DNS hostname resolution

I've installed OSX server 10.3.4 with Open Directory.
From terminal, when I type hostname, it returns with the correct hostname.
When I type host and given hostname from previous line, it returns with a "host not found" and 3(NXDOMAIN) error.
Please help
eMAC   Mac OS X (10.3.4)  

To amplify a little bit on Camelot's suggestions:
1. In Server Admin, go to the DNS Service and click the Settings tab. Under General, Zone transfers and Recursion are both enabled by default. That's OK if your server is safely tucked away inside a private network. Under the Zones tab, enter a Zone name (smokin.private, for example) and a server name (emac, for example). Server Admin will show you a fully qualified domain name (emac.smokin.private). Enter your static local address ( if necessary. Save.
2. In the server's System Preferences, enter the server's own local address ( in the DNS Server field of the Network pane. You'll need to do this on each of your clients, too, for them to know to use the server for DNS. (Alternatively, if you have a router configured for DHCP, you can enter this information there and the clients will pick up the server's IP address with their DHCP leases. Just be sure the server itself isn't configured to use DHCP.)
3. Test your lookups.
4. You may want to set up a forwarder in this configuration. You may find this thread helpful.
Xserve G5   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

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    Primary address =
    Current HostName = Silkworth.local
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    If you go to terminal and type in *host servername* does it resolve your ip? If you type *host yourip* does it resolve your server name? This is how you check to see if DNS is working properly. If it does, then DNS is working. If it doesn't you have a problem. Make sure under setting in the DNS service that you have added your ip range into the recursive section. For example you might enter Also make sure you still have an ns record for your primary zone. And that your primary zone name is fully qualified. For instance if your zone was called lunch-lady.land.com your fully qualified domain name would be lunch-lady.land.com. The period at the end is very important in this location. Hope this helps.

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    Thanks alot!

    I have a tendency to set the machine name for server as the same FQDN as setup in DNS. Set them both the same, reboot and see if things work better.
    Please remember: the #1 thing to do to make Mac OS X Server work properly is DNS. Without properly working forward and reverse DNS records all bets are off.

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    The reason this is such a problem is that I'm creating an application specifically for the purpose of monitoring a custom server so errors do happen, and if future requests cannot complete a connection due to name lookup failure it can cause a huge problem for monitoring validity.

    Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

  • How does changeip determine the dns hostname?

    i've been trying to setup my 'test' server at home according to the info i find online.
    one of the first parts is setting the hostname. It is recomended that you use something like
    when i use sudo changeip -checkhostname i get
    Primary address     = 192.168.xx.xx
    Current HostName    = server.myowndomain.com
    DNS HostName        = myowndomain.com
    To fix the hostname please run changeip for your system with the
    appropriate directory with the following values
       /Applications/Server.app/Contents/ServerRoot/usr/sbin/changeip 192.168.xx.xx 192.168.xx.xx server.myowndomain.com myowndomain.com
    dirserv:success = "success"
    at my external dns control panel there are 2 A records for my domain name
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    can someone shed some light on this for me please?

    If you are setting up your server on your LAN, then you need to support what is called split horizon DNS.  This means that you need to run a public DNS (which you have based on the ("at my external dns control panel there are 2 A records for my domain name") and you must run DNS on your LAN as well.  The reason for this is simple.
    When running your server on a LAN behind a firewall, your server has two identities.  The first identity is its LAN address.  As above, this is something on the 192.168.x.x network.  This is a private address range and can not be used for public routing.  The second identity is that of the public Internet.  As above, this is represented by the 78.x.x.x address that is the public address used by your firewall.
    When users on the LAN reference your server, they will need to reference it by the 192.168.x.x address.  When users externally want to access it, they will need to route to the 78.x.x.x network.  Thus, the need for two DNS entries.
    Now, the DNS entries are commonly the same.  The difference is the number assigned to the record.  For example, server.myowndomain.com will point to 192.168.x.x on your LAN and server.myowndomain.com with point to 78.x.x.x on the WAN.
    Other ways to check DNS would be to use nslookup or dig.  Also, check the server's network preference panel and look at your DNS entries.  The first entry should be a 192.168.x.x address and it should be pointing to a DNS server on your LAN.  This could be you server or it could be another device that is already running DNS.
    DNS is considered the foundation service for OS X Server.  However, it all depends on the services that you are running.  For Open Directory, Profile Manager, and others, DNS is critical.  Failure to implement it properly will give you nothing but headaches and likely cause future service deployment issues.  However, if you are just hosting a bunch of web sites, then DNS is not as critical, especially if the server is deployed on a LAN with no clients.
    As a note, if you were running your server with a public address, you could use BIND views.  However, this is not advisable for security reasons.
    Apple Consultants Network
    Apple Professional Services
    Author "Mavericks Server – Foundation Services" :: Exclusively available in Apple's iBooks Store

  • How to repair DNS hostname?

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    After putting in the mail server address the mail did not function either. So my DNS is mess now.
    I tried searching in the support discussions for a way to repair this, but could not find an answer that fits the situation.
    I am in the middle of a swith over and because everything was working (except the printers) I decided to move all data and mail from the old Windows servers to the new Mac servers. Because the system is in use now for a week I can't simply switch back. So I am stuck in this situation and desperate. Yes, I made a classical mistake not to backup first the working servers. But that happens when you are in a rush to get this done. This is my first Apple server experience and was very happy I came this far with the available Apple docs and discussion support.
    Server network situation:
    - Mac Mini server1 (en0:, en2: (USB-adaptor)) configured as DHCP, NAT, FireWall and secondary DNS
    - Mac Mini server2 ( configured as Primary DNS, Mail, Open Directory, AFP and SMB
    I configured with non-authorative domainname (say mydomain.nl). In the near future I will have a fixed IP-address so the domainname can be used from the internet.
    changip -checkhostname on result:
    Primary address =
    Current Hostname = hollandia.mydomain.nl
    The DNS hostname is not available, ...
    scutil --get LocalHostName = DeHollandia
    scutil --get Hostname = hollandia.mydomain.nl
    dig -x
    ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: SERVFAIL, id:3354
    ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0
    ; IN PTR
    ;; SERVER:
    DNS configuration:
    hollandia Machine
    beschermer Machine
    mail Machine
    -0.0.10.in-addr.arpa. Reverse Mapping beschermer.mydomain.nl Reverse Mapping hollandia.mydomain.nl
    Hopes the above info is a start to the solution.

    After some study of DNS examples I manually edited the file /var/named/zones/db.0.0.10.in-addr.arpa.zone.apple.

  • Current HostName different to DNS HostName

    I am/have changed my machine name but the DNS HostName is still showing as the old name when I do a "changeip -checkhostname".
    I believe this is automatically set by doing a reverse DNS lookup. What I want to know is how do I correct that so it updates to the new name?

    look at the manual page for changeip
    man changeip
    changeip /LDAPv3/ oldhost newhost
    This would prepare for changing the address of a
    machine hosting an LDAP master. Note that it might
    still be necessary to change the configuration of
    machines pointing to this master.
    changeip - oldhost newhost
    This would prepare for changing the address of a
    standalone server.
    changeip /NetInfo/root/netinfonode oldhost newhost
    This would prepare for changing the address of a
    server bound to a parent NetInfo node.
    changeip /NetInfo/root/netinfonode
    Same as above, but where the old and new IP
    addresses map to the same name.

  • How to setup multi DNS server resolution

    I have a peculiar situation which I think may be applicable to others. I take my Macbook Pro to work. At work I have a Ethernet based LAN connection and a wireless connection.
    The ethernet connection gets me access to company servers, but uses some crude proxies and limits what I can access on the net.
    The wireless was setup by a tech to get around this and has a direct connection to the net, but no access to the company servers.
    The best situation I have currently is to put the wireless connection first in the network setting sand use that unless I need a company server. Then I have to turn wireless off before accessing the server and turn it back on to access anything I cannot get through the company LAN.
    I've been looking into configuring the Mac to enable me to have both on all the time. I've found that if I execute
    route add -inteface en0
    Then any company server name I have already resolved will correctly route out through the eithernet rather than the wireless which solves the first part of the puzzle.
    I've also tried to setup multiple DNS resolution by adding a /etc/resolvers/company.com.au file with the contents:
    search company.com.au
    search_order 1
    I've then checked this with scutil --dns which shows
    DNS configuration
    resolver #1
      search domain[0] : Wireless
      nameserver[0] :
    resolver #9
      domain   : company.com.au
      search domain[0] : company.com.au
      nameserver[0] :
      nameserver[1] :
      order    : 1
    DNS configuration (for scoped queries)
    resolver #1
      search domain[0] : Wireless
      nameserver[0] :
      if_index : 5 (en1)
      flags    : Scoped
    resolver #2
      search domain[0] : company.com.au
      nameserver[0] :
      nameserver[1] :
      if_index : 4 (en0)
      flags    : Scoped
    But I still cannot get DNS resolution working for the company servers. Dig is no help because it's doco says that it only uses the /etc/resolv.conf file. Unfortunately documentation on setting up multi DNS resolution is practically nil and I've not been able to find any examples on the net. Just a few postings saying to use /etc/resolvers and very little doco in man pages.
    Has anyone else managed to get this working?

    Following blogposts will get you started:
    Automatic Provisioning of a Virtual BizTalk Environment
    One Click BizTalk Multi Server Environment Azure Provisioning
    Build an Azure IAAS Biztalk Single Server or Domain
    Glenn Colpaert - MCTS BizTalk Server - Blog : http://blog.codit.eu

  • Slow DNS web resolution

    I've noticed the DNS resolution for web services on our network has become a little slow.
    The log is showing the below (for example):
    success resolving 'www.jamesallenonf1.com/A' (in 'jamesallenonf1.com'?) after reducing the advertised EDNS UDP packet size to 512 octets
    Any ideas what this could be caused by and if it would explain the slowing of web page resolution?

    Thanks - that was useful as was the below quote:
    Quote by: MacTroll
    Your DNS server is attempting to use DNS-SEC, for validated DNS lookups. This requires a larger UDP packet size, >512 bytes, than your firewall seems to like. It then has to wait to both decide it needs to reduce packet size /and/ to get a negative result on the lookup.
    I would imagine that the DNS resolver on OS X client doesn't bother to do a DNS-SEC lookup, and hence no issue.
    This was evident in another line of the log:
    host unreachable resolving 'I.ROOT-SERVERS.NET/AAAA/IN':
    I created a rule in the hardware firewall to forward port 53 to the SLS and its running fine now with no errors.

  • DNS Hostname & Computer Name

    I work in a university/medical environment, with large amount machine on the network. I'm running into an issue with DNS names and Computer name being different.
    Example: Computer Name: div-001
    DNS Name: mm-Ughe
    DNS name appears when i do a nslookup of the Ip that is assigned to machine by DHCP.
    Our end goal is to be able to use VNC client to remote support the Mac computer via hostname across the university, which will entail different subnets.
    Hope this make sense, and appreciate any help.

    The question is, when you do the nslookup (or dig, as nslookup has been deprecated), what is the authoritative server? It's as simple a matter as putting the name you want in the hosts file of the authority. Except if you use DHCP. Then you need to look into services like yp (yellow pages) or NIS. If you don't want to go that path, don't use DHCP, assign static IP addresses.

  • Two problem with the DNS (hostname order and slow internal DNS)

    First I'm sorry for my english,... So I've two questions which I cannot solve by myself.
    1/ I configured two DNS as primary on my Xserve one .com and one .ch. For the same name : example.com and example.ch. I defined a mail server, my second Xserve.
    If only my example.ch is configured on my DNS server my hostname is mail.example.ch, working fine with my specific MySQL software. But if I add the example.com to my DNS Server, my hostname is changed to mail.example.com !
    And that I do not want ! I need to keep my mail.example.ch. How can I fix my hostname to the .ch ?
    2/We have an Xserve with two Ethernet cards (for the NAT) and we have a DNS server on this computer. When I use the Xserve for DNS Server on the remote computer network preferences the internet is working but very slow to resolve the DNS. I think the problem is from the catching DNS system, but how I can disable that or speed up my internet connection ?

    Thanks but my DNS is working fine now. My last
    problem is my hostname.
    Have a look in /etc/hostconfig. HOSTNAME defaults to -AUTOMATIC- which resolves by firstly trying reverse lookup on its IP - the first return from this will be adopted. If you have 2 PTR records for the IP then it may be resolving to the 'wrong' one. If this is the case then you could either...
    1. Remove one of the PTR records, or
    2. Edit /etc/hostconfig, replacing with HOSTNAME=mail.example.ch

  • Updating DNS hostname

    I'm sure I should know how to do this but I need to know how to update the our server's hostname in DNS. We're using Mac OS X Server 10.4.7 and it's just not clear to us.
    We're trying to change our IP address on the server as we just moved and have a new IP address.
    ANY help would be greatly appreciated.

    Do in Terminal : host -v -t NS <yourdomain>
    These are the nameservers hosting your domain.
    If one of these is the IP your server had before the move you have to alter that setting at a/the registrar for your (top-)domain to reflect the IP # change.
    Otherwise the record for your server IP has to be changed on the servers hosting your domain.
    You are hosting some of your own public services?

  • DNS name resolution ignores search domains ??

    I have a DNS search domain specified in network prefs for ethernet (and a domain picked up from DHCP).  But these appears to be ignored both in apps  and on the command line.  I find I have to type the fqdn which is a pain.
    Looking at /etc/resolv.conf I see  'domain' but no search entries.  UNIX docs suggest that domain should allow 'short names' maunally adding explicit search records to /etc/resolve.conf seems to work despite the warning that nothing uses resolve.conf any more. (as on most modern UNIX systems).
    Anyone know what is going on?  It is a worry that search domains specified in preferences => networks appear to be ignored.  It is also a worry that adding config to a supposedly unused file fixes the problem (well at least until it gets overwritten with the next dhcp refresh).

    How about the status of the problem now?
    DNS request timed out is mainly caused by losing of Network Connectivity, detailed information you may reference the link below(session
    7. Loss of Network Connectivity):
    If the problem still exits, try command line nslookup /set d2
    to turn exhaustive Debugging Mode on(all fields of every packet are printed). And post the result here.
    Best Regards,
    Eve Wang
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]

  • FILTCFG based on DNS Hostname

    Is it possible to use filtcfg to filter out ip traffic using a source dns
    host name instead of a source ip address ?
    Hmm.. Thinking about it.. the answers probably no - seeing as a dns lookup
    would have to be done for every packet.. but its worth a shot in the dark

    > Hmm.. Thinking about it.. the answers probably no - seeing as a dns lookup
    > would have to be done for every packet.. but its worth a shot in the dark
    Yes, you are right. The overhead would be prohibitive. What are you trying
    to accomplish?
    - Anders Gustafsson (Sysop)
    The Aaland Islands (N60 E20)
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    Novell does not monitor these forums officially.
    Enhancement requests for all Novell products may be made at

  • ARD 3.7.2 ersetzt dynamische DNS Hostnames durch nicht mehr aktuellen DNS Eintrag

    Hallo alle ARD (Apple Remote Desktop, nicht der gleichnamige Fernsehsender ) Nutzer,
    ich bin eigentlich ein alter Hase und benutze ARD schon seit Version 1, aber seit einigen Wochen macht ARD v. 3.7.2 Mucken.
    Sobald ich in Apple Remote Desktop z.B. den Hostnamen  xxx.dd-dns.de eintrage wird dieser sofort in einen (nicht mehr aktuellen) DNS Namen geändert, der bei Telekom Kunden auf t-ipconnect.de endet, weshalb die Verbindung zu dem Host xxx.dd-dns.de nicht mehr funktioniert. Wenn ich in Apple Remote Desktop statt des Hostnamens aber die aktuelle IP Adresse des Clients (die ich etwas umständlich von der entfernten FritzBox auslesen kann) eintrage, kann ich eine Verbindung zum Client herstellen.
    Es sieht so aus, als ob irgendein DNS Server nach einem anfänglich korrekten Lookup von  xxx.dd-dns.de einen Reverse Lookup macht, der dann bei xxx.t-ipconnect.de anstatt bei xxx.dd-dns.de endet:
    xxx.dd-dns.de -> ->  xxx.t-ipconnect.de (dieser Eintrag ist aber am nächsten Tag veraltet !)
    Ich bin kein DNS Experte und würde mich über jede Anregung freuen.

    Ich habe das Problem auch. Ich trage die Domain meines Hausanschlusses von DynDNS ein, Remote Desktop ermittelt die aktuelle IP-Adresse und trägt diese ebenfalls ein. Leider wird sie dann von Remote Desktop nicht mehr aktualisiert. Jeden Tag muss ich erneut den Info-Dialog des entfernten Rechners öffnen, die IP-Adresse löschen, Dialog schließen. So ermittelt Remote Desktop eine neue IP-Adresse und trägt sie ein.
    Kann man das irgendwie besser lösen?

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