Downloading into a text file with comma seperation

hey experts,
well i want to download various fields of an internal table into a text file.but the hitch is that all the columns should be seperated by a comma.something like csv.
could you please help me with this.?
i have tried using gui download but the seperator field was not working.
thanks in advance...

hey sandra,
for comma seperation and downloading ,you can use the following fm.
here the i_field seperator should be given as "," as in ur case.
i_tab3 is the table from which the values are being fetched.
and i_tab2 is the table conatining the comma seperated values.
     I_FIELD_SEPERATOR          = ','
  I_LINE_HEADER              =
  I_FILENAME                 =
  I_APPL_KEEP                = ' '
     I_TAB_SAP_DATA             = I_TAB3
  CONVERSION_FAILED          = 1
  OTHERS                     = 2
  IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
after this u can use the gui download fm as required.
  BIN_FILESIZE                    =
    FILENAME                        = TESTFILNA
  FILETYPE                        = 'ASC'
  APPEND                          = ' '
    WRITE_FIELD_SEPARATOR           = 'x'
  HEADER                          = '123'
  TRUNC_TRAILING_BLANKS           = ' '
  WRITE_LF                        = 'X'
  COL_SELECT                      = ' '
  COL_SELECT_MASK                 = ' '
  DAT_MODE                        = ' '
  CONFIRM_OVERWRITE               = ' '
  NO_AUTH_CHECK                   = ' '
  CODEPAGE                        = ' '
  IGNORE_CERR                     = ABAP_TRUE
  REPLACEMENT                     = '#'
  WRITE_BOM                       = ' '
  WK1_N_FORMAT                    = ' '
  WK1_N_SIZE                      = ' '
  WK1_T_FORMAT                    = ' '
  WK1_T_SIZE                      = ' '
  FILELENGTH                      =
      DATA_TAB                      = I_TAB2
  FIELDNAMES                      =
  FILE_WRITE_ERROR                = 1
  NO_BATCH                        = 2
  INVALID_TYPE                    = 4
  NO_AUTHORITY                    = 5
  UNKNOWN_ERROR                   = 6
  HEADER_NOT_ALLOWED              = 7
  FILESIZE_NOT_ALLOWED            = 9
  HEADER_TOO_LONG                 = 10
  DP_ERROR_CREATE                 = 11
  DP_ERROR_SEND                   = 12
  DP_ERROR_WRITE                  = 13
  UNKNOWN_DP_ERROR                = 14
  ACCESS_DENIED                   = 15
  DP_OUT_OF_MEMORY                = 16
  DISK_FULL                       = 17
  DP_TIMEOUT                      = 18
  FILE_NOT_FOUND                  = 19
  CONTROL_FLUSH_ERROR             = 21
  OTHERS                          = 22
  IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
hope this helps u.
do reward points if useful.....:-)

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  • Download internal table as text file with comma separation

    hi all
    I wanted text file separated by comma. I used the CSV function module, but the result is separeted by semicolon,instead i need comma.
    Kindly suggest some solution.

    use this fm to convert to csv file
          I_FIELD_SEPERATOR    = ','
          I_TAB_SAP_DATA       = ITAB_FINAL
          CONVERSION_FAILED    = 1
          OTHERS               = 2.
      IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
    itab_output is of type ITAB_OUTPUT TYPE TRUXS_T_TEXT_DATA,
    and then download using gui_download
            FILENAME                = W_FILENAME
            FILETYPE                = 'ASC'
            DATA_TAB                = ITAB_OUTPUT
            FILE_WRITE_ERROR        = 1
            NO_BATCH                = 2
            INVALID_TYPE            = 4
            NO_AUTHORITY            = 5
            UNKNOWN_ERROR           = 6
            HEADER_NOT_ALLOWED      = 7
            SEPARATOR_NOT_ALLOWED   = 8
            FILESIZE_NOT_ALLOWED    = 9
            HEADER_TOO_LONG         = 10
            DP_ERROR_CREATE         = 11
            DP_ERROR_SEND           = 12
            DP_ERROR_WRITE          = 13
            UNKNOWN_DP_ERROR        = 14
            ACCESS_DENIED           = 15
            DP_OUT_OF_MEMORY        = 16
            DISK_FULL               = 17
            DP_TIMEOUT              = 18
            FILE_NOT_FOUND          = 19
            CONTROL_FLUSH_ERROR     = 21
            OTHERS                  = 22.

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    You will have the entire file name into a Variable name, just concatinate with .txt ..
    Concatinate File_name '.txt' into File_name.

  • Download with comma seperator

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    For comma separation , 
    report zcsv.
    data: lt_poll type table of ypoll.
    data: ls_poll type ypoll.
    Changes made here
    types: begin of ty_singlerow,
             rowdata type string,
           end of ty_singlerow.
    data: lt_singlerow type table of ty_singlerow.
    data: ls_singlerow type ty_singlerow.
    Changes ends here
    select *
      from ypoll
      into table lt_poll.
    Changes made here
    loop at lt_poll into ls_poll.
    concatenate ls_poll-mandt
           into ls_singlerow-rowdata
           separated by ','.
    append ls_singlerow to lt_singlerow.
    clear  ls_singlerow.
    Changes ends here
    call method cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_download
       BIN_FILESIZE              =
        filename                  = 'RESULTS_POLL.txt'
        FILETYPE                  = 'ASC'
       APPEND                    = SPACE
       HEADER                    = '00'
       WRITE_LF                  = 'X'
       COL_SELECT                = SPACE
       COL_SELECT_MASK           = SPACE
       DAT_MODE                  = SPACE
       NO_AUTH_CHECK             = SPACE
       CODEPAGE                  = SPACE
       IGNORE_CERR               = ABAP_TRUE
       REPLACEMENT               = '#'
       WRITE_BOM                 = SPACE
       FILELENGTH                =
        data_tab                  = lt_singlerow
        FILE_WRITE_ERROR          = 1
        NO_BATCH                  = 2
        INVALID_TYPE              = 4
        NO_AUTHORITY              = 5
        UNKNOWN_ERROR             = 6
        HEADER_NOT_ALLOWED        = 7
        FILESIZE_NOT_ALLOWED      = 9
        HEADER_TOO_LONG           = 10
        DP_ERROR_CREATE           = 11
        DP_ERROR_SEND             = 12
        DP_ERROR_WRITE            = 13
        UNKNOWN_DP_ERROR          = 14
        ACCESS_DENIED             = 15
        DP_OUT_OF_MEMORY          = 16
        DISK_FULL                 = 17
        DP_TIMEOUT                = 18
        FILE_NOT_FOUND            = 19
        CONTROL_FLUSH_ERROR       = 21
        NOT_SUPPORTED_BY_GUI      = 22
        ERROR_NO_GUI              = 23
        others                    = 24
    if sy-subrc <> 0.
      write 'Unsuccessful'.

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    u can use the FM GUI_DOWNLOAD.
    here is the sample code.
    *Internal table to hold the employee details
    DATA: it_details TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF x_details,
          wa_details TYPE x_details.
    *Internal table for file
    DATA: BEGIN OF  it_details_txt OCCURS 0,
          END OF  it_details_txt.
    *Employee details for the file
      CLEAR wa_details.
      LOOP AT it_details INTO wa_details.
        CLEAR it_details_txt.
          INTO it_details_txt-line SEPARATED BY '|'.
        APPEND it_details_txt.
        CLEAR wa_details.
    *Download file in .TXT format to local desktop
          filename                = 'data.txt'
          filetype                = 'ASC'
          data_tab                = it_details_txt
          file_open_error         = 1
          file_write_error        = 2
          invalid_filesize        = 3
          invalid_type            = 4
          no_batch                = 5
          unknown_error           = 6
          invalid_table_width     = 7
          gui_refuse_filetransfer = 8
          customer_error          = 9
          no_authority            = 10
          OTHERS                  = 11.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        MESSAGE 'Data downloaded successfully' TYPE 'S'.

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    so there has to be a command to: 'goto' a specific folder as well.
    Thanks in advance!

    You can import text files, but if they are just names you will need an additional action to add the source folder path. A *Run AppleScript* action can be used, for example:
    Tested workflow:
    1) *Ask for Finder Items* {Type: files } -- choose the text file containing the names
    2) *Combine Text Files* -- this gets the text file contents
    3) *Filter Paragraphs* { return paragraphs that are not empty } -- skip blank lines
    4) *Run AppleScript* -- copy and paste the following script:
    <pre style="
    font-family: Monaco, 'Courier New', Courier, monospace;
    font-size: 10px;
    font-weight: normal;
    margin: 0px;
    padding: 5px;
    border: 1px solid #000000;
    width: 680; height: 340px;
    color: #000000;
    background-color: #FFEE80;
    overflow: auto;"
    title="this text can be pasted into an Automator 'Run AppleScript' action">
    on run {input, parameters} -- add folder path
    add the specified folder path to a list of file names
    input: a list of text items (the file names)
    output: a list of file paths (aliases)
    set output to {}
    set SkippedItems to {} -- this will be a list of skipped items (errors)
    set SourceFolder to (choose folder with prompt "Choose the folder containing the file names") as text -- this is the folder containing the names
    repeat with AnItem in the input -- step through each name in the input
    set AnItem to SourceFolder & AnItem -- add the prefix
    set the end of the output to (AnItem as alias) -- test
    on error number ErrorNumber -- oops
    set ErrorNumber to ("  (" & ErrorNumber as text) & ")" -- add the specific error number
    set the end of SkippedItems to (AnItem as text) & ErrorNumber
    end try
    end repeat
    ShowSkippedAlert for SkippedItems
    return the output -- pass the result(s) to the next action
    end run
    to ShowSkippedAlert for SkippedItems
    show an alert dialog for any items skipped, with the option to cancel the workflow
    parameters - SkippedItems [list]: the items skipped
    returns nothing
    if SkippedItems is not {} then
    set {AlertText, TheCount} to {"Error with AppleScript action", count SkippedItems}
    if TheCount is greater than 1 then
    set theMessage to (TheCount as text) & space & " items were skipped:"
    set theMessage to "1 " & " item was skipped:"
    end if
    set {TempTID, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, return}
    set {SkippedItems, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {SkippedItems as text, TempTID}
    if button returned of (display alert AlertText message (theMessage & return & SkippedItems) ¬
    alternate button "Cancel" default button "OK") is "Cancel" then error number -128
    end if
    end ShowSkippedAlert
    5) *Copy Finder Items* { To: _your external drive_ }

  • Download Internal Table into a Text File in BSP?

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    Any help will be appreciated.

    This might be a good starting point.
    <a href="/people/thomas.jung3/blog/2004/09/02/creating-a-bsp-extension-for-downloading-a-table">/people/thomas.jung3/blog/2004/09/02/creating-a-bsp-extension-for-downloading-a-table</a>

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    read a text file with big5 characters and insert into db?
    my oracle charset is AL32UTF8.
    thx a lot!

    Thx for yr answer!!!
    I have followed and it works.
    However, I got another problem with HKSCS. When the text file contained HKSCS, the store procedure also treats it as Big5 and when I select it out, the character was not the orginal one.
    Please suggest if you have any ideas.
    Many Thanks!!!

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    i am using the BufferedReader stream and Tokenizer to detect ",".
    try {
    BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename));
    //read in the data file
    while ((s = in.readLine())!= null) {
    int i = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
    t = new StringTokenizer(s,",");
    A1 = Integer.parseInt(t.nextToken());
    catch (IOException e) {System.err.println(e);}
    When i print out A1[i], it only reads the last line of the text file. Please tell me what's wrong.
    Also i'd really like A1[i] to store the integer before the comma and another array A2[i] to store the integer after the comma. Please help.
    p.s. A1 and A2 are arrays...when i previewd message in Netscape 7 it left out the brackets and the index....

    What is the for i loop for? If it is to read the next line from the file, then the while loop has taken care of it. Other than this there should be no problem with the rest of the code.
    Just add another line to store the next token into A2.

  • Problem while downloading data to text file using GUI_DOWNLOAD FM

    When we download the data using the GUI_DOWNLOAD FM into the text file tab delimeted(table is built dynamically),
    Its coming in this format as shown below
    Field1  Fileld2  Field3
    1     2      3
    However I want it in this way
    Field1  Fileld2  Field3
    1          2         3
    Could someone please let me know how to achieve this?

    Do something like this:
    concatenate field1 field2 field3 into lv_outx "(data of sufficient length, type c)
    separated by gc_tab.  "Horizontal tab constant created as note above
    condense lv_outx no-gaps.  "squeeze out extraneous spaces but beware if you have text with spaces...drop the no-gaps.
    append lv_outx to my_internal_table.  "table with a single field type char, sufficient length
    open dataset  datasetname...
    loop at my_internal_table into ls_internaltabstructure.
      transfer internaltabstructure-outx to datasetName [length if needed].

  • Importing text file with variable spaces

    Hi all
    I have a text file with a varying amount of spaces in it. Typical output from the file is attached.
    How can I separate the values into separate columns please?
    Thanks in advance.

    You're going to need some substrings:
    DECLARE @flatFileLine VARCHAR(MAX) = '2002 01118511 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 PENDING '

  • Infospoke  flat file with tab seperator

    I have a infospoke which creates a flat file with comma field separator. I would like to have tab character as a field seperator. How would I change it.

       as Ram told you can give ',' as Separator.
    all the best.
    Nagesh Ganisetti.

  • Write arrays into a text file in different columns at different times

              I have a problem write data into a text file. I want to write 4 1D arrays into a text file. The problem is that I need to write it at different time and in different column (in other word, not only append the arrays).
    Do you have an idea to solve my problem?
    Thank you

    A file is long a linear string of data (text). In order ro insert columns, you need to rewrite the entire file, because colums are interlaced over the entire lenght of the file.
    read file into 2D array
    insert columns using array operations
    write resulting 2D array to file again.
    (Only if your colums are guaranteed to be fixed width AND you know the final number of colums, you could write the missing columns as spaces and then overwrite later. Still, it will be painful and inefficient, because column data are not adjacent in the file.)
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

  • Write Query Results into a text file

    Hello All,
    In SAP B1 Query Generator I'm trying to write the results of a query into a text file (.txt). I've tryed with queryout but it doesn't work.
    What I want is something like this:
    SELECT * FROM TABLE queryout "C:/textfile.txt"
    Any sugestions?
    Thanks in advance,
    Miguel Barbosa

    Hello All,
    Since yesterday and due to your help, I've found how to solve my problem.
    This post is only to share with you and with the others users of Expert Forums how to Write the results of an SQL Query in SAP Business One to a Text File without making it by exportation.
    Requested Text File by customer:
    Document type in R/3 If Invoice -- 'Z100' - Position 1 to 4 - 4 characters
    Supplier Code -- dbo.Table.CardCode -- Position 5 to 15 - 10 characters
    Item Code -- dbo.Table.ItemCode -- Position 11 to 25 - 14 characters
    Client Code -- dbo.Table.CardCode -- Position 26 to 36 - 10 characters
    Client Name -- dbo.Table.CardName -- Posiiton 37 to 100 - 63 characters
    Fixed Blank Field -- ' ' -- Position 101 to 120 - 19 blank spaces
    Quantity -- dbo.Table.Quantity -- Position 121 to 140 -- 19 characters
    Unit Price -- dbo.Table.PriceBefDi -- Position 141 to 160 -- 19 characters
    If Invoice Fixed identifier -- 'Z01' -- Position 161 to 163 -- 3 characters
    Fixed Blank Field -- ' ' -- Position 164 to 220 -- 56 characters
    Document Date -- dbo.Table.DocDate -- Position 221 to 229 - 8 characters
    Delivery Date -- dbo.Table.ActDelDate -- Position 230 to 238 - 8 characters
    Sales Order Number - dbo.Table.DocNum -- Position 239 to 260 - 21 characters
    Delivery Number - dbo.Table.DocNum -- Position 261 to 282 - 21 characters
    Follows the code:
    EXEC master..xp_cmdshell'bcp
    + ''ZP00002091''
    + IsNull(Convert(nVarChar(44), Cast(T0.DocNum As Numeric(38, 0))), '''')
    + ''PTAP''
    + ''          ''
    + ((LTRIM(RTRIM(T1.U_NumConc)))) + SPACE(10-LEN(LTRIM(RTRIM(T1.U_NumConc)))) + ((LTRIM(RTRIM(T3.BaseRef)))) + SPACE(10-LEN(LTRIM(RTRIM(T3.BaseRef))))
    + ''                    ''
    + ''Z02''
    + CONVERT(varchar(10), T1.ActDelDate, 112)
    + CONVERT(varchar(10), T0.DocDate, 112)
    + ''    ''
    + IsNull(Convert(nVarChar(44), Cast(T1.BaseRef As Numeric(38, 0))), '''')
    + ((LTRIM(RTRIM(T1.ItemCode)))) + SPACE(18-LEN(LTRIM(RTRIM(T1.ItemCode))))
    + ''0'' + REPLACE(SPACE(12-LEN(CONVERT(varchar(12), CAST(T1.Quantity AS NUMERIC (38,3))))),'' '',''0'') + REPLACE(((LTRIM(RTRIM(CONVERT(NUMERIC(38,3),T1.Quantity))))),''.'','''')
    + ''0'' + REPLACE(SPACE(12-LEN(CONVERT(varchar(12), CAST(T1.PriceBefDi AS NUMERIC (38,2))))),'' '', ''0'') + REPLACE(((LTRIM(RTRIM(CONVERT(NUMERIC(38,2),T1.PriceBefDi))))) ,''.'','''')
    + ''ZPHA''
    + ''          ''
    + ''  ''
    + ''                         ''
    + ((LTRIM(RTRIM(T4.CardName)))) + SPACE(69-LEN(LTRIM(RTRIM(T4.CardName))))
    + ''                        ''
    + CONVERT(varchar(10), T0.DocDate, 112)
    + ''               ''
    JFOTST.dbo.OINV T0
    INNER JOIN JFOTST.dbo.INV1 T1 ON T0.DocEntry = T1.DocEntry
    INNER JOIN JFOTST.dbo.ODLN T2 ON T2.DocNum=T1.BaseRef
    INNER JOIN JFOTST.dbo.DLN1 T3 ON T3.DocEntry=T2.DocEntry
    INNER JOIN JFOTST.dbo.OCRD T4 ON T1.U_NumConc=T4.AddId
    WHERE T0.CardCode=''C52''
    queryout "c:\text1.txt" -c -T -x'
    Note that in this code everytime you need to use the symbol ' you have to doble it like ''Fixed Text''.
    Be aware that there is one UDF so if you try to make this query run in your SB1 you will have to create a UDF called U_NumConc in the document lines.
    Database usage:
    JFOTST.dbo.OINV T0
    JFOTST.dbo - Database Name.
    OINV - Table
    T0  - Alias
    For any doubts I'll be available to help.
    Once again thank you very much for all your help.
    Together we are stronger!
    Kind Regards,
    Miguel Barbosa
    Edited by: Miguel Barbosa on Aug 18, 2009 12:09 PM
    Edited by: Miguel Barbosa on Aug 18, 2009 12:10 PM

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