Drawing Multiple Shapes Out of One

Hi everyone,
I am building a marketing brochure, and I wanted to know if it were possible to make one shape into many using just inDesign. In the sample image, you can see the polygon includes multiple shapes from what appears to be a larger shape. The pen and rectangle tool can get some of the shapes, but the more cumbersome ones, i.e., such as a shape similar to the one below the "goals" text seem almost impossible to do with just the pen or rectangle tool.

See this quick video.
To make a rounded corner for one side hold down shift key then drag.

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    You realize I cannot see your screen, right? I do not understand your use of the terms "crop out" and "cover…under hsi arms." If you remove him, how are his arms still in the shot?
    Do you need multiple masks on one layer or do you need a different mask for every frame of video? That is called rotoscoping and is easily researched.

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    import java.awt.Graphics;
    import java.awt.Graphics2D;
    import java.applet.Applet;
    import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
    import java.awt.event.MouseListener;
    import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
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    int x1,y1;
    int click=-1;
              class MyMouseListener implements MouseListener
              public void mousePressed(MouseEvent event){}
              public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent event){}
              public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent event)
    if (click==0)
                   if (click==1)
                   if (click==2)
    if (click==3)
    public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent event){}
              public void mouseExited(MouseEvent event){}
    MyMouseListener listener = new MyMouseListener();
    public void paint(Graphics g)
         Rectangle2D.Double r = new Rectangle2D.Double (x1,y1,40,40);

    //  <applet code="BCA" width="400" height="400"></applet>
    import java.applet.Applet;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
    public class BCA extends Applet
        BufferedImage image;
        int width = 40;
        int height = 40;
        public void init()
            addMouseListener(new MyMouseListener());
        public void paint(Graphics g)
            if(image == null)
            g.drawImage(image, 0, 0, this);
        private void initImage()
            int w = getWidth();
            int h = getHeight();
            int type = BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB;
            image = new BufferedImage(w, h, type);
            Graphics2D g2 = image.createGraphics();
        private void addRectangle(Point p)
            Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)image.getGraphics();
            g2.fill(new Rectangle(p.x-width/2, p.y-height/2, width, height));
        private void clearImage()
            Graphics g = image.getGraphics();
            g.fillRect(0, 0, image.getWidth(), image.getHeight());
        class MyMouseListener extends MouseAdapter
            public void mousePressed(MouseEvent event)
                if(event.getClickCount() == 2)

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    In the bottom of the Appearance Palette, toggle the (deep breath) New Art Maintains Appearance / New Art Has Basic Appearance button (pant pant).
    I leave it to you to do three things:
    1. Figure out which state of that stupidly-designed single button means which setting.
    2. Figure out if the stupidly-designed tooltip that appears when you hover over that stupid button means:
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    B. ...that what the tooltip reads is the setting you will get if you click the stupidly-designed single button.
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    You are welcome, on.
    Sometimes, what might appear to be a preference corruption may be solved by restarting Illy or the OS.
    So those would have been the top of the suggested list of things to try, when a stuck tilde key was ruled out.

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    kglad knows much, much more than I do and actually helped me out the other day. But, I think I could elaborate a little. Below is exactly what he said, step by step.
    Draw a square> right click> > convert to symbol> name it generic button> ok> double click button> go to the hit frame> right click> insert frame> go to the up frame> right click> insert key frame> click in the up frame again> delete> go back to scene 1
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    Hope this was helpfull. Just paying it forward.

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      You can add a solid color fill layer or drag your background image from the project bin into the main window with your heart. Then drag the background layer down the layer stack so that it sits below the heart layer and shows through the transparency.
      Click to view

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    SELECT Column1, Column2 FROM testTable
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    Hello 784948.
    Assuming that the delimiter is a comma, and also assuming that the number of pairs is limited to four, you could use the following tested control fileLOAD DATA
    INTO TABLE testTable
    WHEN (1:7) = 'KEYWORD' AND (9) = '1'
    ( KeywordColumn    FILLER
    , PairCountColumn  FILLER
    , InputColumn1
    , InputColumn2
    , FillerColumn1    FILLER
    , FillerColumn2    FILLER
    , FillerColumn3    FILLER
    , FillerColumn4    FILLER
    , FillerColumn5    FILLER
    , FillerColumn6    FILLER
    INTO TABLE testTable
    WHEN (1:7) = 'KEYWORD' AND (9) = '2'
    ( KeywordColumn    FILLER  POSITION(1)
    , PairCountColumn  FILLER
    , InputColumn1
    , InputColumn2
    , FillerColumn1    FILLER
    , FillerColumn2    FILLER
    , FillerColumn3    FILLER
    , FillerColumn4    FILLER
    , FillerColumn5    FILLER
    , FillerColumn6    FILLER
    INTO TABLE testTable
    WHEN (1:7) = 'KEYWORD' AND (9) = '3'
    ( KeywordColumn    FILLER  POSITION(1)
    , PairCountColumn  FILLER
    , InputColumn1
    , InputColumn2
    , FillerColumn1    FILLER
    , FillerColumn2    FILLER
    , FillerColumn3    FILLER
    , FillerColumn4    FILLER
    , FillerColumn5    FILLER
    , FillerColumn6    FILLER
    INTO TABLE testTable
    WHEN (1:7) = 'KEYWORD' AND (9) = '2'
    ( KeywordColumn    FILLER  POSITION(1)
    , PairCountColumn  FILLER
    , FillerColumn1    FILLER
    , FillerColumn2    FILLER
    , InputColumn1
    , InputColumn2
    , FillerColumn3    FILLER
    , FillerColumn4    FILLER
    , FillerColumn5    FILLER
    , FillerColumn6    FILLER
    INTO TABLE testTable
    WHEN (1:7) = 'KEYWORD' AND (9) = '3'
    ( KeywordColumn    FILLER  POSITION(1)
    , PairCountColumn  FILLER
    , FillerColumn1    FILLER
    , FillerColumn2    FILLER
    , InputColumn1
    , InputColumn2
    , FillerColumn3    FILLER
    , FillerColumn4    FILLER
    , FillerColumn5    FILLER
    , FillerColumn6    FILLER
    INTO TABLE testTable
    WHEN (1:7) = 'KEYWORD' AND (9) = '4'
    ( KeywordColumn    FILLER  POSITION(1)
    , PairCountColumn  FILLER
    , FillerColumn1    FILLER
    , FillerColumn2    FILLER
    , InputColumn1
    , InputColumn2
    , FillerColumn3    FILLER
    , FillerColumn4    FILLER
    , FillerColumn5    FILLER
    , FillerColumn6    FILLER
    INTO TABLE testTable
    WHEN (1:7) = 'KEYWORD' AND (9) = '3'
    ( KeywordColumn    FILLER  POSITION(1)
    , PairCountColumn  FILLER
    , FillerColumn1    FILLER
    , FillerColumn2    FILLER
    , FillerColumn3    FILLER
    , FillerColumn4    FILLER
    , InputColumn1
    , InputColumn2
    , FillerColumn5    FILLER
    , FillerColumn6    FILLER
    INTO TABLE testTable
    WHEN (1:7) = 'KEYWORD' AND (9) = '4'
    ( KeywordColumn    FILLER  POSITION(1)
    , PairCountColumn  FILLER
    , FillerColumn1    FILLER
    , FillerColumn2    FILLER
    , FillerColumn3    FILLER
    , FillerColumn4    FILLER
    , InputColumn1
    , InputColumn2
    , FillerColumn5    FILLER
    , FillerColumn6    FILLER
    INTO TABLE testTable
    WHEN (1:7) = 'KEYWORD' AND (9) = '4'
    ( KeywordColumn    FILLER  POSITION(1)
    , PairCountColumn  FILLER
    , FillerColumn1    FILLER
    , FillerColumn2    FILLER
    , FillerColumn3    FILLER
    , FillerColumn4    FILLER
    , FillerColumn5    FILLER
    , FillerColumn6    FILLER
    , InputColumn1
    , InputColumn2
    Please mark the answer as helpful or answered if it is so. If not, provide additional details.
    Always try to provide create table and insert table statements to help the forum members help you better.
    Edited by: Luke Mackey on Aug 5, 2010 1:23 PM (always better to test before posting)

  • Making one shape out of many

    Hi, basic path question: How do I make multiple shapes (overlapping each other)  into one shape or path? I know its in the object menu but which one?Thanks!

    check the Pathfinder window for your various options.  There's more than just the one you're requesting so I would investigate all of them
    to learn what Illustrator can do.

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    Dupin is for Mac. For PC users I've written a script called DeDuper which can help remove unwanted duplicates. See this  thread for background.

  • Applying shape styles to multiple shapes or paint strokes...

    Is it possible to apply a shape style (such as "Hard Chalk") so multiple shapes or strokes at once?
    Dragging and dropping onto one line at a time until the drawing is completely made up of chalk strokes is quite tedious...
    Alternatively, perhaps there is a way to combine paint strokes...grouping is OK, but you can't drop a shape style onto a group...so it doesn't help here.
    any thoughts?

    Hi Daniel,
    If you need to use the master page for multiple site collections, then you’d better to choose the option 2 or options 3, as you do not need to make copies of the CSS or JS files and re-upload them to each site collection.
    And per my knowledge, option 3 is better. Because the CSS or JS files are stored at the local system of SharePoint server in option 3, it is faster than referring a file which is stored in database in option 2.
    Generally, it depends based on your situation as you don’t like option 3 when the CSS or JS files are not accessible in SPD.
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Victoria Xia
    TechNet Community Support

  • Is there an easier way to draw a shape in 3d to match X,Y, Z of photo?

    I usually start a project in 2d and import photos, draw shapes and text in this 2d environment. I find it easier this way because they all start out on the same plane, and when manipulating in 3d later, this initial plane acts as a reference plane that I can shift X,Y,Z and rotation paramaters from. I then add a new camera and turn everything into 3d. However, as I work further in the timeline, I sometimes want to add a rectangle that overlaps exactly on top of a photo lying in 3d space as to cover it. When I start the shape command in the active camera view and draw the rectangle to match the outline of the photo, it seems like the photo and rectangle are on the same plane in this view. However, when I check this by going to the perspective view and checking from other angles I see that the rectangle was placed on an arbitrary plane and the rectangle is not overlapping the photo.
    To correct this, I open the inspector of the photo and write down it's X,Y,Z positions and also it's X,Y,Z rotation parameters. Then I go to the rectangle that I have already drawn and in the wrong plane, open it's inspector properties, and replace with the X,Y,Z and rotation parameters of the photos. Then fine tune the orthogonal positions and scaling within the plane with the 3d tranform tool. This seems like a lot of work, especially when I have to do it a 100 times. Looking for an easier way to draw a shape on the same plane of a photo in 3d space.

    This is a really good question about one of the bigger challenges of building a 3D project. When you add objects to the Canvas (including drawing), they get added in the camera's viewspace, facing the camera and sharing the same up-vector (i.e. positive Y is up). This is all well and good, but what about doing what you ask, where you want to add an object in the localspace of another object? Let's look at your example: adding a shape that is coplanar to a photo, with the camera not necessarily aligned with the photo.
    As Mark suggested, you can draw the shape in the camera's viewspace and then drag-and-drop the Position and Rotation channels from the photo onto the shape. This will replace the shape's Position and Rotation values with that of the photo, making them coplanar and located in the same place. The shortcoming of this method is that you draw the shape at a size that seems correct in the Canvas, but once it's moved to the same place as the photo, it will often turn out to be too small or large. Then you have to make further tweaks.
    Another solution is to use the Isolate command. Isolate temporarily aligns the current view to the selected object and solos that object. So you could isolate the photo and then draw the shape in the Canvas and it will be coplanar with the photo. The only caveat is that the moment you finish drawing the shape, it will disappear. This is because the photo is still isolated (and soloed). As soon as you de-isolate the photo, everything will reappear.
    The easiest way to use Isolate for new photos—not ones already in the project—is to place the photo in a 3D group, position the group where you want the photo and shape to be, then isolate the group and add anything you want to it (shapes, image, text, etc).

  • Draw a shape and add it to cells in a JTabel. Help Please

    Hi all
    I have written some code that draws a shape using Graphics2D.
    What I am after being able to do is create this shape then place it in a cell of a JTable.
    One Other thing is I need to create different color shapes for each row in the table.
    is this posable ??
    Any help would be appreciated
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class RectangleDemo2D extends JFrame {
      private Color color1 = new Color(255, 3, 3);// Color
      private Color color1a = new Color(255, 3, 3, 155); // Color with Alpha
      private Color color2 = new Color(255, 255, 255, 155); //Color White
      int x = 150;
      int y = 150;
      int w = 12;
      int h = 12;
      int arc = 6;
      GradientPaint gradient = new GradientPaint(5, 0, color1, 5, 90, color2, false);
      final static BasicStroke stroke = new BasicStroke(1.0f);
      public void paint( Graphics   g) {
        Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
        g2.fillRoundRect(x, y, w, h, arc, arc);
        g2.drawRoundRect(x, y, w, h, arc, arc);
        //ImageIcon ico = new ImageIcon("check.png"); // This adds a check image
       // g2.drawImage(ico.getImage(), x, y - 3, this);
      public static void main(String s[]) {
        RectangleDemo2D demo = new RectangleDemo2D();
        demo.setSize(new Dimension(300, 300));

    You can check out a similar thread where the poster has opted to use imageicons instead of shapes. That thread is here.
    As for creating different color shapes for different cells of the jtable, it is definitely possible once you have a custom renderer for your jtable. Just read up on how to create custom table cell renderer.

  • I just Draw a shape in Geometry and key framing and everything is good ,bu

    I just Draw a shape in Geometry and key framing and everything is good ,but as soon as I get to the secondary for set the changes everything will change !The shape will automatically change its place to couple pixel up and to the right ! my footage is in 2K red and was shot by Red Camera . I really don`t know what is the problem , any helps ?

    This is a really good question about one of the bigger challenges of building a 3D project. When you add objects to the Canvas (including drawing), they get added in the camera's viewspace, facing the camera and sharing the same up-vector (i.e. positive Y is up). This is all well and good, but what about doing what you ask, where you want to add an object in the localspace of another object? Let's look at your example: adding a shape that is coplanar to a photo, with the camera not necessarily aligned with the photo.
    As Mark suggested, you can draw the shape in the camera's viewspace and then drag-and-drop the Position and Rotation channels from the photo onto the shape. This will replace the shape's Position and Rotation values with that of the photo, making them coplanar and located in the same place. The shortcoming of this method is that you draw the shape at a size that seems correct in the Canvas, but once it's moved to the same place as the photo, it will often turn out to be too small or large. Then you have to make further tweaks.
    Another solution is to use the Isolate command. Isolate temporarily aligns the current view to the selected object and solos that object. So you could isolate the photo and then draw the shape in the Canvas and it will be coplanar with the photo. The only caveat is that the moment you finish drawing the shape, it will disappear. This is because the photo is still isolated (and soloed). As soon as you de-isolate the photo, everything will reappear.
    The easiest way to use Isolate for new photos—not ones already in the project—is to place the photo in a 3D group, position the group where you want the photo and shape to be, then isolate the group and add anything you want to it (shapes, image, text, etc).

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