Does OWLCS 11gR1 support Simplified Chinese?

Does OWLCS and Oracle Communicator 11gR1 support Simplified Chinese now? I only see the English version available on the download page.

Hi Sean,
There are a total of 3 installers for OWLCS as can be seen in the OWLCS download page at the following URL:
- The OWLCS Core Platform supports English and Japanese only
- The OWLCS Services does support Simplified Chinese (including 7 other Oracle standard admin languages (std_admin))
- The OWLCS Client (Oracle Communicator) supports English only
- The OWLCS Support Team

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    Hi Kevin,
    Have you applied 7.01 RoboHelp update?
    It seems that you are generating CHM output on a system where
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    If you really need to distinguish trad. and simp. Chinese you should know you cannot rely on the fonts bundled with InDesign.  For example, although Adobe Song includes more simplified forms than Adobe Ming, both offer both simp. and trad. variants of characters in Ming/Song style. When the distinction matters you need  a more reliable way to present one form or the other.

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    Full-text search capabilities is not currently not supported and Unfortunately, we do not have a timeline as to when it will be available.
    You can post a feedback on the below link.

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    Alardon wrote:
    Hi all, sorry for opening an old thread.. I also experience the same issues. Does anyone know whether this problem have been resolved?
    If you are having the same issue, the answer is "no".  You could try to switch the OS language to Chinese and see if that makes a difference.  The iPad has no way to select the encoding of outgoing messages, any adjustment necessary has to be made at the other end. 

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    Appreciated you guys for taking time to read this. Hope that you all can reply asap,

    Hi Karen,
    as mentioned in my other reply... ;-)
    Yes, they will use the same Unicode value.
    Traditional and Simplified differ in two ways, really.
    1) Traditional covers a lot more charaters - 4E00 right up to 9FFF. That's over 20000 characters.
    I'm not quite sure which Unicode number Simplified stops at, but I know its range is much smaller, probably around 8000 characters (someone please correct me if I'm wrong!). Both Traditional and Simplified start their range at 4E00, so both know how to display the first 8000 characters (or whatever) after this.
    2) The two encodings will display their Kanji slightly differently. Traditional-encoded Kanji generally appear more rounded and calligraphic. Simplified Kanji usually look like they've just come off a Chinese typewriter. ;-)
    Also, the Kanji may have a stroke or two added or removed here and there between the two encodings (so the odd dash might appear in one and not the other), or the stroke order of the Kanji may change slightly, resulting in them appearing slightly differently.
    Of course, this is pretty much all down to the way the fonts display the Kanji anyway, but I find that fonts that support the full Traditional encoding range are more rounded (MingLiU, PMingLiU), while those that support only the Simplified range look very rectangular and blocky (SimHei, SimSun). But that might just be me. ;-D
    You should choose between Traditional and Simplified encoding depending on whether you're going to be using a pretty broad range of Kanji (including a few rarely-used ones), and whether you want your Kanji to look pretty or just plain functional. ;-)
    Hope that helps!
    Martin Hughes

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    I'm not sure that using CJK language attributes affects H&J other than to turn it off when those attributes get attached to alphabetic text.  Of course, ID can use Japanese line-breaking rules, but you need the CJK versions of ID (or Harbs' World Tools Pro) to control them — in other words, my understanding is that this is beyond the World Ready Composer.
    As for ID's list of "Language" attributes, IDCS4 and earlier versions listed them in alphabetical order; that is, unlike the font list, they are not broken down by character set.  I used to think ID came with language attributes for CJK, but when I said as much on this forum several years ago I was quickly proven wrong.  Unbeknownst to me, I'd apparently imported the attributes by placing MS Word files (*.doc and *.rtf) in ID going back to ID2.  MS Word seemed to apply the language format whenever you entered text in a CJK font.  Once they showed up in ID's list those attributes seemed to hang around — in fact, I had a couple each for Simp. and Trad. Chinese, picked up I supposed from Mac and Windows files.
    I just checked an IDCS4 file where I placed a CJK-less *.docx yesterday, and was surprised to find no CJK languages in IDCS4's list.  I now realize I may have perpetuated the CJK language attributes by re-cycling old character styles that included them (most of my work includes some CJK).  Or maybe the difference is a matter placing of *.docx versus *.doc and *.rtf?  I dunno, and I certainly don't know about IDCC (my latest is CS6, but I mainly use CS4).  Still, if I needed the Chinese attribute I'd probably try typing some Chinese in a *.doc or *.rtf file, making it into a char. style there, and then see if the attribute came along for the ride when placing the file in IDCC.
    Good luck!

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    We currently do not support Chinese forms.

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