DMU for Itanium platform

Hi All,
We are trying to use DMU for migration to unicode charset.
Please clarify regarding following.
1.Supported database version:
Currently we are on, that means do we have to apply PSU , otherwise DMU is not supported.
2. 9825461 Patch which is said to be installed on DB before using DMU agianst it is not available for Linux Itanium platform.
3. Client OS Version
SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 9 (ia64)
uname -a:
Linux 2.6.5-7.308-default #1 SMP Mon Dec 10 11:36:40 UTC 2007 ia64 ia64 GNU/Linux
Seems like SUSE 10/11 are supported.
Please advice the way forward to utilize DMU.
Thank you,

The patch is 9352164 - DATABASE PSU (INCLUDES CPUAPR2010)
I assume you did already raised a SR about this DMU patch for Linux Itanium request as we had the same request.
Development will provide a DMU patch for on Linux Itanium
If not please let me know

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    Message was edited by: tiederian

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    You have 2 options:
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    Thanks and Regards
    Neha Mahanty

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    Hi Michael
    You are right, it is confusing...
    I think it will be better to contact sales to get this explained as opposed to technical support people that monitor this SCN Space.
    Sales ph: 866-681-3435, 1-800-677-7271
    Worldwide Office Locations | SAP
    - Ludek
    Senior Support Engineer AGS Product Support, Global Support Center Canada
    Follow me on Twitter (#SAPLumira)
    Got Enhancement ideas? Use the SAP Idea Place 

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    Hi, here we r talking about deployment environment more than development
    environment. Have u ever think about designing an EFFECTIVE development
    directory structure for J2EE platform( e.g. weblogic )? u r not using the
    deployment directories for coding, r u? :)
    I used to construct a dir structure for dev and want to improve it.
    d:/wholesystem/*.prj // Project files
    ...../module1/src/com/.... // Module source files
    ...../module1/doc/... // Module doc files
    ...../module1/classes/... // Module class files
    ...../web/*.jsp // web page files
    ...../web/images/... // web page images
    ...../web/WEB-INF/... //...
    Do u have any good ideas? Thanks!
    * Name: Gary Wang
    * Tele: 010-65546668-8119
    * Mail: [email protected]

    Create a web-inf folder at the same level of src and
    jsp folder inside src
    i mean
    /web-infSo, would you put in /src/jsp only the *.jsp?
    And what in /WEB-INF ? What woud you put there? Would you do something like:
    In this manner sources and classes are in the same tree, it does not seem very clean to me, expecially if you consider that probably I must have a "test" directory to unit test some j2ee stuff (as for the j2se stuff in "src"): how would you do that?
    Is this directory structure anyway what you meant or not?

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    Contact the developer or MS on that one.Some games and apps would of been free for a time or there is opportunity's when these go free for a certain period.
    If  i have helped at all a click on the white star below would be nice thanks.
    Now using the Lumia 1520

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