Does upgrading OS delete the trash bin ?

My boss is using OSX 10.5.8 and he "accidently" trashed (to the bin) a lot of files (+1000). I've told him not to empty the trash.
I know that on the system I am using, 10.6.8 I can "Put Back" files from the trash into the original location.
I recommened him to upgrade the OS so he can do that to the files, but I believe that upgrading the OS also immediatly empties your Trash bin.
Does any one know of a better method to restored these files? Would it be better to just do it manually ?
Thanks a bunch!

does "Put Back" work on the Trash files after upgrading?
I honestly don't know, because I'm not running Snow Leopard, and I've never encountered this problem for anyone that I've installed it for. But if I were to take an educated guess, I'd say the answer is 'No'.
Depending on which files your boss put in the Trash, it may not make a difference. If they were OS X system files, they should be replaced by an upgrade, so putting those back would just cause problems.

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