Downloaded BBC iplayer programmes to my itouch

BBC iplayer now offers downloaded programmes in a format suitable for media players including the itouch. Downloaded to my HDD but how do I get it into my itouch? This is my first ipod in any form and the BBC help files merely state "transfer in the usual method" .. which is?
Drag and drop into any area of the itunes screen gives the 'not allowed' symbol.
How, in step by step stages, do you get the video file from the HDD into itunes (?) and then I assume sync puts it into the ipod.
Does it have to be in specific HDD folder to start with?

Lee76 wrote:
Yes, bottom right hand side of the screen is the option to download and then further options of "download to computer" or download to "mobile Media".
I haven't managed to find that. I've just checked the BBC website (again) about this and from what I can see, you still cannot download BBC programmes to play on the Touch.
You can access the BBC iPlayer, but that's inside the Safari browser, not standalone. You can download programmes (the BBC call it sideloading!) for +some but not all+ mp3 devices. The iPod family is not one of them - yet! See
So perhaps what you have managed to download is something that iTunes cannot handle - there are some videos that won't even "add to library" when you try.
Have you tried "add to library"? In your iTunes, click on *File/Add File to Library* and broswe through your folders to find the movie. Once it's added to yuor library, a Sync will transfer it to your iPod _only if the iPod can play it_ which isn't always the case.

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    2. Check for app updates
    3. Install another app from the App Store
    4. Restart the application
    5. Restart your device
    6. Reinstall the affected application
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