Do I have to have an external drive on my laptop to install Photoshop?

Do I have to have an external drive on my laptop to install Photoshop?

Pretty much all Adobe software is distributed by digital downloads now.  No more boxed disks. So if your laptop has a fast, stable internet connection, you should be good to go.
Nancy O.

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    I think I've fixed this on my machine.  If you look in the ITunes folder there is a subfolder called Previous iTunes Libraries.  In my case for some reason this contained the one which had always worked and a new one was in the main  folder.  I closed iTunes, deleted the new one, and moved the old one back to the main folder, then opened iTunes.  It then rebuilt the library and it plays correctly.  Hope it works for you.

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    Depending on which email client software you use
    the files should be in 'your home folder' library, esp.
    if you use Mail application.... ~/Library/Mail
    Since you don't specify what mail application,
    that would most be associated with the file.
    I notice there are some items to the right of your post
    where it says "more like this' so that may be worth a
    look to see if similar issues were answered. Also, the
    Help viewer in your system is a searchable database.
    Seems that google also brings up fair information, too.
    Do you have a complete bootable clone of your entire
    Mac system on an externally enclosed hard disk drive?
    Good luck & happy computing!

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