error when Building Distribution in LabWindows/CVI
    Forum Post with more articles. 
    When it askes you to locate the distribution have you tried putting in your installer DVD's for LabWindows/CVI?
    Ben Sisney
    FlexRIO V&V Engineer
    National Instruments

  • Boot up - Error Message: "File System not clean"

    <blockquote>Locked by Moderator as a duplicate/re-post.
    Please continue the discussion in this thread: [tiki-view_forum_thread.php?locale=en-US&comments_parentId=667528&forumId=1]
    Thanks - c</blockquote>
    == Issue
    I have another kind of problem with Firefox
    == Description
    At start up displays error message: File System not Clean"
    == start up computer
    == Troubleshooting information
    WebOfTrust, AdBlock Plus 1.2, Ubuntu Firefox Modifications 0.7, Firefox Universal Uploader (fireuploader) 0.4.1, Foxytunes 4.0.6
    == Firefox version
    == Operating system
    == User Agent
    Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2010040116 Ubuntu/9.04 (jaunty) Firefox/3.0.19 GTB7.0
    == Plugins installed
    *-The default plugin handles plugin data for mimetypes and extensions that are not specified and facilitates downloading of new plugins.
    *The demo print plugin for unix.
    *Shockwave Flash 10.0 r45
    *DivX Web Player version
    *The Totem 2.26.1 plugin handles video and audio streams.


  • I can not update because it says the net connection was not clean properly, How to do this to clean properly??

    There was a notification to update Firefox. I did but later a notification says "The update was not successful because there is a net connection that was not clean properly and it happened as well everytime I closed Firefox. What do I have to do to clean this properly?
    Thank you

    Please help!!!! everytime I update I got this notification always,
    ''''''"The operation can not be completed because of an internal failure. A secure network communication has not been cleaned up correctly."''''''
    How can I solve this problem?
    Thank you?

  • Not-cleaned-up-DB-sessions Forms6i/IAS

    Environment: True Unix 64, IAS, 8.1.6
    Since migrated to Forms 6i /IAS there are in some cases not cleaned-up DB session on the db which is accessed by an Forms6i appl. Note: not the Webserver has this not-closed-sessions but the Oracle-database on a remote UNIX server (8.0.5). There I see these sessions with cursor-information:
    Is there any parameter which helps me to kill these needless sessions automatically ? And, what action makes Oracle to behave to keep these sessions ?
    Thanx a lot.

    Please reread your post with great care.
    Do you see a platform and operating system?
    Do you see a product name and full version number?
    Do you see a description of which commands were executed?
    Good. Because I don't either.
    Post a full and complete description of the environment so we can try to replicate it.

  • I can not clean status yahoo, who help me

    i hope some one help me

    what do you mean "I can not clean status yahoo"?  That doesn't make sense in English.

  • Apple mail not cleaning up POP3 server?

    I use Apple Mail (in POP3 mode) and Spamsieve, and it appearsthat it never removes junk mail and/or moved mail from my mail server (a Unix hosted domain). I have "delete permanently on move from inbox" and "delete permanently when deleted in Mail" set properly.
    How do I know? If I read/move/delete all mail in my inbox, and then manually delete all the mail in the junk mail folder, then use something like Thunderbird in IMAP mode, I found that my /var/mail/sparker was 95+Mb full of garbage from the previous year (or much more)
    Interestingly, if I have message that lands in my inbox (no rules processing) and I manually delete them, they get removed properly from the /var/mail/sparker file. If Rules or SpamSieve move them, they never get deleted properly.
    So... For those of you with external hosts for your mail, go check your /var/mail/<userid> file. I'd bet they're huge.....
    I've got to the point where I read and process all my mail using AppleMail, then quit, launch thunderbird, and delete everything manually. Seems ridiculous, but that's what I'm doing now.
    I like SpamSieve enough (with 99.7% accuracy) that I'd prefer not to switch to Thunderbird exclusively. But if I have to keep processing mail using BOTH tools, then I'm going to have to switch.

    I have [...] "delete permanently when deleted in
    set properly.
    Considering that no such setting exists in Mail, I
    find this hard to believe.
    Wow... Sorry I upset you. I was asking this question from another machine, and hoped people would be intuit that I really meant "Remove copy from server after retrieving a message". I was obviously wrong that you could intuit that I just got the exact string setting incorrectly.
    I found that my /var/mail/sparker was 95+Mb
    full of garbage from the previous year (or much
    What does /var/mail have to do with Apple
    On my web host that hosts my domain, all their mail pools in /var/mail/<user> until I hook up my Powerbook and download it as POP3 mail. If I don't go get it, it accumulates in this file. It's standard Unix type mail.
    Interestingly, if I have message that lands in my
    (no rules processing) and I manually delete them,
    get removed properly from the /var/mail/sparker
    That's interesting, indeed. But even more interesting
    is that I manage 8 POP accounts in Mail (5 different
    "external hosts"), and my /var/mail
    directory is always empty. I don't even have a
    /var/mail/username file...
    I'm sorry to hear that. I do have a /var/mail/<username> where all my mail accumulates. It's on a FreeBSD server. It does exist, as does a mail file for everybody else on that host.
    So... For those of you with external hosts for
    mail, go check your /var/mail/<userid> file. I'd
    they're huge.....
    I bet they aren't. Actually, I bet no such file
    exists at all in most cases...
    I can generate a listing here, but that wouldn't solve this problem.
    I'm sorry that I upset you by asking this question. I've used many email clients on Mac, Windows, and quite as few flavors of Unix, and this mail client is the first time I've encountered the lack of clean up of the POP3 mailbox.
    However, in a post earlier this evening, I mentioned that I changed the setting for the "Remove copy from server after retrieving a message:" from "Right Away" to "When moved from Inbox" (and yes, those are the exact text strings in the Accounts -> Advanced Preference pane), and the messages are now removed correctly from /var/mail/<user> on my host.
    So, something that the rules processing interacting with the "Right Away" setting is not cleaning up properly. Changing it to "When moved from Inbox" is cleaning up messages that the Rules move to other folders (including messages that Spamsieve moves to other folders).

  • Activities not cleaning text log when ending contact

    I have a problem, we are using sap crm 5.0 with ic web client, when the user opens, or create a new activitie it shows the text log in the followupviewset, but when it hits the "end contact" button it does not clean the view in the text log, how can i clean that text log so it does not saves those text's in other activities.
    Thanks & regards

    I just figured it out- first I tried resetting, but to no avail. Then I turned off my iCloud sync I'm settings (under contacts, of course) and voila! All to those missing contacts appeared! So moral of the story- iCloud can cause a few kinks in certain situations.
    Thanks for the reply!

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