Drawing Permanent Rectangular Area on a Picture

The main code is  “Rectangle_Delete_N”.
This code takes an entire image and based on our mouse drag,
it can choose and display the area of interest. However, the red-dotted
boundary that appears are temporary  and
I could not figure out a way to make it permanently appear on the “picture”
based on two options that I want to choose:
Temporary Boundary/Permanent Boundary
 Please let me know
how it can done?
Rectangle_Delete_N.zip ‏141 KB

Easiest: Put the image terminal inside the TRUE case which is inside the "picture:mouse move" event, right after the "draw rect" icon. Now it won't update in the other events. Try it!
(Also your subVI "proper img display" has about 90% too much code (and currently does not do anything useful). What is it supposed to do? The subVI "DIsplay coor..." does not need any sequence structure.)
Message Edited by altenbach on 07-12-2006 06:00 PM
LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

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    Most Simple Back Up
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    Dogs \'n Front wrote:
    Yup.  That worked!  I wish I didn't have to use a third-party app to get the task done but at least it worked...
    Glad to hear it. The main reason I suggested EasyFind is that unless you need to search on the content of files, it can serve as pretty effective replacement for Spotlight, which seems to frequently get bogged down in indexing. EasyFind doesn't index and it can search media that you wouldn't want Spotlight to normally index.
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