Domain Join Issue during Task Sequence

SCCM 2012 R2 CU3 running Primary Site.
Using SCCM task sequence. Everything works except the machine won't join the domain.
12/20/2013 10:17:01:583 NetpDomainJoinLicensingCheck: ulLicenseValue=1, Status: 0x0
12/20/2013 10:17:01:583 NetpGetLsaPrimaryDomain: status: 0x0
12/20/2013 10:17:01:583 NetpMachineValidToJoin: status: 0x0
12/20/2013 10:17:01:583 NetpJoinDomain
12/20/2013 10:17:01:583  Machine: 243WIN7BASETST
12/20/2013 10:17:01:583  Domain: judicial
12/20/2013 10:17:01:583  MachineAccountOU: (NULL)
12/20/2013 10:17:01:583  Account: judicial\pcsetup2
12/20/2013 10:17:01:583  Options: 0x27
12/20/2013 10:17:01:583 NetpLoadParameters: loading registry parameters...
12/20/2013 10:17:01:583 NetpLoadParameters: DNSNameResolutionRequired not found, defaulting to '1' 0x2
12/20/2013 10:17:01:583 NetpLoadParameters: DomainCompatibilityMode not found, defaulting to '0' 0x2
12/20/2013 10:17:01:583 NetpLoadParameters: status: 0x2
12/20/2013 10:17:01:583 NetpValidateName: checking to see if 'judicial' is valid as type 3 name
12/20/2013 10:17:01:692 NetpCheckDomainNameIsValid [ Exists ] for 'judicial' returned 0x0
12/20/2013 10:17:01:692 NetpValidateName: name 'judicial' is valid for type 3
12/20/2013 10:17:01:692 NetpDsGetDcName: trying to find DC in domain 'judicial', flags: 0x40001010
12/20/2013 10:17:16:699 NetpDsGetDcName: failed to find a DC having account '243WIN7BASETST$': 0x525, last error is 0x0
12/20/2013 10:17:16:699 NetpLoadParameters: loading registry parameters...
12/20/2013 10:17:16:699 NetpLoadParameters: DNSNameResolutionRequired not found, defaulting to '1' 0x2
12/20/2013 10:17:16:699 NetpLoadParameters: DomainCompatibilityMode not found, defaulting to '0' 0x2
12/20/2013 10:17:16:699 NetpLoadParameters: status: 0x2
12/20/2013 10:17:16:699 NetpDsGetDcName: status of verifying DNS A record name resolution for '': 0x0
12/20/2013 10:17:16:699 NetpDsGetDcName: found DC '\\' in the specified domain
12/20/2013 10:17:16:699 NetpJoinDomainOnDs: NetpDsGetDcName returned: 0x0
12/20/2013 10:17:16:746 NetpJoinDomain: status of connecting to dc '\\': 0x0
12/20/2013 10:17:16:746 NetpProvisionComputerAccount:
12/20/2013 10:17:16:746  lpDomain: judicial
12/20/2013 10:17:16:746  lpMachineName: 243WIN7BASETST
12/20/2013 10:17:16:746  lpMachineAccountOU: (NULL)
12/20/2013 10:17:16:746  lpDcName:
12/20/2013 10:17:16:746  lpDnsHostName: (NULL)
12/20/2013 10:17:16:746  lpMachinePassword: (null)
12/20/2013 10:17:16:746  lpAccount: judicial\pcsetup2
12/20/2013 10:17:16:746  lpPassword: (non-null)
12/20/2013 10:17:16:746  dwJoinOptions: 0x27
12/20/2013 10:17:16:746  dwOptions: 0x40000003
12/20/2013 10:17:16:746 NetpLdapBind: Verified minimum encryption strength on 0x0
12/20/2013 10:17:16:746 NetpLdapGetLsaPrimaryDomain: reading domain data
12/20/2013 10:17:16:746 NetpGetNCData: Reading NC data
12/20/2013 10:17:16:746 NetpGetDomainData: Lookup domain data for: DC=jis,DC=state,DC=ct,DC=us
12/20/2013 10:17:16:746 NetpGetDomainData: Lookup crossref data for: CN=Partitions,CN=Configuration,DC=jis,DC=state,DC=ct,DC=us
12/20/2013 10:17:16:746 NetpLdapGetLsaPrimaryDomain: result of retrieving domain data: 0x0
12/20/2013 10:17:16:761 NetpGetComputerObjectDn: Cracking DNS domain name into Netbios on
12/20/2013 10:17:16:761 NetpGetComputerObjectDn: Crack results:  name = JUDICIAL\
12/20/2013 10:17:16:761 NetpGetComputerObjectDn: Cracking account name JUDICIAL\243WIN7BASETST$ on
12/20/2013 10:17:16:761 NetpGetComputerObjectDn: Crack results:  Account does not exist
12/20/2013 10:17:16:761 NetpGetComputerObjectDn: Cracking Netbios domain name JUDICIAL\ into root DN on
12/20/2013 10:17:16:761 NetpGetComputerObjectDn: Crack results:  name = DC=jis,DC=state,DC=ct,DC=us
12/20/2013 10:17:16:761 NetpGetComputerObjectDn: Got DN CN=243WIN7BASETST,OU=JB New Computers,DC=jis,DC=state,DC=ct,DC=us from the default computer container
12/20/2013 10:17:16:761 NetpModifyComputerObjectInDs: Initial attribute values:
12/20/2013 10:17:16:761   objectClass  =  Computer
12/20/2013 10:17:16:761   SamAccountName  =  243WIN7BASETST$
12/20/2013 10:17:16:761   userAccountControl  =  0x1000
12/20/2013 10:17:16:761   DnsHostName  =
12/20/2013 10:17:16:761   ServicePrincipalName  =  HOST/  RestrictedKrbHost/  HOST/243WIN7BASETST  RestrictedKrbHost/243WIN7BASETST
12/20/2013 10:17:16:761   unicodePwd  =  <SomePassword>
12/20/2013 10:17:16:761 NetpModifyComputerObjectInDs: Computer Object does not exist in OU
12/20/2013 10:17:16:761 NetpModifyComputerObjectInDs: Attribute values to set:
12/20/2013 10:17:16:761   objectClass  =  Computer
12/20/2013 10:17:16:761   SamAccountName  =  243WIN7BASETST$
12/20/2013 10:17:16:761   userAccountControl  =  0x1000
12/20/2013 10:17:16:761   DnsHostName  =
12/20/2013 10:17:16:761   ServicePrincipalName  =  HOST/  RestrictedKrbHost/  HOST/243WIN7BASETST  RestrictedKrbHost/243WIN7BASETST
12/20/2013 10:17:16:761   unicodePwd  =  <SomePassword>
12/20/2013 10:17:16:886 NetpEncodeProvisioningBlob: Encoding provisioning data
12/20/2013 10:17:16:886 NetpInitBlobWin7: Constructing blob...
12/20/2013 10:17:16:886 Blob version: 1
12/20/2013 10:17:16:886  lpDomain: judicial
12/20/2013 10:17:16:886  lpMachineName: 243WIN7BASETST
12/20/2013 10:17:16:886  lpMachinePassword: <omitted from log>
12/20/2013 10:17:16:886    DomainDnsPolicy:
12/20/2013 10:17:16:886     Name: JUDICIAL
12/20/2013 10:17:16:886     DnsDomainName:
12/20/2013 10:17:16:886     DnsForestName:
12/20/2013 10:17:16:886     DomainGuid: 8108ed1e-d08f-40a0-8089-598b7f58e1e7
12/20/2013 10:17:16:886     Sid: S-1-5-21-1552756269-800212831-618671499
12/20/2013 10:17:16:886    DcInfo:
12/20/2013 10:17:16:886     DomainControllerName:
12/20/2013 10:17:16:886     DomainControllerAddress:
12/20/2013 10:17:16:886     DomainControllerAddressType: 1
12/20/2013 10:17:16:886     DomainGuid: 8108ed1e-d08f-40a0-8089-598b7f58e1e7
12/20/2013 10:17:16:886     DomainName:
12/20/2013 10:17:16:886     DnsForestName:
12/20/2013 10:17:16:886     Flags: 0xe00031fc
12/20/2013 10:17:16:886     DcSiteName: Judicial-Data-Centers
12/20/2013 10:17:16:886     ClientSiteName: EHFD-99ERiver
12/20/2013 10:17:16:886  Options: 0x40000003
12/20/2013 10:17:16:886 NetpInitBlobWin7: Blob pickling result: 0
12/20/2013 10:17:16:886 NetpEncodeProvisioningBlob: result: 0x0
12/20/2013 10:17:16:886 ldap_unbind status: 0x0
12/20/2013 10:17:16:886 NetpRequestOfflineDomainJoin:
12/20/2013 10:17:16:886  dwProvisionBinDataSize: 960
12/20/2013 10:17:16:886  JoinOptions: 0x27
12/20/2013 10:17:16:886  Options: 0x40000003
12/20/2013 10:17:16:886  lpWindowsPath: C:\Windows
12/20/2013 10:17:16:886 NetpDecodeProvisioningBlob: Unpickling provisioning blob with size 960 bytes
12/20/2013 10:17:16:886 NetpDecodeProvisioningBlob: Searching 1 blobs for supported ODJ blob, highest supported version: 1
12/20/2013 10:17:16:886 NetpDecodeProvisioningBlob: Found ODJ blob version: 1
12/20/2013 10:17:16:886 NetpDecodeProvisioningBlob: Selected ODJ blob version: 1
12/20/2013 10:17:16:886 Blob version: 1
12/20/2013 10:17:16:886  lpDomain: judicial
12/20/2013 10:17:16:886  lpMachineName: 243WIN7BASETST
12/20/2013 10:17:16:886  lpMachinePassword: <omitted from log>
12/20/2013 10:17:16:886    DomainDnsPolicy:
12/20/2013 10:17:16:886     Name: JUDICIAL
12/20/2013 10:17:16:886     DnsDomainName:
12/20/2013 10:17:16:886     DnsForestName:
12/20/2013 10:17:16:886     DomainGuid: 8108ed1e-d08f-40a0-8089-598b7f58e1e7
12/20/2013 10:17:16:886     Sid: S-1-5-21-1552756269-800212831-618671499
12/20/2013 10:17:16:886    DcInfo:
12/20/2013 10:17:16:886     DomainControllerName:
12/20/2013 10:17:16:886     DomainControllerAddress:
12/20/2013 10:17:16:886     DomainControllerAddressType: 1
12/20/2013 10:17:16:886     DomainGuid: 8108ed1e-d08f-40a0-8089-598b7f58e1e7
12/20/2013 10:17:16:886     DomainName:
12/20/2013 10:17:16:886     DnsForestName:
12/20/2013 10:17:16:886     Flags: 0xe00031fc
12/20/2013 10:17:16:886     DcSiteName: Judicial-Data-Centers
12/20/2013 10:17:16:886     ClientSiteName: EHFD-99ERiver
12/20/2013 10:17:16:886  Options: 0x40000003
12/20/2013 10:17:16:886 NetpDoInitiateOfflineDomainJoin
12/20/2013 10:17:16:886 NetpDoInitiateOfflineDomainJoin: Setting backup/restore privileges
12/20/2013 10:17:16:902 NetpInitiateOfflineJoin
12/20/2013 10:17:16:902  lpLocalRegistryPath: C:\Windows\system32\config\SYSTEM
12/20/2013 10:17:16:902  dwOptions: 0x40000003
12/20/2013 10:17:16:902 NetpConvertBlobToJoinState: Translating provisioning data to internal format
12/20/2013 10:17:16:902 NetpConvertBlobToJoinState: Selecting version 1
12/20/2013 10:17:16:902 NetpConvertBlobToJoinState: exiting: 0x0
12/20/2013 10:17:16:902 NetpValidateFullJoinState: Validating provisioning data...
12/20/2013 10:17:16:902 NetpValidateFullJoinState: exiting: 0x0
12/20/2013 10:17:16:902 NetpClearFullJoinState:  Removing cached state from the registry...
12/20/2013 10:17:16:902 NetpClearFullJoinState: Status of deleting join state key 0x2
12/20/2013 10:17:16:902 NetpSaveFullJoinStateInternal: Injecting provisioning data into image...
12/20/2013 10:17:16:902 NetpSaveFullJoinStateInternal: exiting: 0x0
12/20/2013 10:17:16:902 NetpSetComputerNamesOffline: Checking for pending name changes...
12/20/2013 10:17:16:902  SetHostName: TRUE
12/20/2013 10:17:16:902  SetDnsDomain: TRUE
12/20/2013 10:17:16:902  SetNetBiosName: TRUE
12/20/2013 10:17:16:902  SetCurrentValues: TRUE
12/20/2013 10:17:16:902 NetpSetComputerNamesOffline: Setting Hostname to 243WIN7BASETST
12/20/2013 10:17:16:902 NetpSetComputerNamesOffline: Setting Domain name to
12/20/2013 10:17:16:902 NetpSetComputerNamesOffline: Setting NetBios computer name to 243WIN7BASETST
12/20/2013 10:17:16:917 NetpDoInitiateOfflineDomainJoin: status: 0x0
12/20/2013 10:17:16:917 NetRequestOfflineDomainJoin: Successfully initiated the offline domain join
12/20/2013 10:17:16:917 NetpJoinDomainOnDs: Setting netlogon cache.
12/20/2013 10:17:16:917 NetpJoinDomainOnDs: status of setting netlogon cache: 0x0
12/20/2013 10:17:16:917 NetpJoinDomainOnDs: Function exits with status of: 0x0
12/20/2013 10:17:16:917 NetpJoinDomainOnDs: status of disconnecting from '\\': 0x0
12/20/2013 10:17:16:917 NetpCompleteOfflineDomainJoin
12/20/2013 10:17:16:917  fBootTimeCaller: FALSE
12/20/2013 10:17:16:917  fSetLocalGroups: TRUE
12/20/2013 10:17:16:917 NetpLsaOpenSecret: status: 0xc0000034
12/20/2013 10:17:16:917 NetpGetLsaPrimaryDomain: status: 0x0
12/20/2013 10:17:16:917 NetpJoinDomainLocal: NetpHandleJoinedStateInfo returned: 0x0
12/20/2013 10:17:16:917 NetpLsaOpenSecret: status: 0xc0000034
12/20/2013 10:17:17:292 NetpJoinDomainLocal: NetpManageMachineSecret returned: 0x0.
12/20/2013 10:17:17:292 Calling NetpQueryService to get Netlogon service state.
12/20/2013 10:17:17:292 NetpJoinDomainLocal: NetpQueryService returned: 0x0.
12/20/2013 10:17:17:417 NetpSetLsaPrimaryDomain: for 'JUDICIAL' status: 0x0
12/20/2013 10:17:17:417 NetpJoinDomainLocal: status of setting LSA pri. domain: 0x0
12/20/2013 10:17:17:417 NetpManageLocalGroupsForJoin: Adding groups for new domain, removing groups from old domain, if any.
12/20/2013 10:17:17:417 NetpManageLocalGroups: Populating list of account SIDs.
12/20/2013 10:17:17:760 [000004ec] NetpGetLsaPrimaryDomain: status: 0x0
12/20/2013 10:17:17:791 NetpManageLocalGroupsForJoin: status of modifying groups related to domain 'JUDICIAL' to local groups: 0x0
12/20/2013 10:17:17:791 NetpManageLocalGroupsForJoin: INFO: No old domain groups to process.
12/20/2013 10:17:17:791 NetpJoinDomainLocal: Status of managing local groups: 0x0
12/20/2013 10:17:18:275 [00000164] NetpGetLsaPrimaryDomain: status: 0x0
12/20/2013 10:17:18:665 NetpJoinDomainLocal: status of setting ComputerNamePhysicalDnsDomain to '': 0x0
12/20/2013 10:17:18:665 NetpJoinDomainLocal: Controlling services and setting service start type.
12/20/2013 10:17:18:665 NetpJoinDomainLocal: Updating W32TimeConfig
12/20/2013 10:17:18:743 NetpUpdateW32timeConfig: 0x0
12/20/2013 10:17:18:743 NetpClearFullJoinState:  Removing cached state from the registry...
12/20/2013 10:17:18:743 NetpClearFullJoinState: Status of deleting join state key 0x0
12/20/2013 10:17:18:743 NetpCompleteOfflineDomainJoin: status: 0x0
12/20/2013 10:17:18:743 NetpJoinDomain: NetpCompleteOfflineDomainJoin SUCCESS: Requested a reboot :0x0
12/20/2013 10:17:18:743 NetpDoDomainJoin: status: 0x0
12/20/2013 10:17:21:953 -----------------------------------------------------------------
12/20/2013 10:17:21:953 NetpChangeMachineName: from '243WIN7BASETST' to '243WIN7BASEtst' using 'judicial\pcsetup2' [0x1000]
12/20/2013 10:17:21:953 NetpDsGetDcName: trying to find DC in domain 'JUDICIAL', flags: 0x1010
12/20/2013 10:17:21:953 NetpDsGetDcName: found DC '\\ATREYU1V-PII' in the specified domain
12/20/2013 10:17:21:953 NetpGetLsaPrimaryDomain: status: 0x0
12/20/2013 10:17:21:953 NetpGetDnsHostName: Read NV Domain:
12/20/2013 10:17:21:969 NetpGetComputerObjectDn: Cracking account name JUDICIAL\243WIN7BASETST$ on
12/20/2013 10:17:21:969 NetpGetComputerObjectDn: Crack results:  (Account already exists) DN = CN=243WIN7BASETST,OU=JB New Computers,DC=jis,DC=state,DC=ct,DC=us
12/20/2013 10:17:21:969 NetpModifyComputerObjectInDs: Initial attribute values:
12/20/2013 10:17:21:969   DnsHostName  =
12/20/2013 10:17:21:969   ServicePrincipalName  =  HOST/  RestrictedKrbHost/  HOST/243WIN7BASETST  RestrictedKrbHost/243WIN7BASETST
12/20/2013 10:17:21:985 NetpModifyComputerObjectInDs: Computer Object already exists in OU:
12/20/2013 10:17:21:985   DnsHostName  =
12/20/2013 10:17:21:985   ServicePrincipalName  =  RestrictedKrbHost/243WIN7BASETST  HOST/243WIN7BASETST  RestrictedKrbHost/  HOST/
12/20/2013 10:17:21:985 NetpModifyComputerObjectInDs: There are _NO_ modifications to do
12/20/2013 10:17:21:985 ldap_unbind status: 0x0
12/20/2013 10:17:21:985 NetpChangeMachineName: status of setting DnsHostName and SPN: 0x0
12/20/2013 13:30:34:370 -----------------------------------------------------------------
12/20/2013 13:30:34:440 NetpValidateName: checking to see if '243WIN7BASETST' is valid as type 1 name
12/20/2013 13:30:34:460 NetpCheckNetBiosNameNotInUse for '243WIN7BASETST' [MACHINE] returned 0x0
12/20/2013 13:30:34:460 NetpValidateName: name '243WIN7BASETST' is valid for type 1
12/20/2013 13:30:34:553 -----------------------------------------------------------------
12/20/2013 13:30:34:553 NetpValidateName: checking to see if '' is valid as type 5 name
12/20/2013 13:30:34:553 NetpValidateName: name '' is valid for type 5
12/20/2013 13:30:34:569 -----------------------------------------------------------------
12/20/2013 13:30:34:569 NetpValidateName: checking to see if 'JIS' is valid as type 2 name
12/20/2013 13:30:34:569 NetpCheckNetBiosNameNotInUse for 'JIS' [ Workgroup as MACHINE]  returned 0x0
12/20/2013 13:30:34:569 NetpValidateName: name 'JIS' is valid for type 2
12/20/2013 13:30:34:585 -----------------------------------------------------------------
12/20/2013 13:30:34:585 NetpUnJoinDomain: unjoin from 'JUDICIAL' using '(null)' creds, options: 0x4
12/20/2013 13:30:34:585  OS Version: 6.1
12/20/2013 13:30:34:585  Build number: 7601 (7601.win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850)
12/20/2013 13:30:34:585  ServicePack: Service Pack 1
12/20/2013 13:30:34:585  SKU: Windows 7 Professional
12/20/2013 13:30:34:585 NetpUnJoinDomain: status of getting computer name: 0x0
12/20/2013 13:30:34:585 NetpApplyJoinState: actions: 0x2b805a
12/20/2013 13:30:34:585 NetpDsGetDcName: trying to find DC in domain 'JUDICIAL', flags: 0x1010
12/20/2013 13:30:34:694 NetpDsGetDcName: found DC '\\ATREYU1V-PII' in the specified domain
12/20/2013 13:30:34:819 NetUseAdd to \\ATREYU1V-PII\IPC$ returned 1326
12/20/2013 13:30:34:819 Trying add to 
\\ATREYU1V-PII\IPC$ using NULL Session
12/20/2013 13:30:34:850 NetpApplyJoinState: status of connecting to dc '\\ATREYU1V-PII': 0x0
12/20/2013 13:30:36:113 NetpApplyJoinState: status of stopping and setting start type of Netlogon to 16: 0x0
12/20/2013 13:30:36:145 NetpApplyJoinState: NON FATAL: status of removing DNS registrations: 0x0
12/20/2013 13:30:36:145 NetpGetLsaPrimaryDomain: status: 0x0
12/20/2013 13:30:36:145 NetpLsaOpenSecret: status: 0x0
12/20/2013 13:30:36:145 NetpLsaOpenSecret: status: 0x0
12/20/2013 13:30:36:410 SamOpenUser on 48956 failed with 0xc0000022
12/20/2013 13:30:36:410 NetpManageMachineAccountWithSid: status of disabling account '243WIN7BASETST$' on '\\ATREYU1V-PII': 0x5
12/20/2013 13:30:36:410 NetpApplyJoinState: status of disabling account: 0x5
12/20/2013 13:30:36:410 NetpApplyJoinState: initiating a rollback due to earlier errors
12/20/2013 13:30:36:410 NetpApplyJoinState: actions: 0x440210
12/20/2013 13:30:36:410 NetpDsGetDcName: trying to find DC in domain '(null)', flags: 0x1020
12/20/2013 13:30:36:425 NetpDsGetDcName: found DC '\\' in the specified domain
12/20/2013 13:30:36:441 NetUseAdd to
\\\IPC$ returned 1326
12/20/2013 13:30:36:441 Trying add to 
\\\IPC$ using NULL Session
12/20/2013 13:30:36:441 NetpApplyJoinState: status of connecting to dc '\\': 0x0
12/20/2013 13:30:36:441 NetpGetLsaPrimaryDomain: status: 0x0
12/20/2013 13:30:36:441 NetpLsaOpenSecret: status: 0xc0000034
12/20/2013 13:30:36:675 NetpSetMachineAccountPassword: NetUserSetInfo (level 1003) on '\\' for '243WIN7BASETST$' failed: 0x5
12/20/2013 13:30:36:675 NetpApplyJoinState: status of setting machine password: 0x5
12/20/2013 13:30:36:956 NetpApplyJoinState: status of starting and setting start type of Netlogon to 4: 0x0
12/20/2013 13:30:36:956 NetpApplyJoinState: NON FATAL: status of adding DNS registrations: 0x0
12/20/2013 13:30:36:956 NetpApplyJoinState: status of disconnecting from '\\': 0x0
12/20/2013 13:30:36:956 NetpApplyJoinState: status of disconnecting from '\\ATREYU1V-PII': 0x0
12/20/2013 13:30:36:956 NetpUnJoinDomain: status: 0x5
12/20/2013 13:30:41:886 -----------------------------------------------------------------
12/20/2013 13:30:41:886 NetpUnJoinDomain: unjoin from 'JUDICIAL' using '\a' creds, options: 0x4
12/20/2013 13:30:41:886  OS Version: 6.1
12/20/2013 13:30:41:886  Build number: 7601 (7601.win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850)
12/20/2013 13:30:41:886  ServicePack: Service Pack 1
12/20/2013 13:30:41:886  SKU: Windows 7 Professional
12/20/2013 13:30:41:886 NetpUnJoinDomain: status of getting computer name: 0x0
12/20/2013 13:30:41:886 NetpApplyJoinState: actions: 0x2b805a
12/20/2013 13:30:41:886 NetpDsGetDcName: trying to find DC in domain 'JUDICIAL', flags: 0x1010
12/20/2013 13:30:41:886 NetpDsGetDcName: found DC '\\ATREYU1V-PII' in the specified domain
12/20/2013 13:30:44:974 NetUseAdd to \\ATREYU1V-PII\IPC$ returned 1326
12/20/2013 13:30:44:974 Trying add to 
\\ATREYU1V-PII\IPC$ using NULL Session
12/20/2013 13:30:44:990 NetpApplyJoinState: status of connecting to dc '\\ATREYU1V-PII': 0x0
12/20/2013 13:30:46:301 NetpApplyJoinState: status of stopping and setting start type of Netlogon to 16: 0x0
12/20/2013 13:30:46:301 NetpApplyJoinState: NON FATAL: status of removing DNS registrations: 0x0
12/20/2013 13:30:46:301 NetpGetLsaPrimaryDomain: status: 0x0
12/20/2013 13:30:46:301 NetpLsaOpenSecret: status: 0x0
12/20/2013 13:30:46:301 NetpLsaOpenSecret: status: 0x0
12/20/2013 13:30:46:394 SamOpenUser on 48956 failed with 0xc0000022
12/20/2013 13:30:46:394 NetpManageMachineAccountWithSid: status of disabling account '243WIN7BASETST$' on '\\ATREYU1V-PII': 0x5
12/20/2013 13:30:46:394 NetpApplyJoinState: status of disabling account: 0x5
12/20/2013 13:30:46:394 NetpApplyJoinState: initiating a rollback due to earlier errors
12/20/2013 13:30:46:394 NetpApplyJoinState: actions: 0x440210
12/20/2013 13:30:46:394 NetpDsGetDcName: trying to find DC in domain '(null)', flags: 0x1020
12/20/2013 13:30:46:410 NetpDsGetDcName: found DC '\\' in the specified domain
12/20/2013 13:30:46:425 NetUseAdd to
\\\IPC$ returned 1326
12/20/2013 13:30:46:425 Trying add to 
\\\IPC$ using NULL Session
12/20/2013 13:30:46:425 NetpApplyJoinState: status of connecting to dc '\\': 0x0
12/20/2013 13:30:46:425 NetpGetLsaPrimaryDomain: status: 0x0
12/20/2013 13:30:46:425 NetpLsaOpenSecret: status: 0xc0000034
12/20/2013 13:30:46:659 NetpSetMachineAccountPassword: NetUserSetInfo (level 1003) on '\\' for '243WIN7BASETST$' failed: 0x5
12/20/2013 13:30:46:659 NetpApplyJoinState: status of setting machine password: 0x5
12/20/2013 13:30:46:815 NetpApplyJoinState: status of starting and setting start type of Netlogon to 4: 0x0
12/20/2013 13:30:46:815 NetpApplyJoinState: NON FATAL: status of adding DNS registrations: 0x0
12/20/2013 13:30:46:815 NetpApplyJoinState: status of disconnecting from '\\': 0x0
12/20/2013 13:30:46:815 NetpApplyJoinState: status of disconnecting from '\\ATREYU1V-PII': 0x0
12/20/2013 13:30:46:815 NetpUnJoinDomain: status: 0x5
12/20/2013 13:30:46:831 -----------------------------------------------------------------
12/20/2013 13:30:46:831 NetpUnJoinDomain: unjoin from 'JUDICIAL' using '\a' creds, options: 0x0
12/20/2013 13:30:46:831  OS Version: 6.1
12/20/2013 13:30:46:831  Build number: 7601 (7601.win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850)
12/20/2013 13:30:46:831  ServicePack: Service Pack 1
12/20/2013 13:30:46:831  SKU: Windows 7 Professional
12/20/2013 13:30:46:831 NetpUnJoinDomain: status of getting computer name: 0x0
12/20/2013 13:30:46:831 NetpApplyJoinState: actions: 0x2b005a
12/20/2013 13:30:47:096 [000009d8] NetpGetLsaPrimaryDomain: status: 0x0
12/20/2013 13:30:47:611 [000004e8] NetpGetLsaPrimaryDomain: status: 0x0
12/20/2013 13:30:48:173 NetpApplyJoinState: status of stopping and setting start type of Netlogon to 16: 0x0
12/20/2013 13:30:48:173 NetpApplyJoinState: NON FATAL: status of removing DNS registrations: 0x0
12/20/2013 13:30:48:173 NetpGetLsaPrimaryDomain: status: 0x0
12/20/2013 13:30:48:173 NetpLsaOpenSecret: status: 0x0
12/20/2013 13:30:48:173 NetpLsaOpenSecret: status: 0x0
12/20/2013 13:30:48:391 NetpSetLsaPrimaryDomain: for 'JUDICIAL' status: 0x0
12/20/2013 13:30:48:391 NetpApplyJoinState: status of setting LSA pri. domain: 0x0
12/20/2013 13:30:48:625 NetpApplyJoinState: status of clearing ComputerNamePhysicalDnsDomain: 0x0
12/20/2013 13:30:48:625 NetpManageLocalGroups: Populating list of account SIDs.
12/20/2013 13:30:48:858 [000004e8] NetpGetLsaPrimaryDomain: status: 0x0
12/20/2013 13:30:48:889 NetpApplyJoinState: status of removing from local groups: 0x0
12/20/2013 13:30:48:889 NetpUpdateW32timeConfig: 0x0
12/20/2013 13:30:48:905 NetpUnJoinDomain: status: 0x0
12/20/2013 13:30:48:936 -----------------------------------------------------------------
12/20/2013 13:30:48:936 NetpDoDomainJoin
12/20/2013 13:30:48:936 NetpMachineValidToJoin: '243WIN7BASETST'
12/20/2013 13:30:48:936  OS Version: 6.1
12/20/2013 13:30:48:936  Build number: 7601 (7601.win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850)
12/20/2013 13:30:48:936  ServicePack: Service Pack 1
12/20/2013 13:30:48:952  SKU: Windows 7 Professional
12/20/2013 13:30:48:952 NetpGetLsaPrimaryDomain: status: 0x0
12/20/2013 13:30:48:952 NetpMachineValidToJoin: status: 0x0
12/20/2013 13:30:48:952 NetpJoinWorkgroup: joining computer '243WIN7BASETST' to workgroup 'JIS'
12/20/2013 13:30:48:952 NetpValidateName: checking to see if 'JIS' is valid as type 2 name
12/20/2013 13:30:48:952 NetpCheckNetBiosNameNotInUse for 'JIS' [ Workgroup as MACHINE]  returned 0x0
12/20/2013 13:30:48:952 NetpValidateName: name 'JIS' is valid for type 2
12/20/2013 13:30:49:077 NetpSetLsaPrimaryDomain: for 'JIS' status: 0x0
12/20/2013 13:30:49:295 NetpJoinWorkgroup: status:  0x0
12/20/2013 13:30:49:295 NetpDoDomainJoin: status: 0x0
12/20/2013 13:39:24:681 -----------------------------------------------------------------
12/20/2013 13:39:24:697 NetpValidateName: checking to see if 'WIN7SP1BASE' is valid as type 1 name
12/20/2013 13:39:24:728 NetpCheckNetBiosNameNotInUse for 'WIN7SP1BASE' [MACHINE] returned 0x0
12/20/2013 13:39:24:728 NetpValidateName: name 'WIN7SP1BASE' is valid for type 1
12/20/2013 13:39:24:775 -----------------------------------------------------------------
12/20/2013 13:39:24:775 NetpValidateName: checking to see if 'WIN7SP1BASE' is valid as type 5 name
12/20/2013 13:39:24:775 NetpValidateName: name 'WIN7SP1BASE' is valid for type 5
12/20/2013 14:22:43:445 -----------------------------------------------------------------
12/20/2013 14:22:43:445 NetpValidateName: checking to see if '243WIN7BASETST' is valid as type 1 name
12/20/2013 14:22:43:445 NetpCheckNetBiosNameNotInUse for '243WIN7BASETST' [MACHINE] returned 0x0
12/20/2013 14:22:43:445 NetpValidateName: name '243WIN7BASETST' is valid for type 1
12/20/2013 14:22:43:508 -----------------------------------------------------------------
12/20/2013 14:22:43:508 NetpValidateName: checking to see if '243WIN7BASEtst' is valid as type 5 name
12/20/2013 14:22:43:508 NetpValidateName: name '243WIN7BASEtst' is valid for type 5
12/20/2013 14:26:14:548 -----------------------------------------------------------------
12/20/2013 14:26:14:548 NetpValidateName: checking to see if '243WIN7BASETST' is valid as type 1 name
12/20/2013 14:26:14:548 NetpCheckNetBiosNameNotInUse for '243WIN7BASETST' [MACHINE] returned 0x0
12/20/2013 14:26:14:548 NetpValidateName: name '243WIN7BASETST' is valid for type 1
12/20/2013 14:26:14:595 -----------------------------------------------------------------
12/20/2013 14:26:14:595 NetpValidateName: checking to see if '243WIN7BASEtst' is valid as type 5 name
12/20/2013 14:26:14:595 NetpValidateName: name '243WIN7BASEtst' is valid for type 5
12/20/2013 14:26:14:626 -----------------------------------------------------------------
12/20/2013 14:26:14:626 NetpValidateName: checking to see if 'judicial' is valid as type 3 name
12/20/2013 14:26:14:751 NetpCheckDomainNameIsValid [ Exists ] for 'judicial' returned 0x0
12/20/2013 14:26:14:751 NetpValidateName: name 'judicial' is valid for type 3
12/20/2013 14:26:25:156 -----------------------------------------------------------------
12/20/2013 14:26:25:156 NetpDoDomainJoin
12/20/2013 14:26:25:156 NetpMachineValidToJoin: '243WIN7BASETST'
12/20/2013 14:26:25:156  OS Version: 6.1
12/20/2013 14:26:25:156  Build number: 7601 (7601.win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850)
12/20/2013 14:26:25:156  ServicePack: Service Pack 1
12/20/2013 14:26:25:156  SKU: Windows 7 Professional
12/20/2013 14:26:25:156 NetpDomainJoinLicensingCheck: ulLicenseValue=1, Status: 0x0
12/20/2013 14:26:25:156 NetpGetLsaPrimaryDomain: status: 0x0
12/20/2013 14:26:25:156 NetpMachineValidToJoin: status: 0x0
12/20/2013 14:26:25:156 NetpJoinDomain
12/20/2013 14:26:25:156  Machine: 243WIN7BASETST
12/20/2013 14:26:25:156  Domain: judicial
12/20/2013 14:26:25:156  MachineAccountOU: (NULL)
12/20/2013 14:26:25:156  Account: judicial\pcsetup2
12/20/2013 14:26:25:156  Options: 0x25
12/20/2013 14:26:25:156 NetpLoadParameters: loading registry parameters...
12/20/2013 14:26:25:156 NetpLoadParameters: DNSNameResolutionRequired not found, defaulting to '1' 0x2
12/20/2013 14:26:25:156 NetpLoadParameters: DomainCompatibilityMode not found, defaulting to '0' 0x2
12/20/2013 14:26:25:156 NetpLoadParameters: status: 0x2
12/20/2013 14:26:25:156 NetpValidateName: checking to see if 'judicial' is valid as type 3 name
12/20/2013 14:26:25:265 NetpCheckDomainNameIsValid [ Exists ] for 'judicial' returned 0x0
12/20/2013 14:26:25:265 NetpValidateName: name 'judicial' is valid for type 3
12/20/2013 14:26:25:265 NetpDsGetDcName: trying to find DC in domain 'judicial', flags: 0x40001010
12/20/2013 14:26:25:374 NetpLoadParameters: loading registry parameters...
12/20/2013 14:26:25:374 NetpLoadParameters: DNSNameResolutionRequired not found, defaulting to '1' 0x2
12/20/2013 14:26:25:374 NetpLoadParameters: DomainCompatibilityMode not found, defaulting to '0' 0x2
12/20/2013 14:26:25:374 NetpLoadParameters: status: 0x2
12/20/2013 14:26:25:374 NetpDsGetDcName: status of verifying DNS A record name resolution for '': 0x0
12/20/2013 14:26:25:374 NetpDsGetDcName: found DC '\\' in the specified domain
12/20/2013 14:26:25:374 NetpJoinDomainOnDs: NetpDsGetDcName returned: 0x0
12/20/2013 14:26:25:608 NetpJoinDomain: status of connecting to dc '\\': 0x0
12/20/2013 14:26:25:608 NetpProvisionComputerAccount:
12/20/2013 14:26:25:608  lpDomain: judicial
12/20/2013 14:26:25:608  lpMachineName: 243WIN7BASETST
12/20/2013 14:26:25:608  lpMachineAccountOU: (NULL)
12/20/2013 14:26:25:608  lpDcName:
12/20/2013 14:26:25:608  lpDnsHostName: (NULL)
12/20/2013 14:26:25:608  lpMachinePassword: (null)
12/20/2013 14:26:25:608  lpAccount: judicial\pcsetup2
12/20/2013 14:26:25:608  lpPassword: (non-null)
12/20/2013 14:26:25:608  dwJoinOptions: 0x25
12/20/2013 14:26:25:608  dwOptions: 0x40000003
12/20/2013 14:26:25:749 NetpLdapBind: Verified minimum encryption strength on 0x0
12/20/2013 14:26:25:749 NetpLdapGetLsaPrimaryDomain: reading domain data
12/20/2013 14:26:25:749 NetpGetNCData: Reading NC data
12/20/2013 14:26:25:764 NetpGetDomainData: Lookup domain data for: DC=jis,DC=state,DC=ct,DC=us
12/20/2013 14:26:25:764 NetpGetDomainData: Lookup crossref data for: CN=Partitions,CN=Configuration,DC=jis,DC=state,DC=ct,DC=us
12/20/2013 14:26:25:764 NetpLdapGetLsaPrimaryDomain: result of retrieving domain data: 0x0
12/20/2013 14:26:25:780 NetpGetComputerObjectDn: Cracking DNS domain name into Netbios on
12/20/2013 14:26:25:780 NetpGetComputerObjectDn: Crack results:  name = JUDICIAL\
12/20/2013 14:26:25:780 NetpGetComputerObjectDn: Cracking account name JUDICIAL\243WIN7BASETST$ on
12/20/2013 14:26:25:796 NetpGetComputerObjectDn: Crack results:  (Account already exists) DN = CN=243WIN7BASETST,OU=JB New Computers,DC=jis,DC=state,DC=ct,DC=us
12/20/2013 14:26:25:796 NetpModifyComputerObjectInDs: Initial attribute values:
12/20/2013 14:26:25:796   objectClass  =  Computer
12/20/2013 14:26:25:796   SamAccountName  =  243WIN7BASETST$
12/20/2013 14:26:25:796   userAccountControl  =  0x1000
12/20/2013 14:26:25:796   DnsHostName  =
12/20/2013 14:26:25:796   ServicePrincipalName  =  HOST/  RestrictedKrbHost/  HOST/243WIN7BASETST  RestrictedKrbHost/243WIN7BASETST
12/20/2013 14:26:25:796   unicodePwd  =  <SomePassword>
12/20/2013 14:26:25:796 NetpModifyComputerObjectInDs: Computer Object already exists in OU:
12/20/2013 14:26:25:796   objectClass  =  top  person  organizationalPerson  user  computer
12/20/2013 14:26:25:796   SamAccountName  =  243WIN7BASETST$
12/20/2013 14:26:25:796   userAccountControl  =  0x1000
12/20/2013 14:26:25:796   DnsHostName  =
12/20/2013 14:26:25:796   ServicePrincipalName  =  TERMSRV/243WIN7BASETST  TERMSRV/  RestrictedKrbHost/243WIN7BASETST  HOST/243WIN7BASETST  RestrictedKrbHost/ 
12/20/2013 14:26:25:796   unicodePwd  =  Account exists, resetting password: <SomePassword>
12/20/2013 14:26:25:796 NetpModifyComputerObjectInDs: Attribute values to set:
12/20/2013 14:26:25:796   unicodePwd  =  <SomePassword>
12/20/2013 14:26:25:967 NetpModifyComputerObjectInDs: Toggled UserAccountControl successfully
12/20/2013 14:26:25:967 NetpEncodeProvisioningBlob: Encoding provisioning data
12/20/2013 14:26:25:967 NetpInitBlobWin7: Constructing blob...
12/20/2013 14:26:25:967 Blob version: 1
12/20/2013 14:26:25:967  lpDomain: judicial
12/20/2013 14:26:25:967  lpMachineName: 243WIN7BASETST
12/20/2013 14:26:25:967  lpMachinePassword: <omitted from log>
12/20/2013 14:26:25:967    DomainDnsPolicy:
12/20/2013 14:26:25:967     Name: JUDICIAL
12/20/2013 14:26:25:967     DnsDomainName:
12/20/2013 14:26:25:967     DnsForestName:
12/20/2013 14:26:25:967     DomainGuid: 8108ed1e-d08f-40a0-8089-598b7f58e1e7
12/20/2013 14:26:25:967     Sid: S-1-5-21-1552756269-800212831-618671499
12/20/2013 14:26:25:967    DcInfo:
12/20/2013 14:26:25:967     DomainControllerName:
12/20/2013 14:26:25:967     DomainControllerAddress:
12/20/2013 14:26:25:967     DomainControllerAddressType: 1
12/20/2013 14:26:25:967     DomainGuid: 8108ed1e-d08f-40a0-8089-598b7f58e1e7
12/20/2013 14:26:25:967     DomainName:
12/20/2013 14:26:25:967     DnsForestName:
12/20/2013 14:26:25:967     Flags: 0xe00033fc
12/20/2013 14:26:25:967     DcSiteName: Judicial-Data-Centers
12/20/2013 14:26:25:967     ClientSiteName: EHFD-99ERiver
12/20/2013 14:26:25:983  Options: 0x40000003
12/20/2013 14:26:25:983 NetpInitBlobWin7: Blob pickling result: 0
12/20/2013 14:26:25:983 NetpEncodeProvisioningBlob: result: 0x0
12/20/2013 14:26:25:983 ldap_unbind status: 0x0
12/20/2013 14:26:25:983 NetpRequestOfflineDomainJoin:
12/20/2013 14:26:25:983  dwProvisionBinDataSize: 960
12/20/2013 14:26:25:983  JoinOptions: 0x25
12/20/2013 14:26:25:983  Options: 0x40000003
12/20/2013 14:26:25:983  lpWindowsPath: C:\Windows
12/20/2013 14:26:25:983 NetpDecodeProvisioningBlob: Unpickling provisioning blob with size 960 bytes
12/20/2013 14:26:25:983 NetpDecodeProvisioningBlob: Searching 1 blobs for supported ODJ blob, highest supported version: 1
12/20/2013 14:26:25:983 NetpDecodeProvisioningBlob: Found ODJ blob version: 1
12/20/2013 14:26:25:983 NetpDecodeProvisioningBlob: Selected ODJ blob version: 1
12/20/2013 14:26:25:983 Blob version: 1
12/20/2013 14:26:25:983  lpDomain: judicial
12/20/2013 14:26:25:983  lpMachineName: 243WIN7BASETST
12/20/2013 14:26:25:983  lpMachinePassword: <omitted from log>
12/20/2013 14:26:25:983    DomainDnsPolicy:
12/20/2013 14:26:25:983     Name: JUDICIAL
12/20/2013 14:26:25:983     DnsDomainName:
12/20/2013 14:26:25:983     DnsForestName:
12/20/2013 14:26:25:983     DomainGuid: 8108ed1e-d08f-40a0-8089-598b7f58e1e7
12/20/2013 14:26:25:983     Sid: S-1-5-21-1552756269-800212831-618671499
12/20/2013 14:26:25:983    DcInfo:
12/20/2013 14:26:25:983     DomainControllerName:
12/20/2013 14:26:25:983     DomainControllerAddress:
12/20/2013 14:26:25:983     DomainControllerAddressType: 1
12/20/2013 14:26:25:983     DomainGuid: 8108ed1e-d08f-40a0-8089-598b7f58e1e7
12/20/2013 14:26:25:983     DomainName:
12/20/2013 14:26:25:983     DnsForestName:
12/20/2013 14:26:25:983     Flags: 0xe00033fc
12/20/2013 14:26:25:983     DcSiteName: Judicial-Data-Centers
12/20/2013 14:26:25:983     ClientSiteName: EHFD-99ERiver
12/20/2013 14:26:25:983  Options: 0x40000003
12/20/2013 14:26:25:983 NetpDoInitiateOfflineDomainJoin
12/20/2013 14:26:25:983 NetpDoInitiateOfflineDomainJoin: Setting backup/restore privileges
12/20/2013 14:26:25:983 NetpInitiateOfflineJoin
12/20/2013 14:26:25:983  lpLocalRegistryPath: C:\Windows\system32\config\SYSTEM
12/20/2013 14:26:25:983  dwOptions: 0x40000003
12/20/2013 14:26:25:983 NetpConvertBlobToJoinState: Translating provisioning data to internal format
12/20/2013 14:26:25:983 NetpConvertBlobToJoinState: Selecting version 1
12/20/2013 14:26:25:983 NetpConvertBlobToJoinState: exiting: 0x0
12/20/2013 14:26:25:983 NetpValidateFullJoinState: Validating provisioning data...
12/20/2013 14:26:25:983 NetpValidateFullJoinState: exiting: 0x0
12/20/2013 14:26:25:983 NetpClearFullJoinState:  Removing cached state from the registry...
12/20/2013 14:26:25:983 NetpClearFullJoinState: Status of deleting join state key 0x2
12/20/2013 14:26:25:983 NetpSaveFullJoinStateInternal: Injecting provisioning data into image...
12/20/2013 14:26:25:983 NetpSaveFullJoinStateInternal: exiting: 0x0
12/20/2013 14:26:25:983 NetpSetComputerNamesOffline: Checking for pending name changes...
12/20/2013 14:26:25:983  SetHostName: TRUE
12/20/2013 14:26:25:983  SetDnsDomain: TRUE
12/20/2013 14:26:25:983  SetNetBiosName: TRUE
12/20/2013 14:26:25:983  SetCurrentValues: TRUE
12/20/2013 14:26:25:983 NetpSetComputerNamesOffline: Setting Hostname to 243WIN7BASETST
12/20/2013 14:26:25:983 NetpSetComputerNamesOffline: Setting Domain name to
12/20/2013 14:26:25:983 NetpSetComputerNamesOffline: Setting NetBios computer name to 243WIN7BASETST
12/20/2013 14:26:25:983 NetpDoInitiateOfflineDomainJoin: status: 0x0
12/20/2013 14:26:25:983 NetRequestOfflineDomainJoin: Successfully initiated the offline domain join
12/20/2013 14:26:25:983 NetpJoinDomainOnDs: Setting netlogon cache.
12/20/2013 14:26:26:014 NetpJoinDomainOnDs: status of setting netlogon cache: 0x0
12/20/2013 14:26:26:014 NetpJoinDomainOnDs: Function exits with status of: 0x0
12/20/2013 14:26:26:014 NetpJoinDomainOnDs: status of disconnecting from '\\': 0x0
12/20/2013 14:26:26:014 NetpCompleteOfflineDomainJoin
12/20/2013 14:26:26:014  fBootTimeCaller: FALSE
12/20/2013 14:26:26:014  fSetLocalGroups: TRUE
12/20/2013 14:26:26:014 NetpLsaOpenSecret: status: 0xc0000034
12/20/2013 14:26:26:030 NetpGetLsaPrimaryDomain: status: 0x0
12/20/2013 14:26:26:030 NetpJoinDomainLocal: NetpHandleJoinedStateInfo returned: 0x0
12/20/2013 14:26:26:030 NetpLsaOpenSecret: status: 0xc0000034
12/20/2013 14:26:26:326 NetpJoinDomainLocal: NetpManageMachineSecret returned: 0x0.
12/20/2013 14:26:26:326 Calling NetpQueryService to get Netlogon service state.
12/20/2013 14:26:26:326 NetpJoinDomainLocal: NetpQueryService returned: 0x0.
12/20/2013 14:26:26:420 NetpSetLsaPrimaryDomain: for 'JUDICIAL' status: 0x0
12/20/2013 14:26:26:420 NetpJoinDomainLocal: status of setting LSA pri. domain: 0x0
12/20/2013 14:26:26:420 NetpManageLocalGroupsForJoin: Adding groups for new domain, removing groups from old domain, if any.
Windows IP Configuration from machine not joining the domain
   Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : 243sccmtest5
   Primary Dns Suffix  . . . . . . . :
   Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hybrid
   IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
   WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
   DNS Suffix Search List. . . . . . :
Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:
   Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :
   Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Intel(R) 82579LM Gigabit Network Connection #2
   Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : B4-B5-2F-C0-D1-08
   DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : Yes
   Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes
   Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : fe80::857e:ee89:64be:e243%12(Preferred)
   IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
   Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
   Lease Obtained. . . . . . . . . . : Wednesday, November 12, 2014 11:59:47 AM
   Lease Expires . . . . . . . . . . : Wednesday, November 12, 2014 7:59:46 PM
   Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . : fe80::21f:6cff:febf:4bf%12
   DHCP Server . . . . . . . . . . . :
   DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . :
   Primary WINS Server . . . . . . . :
   Secondary WINS Server . . . . . . :
   NetBIOS over Tcpip. . . . . . . . : Enabled
Tunnel adapter Local Area Connection* 9:
   Media State . . . . . . . . . . . : Media disconnected
   Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :
   Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Microsoft ISATAP Adapter
   Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-E0
   DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : No
   Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes
Windows IP Configuration from Domain Joined Machine
   Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : 2433ZENTEST01PC
   Primary Dns Suffix  . . . . . . . :
   Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hybrid
   IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
   WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
   DNS Suffix Search List. . . . . . :
Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:
   Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :
   Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Intel(R) 82579LM Gigabit Network Connection
   Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 74-46-A0-90-37-49
   DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : Yes
   Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes
   IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
   Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
   Lease Obtained. . . . . . . . . . : Wednesday, October 15, 2014 7:39:26 AM
   Lease Expires . . . . . . . . . . : Wednesday, November 12, 2014 8:40:50 PM
   Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
   DHCP Server . . . . . . . . . . . :
   DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . :
   Primary WINS Server . . . . . . . :
   Secondary WINS Server . . . . . . :
   NetBIOS over Tcpip. . . . . . . . : Enabled
Seems like DNS Issue

Have you tried to delete the computer account from AD?
are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
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  • Run a powershell script with domain credentials during task sequence

    I have a powershell script that adds the computer it is run on to a security group.  If I log onto the computer with a domain account it works perfectly.  However, if it is run while logged on as the local admin account it fails with an error message
    that says the domain either doesn't exist or cannot be reached.
    This is a problem because when a computer is being imaged the process runs with the local admin account.  Is there a way to run this script with domain credentials in the task sequence?

    How are you running the Powershell script? If you use a Run Command Line step, you can specify an account to run as. Something like "powershell %scriptroot%\psscript.ps1" where the psscript.ps1 is located in your Scripts folder in your deployment
    -Nick O.

  • OSD: install software DURING task sequence based upon collection membership

    I'd like to refer to my
    previous post as a starting point.
    Below again the background of my question. But please advise on a powershell script that runs at the end of a task sequence that:
    *enumerates the pc's collection memberships and based upon that lists the software available
    *puts this software in a variable and does the installation DURING the task sequence
    At this time, software in our deployment (of Windows 7) is installed AFTER the task sequence is finished.
    The software is deployed based upon the computer membership of collections (which get their info from AD groups).
    Problem is that users see their pc as finished but don't have all their software. It even takes sometimes more then an hour even when we refresh computer policy after final reboot of the system. That's why we really need a bulletproof solution = installation
    of software DURING task sequence.
    Jan Hoedt

    I found some time to adjust the script. Now I've created something similar for a device. Basically it finds the collections of which the device is a member, finds the targeted applications and creates task sequence variables for those applications.
    See for more information:
    My Blog:
    Follow me on twitter: pvanderwoude

  • How can we get the prompt to enter IP Address, Subnet Mask , gateway and DNS Server during Task Sequence?

    How can we get the prompt to enter IP Address, Subnet Mask , gateway and DNS Server during Task Sequence?

    This is for 2007 but may still be relevant for 2012
    Paul |

  • Need help with a simple Rename/Join Domain/Install SCCM Client Task Sequence

    Good morning everyone,
    I need to create a very simple task sequence that will run an .exe that we have created that renames the computer based on a prefix-serialnumber...then restarts, adds it to our domain, restarts, and then installs the SCCM client.
    1) run rename program 
    2) join to domain
    3) install sccm client
    Can someone help me with the steps that will be required for this?
    Thank you very much!
    **note, these will not be formatted/have an OS installation ran on it with this task sequence.  The situation is that we are receiving 400+ custom configured laptops, and we're going to have to rename/join/install sccm on each...trying to simplify
    any recommendations are greatly appreciated!

    Narcoticoo : Which boot image am i supposed to be using to insure that it boots into Standard Windows, NOT WinPE?  I have a standard x86 package / boot image i've been using.  If it boots up with this, it goes into WinPE (correct me if I'm wrong,
    for this seems to be what happens each time it boots off the boot does not go into windows standard/full)
    When I go into properties of the one i'm using, and take the check off of "Use a boot image", where it will not boot to WinPE, it will not even show up in my list of available task sequences for
    1) when I PXE boot to try the task sequence, or
    2) when I try to make stand-alone media for this task sequence as you have suggested
    When I run the standalone media, the only log files I find are the following with errors:
    PackageID = 'MPS0014E' InstallSoftware
    12/8/2014 12:28:36 PM 2344 (0x0928)
    BaseVar = '', ContinueOnError='' InstallSoftware
    12/8/2014 12:28:36 PM 2344 (0x0928)
    ProgramName = 'MPHS - Rename Computer' InstallSoftware
    12/8/2014 12:28:36 PM 2344 (0x0928)
    SwdAction = '0002' InstallSoftware
    12/8/2014 12:28:36 PM 2344 (0x0928)
    IsSMSV4PlusClient() == true, HRESULT=80004005 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\client\osdeployment\installsoftware\main.cpp,332)
    InstallSoftware 12/8/2014 12:28:36 PM
    2344 (0x0928)
    Configuration Manager client is not installed
    InstallSoftware 12/8/2014 12:28:36 PM
    2344 (0x0928)
    Process completed with exit code 2147500037
    TSManager 12/8/2014 12:28:36 PM
    1544 (0x0608)
    TSManager 12/8/2014 12:28:36 PM
    1544 (0x0608)
    Failed to run the action: Install Package. 
    Unspecified error (Error: 80004005; Source: Windows)
    TSManager 12/8/2014 12:28:36 PM
    1544 (0x0608)
    Failed to run the action: Install Package. Execution has been aborted
    TSManager 12/8/2014 12:28:36 PM
    1544 (0x0608)
    Do not send status message in full media case
    TSManager 12/8/2014 12:28:36 PM
    1544 (0x0608)
    Failed to run the last action: Install Package. Execution of task sequence failed.
    Unspecified error (Error: 80004005; Source: Windows)
    TSManager 12/8/2014 12:28:36 PM
    1544 (0x0608)
    Do not send status message in full media case
    TSManager 12/8/2014 12:28:36 PM
    1544 (0x0608)
    Execution::enExecutionFail != m_eExecutionResult, HRESULT=80004005 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\client\tasksequence\tsmanager\tsmanager.cpp,866)
    TSManager 12/8/2014 12:43:48 PM
    1544 (0x0608)
    Task Sequence Engine failed! Code: enExecutionFail
    TSManager 12/8/2014 12:43:48 PM
    1544 (0x0608)
    TSManager 12/8/2014 12:43:48 PM
    1544 (0x0608)
    Task sequence execution failed with error code 80004005
    TSManager 12/8/2014 12:43:48 PM
    1544 (0x0608)

  • Windows 7 not joining to domain with SCCM OSD Task sequence

    Iam having trouble with Windows 7 deployment through SCCM, where the systems dont get joined to the domain if the system name is not already present in the AD.
    If I have the system name already in AD it works fine also Iam able to join the system to the domain with the same account Iam using in SCCM TS for domain join.
    Searched around and not able to find a resolution. I checked the setupact.log and found the follwoing messages.
    2011-01-03 21:00:31, Info                         [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: Begin
    2011-01-03 21:00:31, Info                         [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: Loading input parameters...
    2011-01-03 21:00:31, Info                         [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: AccountData = [NULL]
    2011-01-03 21:00:31, Info                         [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: UnsecureJoin = [NULL]
    2011-01-03 21:00:31, Info                         [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: MachinePassword = [secret not logged]
    2011-01-03 21:00:31, Info                         [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: JoinDomain = []
    2011-01-03 21:00:31, Info                         [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: JoinWorkgroup = [NULL]
    2011-01-03 21:00:31, Info                         [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: Domain = [xposure]
    2011-01-03 21:00:31, Info                         [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: Username = [domain.join]
    2011-01-03 21:00:31, Info                         [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: Password = [secret not logged]
    2011-01-03 21:00:31, Info                         [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: MachineObjectOU = [CN=Computers,DC=Xposure,DC=com]
    2011-01-03 21:00:31, Info                         [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: DebugJoin = [NULL]
    2011-01-03 21:00:31, Info                         [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: DebugJoinOnlyOnThisError = [NULL]
    2011-01-03 21:00:31, Info                         [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: Checking that auto start services have started.
    2011-01-03 21:00:31, Info                         [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: Joining domain []...
    2011-01-03 21:00:31, Info                         [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: Calling DsGetDcName for
    2011-01-03 21:00:31, Info                         [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: DsGetDcName returned []
    2011-01-03 21:00:31, Info                         [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: Constructed domain parameter [\]
    2011-01-03 21:00:35, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:00:40, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:00:46, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:00:51, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:00:56, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:01:02, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:01:07, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:01:12, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:01:17, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:01:23, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:01:28, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:01:34, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:01:39, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:01:44, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:01:49, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:01:55, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:02:00, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:02:05, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:02:10, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:02:16, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:02:21, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:02:26, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:02:32, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:02:37, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:02:42, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:02:48, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:02:53, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:02:58, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:03:04, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:03:09, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:03:14, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:03:20, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:03:25, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:03:30, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:03:35, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:03:41, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:03:46, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:03:51, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:03:56, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:04:02, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:04:07, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:04:12, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:04:17, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:04:23, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:04:28, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:04:33, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:04:39, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:04:44, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:04:49, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:04:55, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:05:00, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:05:05, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:05:10, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:05:15, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:05:21, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:05:26, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:05:32, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:05:37, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:05:42, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:05:48, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:05:53, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:05:58, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:06:04, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:06:09, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:06:14, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:06:20, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:06:25, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:06:30, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:06:35, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:06:41, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:06:46, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:06:51, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:06:57, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:07:02, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:07:08, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:07:13, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:07:18, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:07:24, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:07:29, Warning                      [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x2, will retry in 5 seconds...
    2011-01-03 21:07:34, Error                        [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain failed error code is [2]
    2011-01-03 21:07:34, Error                        [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: Unable to join; gdwError = 0x2
    2011-01-03 21:07:34, Info                         [DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: Exit, returning 0x0
    Any help is much appreciated. Thanks

    It is possible.  You could do this with either a script or Task Sequence steps.  If you go the TS route, use 'Set Task Sequence Variable' and set the MachineObjectOU variable equal to OU=ABC,DC=Contoso,DC=COM or whatever with the condition (on
    the Options tab for the Step) Select * from Win32_ComputerSystem WHERE Name LIKE 'ABC%' 
    And that should do it for you.
    If this post was helpful, please vote up or 'Mark as Answer'! More of this sort of thing at

  • ConfigMgr client no longer installing during task sequence SCCM 2007

    I've been trying to create an image and deploy an image of Dell Latitude E6430 laptops that while the deployment of the image works it does not install the SCCM client (configmgr client).  This used to work in my environment but no longer does. 
    I can deploy the client manually either through the SCCM console or from the client itself.  But during the task sequence deploying a captured image it does not install and thus and software I need installed as part of the TS does not get installed. 
    But the rest of the image works fine including driver deployment, sysprep, domain join, etc.  If I watch the job run I do see it start downloading the SCCM client during the TS job but then reboots and that's it.  Not sure where to look to see what
    could be going on.  I read somewhere about a possible driver issue but if the rest of the TS works and all drivers install then how could it be that?  If anyone has any suggestions I would greatly appreciate it!  Oh by the way I'm still using
    SCCM 2007, haven't upgraded yet.  Thanks!
    Brian Stein

    What's interesting is in the smsts.log file it shows that part of the TS completed successfully.  So I'm going to try importing the cab files just to make sure I'm all set with that and I will change my TS to NOT auto apply drivers but rather I'll point
    directly to the new driver package I created from the extracted cab and will follow up then.  If interested a copy of the smsts.log file found inside the _SMSTaskSequence folder on the client machine (2/3 of the way down I 'bolded' the line where it seems
    to say the configmgr client step succeeded:
    <![LOG[Downloaded file from
    http://SCCM1.ROSNET.ROSLYNSCHOOLS.ORG:80/SMS_DP_SMSPKGD%24/RPS00005/i386/BITS25/windowsxp-kb923845-x86-ara.exe to C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\RPS00005\i386/BITS25/windowsxp-kb923845-x86-ara.exe ]LOG]!><time="13:49:12.259+300" date="02-26-2014" component="OSDSetupHook"
    context="" type="1" thread="1380" file="downloadcontent.cpp:1177">
    <![LOG[Downloaded file from
    http://SCCM1.ROSNET.ROSLYNSCHOOLS.ORG:80/SMS_DP_SMSPKGD%24/RPS00005/i386/BITS25/windowsxp-kb923845-x86-chs.exe to C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\RPS00005\i386/BITS25/windowsxp-kb923845-x86-chs.exe ]LOG]!><time="13:49:12.305+300" date="02-26-2014" component="OSDSetupHook"
    context="" type="1" thread="1380" file="downloadcontent.cpp:1177">
    <![LOG[Downloaded file from
    http://SCCM1.ROSNET.ROSLYNSCHOOLS.ORG:80/SMS_DP_SMSPKGD%24/RPS00005/i386/BITS25/windowsxp-kb923845-x86-cht.exe to C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\RPS00005\i386/BITS25/windowsxp-kb923845-x86-cht.exe ]LOG]!><time="13:49:12.337+300" date="02-26-2014" component="OSDSetupHook"
    context="" type="1" thread="1380" file="downloadcontent.cpp:1177">
    <![LOG[Downloaded file from
    http://SCCM1.ROSNET.ROSLYNSCHOOLS.ORG:80/SMS_DP_SMSPKGD%24/RPS00005/i386/BITS25/windowsxp-kb923845-x86-csy.exe to C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\RPS00005\i386/BITS25/windowsxp-kb923845-x86-csy.exe ]LOG]!><time="13:49:12.352+300" date="02-26-2014" component="OSDSetupHook"
    context="" type="1" thread="1380" file="downloadcontent.cpp:1177">
    <![LOG[Downloaded file from
    http://SCCM1.ROSNET.ROSLYNSCHOOLS.ORG:80/SMS_DP_SMSPKGD%24/RPS00005/i386/BITS25/windowsxp-kb923845-x86-dan.exe to C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\RPS00005\i386/BITS25/windowsxp-kb923845-x86-dan.exe ]LOG]!><time="13:49:12.368+300" date="02-26-2014" component="OSDSetupHook"
    context="" type="1" thread="1380" file="downloadcontent.cpp:1177">
    <![LOG[Downloaded file from
    http://SCCM1.ROSNET.ROSLYNSCHOOLS.ORG:80/SMS_DP_SMSPKGD%24/RPS00005/i386/BITS25/windowsxp-kb923845-x86-deu.exe to C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\RPS00005\i386/BITS25/windowsxp-kb923845-x86-deu.exe ]LOG]!><time="13:49:12.399+300" date="02-26-2014" component="OSDSetupHook"
    context="" type="1" thread="1380" file="downloadcontent.cpp:1177">
    <![LOG[Downloaded file from
    http://SCCM1.ROSNET.ROSLYNSCHOOLS.ORG:80/SMS_DP_SMSPKGD%24/RPS00005/i386/BITS25/windowsxp-kb923845-x86-ell.exe to C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\RPS00005\i386/BITS25/windowsxp-kb923845-x86-ell.exe ]LOG]!><time="13:49:12.415+300" date="02-26-2014" component="OSDSetupHook"
    context="" type="1" thread="1380" file="downloadcontent.cpp:1177">
    <![LOG[Downloaded file from
    http://SCCM1.ROSNET.ROSLYNSCHOOLS.ORG:80/SMS_DP_SMSPKGD%24/RPS00005/i386/BITS25/windowsxp-kb923845-x86-enu.exe to C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\RPS00005\i386/BITS25/windowsxp-kb923845-x86-enu.exe ]LOG]!><time="13:49:12.446+300" date="02-26-2014" component="OSDSetupHook"
    context="" type="1" thread="1380" file="downloadcontent.cpp:1177">
    <![LOG[Downloaded file from
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    <![LOG[c:\_smstasksequence\packages\rps00005\i386\hotfix is a directory. Setting directory security]LOG]!><time="13:49:16.829+300" date="02-26-2014" component="OSDSetupHook" context="" type="1" thread="1380" file="hashdir.cpp:653">
    <![LOG[c:\_smstasksequence\packages\rps00005\i386\hotfix\kb977384 is a directory. Setting directory security]LOG]!><time="13:49:17.297+300" date="02-26-2014" component="OSDSetupHook" context="" type="1" thread="1380" file="hashdir.cpp:653">
    <![LOG[c:\_smstasksequence\packages\rps00005\ia64\bits25 is a directory. Setting directory security]LOG]!><time="13:49:17.407+300" date="02-26-2014" component="OSDSetupHook" context="" type="1" thread="1380" file="hashdir.cpp:653">
    <![LOG[c:\_smstasksequence\packages\rps00005\x64\bits25 is a directory. Setting directory security]LOG]!><time="13:49:17.516+300" date="02-26-2014" component="OSDSetupHook" context="" type="1" thread="1380" file="hashdir.cpp:653">
    <![LOG[Content successfully downloaded at C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\RPS00005]LOG]!><time="13:49:17.578+300" date="02-26-2014" component="OSDSetupHook" context="" type="1" thread="1380" file="resolvesource.cpp:3131">
    <![LOG[Copying SMS client package source from "C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\RPS00005" to "C:\_SMSTaskSequence\OSD\RPS00005".]LOG]!><time="13:49:17.578+300" date="02-26-2014" component="OSDSetupHook" context="" type="1" thread="1380" file="basesetuphook.cpp:1504">
    <![LOG[Locating architecture-specific OSDGina.dll]LOG]!><time="13:49:17.687+300" date="02-26-2014" component="OSDSetupHook" context="" type="0" thread="1380" file="basesetuphook.cpp:428">
    <![LOG[Successfully copied file OSDSETUPHOOK.EXE to C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32]LOG]!><time="13:49:17.703+300" date="02-26-2014" component="OSDSetupHook" context="" type="1" thread="1380" file="basesetuphook.cpp:364">
    <![LOG[Successfully copied file TSProgressUI.exe to C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\_SMSOSDSetup]LOG]!><time="13:49:17.703+300" date="02-26-2014" component="OSDSetupHook" context="" type="1" thread="1380" file="basesetuphook.cpp:364">
    <![LOG[Successfully copied file tsres.dll to C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\_SMSOSDSetup\1033]LOG]!><time="13:49:17.703+300" date="02-26-2014" component="OSDSetupHook" context="" type="1" thread="1380" file="basesetuphook.cpp:364">
    <![LOG[Saving desktop wallpaper information.]LOG]!><time="13:49:17.703+300" date="02-26-2014" component="OSDSetupHook" context="" type="0" thread="1380" file="basesetuphook.cpp:1553">
    <![LOG[Entering ReleaseSource() for C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\RPS00005]LOG]!><time="13:49:17.719+300" date="02-26-2014" component="OSDSetupHook" context="" type="1" thread="1380" file="resolvesource.cpp:3431">
    <![LOG[reference count 1 for the source C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\RPS00005 before releasing]LOG]!><time="13:49:17.719+300" date="02-26-2014" component="OSDSetupHook" context="" type="1" thread="1380" file="resolvesource.cpp:3438">
    <![LOG[Delete source directory C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\RPS00005]LOG]!><time="13:49:17.719+300" date="02-26-2014" component="OSDSetupHook" context="" type="1" thread="1380" file="resolvesource.cpp:3461">
    <![LOG[Released the resolved source C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\RPS00005]LOG]!><time="13:49:17.750+300" date="02-26-2014" component="OSDSetupHook" context="" type="1" thread="1380" file="resolvesource.cpp:3471">
    <![LOG[Exiting ConfigureEx: 0x00000000]LOG]!><time="13:49:17.750+300" date="02-26-2014" component="OSDSetupHook" context="" type="0" thread="1380" file="basesetuphook.cpp:1592">
    <![LOG[Process completed with exit code 0]LOG]!><time="13:49:17.750+300" date="02-26-2014" component="OSDSetupWindows" context="" type="1" thread="2032" file="commandline.cpp:1102">
    <![LOG[Installing hook to 'C:\WINDOWS']LOG]!><time="13:49:17.750+300" date="02-26-2014" component="OSDSetupWindows" context="" type="0" thread="2032" file="setupwindows.cpp:785">
    <![LOG[Command line for extension .EXE is "%1" %*]LOG]!><time="13:49:17.750+300" date="02-26-2014" component="OSDSetupWindows" context="" type="0" thread="2032" file="commandline.cpp:229">
    <![LOG[Set command line: "X:\sms\bin\i386\OSDSETUPHOOK.EXE" "/install:C:\WINDOWS" /version:6.1]LOG]!><time="13:49:17.750+300" date="02-26-2014" component="OSDSetupWindows" context="" type="0" thread="2032" file="commandline.cpp:707">
    <![LOG[Executing command line: "X:\sms\bin\i386\OSDSETUPHOOK.EXE" "/install:C:\WINDOWS" /version:6.1]LOG]!><time="13:49:17.750+300" date="02-26-2014" component="OSDSetupWindows" context="" type="1" thread="2032" file="commandline.cpp:805">
    <![LOG[Installing OSD setup hook]LOG]!><time="13:49:17.750+300" date="02-26-2014" component="OSDSetupHook" context="" type="1" thread="1392" file="osdsetuphook.cpp:276">
    <![LOG[Setup hook install completed successfully]LOG]!><time="13:49:17.750+300" date="02-26-2014" component="OSDSetupHook" context="" type="1" thread="1392" file="vistasetuphook.cpp:111">
    <![LOG[Process completed with exit code 0]LOG]!><time="13:49:17.750+300" date="02-26-2014" component="OSDSetupWindows" context="" type="1" thread="2032" file="commandline.cpp:1102">
    <![LOG[OfflineRegistry::Init("C:\WINDOWS")]LOG]!><time="13:49:17.750+300" date="02-26-2014" component="OSDSetupWindows" context="" type="0" thread="2032" file="offlineregistry.cpp:168">
    <![LOG[Loading offline registry hive "C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\software" into HKLM\OfflineRegistry1]LOG]!><time="13:49:17.750+300" date="02-26-2014" component="OSDSetupWindows" context="" type="0" thread="2032" file="offlineregistry.cpp:60">
    <![LOG[Loading offline registry hive "C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\system" into HKLM\OfflineRegistry2]LOG]!><time="13:49:18.545+300" date="02-26-2014" component="OSDSetupWindows" context="" type="0" thread="2032" file="offlineregistry.cpp:60">
    <![LOG[CurrentControlSet is mapped to ControlSet001]LOG]!><time="13:49:19.169+300" date="02-26-2014" component="OSDSetupWindows" context="" type="0" thread="2032" file="offlineregistry.cpp:215">
    <![LOG[SMS Client is not installed]LOG]!><time="13:49:19.185+300" date="02-26-2014" component="OSDSetupWindows" context="" type="1" thread="2032" file="setupwindows.cpp:1633">
    <![LOG[Unloading offline SOFTWARE registry hive]LOG]!><time="13:49:19.185+300" date="02-26-2014" component="OSDSetupWindows" context="" type="0" thread="2032" file="offlineregistry.cpp:270">
    <![LOG[Unloading offline SYSTEM registry hive]LOG]!><time="13:49:19.263+300" date="02-26-2014" component="OSDSetupWindows" context="" type="0" thread="2032" file="offlineregistry.cpp:284">
    <![LOG[Exiting with code 0x00000000]LOG]!><time="13:49:19.294+300" date="02-26-2014" component="OSDSetupWindows" context="" type="1" thread="2032" file="setupwindows.cpp:1751">
    <![LOG[Process completed with exit code 0]LOG]!><time="13:49:19.294+300" date="02-26-2014" component="TSManager" context="" type="1" thread="1452" file="commandline.cpp:1102">
    <![LOG[!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!]LOG]!><time="13:49:19.294+300" date="02-26-2014" component="TSManager" context="" type="1" thread="1452" file="instruction.cxx:3010">
    <![LOG[Successfully complete the action (Setup windows and ConfigMgr) with the exit win32 code 0]LOG]!><time="13:49:19.294+300" date="02-26-2014" component="TSManager" context="" type="1" thread="1452" file="instruction.cxx:3036">
    <![LOG[Sending status message . . .]LOG]!><time="13:49:19.294+300" date="02-26-2014" component="TSManager" context="" type="1" thread="1452" file="utility.cxx:292">
    <![LOG[Send a task execution status message SMS_TSExecution_ActionCompleteInfo]LOG]!><time="13:49:19.294+300" date="02-26-2014" component="TSManager" context="" type="1" thread="1452" file="utility.cxx:314">
    <![LOG[MP server SCCM1.ROSNET.ROSLYNSCHOOLS.ORG and port 80. SSL=false. CRL=false.]LOG]!><time="13:49:19.294+300" date="02-26-2014" component="TSManager" context="" type="1" thread="1452" file="utility.cxx:458">
    <![LOG[Site code: RPS]LOG]!><time="13:49:19.294+300" date="02-26-2014" component="TSManager" context="" type="1" thread="1452" file="utility.cxx:489">
    <![LOG[Client machine name: new6430]LOG]!><time="13:49:19.294+300" date="02-26-2014" component="TSManager" context="" type="1" thread="1452" file="utility.cxx:494">
    <![LOG[Client Identity: GUID:EBA20587-9DCD-4F19-B999-F6FA0E56D6CD]LOG]!><time="13:49:19.294+300" date="02-26-2014" component="TSManager" context="" type="1" thread="1452" file="utility.cxx:496">
    <![LOG[Advertisement ID: RPS20136]LOG]!><time="13:49:19.294+300" date="02-26-2014" component="TSManager" context="" type="1" thread="1452" file="utility.cxx:505">
    <![LOG[Package ID: RPS000E1]LOG]!><time="13:49:19.294+300" date="02-26-2014" component="TSManager" context="" type="1" thread="1452" file="utility.cxx:507">
    <![LOG[Sending StatusMessage]LOG]!><time="13:49:19.325+300" date="02-26-2014" component="TSManager" context="" type="1" thread="1452" file="libsmsmessaging.cpp:3806">
    <![LOG[Formatted header:]LOG]!><time="13:49:19.325+300" date="02-26-2014" component="TSManager" context="" type="1" thread="1452" file="libsmsmessaging.cpp:1500">
    <![LOG[<Msg SchemaVersion="1.1" ReplyCompression="zlib"><ID/><SourceID>727ba42b-9664-4eea-8690-e285a795b870</SourceID><SourceHost/><TargetAddress>mp:[http]MP_StatusManager</TargetAddress><ReplyTo>direct:OSD</ReplyTo><Priority>3</Priority><Timeout>3600</Timeout><SentTime>2014-02-26T18:49:19Z</SentTime><Protocol>http</Protocol><Body
    Type="ByteRange" Offset="0" Length="4220"/><Hooks/><Payload Type="inline"/><TargetHost/><TargetEndpoint>StatusReceiver</TargetEndpoint><ReplyMode>Sync</ReplyMode><CorrelationID/></Msg>
    ]LOG]!><time="13:49:19.325+300" date="02-26-2014" component="TSManager" context="" type="1" thread="1452" file="libsmsmessaging.cpp:1501">
    <![LOG[CLibSMSMessageWinHttpTransport::Send: URL: SCCM1.ROSNET.ROSLYNSCHOOLS.ORG:80  CCM_POST /ccm_system/request]LOG]!><time="13:49:19.325+300" date="02-26-2014" component="TSManager" context="" type="1" thread="1452" file="libsmsmessaging.cpp:7446">
    <![LOG[The request has succeeded. 200 OK]LOG]!><time="13:49:19.341+300" date="02-26-2014" component="TSManager" context="" type="0" thread="1452" file="libsmsmessaging.cpp:7734">
    <![LOG[Set a global environment variable _SMSTSLastActionRetCode=0]LOG]!><time="13:49:19.341+300" date="02-26-2014" component="TSManager" context="" type="0" thread="1452" file="executionenv.cxx:668">
    <![LOG[Set a global environment variable _SMSTSLastActionSucceeded=true]LOG]!><time="13:49:19.341+300" date="02-26-2014" component="TSManager" context="" type="0" thread="1452" file="executionenv.cxx:668">
    <![LOG[Expand a string: %_SMSTSMDataPath%\Logs]LOG]!><time="13:49:19.341+300" date="02-26-2014" component="TSManager" context="" type="0" thread="1452" file="executionenv.cxx:782">
    <![LOG[Clear local default environment]LOG]!><time="13:49:19.341+300" date="02-26-2014" component="TSManager" context="" type="0" thread="1452" file="executionenv.cxx:807">
    <![LOG[The action (Setup windows and ConfigMgr) requested a retry]LOG]!><time="13:49:19.403+300" date="02-26-2014" component="TSManager" context="" type="1" thread="1452" file="engine.cxx:263">
    <![LOG[Reboot to local harddisk]LOG]!><time="13:49:19.403+300" date="02-26-2014" component="TSManager" context="" type="1" thread="1452" file="engine.cxx:458">
    <![LOG[_OSDGinaIsConfigured variable set to TRUE]LOG]!><time="13:49:19.403+300" date="02-26-2014" component="TSManager" context="" type="1" thread="1452" file="engine.cxx:537">
    <![LOG[_SMSTSServiceStartType variable set to ]LOG]!><time="13:49:19.403+300" date="02-26-2014" component="TSManager" context="" type="1" thread="1452" file="engine.cxx:549">
    <![LOG[Calling RebootSystem()]LOG]!><time="13:49:19.403+300" date="02-26-2014" component="TSManager" context="" type="1" thread="1452" file="engine.cxx:567">
    <![LOG[OSD type of task sequence. ignore the service window setting]LOG]!><time="13:49:19.403+300" date="02-26-2014" component="TSManager" context="" type="1" thread="1452" file="engine.cxx:669">
    <![LOG[Updated security on object C:\_SMSTSVolumeID.7159644d-f741-45d5-ab29-0ad8aa4771ca.]LOG]!><time="13:49:19.403+300" date="02-26-2014" component="TSManager" context="" type="1" thread="1452" file="utils.cpp:829">
    <![LOG[Updated security on object C:\_SMSTaskSequence.]LOG]!><time="13:49:19.419+300" date="02-26-2014" component="TSManager" context="" type="1" thread="1452" file="utils.cpp:829">
    <![LOG[Set a global environment variable _SMSTSNextInstructionPointer=9]LOG]!><time="13:49:19.435+300" date="02-26-2014" component="TSManager" context="" type="0" thread="1452" file="executionenv.cxx:668">
    <![LOG[Set a TS execution environment variable _SMSTSNextInstructionPointer=9]LOG]!><time="13:49:19.435+300" date="02-26-2014" component="TSManager" context="" type="0" thread="1452" file="executionenv.cxx:386">
    <![LOG[Set a global environment variable _SMSTSInstructionStackString=8]LOG]!><time="13:49:19.435+300" date="02-26-2014" component="TSManager" context="" type="0" thread="1452" file="executionenv.cxx:668">
    <![LOG[Set a TS execution environment variable _SMSTSInstructionStackString=8]LOG]!><time="13:49:19.435+300" date="02-26-2014" component="TSManager" context="" type="0" thread="1452" file="executionenv.cxx:414">
    <![LOG[Save the current environment block]LOG]!><time="13:49:19.435+300" date="02-26-2014" component="TSManager" context="" type="0" thread="1452" file="executionenv.cxx:833">
    <![LOG[Expand a string: %_SMSTSMDataPath%\Logs]LOG]!><time="13:49:19.450+300" date="02-26-2014" component="TSManager" context="" type="0" thread="1452" file="executionenv.cxx:782">
    Brian Stein

  • Driver Pack No Longer Being Applied During Task Sequence

    Hi all,
    So... this week a really strange issue manifested itself. I've been trawling through logs for the last day and I don't seem to be getting anywhere.
    A task sequence, which has been working for months and hasn't been changed, all of a sudden decided to start throwing error code 0x87D00269 yesterday. It was at the stage where applications that are installed during the task sequence started to
    So after a looking into the error, it seems the machines are unable to download the packages, possibly through not being joined to the domain. At this stage in the task sequence, the machine should definitely be joined to the domain. We have
    the command support console enabled, so I hit F8 and tried to ping the MP and the DP. Nothing. Ran ipconfig, nothing listed under the adapter. Very odd. So I checked the NIC on the back of the machine and it was up, so I booted from the task sequence
    media USB stick again and hit f8. Ran ipconfig and the machine had picked up an address from DHCP no problem and shortly after, the task sequences available to the machine loaded. So I started the task sequence again and it started fine, formatted
    the disk, downloaded the W7 pro x86 image, applied it, downloaded the driver pack and seemingly applied the drivers (according to the task sequence), then the machine rebooted. It started to go through the installing drivers phase (the black screen
    with the sunrise), which seemed to take a longer than normal. The machine rebooted and sat at the applying settings stage for a long while, which also seemed odd and I remarked the graphics drivers didn't seem to be installed because the screen resolution
    was set really low. Of course at this stage, F8 doesn't work so I waited until just before the applications started to install again. Pressed F8, ran ipconfig and no IP address. So rather than wait for the task sequence to fail again, I manually powered off
    the machine and powered it back on.
    So the machine boots, still with the low resolution, comes to the login screen and at this point, it's clear the machine hasn't joined the domain. I logged in with local admin account and it became clear none of the drivers had installed from the driver
    pack. This is a driver pack that has run absolutely fine for months and as far as I'm aware, nothing has changed so I'm a little bit confused as to why it would just stop working.
    I can't see anything in the smsts log that would explain what's happening and I've looked through the dism log but I can't find anything relevant in there.
    Any ideas on where to go? This is happening on multiple machines of the same type.

    0x87D00269  CCM_E_REQ_MP_NOTFOUND
    Ran ipconfig, nothing listed under the adapter.
    These evidence indicate that no network driver in boot image. Is this a customized boot image? Is the machine a new model?
    Press F8, run wpeinit to initialize network. If this is not working, re-add driver to boot image and try again.
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact [email protected]
    Hi Daniel,
    The boot image hasn't been modified and this machine is the exact same model as one built just a few weeks ago, with the exact same hardware. I know this because I've compared the hardware IDs of the devices side by side and they're identical.
    I'm sorry but I don't follow. This issue only occurs after the driver pack downloads and (allegedly) applies. Up to that point, the machine has connectivity to the DP/MP and downloads and runs the first sections of the task sequence without issue. If I hit
    F8 prior to the drivers being applied, I have my adapter listed and, of course, an IP address. That to me suggests the generic drivers already in the boot image work fine and don't need to be altered.

  • How To: Deploying Windows & Office updates during task sequence

    How do you guys apply windows and office updates during the task sequence?
    Right now for Windows, I am offline servicing using my software deployment package.
    For Office, I had the software deployment package, but can't figure out how to add it to my task sequence. All the options don't allow me to choose the package.
    My end goal is to keep everything as up to date as possible, and if people image a computer and run Windows Update, they only have to download 10 or less updates, not 100+.

    Is Office part of your image or do you deploy Office as part of your task sequence?
    If office is part of your image, i'd recommend that you create a fully automated build and capture process using the MDT lite touch, and use a separate WSUS server to update the image with Windows , Office and other updates.
    It's pretty easy to setup.
    Creating a Windows 8.1 reference image:
    If Office is not part of the image, you need to deploy the updates using Software Updates In SCCM as part of your Task Sequence.
    Ronni Pedersen | Microsoft MVP - ConfigMgr | Blogs: and | Twitter
    It's a task sequence. I'm confused how Software Updates works with SCCM because I do not want to use it to update All Systems. I only want to update it to computers that get imaged which are Unknown Computers. We have WSUS to take care of updates.
    If I deploy to Unknown Computers the updates in SCCM, once it joins the domain though to install all the other applications in the task sequence, will updates still go through now that it isn't a "Unknown ComputeR"?

  • SCCM 2012 Offline Servicing used, but still installed during Task Sequence

    I have a SCCM 2012 SP1 CU4 environment and I updated my Windows 7 Enterprise x64 image install.wim with all security patches using Offline Servicing..a nice perfectly.
    But when using this new updated image in my Task Sequence I noticed that still 150+ patches are installed during the Install Updates phase in my task sequence. More then 130 of them are already added using Offline Servicing so why are they added again
    What is going wrong here....what am i missing....

    I am having a similar issue, however I have updated my dp and it still occurs. I am doing an offline service of Windows 8.1. The update status shows a bunch of updates that have been installed, yet when deploying my TS it sill installs about 70 or 80 updates.
    I have compared and the updates that are being installed are listed in the updates status window. I have checked the OfflineServicingMgr.log and the only error is:
    Deleting file \\?\C:\ConfigMgr_OfflineImageServicing\UCO00121\ImageMountDir\Admin Desktop Wallpaper.JPG, FAILED, Win32 Error = 1168
    Failed to remove the staging folder C:\ConfigMgr_OfflineImageServicing, GLE = 1168
    It seems everything else completes fine so i cannot determine if this is causing my issues? Has anyone else had this problem before? I haven't tried with Windows 7 as we are no longer using it.

  • Add PC to Collection During Task Sequence

    I would like to automatically add an Unknown PC to a specific collection during a task sequence.  I came across a VBScript that does this on the following site:
    According to the explanation you run the script as a 'Run Command Line' task in the Task Sequence specifying the following Command line:
    cscript AddMeToCollection.vbs sccmservername collectionID %_SMSTSClientIdentity%
    I run this script with an account that has full admin rights on the SCCM Server.  It is my understanding that you can not use a command line step that uses a specific account during the Windows PE phase, therefore I run this task after a reboot that restarts
    the PC with the installed Operating System.  This task is run after the Setup Windows and ConfigMgr step.
    Although the task completes successfully with a 0 exit code, the PC does not get added to the specified collection.  Looking at the logs the output of the script is as below:
    Site Server specified: mysccmserver
    Collection ID specified: SMSxxxxxx
    SMS Client GUID:xxxxx
    Computer Name: myPC
    SMS Provider Namespace = \\mysccmserver\root\sms\site_XXX
    Successfully Connected to the SMS Provider Namespace.
    Looking at the script it seems if the script were to execute successfully some further messages would be output:
    WScript.Echo "Resource ID = " & strResourceID
    WScript.Echo strComputerName & " successfully added To " & strCollID
    Has anyone successfully used this script or a similar script to add a PC to a specific collection during the Task Sequence?  Any advice as to where I may be going wrong would be greatly appreciated.  I am using SCCM 2007 R3 and deploying Windows 7
    Enterprise 64 Bit.

    It is not recommended that you use domain admin to run the command. You can use a regular domain account. Notice that you need to allow the account to manage the SMS provider in site database.
    1.From the Start menu, click Run and type Dcomcnfg.exe.
    2.In Component Services, click Console root, expand Component Services, expand Computers, and then click My Computer. On the Action menu, click Properties.
    3.In the My Computer Properties dialog box, on the COM Security tab, in the Launch and Activation Permissions section, click Edit Limits.
    4.In the Launch Permissions dialog box, click Add.
    5.In the Select User, Computers, or Groups dialog box, in the Enter the object names to select (examples): box, type SMS Admins and click OK.
    6.In the Permissions for SMS Admins section, select the check box to allow Remote Activation.
    7.Click OK twice, and then close Computer Management.
    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread. ”

  • SCCM 2012 MDT 2012 UDI Require domain credentials to run task sequence

    We are in the process of moving to SCCM 2012 integrated with MDT 2012 for OSD from using MDT 2012 by itself. We're trying out UDI task sequences and have noticed a pretty gaping hole in functionality vs MDT 2012 by itself: password protecting a task sequence.
    In MDT 2012 there was a built-in feature that required domain credentials to run a task sequence. If one exists using SCCM/MDT 2012, I haven't been able to find it. I've only found stuff like this which
    would allow you to set a password, but not authenticate against AD. So, I'm wondering if there are any options to protecting a task sequence with domain authentication?
    My understanding is that the Refresh and Replace StageGroup only run when you kick off a UDI task sequence in Windows. That means I have to make a task sequence available to the Configuration Manager Client in order for a tech to run a Refresh/Replace. And,
    that in turn means that the UDI task sequence will be visible to all users since it needs to be available to their computer. Or, am I completely missing how UDI OSD should flow?  If so, then I hope someone can correct me.
    I'd appreciate any help or advice you can give. Thanks. 

    I am sorry to say that you are correct in your conclusions. There is no builtin way in ConfigMgr/MDT/UDI to require a domain username/password to run a task sequence, your option from is one way of solving it.
    -- My System Center blog -- Twitter
    Thanks for the info. What about workflow? How do you usually handle UDI in Replace and Refresh scenarios? Do you deploy the task sequence to collections that users can access?

  • Deploy Application During Task Sequence

    Hello I have created about 10 packages to be part of our Windows 7 deployment using installshield. The packages install ok manually and through SCCM Client Center. However when I add them to my Task Sequence I get 1603 errors??? Is it a permissions issue.
    Some of my packages work some don't?
    Here's the log error
    Unmatched exit code 1603 is considered and execution failure.
    SCCM Deployment Technician

    Hi here is the log, any help appreciated. I think its permissions issue but not sure what I can do to remedy it? 
    === Verbose logging started: 12/03/2015  10:11:15  Build type: SHIP UNICODE 5.00.7601.00  Calling process: C:\WINDOWS\system32\msiexec.exe ===
    MSI (c) (54:B8) [10:11:15:124]: Resetting cached policy values
    MSI (c) (54:B8) [10:11:15:124]: Machine policy value 'Debug' is 0
    MSI (c) (54:B8) [10:11:15:124]: ******* RunEngine:
               ******* Product: Genetec_Omnicast_Client_4_8_2201_19_B2.msi
               ******* Action: 
               ******* CommandLine: **********
    MSI (c) (54:B8) [10:11:15:125]: Client-side and UI is none or basic: Running entire install on the server.
    MSI (c) (54:B8) [10:11:15:125]: Grabbed execution mutex.
    MSI (c) (54:B8) [10:11:15:140]: Cloaking enabled.
    MSI (c) (54:B8) [10:11:15:140]: Attempting to enable all disabled privileges before calling Install on Server
    MSI (c) (54:B8) [10:11:15:142]: Incrementing counter to disable shutdown. Counter after increment: 0
    MSI (s) (C0:E0) [10:11:15:144]: Running installation inside multi-package transaction C:\Windows\ccmcache\9i\Genetec_Omnicast_Client_4_8_2201_19_B2.msi
    MSI (s) (C0:E0) [10:11:15:144]: Grabbed execution mutex.
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:145]: Resetting cached policy values
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:145]: Machine policy value 'Debug' is 0
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:145]: ******* RunEngine:
               ******* Product: C:\Windows\ccmcache\9i\Genetec_Omnicast_Client_4_8_2201_19_B2.msi
               ******* Action: 
               ******* CommandLine: **********
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:145]: Machine policy value 'DisableUserInstalls' is 0
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:146]: User policy value 'SearchOrder' is 'nmu'
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:146]: User policy value 'DisableMedia' is 0
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:146]: Machine policy value 'AllowLockdownMedia' is 0
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:146]: SOURCEMGMT: Media enabled only if package is safe.
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:146]: SOURCEMGMT: Looking for sourcelist for product {410ED13C-DBAD-4228-9A77-D90AF1CB6B07}
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:146]: SOURCEMGMT: Adding {410ED13C-DBAD-4228-9A77-D90AF1CB6B07}; to potential sourcelist list (pcode;disk;relpath).
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:146]: SOURCEMGMT: Now checking product {410ED13C-DBAD-4228-9A77-D90AF1CB6B07}
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:146]: SOURCEMGMT: Media is enabled for product.
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:146]: SOURCEMGMT: Attempting to use LastUsedSource from source list.
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:146]: SOURCEMGMT: Trying source C:\Windows\ccmcache\9a\.
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:146]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer 3: 2 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:146]: Entering CMsiConfigurationManager::SetLastUsedSource.
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:146]: Specifed source is already in a list.
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:146]: User policy value 'SearchOrder' is 'nmu'
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:146]: Machine policy value 'DisableBrowse' is 0
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:146]: Machine policy value 'AllowLockdownBrowse' is 0
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:146]: Adding new sources is allowed.
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:147]: Set LastUsedSource to: C:\Windows\ccmcache\9a\.
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:147]: Set LastUsedType to: n.
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:147]: Set LastUsedIndex to: 1.
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:147]: SOURCEMGMT: Resolved source to: 'C:\Windows\ccmcache\9a\'
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:155]: SRSetRestorePoint skipped for this transaction.
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:157]: File will have security applied from OpCode.
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:171]: SOFTWARE RESTRICTION POLICY: Verifying package --> 'C:\Windows\ccmcache\9i\Genetec_Omnicast_Client_4_8_2201_19_B2.msi' against software restriction policy
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:171]: SOFTWARE RESTRICTION POLICY: C:\Windows\ccmcache\9i\Genetec_Omnicast_Client_4_8_2201_19_B2.msi has a digital signature
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:171]: SOFTWARE RESTRICTION POLICY: C:\Windows\ccmcache\9i\Genetec_Omnicast_Client_4_8_2201_19_B2.msi is permitted to run because the user token authorizes execution (system or service token).
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:171]: End dialog not enabled
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:171]: Original package ==> C:\Windows\ccmcache\9a\Genetec_Omnicast_Client_4_8_2201_19_B2.msi
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:171]: Package we're running from ==> C:\WINDOWS\Installer\1e7f0.msi
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:179]: APPCOMPAT: looking for appcompat database entry with ProductCode '{410ED13C-DBAD-4228-9A77-D90AF1CB6B07}'.
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:180]: APPCOMPAT: no matching ProductCode found in database.
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:181]: MSCOREE not loaded loading copy from system32
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:183]: Machine policy value 'DisablePatch' is 0
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:183]: Machine policy value 'AllowLockdownPatch' is 0
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:183]: Machine policy value 'DisableLUAPatching' is 0
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:183]: Machine policy value 'DisableFlyWeightPatching' is 0
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:186]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Roaming
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:186]: Looking for file transform in shell folder: C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Installer\{410ED13C-DBAD-4228-9A77-D90AF1CB6B07}\Genetec_Omnicast_Client_4_8_2201_19_B2.mst
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:186]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Patch 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:186]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: PatchPackage 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:187]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Media 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:187]: Note: 1: 2262 2: File 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:187]: TRANSFORM: 'PatchPackage' table is missing or empty.  No pre-transform fixup necessary.
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:187]: TRANSFORM: Applying regular transform to database.
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:187]: Note: 1: 2262 2: ActionText 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:187]: Note: 1: 2262 2: AdminExecuteSequence 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:187]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Condition 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:187]: Note: 1: 2262 2: AdminUISequence 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:187]: Note: 1: 2262 2: AdvtExecuteSequence 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:187]: Note: 1: 2262 2: AdvtUISequence 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:187]: Note: 1: 2262 2: AppId 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:187]: Note: 1: 2262 2: AppSearch 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: BindImage 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: File 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: CheckBox 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Class 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Icon 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: ProgId 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: ComboBox 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Dialog 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: ControlCondition 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: ControlEvent 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: ModuleExclusion 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: ModuleSignature 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Error 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: EventMapping 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Extension 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Font 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: IniFile 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: InstallUISequence 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: LaunchCondition 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: ListBox 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: ListView 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: LockPermissions 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Media 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: ModuleComponents 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: MsiAssembly 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: MsiAssemblyName 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: ModuleDependency 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: MsiFileHash 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: ODBCDataSource 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: ODBCSourceAttribute 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Patch 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: PublishComponent 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: RadioButton 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: RegLocator 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: RemoveFile 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: SelfReg 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Shortcut 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Signature 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: TextStyle 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: TypeLib 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: UIText 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Upgrade 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Verb 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: ISComponentExtended 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: ISCustomActionReference 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: ISSQLConnection 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: ISSQLConnectionDBServer 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: ISSQLDBMetaData 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: ISSQLConnectionScript 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: ISSQLScriptFile 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: LangDll 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: SeagateCondition 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: SeagateIPService 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: SeagateSourcePath 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: SeagateStreamFiles 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: SxsMsmGenComponents 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: MsiSFCBypass 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: HelpPlugin 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: HelpNamespace 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: HelpFileToNamespace 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: HelpFile 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: HelpFilter 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: HelpFilterToNamespace 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: _MsiPatchTransformView 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: #_BaselineCost 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: #_BaselineFile 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: #_BaselineData 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Note: 1: 2262 2: #_PatchCache 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: APPCOMPAT: looking for appcompat database entry with ProductCode '{410ED13C-DBAD-4228-9A77-D90AF1CB6B07}'.
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: APPCOMPAT: no matching ProductCode found in database.
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:188]: Transforms are not secure.
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:189]: Transforming table Property.
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:189]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding MsiLogFileLocation property. Its value is 'c:\temp\Genetec_Omnicast_Client_4_8_2201_19_B2.log'.
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:189]: Command Line: TRANSFORMS=Genetec_Omnicast_Client_4_8_2201_19_B2.mst CURRENTDIRECTORY=C:\Windows\ccmcache\9i CLIENTUILEVEL=3 CLIENTPROCESSID=2900 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:189]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding PackageCode property. Its value is '{AA766C40-990C-4B24-8E72-068FFF4D646D}'.
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:189]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding TRANSFORMS property. Its value is '*26*Microsoft\Installer\{410ED13C-DBAD-4228-9A77-D90AF1CB6B07}\Genetec_Omnicast_Client_4_8_2201_19_B2.mst'.
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:189]: Product Code passed to Engine.Initialize:           '{410ED13C-DBAD-4228-9A77-D90AF1CB6B07}'
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:189]: Product Code from property table before transforms: '{410ED13C-DBAD-4228-9A77-D90AF1CB6B07}'
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:189]: Product Code from property table after transforms:  '{410ED13C-DBAD-4228-9A77-D90AF1CB6B07}'
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:189]: Product not registered: beginning first-time install
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:189]: Determined that existing product (either this product or the product being upgraded with a patch) is installed per-user.
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:189]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Deleting ALLUSERS property. Its current value is '1'.
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:189]: Product {410ED13C-DBAD-4228-9A77-D90AF1CB6B07} is admin assigned: LocalSystem owns the publish key.
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:189]: Product {410ED13C-DBAD-4228-9A77-D90AF1CB6B07} is managed.
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:189]: MSI_LUA: Credential prompt not required, user is an admin
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:189]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ProductState property. Its value is '1'.
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:189]: Entering CMsiConfigurationManager::SetLastUsedSource.
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:189]: Specifed source is already in a list.
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:189]: User policy value 'SearchOrder' is 'nmu'
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:190]: Adding new sources is allowed.
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:190]: Package name retrieved from configuration data: 'Genetec_Omnicast_Client_4_8_2201_19_B2.msi'
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:190]: Note: 1: 2262 2: AdminProperties 3: -2147287038 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:190]: Machine policy value 'DisableMsi' is 0
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:190]: Machine policy value 'AlwaysInstallElevated' is 0
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:190]: User policy value 'AlwaysInstallElevated' is 0
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:190]: Product {410ED13C-DBAD-4228-9A77-D90AF1CB6B07} is admin assigned: LocalSystem owns the publish key.
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:190]: Product {410ED13C-DBAD-4228-9A77-D90AF1CB6B07} is managed.
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:190]: Running product '{410ED13C-DBAD-4228-9A77-D90AF1CB6B07}' with elevated privileges: Product is assigned.
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:190]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying TRANSFORMS property. Its current value is '*26*Microsoft\Installer\{410ED13C-DBAD-4228-9A77-D90AF1CB6B07}\Genetec_Omnicast_Client_4_8_2201_19_B2.mst'. Its new value: 'Genetec_Omnicast_Client_4_8_2201_19_B2.mst'.
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:190]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding CURRENTDIRECTORY property. Its value is 'C:\Windows\ccmcache\9i'.
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:190]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding CLIENTUILEVEL property. Its value is '3'.
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:190]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding CLIENTPROCESSID property. Its value is '2900'.
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:190]: Machine policy value 'DisableAutomaticApplicationShutdown' is 0
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:191]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding MsiRestartManagerSessionKey property. Its value is '518597794e277e41aa15fee636fef8fd'.
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:191]: RESTART MANAGER: Session opened.
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:191]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying TRANSFORMS property. Its current value is 'Genetec_Omnicast_Client_4_8_2201_19_B2.mst'. Its new value: '*26*Microsoft\Installer\{410ED13C-DBAD-4228-9A77-D90AF1CB6B07}\Genetec_Omnicast_Client_4_8_2201_19_B2.mst'.
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:15:191]: TRANSFORMS property is now: *26*Microsoft\Installer\{410ED13C-DBAD-4228-9A77-D90AF1CB6B07}\Genetec_O
    Property(S): DisplayNameCustom = Custom
    Property(S): DisplayNameMinimal = Minimal
    Property(S): DisplayNameTypical = Typical
    Property(S): ErrorDialog = SetupError
    Property(S): FIREWALLEXCEPTIONLIST = [INSTALLDIR]ConfigTool.exe;[INSTALLDIR]LiveViewer.exe;[INSTALLDIR]ArchivePlayer.exe
    Property(S): FIXEDRIVEFOUND = no
    Property(S): INSTALLLEVEL = 100
    Property(S): ISSCRIPT_VERSION_MISSING = The InstallScript engine is missing from this machine.  If available, please run ISScript.msi, or contact your support personnel for further assistance.
    Property(S): ISVROOT_PORT_NO = 0
    Property(S): IS_PROGMSG_XML_COSTING = Costing XML files...
    Property(S): IS_PROGMSG_XML_CREATE_FILE = Creating XML file %s...
    Property(S): IS_PROGMSG_XML_FILES = Performing XML file changes...
    Property(S): IS_PROGMSG_XML_REMOVE_FILE = Removing XML file %s...
    Property(S): IS_PROGMSG_XML_ROLLBACK_FILES = Rolling back XML file changes...
    Property(S): IS_PROGMSG_XML_UPDATE_FILE = Updating XML file %s...
    Property(S): IS_SQLSERVER_DIALOG = 0
    Property(S): InstallChoice = AR
    Property(S): Manufacturer = Genetec Inc.
    Property(S): MsiLogging = voicewarmupx
    Property(S): NET_FRAMEWORK_WIN7_MSG = Microsoft .Net  Framework 3.5 SP1 must be turned on in order to continue with the installation. For information on how to do this, please see your Omnicast Installation and Upgrade Guide.
    Property(S): NumOfLanguages = 0
    Property(S): OMNICAST_REGISTRY_ROOT = SOFTWARE\Genetec\Genetec Omnicast4.8
    Property(S): PIDTemplate = 12345<###-%%%%%%%>@@@@@
    Property(S): PROGMSG_IIS_CREATEAPPPOOL = Creating application pool %s
    Property(S): PROGMSG_IIS_CREATEAPPPOOLS = Creating application Pools...
    Property(S): PROGMSG_IIS_CREATEVROOT = Creating IIS virtual directory %s
    Property(S): PROGMSG_IIS_CREATEVROOTS = Creating IIS virtual directories...
    Property(S): PROGMSG_IIS_CREATEWEBSERVICEEXTENSION = Creating web service extension
    Property(S): PROGMSG_IIS_CREATEWEBSERVICEEXTENSIONS = Creating web service extensions...
    Property(S): PROGMSG_IIS_EXTRACT = Extracting information for IIS virtual directories...
    Property(S): PROGMSG_IIS_EXTRACTDONE = Extracted information for IIS virtual directories...
    Property(S): PROGMSG_IIS_REMOVEAPPPOOL = Removing application pool
    Property(S): PROGMSG_IIS_REMOVEAPPPOOLS = Removing application pools...
    Property(S): PROGMSG_IIS_REMOVESITE = Removing web site at port %d
    Property(S): PROGMSG_IIS_REMOVEVROOT = Removing IIS virtual directory %s
    Property(S): PROGMSG_IIS_REMOVEVROOTS = Removing IIS virtual directories...
    Property(S): PROGMSG_IIS_REMOVEWEBSERVICEEXTENSION = Removing web service extension
    Property(S): PROGMSG_IIS_REMOVEWEBSERVICEEXTENSIONS = Removing web service extensions...
    Property(S): PROGMSG_IIS_ROLLBACKAPPPOOLS = Rolling back application pools...
    Property(S): PROGMSG_IIS_ROLLBACKVROOTS = Rolling back virtual directory and web site changes...
    Property(S): PROGMSG_IIS_ROLLBACKWEBSERVICEEXTENSIONS = Rolling back web service extensions...
    Property(S): ProductID = none
    Property(S): ProductLanguage = 1033
    Property(S): REBOOT = ReallySuppress
    Property(S): ProductName = Genetec_Omnicast_Client_4_8_2201_19_B2
    Property(S): ProgressType0 = install
    Property(S): ProgressType1 = Installing
    Property(S): ProgressType2 = installed
    Property(S): ProgressType3 = installs
    Property(S): RebootYesNo = No
    Property(S): ReinstallModeText = omus
    Property(S): SHOWLAUNCHPROGRAM = 0
    Property(S): MSIFASTINSTALL = 2
    Property(S): ISReleaseFlags = GENETEC,NoFlag
    Property(S): ARPINSTALLLOCATION = C:\Program Files (x86)\Genetec Omnicast Client 4.8\
    Property(S): WindowsBuild = 7601
    Property(S): VersionNT64 = 601
    Property(S): VersionMsi = 5.00
    Property(S): AdminUser = 1
    Property(S): VersionDatabase = 110
    Property(S): CLIENTPROCESSID = 2900
    Property(S): CLIENTUILEVEL = 3
    Property(S): PRODUCTLANGUAGE = 0
    Property(S): LIMITUI = True
    Property(S): COMPANYNAME = Yarra Trams
    Property(S): ARPNOREMOVE = 1
    Property(S): USERNAME = Yarra Trams
    Property(S): ROOTDRIVE = C:\
    Property(S): PackageCode = {AA766C40-990C-4B24-8E72-068FFF4D646D}
    Property(S): TRANSFORMS = *26*Microsoft\Installer\{410ED13C-DBAD-4228-9A77-D90AF1CB6B07}\Genetec_Omnicast_Client_4_8_2201_19_B2.mst
    Property(S): CURRENTDIRECTORY = C:\Windows\ccmcache\9i
    Property(S): ProductState = 1
    Property(S): MsiLogFileLocation = c:\temp\Genetec_Omnicast_Client_4_8_2201_19_B2.log
    Property(S): ARPNOMODIFY = 1
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:16:176]: Deferring clean up of packages/files, if any exist
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:16:176]: MainEngineThread is returning 1603
    MSI (s) (C0:E0) [10:11:16:178]: RESTART MANAGER: Session closed.
    MSI (s) (C0:E0) [10:11:16:178]: No System Restore sequence number for this installation.
    === Logging stopped: 12/03/2015  10:11:16 ===
    MSI (s) (C0:E0) [10:11:16:185]: User policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0
    MSI (s) (C0:E0) [10:11:16:185]: Machine policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0
    MSI (s) (C0:E0) [10:11:16:185]: Incrementing counter to disable shutdown. Counter after increment: 0
    MSI (s) (C0:E0) [10:11:16:185]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\Rollback\Scripts 3: 2 
    MSI (s) (C0:E0) [10:11:16:186]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\Rollback\Scripts 3: 2 
    MSI (s) (C0:E0) [10:11:16:186]: Decrementing counter to disable shutdown. If counter >= 0, shutdown will be denied.  Counter after decrement: -1
    MSI (s) (C0:E0) [10:11:16:187]: Restoring environment variables
    MSI (s) (C0:E0) [10:11:16:187]: Destroying RemoteAPI object.
    MSI (s) (C0:00) [10:11:16:187]: Custom Action Manager thread ending.
    MSI (c) (54:B8) [10:11:16:188]: Decrementing counter to disable shutdown. If counter >= 0, shutdown will be denied.  Counter after decrement: -1
    MSI (c) (54:B8) [10:11:16:188]: MainEngineThread is returning 1603
    === Verbose logging stopped: 12/03/2015  10:11:16 ===
    MSI (s) (C0!24) [10:11:16:100]: Note: 1: 2715 2: notescfg.dll.DA2174F6_7851_4AC9_8758_F2A803F82287 
    MSI (s) (C0!24) [10:11:16:100]: Note: 1: 2711 2: wcsdsapi.dll.413A0FA5_373A_11D4_91AE_009027A76C22 
    SaveTableToIniFile: Table SeagateWebMimeType doesn't exist
    Couldn't get component state for component "wcsdsapi.dll.413A0FA5_373A_11D4_91AE_009027A76C22".uReturn 1607
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:16:101]: Doing action: ISSQLServerRollback
    Action ended 10:11:16: GetWebInfo.A95D0BB4_0582_442D_B456_D295EAEB7628. Return value 1.
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:16:102]: Transforming table CustomAction.
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:16:102]: Note: 1: 2235 2:  3: ExtendedType 4: SELECT `Action`,`Type`,`Source`,`Target`, NULL, `ExtendedType` FROM `CustomAction` WHERE `Action` = 'ISSQLServerRollback' 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:16:103]: Transforming table CustomAction.
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:16:103]: Transforming table Binary.
    Action start 10:11:16: ISSQLServerRollback.
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:16:107]: Doing action: SxsInstallCA
    Action ended 10:11:16: ISSQLServerRollback. Return value 1.
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:16:108]: Transforming table CustomAction.
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:16:108]: Note: 1: 2235 2:  3: ExtendedType 4: SELECT `Action`,`Type`,`Source`,`Target`, NULL, `ExtendedType` FROM `CustomAction` WHERE `Action` = 'SxsInstallCA' 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:16:109]: Transforming table CustomAction.
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:16:110]: Transforming table Binary.
    MSI (s) (C0:3C) [10:11:16:119]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\WINDOWS\Installer\MSIBBCF.tmp, Entrypoint: CustomAction_SxsMsmInstall
    Action start 10:11:16: SxsInstallCA.
    1: sxsdelca 2: traceop 3: 1262 4: 0 
    1: sxsdelca 2: traceop 3: 1263 4: 0 
    1: sxsdelca 2: traceop 3: 1264 4: 0 
    1: sxsdelca 2: traceop 3: 1269 4: 0 
    MSI (s) (C0!60) [10:11:16:123]: Product: Genetec_Omnicast_Client_4_8_2201_19_B2 -- 1: ALLUSERS property is not 1 - this MSM cannot be used for a per-user or fallback-to-per-user install 2:  
    1: ALLUSERS property is not 1 - this MSM cannot be used for a per-user or fallback-to-per-user install 
    1: sxsdelca 2: SxsMsmInstall completed 3: 0 4: -2147467263 
    CustomAction SxsInstallCA returned actual error code 1603 (note this may not be 100% accurate if translation happened inside sandbox)
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:16:133]: Machine policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:16:133]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\Rollback\Scripts 3: 2 
    Action ended 10:11:16: SxsInstallCA. Return value 3.
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:16:134]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\Rollback\Scripts 3: 2 
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:16:134]: No System Restore sequence number for this installation.
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:16:134]: Unlocking Server
    MSI (s) (C0:08) [10:11:16:141]: Transforming table InstallExecuteSequence.
    Action ended 10:11:16: INSTALL. Return value 3.
    SCCM Deployment Technician

  • Applications failing to install during task sequence

    Hello All:
    I am having a major issue deploying applications through task sequence. The errors in the smsts.log are useless and every single one of my 7 applications I have assigned to the task sequence fail with the same error. Here is a snippet...
    Policy Evaluation failed, hr=0x87d00269 InstallApplication 12/5/2013 2:24:36 PM 1876 (0x0754)Setting TSEnv variable 'SMSTSAppPolicyEvaluationJobID__ScopeId_A8C9B482-A47E-433C-914C-DEDEE5465DFD/Application_72ba1d7c-710f-48e5-9295-bcdc07f5cdca'='' InstallApplication 12/5/2013 2:24:36 PM 1876 (0x0754)EvaluationJob complete InstallApplication 12/5/2013 2:24:36 PM 1876 (0x0754)MP list missing in WMI, sending message to location service to retrieve MP list and retrying. InstallApplication 12/5/2013 2:24:36 PM 1876 (0x0754)m_hResult, HRESULT=87d00269 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\client\osdeployment\installapplication\installapplication.cpp,1065) InstallApplication 12/5/2013 2:25:50 PM 1876 (0x0754)Step 4 out of 7 complete InstallApplication 12/5/2013 2:25:50 PM 1876 (0x0754)Install application action failed: 'GoToMeeting'. Error Code 0x87d00269 InstallApplication 12/5/2013 2:25:50 PM 1876 (0x0754)
    The OS deploys, the Config Mgr client deploys, everything else appears to work except the applications.
    All applications are silent installers that deploy perfectly through regular deployment.
    Here is a link to my smsts.log -
    Any help on this is greatly appreciated.

    Sorry about that previous post, I probably got distracted by a cat meme or something shiny ;)
    I took at look at the full smsts logfile, and it seems to me that the detection method for the appmodel apps is failing. we aren't doing appmodel via TS as yet, so I don't know what "normal/expected" looks like when invoked via TS.
    but it looks to me, that the detection methods is returning 0x87d00215 "app failed to evaluate" (which I'd expect at the time of a refresh), but it then returns 0x87d00269 "required MP not found", which seems very out-of-context
    to me.
    are there appenforce.log and other appmodel logs that coincide with this smsts.log?
    I fear I'm misunderstanding what this log is saying, the language/terminology of DCM is still foreign to me.
    does "app failed to evaluate" mean, "the app detection markers were not found" (i.e. the app is not present), or, does it mean "the methods crashed so cannot determine if the app is present or absent" ?
    if all of this is based on generic DCM concepts, then we should be looking for a condition, and getting a present/absent or true/false or something plain like that.
    (Please take a moment to "Vote as Helpful" and/or "Mark as Answer", where applicable.
    This helps the community, keeps the forums tidy, and recognises useful contributions. Thanks!)

  • Locking workstation during task sequence.

    Hello I have had trouble getting the workstation to acually lock during the task sequence. I have tried many different ways including putting the command in the task sequence or even running it form a command file. It appears to run but just doesn't lock the
    Any ideas. Sorry about the code dump. Its a bit messy. BTW Z: drive is mapped
    Expand a string: WinPEandFullOS
    24/04/2014 10:05:09 AM
    2628 (0x0A44)
    Executing command line: smsswd.exe /run: Z:\Lock_Workstation.cmd
    24/04/2014 10:05:09 AM
    2628 (0x0A44)
    [ smsswd.exe ]
    24/04/2014 10:05:10 AM
    2964 (0x0B94)
    PackageID = ''
    24/04/2014 10:05:10 AM
    2964 (0x0B94)
    BaseVar = '', ContinueOnError=''
    24/04/2014 10:05:10 AM
    2964 (0x0B94)
    ProgramName = 'Z:\Lock_Workstation.cmd'
    24/04/2014 10:05:10 AM
    2964 (0x0B94)
    SwdAction = '0001'
    24/04/2014 10:05:10 AM
    2964 (0x0B94)
    Working dir 'not set'
    24/04/2014 10:05:10 AM
    2964 (0x0B94)
    Executing command line: Run command line
    24/04/2014 10:05:10 AM
    2964 (0x0B94)
    24/04/2014 10:05:10 AM
    2964 (0x0B94)
    24/04/2014 10:05:10 AM
    2964 (0x0B94)
    Process completed with exit code 0
    24/04/2014 10:05:10 AM
    2964 (0x0B94)
    Command line returned 0
    24/04/2014 10:05:10 AM
    2964 (0x0B94)
    Process completed with exit code 0
    24/04/2014 10:05:10 AM
    2628 (0x0A44)
    24/04/2014 10:05:10 AM
    2628 (0x0A44)
    Successfully completed the action (Lock Workstation) with the exit win32 code 0
    24/04/2014 10:05:10 AM
    2628 (0x0A44)
    Set authenticator in transport
    24/04/2014 10:05:10 AM
    2628 (0x0A44)
    Set a global environment variable _SMSTSLastActionRetCode=0
    24/04/2014 10:05:11 AM
    2628 (0x0A44)
    Set a global environment variable _SMSTSLastActionSucceeded=true
    24/04/2014 10:05:11 AM
    2628 (0x0A44)
    Clear local default environment
    24/04/2014 10:05:11 AM
    2628 (0x0A44)
    Updated security on object C:\_SMSTaskSequence.
    24/04/2014 10:05:11 AM
    2628 (0x0A44)
    Set a global environment variable _SMSTSNextInstructionPointer=3
    24/04/2014 10:05:11 AM
    2628 (0x0A44)
    Set a TS execution environment variable _SMSTSNextInstructionPointer=3
    24/04/2014 10:05:11 AM
    2628 (0x0A44)
    Set a global environment variable _SMSTSInstructionStackString=
    24/04/2014 10:05:11 AM
    2628 (0x0A44)
    Set a TS execution environment variable _SMSTSInstructionStackString=
    24/04/2014 10:05:11 AM
    2628 (0x0A44)
    Save the current environment block
    24/04/2014 10:05:11 AM
    2628 (0x0A44)
    ssfully completed the action (Lock Workstation) with the exit win32 code 0
    SCCM Deployment Technician

    Actually it didn't work see below
    Expand a string: WinPEandFullOS TSManager
    30/04/2014 11:33:35 AM 2472 (0x09A8)
    Executing command line: smsswd.exe /run: Z:\Lock_Workstation.cmd
    TSManager 30/04/2014 11:33:35 AM
    2472 (0x09A8)
    [ smsswd.exe ] InstallSoftware
    30/04/2014 11:33:35 AM 4580 (0x11E4)
    PackageID = '' InstallSoftware
    30/04/2014 11:33:35 AM 4580 (0x11E4)
    BaseVar = '', ContinueOnError='' InstallSoftware
    30/04/2014 11:33:35 AM 4580 (0x11E4)
    ProgramName = 'Z:\Lock_Workstation.cmd' InstallSoftware
    30/04/2014 11:33:35 AM 4580 (0x11E4)
    SwdAction = '0001' InstallSoftware
    30/04/2014 11:33:35 AM 4580 (0x11E4)
    Getting linked token InstallSoftware
    30/04/2014 11:33:35 AM 4580 (0x11E4)
    failed to get the linked token information. It may not be available. Error 1312
    InstallSoftware 30/04/2014 11:33:35 AM
    4580 (0x11E4)
    Working dir 'not set' InstallSoftware
    30/04/2014 11:33:36 AM 4580 (0x11E4)
    Executing command line: Run command line InstallSoftware
    30/04/2014 11:33:36 AM 4580 (0x11E4)
    InstallSoftware 30/04/2014 11:33:38 AM
    4580 (0x11E4)
    C:\Windows\system32>rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation
    InstallSoftware 30/04/2014 11:33:38 AM
    4580 (0x11E4)
    Process completed with exit code 0 InstallSoftware
    30/04/2014 11:33:38 AM 4580 (0x11E4)
    Command line returned 0 InstallSoftware
    30/04/2014 11:33:38 AM 4580 (0x11E4)
    Process completed with exit code 0 TSManager
    30/04/2014 11:33:38 AM 2472 (0x09A8)
    SCCM Deployment Technician

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