Dreamweaver cs6 and cc

I coding with ASP, can Dreamweaver CC support ASP?
another question is It happen sometimes when I open a page by template, the
words(chinese) will goes to error code when I shoose Modify -> Templates
->Open Attached Template. is this issue can fixed right now for cs6?
and still have the same problem in Dreamweaver CC?
Thank you.
[email protected]
other email:
[email protected]

ASP support was deprecated in Dreamweaver CC. There is a single extension to restore these features.
Extension is available at:
* Vista/Windows 7: C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Dreamweaver CC\Configuration\DisabledFeatures
* Mac OS X: /Applications/Adobe Dreamweaver CC/Configuration/DisabledFeatures
Check out the team blog for more:
A Look at the Modernized Dreamweaver CC : Adobe Dreamweaver Team Blog

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    Hi Jim,
    These videos might help:
    http://tv.adobe.com/watch/introducing-business-catalyst/getting-started-with-business-cata lyst-and-dreamweaver-cs6-what-is-business-catalyst
    http://tv.adobe.com/watch/introducing-business-catalyst/getting-started-with-business-cata lyst-and-dreamweaver-cs6-creating-and-publishing-sites
    I'd open a local copy of the site in Dreamweaver CS6 and use the steps described in the video
    Also, we have Dreamweaver and Business Catalyst (host) specific forums too. They should be able to help with specifics if you get stuck.
    Hope that helps,

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    < 220 Service Ready for new User
    > USER .myusername
    < 331 Password Needed for Login
    > PASS
    < 230 User HUBING Logged in Successfully
    > PWD
    < 257 "/EH05/users/hubing" is Current Directory
    > PWD
    < 257 "/EH05/users/hubing" is Current Directory
    > CWD //gs16/gs16/share/web/cvel
    < 250 Directory successfully changed to "/gs16/SHARE/web/cvel"
    > PWD
    < 257 "/gs16/SHARE/web/cvel" is Current Directory
    > CWD /gs16/SHARE/web/cvel
    < 250 Directory successfully changed to "/gs16/SHARE/web/cvel"
    > PASV
    < 227 Entering Passive Mode (130,127,239,114,143,84)
    > TYPE A
    < 200 TYPE Command OK A
    > LIST
    Dreamweaver CS6 and Dreamweaver CC start out correctly, then suddenly issue a QUIT command:
    < 220 Service Ready for new User
    > USER myusername
    < 331 Password Needed for Login
    > PASS
    < 230 User HUBING Logged in Successfully
    > PWD
    < 257 "/EH05/users/hubing" is Current Directory
    > CWD /EH05/users/hubing
    < 250 Directory successfully changed to "/EH05/users/hubing"
    > CWD //gs16/gs16/share/web/cvel
    < 250 Directory successfully changed to "/gs16/SHARE/web/cvel"
    > PWD
    < 257 "/gs16/SHARE/web/cvel" is Current Directory
    > QUIT
    < 221 Closing Session
    Any suggestions?

    Yes. I can establish a connection without defining the site root folder. The directory that I login to by default is /EH05/users/hubing. One of the other sites that I maintain is in a subdirectory of that folder and Dreamweaver CC connects to that site without any problem. It just isn't able to switch to //gs16/gs16/share/web/cvel. Dreamweaver CS5.5 and WSFTP don't seem to have any problem with this.
    Unfortunately, I can't send you the .ste file, because the password can't be shared. I appreciate your help though!

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  • Installation issues including AAM, Dreamweaver CS6 and Phtoshop CS6

    Hi Everyone,
    This discussion is a continuation of a thread that was started in the 'Creative Cloud' discussion forum.  It's important to read this discussion first to get a background regarding the underlying issues first.
    To continue, this new discussion will keep the issue in the open - I don't want it hidden away as I believe others may benefit from suggestions and issues along the way.
    Quick recap:
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    can give me clear direction as to what I need to do.
    To bring this up to date I received a PM this morning from Jeff Wright.  The message reads:
    To: mandelbrot  
    From: Jeff A Wright
    Sent: 23-Oct-2012
    Subject: Private Message: Regarding your updating difficulties
    Good day Paul Weston,
         I am contacting you regarding the difficulties you have been having applying the Dreamweaver 12.0.2 update.  If you have contacted our support team if you can please provide me with the case number it will allow me to review your interaction.  In addition if you can please let me know your preferred e-mail address we can bring this conversation into e-mail as opposed to sending private messages back and forth.  This will be especially important when we need to look at your installation logs for the update which you are having difficulty applying.
    Thank you,
         Jeff Wright
    My reply:
    Hi Jeff,
    Unfortunately I don't have any case number(s) even though I spoke to several of your colleagues in India, bit via chat and telephone.  Each time no case number was given to me.  At one point I did fill out a survey, also!
    If you can trace it from this, my email address is <<emailadress>>, I'm linked to <<organisation>>NHS Trust and our primary contact used to be a gentleman called Eddie Drake (either <<emailaddress>> or <<emailaddress>>).  Failing that, our software license certificate number is <<id>>, end user id (whatever that is) is <<id>> and our Adobe order number for this consignment is <<id>>.
    I don't want to hide this away from the community and have opened a new discussion to this end - any PMs or emails will be dropped into this unless you choose to use the discussion as a contact method.
    Please feel free to add constructive comments anyone.

    Sorry but that's not working for me - I clicked the link that you specified and got this page:
    With this text on it:
    Adobe Application Manager
    Adobe Application Manager Installer
    This patch will install the Adobe Application Manager that is included with Adobe Creative Suite 6, Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 products. It is only necessary to run this patch if you are receiving one of the following error messages:
    Adobe Application Manager is needed to update your product.
    Adobe Application Manager is needed to start your trial.
    For additional information on this issue, see, “Error, "Adobe Application Manager is needed..." when launching or using Adobe Creative Suite 6, Creative Suite 5 products” (cpsid_84344.)
    File Information
    Adobe Application Manager
    File Name
    File Size
    Proceed to Download

  • I need help, I'm on a laptop acer ... I install Dreamweaver cs6 and I can not seem to do the keyboard raccoucie Quick tags Crt T function

    I need help, I'm on a laptop acer ... I install Dreamweaver cs6 and I can not seem to do the keyboard raccoucie Quick tags Crt T function
    Dreamweaver support forum

    You posted your question 2 minutes ago.
    The first thing to try is Deleting Corrupted Cache in DW.  You must turn on hidden files/folders in your operating system to find them.
    If that doesn't help, try Restore Preferences
    If all else fails, use the CS Cleaner Tools below followed by a software re-install.
    Nancy O.

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    Sqaure stays in middle of poage

    See if getting it thru the site linked below gets you better results.
    Make sure you follow the Very Important Instructions section.

  • Code works with Dreamweaver CS6 and not with CC

    <p><a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="window.open('http://www.anything.comt', '', 'top=20,left=20,toolbar=0,statusbar=1,scrollbars=1,resizable=1')" title="title">name</a></p> works with Dreamweaver CS6 and not with CC
    [Edited Title and moved to Dreamweaver- JTS]

    I'm not quite sure I understand your point.
    I have just tested the Open Browser Window behavior in Dreamweaver CC. It creates slightly different code from Dreamweaver CS6, but it works correctly. This is what is created in the HTML:
    <p>my <a href="#" onClick="MM_openBrWindow('http://www.adobe.com/','mywindow','toolbar=yes,location=yes,status=yes,menubar=yes,scrollb ars=yes,resizable=yes')">link</a>
    Dreamweaver CC also adds the following code to the <head> of the page:
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function MM_openBrWindow(theURL,winName,features) { //v2.0
    The definition of the MM_openBrWindow() function is needed in the <head> for the code to work. But it definitely works OK.
    With regard to _self and _blank not working, I can't find any problem with the way Dreamweaver CC handles them.
    However, if you feel happier working with Dreamweaver CS6, you can download it from the following page:
    Open the drop-down menu under "In this version", and select Dreamweaver CS6 as shown in the following screenshot:
    With Dreamweaver CS6 selected, click the large Download button at the top-right of the page. You can then download CS6, and install it alongside Dreamweaver CC.

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    i am using dreamweaver cs6 and none of the menu's are showing up like the common, form, layout, spry etc...not sure why?

    Which version of CC -- 13, 2014, or 2014.1?  You'll find it under the Help menu > About DW.
    Spry Menus are gone.
    Color is something you add with CSS.
    Nancy O.

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    If you followed the correct instructions, then all should be to plan:
    .ctp files will open as PHP files
    Design View will be available

  • Dreamweaver cs6 and Fluid Grid Layouts!

    New to Dreamweaver cs6 and Fluid Grid Layouts!
    Could you please tell me if you can create several layout grid designs (in the same website) depending on the page layout you need for each
    The reason I am asking is my web site has different information on each page (which is laid out differently)
    Maybe create layout.css and layout2.css and so on. AND TIE EACH PAGE IN WITH A PHP INCLUDE NAVIGATION PLACED ON EACH PAGE.
    Is this possible.
    Thanks, Mrs. White

    Different layouts for different pages?  It's certainly possible, but I don't recommend it.  Ideally you want to work with ONE FluidGrid Layout throughout your site with some additional CSS rules for optional regions (classes & styles) that may not be required on all pages. Some examples of optional regions would be contact forms, tables, definition lists, re-usable floats, etc...
    If your Responsive Design is well planned, you shouldn't need more than one main structure for mobile, one for tablet and one for desktops.  If you go down the path of having different structures for 3 devices AND each site page, you will soon be wrestling with a 10,000 lb. gorilla: Herculean to build and not much fun to maintain.
    Server-side includes for site wide headers, footers & navigation are a very good idea whether your site is Responsive or not.  I use them all the time.
    Nancy O.

  • Dreamweaver CS6 and Coldfusion 9 - Syntax Errors & Code Coloring

    I recently purchased Dreamweaver CS6. 
    Also, I'm running Coldfusion 9 on Windows 7, but that's probably irrelevant.
    The issue is that Dreamweaver keeps on marking my files with syntax errors, and the code coloring gets all messed up.
    For instance, such function would indicate an error due to the #var#:
    But this would work just fine:
    The issue is that I have entire pages wrapped in cfoutput, redoing everything would take months.
    Or this would break the code coloring for the entire select as such:
    <select <cfif test eq 'test'>class="test"</cfif> name="selectbox">
    While this breaks the code coloring for the closing cfif as such:
    <select class="<cfif test eq 'test'>test</cfif>" name="selectbox">
    I'm getting syntax errors on thousands of my files, I understand that I could rewrite the code slightly to remove some of the error indications, but these are not actual errors so I feel that there is no point of me spending months updating the code.
    Is there a patch that I can apply so that this would work without any of these issues?
    Can someone please help?

    Have you posted this question in the Cold Fusion Forums?
    I don't use CF myself and the few CF coders I know have long since moved to Eclipse/ColdFusion Builder. 
    Nancy O.

  • Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 and Mavericks

    Hi everyone,
    I have recently upgraded to Mavericks on my Mac, however I am now experiencing seriously problems with Adobe Dreamweaver CS6. The program is running shockingly slow. It takes literally 10 minutes to open the program, whereas before the upgrade it took less an 1 minute! clicking any menu options or even a site element, or typing text takes ages to respond.
    I posted in Adobe forums, and one answer was to disable Nap App, but it is already checked as disabled (grey out too), Adobe respoded directly by suggesting clearing the program cashe and preferences.
    Other forums I have seen with similar problems suggest it is a Java issue. Dreamweaver requires Java SE6, I had Java 7JRE, and & JDK, which I uninstalled, and then re-installed Java 6, through a link to an Apple which downloaded a file (JavaForOSX2013-05), although I tried confirming that I was now running Java SE6 though Terminal and go the following message back:
    Last login: Sat Nov 23 23:48:26 on console
    iMac:~ imac$ java –version
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: ?version
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: ?version
              at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:202)
              at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
              at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:190)
              at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:306)
              at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.java:301)
              at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:247)
    iMac:~ imac$
    I really need to get Dreamweaver functionaing again properly and any help and support on this issue whould be greatly appreciated.
    Kind Regards,
    Ash Bullman

    I am not sure what's the resolution to your problem. I don't want to install Java 6SE in Mavericks either because it's an old software; however, I have not been able to launch any apps in CS3 or CS5. Sooner or later, I'll have to surrender if I want to use any of those software.

  • I'm trying to Install Dreamweaver CS6 and Installer sticks on both machines at 25% - any ideas?

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    Russ Hollington

    Russ2324 to clarify you are trying to complete an installation of Dreamweaver CS6 on a virtual machine?
    In regards to your installation failure you will want to review the installation logs.  You can find information on how to locate and interpret your installation logs at Troubleshoot with install logs | CS5, CS5.5, CS6 - http://helpx.adobe.com/creative-suite/kb/troubleshoot-install-logs-cs5-cs5.html.

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