Dreamweaver simpleviewer multiple galleries button links help

I am trying to do this:
http://www.airtightinteractive.com/simpleviewer/examples/multiple_galleries/gallery1/index .html
and here is another good example
on my page here:
This seems to be the code that pertains to the different slideshows (this is from the example webpage of how I want it to be):
<div id="header" >
<a href = "../gallery1/index.html">Gallery 1</a> | <a href = "../gallery2/index.html">Gallery 2</a>
<div id="flashcontent">SimpleViewer requires JavaScript and the Flash Player. <a href="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer/">Get Flash.</a></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
The "Simple" Viewer slideshow gives instructions on how to simply embed  and I have done that successfully, a link is here in case you want to check it out:
I have this working fine but would like to embed several galleries. The instruction page of "simple"viewer says to create multiple galleries you just need to:
" ...To create multiple SimpleViewer galleries, make a copy of the whole SimpleViewer gallery folder for each gallery. Create your individual galleries as normal. You can now create a menu page that links to the index.html page in each sub-folder. Here is an example that contains a menu to navigate between 2 SimpleViewer galleries."
My confusion lies in what the heck a menu page is. I have ignored this all together and tried looking at the code from pages that give examples. especially the page that gives a download of html.
But I don't understand how to link the buttons in Dreamweaver to create different slideshows. I've put the four slideshow folders (print, illustration, logo, design) into my main HTML page. I assume the solution is to put the code mentioned above in for each slideshow/gallery .. reference each gallery by my folders names but then somehow make the DW buttons link to those folders.
I'll keep poking around at this and see if I can figure it out, but any input, advice or help would be SO very appreciated. If you would speak in laymans terms I'd appreciate it, I know flash well but am new to dreamweaver and not very good at codeing though I manage.
Thanks so much in advance, sorry this is so long winded.

I'm actually still having a problem with the individual galleries linking to the swf. Here's an explination and I'm attaching a snapshot of the file folder structure and the html's:
Thanks for responding :) I feel like I'm almost there, been struggling with this for a week.
my site is here:
I am going with a different approach, instead of trying to link the graphics from within each gallery folder I am instead placing each gallery html outside the individual gallery folders in my root folder ... then trying to link the main html page to each html gallery file, and have each gallery file link/see the swf galleries within the folders.
I have made separate gallery folders for each gallery, print, logo ect is in it's separate folder in the root folder of my website.
In the main root folder I have the index.html *plus* I've put each galleries html file *outside* it's folder but directly in the root folder, so the main html webpage file can link (with the buttons) to each gallery html in the root folder.
Problem is getting the galleries html's to connect/link to the swf gallery in each gallery folder (within the root folder) (I'd put the html's directly in it's gallery folder but then the graphics links break). "gallery not found" is what I get and I'm not sure how to do this. In the code of each gallery html is this:
  <td valign="top"><script type="text/javascript">
var fo = new SWFObject("illustrations/viewer.swf", "viewer", "500", "500", "8", "#c5bdb2");
so the gallery html's in the root folder *should* be directed to each swf in it's gallery folder: illustrations/viewer.swf .. print/viewer.swf ... etc ... but it's not working.
I'm going to try to just attach my whole site in case someone can take a look and tell me what's wrong. It's large but I'm desperate and it's hard to explain.

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    A link to your page would be the best possible way to get help with this. 
    Code fragments don't tell the whole story.
    Nancy O.

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    What will people who do not have Flash installed do when they
    come to your
    page? How about the search engines?
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    http://www.dwfaq.com - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "Andy" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:e50thk$hjd$[email protected]..
    > In DW if I hit the "Play" button in Properties and then
    click the Flash
    > button, the link works but will not work in IE6!!!???
    > "Andy" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    > news:e50rde$fde$[email protected]..
    >> Thanks for your reply, Alan.
    >> That is what I did put in the link box but for some
    reason the link will
    >> not work.
    >> I put
    http://www.netspace.net.au in
    the link box, then saved my work and
    >> viewed it in IE6, but it will not connect me to the
    site when I click on
    >> the button. If I create a hyperlink using a word, eg
    Netspace, it works
    >> OK.
    >> I'm using Dreamweaver 8.
    >> Andy
    >> "Alan" <[email protected]>
    wrote in message
    news:C0995965.28F809%[email protected]..
    >>> In the Flash Button dialog box, in the url or
    link box, type the full
    >>> url
    >>> address including the
    >>> instead of
    >>> www.example.com
    >>> You have to do this for all external links,
    whether using flash buttons
    >>> or
    >>> regular links.

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    In the pic_splash movieclip, Layer 5 at the last key frame(35) please add the following actionscript code.
    this["pic"+1].onRelease = function () {
       getURL("http://www.adobe.com" , "_blank" );
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       getURL("http://www.google.com" , "_blank" );
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        mc_engagement.source= "photo/engagement/en0"+imageNumber+".jpg";
        mc_amish.source= "photo/amish/Amish"+imageNumber+".jpg";
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        mc_icons.source= "design/icons/icon0"+imageNumber+".png";
        mc_objects.source= "design/objects/pc"+imageNumber+".png";
        mc_typography.source= "design/typography/type"+imageNumber+".png";
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        mc_engagement.source= "photo/engagement/en0"+imageNumber+".jpg";
        mc_amish.source= "photo/amish/Amish"+imageNumber+".jpg";
        mc_chicago.source= "photo/chicago/ch"+imageNumber+".jpg";
        mc_landscapes.source= "photo/landscapes/land"+imageNumber+".jpg";
        mc_goodvsevil.source= "photo/goodvsevil/ge"+imageNumber+".png";
        mc_animals.source= "design/animals/an"+imageNumber+".png";
        mc_icons.source= "design/icons/icon0"+imageNumber+".png";
        mc_objects.source= "design/objects/pc"+imageNumber+".png";
        mc_typography.source= "design/typography/type"+imageNumber+".png";

    I'm still a novice with Flash myself, but I have two comments.
    First, at this point, won't your buttons control all galleries at the same time? Which means, if I go to image 5 in one gallery, then move to another gallery, I'll start at image 5, because the actions are all connected.
    Second, you can definitely use the same buttons for multiple galleries. It seems to me that as long as you've assigned the buttons an instance name, these actions should already work to control all the galleries (see the note above). I guess I would need to understand a bit more about how your project is built.

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    You can use a local variable to do that, but remember, use local only if you have to.  For the switch, remember to change the mechanical action to switch until released.
    Kudos and Accepted as Solution are welcome!
    Example_VI_BD.png ‏3 KB

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    You have a few things going on that aren't helping.  When you code buttons the way you have, you have to put the code on the timeline and give the buttons the instance name you use in that code.  You also have to assign the code  to the instance that is going to use it.
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    Try assigning all your buttons instance names, at every keyframe.  Then create an actions layer for your code and use it for the code.  And place all the button code in the last frame of the layer so that the butons have it assigned to them where it counts... when they are present and ready to be used.

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    tables: mara, konv.
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    select-options s_kschl for konv-kschl no intervals.
    it gives the selection screen with multiple value button of s_kschl with more space.
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    It's very urgent: please tell me and get rewards.

      Try to use the below code.
    Selection-screen begin of line.
    select-options s_matnr for mara-matnr.
    select-options s_kschl for konv-kschl no intervals.
    selection-screen end of line.
    or else..
      try to use the POSITION Commnad on the screen.
    Click the link below to know more about it.

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    Hello exports,
    I need to provide an interface to user where he can Put a multiple selection button (ICON_ENTER_MORE) multiple selected purchase order at a time. (Like multiple purchase orders in select option). It should be done in dialog programming.
    plz giv me the code its urgent.

    I was looking for an answer to the same question.  After exhausting all searching efforts on this forum I did a Google search using the following search string:
    "multiple selection button"
      It wasn't until the third page of returned hits that I found just what I was looking for.  I hope the following link is as helpful to you as it was for me:
    This link assumes that you know dialog programming.  You will have to adapt the example and code to your specific needs.

Maybe you are looking for

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