Does pages automatically come on the imac

Did my imac come with pages or did I have to buy and download it?  I can't sremember and my daughter just bought one and wants to know.  I assume it comes with imac.  Please get back withs me.

No, you need to buy Pages from the Mac App Store.

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    This is the iMac (Flat Panel) forum for G4 iMacs but I'm assuming that you will be purchasing a brand new Intel iMac so will provide details for those instead.
    The following list is taken from this page (link)
    Mac OS X v10.4 Tiger (includes Spotlight, Dashboard, Mail, iChat AV, Safari, Address Book, QuickTime, iCal, DVD Player, Xcode Developer Tools)
    iLife ’06 (includes iTunes, iPhoto, iMovie HD, iDVD, iWeb, GarageBand),
    Microsoft Office 2004 for Mac Test Drive*,
    iWork (30-day trial)*,
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    * despite Apple's TV Adverts both Microsoft Office and iWorks are both limited time trials. AppleWorks is still available for sale separately but is not optimized for Intel processors so has a limited life span. Therefore a proper word processor is no longer bundled with the iMac at all. Only the very basic TextEdit will allow you to type letters etc. You'll have to pay extra if you want more; so you could buy Word or Pages. Personally I'd recommend NeoOffice (link) which is a free download and unlike Microsoft Office is Intel native and compatible with Office2007.
    Hope that helps.
    Message was edited by: mrtotes. Beaten by Duane again for all the pertinent points.....

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    Delete localstore.rdf or rename the file to localstore.rdf.sav in the [ Profile Folder] to test if the file is corrupted.<br />
    See<br />
    (caution: do not delete the localstore.rdf file in the Firefox program installation folder)<br />
    <br />
    Note:<br />
    Deleting the file [ localstore.rdf] will reset the customizations of the toolbars to the defaults.<br />
    You can rename "localstore.rdf" to "localstore.rdf.sav" to test if that solves it.<br />
    Then you can restore the customization by copying "localstore.rdf.sav" to "localstore.rdf" if it didn't work.<br />

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    Windows 7 Professional 64-bit
    Abobe Acrobat9 Pro version 9.4.2
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