Dock connector cable

is there anybody know where i can buy a dock connector cable so i can connect my iOS devises to a dock Instead of having the sitting in the dock

you mean a pin30 cable extender ?
there are tons of those rmware&oq=iPhone+3gs+fir&aq=0&aqi=g10&aql=&gs_sm=3&gs_upl=1012051l1014462l0l1016 848l5l5l0l0l0l0l273l880l0.4.1l5l0#sclient=psy-ab&hl=da&rlz=1G1TSEH_ENDK367&sourc e=hp&q=iphone+pin30+cable+extender&oq=iphone+pin30+cable+extender&aq=f&aqi=&aql= &gs_sm=3&gs_upl=283723l283723l0l283971l1l1l0l0l0l0l0l0ll0l0&gs_l=serp.3...283723 l283723l0l283971l1l1l0l0l0l0l0l0ll0l0.llsin&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.,cf .osb&fp=7c65a5c11f0a642c&biw=1825&bih=763

Similar Messages

  • Dock Connector Cables

    I have a dock connector cable from the original iPhone and several of the new dock connector cables from the iphone 3GS, 4, and ipad. The cables are physically different - the dock connector side is longer on the cable that came with my iphone v1. Are these cable interchangeable? Or is the original cable perhaps a slower speed/earlier version of USB? I have had employees at the apple store tell me both answers. One said - no, you shouldn't use the original cable on a newer device. Another said the only difference is the physical nature of the connector and functions identically.

    If the Dock cable has 5.1 volts power it should charge some in sleep mode.
    Give it a try and let us know.
    Someone need to cut open a short USB extender cable and put a clamp on amp meter around one of the power lines and send in a report about charging currents.
    Or we need a free Battery app that reports charging current and not just percent charge. -- oh and make the app work in sleep mode too

  • Nano + FW/USB dock connector cable ?

    I have my 3G iPod dock that I connect using Apple's FW+USB cable: VKoBc3zmbmpbqLHKdgS8/
    (Gotta love those super-short Apple URLs.)
    The cable's USB connector goes to my PC for data transfer and the FW connector goes to a power brick. I don't run my computer all the time, and this way the iPod gets juice even when my PC is off.
    Is this FW/USB cable safe to use with my new iPod nano? The product page doesn't mention the nano, but that could be an oversight. I'd like to keep using the same cable to sync/charge both of my iPods.

    Hello Derekasaurus Rex,
    (Gotta love those super-short Apple URLs.)
    This link will help to shorten up those long URLs. Look for the "Links" section.

  • Male micro USB to female apple dock connector

    Hey there does anybody know where I can get a male micro USB to female apple dock connector cable from?
    Many thanks

    What I would do is use the male to male iPhone cable that came with it, attach a female to male micro usb adapto and a female dock connector coupler.

  • IPod (dock connector) Apple on screen - dead?

    Okay, so I haven't used my ipod in oh, a year or so. It's been sitting in its dock, firewire plugged in, and I hadn't really noticed when it stopped showing up on the desktop. Today I pulled it out of the dock and saw it wouldn't do anything (go figure, I suddenly want to use it). The Apple is on the screen.
    Checked the hold button.
    Tried to reset it. Apple would flash off then back on, you can hear the drive making noise, but nothing ever happens.
    Tried plugging it directly into power outlet and nothing new happened.
    Any clue what may be wrong with it? Thought I'd try leaving it out of the dock and off power and see if the battery would drain and maybe powering it back up after that might fix it. If not, anyone got a clue what could be wrong with it and how much it might cost me to fix it?

    If a sad iPod icon or an exclamation point and folder icon appears on your iPod’s screen, or with sounds of clicking or HD whirring, it is usually the sign of a hard drive problem and you have the power to do something about it now. Your silver bullet of resolving your iPod issue – is to restore your iPod to factory settings.
    If you're having trouble, try these steps at different levels one at a time until the issue is resolved. These steps will often whip your iPod back into shape.
    Make sure you do all the following “TRYs”
    A. Try to wait 30 minutes while iPod is charging.
    B. Try another FireWire or USB through Dock Connector cable.
    C. Try another FireWire or USB port on your computer .
    D. Try to disconnect all devices from your computer's FireWire and USB ports.
    E. Try to download and install the latest version of iPod software and iTunes
    F. Try these five steps (known as the five Rs) and it would conquer most iPod issues.
    G. Try to put the iPod into Disk Mode if it fails to appear on the desktop
    If none of these steps address the issue, you may need to go to Intermediate level listed below in logical order. Check from the top of the lists to see if that is what keeping iPod from appearing on your computer in order for doing the Restore.
    Intermediate Level
    A. Try to connect your iPod with another computer with the iPod updater pre-installed.
    B. Still can’t see your iPod, put it in Disk Mode and connect with a computer, instead of doing a Restore on iPod Updater. Go and format the iPod instead.
    For Mac computer
    1. Open the disk utility, hope your iPod appears there (left hand side), highlight it
    2. Go to Tab “Partition”, click either “Delete” or “Partition”, if fails, skip this step and go to 3
    3. Go to Tab “Erase” , choose Volume Format as “MAC OS Extended (Journaled), and click Erase, again if fails, skip it and go to 4
    4. Same as step 3, but open the “Security Options....” and choose “Zero Out Data” before click Erase. It will take 1 to 2 hours to complete.
    5. Eject your iPod and do a Reset
    6. Open the iPod Updater and click “Restore”
    For Window computer
    Go to folder “My Computer”
    Hope you can see your iPod there and right click on the iPod
    Choose “Format”. Ensure the settings are at “Default” and that “Quick Format” is not checked
    Now select “Format”
    Eject your iPod and do a Reset
    Open the iPod Updater and click “Restore”
    In case you do not manage to do a “Format” on a window computer, try to use some 3rd party disk utility software, such as “Partition Magic”.
    C. Windows users having trouble with their iPods should locate a Mac user. In many cases when an iPod won't show up on a PC that it will show up on the Mac. Then it can be restored. When the PC user returns to his computer the iPod will be recognized by the PC, reformatted for the PC, and usable again. By the way, it works in reverse too. A Mac user often can get his iPod back by connecting it to a PC and restoring it.
    a. It does not matter whether the format is completed or not, the key is to erase (or partly) the corrupted firmware files on the Hard Drive of the iPod. After that, when the iPod re-connected with a computer, it will be recognized as an fresh external hard drive, it will show up on the iPod updater.
    b. It is not a difficult issue for a Mac user to find a window base computer, for a PC user, if they can’t find any Mac user, they can go to a nearest Apple Shop for a favor.
    c. You may need to switch around the PC and Mac, try to do several attempts between “Format” and “Restore”
    Advance Level
    A. Diagnostic mode solution
    If you have tried trouble shooting your iPod to no avail after all the steps above, chances are your iPod has a hardware problem. The iPod's built-in Diagnostic Mode is a quick and easy way to determine if you have a "bad" iPod.
    You need to restart your iPod before putting it into Diagnostic Mode. Check that your hold switch is off by sliding the switch away from the headphone jack. Toggle it on and off to be safe.
    Press and hold the following combination of buttons simultaneously for approximately 10 seconds to reset the iPod.
    iPod 1G to 3G: "Menu" and "Play/Pause"
    iPod 4G+ (includes Photo, Nano, Video, and Mini): "Menu" and "Select"
    The Apple logo will appear and you should feel the hard drive spinning up. Press and hold the following sequence of buttons:
    iPod 1G to 3G: "REW", "FFW" and "Select"
    iPod 4G+ (includes Photo, Nano, Video, and Mini): "Back" and "Select"
    You will hear an audible chirp sound (3G models and higher) and the Apple logo should appear backwards. You are now in Diagnostic Mode. Navigate the list of tests using "REW" and "FFW". The scroll wheel will not function while in diagnostic mode. For further details on Diagnostic mode can be found at
    Try to do the 5in1, HDD R/W and HDD scan tests. Some successful cases have been reported after the running the few tests under the Diagnostic mode. In case it does not work in your case, and the scan tests reports show some errors then it proves your iPod has a hardware problem and it needs a repairing service.
    B. Format your iPod with a start disk
    I have not tried this solution myself, I heard that there were few successful cases that the users managed to get their iPod (you must put your iPod in disk mode before connecting with a computer) mounted by the computer, which was booted by a system startup disk. For Mac, you can use the Disk Utility (on the Tiger OS system disk), for PC user, you can use the window OS system disk. Try to find a way to reformat your iPod, again it does not matter which format (FAT32, NTFS or HFS+) you choose, the key is to erase the corrupted system files on the iPod. Then eject your iPod and do a Reset to switch out from Disk Mode. Reboot your computer at the normal way, connect your iPod back with it, open the iPod updater, and hopefully your iPod will appear there for the Restore.
    If none of these steps address the issue, your iPod may need to be repaired. Consider setting up a mail-in repair for your iPod
    Or visit your local Apple Retail Store
    In case your iPod is no longer covered by the warranty and you want to find a second repairing company, you can try iPodResQ at your own risk
    Just in case that you are at the following situation
    Your iPod warranty is expired
    You don’t want to pay any service charges
    You are prepared to buy a new one
    You can’t accept the re-sell value of your broken iPod
    Rather than leave your iPod as paper-weight or throw it away, you can try the following, but again, only do it as your last resort and at your own risk.
    Last Resort Level
    1. Disconnecting the Hard Drive and battery inside the iPod – Warning !! Your iPod warranty will be waived once you open the iPod.
    In Hong Kong there are some electronic shops offering an iPod service for Sad iPod, the first thing they do is to open up the iPod’s case and disconnecting the battery and the Hard Drive from the main board of the iPod. Wait for 5-10 minutes and reconnecting them back. The reason behind which I can think of is to do a fully reset of a processor of the iPod. In case you want do it itself and you believe that you are good on fixing the electronics devices and have experience to deal with small bits of electronic parts, then you can read the following of how to open the iPod case for battery replacement (with pictures)
    Have I tried this myself? No, I am afraid to do it myself as I am squeamish about tinkering inside electronic devices, I have few experiences that either I broke the parts (which are normally tiny or fragile) or failed to put the parts back to the main case. Therefore, I agree with suggestion to have it fixed by a Pro.
    2. Do a search on Google and some topics on this discussion forum about “Sad iPod”
    Strange error on iPod (probably death)
    Sad Face on iPod for no apparent reason
    Meeting the Sad iPod icon
    I am not suggesting that you should follow as well, but just read them as your reference. You are the person to make the call.

  • USB connection kit with Charging Dock connector?

    Hey guys,
    I am planning on buying the Apple USB dock connector in order to connect a midi device to my iPad to use with music apps. Im afraid of the battery dying as I'm recording and editing though and was wondering if anyone knew of a cable that also allowed me to plug the charging dock cable into my iPad at the same time as the USB?
    A bit like a USB+DockConnector---> Dock connector cable?
    Thanks alot,

    Googling "Camera connection kit" or searching eBay for the same finds many third-party connectors that appear to do what you want, such as this, but I have no idea as to quality or functionality. At least they're cheap enough not to worry about wasting significant money finding out.

  • Does anyone have a new dock connector like that on the Apple store?

    I recently purchased an iPod Nano, Red Edition 8GB and found out that the dock connector cable (the ipod proprietary - USB cable) is unlike that on the website.
    It uses the old fat one and the one on the website uses the slim jack.
    Has anyone got the so called newer version dock connector?
    This is really frustrating.
    here is a link in case you forgot what it looks like 5B674&nplm=MA591LL/A

    sonictonic wrote:
    Why is it frustrating? It's the same connector on the end, the plastic piece on the "handle" does not change anything at all.
    Actually I think it is not quite the same as the one that comes with the Nano. In addition to the white connector being physically shorter it lacks the little buttons on the sides that you need to depress to release the cable that shipped with it. This is useful for us "fat fingered" folk who can't get their fingers in when headphones are connected.
    But yes. I agree... why frustrated? I plan to order one, but I can't say I am frustrated that they didn't include it.

  • Apple dock connector female to male they make these?

    i'm looking to run a female dock connector from my dock, to a male dock connector on the other end to my phone for use in my car, so i can get charge and line out to my phone and hide all the connectors except for the final male connector to my phone.
    like this:
    dock>>>female connector....(cable)...male connector>iphone
    hope this is clear.
    does anyone make one of these?

    sik doesn't have one...i use the sik imp and that's what i need it for.
    as for this response:
    "you can convert a usb cable back and forth... make your usb cable where you make the switch"
    i have absolutely no idea what you are talking about but thanks for the response.

  • Will one day "ipod with dock connector" be able to be charged by USB cable?

    this question has just popped into my mind
    a moment ago. it might be very useful if
    one day they'll grant us to be able to do that.
    but if this request seemed to be too far
    from hardware capability, i'd stop thinking
    about it.
    could anyone give me a clue? any support teams?
    p/s hope i'd called my ipod right, it's the
    one with four buttons outside the wheel, and
    it is not a clickwheel one. "ipod with dock
    connector" right? :] thank you again

    Hi Kenekeu
    I just wanted to chime in and bump this thread. Although I've posted here several times about this exact problem, with no solution found yet, and no response from Apple. I tried rebooting into windows (via bootcamp) and reformatting my ipod from there. However when I downloaded the older version of the ipod updater, i was told that it was expired and a newer version was available (sigh). So I now have a windows formatted ipod that still won't connect via firewire.
    I am still able to mount and transfer songs via USB in mac OSX. Luckily I had one of those dual usb/firewire cables, which plugs into the plug charger via firewire, and into the computer via USB at the same time, so my ipod doesn't lose charge.
    Hopefully there'll be a fix soon, because this is really frustrating. I've had this ipod for a couple years, and was always proud that it lasted this long... and now this.

  • All audio works out of dock connector with Apple a/v cable, except for ipod audio.  I get no ipod audio.  Any ideas?

    I have an iPhone 3gS (iOS 4.3.3) and an Apple AV cable.  This arrangement has worked in the past.  Now, I get NO iPod audio out of the dock connector/AV cable.  All other audio (movies/YouTube/etc.) works fine with the Apple AV cable...but, I get NO iPod audio. 
    Can anyone help me out with this issue?

    I have tried videos from iTunes and my own conversions.
    I managed to test my cables using a friends 30GB iPod and it worked just fine. I looked really good and I'm really looking forward to getting mine working.
    It is definitely my iPod. Both the Apple AV Cable and the cheaper, longer Belkin AV iPod cable work fine with other iPods.
    I will try firmware version 1.1.2 when I get home but I don't have high hopes. I will post the results for the silent masses yearning for an answer to the same problem.
    Any tips on how to smoothly navigate Apple tech support and get my iPod fixed?

  • Apple Dock Connector to USB Cable PROBLEM

    I had my iPhone plugged into my Mac book at the coffee shop this weekend using the dock connector to USB cable. After a while, I kept getting a message on my phone that said "This accessory is not compatible with your device. Would you like to turn on Airplane mode?"
    I thought this was odd since the connector was an Apple product; I've never seen this message before, and I've had my iPhone plugged into my laptop several times before.
    I didn't think anything of it, so I kept selecting 'No' after getting this message repeatedly. I had no reason to question the integrity of my iPhone or its accessories since I don't misuse or mistreat anything ever.
    After a while, I looked down and noticed white smoke coming out of where the cable connects to the phone! I immediately unplugged everything and noticed the burnt and melted section of the connector part and in the phone itself. I left my phone unplugged until I could get to the Apple store.
    I have to say, I believe these cables are not made very well. Luckily, the Apple store replaced my phone and my cable for free without any hassle. I'm just wondering if this has happened to anyone else? Is Apple doing anything about this?
    -Still an iPhone fan.

    Starrlet wrote:
    I have to say, I believe these cables are not made very well. Luckily, the Apple store replaced my phone and my cable for free without any hassle. I'm just wondering if this has happened to anyone else? Is Apple doing anything about this?
    Doing anything about what ? Other people's faulty computers which go over voltage and fry iPhones ?
    The initial message you got is indicative of a short circuited or dirty dock connector so it was probably dirt on the connector or iPhone which caused the problem. No they aren't likely to. I've never heard of this before but I am glad they replaced your iPhone so swiftly !

  • Dock connector to usb cable

    Just wondering about the dock connector to usb cable that came with my new iPhone 4S:
    I have an iPod 5th Generation (Video), part number MA147LLA which has a very similar connector. I'm wondering if the two are interchangeable. The white part of the iPod dock connector looks a little bigger than the one for the iPhone 4S but the actual connector itself still fits. I'd like to keep one in the car for when I need to do a charge when I'm away.
    Anyone else using this same cable with both, their iPod and iPhone?

    Starrlet wrote:
    I have to say, I believe these cables are not made very well. Luckily, the Apple store replaced my phone and my cable for free without any hassle. I'm just wondering if this has happened to anyone else? Is Apple doing anything about this?
    Doing anything about what ? Other people's faulty computers which go over voltage and fry iPhones ?
    The initial message you got is indicative of a short circuited or dirty dock connector so it was probably dirt on the connector or iPhone which caused the problem. No they aren't likely to. I've never heard of this before but I am glad they replaced your iPhone so swiftly !

  • My ipad2 has stopped charging. Have replaced cable and adaptor without any help. Looks the internal dock connector has got damaged. What do i do? Its only 18 months old.

    My ipad 2 is 18 months old and has stopped charging. Have reolaced cable and adaptor without any help. Looks internal dock connector has got damaged.  What is the solution.

    It'll be an out of warranty replacement since accidental damage isnt' covered by the factory warranty.
    contact support and make an appointment at your local apple store. The out of warranty replacement fee for an iPad 2 starts at 249 and goes up. So another option for you may be if your money is better invested in a new  device that will have a longer life.

  • How do you get sound through the dock connector to a PC or Mac?

    Where I work they have blocked the Pandora website. (Along with just about every other online radio site.) They don't mind if we listen to music, as long as it's not streamed online through their network.
    I have both a PC & a Mac on my desk.
    What I would like to do is listen to my Pandora app from my iPhone by plugging the dock connector into a Mac or PC. This would keep the battery drain to a minimum & allow for better quality.
    When I plug in the dock connector the phone starts charging & iTunes want's to sync. I can run the Pandora app, but no sound comes through the computer.
    Does anyone know how to get the audio to come from the dock connector & play through the computers sound card?

    You have several choices:
    1. Composite AV Cable: has a dock connector on one end and USB, RCA line out and RCA composite video on the other. It also comes with an AC Adaptor.
    2. Component AV Cable: same as the Composite AV Cable but with RCA component video.
    3. Universal Dock: has a dock connector socket on it and a line out socket.
    4. iPhone 3G Dock or the (original iPhone Dock): same as the Universal Dock but designed just for the iPhone.
    All you need is somewhere to plug the line out into.

  • Is there a way to hookup shuffle to standard iPod dock connector?

    I just got a brand new shuffle, looks real sharp and easy to use, it's my first one since I sold my 1st gen iPod Touch years ago. At that time, I hooked up an adapter (using standard dock connector) to my car's stereo system, through the back of it (not through an option for the car's stereo). So I have a cable (standard iPod dock connector) in my car to hook up to an iPod; I had to control the songs from the iPod itself and usually just kept it on shuffle, and set the stereo to a certain mode for it to be played through the speakers. I wasn't aware until my shuffle came that the dock connector just uses the same 3.5mm jack as the headphones. Is there an adapter to use a standard dock connector for hooking the shuffle to the various iPod accessories (boom boxes/stereos) and therefore, my car's stereo?

    Are you sure the three-way power switch is set to shuffle?  The middle position is play-in-order, so the shuffle plays the list in the same playlist order (or alphabetical order if using the All Songs list).
    If the power switch is in the shuffle position, to re-shuffle the list, move it to the middle position and them move it back to the shuffle position.

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