Does TM continue same backup file after restinalling osx?

I recently reinstalled snow leopard on my Macbook Pro 13 and migrated my user data thru migrating assistant. I reinstalled applications and when I select same time capsule for time machine, I noticed it backs up to the same TM file with my username.
The thing is after first backup, I entered TM, I could see all the dates prior the reinstallation, but most of the directories have this red "-" icon on them. I think it's some kind of permission thing.
So how do i get rid of the permission thing? Or is it better to start a fresh new file?

I think you've seen the downside to using +Migration Assistant+ instead of +Setup Assistant.+
Most likely, the account in question on the previous installation was the first user set up there. The system automatically assigns it UID (User ID) #501. Apparently, all file/folder permissions are identified with that number, not the account name.
When you set up the testing account on the new installation, it was assigned #501. So when you migrated the old user, it had to be reassigned to #502. The permissions on all the files migrated along with it were changed to #502, also.
But #502 on the new installation isn't recognized as the same one as #501 on the backups, so doesn't have access to those files.
Your best bet is to start over and use +Setup Assistant+ instead. That doesn't involve a temporary user account, so the UIDs on the transferred accounts can remain the same. Start with the green box in #19 of [Time Machine - Frequently Asked Questions|] (or use the link in *User Tips* at the top of this forum).
Note that anything you've installed since the migration will be erased, so you'll have to copy anything important elsewhere, then copy it back afterwards.

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    I saw a post on another discussion about this subject, and one user found this workaround:
    2) Start the backup via wireless connection. Stop the backup. Unplug external HD and plug in via USB or FW (you want FW800). Time Machine appears smart enough to continue your backup in a manner that is useable by the AEBS.
    This only makes sense for the first backup (or if you have a lot of data for one particular incremental backup), as it removes the whole convenience factor of wireless.
    The post got this reply:
    Thx for your #2 tip on using Time Machine with an Airport Extreme Base Station, then switching to a wired connection. Worked perfectly.
    Started the TimeMachine b/up wirelessly, allowed it to run for a couple minutes, then stopped it, unplugged the USB drive from the AEBS, plugged it into the computer directly via FW400, opened TimeMachine and it recognized the Disk. Ran TimeMachine via the wired connection, after it finished I ejected it, plugged it back into the AEBS, initiated the AirDisk in the finder, then opened TimeMachine and presto!!
    Awesome tip. Note: this works for first-time TimeMachine wireless backups only. Saved me over 40 hours of wireless waiting!!
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    Time Machine Troubleshooting
    Time Machine Troubleshooting Problems
    Time Machine FAQ

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    A 3rd party utility called MobileSyncBrowser allows for extracting this data from your iPhone's backup.
    I suggest you start syncing contacts with a supported application on your computer as is designed and intended.

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    Hi Allan
    Thanks to reply me back, I'm about to get help to Best buy where I bought my Mac.
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    Has anyone here gotten anything at all by way of a solution, or even a reason for this?

    Its not easy to make such an error. There's not actually any mechanism in iTunes to delete the source file while not deleting the track entry in the Library list. So I'd actually have to be manually deleting them in order for it to be my fault.
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