Disturbing noise left speaker

I bought my MacBook two months ago. So far, everything was working properly until yesterday. The left speaker has started to make a disturbing noise. It seems related to the magsafe but I am not sure. Outside of the noise, everything seems to work ok but the noise is really loud and really worrying. I shut off the volume of the two speakers but still have the same noise. It is not constant, generally every 15 mns. The computer make the noise even if it is not charging. When I press slowly on the left corner, the noise stops immediately?? I am really carefull with my mac. It did not felt. The noise appeard just like that.
Anyone has experienced the same noise??? I live in Haiti so I don’t have access to an Apple store or retailer.
Please help!!!!!

Yah, I got that problem and if you search around on these boards you will see that we are not alone. I have no idea what could be causing it, and it seems fairly random when it occurs. Not sure if its hardware or software related. Hopefully someone will figure this out soon.

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    Reset PRAM.  http://support.apple.com/kb/PH4405
    Reset SMC.     http://support.apple.com/kb/HT3964
    Choose the method for:
    "Resetting SMC on portables with a battery you should not remove on your own".
    If this does not help, contact Apple.
    A new Mac is in warranty for 1 year from the date of purchase.

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    Bellow You can hear the noise for Yourselves:

    The noise sounds like this ?
    Does anyone knows what it's wrong  ???
    Someone please call 911
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    I have found this useful Toshiba document which described very similar issue:
    Maybe it helps

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    Are you sure it's static? I think it might be your hard drive.
    Some hard drives are louder than others, and on my MBP I can hear mine at all times when the computer is on and awake. The HD is located to the left of the touchpad, and if it's audible, it will kind of sound like it does when you listen to the inside of a sea shell. Kind of a soft, gentle "wooshing." Does kind of sound like static.
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    Hope that helps
    MBP 2.0ghz stock   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

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    Could be interference, my smartphone causes my PC speakers to emit gibberish every once in a while if it's too close. Most speakers aren't shielded against that.

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    System Preferences > Sound > Output
    Make sure that pointer is set at the middle.
    Reset SMC.     http://support.apple.com/kb/HT3964
    Choose  the right method.

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    Hi s,
    Given that it's brand new, I would definitely contact Apple. You have a 14 day return/exchange period and a 1 year hardware warranty. AppleCare phone support is free for 90 days.

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    I tried that and it didnt seem to do much of anything.
    I played part of a song on spotify and recorded it to perhaps give you an example of what it sounds like?
    I covered the left speaker so most of what you hear is the right speaker alone. The distortion is pretty clear when audio comes out of that speaker.
    example.zip ‏723 KB

  • Tactic 3d sigma left speaker just stopped working within a 24 hour period

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    Hello..if it's any consolation which i'm sure it's not...My earcup was faulty out of the box..i.e turned round and round.
    If you check the G35 and platro¤¤ 777 you will find similar QA problems.
    Don't know if the problem are related to different batches but it seems that there is a lot to be desired in some companies manufacture and QA departments.
    Just hope these companies realise what damage is being done to thier reputation and maybe remember the old saying
    "if it cheap (presumably manufacturing costs) then there is something fishy about it." ( assuming they're getting third-party companies to manufacture a lot of these)
    this is 00 % pure conjecture on my part and the percentages of faults may be very small in real terms compared to the number of units sold?
    But if users are to be believed and such stories similar to -,these are 2 or (8) months old and I picked them up today and the left earcup fell off...don't fill one with confidence. From what I can gather most internet shops/manufacturers have been ok at replacing headsets..it's just the inconvience of having to send them in(may or may not be reimbursed for shipping costs) and be without a headset for a while especillay when they are DOA..GREAT BOUGHT NEW PRODUCT ..DOA BUT as a customer I have to wait two weeks to get a replacement....NOT GOOD BUSINESS
    in my case the company I bought them from (SIGMA's) did have a replacement in stock though they stated that they had some on order but didn't have a confirmed deli'very date from creative...so i got my money back but missed an offer on another headset . Now I don't have any headset :-(
    The long and short of it seems that QA seems to be a problem at the moment in MY view...you might buy from another manufacturer and get a faulty headset?
    I am thinking of just getting some Audio (music) phones and maybe a soundcard..
    Best of luck getting an exchanged working pair or your money back.

  • New 27" i7, left speaker blown, any ideas?

    Hi Everyone,
    This is my first post, but I'm a longtime lurker
    I fretted and worried over the arrival of my beautiful new 27" iMac, hoping it wouldn't suffer any of the issues I've been reading about on the forums. I breathed a sigh of relief when it came last Tuesday (2 days early) with perfect glass, perfect pixels, quiet hard drive, etc. I loaded all of my software from scratch, brought over all of my files, started up Final Cut and was ready to go.
    Then I noticed wacky audio. It seems something is wrong with my left speaker. Even the slightest amount of bass makes the speaker put out horrible "vibrating and rattling" noises, sounds like the speaker is blown. Sounds bad across all programs (not isolated to Final Cut) but headphones sound fine. Opened up System Preferences and moved the balance all the way to the right, everything sounds perfect, but if I move the balance to the left it is very very noticeable.
    I looked around on the message boards, found someone with an older iMac with the same problem, someone had suggested trashing audio preferences and zapping the PRAM, I did both of those. No luck.
    I have an appointment tomorrow morning at the Genius Bar, we'll see what they say. I want them to fix +this machine+, not give me a new or refurb. Two months ago I took my 18 month old 17" MacBook Pro in to replace the graphics card (under warranty) and they ended up giving me a refurb (though they said previously they wouldn't). I had had a dead pixel and a small scratch on the top of the case and suddenly both of those items had disappeared! So that was happy for me in the end.
    So, does anyone out there have any advice to give me before I lug my iMac to the Apple Store tomorrow morning? Are they likely to want to give me a new unit or fix this one? Any magic words I should say to the Genius (besides please)? Anyone else out there have any experience with this same problem?
    Any thoughts, ideas or moral support would be appreciated! Thanks!

    The guy at the Genius Bar was pretty quick to agree with me that the speaker was blown. I was a little worried because the Apple Store was quite loud, I wasn't sure if he would be able to hear the speaker noise (he said he would take the iMac to the back if necessary).
    I knew the "bad sound" only happened when you played music or sound with a little bit of bass, so I planned ahead and created a "Bad Speaker Mix" in iTunes in preparation for my appointment. I pulled about 8 songs that sound particularly horrible on the speaker. The first thing the tech guy did was open up iTunes and start playing random songs, but he wasn't replicating the noise. Then I pointed out the Bad Speaker Mix and that did the trick.
    The Genius said that if this was an "in-stock" build, they would just give me a new machine. But, I have a i7 (and a 2 TB drive) so the only option is to have my machine repaired. They didn't have the part in stock, it needed to be ordered. I was allowed to take my computer home, they'll call me when the part has arrived (should be here today or tomorrow). He said the repair will be done in-store and should take a couple of days. He also mentioned that they repair computers 7 days a week, so there's no slow-down in the repair system.
    Overall, I was very pleased with the whole experience. The appointment took about 10 minutes, everyone was extremely friendly and explained the repair process quite well. In the end it sounds like I'll only be without my computer for a few days (I was happy to hear they do small repairs like this in the store, less chance of shipping accidents and quicker turnaround time)
    Big Ben, it sounds like your speaker problem is a bit different than mine, are you able to replicate it easily? Just keep in mind that these Genius Bar appointments are fast, so planning ahead helps you out!
    I'll post again once my computer is all fixed up, good luck Big Ben!

  • Built-In Microphone records audio only from the Left speaker

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    When I try to make noise through the Right Speaker, Logic's sound levels do not respond.
    Any ideas why this is happening? I don't plan on using the built-in Microphone for much longer, but it's all I currently have at this point. Thanks!

    Again, thanks for the response! I guess what Tokuda said about the mono Mic in the left speaker settles that. I was just confused, because when I used Sound Forge on my Windows partition, it would always pick up sound from both speakers (I think?). I could be wrong on that one too though.
    As for goals, my long term goal is to produce Club/Dance music & some serious Vocal work with Logic. Only thing is I have no basis or ground knowledge of music. For instance, I don't even know how to play the piano, or read music for that matter. Sad, I know...but it is a work in progress. And the only Microphone I use is built-in and my voice overs always sound so bland & one-dimensional. No dynamics or great effects to them, like Tpayne, BSpears, or Madonna vocals. Not sure where I should start, maybe take some basic music theory courses at the local community college, grab an internship at a radio station, & then further my education @ SAE, or Berklee College of Music to learn more advanced editing techniques.
    In the meantime, I have been producing Cheer, Dance, & Aerobic music for the past 5 years. It first started as a hobby, and then transformed into its own little business, and now I do hundreds of mixes for Cheerleaders & All Star programs all over the place! It came so natural to me though...Laying beats over songs, then adding my own creative touch to make it my own. I've been using Acid, which is GREAT for what I do, but isn't going to get me much further than that. That being said, I finally made the decision to move up to Logic, not only to broaden my musical horizons, but to hopefully continue making Cheer music with it as well.
    Since Acid is PC only, I still do work on my desktop PC and have been slowly weaning myself from it. The Logic learning curve is extremely difficult (for me at least) and it's taken a lot of getting used to some things like NOT being able to cross-fade my loops. Very, very annoying. Nonetheless, I know I have to make the switch to Mac if I'm really serious about making it anywhere in this biz.
    Anyway, I can totally email you one of my mixes (if you're interested). I would post a link here, but I gather most of the musicians on here wouldn't really appreciate it as much as I do, haha. Oh and by the way, thanks for taking the time to listen & help me out here. It means a lot man!

  • Y50 clicking sound from left speaker and muffled sound

    I just bought the Y50 yesterday with the GTX 960M. Unfortunatly i noticed while playing that the left speaker started to do a clicking noise, in addition the sound became muffled. When i tilt the laptop the problem is resolved i.e. the clicing stops and the sound returns to normal. After a few minutes the same problem returns until i tilt the laptop or lift it again.
    Please help.
    Model Number:
    Serial Number:
    Mod comment: Serial number removed for members protection.

    Hi Goldenbird,
    Welcome to Lenovo Community!
    As per the query we understood that you are facing issue with left speaker in your Lenovo Y50 laptop.
    This might be issue with the speaker cable which is not seated properly, please visit the nearest service center fo further details
    Click here to open a link where you can select the country and get the exact contact support number. I’m sure
    they will be a great help.
     Hope this helps. Do post back if the issue persists!
    Best regards,       
    Ashwin. S
    Did someone help you today? Press the star on the left to thank them with a Kudo!
    If you find a post helpful and it answers your question, please mark it as an "Accepted Solution"! This will help the rest of the Community with similar issues identify the verified solution and benefit from it.
    Follow @LenovoForums on Twitter!

  • Left speaker is blown?

    Today I was creating a podcast in Garageband. As I was skipping through the clips I had arranged in front of me, I heard a rather loud popping noise and the left speaker hasn't worked ever since.
    We bought this iMac (21.5") refurbished just a few months ago.
    How can we fix this? No matter what program I use, the left speaker won't work!
    Thanks for your time!
    (Also when the popping noise occurred the track paused and a message came up on my screen that said that Garageband needed to boost performance or something along those lines.)

    Hi, after 90days from date of purchase Apple offer Telephone Help, after that a Genius Bar appointment would be your best bet" or call your local Apple Approved Service Agent..
    Firstly I would Reset - SMC & PRAM (pertinent to your model....L

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