Dreamweaver cs5 download

Im trying to find a trial download of dreamweaver cs5

Try http://prodesigntools.com/all-adobe-cs5-direct-download-links.html
Follow the instructions carefully.

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    I only find newer versions for download, but since I had a crash on my old laptop I need CS5 on my new one and my serial number seems to work only for German CS5. Can anybody send me a link?
    Thanks in advance!

    If you purchased the download from the Adobe store you should be able to re-download from the store.
    If you purchased a disc, you may still be able to get the software resent to you on a disc.
    Either way you have to contact Adobe: http://www.adobe.com/aboutadobe/contact.html

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    Download the trial version from http://prodesigntools.com/all-adobe-cs5-direct-download-links.html
    Follow the Very Important Instructions on that page first BEFORE you click the download links.
    Install and enter your serial number to license the trial on your computer.

  • Is anyone having trouble with Dreamweaver CS5?

    I am unable to create a new site or  manage sites. Upon save Dreamweaver tells me "WARNING: The Spry assets  folder is not inside the site. Please select a valid folder in your  local site root."
    I have created a SpryAssets folder, unistalled and reinstalled  Dreamweaver, tried just about everything including calling Adobe tech  support with no resolution (twice). Adobe has "elevated" my case (again), but I think  that means "We don't know, so go away." (Sorry, Adobe, I'm VERY frustrated  here!)
    Anybody got any ideas?

    Thanks for the help, Ben.
    I did clear the cache and the problem still exists. Then I unistalled my Dreamweaver CS5, downloaded a trial version, installed that one, but that didn't work either.
    Here are some screen captures of the dialog boxes that I am experiencing:
    This is the first warning I get when trying to establish a site.
    So then I select the SpryAssets folder in my main folder.
    Again, I get the warning.
    Then the only way out of the dialog box is to hit cancel, without establishing a site.
    I would greatly appreciate it if anyone has seen this problem and been able to solve it. It's driving me crazy.
    By the way, I am running Macintosh OS 10.5.8. Could this be the problem?

  • Downloading and editing an existing WordPress site in Dreamweaver CS5.

    Hello! New to the forums, here.
    I'll try to be brief. I've got a WordPress site in-place at metalmeter.com that is hosted through HostGator. Basically, what I'm looking to do is get the site from the remote server and edit it in Dreamweaver CS5, previewing all changes on a local testing server before putting the updated contents back on the remote server.
    Now, let me be clear: I've tried plenty of the tutorials. I've watched hours of videos. I still can't get it configured properly. I've got the FTP connection to the remote server running smoothly. I've got XAMPP installed. I'm having difficulties (and I apologize for being vague), and I just don't know where the problem is located. In my htdocs folder for XAMPP, I've got two subfolders 'metalmeter' for the remote server's downloaded contents, and 'wordpress' for the wordpress installation that every page seems to be pointing me toward. What confuses me is that when I try and open the uppermost index.php file on the remote server, the dynamically discovered content is not being displayed in the live view with my local testing server. I want to be viewing my existing WordPress site in its entirety exactly as I see it online while I'm editing it, and then pushing back updated files to the /public_html/ root directory of the remote server so that I can edit the site from my local client. I'm extremely new to Dreamweaver, so any help you could offer would be greatly appreciated.
    If you know how to do exactly what I'm trying to do and have been successfully viewing and editing your existing WordPress site in Dreamweaver for upload, please take some time to explain the set-up. I'd be forever in your debt!

    Nancy O. wrote:
    I've been following this discussion for a while now and I don't understand why you hope to edit articles from DW.  That's what the WP Admin panel is specifically designed for.  Besides, you won't find your articles in any of the site files because they don't exist there.
    I agree I don't see any reason to want to edit a Wordpress site in Dreamweaver. If you are using Wordpress then you may as well put Dreamweaver in the bin. Although people do actually want to edit and manipulate the design in Dreamweaver (including myself) and from what I've read its possible but I've never found a source which explains fully how to achieve this and those that I have it seems too much effort to even bother about.
    I guess the Dreamweaver environment feels more like home and is more user friendly.
    To put it another way, a typical WordPress installation contains around 800 files in some 80 folders.  Those files don't contain any content, just a whole lot of PHP code.   In fact, the only page most people ever see on your site is the index.php page which is dynamically created over & over by the server with content from the MySql and various include files.
    For sure and that's why people who use Dreamweaver and feel the need to manipulate a Wordpress site in Dreamweaver because Wordpress is 'in vogue' get lost. Wordpress just containes a lot of pages with nothing to see apart from some php, many of who will not understand one jot.
    Unless you're a coding guru, you should definitely NOT touch any of the core WP files as this could cripple your site.  If you want to customize your Theme, look at the CSS and include files in your Themes folder.   See Anatomy of a WordPress Theme:http://yoast.com/wordpress-theme-anatomy/
    lol your not wrong there!
    For a quick tip on Theming, open your remote site in Firefox equipped with the 'Web Developer Toolbar'.  Edit CSS on screen.  Save changes to your local site and upload it to the remote server.  No testing server required. 
    Wordpress is Wordpress and Dreamweaver is Dreameaver. As far as I can make out the two don't mix.
    Ideally you would just choose a Wordpress theme which most relates to the nice site you have designed in Fireworks of which you won't find any however goodthe themes are. Then manipulate the themes css that's if you can understand it. Even for a seasoned css expert its heavy going because everyone produces css differently to achieve the same results.
    Leave Wordpress well anlone unles you're going to use it out of the box so to speak or as a web-developer don't mind a bit of reverse engineering.

  • I bought Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.5 in 2012, computer crashed and need a download link to install on new computer

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    Download CS5.5 products

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    You are welcome to utilize the trial for up to 30 days.   There is not a requirement that you need to purchase the software.
    You may also want to post in the Dreamweaver forum to see if there will be any compatibility issues if you do decide to return to Dreamweaver CS5.5.  You can find the Dreamweaver forum at http://forums.adobe.com/community/dreamweaver.

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    Hi bigd_bud,
    Can you see if the solutions in this post help?
    Re: Adobe Extension Manager crashes on mac 10.8

  • Adobe Extension Manager CS5 5.0 Update   There was an error downloading this update. Please quit and try again later.     Dreamweaver CS5 11.0.4 Updater   There was an error downloading this update. Please quit and try again later.

    Adobe Extension Manager CS5 5.0 Update
      There was an error downloading this update. Please quit and try again later.
      Dreamweaver CS5 11.0.4 Updater
      There was an error downloading this update. Please quit and try again later.
    this happens continual when I try to update minor increments for my CS5 Master collection no matter what application update I try.
    No help available to resolve this problem...
    William Bell.

    thank you,
    I downloaded updates and installed manually, had to mess around a bit.
    Start the updater from the program first, then install from the download.
    Also, moved plugins that are for Premier from common plugins directory,
    to the Premier plugins directory. Stopped the error I got launching After Effects
    that said to reinstall the plugins.

  • Download spry table for Dreamweaver CS5

    Hi All,
    I have upgraded to dreamweaver CS5 recently.
    However, I cannot find the spry table in the menu.
    Where can I download the spry table from interenet?
    Thanks for help

    Thanks for you help.
    Actually, the spry table is installed but the spry table icons were missed in the menu bar.

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    by mistake i have downloaded dreamweaver cs5.5 in other language.  I need it in english language. HELP ME

    Hi Sachin00007,
    Please contact Adobe Support and request for a cross language swap(if not purchased from Adobe directly). If purchased from Adobe then the best option would to be to return and reorder the correct product. Refer to http://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/policy-pricing/order-product-platform-language-swap.htm l for more details.

  • I can't get my serial Number after downloading the trial version of DreamWeaver CS5.?

    Hi there,
    After downloading the trial version Of Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.5, I had to type in the serial number to actually use the product but I can't find the serial Number anywhere and now i don't  know what to do because it is a trial version and so I can only use it for 30 days. Hope someone can help!

    No, but when i downloaded the trial from the official Adobe website it said that i would get the serial number or something. At first the software wasn't working but after restarting my PC it started working! Thank you for answering!

  • How to download middle eastern version of dreamweaver CS5.5

    Hi everybody,
    I have purchased a licensed Dreamweaver CS5.5 Middle Eastern version along with the CD. Now, I have lost the CD but I still have my license serial number for the activation. I searched in your website but I only found the standard version (Not Middle Eastern version).
    how can I download it?
    (Some times the Middle Eastern version is referred to ME.)
    in case there is no way to downlod it, will I be able to activate the standard vesion with my ME key?

    Amaf_dubai I am sorry I am not aware of any public links for download of the Middle Eastern version of Creative Suite 5.5.  If you purchased the software from Adobe directly, and you choose the download option at the time of purchase, then the installation files will be available under your account at http://www.adobe.com/.  You can find more details at Find a download link on Adobe.com.

  • Where can I find this download...I just updated to Yomesite and I got this message:What is says is To open "Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.app" you need to install the legacy Java SE 6 runtine.

    Where can I find this download...I just updated to Yomesite and I got this message:What is says is To open "Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.app" you need to install the legacy Java SE 6 runtine.

    Hi zimieh. Do you get it by going to the app store and run update,. If not here is a link for the only java update I find for Yosemite.  http://support.apple.com/kb/DL1572?viewlocale=en_US&locale=en_US

  • I bought the Dreamweaver CS5 for Windows a few years ago. Now I have also a Mac Book pro, where I have to Install the Dreamweaver CS5. I have made the Download for Mac, but I can't Install it. When I push the button, I got an error message.

    I bought the Dreamweaver CS5 for Windows a few years ago. Now I have also a Mac Book pro, where I have to Install the Dreamweaver CS5. I have made the Download for Mac, but I can't Install it. When I push the button, I got an error message.

    CS5 for Windows can only be installed on Windows operating system.
    You would need to purchase CS5 for Mac OS.
    Given that CS5 is now 4 versions back, it's unlikely you'll find a copy.
    You could get DW CC from the Creative Cloud which supports both Win/Mac platforms.
    Creative Cloud pricing and membership plans | Adobe Creative Cloud
    Nancy O.

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