Drawing into a nested panel

I have an interface consisting of several panels nested together to accept user input on the left and output a shape on the right.
I have the user input widgets set up the way I want. I am about to add the listeners and handlers to each widget. However, before I do, I want to know how to draw the shape in the panel.
My code is below. I would like to accept the user input from the entry panel and output a shape (with code yet to be added) to the displayPanel.
Again, my question is, how do I draw anything into the displayPanel?
//import the necessary java packages
import java.awt.*;   //for the awt widgets
import javax.swing.*;  //for the swing widgets
import java.awt.event.*;  //for the event handler interfaces
public class DemoShape extends JApplet
    //declare private data members of the DemoShape class
    //required control buttons
    private JTextField xShapeText, yShapeText, messageText, fontSizeText;
    private ButtonGroup shapeRadio;
    private JRadioButton rect, oval, roundRect;
    private JComboBox shapeColorDrop, fontTypeDrop, fontColorDrop;
    //declare the entry and display panel containers
    private Container entire;
    private JPanel entryPanel, displayPanel;
    //create a text buffer to house the response messge
    String sText = "";
    //declare public data members of the DemoShape class
    //init method to initialize the applet objects
    public void init()
        //arrays of string to be used later in combo boxes
        //some are used more than once
        String fonts[] = {"Dialog", "Dialog Input", "Monospaced",
                            "Serif", "Sans Serif"};
        String shapes[] = {"Rectangle", "Round Rectangle", "Oval"};   
        String colors[] = {"Black", "Blue", "Cyan", "Dark Gray",
                            "Gray", "Green", "Light Gray", "Magenta", "Orange",
                            "Pink", "Red", "White", "Yellow"};
        //declare variables to assist with the layout
        //these are the left and right justified x coordinates
        int ljX = 10; int rjX = 150;
        //this is the y coordinates for the rows
        int yRow1 = 10;     //the shape
        int yRow2 = 40;
        int yRow3 = 60;
        int yRow4 = 130;
        int yRow5 = 150;
        int yRow6 = 210;    //the message
        int yRow7 = 240;
        int yRow8 = 260;
        int yRow9 = 300;
        int yRow10 = 320;
        int yRow11 = 360;
        int yRow12 = 380;
        //these are the widths for the text boxes, drop downs
        //message entry,  big message entry and radio buttons
        int tWidth = 30; int dWidth = 100;
        int mWidth = 125; int bmWidth = 250;
        int rWidth = 125;
        //the height is universal, even for the messages!
        int height = 25;
        //set a content pane for the entire applet
        //set the size of the entire window and show the entire applet
        entire = getContentPane();
        entire.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 2));
        //create the entry panel and add it to the entire pane
        entryPanel = new JPanel();
        //create the display panel and add it to the entire pane
        //this will display the output
        displayPanel = new JPanel();
        //entry panel code
        //add the form elements in the form of rows
        //the first row (label)
        JLabel entryLabel = new JLabel("Enter Shape Parameters:");
        entryLabel.setBounds(ljX, yRow1, bmWidth, height);
        //second row (labels)
        JLabel shapeTypeLabel = new JLabel("Select Shape:");
        shapeTypeLabel.setBounds(ljX, yRow2, mWidth, height);
        JLabel shapeColorLabel = new JLabel("Select Shape Color:");
        shapeColorLabel.setBounds(rjX, yRow2, mWidth, height);
        //third row (entry)        
        rect = new JRadioButton("Rectangle", true);
        oval = new JRadioButton("Oval", false);
        roundRect = new JRadioButton("Round Rectangle", false);
        rect.setBounds(ljX, yRow3, rWidth, height);
        oval.setBounds(ljX, yRow3 + 20, rWidth, height);
        roundRect.setBounds(ljX, yRow3 + 40, rWidth, height);
        shapeRadio = new ButtonGroup();
        shapeColorDrop = new JComboBox(colors);
        shapeColorDrop.setBounds(rjX, yRow3, dWidth, height);
        shapeColorDrop.addActionListener(new testListen());
        //the fourth row (labels)
        JLabel xShapeLabel = new JLabel("Enter Width:");
        xShapeLabel.setBounds(ljX, yRow4, mWidth, height);
        JLabel yShapeLabel = new JLabel("Enter Height:");
        yShapeLabel.setBounds(rjX, yRow4, mWidth, height);
        //the fifth row (entry)
        xShapeText = new JTextField("200", 3);
        xShapeText.setBounds(ljX, yRow5, tWidth, height);
        yShapeText = new JTextField("200", 3);
        yShapeText.setBounds(rjX, yRow5, tWidth, height);
        //the sixth row (label)
        JLabel messageLabel = new JLabel("Enter Message Parameters:");
        messageLabel.setBounds(ljX, yRow6, bmWidth, height);
        //the seventh row (labels)   
        JLabel messageEntryLabel= new JLabel("Enter Message:");
        messageEntryLabel.setBounds(ljX, yRow7, mWidth, height);
        //the eighth row (entry)
        messageText = new JTextField(25);
        messageText.setBounds(ljX, yRow8, mWidth, height);
        //the ninth row (label)
        JLabel fontTypeLabel = new JLabel("Select Font:");
        fontTypeLabel.setBounds(ljX, yRow9, mWidth, height);
        JLabel fontColorLabel = new JLabel("Select Font Color:");
        fontColorLabel.setBounds(rjX, yRow9, mWidth, height);
        //the tenth row (entry)
        fontTypeDrop = new JComboBox(fonts);
        fontTypeDrop.setBounds(ljX, yRow10, dWidth, height);
        fontColorDrop = new JComboBox(colors);
        fontColorDrop.setBounds(rjX, yRow10, dWidth, height);
        //the eleventh row (label)
        JLabel fontSizeLabel = new JLabel("Select Font Size:");
        fontSizeLabel.setBounds(ljX, yRow11, mWidth, height);
        //the final row (entry)
        fontSizeText = new JTextField("12", 2);
        fontSizeText.setBounds(ljX, yRow12, tWidth, height);
        //display panel code
        //simple test for the display panel
        JLabel test = new JLabel("Display Output Here");
        test.setBounds(10, 10, 150, 25);
        //set the applet to visible
        entire.setSize(800, 600);
    }   //end the init method
    //declare an inner class to handle the events
    private class testListen implements ActionListener
        //supply the implementation of the actionPerformed method
        //pass an event variable as the argument
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
            //get the source of the event
            if(e.getSource() == shapeColorDrop)
                sText = "shapeColorDrop pushed!";
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, sText);
        }   //end actionPeformed method
    }   //end testListen class
}   //end DemoShape class

Ok, I realize you need a canvas to draw into. Now how to I draw into this canvas.
//import the necessary java packages
import java.awt.*;   //for the awt widgets
import javax.swing.*;  //for the swing widgets
import java.awt.event.*;  //for the event handler interfaces
public class DemoShape extends JApplet
    //declare private data members of the DemoShape class
    //declare the entry and display panel containers
    private Container entire;       //houses the entryPanel and displayCanvas
    private JPanel entryPanel;      //accepts the user entries into widgets
    private Canvas displayCanvas;   //displays the response of the user entries
    //required control buttons for the entryPanel
    private JTextField xShapeText, yShapeText, messageText, fontSizeText;
    private ButtonGroup shapeRadio;
    private JRadioButton rect, oval, roundRect;
    private JComboBox shapeColorDrop, fontTypeDrop, fontColorDrop;
    //declare public data members of the DemoShape class
    //init method to initialize the applet objects
    public void init()
        //arrays of string to be used later in combo boxes
        //some are used more than once
        String fonts[] = {"Dialog", "Dialog Input", "Monospaced",
                            "Serif", "Sans Serif"};
        String shapes[] = {"Rectangle", "Round Rectangle", "Oval"};   
        String colors[] = {"Black", "Blue", "Cyan", "Dark Gray",
                            "Gray", "Green", "Light Gray", "Magenta", "Orange",
                            "Pink", "Red", "White", "Yellow"};
        //declare variables to assist with the layout
        //these are the left and right justified x coordinates
        int ljX = 10; int rjX = 150;
        //this is the y coordinates for the rows
        int yRow1 = 10;     //the shape rows
        int yRow2 = 40;
        int yRow3 = 60;
        int yRow4 = 130;
        int yRow5 = 150;
        int yRow6 = 210;    //the message rows
        int yRow7 = 240;
        int yRow8 = 260;
        int yRow9 = 300;
        int yRow10 = 320;
        int yRow11 = 360;
        int yRow12 = 380;
        //these are the widths for the text boxes, drop downs
        //message entry,  big message entry and radio buttons
        int tWidth = 30; int dWidth = 100;
        int mWidth = 125; int bmWidth = 250;
        int rWidth = 125;
        //the height is universal, even for the messages!
        int height = 25;
        //set a content pane for the entire applet
        //set the size of the entire window and show the entire applet
        entire = this.getContentPane();
        entire.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 2));
        //create the entry panel and add it to the entire pane
        entryPanel = new JPanel();
        //create the display canvas and add it to the entire pane
        //this will display the output
        displayCanvas = new Canvas();
        //entry panel code
        //add the form elements in the form of rows
        //the first row (label)
        JLabel entryLabel = new JLabel("Enter Shape Parameters:");
        entryLabel.setBounds(ljX, yRow1, bmWidth, height);
        //second row (labels)
        JLabel shapeTypeLabel = new JLabel("Select Shape:");
        shapeTypeLabel.setBounds(ljX, yRow2, mWidth, height);
        JLabel shapeColorLabel = new JLabel("Select Shape Color:");
        shapeColorLabel.setBounds(rjX, yRow2, mWidth, height);
        //third row (entry)        
        rect = new JRadioButton("Rectangle", true);
        oval = new JRadioButton("Oval", false);
        roundRect = new JRadioButton("Round Rectangle", false);
        rect.setBounds(ljX, yRow3, rWidth, height);
        oval.setBounds(ljX, yRow3 + 20, rWidth, height);
        roundRect.setBounds(ljX, yRow3 + 40, rWidth, height);
        shapeRadio = new ButtonGroup();
        shapeColorDrop = new JComboBox(colors);
        shapeColorDrop.setBounds(rjX, yRow3, dWidth, height);
        shapeColorDrop.addActionListener(new testListen());
        //the fourth row (labels)
        JLabel xShapeLabel = new JLabel("Enter Width:");
        xShapeLabel.setBounds(ljX, yRow4, mWidth, height);
        JLabel yShapeLabel = new JLabel("Enter Height:");
        yShapeLabel.setBounds(rjX, yRow4, mWidth, height);
        //the fifth row (entry)
        xShapeText = new JTextField("200", 3);
        xShapeText.setBounds(ljX, yRow5, tWidth, height);
        yShapeText = new JTextField("200", 3);
        yShapeText.setBounds(rjX, yRow5, tWidth, height);
        //the sixth row (label)
        JLabel messageLabel = new JLabel("Enter Message Parameters:");
        messageLabel.setBounds(ljX, yRow6, bmWidth, height);
        //the seventh row (labels)   
        JLabel messageEntryLabel= new JLabel("Enter Message:");
        messageEntryLabel.setBounds(ljX, yRow7, mWidth, height);
        //the eighth row (entry)
        messageText = new JTextField(25);
        messageText.setBounds(ljX, yRow8, mWidth, height);
        //the ninth row (label)
        JLabel fontTypeLabel = new JLabel("Select Font:");
        fontTypeLabel.setBounds(ljX, yRow9, mWidth, height);
        JLabel fontColorLabel = new JLabel("Select Font Color:");
        fontColorLabel.setBounds(rjX, yRow9, mWidth, height);
        //the tenth row (entry)
        fontTypeDrop = new JComboBox(fonts);
        fontTypeDrop.setBounds(ljX, yRow10, dWidth, height);
        fontColorDrop = new JComboBox(colors);
        fontColorDrop.setBounds(rjX, yRow10, dWidth, height);
        //the eleventh row (label)
        JLabel fontSizeLabel = new JLabel("Select Font Size:");
        fontSizeLabel.setBounds(ljX, yRow11, mWidth, height);
        //the final row (entry)
        fontSizeText = new JTextField("12", 2);
        fontSizeText.setBounds(ljX, yRow12, tWidth, height);
        //display panel code
        //set the applet to visible
        entire.setSize(800, 600);
    }   //end the init method
    //begin the paint method to the canvas
    public void paint(Graphics g)
        //how do I draw into the displayCanvas?????
    }   //end the paint method
}   //end DemoShape class

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    The following is my coding.
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    public class DrawScreen extends JFrame {
    Color rectColor=Color.white;
    int hight=100;
    Panel Button_panel = new Panel();
    Button button1 = new Button();
    Button button2 = new Button();
    Button button3 = new Button();
    Panel Draw_Panel = new Panel();
    public DrawScreen(String title) {
         try {
         catch(Exception e) {
    private void Init() throws Exception {
    setFont(new Font("Serif",Font.ITALIC,12));
         Button_panel.setBounds(new Rectangle(14, 17, 118, 259));
         button1.setLabel("Draw Square");
         button1.setBounds(new Rectangle(0, 69, 115, 22));
         button2.setLabel("Colour Red");
         button2.setBounds(new Rectangle(0, 111, 115, 22));
         button3.setLabel("Clear Screen");
         button3.setBounds(new Rectangle(2, 152, 115, 22));
         Draw_Panel.setBounds(new Rectangle(138, 15, 254, 266));
    //     System.out.println(Draw_Panel.getBounds());
         this.getContentPane().add(Button_panel, "East");
         Button_panel.add(button3, null);
         Button_panel.add(button2, null);
         Button_panel.add(button1, null);
         this.getContentPane().add(Draw_Panel, "West");
         addWindowListener(new java.awt.event.WindowAdapter(){
              public void windowClosing(java.awt.event.WindowEvent e){
    button1.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
    button2.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
    button3.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
    private void button1ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
    private void button2ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
    private void button3ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
    public void paint(Graphics g){
         g.drawRect(50, 50,hight,hight);
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    DrawScreen ds=new DrawScreen("Square Plotter");

    Few changes and it works:
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    public class DrawScreen extends JFrame
         Color  rectColor    = Color.white;
         int    hight        = 100;
         Panel  Button_panel = new Panel();
         Button button1      = new Button();
         Button button2      = new Button();
         Button button3      = new Button();
         DPanel Draw_Panel   = new DPanel();
    public DrawScreen(String title)
    //     setFont(new Font("Serif",Font.ITALIC,12));
    //     this.getContentPane().setLayout(null);
         Button_panel.setBounds(new Rectangle(14, 17, 118, 259));
         button1.setLabel("Draw Square");
         button1.setBounds(new Rectangle(0, 69, 115, 22));
         button2.setLabel("Colour Red");
         button2.setBounds(new Rectangle(0, 111, 115, 22));
         button3.setLabel("Clear Screen");
         button3.setBounds(new Rectangle(2, 152, 115, 22));
         Draw_Panel.setBounds(new Rectangle(138, 15, 254, 266));
    //  System.out.println(Draw_Panel.getBounds());
    //     this.getContentPane().setBackground(Color.white);
         this.getContentPane().add(Button_panel, "East");
         this.getContentPane().add(Draw_Panel, "Center");
         addWindowListener(new java.awt.event.WindowAdapter()
              public void windowClosing(java.awt.event.WindowEvent e)
         button1.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener()
              public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt)
         button2.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener()
              public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt)
         button3.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener()
              public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt)
    //     pack();
    private void button1ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt)
    private void button2ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt)
    private void button3ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt)
    public class DPanel extends JPanel
    public DPanel()
    public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
         g.drawRect(50, 50,hight,hight);
    public static void main(String[] args)
         DrawScreen ds=new DrawScreen("Square Plotter");

  • Mouseclick issue on nested panel

    Hi all,
    I'm redesigning my portfolio website with Spry sliding panel
    tech. and I've encountered a behaviour issue that I was wondering
    if anybody else has seen before.
    So I've got one set of sliding panels that controls the
    sections of the website you visit (ie graphic design, web design
    etc) and then a repeating panel inside each one that displays the
    different examples in each genre. This nested panel is controlled
    by the simple nextFrame(), prevFrame() functionality (as well as
    listing the number of panels that are also clickable for more
    direct navigation) - to see it all in action, visit
    My problem is that the FIRST time you click on a navigation
    link in the nested panel, nothing happens. After that it all works
    fine, but it almost seems that the panel needs to be focused on
    first by a click and then will run as normal. Anybody else come
    across this issue? Is there a fix for it?

    Hi all, anybody found a workaround for this problem?
    still searching...

  • ADF/Swing probles with nested panels layout.

    When panel is placed in other panel, changing of nested panel layout by changing panel properties, results in adding in jbInit() metod code for setting choosen layout at the end of jbInit and not (as in top panel) at the begining of jbInit(). Many times (for instance when layout is BorderLayout) because of this nested panel is displayd empty. It is necessary of course to manually move lines setting layout before lines which adds components to nested panel. Thou it is possible to do it manually it would be nice not to have remember about it.

    how do I reproduce this? Can you give me a step-by-step instruction? Its not clear from your posting which JDeveloper release you are using (though I assume JDeveloper 10.1.3), nor if the panels are created in external Java file or within the parent panel.

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