DP90 exits

In tcode DP90 , when ever giving material price is less than stock price of that material i need to show error message . i have tried with exits .DP90 have two user exists which one is the right exit to acheive this ?

these are the userexits for FB70
F050S001            FIDCMT, FIDCC1, FIDCC2: Edit user-defined IDoc segment
F050S002            FIDCC1: Change IDoc/do not send
F050S003            FIDCC2: Change IDoc/do not send
F050S004            FIDCMT, FIDCC1, FIDCC2: Change outbound IDoc/do not send
F050S005            FIDCMT, FIDCC1, FIDCC2 Inbound IDoc: Change FI document
F050S006            FI Outgoing IDoc: Reset Clearing in FI Document
F050S007            FIDCCH Outbound: Influence on IDoc for Document Change
F180A001            Balance Sheet Adjustment
FARC0002            Additional Checks for Archiving MM Vendor Master Data
FEDI0001            Function Exits for EDI in FI
RFAVIS01            Customer Exit for Changing Payment Advice Segment Text
RFEPOS00            Line item display: Checking of selection conditions
RFKORIEX            Automatic correspondence
SAPLF051            Workflow for FI (pre-capture, release for payment)

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  • Exit in DP90 for Projects in Project System

    Iam having a requirement.
    We are using DIP for Service Orders and in DP90,we are using exit AD010002 for selecting only the Actual line items if the service order status is TECO.
    we are having project in PS with three WBS (each WBS is one phase..eg  Design phase,Execution phase,Testing phase).In the same way we need to charge the customer only after completion of each phase..means after TECO of each WBS.Have any one came across the same situation and if so..pl share  it with me...

    Have u checked with the relationship...
    Here u cna define... after completing the activity only we can process the other....
    The relationship FS ( Finish - Start)... wil be useful for u...
    - Pithan


    Hi, I m looking for a menu or screen exit on transaction DP90 if anybody Know please Help me.

    Hi Cesar,
    There are no menu and screen exits available for DP90.
    But there are user exits available.
    Ferry Lianto

  • Exit in DP90 and how to get value in the table

    Hi all,
    My requirement is when execute DP90(create billing request), the amount in the table must be validated when I click the "Billing Request" button.
    Please tell me the user_exit, BADI or any other enhancement which can I use to validate the amount in that transaction.
    And how to get the amount(amount to be Billed, Amount rejected) value in the table after that??

    Hi Teja,
    Check the BADI (SE18) - BADI_SD_DPBP - Extensions in SD for DP90 with Billing Plan

  • Items are not updating properly in DP90

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    Can any body suggest me if i miss any required input data to above mentioned tables.

    879035 wrote:
    I was unable to select any item (nothing is getting displayed in Ordered Item field when the LOV is clicked) in Sales Order Lines.
    The Sales Order header information i was able to enter & generate the Order Number.
    R12.1.3 is the version i am using.
    Chandra.Have you done all the required setup in OM??
    Like system parameters...Imp one would be Item Validation Organization
    Make sure item is also available in the price list which you are using in order

  • SYNTAX Problem in User-Exit (Perform/Form)

    i use this User-Exit:
    *"*"Lokale Schnittstelle:
    *"  TABLES
    *"       OPTIONAL
    *   INCLUDE ZXAD1U10                                                   *
      WHEN '0001'. "Istkosten
        PERFORM DP90.
      WHEN '0021'. "Plankosten
        PERFORM DP80.
    FORM DP80.
    ENDFORM.                                                    "DP90
    FORM DP90.
    ENDFORM.                                                    "DP90
    I get this syntax-error:
    Incorrect nesting: Before the statement "FORM", the structure
    introduced by "FUNCTION" must be concluded by "ENDFUNCTION
    Isn't it possible to use own Forms in includes of exits?
    Thanks, Regards Dieter

    when you do this:
      include zx
    include ZXAD1U10
    form aaa.
    the abap engine see this:
      form aaa. " this is because the incorrect nesting error apperars
    so, you can do two things:
    1° put your include sentence in the top of the function group, not inside the exit.
    2° try with dinamyc sencentes include (zx...)  perform (routine).

  • EXIT to assign additional SD types set in DIP via ODP1

    Hi gurus,
    We have a process where it is required to use multiple Sales Document types webut standard configuration only lets using one for debit memos and one for credit memos (TX-ODP1) pero Dynamic Item Profile.
    do you know of any EXIT where additional conditions can be establised to set Sales Document Type in DP90??
    Best regards,

    no comments

  • DP90 pricing date missing in DMR item data

    Background:  Im implementing sales pricing discounts for sales orders generated from service orders via RRB.  Currently, we create service orders to capture costs then use RRB (DP90/DP95) to create DMR documents to bill customers for the services.  Costs are transferred to DMR as condition types EK01 actual costs.
    Issue:  In DP90/DP95, if I leave the pricing date blank..the DMR creates with a blank item pricing date.  The DMR header pricing date is populated with current date.  Since the item pricing date is blank, the system does not find the discount condition records.
    F1 help on the DP90/DP95 field says "If you want to use the internal date determination facility in SD, leave the field empty."
    If I create the DMR manually in SD, the pricing dates determine correctly...nothing remains blank.  Our SD doc type config uses a "blank" for the pricing determination (current date).
    My concern is that end users will forget to enter the pricing date in DP90/DP95 resulting in the customer being overcharged.  Are we missing config somewhere?  As an alternative, is there a way to make the pricing date on DP90/DP95 a required field? Since this only happens from DP90/DP95...Im trying this forum first. 
    All help is greatly appreciated.

    Make it required field on initial screen of DP90 by screen & transaction variant
    T-code SHD0
    Put t-code DP90 and click on tab screen variant and maintain below
    Screen variant       ZDP90
    Program              SAPLVPK_GUI_INTRO
    Screen               300
    Then click on create button then initial screen will appear then click on expenses or sales price then FILED SCREEN will pop up
    Make PRICING DATE as REQUIRED and click on exit & save again save it.
    Come back and click on tab TRANSACTION VARIENT
    Put Transaction Variant - ZDP90 and click on change icon
    put screen variant ZDP90 enter and save
    If you want test is then test by clicking TEST (F8)
    Now assign this transaction varient in SE93
    Put Transaction Code  -  ZDP90 and click on create
    Then enter short text and select option 4 i.e TRANSACTION WITH VARIANT
    Then enter
    Transaction             DP90
    Transaction variant     ZDP90
    And save
    Now instead of DP90 use ZDP90 in this pricing date will appear as required field.

  • Upgradation issue 4.6C to 4.7 for DP90-Data transfer module not allowed

    Hi All.
    We have a issue in upgradation project form 4.6C to 4.7.
    Process we follow is Contract,Notification,Service order,Debit memo request.
    While doing DP90 for service order we are facing a error as <b>Data transfer module is not allowed</b>
    Afetr this system gives you only option to EXIT.
    In the log display we get following message :
    Data transfer module is not allowed
    Message no. V1247
    A wrong data transfer module was entered in Customizing for copying control. When you enter a sales order with reference to a quotation, you cannot copy header data from an invoice, for example. The module number is 306.
    System Response
    Processing is terminated.
    Check the copying control for your transaction in Customizing or contact your system administrator.
    Any idea how to deal with this
    Amrish Purohit

    Hi Amrish,
    There is a standard SAP program: SDTXT1AID. Start it, and the upper section you can find your incomplete parameters. Sign your relevant parameters (or all) and F8
    (not test case).
    I hope it will help you.

  • Change sort on DLINR in DP90

    I would like to know if someone has already done a different sort than based on DLINR in transaction DP90.
    In my process, I can get several times the same article number with different characteristics (ie the period).
    I would like to have all identical article number grouped together.
    Thanks for your help.

    Hi Pete
    This is my bedside book.... But I didn't find any help in it (I mean in that particular case).
    Since my post (it was first in ERP), I've found BADI BADI_SAPLAD15_007 which belongs to enhancement ES_SAPLAD15.
    enhancement-point ad_saplad15_01 spots es_saplad15.
    *$*$-Start: AD_SAPLAD15_01----------------------------------------------------------------------$*$*
    enhancement 9  dimp_general_saplad15.    "active version
    ** user exit to allow DLI to be modified.
       data ht_objects like ad01obj occurs 0.
       data user_exit_007 type ref to badi_saplad15_007.
       ht_objects[] = it_objects[].
       get badi user_exit_007.
       call badi user_exit_007->exit_saplad15_007
           i_vbeln    = i_vbeln
           i_vbpos    = i_vbpos
           i_aufnr    = i_aufnr
           it_objects = ht_objects
           et_dlia    = lt_dlia
           et_dliv1   = lt_dliv1
           et_dliv2   = lt_dliv2
           et_dlim    = lt_dlim.
    I think that I could re do my own sort in it.
    I'm still investigating on this topic.

  • DP90 -More detail

    My requirement is
    When I execute DP90(create Billing request) user exit has to validate whether the customer has partner function  ZO-owner(New one).I need to find the userexit or customer exit or badi to do this..
    My Probelm is i need more details about DP90.It always gives Error 'Sales doc doesn't exist' when i try to execute DP90.
    Please help me out.
    thanks in advance.

    Thanks a lot sreejith.
    When Dp90 is executed i.e Billing request created for Sales order(Repair) then user exit has to check if the customer has partner function assigned ZO-owner.
    But the Exit EXIT_SAPLV46H_002 in Va01 . how can it solves the problem..
    Thanks in advance.

  • RAS order - DP90

    i have an issue regarding DP90.
    Is it possible in case of a warranty repair process to generate e.g. IRNN (copy of IRIN without pricing) item
    instead of IRIN item into the RAS order?
    As our accounting department doesn't want to deal with 100% discount on the header or items I have to find another solution.
    Furthermore: Does someone knows how IRIN items are determined from within DP90?
    I just have this entries in VOV4:
    ZRAS    LEIS    SEIN    IRPA    IRIN
    ZRAS    LEIS    SEIN    IRRS    IRIN
    but no relation to VORP nor VORV.
    Thx a lot.

    Found solution by myself.
    Using exit v46h0001 now.

  • Windows 7 displays error message when exiting +cursor issue

    Two issues here. CS5 Phoshop on Wind 7 64 bit.
    Physical processor count: 8
    Processor speed: 3073 MHz
    Built-in memory: 12279 MB
    Free memory: 9577 MB
    Memory available to Photoshop: 10934 MB
    Memory used by Photoshop: 80 %
    Image tile size: 128K
    First issue is since the latest automatic Adobe update (why fix what isn't broken?) Every time I now exit Photoshop I get the message "Adobe QT Server has stoped working" and occasionally it happens when I exit bridge. Indesign is also behaving badly. I can no longer start a previous document from file manager without ID crashing out.
    The other is the cursors in Clone and erase lose their edge (become invisable) for no reason - well not quite. Noise Ninja crashed Photoshop when I tried to use it. I reinstalled it and all is well. The cursor issue seems to be intermittant but came back (for no reason) after I reinstalled NN. I can't seem to change the cursor, no matter what I do. The problem is now seriously affecting how I work. Almost enough to go back to Win XP which ran CS5 Photoshop flawlessly.
    Any help will be gratefully accepted.

    function(){return A.apply(null,[this].concat($A(arguments)))}
    doug87510 wrote:
    The recent problem is the entire outline of the cursor (including the crosshair in the middle) was missing at any size of cursor. All I had was exactly what I'd get if I used a real spraygun.
    Well, that issue is simply a matter of hitting the Caps Lock key.  When Caps Lock is on, you'll see the cursor outline, and when it is off you'll see a crosshair.  That's a feature, not a bug.
    Glad to hear the 11.1 drivers are out.  I will download them and try them now myself.
    Regarding "Adobe QT" crashing...  QT brings to mind QuickTime, though that is Apple, not Adobe.  Do you have Apple QuickTime installed?
    Regarding memory usage, with 12 GB of installed RAM, you should be able to set Photoshop to use 90% or more in Edit - Preferences - Performance.

  • Unable to capture new KUNNR in Exits from XD01

    Hi all,
    I am creating a new customer in XD01 and trying to capture the new customer number in an EXIT. Here, the customer number is (internally)automatically generated as a result of which this customer number cannot be captured in the exit. I am using SAPMF02D user exit.
    Can somebody kindly give me some idea on how to capture this new customer on saving XD01?

    Hi Max,
    Re: Customer Master / Vendor master Creation
    Re: How to transport Custom Screen Fields from XD01/XD02 screens to KNA1
    Re: Customer (FD01,FD02) Enhancement
    Hope it helps..
    <b>Reward points if useful..</b>
    Thanks & Regards
    ilesh 24x7

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    When I login, all of my desktop items are gone, the "Finder" icon is bouncing and a message asking to restore windows is blinking but unresponsive. I can't exit out of it. What do I do? I've tried force quitting, and it doesn't get rid of this message. When I login to my husband's account, this message does not appear.

    Hey sunnyday7!
    Here is an article that can help you address this issue:
    OS X: How to quit an unresponsive application using Force Quit
    Additional Information
    OS X automatically relaunches the Finder when it is quit. If the Finder is unresponsive, use Force Quit to relaunch it. Select Finder in the Force Quit Window or Dock, then click Relaunch.
    Thanks for using the Apple Support Communities. Have a good one!

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