Dots at the top of the swatches?

what do the dots mean on some swatches?

I'm looking at the main swatches panel and don't see any dots. Are you referring to the color palette in the GIF and PNG optimization panel?

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    If you say it was gone for one day, you may try resetting your device. This won't delete your data stored on the phone.
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    SO this happens vice versa if I paste  shape TOP BLACK 1 from an old document into a new or from a new document to an older one.
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    Heres the other strange thing too. If I click and hold my TOP BLACK 1 swatch in my library (as seen above) and drag it to my main illustrator swatch library, it displays darker. The pink arrow shows the swatch that it has turned into. I am so confused of what it is doing.
    When I turn on my separations preview and turn off top black 1 all that i have that is TOP BLACK 1 disappears... so it is SEPARATING correctly its just not displaying on my screen as the correct colour.
    Let me know if there is anything else to explain. I have restarted my computer, reset launch settings etc. I only found one forum where a person has the same problem and it had a few suggestions of the appearance panel settings but none of that has worked. I have the most updated Illustrator CC

    1 appears to be the one that is off the most.
    2 is slightly off
    You may have an extra fill assigned at the group level that is overiding the fill at the Path level. Doubleclick on the word Contents in your appearance palette to get to the path level. To fix you can delete the fill at the group level, or simply ungroup  to break that attribute.
    As Larry mentioned, posting the file is the best way to get an answer to this one.
    If you cannot post the file, we will need to know what color document color mode, and the color type and values.
    You can also check this setting.

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    Hi Amy,
    Have you tried just hittng enter at that point?
    Could be many things, we should start with this...
    "Try Disk Utility
    1. Insert the Mac OS X Install disc, then restart the computer while holding the C key.
    2. When your computer finishes starting up from the disc, choose Disk Utility from the Installer menu at top of the screen. (In Mac OS X 10.4 or later, you must select your language first.)
    *Important: Do not click Continue in the first screen of the Installer. If you do, you must restart from the disc again to access Disk Utility.*
    3. Click the First Aid tab.
    4. Select your Mac OS X volume.
    5. Click Repair Disk, (not Repair Permissions). Disk Utility checks and repairs the disk."
    Then try a Safe Boot, (holding Shift key down at bootup), run Disk Utility in Applications>Utilities, then highlight your drive, click on Repair Permissions, reboot when it completes.
    (Safe boot may stay on the gray radian for a long time, let it go, it's trying to repair the Hard Drive.)
    If perchance you can't find your install Disc, at least try it from the Safe Boot part onward.

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    See this older thread for a few possible solutions.

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    First, let me thank you again for your time and attention to my inquiry. I do wish Firefox and the Mozilla community well -- and I would agree that not nearly everyone who has downloaded version 4 has complained.
    OTOH, I don't know what your multiplier is -- that is, how many downloaders on average actually having some kind of problem it takes for one of them/us to find it worth her/his time and trouble to input complaints this way. And thousands of messages does also still add up to quite a number of different problems. And my PC is old enough that it is perhaps more susceptible to problems and limitations.
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    Hi TKCDM1!
    You should try to get this purchase onto your iOS device by using the suggestions in the following article:
    Downloading past purchases from the iTunes Store, App Store, and iBooks Store
    Thanks for being a part of the Apple Support Communities!

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    I believe your only option will be to get Apple to replace the screen for you, which won't be cheap.  If the machine is still covered under warranty, you could try to push the case that the screen must be defective for a bug to get in there.  Apple has been known to do free out-of-warranty service in some pretty unbelievable circumstances, that that is at their discretion, so be very pleasant and polite so they'll like you and want to help you out.    But be prepared to have to pay for the repair.
    Good luck!

  • 7. Re: What is the location for the swatches file in the illustrator product part of Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Premium for windows (date and lenght)? File that manges its funcionallity.  Thanks

    Original posting:
    As per support suggestion:  The discussion is posting again to obtain answer from adobe staff
    Illustrator is not working as it should...
    I want them to compare the original size and date of creation with what I have installed on my computer... I have installed several times with my original CD and I tried once downloading the files from the adobe site (using my own license). I suspect the files has been modified or renamed on my laptop by an external unauthorized user causing the malfunction of the application.
    Customer services does not support CS3 anymore and the updates / patches in the adobe site does not solve the problem... They redirect me to the forums for support...
    Presently, my problem is that after creating a swatch and drag it to the swatch panel, it does not fill as it should a new form... Now, after deactivating and activating my license the swatch seems to fill the new form but when the filter that the swatch has is persistence in the next filling object created even though a different color is being used as a fill (X)... Help in the creation of a swatch over the internet just complicate the issue.
    That's why I would like to know whether updates on my product are being received or files are being replaced without my knowledge...
    PS Do you know how to contact a staff adobe employer on the forums?

    I saw your post today. 
    Moving the hosts file to the desktop will make it part of a roaming profile?  That's means that activation will occur from any computer that are part and available of my microsoft local network.  How can I make sure that the program I access is the one located on my local C drive and not in a roaming profile in maybe a cloud environment or from an unknown equipment with access to my network without authorization. I have only 1 laptop where I install locally the CS3 suit
    My host file has not entries on it and even when trying to copy to the desktop the activation can not be completed, same problem.  Days ago I used the trial option instead of the activation, after trying to activate the whole product as you mentioned in your reply, the trial period remaining got back to the original 30 days.
    I have recently noticed that I have a roaming profile with a workspace file different to the one I have on my local disk (3 files basic, panel and type).  On the roaming profile I see a directory for adobe illustrator CS3 settings \ workspaces \ AIWSPrefs file which has different entries than the one I have at the local drive.  Normally I do not customize a lot the workspace or safe the setting used, I load the brushes, swatches, etc manually from the location they are on my local drive so the swatches and brushes directories on the roaming profile are empty instead. Adobe Eureka and Kuler palettes exists on the basic local file not in the roaming one.
    The directories on my roaming profile are:
    Adobe Illustrator CS3 Settings
    Adobe PDF
    Adobe Photoshop CS3
    Dreamweaver 9
    Flash Player
    Save For Web AI
    Inside illustrator roaming directory, the following files :
    AI Color Settings
    Composite Fonts
    Graphic Styles
    New Document Profiles
    Plug-in Cache.ARTX
    Print Presets
    Save for Web Settings
    Transparency Flattener Presets
    In the above scenario, which workspace and other functions files will take precedence?  How can I avoid the roaming profile?
    Not being able to copy files from the roaming profile to my local disk, I wondering how this roaming profile was created and why the files are in there.   Those files have a date from last month, the local files were more recently installed.
    Your comments will be appreciated at your earliest.
    Thanks in advance

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    P.S.  I feel stupid asking this question  . . ..  . because I know those who answer will know exactly about it and what to do with it . .

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    I have had it for 2 weeks now, got it brand new at the apple store, it freezes all the time, and reboots itself, sometimes when i start it, purple dots cover the screen and i have to hold the power button. a 2 week old computer is not supposed to do this! it wastes all its time being so flashy that it just craps out all the time. sometimes i feel like i should have stayed with my virus covered PC. at least when it shut down randomly you could turn it back on, but with the macbook pro, it just keeps restarting itself over and over. need help with this, any answers?

    Here's a novel thought. Take it back to the vendor. Should have done that one week ago.

  • Illustrator crashes everytime the Swatch palette is used

    So my PC Illustrator CS3 version crashes everytime when a color is picked from the Swatch Palette. Any idea?

    I would create a new user account and log into that ad see if it still happens.
    BTW have you installed any fonts recently or software or update any software?
    Try a new user and let us know what happens!

  • [JS] CS3 and later. Sort the Swatches alphabetically

    Is there a way to sort the swatches, like I did for the paragraphStyles, characterStyles, and so on...?
    There is no swatches[x].move(Location_option) in CS3 nor CS4 like paragraphStyles have.
    Would CS5 have it?
    Thanks, Alex.

    Ok. More fixes posted at the original link: sign/
    Now includes:
    Case-insensitive sorting
    Error checking for certain Pantone colors that cannot be edited with a script
    An alert that tells you which Swatches could not be sorted automatically
    Automatically undoes the temporary name if a swatch cannot be edited
    New code for those interested:
    #target indesign
    * Sort Swatches
    * Created by Ajar Productions
    * version 1.2.0
    (function() {
    var debug = false;
    if(debug) $.writeln('--------');
    app.doScript(sortSwatches, ScriptLanguage.JAVASCRIPT, [], UndoModes.ENTIRE_SCRIPT); //can undo entire script
    function sortSwatches(){
        var docOpen = (app.documents.length > 0);
        var doc = (docOpen) ? app.activeDocument : null;
        var swatches = (docOpen) ? doc.swatches : app.swatches;
        var colors = (docOpen) ? doc.colors : app.colors;
        var tints = (docOpen) ? doc.tints : app.tints;
        var inks = (docOpen) ? doc.mixedInks : app.mixedInks;
        var gradients = (docOpen) ? doc.gradients : app.gradients;
        var swatchNames = swatches.everyItem().name;
        swatchNames = swatchNames.sort(customSort);
        var i = 0, len = swatchNames.length, tempSwatch, iSwatch, props, iType, unsorted = [];
                iSwatch = swatches.item(swatchNames[i]).getElements()[0];
                iType =;
                props =;
                collection = colors;
                    case 'Tint':
                        iSwatch.tintValue += .01; //avoid duplicate
                        tempSwatch = tints.add(props.baseColor, props);
                    case 'MixedInkGroup':
                    case 'MixedInk':
                        break; //creates error -- skip for now
               = new Date().getTime() + ''; //produce unique value
                        tempSwatch = inks.add(props.inkList, props.inkPercentages, props);
                    case 'Swatch':
                        break; //ignore [None]
                    case 'Gradient':
                    case 'Color':
                   = new Date().getTime() + ''; //produce unique value
                        } catch(e) {
                        tempSwatch = (iType == 'Gradient') ? gradients.add(props) : colors.add(props);
                        } catch(e) {
            } catch(e) {
                if(debug) $.writeln( +', ' + iType + ': ' + e + ', line: ' + e.line);
        if(unsorted.length) alert('Operation complete. The following swatches could not be sorted automatically:\r' + unsorted.join('\r'));
        function customSort(a,b){
            var aN = parseInt(a), bN = parseInt(b);
                if(isNaN(bN)) {
                        var aL = a.toLowerCase(), bL = b.toLowerCase();
                        if (aL < bL) return -1;
                        if (aL > bL) return 1;
                        return 0;
                return 1;
            } else if(isNaN(bN)){
                return - 1;
            } else return aN - bN;

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