Dreamweaver 8 vs CS4

I am still using Dreamweaver 8 and was wondering what the
main differences are between 8 and CS4? I was told awhile back that
there wasn't much of a difference between 8 and CS3, but now with
CS4 out, I'd like to know how much of a difference there is.
Thanks in advance.

C_McLain wrote:
> I'd love to hear more about why you believe it's the
most significant upgrade
> since Dreamweaver MX though. Is it because of new
features? If so, what kind
> of features?
Like MX, the immediately obvious change in CS4 is the user
It's an evolutionary change, so you can configure it to work
exactly the same as before; but you can also save much more
screen real
estate by collapsing panels to icons. However, the really
changes for me lie in the following new features: Related
Files, Live
View, Live Code, Code Navigator, and a small - but great -
vertical split view.
> I'd hate to install CS4 only to come back here and
complain about it like so
> many others.
It seems that you either love it or hate it. The Related
Files feature
can be disconcerting until you get used to it. It's a new
toolbar at the
top of the Document window that lists all external JavaScript
style sheets, and server-side includes attached to the
current page.
Select any of them, and Dreamweaver reveals the contents of
the related
file in Split view, while continuing to display the main file
in Design
view. You can make edits in the related file, and the effect
immediately reflected in Design view when you press F5 or
click anywhere
in Design view.
Live View uses the WebKit browser to render your page in a
standards-compliant browser inside the Document window. It's
intended as a substitute for testing in other browsers, but I
find it
speeds up primary testing and development.
The Code Navigator gives you an immediate summary of style
rules that
apply to a specific part of the page. Mouse over the
selectors displayed
in the Code Navigator, and you see the details of each rule.
Click one
of the rules, and you're taken directly to the code, ready to
edit it.
Other features include code introspection for JavaScript
functions and
objects, a vastly improved way of creating Spry data sets,
and the
ability to share your screen with up to three other people.
There's also
support for a hosted CMS called InContext Editing. Some
people think
InContext Editing is brilliant. I have tested it, and will
never use it again. It doesn't fit my needs, and I think it
is likely to
result in considerable maintenance problems.
One final thing: if you're looking for improvements to
server-side features, there aren't any. No changes were made
to server
behaviors, apart from removing support for ASP.NET and JSP.
David Powers, Adobe Community Expert
Author, "The Essential Guide to Dreamweaver CS4",
"PHP Solutions" & "PHP Object-Oriented Solutions"

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    Hi [email protected]
    Please donwload CS4 Trials from below link : http://prodesigntools.com/download-adobe-cs4-and-cs3-free-trials-here.html
    Follow the important instructions to start your download ...
    Use your Serial Key to Activate them ...

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    Message was edited by: bcmartin

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    CS5 does not actually upgrade CS4.  It just installs a new version alongside CS4.  You could try trashing the prefernces located in the application support folder and restarting DW.  However, only way users here would probably know how to get rid of this is to run the Clean Tool to remove the previous versions, up to and including CS5 and then reinstall CS5.

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    OMG SnakeEye - you are my hero!
    Here's what I did - I right-clicked the parent folder of my site in Explorer, selected Properties/Security and edited the permissions (some of the were Read-only).  At first it wouldn't "stick," but I diddled a bit and was able to make the change and update all my files.  I guess I'll have to do this for all my sites.
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    csname wrote:
    did i just misunderstand your response completely or do you REALLY mean that if i make a .dwt file using cs4 i will be able to open it without any problems and see exactly the same if i open it on the cs5 version? 
    if that is what you meant, then i cannot understand what other problem may be causing the complete opposite for me. 
    i need urgent help!  please???  anyone??
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    where can i find online the CS4 [dw & fw] app dl files so i can install them on my home pc?
    thx so much!
    I highly recommend starting your post as a new post as most users on this forum will ignore posts with answers marked.  And if you feel something is different please post example files online for the DW side of things.  As far as Fireworks files are concerned you may need to post in the Fireworks forums for that.

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    Thanks in advance for anyones help,
    [email protected]

    I cannot open CS4 files, but in any case, you made things easier for me to go thru by actually creating buttons. Select the button and give it an instance name in the Properties panel, let's say you name it "btn"
    In the actions layer, insert the following code...
    // this is an event handler function for the event listener
    function gotoPage(evt:MouseEvent):void {
         var url:String = "http://www.url.com/webpage.html";
         var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);
    // this is an event listener assignment for the button
    btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoPage);
    I showed the above function coded as I did so that you can see the individual pieces that make it up.  Those pieces could be combined into one line...
    function gotoPage(evt:MouseEvent):void {
         navigateToURL(new URLRequest( "http://www.url.com/webpage.html"));
    And if the html pages are in the same domain, you should be able to use relative references for them rather than absolute.

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    Yes - the official, authentic Adobe CS4 free trial downloads remain available for all products if you need them, it's just a matter of looking in the right places.

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    I wonder if someone can help me - I have a site that i made with Dreamweaver. I then got a new computer (windows 7) and updated my dreamweaver from cs4 to cs5. I have just tried to update my pages and it doesnt seems to be working.
    Not sure what information you need - but I have a root folder and within the root site there is a folder with Templates and the templates have the extension .dwt
    I have read some posts that say recreate the cache which i have tried - this hasnt worked
    I then read another post that says you can update the pages by Modify > templates > Update Pages..
    When i tried this I get the update dialog box, but when i try to update the pages i get the following error message:
    "error accessing file - (name of the dwt file), file not found, error code 2"
    Can i ask the what is the error code 2 - i mean is there any information about the error code which will help me to resolve my templates not being found? as i am bit stuck...
    Would appreciate any help on this and thank you in advance

    I would like further help with the issue Guy McMickle identified.
    When I update links to my two template files I receive the above Error Code 2 message four times. There are 22 page files based on these templates.
    The <!-- InstanceBegin template... code does not exist in either of the template files. I does, however, show up in every one of the 21 files that were created from one of the two templates. In these files it shows up in uneditable header code.
    Why does the error code only show up four times? If the instanceBegin code is only generated when a file is created based on a template, how can it be avoided or corrected?

  • Problem with Dreamweaver CS5.5

    I have a proplem with Dreamweaver CS5.5 CSS panel. When you in the css panel box when you select and add a property, and then tab over to enter the values, all it does is highlight the box. In all previous versions when you tab over, you would be automattically able to start entering values without having to click in the fieild. Any suggesstions? This is becoming very frustrating, and slowing down my workflow that I have used since Dreamweaver CS3, CS4 and CS5.

    When you posted this question on another forum
    one of the errors was
    -------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------
    - 0 fatal error(s), 0 error(s), 2 warning(s)
    WARNING: DW065: Display requirements not met for {0215A652-E081-4B09-9333-DC85AAB67FFA}
    WARNING: DW065: Display requirements not met for {35ED8892-98E5-488A-A23C-6DB842A46EA5}
    Please search the above error/warning string(s) to find when the error occurred.
    These errors resulted in installer Exit Code mentioned below.
    Dreamweaver's specs list 1280x800 as a minimum screen resolution
    What's your screen resolution?

  • Upgraded from CS 6 to CC 2014 with CS4 Extension

    I recently upgraded from Adobe CS6 to CC 2014. I had a custom DW CS4 extension installed and working in CS6. When I converted the mxp file to a zxp file, and then attempted to install the zxp file to CC 2014, I received an error message stating "THe extension can not be installed, it requires Dreamweaver version CS4 or greater." I obviously have CS4 or greater. Any ideas on how to fix this?

    Each extension limits which versions of the host application can run it. Dreamweaver CC 2014 might fall outside the version range of the extension.
    You have to repackage the extension using the new "Adobe Exchange Packager" and make sure the product version in the mxi encompass version 14.
         <product version="14.0" primary="true" name="Dreamweaver"/>
    In this, I assume you are in control of the source files of the extension. If not, this is an issue for the author.

Maybe you are looking for