Draw to User Interface in LabVIEW

I would like to ask you what Control should I use if want to create a UserInterface like in VBAI State and Transition Editor:
or in StarSim:
Thank you for your help, 
Machine Vision Techniques & LabVIEW Solutions - The solution is Yours!

mvTech wrote:
I would like to ask you what Control should I use if want to create a UserInterface like in VBAI State and Transition Editor:
or in StarSim:
Thank you for your help, 
Looks like tree control on the left, picture control on the right. You'll have to customize buttons to get the effect of toolbar buttons, that are flat, but pop out when you over. You do this by customizing the system control buttons. I think that covers everything you see there.
CLA, LabVIEW Versions 2010-2013

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    Go to Solution.

    The S/N dialog is part of the process model.
    For the Sequential Model (SequentialModel.seq), the default S/N dialog in found in the 'PreUUT' sub-sequence and implemented as a DLL call.
    The PreUUT sub-sequence of the SequentialModel is a callback, so you can override it in your own test sequence.
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    This is a very general question, but as a general answer, different screen are commonly handled by using different pages on a tab control and programmatically switching between them (you hide the tabs themselves) or by using different VIs. Monitoring for user interaction is done by using an event structure which will allow you to execute code when a button has been pressed. There are quite a few examples in the example finder (Help>>Find Examples) and some templates (File>>New) for how to do this.
    To learn more about LabVIEW, I suggest you try searching this site and google for LabVIEW tutorials. Here, here and here are a few you can start with and here are some tutorial videos. You can also contact your local NI office and join one of their courses.
    In addition, I suggest you read the LabVIEW style guide and the LabVIEW user manual (Help>>Search the LabVIEW Bookshelf).
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    Try looking at IVC and Suetron. I haven't tried any of them.
    Try to take over the world!

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    Go to Solution.

    I'm not surprised that what you are doing doesn't work.  The Start Execution UI Message is triggered when the user clicks a button to start an execution.  Realize that most executions go through a process model.  So you could be looking at the sequence context of the process model and not your client sequence file.
    I recommend reading that link I posted above.  UI Messages are your best bet but you cannot just piggy back on an existing UI Message like this.  They may not be getting sent at the time you need them to be.  The only way to ensure you get what you want is to trigger one yourself at the right time.
    CTA, CLA
    ~Will work for kudos and/or BBQ~

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    Like I mentioned I can't modify the Test sequences, I can't add a UImessages.
    What are my options? Should the trace event returns all output values from each steps or is it just used for status checking? Or maybe there is completely different approach to that matter?
    Thanks in advance for any suggestions,
    Best Regards.
    CLA, CTD, CLED @ Test & Measurements Solutions Poland
    Go to Solution.

    Thanks for your replay, I have tried to build it in my LabView Block Diagramm, es seems like this image.
    But the variable GetNumSubProperties ist always 0. Why?
    PS: I need only the variable "Step.Result.PassFail" from the last step, do you know, how can I get it? I think, it is maybe easier than read all the "Result".
    ReadStepResultInLabview.JPG ‏39 KB

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    Button.vi ‏21 KB

    Alright so my serial port code should be inside a while loop unfortunately it doesn't work whenever I enter a command to move the stage. It sits there maybe I'm missing something.
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    Now the user interface to control the the movement of the microscope is one of my issues, making several attempts to make it work yielded no results. My best work not the best but a attempt is attached, also one of the things with this I'm having trouble with is getting the button to talk to the stage. On previous buttons I worked on I could press the button and light up an LED on the front panel, I thought the same principle would relate to the movement of the stage, no such luck.
    I hope I cleared up some misconceptions on my part, I appreciate your patience.
    OptiScan.vi ‏14 KB

  • Labview Simple User Interface

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    Thanks a lot

    Hi Olivier,
    There are several ways to implement this.
    The quick and easy method would be to read the ItemText from the Executions ComboBox control. Then scan it to see if it contains "Passed".
    (see attached VI)
    An alternative is to setup a TestStand UI Label Control, Using the ExecutionViewManager you can set a CaptionSource to the UUTStatus. This will then contain the UUTStatus of the currently selected execution. This is similar to above except the string will only contain the UUTStatus string, not all of the details in the execution string.
    However a "more complete" method would be to setup a Callback VI for UIMessages, when the UIMsg_ModelState_TestingComplete is recieved, the UUT status can be retrived. (Refer to the TestStand Help file)
    The callback (assuming it has a reference to the LED) can then set the value of it.
    This method is prefered over the above 2 because you do not need to poll the TestStand controls to get the status information. When the TestingComplete event occurs, TestStand will execute the Callback VI.
    I hope this helps.
    Simon Holman
    Software Engineer
    Certified LabVIEW Developer
    Certified TestStand Developer
    measX GmbH & Co. KG.
    Simple OI - Top-Level VI (Quick).vi ‏191 KB

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    Is there a way to tile up the window to display the execution status in the Labview User Interface?

    Try something like this:
    You wouldn't use random numbers of course, but rely on already opened clones. So you would extend the "Manage Clones" to manage the data for the window position, but set it for each clone in the way the screenshot shows.
    hope this helps,
    CEO: What exactly is stopping us from doing this?
    Expert: Geometry
    Marketing Manager: Just ignore it.

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    For instance, if we send ‘'‘ 28 LD RUP 11 500'' to HV-Lecroy 1451, it
    will answer " 28 DMP 11 -0.1 -12.1 -20.0 488.6 488.6 -2550.0 1 ". This
    is clear and simple but there is a lot of work to extract each piece of
    I wonder if Labview could help me with a starting program using this
    device ?
    Or with general tips or general examples to disentangle all the sub chains.
    Thank you very much, any answer will be appreciated.

    Hi Yang,
    Alan from LeCroy here..  The company Universal Voltronics purchased this product line from LeCroy ~10 years ago. You might want to contact them for support - http://www.voltronics.com.
    Alan Blankman, Technical Product Marketing Manager and LabVIEW Developer
    LeCroy Corporation
    800-553-2769 x 4412
    [email protected]

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    I'm playing with the simple UI shipped with TS and can load the sequence file and run automatically a sequence (Main or another).
    How can I create and assign buttons to all sequence files in my TS project?
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Thanks. (TS 4.0, LV 8.0)

    I've modified my main VI with the below steps.
    I still don't know how to create and assign front panel buttons to the user interface.
    Anybody could explain to me how do I need to modify the attached part of my main vi and how to assign buttons.
    InteractiveArgs_2.png ‏12 KB

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    According to TS Help in this point I can get sequence context for the process model sequence file which posts UIMsg_ModelState_PostProcessingComplete message.
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    Are there another ways to get wanted data?
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    But could not get wanted data with any supposed lookup string from this object.
    Thanks in advance for any ideas.
    Go to Solution.

    The general idea is the following:
    You have to keep in mind that Locals.ResultList on the model level (callstack) is simply the return value of a sequence call step (MainSequence). Therefore, you will only have this single entry [0].
    To get access to the results of the steps inside you MainSequence (and any other sublevel in the callstack), you have to dig into this callstack using this "root-property":
    hope this helps,
    [EDIT]: Since i have not stated it: The screenshot displays the UIMessageEvent callback function in a simple oi where the manager control is the Application Manager.
    CEO: What exactly is stopping us from doing this?
    Expert: Geometry
    Marketing Manager: Just ignore it.

  • A more successful experiment in creating compositable user interfaces for Config Dialogs

    A couple weeks ago I posted an experiment in creating compositable user interfaces using transparent subpanels. The approach might best be described as, "It at least was notable for being novel."
    Today, I'm posting another attempt, this one along more traditional lines, and far more successful. Particularly notable: this one can do all the arbitrary composition of the last one AND it solves the TAB order problem.
    This solution uses a picture control and renders N copies of a control. When the user tabs to a control or moves the mouse over the control, a real control slides into that position to be able to catch the events (update mouse over draw state, highlight for keyboard focus, handle typing, etc). When the Value Change occurs, a master array of data is updated and the picture control is updated.
    This is something that has been attempted in various forms in the past, but there are two aspects of this particular implementation that make it nice:
    its programmatic interface for specifying the behavior of the various objects should make it fairly easy for a user of the framework to programmatically generate their dialogs
    it handles the TAB problem without flickering, something I haven't seen in other attemps
    This idea spawns out of conversation about the previous experiment -- thanks to those of you who posted on various forums, e-mailed me, or, in a couple cases, showed up at my desk. That last one is not something I'm encouraging unless you work at NI... just saying. :-)
    Now, this experiement has already yeilded some interesting conversation. We note that as long as controls are instantiated independent of each other -- that is, no property of one control depends upon the property of another control -- this dialog system scales nicely. But in this experiment, I implemented Radio Buttons, which interact with each other -- when one is set True, the others go False. As soon as controls start interacting with each other (such as graying out one control when a checkbox is toggled, or having expandable sections, or really complex cases like updating a graph as some options change, like happens in some Express VI config dialogs) then we start needing ways to refer to the other controls. This rapidly moves us in one of two directions: naming controls or creating references. The naming approach is definitely my preference as it fits better with dataflow and I can do some interesting effects with breaking apart some of the tree. But all of this quickly starts sounding like "Please implement a XAML parser in LabVIEW." For those of you unfamiliar with XAML, in the world of UI design, it might very well be the coolest thing since sliced bread. A XAML string would indeed fit with dataflow, and we could start building that up. I hesitate to head down this road for two reasons. One, as many have noted, there's really not a good XML parsing library written in LabVIEW that can give me a useful DOM tree. Two, that's a huge project and my gut sense is that you'd have to complete a fairly large chunk of it before you'd start seeing any return on investment. But it is worth thinking about -- I might be wrong. Wouldn't be the first time. This code that I've posted today can at least get you started on the generation side if one of you decides to become industrious.
    I'm turning my attention away from this project for now... coding in G is lots of fun, and I wish I could spend more days doing it, but this has been a side project and it's time to get back to my assigned projects in text programming. Building a powerful platform for automatic UI generation in LabVIEW would be really useful -- I see lots of requests for this sort of thing, and other languages are pulling ahead of us in this domain.
    [UPDATE 5/17/2012 - There is an improved version.]
    Go to Solution.
    ConfighThroughCtrlCreation.zip ‏558 KB

    Elijah K wrote:
    Thanks for posting this Aristos.  I would normally be one of those to go bug you at your desk, but in case I'm not the only one with this question... which particular flickering problem are you referring to?  The act of switching tabs?  In all honesty, I've never noticed...
    When you move controls around on the screen, normally you try to Defer Panel Updates while you do that. But Defer Panel Updates has an effect on control's abilities to catch certain mouse clicks, so when you're trying to move a control to catch the mouse, you have to work a lot without Defer Panel Updates, so if you're adjusting captions, etc, to match the new location, you can see flicker as properties adjust. You can move the control off-screen, as long as you have already updated the picture control to reflect the changes. It took a while to catch all the ways that the flickering can crop up. I think I got 'em all.
    Attached are the VIs saved for LV 2009. Actually, they're saved for LV 8.6, but it doesn't work in 8.6 because of a bug in the picture control that existed back then.
    ComposableUI_LV2009.zip ‏391 KB

  • One user interface for multiple VIs

    I searched and searched for an answer to this so if it's out there please direct me to it.
    I have an application that has roughly 10 different VIs.  These VIs are virtually the same.  All they are doing is monitoring data for the operator for instance: Temperatures, Pressures, Vibrations, etc.,.  I would like to implement a user interface where the operator could click on a button at the bottom of the screen that would take them to the temperature screen.  Once the temperature screen is displayed, I would like to be able to click on a different button that goes to the Pressure screen.  In other words, I want the operator to be able to access any screen they want from any screen they are currently viewing.  So all the buttons would be at the bottom of every screen.  And any screen would be able to access any other screen.  I just have not found a good way to do this.  Every thing I've tried always ends up coming back to a "main.vi".  
    Multiple answers are welcome!  Thanks.  

    Ben wrote:
    DSC has a feature that lets you assign protection levels to each FP control.
    Good to know, having never used DSC. Maybe something to add to my "toolbox" in the future.
    CLA, LabVIEW Versions 2010-2013

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