Downgrade Livecache?

I'm hoping to gather some information about how to best downgrade livecache.
We recently upgraded our sandbox SCM system from 5.1 -> 2007, and livecache from 7.7.03 -> 7.7.06.  Once I completed the upgrade, the project team decided not to continue with the upgrade in the rest of our environment and I'm about to move our SCM sandbox system back to the previous level with a system copy from our production system.
I'm not sure how to handle livecache.  I can refresh the data from production, but the livecache application would be newer in sandbox and we don't want that.  I tried to apply the patch of the older version to the newer version, but as I expected, it wouldn't let me downgrade.
My thought would be to completely delete the current livecache instance, then reinstall back to the level where we're at.  Unfortunately I don't know how to uninstall livecache.  I found note 599129, but it looks like that's just removing the SAP MaxDB software.  The note specifically says it doesn't uninstall the SAP software. 
Is it as simple as uninstalling the current version with sdbuninst and then reinstalling the version I want with sdbup?  When I originally installed livecache, I used sapinst.  I'm trying to figure out where that comes into play here ... or if it needs to.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.  Thank you.

u201CWe recently upgraded our sandbox SCM system from 5.1 -> 2007,
and livecache from 7.7.03 -> 7.7.06.u201D
Did you run the upgrade to SCM 7.0?
Did you create the SAP ticket concerning the reported questions/issues?
The liveCache release 7.7 is supported on SCM 5.1 and SCM 7.0 systems.
On the SCM 5.1 you need the LC/LCAPPS 5.1 package, which has the LCA Build released
For SCM 5.1. Review u201CMatrix of released LCA builds for SAP LC/LCAPPS 5.1u201Dat -> SAP liveCache Technology Release Information: SAP LC/LCAPPS 5.1
LC/LCAPPS 7.0 package contains the SAP liveCache 7.0 LCA build and the relevant liveCache kernel.
Please see the database software packages with the versions installed on the server using the command u201Csdbregview u2013lu201D.
    Please review the u201CDeleting an SAP Systemu201D section in the installation
    Guide u201CSAP SCM 5.1 ABAP on <OS >:<DB>u201D
   The SAP installation guide could be found at /instguides ->
SAP Business Suite Applications-> SAP SCM -> < corresponding system version >
If you would like completely delete the current livecache instance, please follow the note 599129,
You found the correct note 599129.
You could use the SDBINST or SDBSETUP to install the LCA/liveCache software, the versions has to be the same as you have on PROD system. Then use the DBMGUI or DB Studio to create the instance for the restore. Please use the DBM user control, the default DBM user by the SAP installation.
Please review SAP note 457425 - Homogenous liveCache copy using backup/restore
For SAP liveCache documentation please see the SAP note 767598.
Thank you and best regards, Natalia Khlopina

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    Has anyone done this before, and if so, what are the steps they would recommend?
    Thanks in advance for any help on this subject.

    Hi Sean,
    you indeed have to remove the newer database software, reinstall the old software and recover the db using a backup made prior to the upgrade.
    As my colleague Ashwath already told you, the above is needed, because of structural differences between the two versions,  you wouldn't be able to just reinstall the old software and use the db in the newer state.

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    Has anybody seen this?
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Roland
    Thanks for the prompt reply. I really appreciate it.
    Following is the output from XCMDOUT.LOG
    -24973,ERR_XPCHECK: param check failure/request
    CONTROLUSERID  Mandatory
    Following is the outout from SAPliveCacheAPOLiveCache_install-20.01.2006-08.52.log:
    Installation of SAP liveCache APO LiveCache
    STDOUT:         ********************************************
    STDOUT: starting installation Fr, Jan 20, 2006 at 08:52:11
    STDOUT: operating system: AIX PowerPC
    STDOUT: callers working directory: /LCD_inst
    STDOUT: installer directory: /sapcds/51030383/LC750_1/UNIX/AIX_64
    MSG: InstallRegistry: space check ok: 5971816 kb on /sapdb (8388608 kb total) available
    MSG: install registry successfully locked
    MSG: read 14 PACKAGES
    MSG: net registry size = 159291 bytes
    WRN: InstallRegistry::reserveSpace(): file >= 1024 kb
    STDOUT: archive directory: /sapcds/51030383/LC750_1/UNIX/AIX_64
    dependencies for package "Database Kernel" resolved
    dependencies for package "Server Utilities" resolved
    dependencies for package "Base" resolved
    package "Base" has no dependencies
    dependencies for package "Base" resolved
    package "Base" has no dependencies
    dependencies for package "Base" resolved
    package "Base" has no dependencies
    dependencies for package "Base" resolved
    package "Base" has no dependencies
    dependencies for package "Base" resolved
    package "Base" has no dependencies
    dependencies for package "Base" resolved
    package "Base" has no dependencies
    dependencies for package "Base" resolved
    package "Base" has no dependencies
    dependencies for package "Server Utilities" resolved
    dependencies for package "Base" resolved
    package "Base" has no dependencies
    dependencies for package "Base" resolved
    package "Base" has no dependencies
    dependencies for package "Base" resolved
    package "Base" has no dependencies
    dependencies for package "Base" resolved
    package "Base" has no dependencies
    MSG: no installation data to migrate
    starting preparing phase of package Base 64 bit
    "SAPliveCacheAPOLiveCache_install-20.01.2006-08.52.log" [Read only] 79 lines, 3284 characters
    starting preparing phase of package Server Utilities 64 bit
    STDOUT: -
    x_server is not running
    XSERVER INFO: is_running = 0
    XSERVER INFO: lasterr =
    WRN: try to install release "" over existing ""
    MSG: update test: installed release newer
    MSG:  update from "" to "" not allowed
    STDERR: cannot downgrade package
    STDOUT: skipping package
    starting preparing phase of package Database Kernel 64 bit
    STDOUT: -
    STDERR: cannot do update check - test file "/sapdb/LCD/db/pgm/kernel" not found
    STDERR: installation exited abnormally  at Fr, Jan 20, 2006 at 08:52:26
    MSG: packagedata of package Server Utilities not changed
    MSG: packagedata of package Base not changed
    MSG: packagedata of package Server Utilities not changed
    MSG: packagedata of package Database Kernel not changed
    MSG: install registry successfully unlocked
    You might be right about me uninstalling the instance correctly (at least it would make sense). Should I try to uninstall it again??
    As for your last question, YES, I am trying to install a livecache db on an AIX box that already has an SCM db running on it and the associated livecache DB. So when I am done, this server will have 1 SCM db and 2 livecache databases.
    Thanks again for the help
    Regards / Sam

  • LCAPPS Vs SAP LiveCache Kernel

    We are on SAP SCM 5.0
    Our SAP "LCA Build and Patch Level" is at "50.13 PL 005 " and based on the documentation, the required SAP liveCache Kernel is " "  but, we are running a version of " ".
    Is this OK ? or do we have to downgrade the kernel back to "" ?
    Pl. advise,
    Thank you,
    Ravi kandukuri
    LCA Build and Patch Level          SAP liveCache Kernel
    50.14 PL 002                              
    50.13 PL 005                         
    And when we run "sdbverify" command I get the following output ..
    Database Kernel 64 bit in /sapdb/LCQ/db
    check files... failed
    mode of /sapdb/LCQ/db/lib/lib64/ was modified
    mode of /sapdb/LCQ/db/lib/lib64/ was modified
    mode of /sapdb/LCQ/db/lib/python2.3/sdb/ was modified
    mode of /sapdb/LCQ/db/lib/ was modified
    mode of /sapdb/LCQ/db/lib/python2.3/sdb/ was modified
    mode of /sapdb/LCQ/db/lib/lib64/ was modified
    mode of /sapdb/LCQ/db/lib/python2.3/ was modified
    mode of /sapdb/LCQ/db/lib/python2.3/sdb/ was modified
    mode of /sapdb/LCQ/db/lib/lib64/ was modified
    mode of /sapdb/LCQ/db/lib/python2.3/sdb/ was modified
    /sapdb/LCQ/db/pgm/starter/sdbstarter not found
    mode of /sapdb/LCQ/db/lib/lib64/ was modified
    mode of /sapdb/LCQ/db/lib/python2.3/sdb/ was modified
    mode of /sapdb/LCQ/db/lib/lib64/ was modified
    check dependencies... ok
    check rte registration of package... ok
    package data is inconsistent
    INVALID PACKAGES:                   0
    VALID PACKAGES:                     18
    INCONSISTENT PACKAGES:              3
    TOTAL FILES:                        383
    MISSED FILES:                       3
    MODIFIED FILES:                     4
    Is this an issue ?
    Pl. advise ..
    Thank you
    Edited by: Ravi Kandukuri on Apr 30, 2008 5:32 PM

    Here is the output ..
    wpsraq01:raqadm> sdbregview -l
    DB Analyzer         /sapdb/programs     64 bit    valid
    Server Utilities    /sapdb/programs     64 bit    valid
    PCR 7300            /sapdb/programs               valid
    PCR 7301            /sapdb/programs               valid
    PCR 7500            /sapdb/programs     64 bit    valid
    SAP Utilities       /sapdb/programs     64 bit    valid
    APO LC APPS         /sapdb/LCQ/db/sap    5.00.014      64 bit    valid
    Redist Python       /sapdb/programs     32 bit    valid
    Base                /sapdb/programs     64 bit    valid
    JDBC                /sapdb/programs               valid
    Messages            /sapdb/programs      MSG 0.5603              valid
    ODBC                /sapdb/programs     64 bit    valid
    Database Kernel     /sapdb/LCQ/db     64 bit    valid
    Loader              /sapdb/programs     64 bit    valid
    SQLDBC              /sapdb/programs     64 bit    valid
    Fastload API        /sapdb/programs     64 bit    valid
    SQLDBC 76           /sapdb/programs     64 bit    valid
    PCR 7403            /sapdb/programs     64 bit    valid
    As suggested, I'll open an OSS message ..
    Thank you,
    Ravi K

  • Help Needed: Returning Back to Windows 8 after downgrading to Windows 7

    Hi guys, im just new here.
    I have a MSI GE40 gaming laptop which I bought 2 months back.
    Within those 2 months of usage, I always encounter my laptop to be very slow in shutting down. It always take, maybe up to 10 minutes to fully shut down. The screen goes black but the power button stays on orange color, & as I said, it takes a long time  for the power button to be completely unlit. But for start up, its blazing fast.
    Thinking that windows 8 itself is the culprit of super slow shutting down, I searched the net on how to downgrade to windows 7.
    Of course I did make a back up first on a 16gb usb flash drive using the pre-installed recovery software from MSI which was completed successfully.
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    But the problem is not solved, it is still very slow in shutting down, & now even boot up becomes very slow too.
    So I downloaded & execute the firmware & bios for windows 7 from msi website (again, specific to my model). But still the same, the notebook is still very slow both in shutting down & start up.
    So I decided to go back again to windows 8, I tried to boot from the flash drive (I adjusted from the bios & make the flash drive to be the first priority) but it did not boot from it. I tried F11 on start up & selected to boot from usb flash drive but again, to no avail.
    So the last one I did was downloaded windows 8, make a bootable flash drive out of it, boot from it and luckily, I succeed - I have now again a windows 8 msi ge40 laptop.
    But I wanted my laptop to be reinstated to factory setting, i.e, all preinstalled softwares are there, the bios is default for windows 8. So I tried to update the bios to the one for windows 8 again (since I downgraded the bios to the one for windows 7 when I downgraded the OS to windows 7). But I could not update the bios, the laptop is not booting from usb flash drive containing the bios.
    I tried also to recover using F3 on start up but the system does not recognize the flash drive (with system back up). I tried also on PC settings but to no avail.
    Now guys, I need your help.
    How can I return back my laptop to default factory settings?
    Thank you.
    (sorry for my not so good English)

    I think it's not only about the OS version, you need to return this back to your shop to repair with the slow shot down issue, because the OS should be shot down in 30 seconds, far from your GE40 times.

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    since i accidentally hit the upgrade button.

    If you know the answers to your security questions, you should be able to change your password without using email authentication (see  If you don't, you may be out of luck.

  • ORA-600 [17069] error while running catrelod.sql to downgrade 11g database

    We are downgrading our database to We have successfullly run catdwgrd.sql without any errors in 11g env. While running catrelod.sql in 10g env we are facing the following error:
    SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/catrelod.sql
    COMP_TIMESTAMP RELOD__BGN 2013-04-24 20:15:39 2456407 72939
    DOC>  The following statement will cause an "ORA-01722: invalid number"
    DOC>  error if the database server version is not 10.0.0.
    DOC>  Shutdown ABORT and use a different script or a different server.
    no rows selected
    DOC>  The following statement will cause an "ORA-01722: invalid number"
    DOC>  error if the database has not been opened for MIGRATE.
    DOC>  Perform a "SHUTDOWN ABORT"  and
    DOC>  restart using MIGRATE.
    no rows selected
    Session altered.
    Session altered.
    no rows selected
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [17069], [0x170FB8CA8], [], [], [],
    [], [], []I have checked the trace file in udump but it dint give any readable information.
    Please find below environment details.
    OS : RHEL 5 64 bit
    11g Database :
    10g Database :
    Kindly assist.

    KR10822864 wrote:
    Whenever an ORA-600 error is raised a trace file is generated and an entry written to the alert.log with details of the trace file location. Starting with Oracle Database 11g Release 1, the diagnosability infrastructure was introduced which places the trace and core files into a location controlled by the DIAGNOSTIC_DEST initialization parameter when an incident, such as an ORA-600 is created. For earlier versions, the trace file will be written to either USER_DUMP_DEST (if the error was caught in a user process) or BACKGROUND_DUMP_DEST (if the error was caught in a background process like PMON or SMON). The trace file contains vital information about what led to the error condition
    please post 40 lines of alert log info .
    MOS Note:ORA-600 [17069] "Failed to pin a library cache object after 50 attempts" [ID 39616.1]
    "Look in the trace file for the text 'LIBRARY OBJECT HANDLE: handle=170fb8ca8'"
    if not found any massages like above please raise [email protected].
    Hi KR,
    Thanks for your help. As suggested I have checked the trace file to search and found the below info. I suppose it is some kind of lock but not sure about it. Please let me know if the following makes sense:
        SO: 0x21158a6e0, type: 3, owner: 0x211006f28, flag: INIT/-/-/0x00
        (call) sess: cur 211572570, rec 211572570, usr 211572570; depth: 0
          SO: 0x21158a9b8, type: 3, owner: 0x21158a6e0, flag: INIT/-/-/0x00
          (call) sess: cur 211572570, rec 0, usr 211572570; depth: 1
            SO: 0x1727a2618, type: 54, owner: 0x21158a9b8, flag: INIT/-/-/0x00
            LIBRARY OBJECT PIN: pin=1727a2618 handle=170fb8ca8 mode=S lock=171243e98
            user=211572570 session=211572570 count=1 mask=001d savepoint=0x43 flags=[00]
            SO: 0x171243e98, type: 53, owner: 0x21158a9b8, flag: INIT/-/-/0x00
            LIBRARY OBJECT LOCK: lock=171243e98 handle=170fb8ca8 mode=S
            call pin=0x1727a2618 session pin=(nil) hpc=0000 hlc=0000
            htl=0x171243f18[0x17278a310,0x17278a310] htb=0x17278a310 ssga=0x172789928
            user=211572570 session=211572570 count=1 flags=PNC/[0400] savepoint=0x43
            LIBRARY OBJECT HANDLE: handle=170fb8ca8 mtx=0x170fb8dd8(0) cdp=0
            hash=51570e225ed8a9a803b7318f191e0a8d timestamp=04-18-2006 00:00:00
            namespace=TABL flags=KGHP/TIM/SML/[02000000]
            kkkk-dddd-llll=0000-001d-001d lock=S pin=S latch#=3 hpc=0004 hlc=0004
            lwt=0x170fb8d50[0x170fb8d50,0x170fb8d50] ltm=0x170fb8d60[0x170fb8d60,0x170fb8d60]
            pwt=0x170fb8d18[0x170fb8d18,0x170fb8d18] ptm=0x170fb8d28[0x170fb8d28,0x170fb8d28]
            ref=0x170fb8d80[0x170fb8d80,0x170fb8d80] lnd=0x170fb8d98[0x170f05b50,0x170fa6858]
              LIBRARY OBJECT: object=170e82de8
              type=PCKG flags=EXS/LOC[0005] pflags=NST/IVR[0201] status=VALD load=0
              DATA BLOCKS:
              data#     heap  pointer    status pins change whr
                  0 170e831f8 170e82fc0 I/P/A/-/-    0 NONE   00
          SO: 0x21158e470, type: 5, owner: 0x21158a6e0, flag: INIT/-/-/0x00
          (enqueue) CU-70E88BC0-00000001    DID: 0001-001F-00000004
          lv: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  res_flag: 0x2
          res: 0x17677adc8, mode: X, lock_flag: 0x0
          own: 0x211572570, sess: 0x211572570, proc: 0x211006f28, prv: 0x17677add8
          SO: 0x177f82c28, type: 59, owner: 0x21158a6e0, flag: INIT/-/-/0x00
          cursor enqueue
          child: 170e89348, flag: 53, number: 0
          parent: 170e89738

  • 10.6.8 update downgrades USB

    I have just updateded my MacMini Server to 10.6.8 and this seems to have downgraded my USB ports to 1.1.
    This is according to Elgato EyeTV which no longer recognizes my EyeTV Hybrid. I get a dialogue advising that my Hybrid is plugged into a USB 1.1 port and that to operate it must be connected to a USB 2 port. Any clues to what the problem is, or has my USB really been knackered by the update?

    That happened to me too.
    I have a Terratec Cinergy XS that worked perfectly under 10.6.7 (and still does, on my other Mac).
    Upgrading to 10.6.8 gave me the same exact problem with EyeTV.
    There's something in the new IOUSBFamily.kext release that causes this problem (googling around I saw that 10.6.8 gave many USB problems to the "hackintosh" world too).
    I've experienced that if I unplug and replug the USB receiver, EyeTV recognizes the device properly connected and works flawlessly (at least until the next restart); the problem is I cannot schedule unattended next-day video recordings as EyeTV will give the same problem at next Mac restart.
    You could try (as "hackintoshist" do) to downgrade the IOUSBFamily.kext to the 10.6.7's one, this should fix the problem; I have not tried this yet.

  • Error in Starting liveCache

    Hello there,
        When starting our liveCache in LC10, I encountered an error message stating that "ERROR DBMCLI COMMANDEXECUTE_ERROR when starting liveCache LC1 on server". But nevertheless, the liveCache status turned green. I read the logs in Messages --> Logs --> History and found the following messages: (i replaced the actual password with <b><password of SAPLC1>)</b>
    START *****************************
    liveCache LC1 (restart)
    Thu 09/13/2007
    01:23 PM
    installation path = c:\sapdb\lc1\db
    DBMServer 7.6.00   Build 029-123-130-265
    starting LC1 into ONLINE
    Creating liveCache application procedures
    -24964,ERR_EXECUTE: error in program execution
    3,""c:\sapdb\lc1\db\bin\x_python" "c:\sapdb\lc1\db\env\" -R "c:\sapdb\lc1\db" -d LC1 -u SUPERDBA,*"
    Installing APPS
      File "c:\sapdb\lc1\db\env\", line 410, in connectAndInstall
        installRoutine (session, options)
      File "c:\sapdb\lc1\db\env\", line 43, in install
      File "c:\sapdb\lc1\db\env\", line 172, in include
        install (session, options)
      File "c:\sapdb\lc1\db\env\", line 75, in install
        loaderCmd (session, 'USE USER %s %s' % (sapuser[0], sapuser[1]))
    USE USER saplc1 <password of SAPLC1>
    loader.LoaderError: [-25008] Logon failure; previous user's (SUPERDBA) connection was restored.
    ERROR : liveCache LC1 not started
    Thu 09/13/2007
    01:24 PM
    END ******************************
    START *****************************
    liveCache LC1 (shutdown)
    Thu 09/13/2007
    01:31 PM
    installation path = c:\sapdb\lc1\db
    DBMServer 7.6.00   Build 029-123-130-265
    stopping LC1
    liveCache LC1 successfully stopped.
    Thu 09/13/2007
    01:31 PM
    END ******************************
    START *****************************
    liveCache LC1 (restart)
    Thu 09/13/2007
    01:31 PM
    installation path = c:\sapdb\lc1\db
    DBMServer 7.6.00   Build 029-123-130-265
    starting LC1 into ONLINE
    Creating liveCache application procedures
    -24964,ERR_EXECUTE: error in program execution
    3,""c:\sapdb\lc1\db\bin\x_python" "c:\sapdb\lc1\db\env\" -R "c:\sapdb\lc1\db" -d LC1 -u SUPERDBA,*"
    Installing APPS
      File "c:\sapdb\lc1\db\env\", line 410, in connectAndInstall
        installRoutine (session, options)
      File "c:\sapdb\lc1\db\env\", line 43, in install
      File "c:\sapdb\lc1\db\env\", line 172, in include
        install (session, options)
      File "c:\sapdb\lc1\db\env\", line 75, in install
        loaderCmd (session, 'USE USER %s %s' % (sapuser[0], sapuser[1]))
    USE USER saplc1 <password of SAPLC1>
    loader.LoaderError: [-25008] Logon failure; previous user's (SUPERDBA) connection was restored.
    ERROR : liveCache LC1 not started
    Thu 09/13/2007
    01:31 PM
    END ******************************
    Another thing is, the actual password is not the same password I changed in DBMGUI and in Integration. Can you please help me with this error and -24964,ERR_EXECUTE: error in program execution keeps appearing in the logs.
    Thank you.

    Hello Deanna Mariel Marasigan,
    -> please check which user you set for LCA connection in LC10 -> Integration.
        You wrote, that it's SAPLC1. Correct?
    -> run the SQL statement as superdba user & check if this user is listed:
    select * from domain.users
    -> To make sure that the lcinit script works with the correct Standard liveCache
    user then you should run the commands to check the
    liveCache user in the upc container:
    In a dbmcli session (e.g. in LC10 -> liveCache:Monitoring -> Tools)
    sql_execute user-type=SAP select user from dual
    Should return this user - SAPLC1
    When an error returns ( unknown user/password ), then no user is set or wrong password.
    To set the new password for Standard user in the upc container run:
    dbmcli -d LC1 -n <LC-server> -u control,<control> user_sap SAPLC1,<pwd-new>
    ( please see the SAP note 616555 for more details ).
    This sets the new user/pwd in the upc container.
    After that the above command should return the user.
    Restart the liveCache in the LC10 transaction.
    Thank you and best regards, Natalia Khlopina

  • Problem with downgrading bios. MSI P67A-GD65 (B3).

    I'm having problems with downgrading my bios from version 4.3 to 1.19. I want to downgrade, because 4.3 doesn't want to boot when I use xmp settings for my RAM ( that might be related to my CPU since I have i5 2500k which is 32nm and 4.3 version of BIOS is recommended for 22nm processors ). When I try to flash with the MSI Forum HQ USB Flashing Tool I'm getting an error: "Rom file ROMID is not compatible with existing BIOS ROMID". I've ran out of ideas how to downgrade my bios so I'm asking you for help. My specs:
    MOBO: MSI P67A-GD65 (B3)
    CPU: INTEL CORE i5 2500K
    RAM: G.SKILL RIPJAWS X 4GB (2x2GB) DDR3 1600MHZ CL6 (F3-12800CL6D-4GBXH)

    Here you go. GD65 and GD55 usde the same BIOS files;

  • Message: You will run out of storage when your downgrade takes effect

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    You will run out of storage when your downgrade takes effect
    I looked in my account and don't see anywhere where I've set it to downgrade. It's still set at the correct level. I checked the credit card to make sure it hadn't expired.
    Any thoughts of what else I could check?
    Here's the email:
    As requested, your iCloud storage will be downgraded to 5 GB on 02/27/2015. However, you are currently using 6 GB.
    Unless you take action before your downgrade takes effect, backups to iCloud will stop, and apps will no longer be able to save documents to iCloud. You can either free up storage or cancel your downgrade to keep your current storage plan for another year.
    To continue using these iCloud features without interruption, you can cancel your downgrade by selecting a different storage plan:
    On your iOS device, go to Settings and tap iCloud
    Tap Account.
    Tap your current plan, then choose from the options presented
    For more information on managing your iCloud storage, please read this Learn how to manage your iCloud storage >.
    The iCloud Team

    Sounds to me like you're not the original owner of the device.
    Did you buy it secondhand? From where?

  • Downgrading Oracle database ( Version to

    Hi All,
    I am working as development Dbs. I had upgraded Oracle DB to version for some testing purpose in Windows XP(32bit). I didnt take the backup before applying patch. Now they want to downgrade the db to How can i do that? Is there any patch for that? or Is there any patch for downgrading to Please let me know a solution.

    I meant if the COMPATIBLE parameter has been set to something greater than or (depending on which you want to downgrade to). If it is still that is fine.
    Check the patch documentation for rolling back the patch.

  • While running the livecache server test a native sql error occures

    We are using scm4.1 livecache 7.5.0 And every time we are running the livecache test program he is dumping
    whith the following dump
    patch level scm & scm_basis is 8
    Runtime Errors         DBIF_DSQL2_SQL_ERROR
    Except.                CX_SY_NATIVE_SQL_ERROR
    Date and Time          31.10.2005 16:50:55
    An SQL error occurred when executing Native SQL.
    What happened?
    Error 600 occurred in the current database connection "LCA".
    What can you do?
    Print out the error message (using the "Print" function)
    and make a note of the actions and input that caused the
    To resolve the problem, contact your SAP system administrator.
    You can use transaction ST22 (ABAP Dump Analysis) to view and administer
    termination messages, especially those beyond their normal deletion
    is especially useful if you want to keep a particular message.
    How to correct the error
    Database error text........: "Work rolled back: DbpError -28814 in
    Database error code .......: 600
    Triggering SQL statement...: " ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? or'"
    Internal call code.........: "[DBDS/NEW DSQL]"
    Please check the entries in the system log (Transaction SM21).
    You may able to find an interim solution to the problem
    in the SAP note system. If you have access to the note system yourself,
    use the following search criteria:
    If you cannot solve the problem yourself and you wish to send
    an error message to SAP, include the following documents:
    1. A printout of the problem description (short dump)
    To obtain this, select in the current display "System->List->
    Save->Local File (unconverted)".
    2. A suitable printout of the system log
    To obtain this, call the system log through transaction SM21.
    Limit the time interval to 10 minutes before and 5 minutes
    after the short dump. In the display, then select the function
    "System->List->Save->Local File (unconverted)".
    3. If the programs are your own programs or modified SAP programs,
    supply the source code.
    To do this, select the Editor function "Further Utilities->
    4. Details regarding the conditions under which the error occurred
    or which actions and input led to the error.
    The exception must either be prevented, caught within the procedure
    "(FUNCTION)", or declared in the procedure's RAISING clause.
    To prevent the exception, note the following:
    System environment
    SAP Release.............. "640"
    Application server....... "bebruap2"
    Network address.......... ""
    Operating system......... "Windows NT"
    Release.................. "5.2"
    Hardware type............ "4x Intel 801586"
    Character length......... 16 Bits
    Pointer length........... 32 Bits
    Work process number...... 1
    Short dump setting....... "full"
    Database server.......... "BEBRUAP2"
    Database type............ "MSSQL"
    Database name............ "APD"
    Database owner........... "apd"
    Character set............ "C"
    SAP kernel............... "640"
    Created on............... "Aug 23 2005 00:00:49"
    Created in............... "NT 5.0 2195 Service Pack 4 x86 MS VC++ 13.10"
    Database version......... "SQL_Server_8.00 "
    Patch level.............. "87"
    Patch text............... " "
    Supported environment....
    Database................. "MSSQL 7.00.699 or higher, MSSQL 8.00.194"
    SAP database version..... "640"
    Operating system......... "Windows NT 5.0, Windows NT 5.1, Windows NT 5.2"
    Memory usage.............
    Roll..................... 8176
    EM....................... 24040336
    Heap..................... 0
    Page..................... 1687552
    MM Used.................. 1516920
    MM Free.................. 572032
    SAP Release.............. "640"
    User and Transaction
    Client.............. 000
    User................ "CGRAULS"
    Language key........ "E"
    Transaction......... "/SAPAPO/OM03 "
    Program............. "/SAPAPO/SAPLOM_PLANNING"
    Screen.............. "SAPMSSY0 1000"
    Screen line......... 6
    Information on where terminated
    The termination occurred in the ABAP program "/SAPAPO/SAPLOM_PLANNING" in
    The main program was "/SAPAPO/OM_TB_FLOW_QUANTITY ".
    The termination occurred in line 91 of the source code of the (Include)
    program "/SAPAPO/LOM_PLANNINGU08"
    of the source code of program "/SAPAPO/LOM_PLANNINGU08" (when calling the
    editor 910).
    Processing was terminated because the exception "CX_SY_NATIVE_SQL_ERROR"
    occurred in the
    procedure "/SAPAPO/OM_ORDER_CHANGE" "(FUNCTION)" but was not handled locally,
    not declared in the
    RAISING clause of the procedure.
    The procedure is in the program "/SAPAPO/SAPLOM_PLANNING ". Its source code
    starts in line 5
    of the (Include) program "/SAPAPO/LOM_PLANNING$08 ".
    Source Code Extract
    Kontrollstruktur IS_GET_CHANGED_OPTIONS anpassen.
    IF NOT et_changed_orders IS REQUESTED.
    is_get_changed_options-send_chg_top_order = gc_false.
    IF NOT et_changed_cap_reqs IS REQUESTED.
    is_get_changed_options-send_chg_cap_req = gc_false.
    IF NOT et_changed_io_nodes IS REQUESTED.
    is_get_changed_options-send_chg_ionode = gc_false.
    IF NOT et_changed_io_pp_nodes IS REQUESTED.
    is_get_changed_options-send_chg_io_pp = gc_false.
    IF NOT et_changed_pegids IS REQUESTED.
    is_get_changed_options-send_chg_pegid = gc_false.
    IF NOT et_deleted_fix_pegging IS REQUESTED.
    is_get_changed_options-send_del_fix_peg = gc_false.
    start_function 'OM_ORDER_CHANGE'.                         "#EC *
    Verbindung zum liveCache aufbauen
    COM-Routine zum Anlegen bzw. Überschreiben eines Zeitstrahls
    EXEC sql.
    execute procedure                  "APS_ORDER_CHANGE" (
    in  :ls_gen_com_params,
    out :lv_rc,
    in  :et_rc,
    in  :it_order_method,
    in  :it_ordkeys,
    in  :it_ordmaps,
    in  :it_orders,
    in  :it_activities,
    in  :it_mode,
    in  :it_cap_reqs,
    in  :it_positions,
    in  :it_inputs,
    in  :it_outputs,
    in  :it_prodflow,
    in  :it_intern_constraints,
    in  :it_extern_constraints,
    in  :it_charact_val_acts,
    in  :it_charact_req_inpnode,
    in  :it_charact_val_outnode,
    Contents of system fields
    Flow Quantity Test
    Create transSim
    Active Calls/Events
    No.   Ty.          Program                             Include                             Line
    3 FUNCTION     /SAPAPO/SAPLOM_PLANNING             /SAPAPO/LOM_PLANNINGU08                91
    2 FORM         /SAPAPO/OM_TB_FLOW_QUANTITY         /SAPAPO/OM_TB_FLOW_QUANTITY           802
    Chosen variables
    No.       3 Ty.          FUNCTION
    Table IT_274[1x256]
    Table reference: 41
    TABH+  0(20) = 5087FFDF00000000000000002900000012010000
    TABH+ 20(20) = 0100000000010000FFFFFFFF0487000000290000
    TABH+ 40( 8) = 10000000C1308000
    store        = 0x5087FFDF
    ext1         = 0x00000000
    shmId        = 0     (0x00000000)
    id           = 41    (0x29000000)
    label        = 274   (0x12010000)
    fill         = 1     (0x01000000)
    leng         = 256   (0x00010000)
    loop         = -1    (0xFFFFFFFF)
    xtyp         = TYPE#000205
    occu         = 16    (0x10000000)
    access       = 1     (ItAccessStandard)
    idxKind      = 0     (ItIndexNone)
    uniKind      = 2     (ItUniqueNon)
    keyKind      = 1     (default)
    cmpMode      = 8     (cmpManyEq)
    occu0        = 1
    collHash     = 0
    groupCntl    = 0
    rfc          = 0
    unShareable  = 0
    mightBeShared = 0
    sharedWithShmTab = 0
    isShmLockId  = 0
    gcKind       = 0
    isUsed       = 1
    >>>>> Shareable Table Header Data <<<<<
    tabi         = 0x180112E0
    pghook       = 0x00000000
    idxPtr       = 0x00000000
    refCount     = 0     (0x00000000)
    tstRefCount  = 0     (0x00000000)
    lineAdmin    = 16    (0x10000000)
    lineAlloc    = 16    (0x10000000)
    store_id     = 126   (0x7E000000)
    shmIsReadOnly = 0     (0x00000000)
    >>>>> 1st level extension part <<<<<
    regHook      = Not allocated
    hsdir        = Not allocated
    ext2         = Not allocated
    >>>>> 2nd level extension part <<<<<
    tabhBack     = Not allocated
    delta_head   = Not allocated
    pb_func      = Not allocated
    pb_handle    = Not allocated
    Table IT_276[1x112]
    Table reference: 39
    TABH+  0(20) = 48BB06E000000000000000002700000014010000
    TABH+ 20(20) = 0100000070000000FFFFFFFF04870000C0290000
    TABH+ 40( 8) = 10000000C1308000
    store        = 0x48BB06E0
    ext1         = 0x00000000
    shmId        = 0     (0x00000000)
    id           = 39    (0x27000000)
    label        = 276   (0x14010000)
    fill         = 1     (0x01000000)
    leng         = 112   (0x70000000)
    loop         = -1    (0xFFFFFFFF)
    xtyp         = TYPE#000209
    occu         = 16    (0x10000000)
    access       = 1     (ItAccessStandard)
    idxKind      = 0     (ItIndexNone)
    uniKind      = 2     (ItUniqueNon)
    keyKind      = 1     (default)
    cmpMode      = 8     (cmpManyEq)
    occu0        = 1
    collHash     = 0
    groupCntl    = 0
    rfc          = 0
    unShareable  = 0
    mightBeShared = 0
    sharedWithShmTab = 0
    isShmLockId  = 0
    gcKind       = 0
    isUsed       = 1
    >>>>> Shareable Table Header Data <<<<<
    tabi         = 0x188D04E0
    pghook       = 0x00000000
    idxPtr       = 0x00000000
    refCount     = 0     (0x00000000)
    tstRefCount  = 0     (0x00000000)
    lineAdmin    = 16    (0x10000000)
    lineAlloc    = 16    (0x10000000)
    store_id     = 124   (0x7C000000)
    shmIsReadOnly = 0     (0x00000000)
    >>>>> 1st level extension part <<<<<
    regHook      = Not allocated
    hsdir        = Not allocated
    ext2         = Not allocated
    >>>>> 2nd level extension part <<<<<
    tabhBack     = Not allocated
    delta_head   = Not allocated
    pb_func      = Not allocated
    pb_handle    = Not allocated
    Table IT_418[0x140]
    Table reference: 32
    TABH+  0(20) = 00000000000000000000000020000000A2010000
    TABH+ 20(20) = 000000008C000000FFFFFFFF04870000301D0000
    TABH+ 40( 8) = 10000000C1308000
    store        = 0x00000000
    ext1         = 0x00000000
    shmId        = 0     (0x00000000)
    id           = 32    (0x20000000)
    label        = 418   (0xA2010000)
    fill         = 0     (0x00000000)
    leng         = 140   (0x8C000000)
    loop         = -1    (0xFFFFFFFF)
    xtyp         = TYPE#000142
    occu         = 16    (0x10000000)
    access       = 1     (ItAccessStandard)
    idxKind      = 0     (ItIndexNone)
    uniKind      = 2     (ItUniqueNon)
    keyKind      = 1     (default)
    cmpMode      = 8     (cmpManyEq)
    occu0        = 1
    collHash     = 0
    groupCntl    = 0
    rfc          = 0
    unShareable  = 0
    mightBeShared = 0
    sharedWithShmTab = 0
    isShmLockId  = 0
    gcKind       = 0
    isUsed       = 1
    >>>>> Shareable Table Header Data <<<<<
    tabi         = Not allocated
    pghook       = Not allocated
    idxPtr       = Not allocated
    refCount     = Not allocated
    tstRefCount  = Not allocated
    lineAdmin    = Not allocated
    lineAlloc    = Not allocated
    store_id     = Not allocated
    shmIsReadOnly = Not allocated
    >>>>> 1st level extension part <<<<<
    regHook      = Not allocated
    hsdir        = Not allocated
    ext2         = Not allocated
    >>>>> 2nd level extension part <<<<<
    tabhBack     = Not allocated
    delta_head   = Not allocated
    pb_func      = Not allocated
    pb_handle    = Not allocated
    Table IT_417[0x156]
    Table reference: 50
    TABH+  0(20) = 00000000000000000000000032000000A1010000
    TABH+ 20(20) = 000000009C000000FFFFFFFF04870000901D0000
    TABH+ 40( 8) = 10000000C1308000
    store        = 0x00000000
    ext1         = 0x00000000
    shmId        = 0     (0x00000000)
    id           = 50    (0x32000000)
    label        = 417   (0xA1010000)
    fill         = 0     (0x00000000)
    leng         = 156   (0x9C000000)
    loop         = -1    (0xFFFFFFFF)
    xtyp         = TYPE#000144
    occu         = 16    (0x10000000)
    access       = 1     (ItAccessStandard)
    idxKind      = 0     (ItIndexNone)
    uniKind      = 2     (ItUniqueNon)
    keyKind      = 1     (default)
    cmpMode      = 8     (cmpManyEq)
    occu0        = 1
    collHash     = 0
    groupCntl    = 0
    rfc          = 0
    unShareable  = 0
    mightBeShared = 0
    sharedWithShmTab = 0
    isShmLockId  = 0
    gcKind       = 0
    isUsed       = 1
    >>>>> Shareable Table Header Data <<<<<
    tabi         = Not allocated
    pghook       = Not allocated
    idxPtr       = Not allocated
    refCount     = Not allocated
    tstRefCount  = Not allocated
    lineAdmin    = Not allocated
    lineAlloc    = Not allocated
    store_id     = Not allocated
    shmIsReadOnly = Not allocated
    >>>>> 1st level extension part <<<<<
    regHook      = Not allocated
    hsdir        = Not allocated
    ext2         = Not allocated
    >>>>> 2nd level extension part <<<<<
    tabhBack     = Not allocated
    delta_head   = Not allocated
    pb_func      = Not allocated
    pb_handle    = Not allocated
    Table IT_419[0x156]
    Table reference: 60
    TABH+  0(20) = 0000000000000000000000003C000000A3010000
    TABH+ 20(20) = 000000009C000000FFFFFFFF04870000901D0000
    TABH+ 40( 8) = 10000000C1308000
    store        = 0x00000000
    ext1         = 0x00000000
    shmId        = 0     (0x00000000)
    id           = 60    (0x3C000000)
    label        = 419   (0xA3010000)
    fill         = 0     (0x00000000)
    leng         = 156   (0x9C000000)
    loop         = -1    (0xFFFFFFFF)
    xtyp         = TYPE#000144
    occu         = 16    (0x10000000)
    access       = 1     (ItAccessStandard)
    idxKind      = 0     (ItIndexNone)
    uniKind      = 2     (ItUniqueNon)
    keyKind      = 1     (default)
    cmpMode      = 8     (cmpManyEq)
    occu0        = 1
    collHash     = 0
    groupCntl    = 0
    rfc          = 0
    unShareable  = 0
    mightBeShared = 0
    sharedWithShmTab = 0
    isShmLockId  = 0
    gcKind       = 0
    isUsed       = 1
    >>>>> Shareable Table Header Data <<<<<
    tabi         = Not allocated
    pghook       = Not allocated
    idxPtr       = Not allocated
    refCount     = Not allocated
    tstRefCount  = Not allocated
    lineAdmin    = Not allocated
    lineAlloc    = Not allocated
    store_id     = Not allocated
    shmIsReadOnly = Not allocated
    >>>>> 1st level extension part <<<<<
    regHook      = Not allocated
    hsdir        = Not allocated
    ext2         = Not allocated
    >>>>> 2nd level extension part <<<<<
    tabhBack     = Not allocated
    delta_head   = Not allocated
    pb_func      = Not allocated
    pb_handle    = Not allocated
    Table IT_416[0x124]
    Table reference: 71
    TABH+  0(20) = 00000000000000000000000047000000A0010000
    TABH+ 20(20) = 000000007C000000FFFFFFFF04870000E02A0000
    TABH+ 40( 8) = 10000000C1308000
    store        = 0x00000000
    ext1         = 0x00000000
    shmId        = 0     (0x00000000)
    id           = 71    (0x47000000)
    label        = 416   (0xA0010000)
    fill         = 0     (0x00000000)
    leng         = 124   (0x7C000000)
    loop         = -1    (0xFFFFFFFF)
    xtyp         = TYPE#000215
    occu         = 16    (0x10000000)
    access       = 1     (ItAccessStandard)
    idxKind      = 0     (ItIndexNone)
    uniKind      = 2     (ItUniqueNon)
    keyKind      = 1     (default)
    cmpMode      = 8     (cmpManyEq)
    occu0        = 1
    collHash     = 0
    groupCntl    = 0
    rfc          = 0
    unShareable  = 0
    mightBeShared = 0
    sharedWithShmTab = 0
    isShmLockId  = 0
    gcKind       = 0
    isUsed       = 1
    >>>>> Shareable Table Header Data <<<<<
    tabi         = Not allocated
    pghook       = Not allocated
    idxPtr       = Not allocated
    refCount     = Not allocated
    tstRefCount  = Not allocated
    lineAdmin    = Not allocated
    lineAlloc    = Not allocated
    store_id     = Not allocated
    shmIsReadOnly = Not allocated
    >>>>> 1st level extension part <<<<<
    regHook      = Not allocated
    hsdir        = Not allocated
    ext2         = Not allocated
    >>>>> 2nd level extension part <<<<<
    tabhBack     = Not allocated
    delta_head   = Not allocated
    pb_func      = Not allocated
    pb_handle    = Not allocated
    Table IT_278[1x420]
    Table reference: 63
    TABH+  0(20) = 087400E0C0E303E0000000003F00000016010000
    TABH+ 20(20) = 01000000A4010000FFFFFFFF04870000202A0000
    TABH+ 40( 8) = 10000000C1308000
    store        = 0x087400E0
    ext1         = 0xC0E303E0
    shmId        = 0     (0x00000000)
    id           = 63    (0x3F000000)
    label        = 278   (0x16010000)
    fill         = 1     (0x01000000)
    leng         = 420   (0xA4010000)
    loop         = -1    (0xFFFFFFFF)
    xtyp         = TYPE#000211
    occu         = 16    (0x10000000)
    access       = 1     (ItAccessStandard)
    idxKind      = 0     (ItIndexNone)
    uniKind      = 2     (ItUniqueNon)
    keyKind      = 1     (default)
    cmpMode      = 8     (cmpManyEq)
    occu0        = 1
    collHash     = 0
    groupCntl    = 0
    rfc          = 0
    unShareable  = 0
    mightBeShared = 0
    sharedWithShmTab = 0
    isShmLockId  = 0
    gcKind       = 0
    isUsed       = 1
    >>>>> Shareable Table Header Data <<<<<
    tabi         = 0x78DC11E0
    pghook       = 0x00000000
    idxPtr       = 0x00000000
    refCount     = 0     (0x00000000)
    tstRefCount  = 0     (0x00000000)
    lineAdmin    = 16    (0x10000000)
    lineAlloc    = 16    (0x10000000)
    store_id     = 123   (0x7B000000)
    shmIsReadOnly = 0     (0x00000000)
    >>>>> 1st level extension part <<<<<
    regHook      = 0x2029FFDF
    hsdir        = 0x00000000
    ext2         = 0x00000000
    >>>>> 2nd level extension part <<<<<
    tabhBack     = Not allocated
    delta_head   = Not allocated
    pb_func      = Not allocated
    pb_handle    = Not allocated
    Table IT_415[0x124]
    Table reference: 49
    TABH+  0(20) = 000000000000000000000000310000009F010000
    TABH+ 20(20) = 000000007C000000FFFFFFFF04870000E02A0000
    TABH+ 40( 8) = 10000000C1308000
    store        = 0x00000000
    ext1         = 0x00000000
    shmId        = 0     (0x00000000)
    id           = 49    (0x31000000)
    label        = 415   (0x9F010000)
    fill         = 0     (0x00000000)
    leng         = 124   (0x7C000000)
    loop         = -1    (0xFFFFFFFF)
    xtyp         = TYPE#000215
    occu         = 16    (0x10000000)
    access       = 1     (ItAccessStandard)
    idxKind      = 0     (ItIndexNone)
    uniKind      = 2     (ItUniqueNon)
    keyKind      = 1     (default)
    cmpMode      = 8     (cmpManyEq)
    occu0        = 1
    collHash     = 0
    groupCntl    = 0
    rfc          = 0
    unShareable  = 0
    mightBeShared = 0
    sharedWithShmTab = 0
    isShmLockId  = 0
    gcKind       = 0
    isUsed       = 1
    >>>>> Shareable Table Header Data <<<<<
    tabi         = Not allocated
    pghook       = Not allocated
    idxPtr       = Not allocated
    refCount     = Not allocated
    tstRefCount  = Not allocated
    lineAdmin    = Not allocated
    lineAlloc    = Not allocated
    store_id     = Not allocated
    shmIsReadOnly = Not allocated
    >>>>> 1st level extension part <<<<<
    regHook      = Not allocated
    hsdir        = Not allocated
    ext2         = Not allocated
    >>>>> 2nd level extension part <<<<<
    tabhBack     = Not allocated
    delta_head   = Not allocated
    pb_func      = Not allocated
    pb_handle    = Not allocated
    Table IT_275[1x164]
    Table reference: 52
    TABH+  0(20) = A03C00E000000000000000003400000013010000
    TABH+ 20(20) = 01000000A4000000FFFFFFFF0487000060290000
    TABH+ 40( 8) = 10000000C1308000
    store        = 0xA03C00E0
    ext1         = 0x00000000
    shmId        = 0     (0x00000000)
    id           = 52    (0x34000000)
    label        = 275   (0x13010000)
    fill         = 1     (0x01000000)
    leng         = 164   (0xA4000000)
    loop         = -1    (0xFFFFFFFF)
    xtyp         = TYPE#000207
    occu         = 16    (0x10000000)
    access       = 1     (ItAccessStandard)
    idxKind      = 0     (ItIndexNone)
    uniKind      = 2     (ItUniqueNon)
    keyKind      = 1     (default)
    cmpMode      = 8     (cmpManyEq)
    occu0        = 1
    collHash     = 0
    groupCntl    = 0
    rfc          = 0
    unShareable  = 0
    mightBeShared = 0
    sharedWithShmTab = 0
    isShmLockId  = 0
    gcKind       = 0
    isUsed       = 1
    >>>>> Shareable Table Header Data <<<<<
    tabi         = 0xC8F611E0
    pghook       = 0x00000000
    idxPtr       = 0x00000000
    refCount     = 0     (0x00000000)
    tstRefCount  = 0     (0x00000000)
    lineAdmin    = 16    (0x10000000)
    lineAlloc    = 16    (0x10000000)
    store_id     = 125   (0x7D000000)
    shmIsReadOnly = 0     (0x00000000)
    >>>>> 1st level extension part <<<<<
    regHook      = Not allocated
    hsdir        = Not allocated
    ext2         = Not allocated
    >>>>> 2nd level extension part <<<<<
    tabhBack     = Not allocated
    delta_head   = Not allocated
    pb_func      = Not allocated
    pb_handle    = Not allocated
    Table IT_293[1x320]
    Table reference: 47
    TABH+  0(20) = 20B403E000000000000000002F00000025010000
    TABH+ 20(20) = 0100000040010000FFFFFFFF0400000030380000
    TABH+ 40( 8) = 01000000C1308000
    store        = 0x20B403E0
    ext1         = 0x00000000
    shmId        = 0     (0x00000000)
    id           = 47    (0x2F000000)
    label        = 293   (0x25010000)
    fill         = 1     (0x01000000)
    leng         = 320   (0x40010000)
    loop         = -1    (0xFFFFFFFF)
    xtyp         = TYPE#000286
    occu         = 1     (0x01000000)
    access       = 1     (ItAccessStandard)
    idxKind      = 0     (ItIndexNone)
    uniKind      = 2     (ItUniqueNon)
    keyKind      = 1     (default)
    cmpMode      = 8     (cmpManyEq)
    occu0        = 1
    collHash     = 0
    groupCntl    = 0
    rfc          = 0
    unShareable  = 0
    mightBeShared = 0
    sharedWithShmTab = 0
    isShmLockId  = 0
    gcKind       = 0
    isUsed       = 1
    >>>>> Shareable Table Header Data <<<<<
    tabi         = 0x9080FFDF
    pghook       = 0x00000000
    idxPtr       = 0x00000000
    refCount     = 0     (0x00000000)
    tstRefCount  = 0     (0x00000000)
    lineAdmin    = 1     (0x01000000)
    lineAlloc    = 1     (0x01000000)
    store_id     = 130   (0x82000000)
    shmIsReadOnly = 0     (0x00000000)
    >>>>> 1st level extension part <<<<<
    regHook      = Not allocated
    hsdir        = Not allocated
    ext2         = Not allocated
    >>>>> 2nd level extension part <<<<<
    tabhBack     = Not allocated
    delta_head   = Not allocated
    pb_func      = Not allocated
    pb_handle    = Not allocated
    Table IT_268[2x62]
    Table reference: 51
    TABH+  0(20) = 8882FFDF0000000000000000330000000C010000
    TABH+ 20(20) = 020000003E000000FFFFFFFF04000000B0360000
    TABH+ 40( 8) = 10000000C1248000
    store        = 0x8882FFDF
    ext1         = 0x00000000
    shmId        = 0     (0x00000000)
    id           = 51    (0x33000000)
    label        = 268   (0x0C010000)
    fill         = 2     (0x02000000)
    leng         = 62    (0x3E000000)
    loop         = -1    (0xFFFFFFFF)
    xtyp         = TYPE#000278
    occu         = 16    (0x10000000)
    access       = 1     (ItAccessStandard)
    idxKind      = 0     (ItIndexNone)
    uniKind      = 2     (ItUniqueNon)
    keyKind      = 1     (default)
    cmpMode      = 2     (cmpSingleMcmpR)
    occu0        = 1
    collHash     = 0
    groupCntl    = 0
    rfc          = 0
    unShareable  = 0
    mightBeShared = 0
    sharedWithShmTab = 0
    isShmLockId  = 0
    gcKind       = 0
    isUsed       = 1
    >>>>> Shareable Table Header Data <<<<<
    tabi         = 0x0868FFDF
    pghook       = 0x00000000
    idxPtr       = 0x00000000
    refCount     = 0     (0x00000000)
    tstRefCount  = 0     (0x00000000)
    lineAdmin    = 16    (0x10000000)
    lineAlloc    = 16    (0x10000000)
    store_id     = 122   (0x7A000000)
    shmIsReadOnly = 0     (0x00000000)
    >>>>> 1st level extension part <<<<<
    regHook      = Not allocated
    hsdir        = Not allocated
    ext2         = Not allocated
    >>>>> 2nd level extension part <<<<<
    tabhBack     = Not allocated
    delta_head   = Not allocated
    pb_func      = Not allocated
    pb_handle    = Not allocated
    Table IT_271[1x332]
    Table reference: 29
    TABH+  0(20) = 80E303E000000000000000001D0000000F010000
    TABH+ 20(20) = 010000004C010000FFFFFFFF04870000E0270000
    TABH+ 40( 8) = 10000000C1308000
    store        = 0x80E303E0
    ext1         = 0x00000000
    shmId        = 0     (0x00000000)
    id           = 29    (0x1D000000)
    label        = 271   (0x0F010000)
    fill         = 1     (0x01000000)
    leng         = 332   (0x4C010000)
    loop         = -1    (0xFFFFFFFF)
    xtyp         = TYPE#000199
    occu         = 16    (0x10000000)
    access       = 1     (ItAccessStandard)
    idxKind      = 0     (ItIndexNone)
    uniKind      = 2     (ItUniqueNon)
    keyKind      = 1     (default)
    cmpMode      = 8     (cmpManyEq)
    occu0        = 1
    collHash     = 0
    groupCntl    = 0
    rfc          = 0
    unShareable  = 0
    mightBeShared = 0
    sharedWithShmTab = 0

    the error DbpError -28814 denotes that an object cannot be found.
    Can you maybe tell me your exact liveCache version (incl. Build level) and LCA Build?
    Additionally, please copy the relevant error information from the file (/sapdb/data/wrk/<SID>/)knldiag.err into this thread.
    Which exact 'liveCache test program' are your referring to (which of the /SAPAPO/... transactions)?
    Kind regards,

  • Voice Memo App Downgraded?

    The Voice Memo capability seems to have been downgraded in the new OS. I can't seem to pause during playback and go back to listening where I paused if I leave the app. What happened? The trim feature has also been downgraded so that you can't fast forward to listen to the end of the memo in order to verify if the trim is how you want it. It also appears the time stamp went away. Am I missing something? How did so many features get left out?
    I thought with iOS 7 they would improve playback to run in the background but it didn't happen. They clearly put effort into this new version of the app so it's not like it was written off, but the functionality is now worse than it was! Recording is higher quality, but the rest of the app is not as functional as it used to be!

    Backup and restore the phone in iTunes, first using the backup and if needed as a new phone, without using a backup.
    iOS: How to back up
    iTunes: Restoring iOS software

  • Downgrading from windows 8.1 single language to windows 8

    Hi, i want to downgrade my laptop pavilion g6 2231tx from windows 8.1 single language to windows 8 which came in default with my laptop.
    My question: since my lappy came pre installed with the windows 8 (64bit) and then got upgraded. So if i refresh my pc via the recovery partition on my HDD will it revert back to win 8 or do i have to use the recovery discs i made and will i lose my entire data on C: 
    Reason :  i am facing a lot of issues with my laptop recently specially while gaming i never faced any issues with gaming earlier when my lappy was running win 8 no lag or drop in fps as such but since i upgraded (which was against my will as microsoft one fine day decided to throw win 8.1 down on my face) . Some how was able to get the amd radeon switchable graphics back up and running but it seems it has no practical use over there  as such
    apart from that my computer  has degraded in performance since i have upgraded i tried to use win 8.1 since the past 1 year just coz it had all my programming IDE loaded and removing it would just be all the more hassel but even those applications have started responding really slow now most just take up hell  lot of load time. 
    my system specs are :
    2.4 GHz Intel Core i3-3110M processor 
    4 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 RAM
    AMD Radeon HD 7670M (1 GB DDR3 dedicated)
    Looking forward to your early replies. thanks in advance 

    Welcome to the HP Community Forum.
    I am not going to try and talk you out of doing this -- you are the administrator.
    You might be in for a rough ride regardless of which path you take back to Windows 8.
    Standard Refresh removes your installed programs and your installed Browsers -- the security programs -- everything that is not "bare bones" -- and that assumes that it will work. 
    READ please and know what you are trying to do:
    HP PCs - Refresh Your PC to Resolve Problems (Windows8) - c03538721
    The Recovery Partition may -- or may not -- still be in working order.  The Upgrade to Windows 8.1 may have destroyed the Recovery Manager.
    Before you do ANYTHING, please back up all your data to an external drive -- back up your most critical data to more than one place, perhaps to a USB drive or to Cloud >> somewhere so you can get to it.
    What if your home made Recovery Disks do not work?
    You might call HP and see if you can purchase a Recovery Set.  Because you have a working computer right now, you might make the call BEFORE you take apart your Operating System.
    Contact HP – USA - Phone Assistance
    List of
    HP tech support/ Customer Service Phone Numbers – Some English Speaking Countries
    Including UK and Europe
    Something nice to know:
    Boot / Startup Options for Windows 8
    Safe Mode can easily be added to the boot screen!
    How to Add "Safe Mode" to Windows Boot Manager in Windows 8 and 8.1
    Click the Kudos Thumbs-Up to say Thank You!
    And...Click Accept as Solution when my Answer provides a Fix or Workaround!
    I am pleased to provide assistance on behalf of HP. I do not work for HP. 
    Kind Regards,

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