Dreamweaver CS4 on Yosemite?

Does anyone know if Dreamweaver CS4 is compatible with Yosemite? I'd also like to know if Photoshop and other elements are compatible, but Dreamweaver is the most important to me...

Thanks for your answer. I'm new to Roaring Apps, but at this link it doesn't have anything for Dreamweaver CS3, CS4 or CS5.
Is there another table or somewhere you are getting that info? Just so I can find it myself instead of bothering others next time!

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  • CS4 and Yosemite? [subject edited by moderator]

    I recently upgraded my mac to Yosemite. I use the 2012 CS4 Dreamweaver. 1. is it compatible with Yosemite (I had to upgrade some other applications such as FInale) 2. I can only open the properties in CSS and Html, NO OTHER functions such as block, background, borders etc....
    DO I need to upgrade my version of Dreamweaver (:()  or simply reinstall the version that I already have?

    I haven't seen any issues related to CS4 on Yosemite. Either there are no issues with CS4 on Yosemite, or people that have had issues have not reported it. Can you try a clean uninstall Use the CC Cleaner Tool to solve installation problems | CC, CS3-CS6 and reinstall your software? Let us know if you still have issues.
    Just saw Nancy's reply and wanted to add to my post.. Some bugs have been reported for the latest version on Yosemite as well, and the product team is fixing them for the next release. As far as I know, none of these issues are show stoppers.

  • CS4 installation Yosemite

    This is totally enervating!!
    Last week I had a chat with Martin from Adobe-Support who suggested to deinstall and reinstall CS4 after backing up from time machine (due to toe licence system of adobe). So I followed as demanded to find:
    1) no chat option left – only forum support
    2) Setup Fehler - Setup hat einen Fehler festgestellt und kann nicht fortgesetzt werden. Für weitere Hilfestellung wenden Sie sich an den Kundendienst von Adobe.
    3) Translation: Setup Error - Setup has encountered an error and can not continue. For further assistance, please contact the Adobe Customer Service.
    Although CS4 is running under Yosemite after installing Java for OS X 2014-001, there is no way to install CS4. – I switched already to the installer ADBESTDSCS4_LS4 (from the support page).
    How can I resolve the installation problem to work with CS4 under Yosemite.
    Best regards
    Jens Fabry

    I'm attempting to install Premium right now on a Yosemite Mac. I already had Photoshop and Illustrator set up and I was just trying to install Dreamweaver. I've tried a few things but the installer keeps on freezing on the "Insert Disk 2" pop-up.
    So far I've:
    -     Tried to install just Dreamweaver (fail)
    -     Installed the Java I needed, restarted, install Dreamweaver (fail)
    -     Un-installed the current programs, restarted, tried to install Photoshop, Illustrator, and Dreamweaver (fail)
    -     Un-installed again, restarted, tried to just install just Photoshop and Illustrator (fail)
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    -     Used the CC Cleaner Tool, restarted, trying to just install Photoshop and Illustrator (fail)
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    Am I missing something? Is there something that I have to do? I NEED Dreamweaver on this computer, and I'm not going out and buying a new one just because Yosemite doesn't like it.
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    EDIT - last attempt didn't work either... sight.

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    Most of my software is working.
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    Configuration/DocumentTypes/ folder.  The
    MMDocumentTypes.xml file may be missing or
    corrupted. The application will exit now."
    What to do?

    Hi:  Thanks.  Your advice might have helped.  In the mean time I upgraded to Dreamweaver CC 2014.1.  That didn't work either.  But with half an hour with a nice guy from New Delhi "Prabs" and with my network admin, we got Dreamweaver connected and working again.  And, forgunately, my school seems to have a site license now, so it won't cost me.
    Thanks for your help, which probably would have worked in the end.

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    It is impossible to work without Dreamweaver.

    I am using Vista so file locations are different. Still, I cannot find any preferences folder or configuration folder that I can rename to recreate. There is no "CreamWeaver" folder in the user profile - even in the hidden parts.
    Anyone have any other ideas?
    Rename the folder to Configuration_old and launch Dreamweaver.  It should create a new Configuration folder with the factory defaults.
    On Vista, it's located at C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Dreamweaver CS4\en_US\Configuration.
    It's a hidden folder, so you need to enable hidden folders in Windows Explorer.
    Try step 4 in the following technote: - corrupt cache file:
    If that doesn't work Try #12 -  deleting your personal configuration folder.
    This information is also available  in the Dreamweaver FAQ

  • Can't see Remote data in Dreamweaver CS4

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    When I use Dreamweaver, the only thing I can see is the "/" that represents the root folder.  All the site definitions say that it can connect to my server, it just does not show the files.
    Any ideas?
    Thanks, Fred

    here I'll quote a hint from Nancy O. for DW applications:
    Try toggling Passive and/or Secure FTP on/off.
    Your web host might have changed upload requirements to improve security.
    Another thing to check is your Anti-virus and Firewall settings. If they are too restrictive, DW may not have permission to connect to the remote server.

  • Extension Manager CS4 not installing extensions in Dreamweaver CS4

    Just installed CS4 Design Premium. Now i want to install some
    extensions to Dreamweaver.
    When I click on the extension to install it I get a message
    from the Extension Manager saying:
    "This extension can not be installed, it products requires
    Dreamweaver 6 or greater. To install this extension, please try to
    install Dreamweaver CS4 or use Extension Manager CS3 which works
    with Adobe CS3 and earlier products."
    I have even tried to install it by opening the Extension
    Manager from Dreamweaver via the
    Commands menu, with the same results.
    - I have version 2.0.274 of Adobe Extension Manager CS4.
    - I do not see the Dreamweaver icon in Extension Manager's
    product list*
    - I tried to reinstall Dreamweaver
    (which also reinstalled Extension Manager)
    - Easy to forget; I am on a Mac
    - The extensions should be okay, as they install quite nice
    in Dreamweaver CS3
    I tried to look for a
    plist to edit, but as I do not really know what to look for
    this action failed.
    *in the same order i find the icons of Flash CS4, Fireworks
    CS4, Photoshop CS4, Indesign CS4, Illustrator CS4 and Bridge CS4 in
    the products list.

    What extensions are you trying to install?
    Nancy Gill
    Adobe Community Expert
    Author: Dreamweaver 8 e-book for the DMX Zone
    Co-Author: Dreamweaver MX: Instant Troubleshooter (August,
    Technical Editor: Dreamweaver CS3: The Missing Manual,
    DMX 2004: The Complete Reference, DMX 2004: A Beginner's
    Mastering Macromedia Contribute
    Technical Reviewer: Dynamic Dreamweaver MX/DMX: Advanced PHP
    Web Development
    "Digital_Me" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:ge4vjd$6f3$[email protected]..
    > Just installed CS4 Design Premium. Now i want to install
    some extensions
    > to
    > Dreamweaver.
    > When I click on the extension to install it I get a
    message from the
    > Extension
    > Manager saying:
    "This extension can not be installed, it products
    > requires
    > Dreamweaver 6 or greater. To install this extension,
    please try to install
    > Dreamweaver CS4 or use Extension Manager CS3 which works
    with Adobe CS3
    > and
    > earlier products."
    > I have even tried to install it by opening the Extension
    Manager from
    > Dreamweaver via the
    Commands menu, with the same results.
    > - I have version 2.0.274 of Adobe Extension Manager CS4.
    > - I do not see the Dreamweaver icon in Extension
    Manager's product list*
    > - I tried to reinstall Dreamweaver
    (which also reinstalled Extension
    > Manager)
    > - Easy to forget; I am on a Mac
    > - The extensions should be okay, as they install quite
    nice in Dreamweaver
    > CS3
    > I tried to look for a
    plist to edit, but as I do not really know
    > what
    > to look for this action failed.
    > *in the same order i find the icons of Flash CS4,
    Fireworks CS4,
    > Photoshop
    > CS4, Indesign CS4, Illustrator CS4 and Bridge CS4 in the
    products list.

  • Dreamweaver CS4 interface problems in Win 7 Ultimate 64bit

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    1) When creating a new site by selecting "Site/New Site..." or "Site/Manage Sites..." the fields for selecting "Local root folder" and "Default images folder" always select a directory above where I tell it.
    For example if I tell it to use "E:\ClientFiles\Client\website\" it always selects "E:\ClientFiles\Client\". and the only solution is to write in the proper directory manually.
    2) Possibly related to the above targeting problem. In a document, even an new empty xhtml, if I place an image on the page and double click on that image to replace it with another I get the dialog box for selecting the new image, but on pressing "OK" nothing happens. The same thing occurs if I select the fodler icon in the properites at the bottom. The only methods that work are either deleting the placed image and then placing a new image or deleting the "Src" info in the "properties" panel and then clicking the folder icon next to "Src".
    You can see how this would get frustrating after a while.
    I've tried a complete reinstall of CS4, deleting the Dreamweaver cache file, and I get the same behavior on my laptop which is also running Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit.
    Any help would be appreciated. I've submitted this behavior to Adobe support as well in hops that it can some how be resolved.

    Both are known issues in DW on Win 7 and Vista. It's not just 64 bit.
    Until Adobe issues a patch, the workarounds you describe are the only solutions for the timebeing.
    Problem selecting local root folder in Vista & Windows 7

  • Dreamweaver CS4 Insert Table button does not work.

    I recently upgrade from an older version of Dreamweave to Dreamweaver CS4. But now I have a problem with inserting tables.
    They have the dropdown on the top right for Classic, Coder, Coder Plus and so on. I was using classic and everything was fine, then all of a sudden if I try using the Insert Table button from the Inserts tab, it does nothing. If I right click on the button, then click on the button it works, and if i switch to any other view it works. so then I used Coder and it was fine, but then again it stopped working. So I switched to Coder Plus and it was fine for a few more days and then it stops working again. I have rebooted my machine, closed out of DW and nothing seems to fix it. I just installed all adobe software updates and there was nothing in the update that fixed the problem. Does anyone else have this issue and if so, how do I fix it?
    I have searched google and I can't find anything. I can keep switching views but one day soon if it continues, I'm going to run out of views and Its such a habit to use the button instead of the Ctrl+Alt+T shortcut.

    try the following
    Recreate Dreamweaver CS4 Configuration and registry
    - rename the configuration folder to any name. (just add any character I suggest)
    C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Application Data\Adobe\Dreamweaver CS4\Configuration
    - recreate the registry folder
    Start > run > regedit
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER>Software>Adobe>Dreamweaver>10. Rename 10 ex: 10_old
    maybe you can post your specs here for more specific troubleshooting. Cheers!

  • Problems to Download Dreamweaver CS4 with Akamai Download Manager!

    I want to download Dreamweaver CS4 Italian Windows Trial version.
    I have Internet Explorer 7, PC with OS Windows XP x64bit Corporate, Core2Quad Q9650, Motherboard MSI P45Platinum with Ethernet 10/100/1000,
    4GBRAM,3 HDD 500GB WesternDigital,Nvidia GeForce 9400GT.
    I have installed "Akamai Download Manager ActiveX" control asked on the top of window popup.
    Clicked Yes:Installation confirmation.
    But I have tried to click the button "Download" and just one window with this message appears and disappears immediately:
    Per scaricare il software è necessario installare Akamai Download Manager...
    Problemi di download?
    Assistenza per il download...
    Il sistema non dispone dei requisiti minimi per eseguire Akamai Download Manager.
    (The system doesn't meets the minimum system requirements to run Akamai Download Manager.)
    I can't download anything. Why?
    I have disable Pop-ups Blocker, and disabled also Anti-Phishing Filter.
    Disabled also Antivirus and the Firewall.
    Set and lowered Security Protection from Tools>Internet Options: to "Medium"; and also, another time, set to "Personalized" with all the controls
    switched to "Active".
    Set Privacy>Settings>"Accetta tutti i cookie"(lowered to full bottom).
    I have read this Akamai Download Manager FAQ:
    -"Nothing happens when I click the download link"
    If nothing happened after you clicked the download link, either your pop-up blocker or a high security setting on your web browser may have stopped
    the Akamai DLM window from opening.
    If you have a pop-up blocker enabled in your web browser or in your Internet toolbar (such as the Yahoo! toolbar or the Google toolbar), you will
    need to disable your pop-up blocker to start your download. For additional information, and for instructions on changing your security setting, see
    the "Akamai Download Manager system requirements" (ServiceNote kb400530).
    Note: The download manager can sometimes take up to a minute to load. Please allow time for the initial loading before assuming there is a problem
    Thus, I have followed this rules in Akamai Download Manager System Requirements:
    Internet Explorer 7
    1) Access your Internet options from the Windows Control Panel (Internet Options) or by selecting Tools > Internet Options in Internet Explorer
    2) Select the Security Tab
    3) Click Custom Level
    4) Scroll through the list of security options and set:
    -ActiveX controls and plug-ins > Download signed ActiveX controls > Enable or Prompt
    -ActiveX controls and plug-ins > Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins > Enable or Prompt
    -ActiveX controls and plug-ins > Script ActiveX controls marked safe for scripting > Enable or Prompt
    -Downloads > File download > Enable
    -Miscellaneous > Allow script-initiated windows without size or position constraints > Enable
    -Scripting > Active scripting > Enable
    5) Click OK
    6) Click OK again
    But nothing changes.
    On my PC I have also this installation: "J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Update 5" and "Java(TM)6 Update 15".
    But the download doesn't start at all.
    1) How can I do to download Dreamweaver CS4-Windows-ITALIAN language?
    2) Is it possible to download 364.8 MegaBytes without Akamai Download Manager?
    Please Hurry!

    another option you may have is resettofactory
    start- run- type:
    press enter
    cd c:\program files\common files\research in motion\apploader
    press enter
    loader.exe /resettofactory
    press enter
    please perform a backup first
    test your browser before you restore your backup, and to be ssafe I would do a selective restore
    open DTM, go to backup/restore- advanced
    top left click on file-open
    find your backup, it will load on the left side
    you current working BB will be on the right side
    transfer ONLY the absolute important databases from the left to the right(address, cal, phone logs, messages, sms, tasks, memo)... dont do any that you dont know and dont do any OPTIONS ones
    Message Edited by drizzt09 on 07-13-2009 08:40 PM

  • How do i create a styled spry mysql driven menu using dreamweaver cs4?

    How do i create a styled spry mysql driven menu using dreamweaver cs4?
    I have cs4. I gave up on using MS sql as a datasource. I finally got a php successfull connection in my PHP web page.
    I would like a nice video tutorial for creating a dynamic menu.
    I guess i can style it by attaching a css file to the page. Are their any already designed css files out there in some online area?
    i am not a good designer. so i would like to simply have a collection of menu_style.css files and choose what looks good.
    But first i need to build the spry menu from the mysql database.
    Any help is apprechiated.
    My first choice was to maintain the data in an MS sql server file. If i could directly attach to an ms sql datasource then that would be the best option.
    I dont think i want to have to re-generate an XML datasource each time i add or modify the menu. I would like to maintain the MS Sql or mySql file instead.
    If i could generate an XML datasource from the MS Sql database then I may even prefere that, but i have spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to do that and not had any success. So i prefere working in MS sql but would settle for mySql if i had to.

    To create a dynamic menu take a look here http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/spry/samples/menubar/MenuFromNestedData.html#
    The XML file for the above menu looks like this
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
         <item id="0001" type="donut">
                   <batter id="1001">Regular</batter>
                   <batter id="1002">Chocolate</batter>
                   <batter id="1003">Blueberry</batter>
                   <batter id="1003">Devil's Food</batter>
              <topping id="5001">None</topping>
              <topping id="5002">Glazed</topping>
              <topping id="5005">Sugar</topping>
              <topping id="5007">Powdered Sugar</topping>
              <topping id="5006">Chocolate with Sprinkles</topping>
              <topping id="5003">Chocolate</topping>
              <topping id="5004">Maple</topping>
         <item id="0002" type="donut">
                   <batter id="1001">Regular</batter>
              <topping id="5001">None</topping>
              <topping id="5002">Glazed</topping>
              <topping id="5005">Sugar</topping>
              <topping id="5003">Chocolate</topping>
              <topping id="5004">Maple</topping>
         <item id="0003" type="donut">
                   <batter id="1001">Regular</batter>
                   <batter id="1002">Chocolate</batter>
         <item id="0004" type="bar">
                   <batter id="1001">Regular</batter>
              <topping id="5003">Chocolate</topping>
              <topping id="5004">Maple</topping>
                   <filling id="7001">
                   <filling id="7002">
                   <filling id="7003">
                        <name>Whipped Cream</name>
         <item id="0005" type="twist">
                   <batter id="1001">Regular</batter>
              <topping id="5002">Glazed</topping>
              <topping id="5005">Sugar</topping>
         <item id="0006" type="filled">
                   <batter id="1001">Regular</batter>
              <topping id="5002">Glazed</topping>
              <topping id="5007">Powdered Sugar</topping>
              <topping id="5003">Chocolate</topping>
              <topping id="5004">Maple</topping>
                   <filling id="7002">
                   <filling id="7003">
                        <name>Whipped Cream</name>
                   <filling id="7004">
                        <name>Strawberry Jelly</name>
                   <filling id="7005">
                        <name>Rasberry Jelly</name>
    Then remains the manner in which you create the XML file which can be found here http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/spry/samples/utils/query2xml.html
    One you have your menu up and running, you will be able to apply styles and effects

  • Can't see the widget in Live view in Dreamweaver CS4 for Mac

    Following this example in http://www.truveo.com/Web-Widgets-in-Dreamweaver-CS4/id/180144024212823976
    from Scott Fegette to place a YUI Calendar inside a project in Dreamweaver CS4. I see that Scott after placing the YUI_Calendar.mxp they got the calendar in Live view mode and I can't do the same, can't see in Live View, only a blank page.
    I follow all the Scott's instructions correctly because the code is there and I can see the calendar in the browser but not in Live View... If I turn off the Live View then can see the YUI Calendar in Design View only (a light blue tag named YUI_calendar).
    I'm under Mac OS X 10.5.6.
    Can you help me to see the YUI Calendar in Live View?

    If you are using Site-root relative links, then take a look at this post:

  • Dreamweaver CS4 - Record Insertion Form js error

    I'm dreamweaver cs4 and started using the Record Insertion form, I was mainly experimenting with it and just seeing what it could do.
    However when I get to the wizard i have to wait a few seconds for it to connect to the database and then I get an error message that says:
    While executing onLoad in ServerObject-InsRecPHP.htm, the following Javascript error(s) occured:
    At line 283 of the file "Macintosh HD:Application:Adobe Dreamweaver
    invalid array length
    I was just wondering if this was a common problem, or I've messed something up either in Dreamweaver, or in the SQL database that I'm using.
    I've also noticed that its the same for Update and Delete Records Wizards aswell.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated
    Aaron Kennedy

    I see it's your first post. Welcome to the forum.
    A good place to start looking for answers is the Dreamweaver FAQ. You'll find the answer to your question under "Crashes, installation, JavaScript, and unexplained problems".

  • Error while trying to compile in Adobe AIR with Dreamweaver CS4

    hello guys,
    I am running under a imac i7, with snow leopard, i have installed the extension for dreamweaver cs4 to compile a project in adoebe air.
    but when a try to compile the prject i receive a java error reporting i have to installa Java 1.4 or higher.
    here it is what i have installed:
    total 64
    drwxr-xr-x  13 root  wheel  442 29 Dic 15:40 .
    drwxr-xr-x  12 root  wheel  408 29 Dic 15:40 ..
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  wheel    5 29 Dic 15:39 1.3 -> 1.3.1
    drwxr-xr-x   3 root  wheel  102 29 Mag  2009 1.3.1
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  wheel   10 29 Dic 15:39 1.4 -> CurrentJDK
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  wheel   10 29 Dic 15:39 1.4.2 -> CurrentJDK
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  wheel   10 29 Dic 15:39 1.5 -> CurrentJDK
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  wheel   10 29 Dic 15:39 1.5.0 -> CurrentJDK
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  wheel    5 29 Dic 15:39 1.6 -> 1.6.0
    drwxr-xr-x   7 root  wheel  238 20 Nov 05:48 1.6.0
    drwxr-xr-x   8 root  wheel  272 29 Dic 15:40 A
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  wheel    1 29 Dic 15:39 Current -> A
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  wheel    3 29 Dic 15:39 CurrentJDK -> 1.6
    what should i do?
    thank you.

    Hello hypericon_0090001,
    Have you found any fix for this, as I am having the same problem.

  • I am using Dreamweaver CS4  and can no longer connect to Device Central - Can you help me with this?

    I am using Dreamweaver CS4  and can no longer connect to Device Central - Can you help me with this?

    Device Central was discontinued April 23, 2012.
    And replaced with Adobe Edge Inspect CC (for Cloud subscribers)
    Nancy O.

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