Downgrading to oracle8i

i have a database on oracle it possible if i can do export in 9i and do import in 8i.please help

Oracle documentation says;
Whenever you are moving data between different releases of the Oracle database server, the following basic rules apply:
* The Import utility and the database to which data is being imported (the target database) must be the same version.
* The version of the Export utility must be equal to the lowest version of the source or target database.
So, if you want to import to an 8i database you have to export with 8i export.

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    작성날짜 : 2004-08-13
    이 자료는 OPS 환경에서의 db tuning에 대한 설명자료입니다.
    Standard Edition 에서는 Real Application Clusters 기능이 10g(10.1.0) 이상 부터 지원이 됩니다.
    OPS 튜닝에 있어 단일 인스턴스에서의 튜닝 요소(buffer cache, shared pool,
    disk 등)들은 여전히 중요한 의미를 가지고 있지만, OPS 환경에서의 추가적인
    튜닝 요소들에 대한 이해 역시 필요하다.
    튜닝 파라미터에 대한 적절한 튜닝으로 시스템 성능 개선을 얻을 수 있지만,
    LM lock contention에 대한 부정확한 분석 등으로 야기된 문제를 해결해 주지는
    OPS에서의 tuning 은 shared resource 간의 contention의 최소화로 maximum
    performance를 내는 것이 중요하다.
    1. contention bottlenecks
    1) data block : pinging, false pinging
    만일 multiple instance가 동시에 같은 data block을 update할 경우 instance
    간에 이 block의 pinging이 발생할 것이다. pcm lock이 관장하는 block이
    많다면 false pinging발생이 증가 할 것이다.
    <참고> Pinging : 한 instance가 다른 instance가 필요로 하는 data block을 수
    정하였다면 다른 instance가 이 block을 읽기 전에 disk에 write해야
    하는데 이러한 동작을 pinging이라 한다.
    False pinging : 서로 다른 인스턴스에서 서로 다른 블럭들에 대한 요
    청을 하는데, 이것이 동일한 PCM lock에 의해 처리될 때 발생한다.
    이와 같은 pinging은 PCM lock의 처리 단위를 줄임으로써 발생하지
    않을 수도 있기 때문에 불필요한 ping이라고 할 수 있다.
    2) rollback segment : read consistency
    만일 한 instance에서 DML transaction이 rollback 정보를 만들었고 다른
    instance에서 read consistency를 위해 이 rollback 정보가 필요하다면
    rollback segment block에 contention이 있을 것이다.
    3) segment header : freelist contention
    multiple transaction이 동시에 object(table,index,cluster)에 insert 시
    segment의 header에 즉 freelist에 contention이 발생할 것이다. instance가
    segment header에 pinging이 발생할 것이다.
    4) device contention
    multiple instance가 동시에 같은 disk에 write 시 contention이 발생할 것이
    2. Lock Conversion 진단
    Lock이 upgrade/downgrade 되는 lock conversion 작업에 대해 V$LOCK_ACTIVITY,
    V$SYSSTAT의 정보를 조회함으로써 lock contention 문제를 진단할 수 있다.
    Lock convert 작업이 얼마만큼 자주 일어나는지를 판단하기 위해서는 데이터 블럭을
    읽거나 수정하는 transaction에서 얼마만큼의 lock convert 작업이 필요한지를
    계산해야 한다.
    이것을 lock hit ratio로 수치화 할 수 있는데, 계산 방법은 전체 데이터 블럭에
    대한 access 중, lock convert 작업이 필요하지 않은 데이터 블럭에 대한 비율을
    구하면 된다.
    Lock hit ratio = (consistent_gets - global_lock_converts(async)) / consistent_gets
    이 값은 다음 sql 문장을 수행시켜 구해낼 수 있다.
    SELECT      (b1.value - b2.value) / b1.value ops_ratio
    FROM      V$SYSSTAT b1, V$SYSSTAT b2
    WHERE = `consistent gets'
    AND = `global lock converts (async)';
    이 값이 95% 미만으로 나오면 노드를 추가하여 얻을 수 있는 성능 향상을 충분히
    활용하지 못하는 상태이다.
    3. View를 통한 parallel server의 모니터/ 튜닝
    1) V$LOCK_ACTIVITY에 대한 분석
    분산 lock에 대해서는 다음과 같은 절차를 따라 모니터와 튜닝 작업을 한다.
    (가) 각각의 인스턴스들에 대해 다음 query를 연속적으로 시행한다.
    (나) 만약 어느 한 인스턴스라도 lock conversion이 급격하게 증가를 한다면, 다음
    SQL 문장을 실행시켜 가장 많이 발생하는 lock conversion의 종류를 찾아낸다.
    가장 많이 발생하는 lock conversion이 X 에서 낮은 단계 (예: X -> S, X -> Null,
    X -> SSX, S -> N)로 변환되는 것이라면, 이것은 buffer cache의 블럭 (ping이
    되는 블럭)에 대한 인스턴스들의 contention을 의미하며, 인스턴스가 다른 인스턴스의
    요청에 의해 lock 을 release하는 상황이다. 이 때 해당 인스턴스에서 conversion
    횟수가 급격하게 증가하는지 여부를 모니터해야 한다.
    (다) 각각의 인스턴스에서 V$LOCK_ACTIVITY를 조회해서 어느 인스턴스에서 가장 많이 NULL -> S, S -> S,
    S-> X 변환이 많이 일어나는지를 조사한다. 이와 같은 변환이 가장 많이 일어나는 인스턴스는, 다른 인스턴스에
    의해 이미 lock이 걸린 데이터를 가장 많이 요청(ping)하는 인스턴스이다.
    만약 ping이 주로 두개의 인스턴스간에 발생한다면 두 노드에서 실행되는 application을 한 노드에서 실행
    되도록 조정하는 것을 고려해야 한다. ((사) 참조) 만약 ping이 여러 노드간에 골고루 일어난다면 PCM lock
    할당 및 애플리케이션에 대한 튜닝 작업이 필요하다. ((아) 참조)
    (라) V$PING을 조회하여 어느 블럭들이 가장 ping이 되는지를 조사한다.
    가장 많이 ping이 발생하는 목록만을 추려서 조회해 보고 싶으면 다음과 같이 조건을 추가할 수 있다.
    (V$BH를 조회하는 것이 V$PING이나 V$CACHE를 조회하는 것 보다 빠르게 실행된다. V$BH를 실행해서 블럭
    number나 file number등을 조회한 후, OBJ$와 join을 해서 object의 이름을 찾아낼
    수 있다.
    FROM           V$BH BH, OBJ$ O
    WHERE     O.OBJ# = BH.OBJD
    AND          (BH.FORCE_READS > 10 OR BH.FORCED_WRITES > 10);
    (마) ping이 가장 많이 발생하는 블럭에 대해, GC_FILES_TO_LOCKS에 지정된 데이터파일의 FILE#와 비교해서
    PCM lock이 여러 블럭에 대해 lock을 거는지 알아낸다. 만약 그렇다면 lock이 여러 파일의 블럭들에 대해
    lock을 거는지를 조사한다.
    (바) 하나의 PCM lock이 여러 블럭을 대해 lock을 건다면, 다른 인스턴스에서 이미 lock이 걸린 블럭, 또는
    해당 블럭은 아니더라도 하나의 PCM lock에 의해 lock이 걸린 블럭을 요청하고 있는지를 조사해야 한다.
    (사) 만약 해당 블럭이 다른 인스턴스에서 나타나지 않는다면, 이것은 불필요한 contention (false pinging)이
    발생하는 것을 뜻한다. 만약 다른 인스턴스에서 해당 블럭은 아니지만, 같은 PCM lock에 의해 관리되는
    블럭을 요청한다면, 같은 PCM lock이 요청되기 때문이다. 하나 혹은 그 상의 데이터파일에서 불필요한
    contention을 최소화 시키기 위해서는 GC_FILES_TO_LOCKS 파라미터 값을 늘려 좀더 많은 PCM lock을
    할당함으로써 PCM lock당 처리되는 블럭의 갯수를 줄여야 한다.
    (아) 여러 인스턴스의 buffer cache에서 동일한 블럭이 여러차례 나타난다면 이것은 인스턴스 들이 동일한
    데이터에 대해 contention 발생에 대한 결과이다. 여러 instnace에서 동일한 블럭에 대한 변경이 필요할
    때, 그 데이터를 처리하는 애플리케이션을 한쪽 노드에서 실행시켜 성능 향상을 기할 수 있다. 그리고
    여러 인스턴스들이 동일한 블럭 내의 다른 row에 있는 자료를 변경하려는 경우에는 테이블을 FREELISTGROUPS
    storage 옵션을 사용하여 재 생성한 후, 특정 인스턴스에 extent를 할당한 후 적절한 extent에서 선택적
    으로 update가 일어날 수 있도록 조치하는 것이 좋다. 작은 테이블에 대해서는 PCTFREE, PCTUSED 값을
    사용하여 한개의 블럭이 한개의 row만을 포함하도록 조절하여 성능 향상을 기할 수 있다.
    만약 row에 대한 contention이 고유한 숫자를 생성하기 위한 것이라면 애플리케이션에서 SEQUENCE를 사용
    하도록 조정하여 contention을 줄이도록 해야 한다. (데이터 블럭이나 다른 고유 자원에 대한 contention은
    반드시 성능에 심각한 영향을 미치는 것은 아니다.
    만약 애플리케이션의 response time이 문제가 될 정도가 아니고, 시스템 사용이 크게 늘어날 상황이 아니라면
    parallel server에 대한 튜닝을 하지 않아도 될 상황일 수도 있다.)
    2) Ping을 진단하기 위한 V$PING 조회
    (가) V$PING을 조회하여 lock conversion에 대한 종합 통계를 조회한다.
    NAME      FILE#      CLASS#     MAX(XNC)
    DEPT      8      1      492
    DEPT      8      4           10
    EMP      8      1      3197
    EMP      8      4      29
    (나) File# 8 의 블럭에 대해 PCM lock의 빈도를 조사하기 위해 V$PING을 다시한번 조회한다.
    8 98 XCUR      450 1 EMP      TABLE
    8      764 SCUR 59 1 DEPT TABLE
    (다) 98번 블럭에 속하는 EMP table의 row들을 구한다. BLOCK# 값을 16진수 값으로 바꾸고 ROWID 값과 비교한다.(98은 16진수로 62임)
    WHERE chartorowid(rowid) like '00000062%';
    ROWID      EMPNO      ENAME
    00000062.0000.0008      12340           JONES
    00000062.0000.0008      6491           CLARK
    3) V$CLASS_PING, V$FILE_PING, V$BH에 대한 조회
    contention을 가장 많이 유발시키는 요인을 파일별로 혹은 블럭 class별로 구분할 수 있다.
    (가) 어떤 class의 블럭이 (예 rollback segment) 가장 많이 ping이 되는지를 조
    사하는데 유용하다.
    (나) lock conversion type별로 (예 Null -> Shared), 혹은 conversion에 의해 발생
    한 physical I/O의 read와 write별로 세분해서 조회할 수 있게 한다.
    (다) 인스턴스 기동 후부터 지금까지의 누적 수치를 나타낸다.
    (라) Contention을 분산하기 위해서는 다른 종류의 블럭 class들을 서로 다른
    파일에 위치시키는 것이 좋다. 예를 들어 rollback segment와 데이터파일
    을 서로 다른 파일에 두는 등의 작업을 할 수 있다.
    (가)가장 많이 ping이 되는 파일이 어느 파일인지를 구분할 수 있게 해 준다.
    (나) 인스턴스 시작후 누적된 통계 값이다.
    (다) Contention을 분산시키기 위해서는 가장많이 ping이 되는 파일에 들어
    있는 object들을 다른 파일로 옮기는 것을 고려해 볼 수 있다. 만약 특
    정 table에서 ping이 많이 발생한다면 table에 대한 partition을 고려하거
    나 partigion을 다른 파일로 옮기는 등의 작업을 할 수 있다.
    - V$BH
    (가) 주어진 시점에서 buffer cache에 대한 snapshot 역할을 한다. 주기적으로
    V$BH를 조회해서 변동의 추이를 조사해야 한다.
    (나) 통계값은 인스턴스 시작 이후로의 누적 수치가 아니라 한 시점에서의
    통계값이다. 시스템 운영 시간동안 주기적으로 점검해서 ping에 대한 정
    보를 수집하고, ping과 관련된 buffer cache내의 object를 밝혀내고, ping
    에 의해 야기되는 forced read/write I/O를 조사할 수 있다.
    (다) V$BH는 object id컬럼이 있어, OBJ$와 join을 해서 object 이름을 구할
    수 있다.
    ( Global dynamic performance view (GV$)에는 V$CLASS_PING, V$FILE_PING, V$BH에 대응하는 GV$CLASS_PING, GV$FILE_PING, GV$BH가 있다.)
    4) V$WAITSTAT을 이용한 contention 모니터
    rollback segment나 free list등 블럭 contention에 관한 통계 정보를 구하는데 사용할 수 있다.
    - Free List의 블럭에 대한 contention 모니터
    Free list에 대한 contention문제에 대해서는 다음과 같은 단계를 거쳐 조치한다.
    (가) Free list의 free 블럭에 대한 wait 횟수 조회
    2      WHERE CLASS = 'free list';
    CLASS      COUNT
    free list 12
    (나) 일정 기간동안의 free list에 대한 전체 request 횟수(SUM) 조회
    2      WHERE name IN ('db block gets', 'consistent gets');
    (다) Free 블럭에 대한 wait (COUNT)가 전체 request에 대한 합(SUM)의 1%가 넘는다면 contention을 줄이기 위해
    free list를 추가해 주는 것을 고려해야 한다.
    Table에free list를 추가하기 위해서는 FREELISTS storage 파라미터 값을 늘려 테이블을 재 생성해야 한다.
    이때 FREELISTS 값을 사용자들이 동시에 insert 하는 값에 맞춰 주어야 한다.
    SQL> CREATE TABLE new_emp
    3 AS SELECT * FROM emp;
    Table created.
    SQL> DROP TABLE emp;
    Table dropped.
    SQL> RENAME new_emp TO emp;
    Table renamed.
    - Rollback Segment에 대한 contention 모니터
    Rollback segment에 대한 contention 문제는 다음과 같은 단계를 통해 조치한다.
    (가) V$WAITSTAT으로 rollback segment에 대한 contention 조사
    3 WHERE CLASS IN ('system undo header', 'system undo block','undo header','undo block');
    system undo header 12
    system undo block 11
    undo header      28
    undo block      6
    (나) 일정기간동안 rollback segmet에 대한 총계(SUM)를 구한다.
    2 WHERE name IN ('db block gets', 'consistent gets');
    (다) Rollback segment에 대한 전체 request에 대해 wait된 횟수 (COUNT)가 1%가 넘는다면 CREATE ROLLBACK
    SEGMENT 명령으로 rollback segment를 추가해 준다.
    5) V$FILESTAT, V$DATAFILE을 이용한 I/O에 대한 조회.
    V$FILESTAT과 V$DATAFILE은 시스템 내에 I/O가 많이 발생하는지를 판단할 수 있는 통계 정보를 제공한다.
    (가) 각각의 데이터파일에 대한 read/write 횟수를 데이터베이스 파일명과 함께 조회하기 위해서는 다음과
    같이 한다.
    3 WHERE df.file# = fs.file#;
    NAME      PHYRDS          PHYWRTS
    /test71/ora_system.dbs      7679      2735
    /test71/ora_system1.dbs      32      546
    (나) 데이터베이스 파일이 아닌 다른 파일에 대한 read/write를 모니터 하기 위해서는 iostat과 같은 O/S
    유틸리티를 활용한다.
    (다) Disk에 I/O가 너무 많이 발생하여, disk를 추가 한 후 overload를 줄여야 할 경우, V$FILESTAT를 활용하여
    통계정보를 분석하여야 한다. Disk I/O에 대한 contention을 최소화 시키기 위해서는 다음과 같은 조치가 취해 질 수 있다.
    a. 데이터파일과 리두로그 파일을 서로 다른 디스크로 나누어 위치시킨다.
    b. 테이블의 데이터가 여러 디스크에 나누어 들어가도록 한다.
    c. 테이블과 인덱스를 서로 다른 디스크로 나눈다.
    d. Oracle 서버와 무관한 disk I/O를 줄인다.
    (라) V$DATAFILE 정보를 활용하여 데이터파일들이 disk I/O에 대한 contention을 줄이기 위해 서로 다른
    디스크에 나누어 들어가야 하는 지를 판단한다. 자주 사용되는 데이터파일들을 서로 다른 disk에 나누어
    두면 데이터를 access할 때 적은 contention이 발생한다.
    ( Disk I/O 한계치를 찾아보기 위해서는 hardware 문서를 참조할 것. 만약 disk contention의 한계치에서 문제가 발생한다.
    예를 들어 초당 40회 이상의 I/O가 발생한다면 대부분의 VMS나 Unix 시스템에서
    처리해 주기 어려운 수치이다.)
    Reference Ducumment
    Oracle8 ops manual.

    Dear Mr.Sanju,
    There are 6 bstat/estat outputs. Which ones do I post?
    Or if you can gimme ur email, I shall send all of them to you....
    Dear MR.SJH,
    Coelescing tablespaces is something that I will do...but there are too many how do I identify the important ones...Any pointers please.....


    작성날짜 : 2004-03-09
    Upgrading / Downgrading / Installing / Deinstalling 시 중요한 순서로
    Upgrading / Downgrading / Installing / Deinstalling 시 중요한 절차
    Versions & Platforms 영향
    o 이 정보는 모든 플랫폼의 Oracle 8i (or 9i)에서 적용된다.
    o Oracle8i or 9i release 로 upgraded / migrated 하는 경우가 아니라면 Oracle 8.0 , Oracle 7 의 경우에는 적용할 필요가 없다..
    o Parch set install 시
    o Upgrading 시
    o Downgrading 시
    o 운영중에 catalog or catproc 실행
    o Java (initjvm) Installing 시
    o SYS owner 의 object 의 수정이 일어나는 script를 실행시
    위의 경우 hidden init.ora parameter SYSTEMTRIG_ENABLED를 FALSE로 setting 해야한다.
    Eg:Oracle8i에서는 init.ora file에 다음의 line을 추가후 db를 stop, start 하면 됩니다.
    # Disable system triggers for the duration of the maintenance
    # operation.
    IMPORTANT: 이 parameter는 위의 작업이 끝난후 true 로 다시 설정시에는 comment처리 하세요.(default 가 true 입니다.)
    Oracle9i 에서는 필요시 SYSTEMTRIG_ENABLED를 false로 dynamically setting 이 가능하다.
    ALTER SYSTEM SET "_system_trig_enabled"=FALSE;
    ALTER SYSTEM SET "_system_trig_enabled"=TRUE;
    SPFILE이 아닌 경우에는 oracle 8i와 동일하게 setting 하면 된다.
    Oracle8.0 / Oracle7
    SYSTEMTRIG_ENABLED parameter 는 oracle 8.0 이전 version에는 존재하지 않는다.
    System trigger는 Oracle 8.1의 new feature다.
    SYSTEMTRIG_ENABLED를 TRUE (the default)로 setting 하면 system triggers가 enable 된다.
    이값이 FALSE라면 system trigger 를 stop 한다
    False 로 setting 하는 이유?
    trigger에 의존하는 object가 invalid나 drop될수있는 dictionary 작업의 script가 실행되는 경우 해당
    trigger는 fail이되고 이 script는 정상적으로 실행이 안되게 된다.
    다음의 몇몇 예를 보자.
    Example Problem Scenarios
    Dictionary maintenance operations를 수행중에 system triggers들이 있다면 많은 문제들이 있을수 있다.
    가장 일반적인 경우를 다음에 설명 했다.
    After running "rmjvm"
    만일 JIS install 되어 있고 "rmjvm" 를 사용하여 java를 deinstall 하고
    후속적인 조치로 "DROP a ROLE "을 시도할때 error 가 날것이다.
    이것은 <Bug:1751857> 와 관련있으며 "rmjvm" 은 모든 java와 관련한 objects drop을 할수 없다.
    SVRMGR> drop role a;
    drop role a
    ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
    ORA-29540: class oracle/aurora/mts/http/security/RdbmsHttpPolicy does nt
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.HTTP_SECURITY_CASCADE", line 0
    ORA-06512: at line 3
    만일 JIS install 되어 있고 CATALOG와 CATPROC 를 다시 실행하려고 하면 trigger 가 INVALID 된다.
    이는 많은 DROP SYNONYM 에서 error 를 일으킬 것이고 <Bug:1733297>에 설명이 되어 있다.
    SVRMGR> drop public synonym dba_segments;
    ORA-4098: trigger 'SYS.JIS$ROLE_TRIGGER$' is invalid and failed re-valin
    8.0에서 upgrading 이나 7.3 에서 migrating 할때.....
    만일 SYSTEMTRIG_ENABLED이 FALSE로 setting 되어 있지 않으면
    package STANDARD에서 ORA-604 , ORA-6553 , PLS-213 를 일으키는 <Bug:1362374>를 만나게 될것이다.
    이는 Oracle8i/9i에서 db open시에 error 를 일으킨다.
    만일 ODMA (Database Migration Assistant)를 사용하여 Oracle7 or 8.0 로 부터 upgrade 한다면
    SYSTEMTRIG_ENABLED를 setting 하는 것은 불가능 하다.
    ODMA를 사용하여 성공적으로 upgrade / migration 가 가능한지 확인하고 그렇지 않다면 parameter 를 false 로 setting 후에
    수동으로 upgrade / migration을 하도록 한다.
    Oracle9i로 Upgrading
    SYSTEMTRIG_ENABLED를 FALSE로 setting 하지 않으면 Oracle9i에서 db open시
    ORA-600 [16201] errors를 만날수 있다 <Bug:1747065>
    Reference Documents
    <Note:149948.1> <Note:68636.1>

    Looks like I should not apply this patch, it assume the version of, I am on
    What took me off a little was this statement me in the BUG:12317756 - DBCONSOLE PERFORMANCE PAGE NO LONGER DISPLAYS ON LINUX
    "it used to work in previous versions including"
    and this is not true for me - I have and it is not working - the graph can not be displayed.
    So I guess I am back to the original question I was asking about in my other post. Let me see if other 2 Notes you provided will take me to any other patch
    Thank you

  • Help Needed: Returning Back to Windows 8 after downgrading to Windows 7

    Hi guys, im just new here.
    I have a MSI GE40 gaming laptop which I bought 2 months back.
    Within those 2 months of usage, I always encounter my laptop to be very slow in shutting down. It always take, maybe up to 10 minutes to fully shut down. The screen goes black but the power button stays on orange color, & as I said, it takes a long time  for the power button to be completely unlit. But for start up, its blazing fast.
    Thinking that windows 8 itself is the culprit of super slow shutting down, I searched the net on how to downgrade to windows 7.
    Of course I did make a back up first on a 16gb usb flash drive using the pre-installed recovery software from MSI which was completed successfully.
    Then I made some tweaks on the bios (ie select legacy & disable secure boot) & boot using windows 7 installation DVD, deleted all partitions (since the notebook comes with GPT partition) to be able to install windows 7. I installed all the drivers which I downloaded from MSI website specific to my notebook.
    But the problem is not solved, it is still very slow in shutting down, & now even boot up becomes very slow too.
    So I downloaded & execute the firmware & bios for windows 7 from msi website (again, specific to my model). But still the same, the notebook is still very slow both in shutting down & start up.
    So I decided to go back again to windows 8, I tried to boot from the flash drive (I adjusted from the bios & make the flash drive to be the first priority) but it did not boot from it. I tried F11 on start up & selected to boot from usb flash drive but again, to no avail.
    So the last one I did was downloaded windows 8, make a bootable flash drive out of it, boot from it and luckily, I succeed - I have now again a windows 8 msi ge40 laptop.
    But I wanted my laptop to be reinstated to factory setting, i.e, all preinstalled softwares are there, the bios is default for windows 8. So I tried to update the bios to the one for windows 8 again (since I downgraded the bios to the one for windows 7 when I downgraded the OS to windows 7). But I could not update the bios, the laptop is not booting from usb flash drive containing the bios.
    I tried also to recover using F3 on start up but the system does not recognize the flash drive (with system back up). I tried also on PC settings but to no avail.
    Now guys, I need your help.
    How can I return back my laptop to default factory settings?
    Thank you.
    (sorry for my not so good English)

    I think it's not only about the OS version, you need to return this back to your shop to repair with the slow shot down issue, because the OS should be shot down in 30 seconds, far from your GE40 times.

  • How can i downgrade my icloud memory if i accidentally hit upgrade for $20 a year.and i want to cancel that and get my $20 back to my account?

    Please help me how to cancel or downgrade the icloud memory
    since i accidentally hit the upgrade button.

    If you know the answers to your security questions, you should be able to change your password without using email authentication (see  If you don't, you may be out of luck.

  • ORA-600 [17069] error while running catrelod.sql to downgrade 11g database

    We are downgrading our database to We have successfullly run catdwgrd.sql without any errors in 11g env. While running catrelod.sql in 10g env we are facing the following error:
    SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/catrelod.sql
    COMP_TIMESTAMP RELOD__BGN 2013-04-24 20:15:39 2456407 72939
    DOC>  The following statement will cause an "ORA-01722: invalid number"
    DOC>  error if the database server version is not 10.0.0.
    DOC>  Shutdown ABORT and use a different script or a different server.
    no rows selected
    DOC>  The following statement will cause an "ORA-01722: invalid number"
    DOC>  error if the database has not been opened for MIGRATE.
    DOC>  Perform a "SHUTDOWN ABORT"  and
    DOC>  restart using MIGRATE.
    no rows selected
    Session altered.
    Session altered.
    no rows selected
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [17069], [0x170FB8CA8], [], [], [],
    [], [], []I have checked the trace file in udump but it dint give any readable information.
    Please find below environment details.
    OS : RHEL 5 64 bit
    11g Database :
    10g Database :
    Kindly assist.

    KR10822864 wrote:
    Whenever an ORA-600 error is raised a trace file is generated and an entry written to the alert.log with details of the trace file location. Starting with Oracle Database 11g Release 1, the diagnosability infrastructure was introduced which places the trace and core files into a location controlled by the DIAGNOSTIC_DEST initialization parameter when an incident, such as an ORA-600 is created. For earlier versions, the trace file will be written to either USER_DUMP_DEST (if the error was caught in a user process) or BACKGROUND_DUMP_DEST (if the error was caught in a background process like PMON or SMON). The trace file contains vital information about what led to the error condition
    please post 40 lines of alert log info .
    MOS Note:ORA-600 [17069] "Failed to pin a library cache object after 50 attempts" [ID 39616.1]
    "Look in the trace file for the text 'LIBRARY OBJECT HANDLE: handle=170fb8ca8'"
    if not found any massages like above please raise [email protected].
    Hi KR,
    Thanks for your help. As suggested I have checked the trace file to search and found the below info. I suppose it is some kind of lock but not sure about it. Please let me know if the following makes sense:
        SO: 0x21158a6e0, type: 3, owner: 0x211006f28, flag: INIT/-/-/0x00
        (call) sess: cur 211572570, rec 211572570, usr 211572570; depth: 0
          SO: 0x21158a9b8, type: 3, owner: 0x21158a6e0, flag: INIT/-/-/0x00
          (call) sess: cur 211572570, rec 0, usr 211572570; depth: 1
            SO: 0x1727a2618, type: 54, owner: 0x21158a9b8, flag: INIT/-/-/0x00
            LIBRARY OBJECT PIN: pin=1727a2618 handle=170fb8ca8 mode=S lock=171243e98
            user=211572570 session=211572570 count=1 mask=001d savepoint=0x43 flags=[00]
            SO: 0x171243e98, type: 53, owner: 0x21158a9b8, flag: INIT/-/-/0x00
            LIBRARY OBJECT LOCK: lock=171243e98 handle=170fb8ca8 mode=S
            call pin=0x1727a2618 session pin=(nil) hpc=0000 hlc=0000
            htl=0x171243f18[0x17278a310,0x17278a310] htb=0x17278a310 ssga=0x172789928
            user=211572570 session=211572570 count=1 flags=PNC/[0400] savepoint=0x43
            LIBRARY OBJECT HANDLE: handle=170fb8ca8 mtx=0x170fb8dd8(0) cdp=0
            hash=51570e225ed8a9a803b7318f191e0a8d timestamp=04-18-2006 00:00:00
            namespace=TABL flags=KGHP/TIM/SML/[02000000]
            kkkk-dddd-llll=0000-001d-001d lock=S pin=S latch#=3 hpc=0004 hlc=0004
            lwt=0x170fb8d50[0x170fb8d50,0x170fb8d50] ltm=0x170fb8d60[0x170fb8d60,0x170fb8d60]
            pwt=0x170fb8d18[0x170fb8d18,0x170fb8d18] ptm=0x170fb8d28[0x170fb8d28,0x170fb8d28]
            ref=0x170fb8d80[0x170fb8d80,0x170fb8d80] lnd=0x170fb8d98[0x170f05b50,0x170fa6858]
              LIBRARY OBJECT: object=170e82de8
              type=PCKG flags=EXS/LOC[0005] pflags=NST/IVR[0201] status=VALD load=0
              DATA BLOCKS:
              data#     heap  pointer    status pins change whr
                  0 170e831f8 170e82fc0 I/P/A/-/-    0 NONE   00
          SO: 0x21158e470, type: 5, owner: 0x21158a6e0, flag: INIT/-/-/0x00
          (enqueue) CU-70E88BC0-00000001    DID: 0001-001F-00000004
          lv: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  res_flag: 0x2
          res: 0x17677adc8, mode: X, lock_flag: 0x0
          own: 0x211572570, sess: 0x211572570, proc: 0x211006f28, prv: 0x17677add8
          SO: 0x177f82c28, type: 59, owner: 0x21158a6e0, flag: INIT/-/-/0x00
          cursor enqueue
          child: 170e89348, flag: 53, number: 0
          parent: 170e89738

  • Error while creating a simple trigger in Oracle8i Lite

    I have Oracle8i Lite release 4.0.
    I want to create a simple trigger on 8i Lite.
    first I created .java file and got the .class file after successful compilation.
    The .class file is sitting in my local C:\ drive.
    I have a table having only two columns in 8i Lite and the structure is
    TABLE : SP
    Then I issued the command :
    After that getting the following error :
    alter table sp attach java source "JournalInst" in '.'
    ERROR at line 1:
    OCA-30021: error preparing/executing SQL statement
    [POL-8028] error in calling a java method
    Following is the cause/action for the error code :
    POL-8028 Error in calling a Java method
    Cause: Most commonly refers to a problem when converting between Java and Oracle Lite datatypes.
    Action: Check the calling parameters.
    I can't understand where I am wrong ?
    Could anybody help me out ?
    Here is my source code of .java file
    import java.lang.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    class JournalInst {
    public void INSERT_JOURNAL(Connection conn, double AccNo, String AccDesc)
    System.out.println("Record Inserted for :"+AccNo +" "+AccDesc);
    Thanks in advance for solutions.

    I just started with 8i Lite, but as far as I know 8i Lite does not support PL/SQL code.
    So you have to write your triggers and stored procedures in Java.

  • Error while creating a simple function, procedure or triger in Oracle8i Lite

    I have Oracle8i Lite release 4.0.
    While creating a simple proceudre/function/trigger on the database, it's throwing the following error:
    create or replace function test return number is
    ERROR at line 1:
    OCA-30021: error preparing/executing SQL statement
    [POL-5228] syntax error
    Here is my sample code.
    create or replace function test return number is
    return 0;
    Tried to create the same function in the user SYSTEM too but got the same error message.
    Thanks in advance for the soluton.

    I just started with 8i Lite, but as far as I know 8i Lite does not support PL/SQL code.
    So you have to write your triggers and stored procedures in Java.

  • Error in creation of sample database during installation of Oracle8

    I am trying to install Oracle8 for Intel Solaris8. Near the end of installation - running database configuration assitant, the creation of the sample database failed by an alert:
    ORA-03114: not connected to ORACLE
    I also tried to run database configuration assistant in custom mode separately, "ORACLE not available" message came up.
    I think ORACLE should be connected and running before creation of the sample DB, like installation of Oracle in Windows.
    Anyone has the same problem or can give me a help?
    The Oracle(8.1.7) CD comes with Solaris8 (07/01) package.

    I would guess that your kernal parameters have not been set. Check you oracle install guide for the appropriate additions to /etc/system for semiphores and shared memory segments. If you have not made these changes, the database will not come up.

  • Oracle 8.1.5 to oracle8.1.6 upgradation

    I am working paralelly on both Solaris2.7 and win NT4.0
    The details are as follows
    1. Liscenced versions of Oracle8.1.5 have been installed on both the systems
    In order to upgrade I tried searching for the script u0801050.sql in both the systems under ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin, but it was not available
    I solved this as follows on Win NT:
    1. Installed oracle8.1.6 on NT in the same HOME .
    2. The script was present in after this re-install.
    3. I used the script(Should I have done this?)
    But there is a problem with Java Upgradation now.
    I started the database in the RESTRICT mode
    And here is the output from the Log file
    SVRMGR> @jvmu815.sql
    SVRMGR> -- Upgrade an 8.1.5 database to 8.1.6 for running Java and the ORB
    SVRMGR> -- Support packages, including rmjvm were loaded during main upgrade
    SVRMGR> -- Load all the Java classes
    SVRMGR> create or replace java system;
    2> /
    create or replace java system;
    ORA-04030: out of process memory when trying to allocate 554648 bytes (joxcx callheap,ioc_allocate ufree)
    ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
    ORA-04030: out of process memory when trying to allocate 8512 bytes (pga heap,ksm stack)
    SVRMGR> -- Java Sanity check for installation
    SVRMGR> -- If the following query returns 0, then the Java installation
    SVRMGR> -- did not suceed
    Any solutions or input ?
    Thanks in advance
    [email protected])

    applets can only use jdbc thin drivers.

  • 10.6.8 update downgrades USB

    I have just updateded my MacMini Server to 10.6.8 and this seems to have downgraded my USB ports to 1.1.
    This is according to Elgato EyeTV which no longer recognizes my EyeTV Hybrid. I get a dialogue advising that my Hybrid is plugged into a USB 1.1 port and that to operate it must be connected to a USB 2 port. Any clues to what the problem is, or has my USB really been knackered by the update?

    That happened to me too.
    I have a Terratec Cinergy XS that worked perfectly under 10.6.7 (and still does, on my other Mac).
    Upgrading to 10.6.8 gave me the same exact problem with EyeTV.
    There's something in the new IOUSBFamily.kext release that causes this problem (googling around I saw that 10.6.8 gave many USB problems to the "hackintosh" world too).
    I've experienced that if I unplug and replug the USB receiver, EyeTV recognizes the device properly connected and works flawlessly (at least until the next restart); the problem is I cannot schedule unattended next-day video recordings as EyeTV will give the same problem at next Mac restart.
    You could try (as "hackintoshist" do) to downgrade the IOUSBFamily.kext to the 10.6.7's one, this should fix the problem; I have not tried this yet.

  • Can not access sample & admin tools after configuring Oracle8.1.7

    Hi all,
    I am using WLS6.1(sp2) and WLPortal4.0(sp1).
    I changed the default database(i.e. Cloudscape) to Oracle by following the doc
    But, after setting up the Oracle8.1.7, when i try to access the sample stock portal
    from the homepage, i am getting the following exception
    PortalPersistenceManager: portal 'portal/stockportal' not found
    <Feb 20, 2002 12:33:19 PM EST> <Error> <HTTP> <[WebAppServletContext(1467076,stockportal,/stockportal)]
    Servlet failed with S
    javax.servlet.ServletException: Received a null Portal object from the PortalManager.
    at com.bea.portal.appflow.servlets.internal.PortalWebflowServlet.setupPortalRequest(
    at com.bea.portal.appflow.servlets.internal.PortalWebflowServlet.doGet(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.RequestDispatcherImpl.forward(
    at weblogic.servlet.jsp.PageContextImpl.forward(
    at jsp_servlet.__index._jspService(
    at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspBase.service(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.invokeServlet(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl.execute(
    at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(
    even i can not access the admin tools.....i get the follwing error when i try
    to access the portalTools/index.jsp
    <Feb 20, 2002 12:38:18 PM EST> <Warning> <Webflow> <Webflow could not resolve
    a destination given: appname [tools], namespace
    [admin_main], origin [begin], event [defaultEvent] with request id [3121877];
    Attempting to load Configuration-error-page.>
    <Feb 20, 2002 12:38:18 PM EST> <Error> <Webflow> <Error while parsing uri /portalTools/application,
    path null, query string n
    amespace=admin_main - Webflow XML does not exist, is not loaded properly, or you
    do not have a configuration-error-page defin
    Exception[com.bea.p13n.appflow.exception.ConfigurationException: The configuration-error-page
    node was not found in the webfl
    ow xml file. for webapp [tools], namespace [admin_main]. While trying to display
    CONFIGURATION ERROR: [Exception[com.bea.p13n
    .appflow.exception.ConfigurationException: Bad Namespace - namespace [admin_main]
    is not available for webflow execution. Mak
    e sure the [] file is deployed in webapp [tools].]],]
    at com.bea.p13n.appflow.webflow.internal.WebflowExecutorImpl.processConfigurationError(
    at com.bea.p13n.appflow.webflow.internal.WebflowExecutorImpl.processWebflowRequest(
    at com.bea.p13n.appflow.webflow.internal.WebflowExecutorImpl.processWebflowRequest(
    at com.bea.p13n.appflow.webflow.servlets.internal.WebflowServlet.doGet(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.RequestDispatcherImpl.forward(
    at weblogic.servlet.jsp.PageContextImpl.forward(
    at jsp_servlet.__index._jspService(
    at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspBase.service(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.invokeServlet(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl.execute(
    at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(
    Am i missing any step here???
    can anybody help me????

    oops...i missed step5.
    it is working now after doing the sync.
    "Daniel Selman" <[email protected]> wrote:
    Did you sync the applications and load the sample data?
    Daniel Selman
    "vijay bujula" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    Hi all,
    I am using WLS6.1(sp2) and WLPortal4.0(sp1).
    I changed the default database(i.e. Cloudscape) to Oracle by followingthe
    But, after setting up the Oracle8.1.7, when i try to access the samplestock portal
    from the homepage, i am getting the following exception
    PortalPersistenceManager: portal 'portal/stockportal' not found
    <Feb 20, 2002 12:33:19 PM EST> <Error> <HTTP><[WebAppServletContext(1467076,stockportal,/stockportal)]
    Servlet failed with S
    javax.servlet.ServletException: Received a null Portal object fromthe
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at jsp_servlet.__index._jspService(
    at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspBase.service(
    at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(
    even i can not access the admin tools.....i get the follwing errorwhen i
    to access the portalTools/index.jsp
    <Feb 20, 2002 12:38:18 PM EST> <Warning> <Webflow> <Webflow could notresolve
    a destination given: appname [tools], namespace
    [admin_main], origin [begin], event [defaultEvent] with request id[3121877];
    Attempting to load Configuration-error-page.>
    <Feb 20, 2002 12:38:18 PM EST> <Error> <Webflow> <Error while parsinguri
    path null, query string n
    amespace=admin_main - Webflow XML does not exist, is not loaded properly,or you
    do not have a configuration-error-page defin
    Exception[com.bea.p13n.appflow.exception.ConfigurationException: The
    configuration-error-page>> node was not found in the webfl>> ow xml file. for webapp [tools, namespace [admin_main]. While tryingto
    CONFIGURATION ERROR: [Exception[com.bea.p13n
    appflow.exception.ConfigurationException: Bad Namespace - namespace[admin_main]
    is not available for webflow execution. Mak
    e sure the [] file is deployed in webapp [tools].]],]
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at jsp_servlet.__index._jspService(
    at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspBase.service(
    at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(
    Am i missing any step here???
    can anybody help me????

  • Problem with downgrading bios. MSI P67A-GD65 (B3).

    I'm having problems with downgrading my bios from version 4.3 to 1.19. I want to downgrade, because 4.3 doesn't want to boot when I use xmp settings for my RAM ( that might be related to my CPU since I have i5 2500k which is 32nm and 4.3 version of BIOS is recommended for 22nm processors ). When I try to flash with the MSI Forum HQ USB Flashing Tool I'm getting an error: "Rom file ROMID is not compatible with existing BIOS ROMID". I've ran out of ideas how to downgrade my bios so I'm asking you for help. My specs:
    MOBO: MSI P67A-GD65 (B3)
    CPU: INTEL CORE i5 2500K
    RAM: G.SKILL RIPJAWS X 4GB (2x2GB) DDR3 1600MHZ CL6 (F3-12800CL6D-4GBXH)

    Here you go. GD65 and GD55 usde the same BIOS files;

  • Message: You will run out of storage when your downgrade takes effect

    In my email, I received a message today with the subject
    You will run out of storage when your downgrade takes effect
    I looked in my account and don't see anywhere where I've set it to downgrade. It's still set at the correct level. I checked the credit card to make sure it hadn't expired.
    Any thoughts of what else I could check?
    Here's the email:
    As requested, your iCloud storage will be downgraded to 5 GB on 02/27/2015. However, you are currently using 6 GB.
    Unless you take action before your downgrade takes effect, backups to iCloud will stop, and apps will no longer be able to save documents to iCloud. You can either free up storage or cancel your downgrade to keep your current storage plan for another year.
    To continue using these iCloud features without interruption, you can cancel your downgrade by selecting a different storage plan:
    On your iOS device, go to Settings and tap iCloud
    Tap Account.
    Tap your current plan, then choose from the options presented
    For more information on managing your iCloud storage, please read this Learn how to manage your iCloud storage >.
    The iCloud Team

    Sounds to me like you're not the original owner of the device.
    Did you buy it secondhand? From where?

  • Failed Installation of Oracle8i on Red Hat Linux 7.0

    I have successfully installed Oracle8i(8.1.6) Enterprise edition on Red Hat Linux 7.0 but while running the Database Configuration Assistant, it stops at the database initialization portion. I suspect the initmig8i.ora file is causing the problem. I have followed the installation guide very closely and the SID is mig8i. What might be the problem causing it to stop? Now, I can't connect to database.
    initmig8i.ora located at
    # Copyright (c) 1991, 1998 by Oracle Corporation
    # Example INIT.ORA file
    # This file is provided by Oracle Corporation to help you customize
    # your RDBMS installation for your site. Important system parameters
    # are discussed, and example settings given.
    # Some parameter settings are generic to any size installation.
    # For parameters that require different values in different size
    # installations, three scenarios have been provided: SMALL, MEDIUM
    # and LARGE. Any parameter that needs to be tuned according to
    # installation size will have three settings, each one commented
    # according to installation size.
    # Use the following table to approximate the SGA size needed for the
    # three scenarious provided in this file:
    # -------Installation/Database Size------
    # Block 2K 4500K 6800K 17000K
    # Size 4K 5500K 8800K 21000K
    # To set up a database that multiple instances will be using, place
    # all instance-specific parameters in one file, and then have all
    # of these files point to a master file using the IFILE command.
    # This way, when you change a public
    # parameter, it will automatically change on all instances. This is
    # necessary, since all instances must run with the same value for many
    # parameters. For example, if you choose to use private rollback' segments,
    # these must be specified in different files, but since all gc_*
    # parameters must be the same on all instances, they should be in one file.
    # INSTRUCTIONS: Edit this file and the other INIT files it calls for
    # your site, either by using the values provided here or by providing
    # your own. Then place an IFILE= line into each instance-specific
    # INIT file that points at this file.
    # NOTE: Parameter values suggested in this file are based on conservative
    # estimates for computer memory availability. You should adjust values upward
    # for modern machines.
    db_name = "mig8i"
    instance_name = mig8i
    service_names = mig8i
    control_files = ("/u01/app/oracle/oradata/mig8i/control01.ctl", "/u01/app/oracle/oradata/mig8i/control02.ctl", "/u01/app/oracle/oradata/mig8i/control03.ctl")
    open_cursors = 100
    max_enabled_roles = 30
    db_block_buffers = 2048
    shared_pool_size = 4194304
    large_pool_size = 614400
    java_pool_size = 0
    log_checkpoint_interval = 10000
    log_checkpoint_timeout = 1800
    processes = 50
    log_buffer = 163840
    # audit_trail = false # if you want auditing
    # timed_statistics = false # if you want timed statistics
    # max_dump_file_size = 10000 # limit trace file size to 5M each
    # Uncommenting the lines below will cause automatic archiving if archiving has
    # been enabled using ALTER DATABASE ARCHIVELOG.
    # log_archive_start = true
    # log_archive_dest_1 = "location=/u01/app/oracle/admin/mig8i/arch"
    # log_archive_format = arch_%t_%s.arc
    # If using private rollback segments, place lines of the following
    # form in each of your instance-specific init.ora files:
    #rollback_segments = ( RBS0, RBS1, RBS2, RBS3, RBS4, RBS5, RBS6 )
    # Global Naming -- enforce that a dblink has same name as the db it connects to
    # global_names = false
    # Uncomment the following line if you wish to enable the Oracle Trace product
    # to trace server activity. This enables scheduling of server collections
    # from the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console.
    # Also, if the oracle_trace_collection_name parameter is non-null,
    # every session will write to the named collection, as well as enabling you
    # to schedule future collections from the console.
    # oracle_trace_enable = true
    # define directories to store trace and alert files
    background_dump_dest = /u01/app/oracle/admin/mig8i/bdump
    core_dump_dest = /u01/app/oracle/admin/mig8i/cdump
    #Uncomment this parameter to enable resource management for your database.
    #The SYSTEM_PLAN is provided by default with the database.
    #Change the plan name if you have created your own resource plan.# resource_manager_plan = system_plan
    user_dump_dest = /u01/app/oracle/admin/mig8i/udump
    db_block_size = 8192
    remote_login_passwordfile = exclusive
    os_authent_prefix = ""
    compatible = "8.0.5"
    sort_area_size = 65536
    sort_area_retained_size = 65536
    Thank you.

    It's a glib problem. 8i uses the glib 2.1 libraries, while RH7 uses the 2.2. There is a patch available from oracle support, or you can find a solution that has worked for me twice on the otn discussion forum.
    Cory Franzmeier
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Richard Yip ([email protected]):
    I have successfully installed Oracle8i(8.1.6) Enterprise edition on Red Hat Linux 7.0 but while running the Database Configuration Assistant, it stops at the database initialization portion. I suspect the initmig8i.ora file is causing the problem. I have followed the installation guide very closely and the SID is mig8i. What might be the problem causing it to stop? Now, I can't connect to database.
    initmig8i.ora located at
    # Copyright (c) 1991, 1998 by Oracle Corporation
    # Example INIT.ORA file
    # This file is provided by Oracle Corporation to help you customize
    # your RDBMS installation for your site. Important system parameters
    # are discussed, and example settings given.
    # Some parameter settings are generic to any size installation.
    # For parameters that require different values in different size
    # installations, three scenarios have been provided: SMALL, MEDIUM
    # and LARGE. Any parameter that needs to be tuned according to
    # installation size will have three settings, each one commented
    # according to installation size.
    # Use the following table to approximate the SGA size needed for the
    # three scenarious provided in this file:
    # -------Installation/Database Size------
    # Block 2K 4500K 6800K 17000K
    # Size 4K 5500K 8800K 21000K
    # To set up a database that multiple instances will be using, place
    # all instance-specific parameters in one file, and then have all
    # of these files point to a master file using the IFILE command.
    # This way, when you change a public
    # parameter, it will automatically change on all instances. This is
    # necessary, since all instances must run with the same value for many
    # parameters. For example, if you choose to use private rollback' segments,
    # these must be specified in different files, but since all gc_*
    # parameters must be the same on all instances, they should be in one file.
    # INSTRUCTIONS: Edit this file and the other INIT files it calls for
    # your site, either by using the values provided here or by providing
    # your own. Then place an IFILE= line into each instance-specific
    # INIT file that points at this file.
    # NOTE: Parameter values suggested in this file are based on conservative
    # estimates for computer memory availability. You should adjust values upward
    # for modern machines.
    db_name = "mig8i"
    instance_name = mig8i
    service_names = mig8i
    control_files = ("/u01/app/oracle/oradata/mig8i/control01.ctl", "/u01/app/oracle/oradata/mig8i/control02.ctl", "/u01/app/oracle/oradata/mig8i/control03.ctl")
    open_cursors = 100
    max_enabled_roles = 30
    db_block_buffers = 2048
    shared_pool_size = 4194304
    large_pool_size = 614400
    java_pool_size = 0
    log_checkpoint_interval = 10000
    log_checkpoint_timeout = 1800
    processes = 50
    log_buffer = 163840
    # audit_trail = false # if you want auditing
    # timed_statistics = false # if you want timed statistics
    # max_dump_file_size = 10000 # limit trace file size to 5M each
    # Uncommenting the lines below will cause automatic archiving if archiving has
    # been enabled using ALTER DATABASE ARCHIVELOG.
    # log_archive_start = true
    # log_archive_dest_1 = "location=/u01/app/oracle/admin/mig8i/arch"
    # log_archive_format = arch_%t_%s.arc
    # If using private rollback segments, place lines of the following
    # form in each of your instance-specific init.ora files:
    #rollback_segments = ( RBS0, RBS1, RBS2, RBS3, RBS4, RBS5, RBS6 )
    # Global Naming -- enforce that a dblink has same name as the db it connects to
    # global_names = false
    # Uncomment the following line if you wish to enable the Oracle Trace product
    # to trace server activity. This enables scheduling of server collections
    # from the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console.
    # Also, if the oracle_trace_collection_name parameter is non-null,
    # every session will write to the named collection, as well as enabling you
    # to schedule future collections from the console.
    # oracle_trace_enable = true
    # define directories to store trace and alert files
    background_dump_dest = /u01/app/oracle/admin/mig8i/bdump
    core_dump_dest = /u01/app/oracle/admin/mig8i/cdump
    #Uncomment this parameter to enable resource management for your database.
    #The SYSTEM_PLAN is provided by default with the database.
    #Change the plan name if you have created your own resource plan.# resource_manager_plan = system_plan
    user_dump_dest = /u01/app/oracle/admin/mig8i/udump
    db_block_size = 8192
    remote_login_passwordfile = exclusive
    os_authent_prefix = ""
    compatible = "8.0.5"
    sort_area_size = 65536
    sort_area_retained_size = 65536
    Thank you.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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