Importing text file (with file names) into Automator.. is it possible?

Hello all,
I have been working with Windows Batch files for my line of work. I have a couple of file names in a text file (a column), which I want to copy from one folder of one hdd to another folder on a different hdd. I have been trying to do this kind of work with a Mac. I already know how you copy and rename files in automator (which isn't difficult, of course) but you have to 'select' the files in the finder first (with get specified items).
But the only way i see that you can specify items is by selecting them... is there a way to import a text file with all the file names instead of selecting all the file names manually?
or is there an AppleScript alternative which I can use to import the text file (or just copy into applescript) and run before the query's of copying and renaming the files? I am kind of new to Apple programming.
The text file looks like this:
so there has to be a command to: 'goto' a specific folder as well.
Thanks in advance!

You can import text files, but if they are just names you will need an additional action to add the source folder path. A *Run AppleScript* action can be used, for example:
Tested workflow:
1) *Ask for Finder Items* {Type: files } -- choose the text file containing the names
2) *Combine Text Files* -- this gets the text file contents
3) *Filter Paragraphs* { return paragraphs that are not empty } -- skip blank lines
4) *Run AppleScript* -- copy and paste the following script:
<pre style="
font-family: Monaco, 'Courier New', Courier, monospace;
font-size: 10px;
font-weight: normal;
margin: 0px;
padding: 5px;
border: 1px solid #000000;
width: 680; height: 340px;
color: #000000;
background-color: #FFEE80;
overflow: auto;"
title="this text can be pasted into an Automator 'Run AppleScript' action">
on run {input, parameters} -- add folder path
add the specified folder path to a list of file names
input: a list of text items (the file names)
output: a list of file paths (aliases)
set output to {}
set SkippedItems to {} -- this will be a list of skipped items (errors)
set SourceFolder to (choose folder with prompt "Choose the folder containing the file names") as text -- this is the folder containing the names
repeat with AnItem in the input -- step through each name in the input
set AnItem to SourceFolder & AnItem -- add the prefix
set the end of the output to (AnItem as alias) -- test
on error number ErrorNumber -- oops
set ErrorNumber to ("  (" & ErrorNumber as text) & ")" -- add the specific error number
set the end of SkippedItems to (AnItem as text) & ErrorNumber
end try
end repeat
ShowSkippedAlert for SkippedItems
return the output -- pass the result(s) to the next action
end run
to ShowSkippedAlert for SkippedItems
show an alert dialog for any items skipped, with the option to cancel the workflow
parameters - SkippedItems [list]: the items skipped
returns nothing
if SkippedItems is not {} then
set {AlertText, TheCount} to {"Error with AppleScript action", count SkippedItems}
if TheCount is greater than 1 then
set theMessage to (TheCount as text) & space & " items were skipped:"
set theMessage to "1 " & " item was skipped:"
end if
set {TempTID, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, return}
set {SkippedItems, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {SkippedItems as text, TempTID}
if button returned of (display alert AlertText message (theMessage & return & SkippedItems) ¬
alternate button "Cancel" default button "OK") is "Cancel" then error number -128
end if
end ShowSkippedAlert
5) *Copy Finder Items* { To: _your external drive_ }

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    I would also recommend to write the description into the meta data. This would allow to place a text frame above the image and it is possible to add meta information and file name automatically together with the image, when you place it or even in a prepared template.
    Meta data information can be written easily in Bridge in the Meta File Workspace.

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    This should be done using either the Properties class or ResourceBundle. Ex.
    ResourceBundle resBun = ResourceBundle.getBundle(String resource);
    String username = resBun.getString("username");
    String password = resBun.getString("password");
    // etc

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    Bjørn Larsen a écrit:
    Hi all
    Hope to get some help with Elements Organizer.
    I have 12-15 years of digital photos that I now want to import into my newly aquirede Adobe Elements Organizer / Photoshop. Since my Nikon names the files with continous numbers from 0001 to 9999 I have multiple files with the same name although they are not alike at all. My previous software had no problems with that since I keep the photos in separate file folders based on import date. I generally import photos after each event and so name the folder with the date and some event info (e.g. 2014.12.24 - Christmas at grandparents).
    That is a common situation, I have the same limitation for files not going over 9999 on my Canons...
    Now - when I import my photos into Elements Organizer I get a lot of error messages with "same name exist .....) Hmmmmmmm
    Please sate the exact wording of the error message, I have never seen a message stating 'same name exist...' or equivalent; only messages about files already in the catalog. Files already in the catalog mean that some files have the same 'date taken' and file size in Kb.
    Any suggestions. I'm using a mac and tried to rename files based on date taken. The mac can do that but it takes ages to go into each folder and run the renaming script there.
    I also use a similar folder creation scheme (such a date naming is the default for the downloader). That way I never get a message about duplicates for the same file names.
    However - I can't be the first or only person with this problem so I figure that some workaround must be known out there. Maybe the import action can recognize date taken or - well. Thank you very much in advance if you can help me out here.
    You can alsways set the downloader to rename the imported files with a unique new name, there are many options in the 'advanced' dialog of the downloader. I don't know about Macs, but I don't thing there is a difference.

  • I need to create an action or script to save the file with the name of the selected layer

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    How could modify the script: 'Layer Comps To Files.jsx' to get the result?
    Warning: I do not need to export all layers as files.
    Who can help me?
    THX in advance

    Versione in Italiano (Further down the English version)
    NB - Nella versione inglese ho messo tutte le immagini dei menu in italiano.
    Versione per Mac, ma credo sia identico per Windows.
    Spiego passo passo cosa ho fatto:
    - Ho creato un file esempio con tre Livelli, salvato sulla scrivania e ho chiuso il file.
    - Ho aperto il file e selezionato il Livello al centro per iniziare a registrare una azione che ho chiamato: Save with Name of Selected Layer
    - Nuova azione
    - Dare il nome e premere Registra
    Ora salva…
    - Menu --> Livello --> Nuovo --> Livello... e premi -ok-, (lascia il nome che viene mostrato)
    - Ancora una volta Menu --> Livello... --> Nuovo --> Livello... e premi -ok-, (lascia il nome che viene mostrato)
    - Menu --> Livello --> Ordina --> Dietro
    - Menu --> Livello --> Unisci sotto
    - Menu --> Livello --> Unisci visibili
    - Menu --> Livello --> Nuovo --> Livello... e premi -ok-, (lascia il nome che viene mostrato)
    - Menu --> Livello - Nascondi Livello
    - Menu --> Elimina --> Elimina livelli nascosti (press -Yes-)
    - Menu --> Livello --> Nuovo --> Livello... Inserisci questo: 'Move this to the trash' e premi ok
    - Menu --> File --> Script --> Esporta Livelli in File... (Nella finestra che si apre scegliere l’opzione che si desidera, ma togliere il prefisso del nome) e premere -Esegui-
    - Selezionare il pannello Storia cliccare su Elimina premendo -Si- ogni volta che si apre la finestra di dialogo (Ripetere 8 volte questa operazione sino ad arrivare nella storia alla condizione di partenza. Ho visto che è meglio di Ripristina -F12-)
    - Fermare la registrazione.
    A questo punto, mandando in esecuzione questa Azione, ho raggiunto parzialmente l’obiettivo perché i file così creati mantengono, purtroppo, dei prefissi numerici per evitare probabilmente la sovrascrizione di file (credo senza avviso) nel posto dove vengono creati.
    Per ottenere l’obiettivo occorre un nuovo passo ed a proposito di questo riferisco quanto segue:
    ATTENZIONE - L’operazione descritta qui di seguito deve essere fatta su di una copia del file, per cui:
    - Duplicare il file,
    - Spostare l’originale in altra cartella
    - Lavorare sul file duplicato.
    mi riferisco a questo...
    ATTENZIONE - Questa modifica è effettuata a proprio rischio e pericolo ed il sottoscritto non si assume alcuna responsabilità su quanto venga fatto soprattutto da mani inesperte.
    ATTENZIONE - Questa modifica sovrascrive qualsiasi file che abbia nome uguale al layer che viene selezionato più l’estensione del file naturalmente.
    Comunque la modifica è banalissima e a portata di chiunque.
    Procedere così:
    - Chiudere Photoshop
    - Aprire (nel percorso specificato dall’immagine) il file “Export Layers to Files.jsx” (Export Layers To Files.jsx con un editor di testo puro.
    - cercare la stringa (dovrebbe essere in riga 1029)
    var fileNameBody = fileNamePrefix;
    fileNameBody += "_" + zeroSuppress(i, 4);
    fileNameBody += "_" + layerName;
    - sostituirla con:
    var fileNameBody = fileNamePrefix;
    fileNameBody += layerName;
    - cercare la stringa (dovrebbe essere in riga 1047-46)
    var fileNameBody = fileNamePrefix;
    fileNameBody += "_" + zeroSuppress(i, 4) + "s";
    - sostituirla con:
    var fileNameBody = fileNamePrefix;
    fileNameBody += "";
    - salvare e uscire.
    - riavviare Photoshop
    - provare l’azione registrata facendo attenzione che il nome del layer non sia identico al nome di un file già presente altrimenti questo verrà sovrascritto.
    Perché ho creato livelli che poi ho eliminato ecc.
    Semplice per evitare errori di esecuzione delle azioni nel caso di operazioni con livelli mancanti o altro.
    Semplice... no?
    English version
    Mac version, but I think it's the same for Windows.
    First of all, I'm translating the actions that I made using the Italian version of Photoshop, you look at the position of the menu that I have chosen to do the work with other languages.
    I explain step by step what I did:
    - I created a sample file with three layers, saved to the desktop and I closed the file.
    - I opened the file and select the layer at the center to start recording an action that I called: Save with Name of the Selected Layer
    - New action
    - Give the name and press Save ( I think it is so in English )
    Now save ...
    - Menu -> Layer - > New —> Layer… and press -ok- , (leave the name that is shown)
    - Once again Menu -> Layer - > New —> Layer… and press -ok- , (leave the name that is shown)
    - Menu -> Layer - > Arrange (order) -> Behind
    - Menu -> Layer - > Merge Down
    - Menu -> Layer - > Merge Visible
    - Menu -> Layer - > New —> Layer… and press -ok- , (leave the name that is shown)
    - Menu -> Layer - Hide Layer
    - Menu - > Delete - > Delete hidden layers (press -Yes- )
    - Menu -> Layer - > New —> Layer… Enter this: ' Move this to the trash ' and press ok
    - Menu -> File - > Scripts -> Export Layers To Files... (In the window that opens select the option you want, but take away the name prefix) and press - Run -
    - Select the History panel and click Delete (on menu opened) pressing -Yes- every time when open the dialog box (8 times Repeat this step until you get into the story to the starting condition. Not use Restore -F12-).
    - Stop recording.
    At this point, by executing this action, I have reached the goal partly because the files created in this way remain, unfortunately, the numerical prefixes to avoid possibly overwriting of files (I think without notice) in the place where they are created.
    To achieve the goal we need a new step and thinking about this as follows:
    WARNING - The operation described below should be made on a copy of the file, so :
    - Duplicate the file
    - Move the original folder to another
    - Work on the duplicate file.
    WARNING - This modification is performed at your own risk and the undersigned assumes no responsibility on what is done mostly by inexperienced hands.
    WARNING - This change will overwrite any files with the same name as the selected layer plus the file extension of course.
    However, the change is trivial and within reach of anyone.
    Proceed as follows:
    - Close Photoshop
    - Open (in the specified path from the image ) file " Export Layers to Files.jsx " (Export Layers To Files.jsx with a pure text editor.
    - Search for the string (should be in line 1029 )
    var = fileNameBody fileNamePrefix ;
    fileNameBody = + "_" + zeroSuppress (i, 4 ) ;
    fileNameBody + = "_ " + layerName ;
    - Replace it with :
    var = fileNameBody fileNamePrefix ;
    fileNameBody + = layerName ;
    - Search for the string (should be in line 1047-46 )
    var = fileNameBody fileNamePrefix ;
    fileNameBody + = "_ " + zeroSuppress (i, 4) + "s" ;
    - Replace it with :
    var = fileNameBody fileNamePrefix ;
    fileNameBody + = "";
    - Save and exit.
    - Restart Photoshop
    - Try the recorded Action, making sure that the layer name is not identical to the name of an existing file otherwise it will be overwritten.
    Why I created levels which I then deleted etc..
    Simple to avoid errors of execution of the actions in the case of transactions with missing levels and other.
    Simple ... is not it?
    Sorry for my bad English...
    Thanks in advance for any hint.
    --->>> Please think about this... Adobe <<<---

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    hi, All
    I installed Sunray4u3 on Solaris0805. the application server is win2003EE.
    I accessed usb storage from win2003, but I can only see files with English name , and could not see files with chinese name. Why? who can help?
    best regards
    xiong wei

    You might want to make sure your credit card is listed in the billing information associated with your Apple ID (see
    Also, to change the From name that appears when you address emails on and iOS device, go to Settings>Mail,Contacts,Calendars...tap your iCloud email account, tap you iCloud account at the top, tap Mail at the bottom, then enter the name you want to use in the Name field at the top.
    To change the From name on your Mac Mail, go to, sign into your account, open Mail, click the gear shaped icon on the bottom left and choose Preferences, go to the Accounts tab and enter the name you want to use in the Full Name field and click Done.  Then quit Mail on your Mac and re-open it.  Your new From name should now appear in the drop-down list when you compose a new email.

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    IMG_123 changed to  RSP45AS
    IMG_124 changed to MOL157A
    IMG_125 changed to AGKH135
    IMG_126 changed to MNOLH13
    IMG_127 changed to ASFBLUG
    Are they any programs or scripts or plug ins that would do that job?

    HI there Onemorewave,
    It looks like there is a batch remname feature included in OS X 10.10 Yosimte if you are planing on updating. 
    Rename files, folders, and disks - Mac Help
    Rename multiple items
    Select the items, then Control-click one of them.
    In the shortcut menu, select Rename Items.
    In the pop-up menu below Rename Folder Items, choose to replace text in the names, add text to the names, or change the name format.
    Replace text: Enter the text you want to remove in the Find field, then enter the text you want to add in the “Replace with” field.
    Add text: Enter the text to you want to add in the field, then choose to add the text before or after the current name.
    Format: Choose a name format for the files, then choose to put the index, counter, or date before or after the name. Enter a name in the Custom Format field, then enter the number you want to start with.
    Click Rename.
    Note: To batch rename, you would want to choose the "Format" option.
    -Griff W

  • Live view putting a file with no name

    So i have a problem (don't know if it's a problem really, but at least an annoyance) with the Live View and Preview in browser features.
    When use them, the file transfer window pops up (even if i have told it to stay "hidden") showing the following:
    Started: 29.5.2013 15.47
    index.php - same - not transferred
    Connections:Raspberrypi.php - same - not transferred
    styles:common.css - same - not transferred
    - error occurred - Access denied.  The file may not exist locally,  may be open in another program, or there could be a local permission problem.
    File activity incomplete. 1 file(s) or folder(s) were not completed.
    Files skipped: 3
    Files with errors: 1
    Finished: 29.5.2013 15.47
    So the weird lines are those marked with red. It looks like its trying to put a file with no name or extensions at all - and i don't think i have such files on my site. Also the permissions are correct on both the server and my Mac.
    My web browser opens up and shows the site perfectly, and if I'm using the Live View, the site shows up well too. The thing is every time I hit F5 to refresh, i have to close the file transfer window. Annoying.
    I don't know if it matters but I'm using a Raspberry Pi as my home web server. It has Apache2, PHP 5, MySQL and vsftpd running, and I have been able to use them with no problem earlier.
    Hopefully someone knows what I am doing wrong here...
    Thanks in adnvance!

    Have you enabled Automatic Upload on SAVE?  I never FTP files on Save.  Way too much risk of error and it takes focus away from my work which is very distracting.  See screenshot.
    Nancy O.

  • There is no 'Save as' under the file menu.  How do I save a file with another name?

    Numbers help refers to the 'Save As' function in the File menu.  My version (latest) does not have a 'Save As' function.  How do I save a file with another name?

    Ross Millard wrote:
    Badunit. You have an original file and an edited file. Now you duplicate the edited file and save it with a different name. Now do you have to go and delete the changed file from which the duplicate had been made? And.... is the original still unchaned... still original?
    For the situation you describe, Apple has provided Duplicate and Revert. Use File > Duplicate to reach this menu:

  • Adobe Acrobat Pro cannot find moved files or files with edited names

    Adobe Acrobat X Pro 10.1 cannot find recent files or files with edited names.
    For instance, if a PDF file is moved in the hard disk from one foder to another, Acrobat cannot find it when trying to open it via "File - Open Recent File".
    Likewise, if the name of the file is changed in the Finder.
    Similarly, if a PDF file is open, it is marked with the yellow fluorescent marker of Acrobat, its name is then changed in the Finder and later on you try to save it, Acrobat says that it cannot find such file.
    Yet, applications like Microsoft Word do not have any of the above problems. It would be great if Adobe could fix these serious productivity issues, which have plagued Acrobat for many years now.
    How to send such feedback to Adobe?

  • In Pages how do I save a file with another name

    In Pages how do I save a file with another name?

    I don't know if there is a less cumbersome way to do this (I'm still pretty new to Lion) but This is what I do - since "Save As" seems to be gone with Lion.
    I create a duplicate document - then click the red button to close the document - and a dialog box pops up and asks if you want to save the changes - I change the name in there and then save the file under the new name.
    You can also save the copy to the desktop - get info - and then change the name if the finder window.
    I copied this from the Pages help area. These help instructions were created pre-Lion I'm sure.
    Saving a Copy of a Document
    If you want to make a copy of your document—to create a backup copy or multiple versions, for example—you can save the document using a different name or location. (You can also automate saving a backup version, as Automatically Saving a Backup Version of a Document describes.)
    To save a copy of a document: 
    Choose File > Save As and specify a name and location.
    The document with the new name remains open. To work with the previous version, choose File > Open Recent and choose the previous version from the submenu.

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    what is your code? so we can get clear picture.

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    Have you solve your problem ?...
    I have exactly the same scenario : pik up a file (file adapter) and send it in attachment by mail adapter without mapping (no IR)...
    I activated Adapter specific paramters properties in the File adapter sender and i can see the FileName tag in DynamicConfiguration section of SoapHeader in SXMB_MONI...
    I want to use MessageTransformationBean... BUT, how can i 'access' to FileName tag ???...
    I setup modules like this :
    AF_Modules/DynamicConfigurationBean 1
    AF_Modules/MessageTransformBean rename mail
    1 key.0 write FileName
    1 value.0 message.FileName
    rename Transform.ContentDisposition attachment;filename=message.FileName
    rename Transform.ContentDescription message.FileName
    rename Transform.ContentType application/csv-tab-delimited-table;name=message.FileName
    But my file name attachment is message.FileName....
    Edited by: Emmanuel JORAND on Sep 29, 2008 9:23 PM
    Edited by: Emmanuel JORAND on Sep 29, 2008 10:25 PM

  • Spotlight/Finder can't find a file, yet when I search the timecapsule for they find it. If I try to restore the file I get "file with that name already exists...." What is wrong?

    I was trying to find a file (iTunes Backup). When using finder/Spotlight they couldn't find the file.
    I then opened up my timecapsule and searched for the file....tick-a-de-da it found it in yesterdays backup. I attempted to restore the file and got the prompt "A file with that name already exists in this location, would you like to keep both, replace the file or cancel the request.
    So if the file is there why can't spotlight/finder find the file??
    If it helps I get this from the terminal when checking if indexing was enabled.
    $ mdutil -s -a
      Indexing enabled.
    2014-11-18 18:09:39.542 mdutil[1472:572531] Metadata.framework [Error]: mdsCopyStoreAttributes failed: (8) (os/kern) no access
      No index.
    /Volumes/Time Machine Backups:
      Indexing and searching disabled.
    /Volumes/Time Machine Backups/Backups.backupdb:
      Indexing enabled.

    Hi Danielle,
    Is there any possibilty that some of your files (a VI or DLL?) have been moved, renamed, or deleted? Also, what version of LabVIEW are you using and are you using any .NET DLLs? Another option to consider would involve VISA or DAQmx property nodes. Are you using any of these property nodes in your code? Here is a KnowledgeBase article to describe more about the VISA and DAQmx property nodes in a source distribution:
    Error Creating Source Distributions Involving rc Files:
    I hope this is able to help.
    Anna L
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • "File with specified name and version number already exists. Result code= -48."   ...????

    Recently I have been getting this error message when I try to record an audio track in Logic... "File with specified name and version number already exists. Result code = -48."  WHAT IS THE PROBLEM?????? It's making me furious!

    As the message says, there is a file at the recording directory that has the same name:
    Try changing the name of the track (this sets the filename in later versions of Logic 9

  • Files with "alien" names in directories with very long path names

    Hi all,
    first of all - I dont know if this is the right forum for my Question,
    but I could not find any better ;-)
    I have a problem with some files with "alien" names with MIXED characters from different foreign countries
    (e.g. "Φέτα (τυρί) 只有沙盒或您的用户页可以用作測試ורת המבחנים בחינוך פור.txt").
    Sometimes - whenn those files are exists in a directory with a very long path name,
    then the windows api fails to handle these files.
    For example GetFileAttributesW() returns error 2
    and ntQueryDirectoryFile does not return this file in the list (etc. pp.)
    I have this behaviour not with other files in those directories (e.g. "abc.txt")
    and also not when those names are a little bit shorter
    or the directorys name is not too long.
    So I guess, there is a bug either in the API or in the file system...?!
    I know that such a file name is a generic one,
    but I have a situation where I have to handle any file with any name -
    even in directories with very long path names...
    So please no suggestions like "use shorter paths" or "convert it to a short name"....
    thx in advance and Best regards,

    No need to call, your MSDN subscription has few free support incidents.
    Chat with the rep to submit an incident.
    Or find their phone number
    Good luck,
    -- pa

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