Downsizing PDF attachments

Saving word documents as PDF files is easy.
To send an Outlook email message with a standard PDF file [no photos etc in page]would take a few seconds as the file was less than 700Kb.
Recently tho, all my newly saved PFD files exceed 1MB size & when attaching to an email, take a while to send!!
Very strange as the files only contain words [1000 words max]
Have I changed a setting by accident or has there been saving chages within Adobe..?!
Please help its v frustrating!

This would be a Word setting, not anything in Adobe Reader.
However, sending e-documents as email attachments is never a good idea; they can get lost, misdirected, or damaged during the transfer.  And there are size limits, as you know.
Far better is to use a file sharing service like Files at, Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, ..., then send the shared download link via email.

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    In Outlook my PDF attachments appear as whole documents and not just the PDF icon.  How can I have attachments included as PDF icons and not the documents?

    For your own viewing, you can of course control-click on the attachment and select "View as Icon".
    For others' viewing, it depends upon their email reader.  To ensure that attachments are not displayed expicitly you can put them all in a zip file (via control click and "Compress") then attaching them, or you can use third party stuff like Attachment Tamer.

  • Multiple pdf attachments from server folder using SO_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1

    I am trying to build a program able to send an email with multiple pdf attachments.
    The files are stored in a folder in SAP server.
    I am able to generate a pdf file from a spool and sucessfully attach it to the email using:
            bin_filesize           = v_bin_filesize
            otf                    = job_output_info-otfdata
            doctab_archive         = it_docs
            lines                  = it_lines
            err_conv_not_possible  = 1
            err_otf_mc_noendmarker = 2
            OTHERS                 = 3.
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
          LOOP AT it_lines.
            TRANSLATE it_lines USING ' ~'.
            CONCATENATE gd_buffer it_lines INTO gd_buffer.
          TRANSLATE gd_buffer USING '~ '.
            it_mess_att_aux = gd_buffer.
            APPEND it_mess_att_aux.
            SHIFT gd_buffer LEFT BY 255 PLACES.
            IF gd_buffer IS INITIAL.
    Internal table it_mess_att_aux is the parameter contents_bin of FM SO_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1.
    I have now 2 files on a server folder which I would like to include as well.
    I am reading the content of the pdf files in following way:
    DATA:   gd_buffer                 TYPE string,
          OPEN DATASET lv_fileserver FOR INPUT IN BINARY MODE.
          IF sy-subrc <> 0.
            MESSAGE e257(zmsgsd) WITH lv_fileserver.
            CLEAR: it_mess_att_aux[], gd_buffer.
              READ DATASET lv_fileserver INTO gd_buffer.
              IF sy-subrc <> 0.
              APPEND gd_buffer TO it_mess_att_aux.
            APPEND LINES OF it_mess_att_aux TO it_mess_att.
    I do not understand the purpose of the statement:
            TRANSLATE it_lines USING ' ~'.
    in this context. Could anyone explain it?
    All the files are attached to email with the desired name but corrupted and with the wrong size.
    Can anyone help me build the logic to attach a pdf file from server in a email?
    Thank you in advance,
    Kind Regards,
    João Cabrita

    hi , try this ,it is working fine  .
      DATA: i_objbin LIKE solisti1 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
              i_objpack LIKE sopcklsti1 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
              i_reclist LIKE somlreci1 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
    *          wa_doc_chng LIKE sodocchgi1,
              i_objtxt LIKE solisti1 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
    *         i_objpack LIKE sopcklsti1 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
           i_objhead LIKE solisti1 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
          i_tline TYPE TABLE OF tline WITH HEADER LINE,
          i_record LIKE solisti1 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
          wa_doc_chng LIKE sodocchgi1,
          v_lines_txt TYPE i,
           l_lines TYPE I VALUE '20'.
          format        = 'PDF'
          max_linewidth = 132
          bin_filesize  = bin_filesize
          otf           = int_tab_otf_final
          lines         = int_pdf_tab.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    *****************soc ranjan***************************
    *  IF full_path IS INITIAL.
    *    CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>file_save_dialog
    *      EXPORTING
    **    WINDOW_TITLE         =
    **           DEFAULT_EXTENSION    = 'PDF'
    **    DEFAULT_FILE_NAME    =
    *           file_filter          = 'Portable Document Format (.pdf)' " for restricting saving file only as pdf
    *      CHANGING
    *        filename             = file_name
    *        path                 = file_path
    *        fullpath             = full_path
    *    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    **            WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
    *    ENDIF.
    *  ENDIF.
    ******************eoc ranjan*****************
      CONCATENATE full_path git_select_option-pernr INTO path SEPARATED BY '_'.
    **  **************************for downloading*********************************
    *    EXPORTING
    *      bin_filesize = bin_filesize
    *      filename     = path
    *      filetype     = 'BIN'
    *    IMPORTING
    *      filelength   = file_size
    *    TABLES
    *      data_tab     = int_pdf_tab.
    *  IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    **         WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
    *  ENDIF.
      CLEAR : lop , el , sl , cl .
    *  ******************addeddd later  by ranjan  21.04.2011
    DATA : desc TYPE char40 ,
          desc1 TYPE char100 .
    t_source_tab = int_pdf_tab
    t_target_tab = i_record
    convert_not_possible = 1
    OTHERS = 2.
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    WRITE : / 'Error in conversion of pdf lines'(015).
    APPEND LINES OF i_record TO i_objbin.
    *Creation of the entry for the compressed attachment
    DESCRIBE TABLE i_objbin LINES bin_filesize.
    i_objtxt = 'Hi'.
    APPEND i_objtxt.
    i_objtxt = '                                     '.
    APPEND i_objtxt.
    i_objtxt = 'Pls  find  the attached  salary slip ' .
    APPEND i_objtxt.
    i_objtxt = '  '.
    APPEND i_objtxt.
    i_objtxt = '  '.
    APPEND i_objtxt.
    i_objtxt = '  '.
    APPEND i_objtxt.
    i_objtxt = '  '.
    APPEND i_objtxt.
    i_objtxt = '  '.
    APPEND i_objtxt.
    i_objtxt = '         '.
    APPEND i_objtxt.
    i_objtxt = '  '.
    APPEND i_objtxt.
    i_objtxt = '  '.
    APPEND i_objtxt.
    i_objtxt = '        '.
    APPEND i_objtxt.
    i_objtxt = '  '.
    APPEND i_objtxt.
    i_objtxt = '         '.
    APPEND i_objtxt.
    i_objtxt = '  '.
    APPEND i_objtxt.
    i_objtxt = '  '.
    APPEND i_objtxt.
    i_objtxt = '         '.
    APPEND i_objtxt.
    i_objtxt = '  '.
    APPEND i_objtxt.
    i_objtxt = 'Regards:  '.
    APPEND i_objtxt.
    i_objtxt = 'Corporate HR  '.
    APPEND i_objtxt.
    wa_doc_chng-doc_size = ( L_LINES - 1 ) * 255 + STRLEN( i_objtxt ).
    *Creating the entry for the compressed document
    CLEAR i_objpack-transf_bin.
    i_objpack-head_start = 1.
    i_objpack-head_num = 0.
    i_objpack-body_start = 1.
    i_objpack-body_num = L_LINES.
    i_objpack-doc_type = 'RAW'.
    APPEND i_objpack.
    ***CLEAR:  i_objpack .
    ***i_objpack-transf_bin = ' '.
    **i_objpack-head_start = 1.
    **i_objpack-head_num = 0.
    **i_objpack-body_start = 1.
    **i_objpack-body_num = L_LINES.
    **i_objpack-doc_type = 'TXT'.
    **i_objpack-obj_descr = desc1 .
    **APPEND i_objpack.
    *CLEAR: i_objhead .
    *i_objhead = DESC.
    *APPEND i_objhead.
    *break-point .
    i_objpack-transf_bin = 'X'.
    i_objpack-head_start = 1.
    i_objpack-head_num = 1.
    i_objpack-body_start = 1.
    i_objpack-body_num = bin_filesize.
    i_objpack-obj_name = 'Employee Payslip'.
    i_objpack-obj_descr = 'Employee Payslip'.
    i_objpack-doc_size = bin_filesize  * 255 .
    i_objpack-doc_type = 'PDF'.
    APPEND i_objpack.
    CONCATENATE 'Salary Slip of Month' p_month INTO desc SEPARATED BY ' ' .
    *DESCRIBE TABLE i_objtxt LINES v_lines_txt.
    *READ TABLE i_objtxt INDEX v_lines_txt.
    ****wa_doc_chng-doc_size = ( v_lines_txt - 1 ) * 375 + STRLEN( i_objtxt ).
    wa_doc_chng-obj_name = 'Payslip'.
    wa_doc_chng-expiry_dat = sy-datum + 10.
    wa_doc_chng-obj_descr = desc.
    wa_doc_chng-sensitivty = 'F'.
    wa_doc_chng-doc_size = v_lines_txt * 255.
    CLEAR i_objpack.
    DATA: l_usrid_long TYPE pa0105-usrid_long.
    DATA : emessage(70) TYPE c.
    CLEAR : l_usrid_long.
    SELECT SINGLE usrid_long
    FROM pa0105
    INTO l_usrid_long
    WHERE pernr = git_pa0001-pernr
    AND subty = '0010'.
    IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
    i_reclist-receiver = l_usrid_long.                     
    i_reclist-rec_type = 'U'.
    i_reclist-com_type = 'INT'.
    APPEND i_reclist.
    WRITE:/ 'No email id is maintained for this personnel number' , git_pa0001-pernr.
    IF NOT i_reclist[] IS INITIAL.
    ***************************************for senders id *************************************
        document_data                    = wa_doc_chng
      put_in_outbox = 'X'
       sender_address                   = 'xys'
       sender_address_type              = 'SMTP'
       commit_work                      = 'X'
    *   SENT_TO_ALL                      =
    *   NEW_OBJECT_ID                    =
    *   SENDER_ID                        =
    packing_list = i_objpack
    object_header = i_objhead
    contents_bin = i_objbin
    contents_txt = i_objtxt
    receivers = i_reclist
    too_many_receivers = 1
    document_not_sent = 2
    document_type_not_exist = 3
    operation_no_authorization = 4
    parameter_error = 5
    x_error = 6
    enqueue_error = 7
    OTHERS = 8.          .
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.

  • How can I print PDF attachments from ABAP report in transaction ME23N?

    Users attach PDF files using "services for objects" in transaction ME23N.
    How can I print the PDF attachments from ABAP report ?
    Thanks in advance,,

      check this link,this might help you to solve your problem
    Kiran Sure

  • I am not able to open the pdf attachments that someone has sent me it comes up with a gray box saying adobe could not open they have sent it a few times in different ways but still can't open it i use windows 7

    I am not able to open the pdf attachments that someone sent me it comes up with a gray box saying adobe cannot open?

    Make sure the pdf has the '.pdf' extension on the file name. I've seen this a few times and adding the extension usually solves the problem.

  • How to print multiple PDF attachments from report

    Hello experts,
    I have developed an ALV report that is having some PDF attachments and I have push button(Print all) as shown in below image.
    When I click on print all button all the pdf attachments should be send to printer.
    I did check in the SCN but I found some posts to print single pdf from after opening the pdf and some posts to view a pdf file which is saved on desktop but in my requirement I have multiple pdf attachments and I have to send all the attachments to printer with print all button click without opening the attachmens.
    Can you please help me to resolve this issue.Thanks in advance.
    Thanks & Regards

    Your Requirement is bit complex,
    i hope we can achieve the solution if follows bellow links and we use application server for temporary storage.
    Print Adobe Document from any URL link in SAP ABAP.
    Hope this will help you.

  • Pdf attachments do not come through on iCloud mail but they do on other email accounts on same device

    I have several email accounts set up that appear on all my devices: iMac, iPhone and iPad.  I use 2 email accounts for work purposes, and good thing I use two. I receive pdf attachments in non-apple email accounts, but the same email sent to my iCloud address comes through minus the attachment and shows only "winmail.dat".  I am using the same device to read the email from the different accounts, but the problem is consistent with all my apple devices. This has to be a setting in iCloud mail but I can not figure it out. Please help.

    Basic troubleshooting steps clearly outlined in the User Guide are restart, reset, restore from backup, restore as NEW.
    If the basic troubleshooting steps don't work, then you'll need to bring your phone into Apple for evaluation and probable replacement.

  • My HP Officejet 8500a All-In-One forwards faxes (as a tiff file) to my iphone.  Can only view/receive 1st page, embedded into email as a non-attachment.  Iphone receives email(s) pdf attachments well.  What can I do?

    My HP Officejet 8500a All-In-One forwards faxes (as a tiff file) to my iphone.  Can only view/receive 1st page, embedded into email as a non-attachment.  Iphone receives email(s) pdf attachments well.  What can I do?

    Try this app

  • Unable to view PDF attachments from my iPhone.

    I am using service called RightFax this service is send the faxes to clients mailboxs. I have been reported from clients that they are unable to view the attachmentson their iPhones, the attachment format is PDF. The attachment can be openned from any desktops and Android phones without any issue.
    i can see attachment from on my iPhone but when i tab on it to view it it just scrolled up to the top of the mail. Also if i farward the same fax mail to my self then i can view the attachment.The IOS version is 7.1.
    I contact the RightFax company to check with them why only attachments from fax mails with PDF format is not openning from iPhone devices from the first time, the company check theur services and do tests and reply me that there is no issue with their services since the PDF attachments are openned on android and desktops. They informed me that it might could be compatability issue between Exchange 2013 and apple that doesn't allowed PDF attachments to be openned from the first time, so they advised to contact Apple support to find out why PDFs are not openning when i initially attempt to download them.
    I download third party mail client on my iPhone and all fax attachments are openned without problem.
    Could anyone help me with this strange issue ??

    RightFax advised you to contact Apple Support - this is NOT Apple Support but rather a public user to user technical support forum.
    As far as I know, it is not possible to open PDF attachments on an iPhone, but it is on an Android phone, which is why you are having the problems - unless there is an app to help you that you can purchase in the app store, then there is not a lot you can do about this, except switch to an android phone, but as far as I know, you have never been able to open PDF documents on an iPhone.

  • Is there a good way to automate changing existing links to external PDFs to instead be to PDF attachments with same names?

    Can anyone tell me a good way to automate changing a "main" PDF's existing hyperlinks to external PDFs to instead be links to PDF attachments to the main PDF (the attached PDFs to have the same filenames as the external PDFs) ?
    Format of current link in main PDF:
    Go to a page in another document
    File: C:\\path\filename.pdf
    Destination name: P:1
    When link is manually changed to link to a PDF that has been attached to the main PDF:
    Go to a page in another document
    File: PDF attachment
    Page: 1
    Zoom level: Fit page
    The new PDF link does not list the PDF attachment filename in the link.
    The main PDF (the one that has the links that I would like to automatically change) is generated with the hyperlinks to other PDFs from Adobe FrameMaker 11.  In FrameMaker11, we added special marker text "openpage filename.pdf:1" that is "automatically" changed to be hyperlinks to external PDFs when the main PDF is created (postscript file is processed) by Adobe Acrobat Pro 11.
    My first choice is to be able to change the format of the special marker text in Adobe FrameMaker source file, but I have not found way to specify a link to be to a PDF attachment with a certain filename.
    However, I would also really like the option of running a batch file on a main PDF to change the links there.
    Has anyone tried using that Adobe ExtendScript ToolKit CS6 to do this? That is, a script that could automatically modify the hyperlinks in a PDF to link to PDF attachments rather than external PDFs, or else modify the unprocessed links while they are still in Postscript file format, or else modify the marker text in FrameMaker to instead of creating a link to a PDF in the same directory as the main PDF being processed, to create a link to a PDF attachment files?
    Thank you,
    Judith Wallace
    [email protected]

    FrameMaker's Hypertext feature has no ability to "link" to an attachment on/in a target PDF.
    PDFs sourced from FM can have named destinations set in the FM authoring files such that a link from to the specified named destination in will be functional in the PDFs created from the FM files.
    Then, of course, there's the dynamics possible by use o FM Books. But that's the grist for the mills at the FM user-2-user forum.
    RE: Scripting - PDF scripting is via Acrobat JavaScript. That something still of and by Adobe although it may migrate to an ISO Standard (or be rolled up in a future ISO 32000).
    So, to the point - look to Acrobat JavaScript for scripting.
    Be well...

  • No Longer Able To Resize Images (PDF Attachments)

    I recently upgraded to Snow Leopard and am now unable to resize my PDF attachments once they are within an email.
    Maybe I'm missing something, but in the older version of Mail / Leopard I was able to easily resize my attached PDF's on the fly by simply adjusting their size from a drop-down menu in the lower-right corner of the email window by selecting: Image Size: "Small" "Medium" "Large" or "Actual Size."
    To the best of my knowledge, this window no longer exists for PDF's, although it is still available for attached JPEG resizing.
    I am deeply invested into using and resizing PDF's in my workflow and would like to regain this ability.
    Any suggestions or solutions for this dilemma would greatly be appreciated.

    Please check this further -- make sure you open the PDF with a PDF reader in a copy either sent to yourself or in the Sent mailbox. Do not base the resolution on what you see if it is a one page PDF, and Mail is displaying it in the message with View in Place. The View in Place is not the full story.

  • PDF Attachments in Entourage

    I have discovered a conflict between Entourage and Leopard and, apparently, Apple is aware of it though I can find no mention of it anywhere. If reading this saves you the hours I have spent trying to fix the problem, then it will be worthwhile. Basically, when viewing pdf attachments within Entourage emails you may find text impossible to read as the fonts you were expecting to see have been replaced by all sorts of odd characters. Sometimes these pdf attachments will appear completely correctly and, next time you look at them, they have gone weird! I have tried everything and spent 2 hours on the phone with a very helpful lady from Microsoft but we have reached the conclusion that this is a Leopard problem. I called Apple and they said that they were aware of this and would try to fix in a future update.

    If you have to display the pdf attachment in the report output, you may try using CL_GUI_PDFVIEWER. Have a look at this code sample as to how to implement it

  • PDF attachments in Email lost ability to "open with"

    Just in the last few weeks, suddenly ios email is treating PDF attachments as a picture only offering me the option to Save Image or Copy when I press and hold the preview image in email.
    I need to be able to Open With my apps like GoodReader,  
    I have already tried a reset and that did nothing

    I guess you mean that after ******* around deleting this and that, and getting it to work once or twice, the problem resurfaced ?
    This is a bug pure and simple.  The same problem is in evidence when using a link to a pdf in Safari.  The only thing you get is the qick-view output ( page) and no opportunity to open it with, or save it to iBooks.
    You would think that Apple would want to solve this problem, wouldn't you?

  • PDF Attachments in Report output.

    Hi Gurus,
    I have a Smartform Print program. My Business needs it the Smart form output is send to E-mail as PDF attachment.
    But the exact requirement is ,
    They need it a summury report before sending to E-mail.
    In the report output The Smart form appears as an PDF atachment. If he clicks that attachment user can able to open and see the attachment. And beside the attachment there is one check box. If he checks the check box and click on E-mail button, then only the PDF should goes to E-mail as PDF attachment.
    Here my question how we can place the PDF attachments in Report output.
    If any one have suugestion or samle code send it to me.
    Thanks and Regards

    If you have to display the pdf attachment in the report output, you may try using CL_GUI_PDFVIEWER. Have a look at this code sample as to how to implement it

  • PDF Attachments in Exchange emails opened in iPad

    Would like to know how to consistently make a PDF attachement in an Exchange email shown as an icon; not embedded text in the message body.  We use iPad to open PDF attachments in emails sent from multiple employees.  These attachments are all originally made in Word (Office 2010) on desktops, saved and sent in PDF, and opened in iPad Exchange email accounts.  Some attachments are shown as text embedded in the message body but some others are in an icon at the bottom of the message body.  We would like it to show as an icon and open it with other PDF readers on ipad.  How can we make them to show all in that way?

    '''Try Firefox Safe Mode''' to see if the problem goes away. Safe Mode is a troubleshooting mode, which disables most add-ons.
    ''(If you're not using it, switch to the Default theme.)''
    * You can open Firefox 4.0+ in Safe Mode by holding the '''Shift''' key when you open the Firefox desktop or Start menu shortcut.
    * Or open the Help menu and click on the '''Restart with Add-ons Disabled...''' menu item while Firefox is running.
    ''Once you get the pop-up, just select "'Start in Safe Mode"''
    '''''If the issue is not present in Firefox Safe Mode''''', your problem is probably caused by an extension, and you need to figure out which one. Please follow the [[Troubleshooting extensions and themes]] article for that.
    ''To exit the Firefox Safe Mode, just close Firefox and wait a few seconds before opening Firefox for normal use again.''
    ''When you figure out what's causing your issues, please let us know. It might help other users who have the same problem.''
    Thank you.

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