Does verizon care if I cut the copper wire?

I had FIOS installed a few months ago. When the tech came out I confirmed at the beginning of the install that he would disconnect the old copper wire, I didn't want it after the FIOS install. At the end of the install the copper wire was still up and when I asked the tech about it he said he doesn't disconnect it, he said that in case FIOS isn't the next big thing that he leaves the copper in case we have to go back. I know that after he installed the FIOS line that the copper wire still worked. I had interent and when he was trying to get the phone hooked up via FIOS he was using the copper wire to talk to some people. I don't really think I need the copper, so I want to get rid of it. I don't mind cutting the wire off the house but what do I do with the wire hanging from the pole? just wrap it around? 

Now, I am wondering why you would want the copper removed?
In the meantime, as I wait for that reply.
You are aware that:
Once copper is removed to get back on slower DSL speed to save money, it might cost you money?
For example at
Quick quote
When he tried to reconnect POTS service via a competing provider, he was told by Verizon that a new NID would run him $3,000.
Hint, hint. Are you sure you would to do that?​/2007/07/09/fios_users_say_verizon_cuts_copper_wir​es_cheaper_options/
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    Give me unlimited voice, don't force me into a Share Everything family plan and then maybe I will come back to Verizon!

    They have the 65+ plan for talk only which services most seniors as they don't need the texting and data. Otherwise, yes you will be paying more to get the fancy Smartphone and all its gidgets and gadgets.
    Good luck

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    worth squat.  I am basically 5 weeks out from my renewal date and my I-phone craps out.  No worry, I purchased the insurance and they send me a new one right.  Wrong!  They send you somebody else's  refurbished reject.  I just ordered my second replacement today because this one won't hold a charge.  The first one died quicker than the one it replaced.  I use my phone in my business.  I am 63 years old and bright flashy phones don't impress me unless they work and my phone company backs them up.  Verizon no longer cares!  I guess my best option is to go on Craig's List and buy a used phone in order to get me through my contract, then go to a carrier that appreciates my business.  Verizon doesn't, that's for sure.  I'd ask for phone responses, but you see, my I-phone dies every thirty minutes or so after I unplug it.....Nice!

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    The logic board is covered by Applecare. I, too, would not buy a laptop without warranty because they're very tricky for an amateur to fix if they go wrong.
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    Note that there is no AppleCare+ for iPods.
    IAppleCare+ is available for iPhones and iPads.

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    Answered on other post.

  • Has Anyone Else Been Forced to Accept FIOS Because Verizon Doesn't Want To Repair Copper Line?

    Technician came out today and concluded there's a problem with the wire coming from the pole in my neighbor's yard which connects to the box on the side of my house. Said neither he nor his supervisor believes that Verizon is going to want to replace/repair the wire in view of the fact that Verizon is trying to get everyone in my area switched over to FIOS. Technician also advised that Verizon is unable to access the easement in neighbor's yard in order to make the repair. The technician told me that I would have to contact code enforcement and/or go to court to secure access to the easement for Verizon to make this repair.  When it became clear to the technician that I wasn't going to switch to FIOS, thus eliminating the need for Verizon to repair the line, he closed out my repair ticket.   Doesn't Verizon have an obligation to repair and/or replace this wire? What are my rights in this situation? If Verizon is unable to gain access to an easement in order to make a needed repair, isn't it their responsibility to seek assistance or pursue legal action against the property owner denying them access? Does the technician have the authority to close a repair ticket without completing the repair? Since placing the repair request on Tuesday, I have had to endure a significant amount of pressure, brow-beating and bullying from Verizon (call on Wednesday, as well as two phone calls from technician and order taker today). I find all of this reprehensible and completely unsatisfactory. I do not want FIOS.  Here's what I do want:  I want Verizon to repair or replace the bad wire and restore my service as soon as possible.  PLEASE! 

    YES!!! I am having the same issue. It has been over a year with intermitant service and the last few months have only gotten worse. I have had three techs come to " fix" the line to no avail. Yesterday a tech came after I called for the third time in a few months and explictly stating I wanted my Copper Line fixed. They then proceeded to stated that they couldn't fix it and the only solution was to go to FIOS. Verizon hasn't been maintaining its copper lines and its ridiculous that you call and call to get the run around when trying to get it fixed. Each tech comes out and says the same thing the company isn't fixing copperlines, FIOS.. etc.  On top of that the tech left yesterday and not only was my phone no longer working .. " straight to vm" but my internet wasnt working either. I contacted customer servicet that same night to be told that I have an order pending even though I was told I didn't have to make up my mind and a new Tech would be there the next day. Guess what! THEY SWITCHED ME WITHOUT MY AUTHORIZATION.  This has been one of the most fustrating experiences. I want to know why they are not providing copper service when they publically stated they do. I do not want FIOS.  Here's what I do want:  I want Verizon to repair or replace the bad wire and restore my service as soon as possible. I have been a long time Verizon Customer it is so fustrating to see how they are treating they consumers. Thank you!

  • Copper wires or new cable ??

    Hi all... at last we have been offered high speed broadband (we currently get about D/L 3mb)
    This is from Samknows about our exchange.
    BT FTTC broadband availability
    You are connected to the Butterwick telephone exchange.
    FTTC is available in your area
    Downstream Min: 69.4 Mbps
    Downstream Max: 80 Mbps
    Upstream Min: 20 Mbps
    Upstream Max: 20 Mbps
    » Matched result using the phone you provided​E
    ok, some questions...
    1) the cable is on the other side of the road (A52) how will the cable get to our house??
    2) Is it a new cable or does the connection come down the copper wires from the telephone pole.?
    3) does an engineer have to come round??
    Go to Solution.

    Featured ProductsDownstream Line Rate(Mbps)Upstream Line Rate(Mbps)Downstream Range(Mbps)Availability Date  High Low High Low    
    FTTC Range A (Clean)
    FTTC Range B (Impacted)
    WBC ADSL 2+
    Up to 6
    3.5 to 8.5
    ADSL Max
    Up to 4.5
    3 to 7.5
    WBC Fixed Rate
    Fixed Rate
    Other Offerings
    Fibre Multicast

  • Does verizon cut customers fios speed slightly after 1 yr of beating the advertised speed??

    i have always checked my download speed on a regular basis and have been so pleased to beat the advertised speed.
    for exactly 1 yr ive averaged about 20.6 download (and sometimes up to 22!) speed on both my wired desktop and also my wireless laptop.
    now suddenly after a yr of sevice,my speed has been reduced for the past 1 week.i can get 19 mb max but i cant ever hit 20mb anymore...i have read postings on other boards claiming verizon makes sure to beat the advertised speed to make
    sure new customers are happy with the service.
    i cant help but wonder since i just hit the 1 yr service time,if my speed has been cut slightly by verizon(i hope not).
    this happened on 2 different computers at the same time and if i had a faulty fios connection,my speed would drop by more then just 1.5 mb.
    i hope i can  soon get back to my 20 mb speed that i always been so happy with.

    As long as I've had FiOS, I've never had that happen nor have I ever heard of it happening and, Verizon gains nothing by intintionally doing it.
    1MB drop isn't a drop, and you can't get a consistant read using 3rd party tests. I can use DLS or Speakeasy and get great variances hitting all of their servers.
    The only thing you can test that is consistant is Verizon's speed test to know what you're getting between you and Verizon.  Once you get on "the hwy" there are too many variables in traffic and servers.
    Of course, you shold also check to see if you coujld stand a tweek or 2.  There are some easy network tweeks that every PC needs when on a high speed network.

  • Does Verizon ever provide a different model phone if the customer has basically had the same issues with 3 prior 'replacemet' (refurbished) phones?

    I have owned a Samsung Galaxy Stellar for the about the past year and a half, which is only my second smartphone. I am not a whiz at all this but I'll try to be coherent. I had problems with the Stellar  from the beginning: Very slow loading browser, problems with the cursor, etc. After about 6 months, the phone dropped, and no, I didn't throw it on the ground!
    I have insurance and it was still under warranty, so it was replaced, by Assurian, I believe. The replacement phone had the same problems, plus a whole lot more. During calls, the wifi, and/or Bluetooth options would appear, or the phone would suddenly go on mute. In addition, when I tried to access my voicemail, what I heard was my own voice and outgoing message, not the one from Verizon asking for the password. These problems were intermittent, which made the Verizon employees  dubious, but it's like the car that you take to the garage that suddenly works fine. Anyway, there were some other problems too, so I got a replacement phone again, which is the phone I currently have had for about 3 months. A few days ago it went from bad to worse. In fact it went Crazy!: Every call I make or receive is immediately dropped. Maybe after 5 or 6 tries, I can  complete a call, but rarely. When I do, the mute and speaker options spontaneously activate, at the same time!!  When I go into my voicemail, the messages are deleted in rapid fashion, one after the other, and I cannot get them back.   Or, as I said earlier, the Wifi/Bluetooth screens appear, and it's difficult to punch in any numbers as I have to hit the back arrow many times. Strangely, the phone makes odd sounds: It buzzes or makes this odd chiming sound! If I didn't know better, I would think that I have finally lost my mind! I could go on but you have the gist.  The phone is simply not workable. I  phoned tech support, and she was very nice. After an hour on the phone, it worked ok, until the following day. She didn't do a factory reset, but she had me take the sim card and battery out. She did things on her end, which unfortunately I don't recall, but the phone worked ok until the following day, when it went crazy again.
    I took it to the corporate Verizon store where I live, The guy said "It's a lousy phone, a cheap, bottom of the line phone." By the way, throughout this time, I had had about 6 hours with tech support, between this phone and the last one.
    THIS IS MY QUESTION: I asked him if I could have a totally different phone, since this model is clearly defective. He said no, but they could send me another replacement. He told me to call trech support  while I was there in the store and ask them, because they don't do repairs at the store. The tech on the phone  told me the issue is with my Gmail account! That there is a virus on some phones and each time I get a replacement phone, because I have kept the same Gmail account, the virus keeps getting 'transferred', for lack of a better word, to the next phone. I was totally incredulous. Virus? She said, "Well, I use the  term loosely, but it's just a weird glitch.When you get a replacement phone, bring it back and we'll save and upload all your data, and set  you up with a new email account." I was confused and annoyed, as I had never heard of this, and felt I was getting the runaround. I asked her if they could give me a different phone (free of charge) and of course the answer was no. By the way, I should mention that the Stellar is no longer made. These are my options, according to the 3 different Verizon employees I spoke with: I am eliblele for the early upgrade which they call the Edge. From what I understand, it's the full retail price paid out over 2 years, with a partial payment made at time of purchase. One person told me that after 24 months, they would accept what I paid as payment in full? Sounds too generous. Option 2 is $50 of a new phone, and option 3 is to buy a new phone at a Verizon store that is having an android sale. So, I acquiesced to getting another replacement which I will keep until I buy a new totally different phone. My impression is that it's not like buying a bad toaster. They don't refund your money and let you get whatever you want for the same price! My question is this: Does Verizon ever just replace a phone that has had problems, with a totally different model? I have made as much of a stink as I can muster towards that end, but I am wondering if anyone out there has actually been able to pull that off?
    Thank you for any feedback ,comments or stories!

        amysue, We defintely want you to have a reliable and working phone. Our apologies that you have had issues with the current model, the Galaxy Stellar. After reviewing information about the overall function of the phone, it does not appear that Samsung has recalled the device or stated that all Stellar devices are defective, with that being said, the warranty would still only cover the same make and model. The only time a completely different phone is sent out is if the manufacturer deems the entire make and model overall faulty. It is common to have a few glitches and a master/factory reset, in addition to all other troubleshooting, will help resolve these issues. The Stellar is no longer made because there have been several Samsung galalxy devices launched, and this is common with any device manufacturer. Our recommendation is to take advantage of EDGE, if you are seeking a new device with low monthly payments. This gives you the chance to explore different device options without having a contract and you can EDGE up to a new device once meeting certain requirements. We hope to resolve your concerns here or by calling customer support.
    Follow us on Twitter

  • Verizon does not care about customers!!!

    On Sunday, December 9th, I visited my local Verizon store in
    Inverness, Florida.
    I was excited about getting a new phone and had already
    decided on the new Galaxy S III. The store was pretty busy, so we I to wait,
    after waiting for about twenty minutes a very friendly sales representative by
    the name of Jay was ready to assisted me. I explained to him that earlier this
    year I had purchased and returned a phone but that my account had not been
    reset to show that I was eligible for upgrade. He then called into Verizon and
    spoke to someone named Brandy (<Phone Number deleted>) who stated that she
    could not do anything about this situation due to my lack of having a package
    tracking number from the phone I had “so-called returned” because it was not
    shown as being in the warehouse inventory. After numerous attempts by the sales
    representative, as well as myself, to further explain to her that I had
    documentation printed from Verizon showing my account being credited monies
    back after the phone had been received back into inventory. In an attempt
    extinguish the animosity between myself and this Verizon representative, Jay
    asked her if there was anyone else, possibly her superior, which we may speak
    to. She then put us on hold while she contacted said superior, which reiterated
    exactly what she had previously said. My store sale representative had kindly
    put his phone on speaker so that I might also be privy to the information given
    by these two female representatives. Along with my frustration of the
    situation, I had to also sit by as the two of them exchange casual niceties, as
    if the store sales representative or myself were not even present. By this
    point, I was extremely offended by the utter disregard for myself, being a
    loyal customer and for the embarrassed store representative. The superior
    explained that even though I had documentation showing the previously purchased
    phone had been returned, Verizon did not have any documentation from their
    warehouse as ever being received or restocked. She stated that she would have
    to file a form to investigate if the phone was indeed received. I was concerned
    because this issue was from the beginning of the year and it was now December,
    what if they could not find anything? I asked her that very question and she
    responded with the answers I dreaded the most: You will have to wait and see
    “if” we can find the phone, you are still under a contract because of your
    upgrade, and you will be eligible for upgrade again October 2013.
    I can not even begin to emphasize my disappointment in
    Verizon. I was completely shocked by how not only I was treated but how these
    female representatives had also disregarded a fellow Verizon employee too. At
    several points he actually had to ask if he could speak without being talked
    over by one of them. I would not refer any of my friends, family, or even total
    stranger to your company.
    The phone call ended with Brandy stating she would get back
    in touch with me with an update (which never happened). It is now December 20th
    and I am yet to hear from any Verizon representative. Earlier this evening, I
    called and spoke with Jennifer (Badge ID#<Deleted>) who was extremely helpful. I
    explained the prior situation and provided her with the exact information that
    I had provided previously to the store sales representative which then verbally
    relayed the information over the phone to the two female representatives. In
    matter of minutes, she was able to find a tracking# (<Tracking Number deleted>)
    that was received by the warehouse on March 2nd. She could also see
    that there was not a name documented for the Verizon employee that sold me the
    phone, which came up during my prior conversation because I had to keep
    defending myself that I had purchased the phone not in a store, not online, but
    over the phone when someone from Verizon contacted me. Jennifer placed me on
    hold while she contacted someone else to help her. It wasn’t long and she came
    back to the line reporting that she had been able to reset my eligibility. She
    apologized for it taking her so long, but I explained to her that when I had
    went into the store, I had to wait almost two hours without getting any
    acceptable results. I am glad to know that your store representative (Jay) and
    your customer service representative (Jennifer), still care about providing
    good customer service. If it was not for them, I would honestly believe that
    Verizon did not have one ethical employee who believes in doing the right
    thing!  Even though I finally got it reset, I have never received any response from customer service regarding their employees nasty attitude and lack of professionalism! After the way I was accused of not returning a phone that they had records of receiving, I think they should give me my upgrade for free!
    <Personal information of employees and tracking number removed for privacy per the Verizon Wireless Terms of Service .>
    Message was edited by: Verizon Moderator

    <Inappropriate comments deleted per the Verizon Wireless Terms of Service.>
    Message was edited by: Verizon Moderator

  • Verizon does not care about this problem

    I just spent about 2 hours in chat and all I got from the rep and supervisor is that LG is to blame and they can do nothing about this.  They do not care that we have to suffer with a phone that is basically useless because of this horrible update.  I am going to seek another carrier as soon as possible because Verizon does not deserve anymore of my money.  Take ownership and help your paying customers instead of pointing fingers at other people.  Shame on you Verizon and I can't wait for others to leave your horrible company. 

    Have you tried backing up your data.  Factory reset the phone. And restore data?
    This should be covered under warranty, if not from Verizon, then from LG.
    THe upgrade process took 2 hours on my phone, which was much longer than any upgrade I've ever had.

Maybe you are looking for