Drill Issue on Webi XIR2

Hi all,
I am creating a report on WEBI XIR2 which contains drill option. The report has multiple data providers and merged dimension.
Because of merged dimensions, I am getting the drill values from all the data providers from which I have merged the dimension. I want the drill to return only those values for which the report has data, and not all.
Please let me know, if you have any suggestion/workaround in this regard. Appreciating your help in advance
Thanks and Regards,


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  • BW Hierarchy drill issues

    Hi all,
    I'm having issues in webi when drill down to the lowest level of a hierarchy and that level contains no data. The symptom is that I get an empty table with no hierarchy label and no way to drill back up to the previous level. The report has to be closed in order to go back to the higher levels. There are no errors evident in any logs. If I run the mdx from the mdx logs in mdxtest I get no data returned. I found a forum post on BOB that suggests applying the following SAP notes
    1402674  - MDX: Descendants delivers incorrect results for NON EMPTY
    1404328 - MDX: bXML flattening and PROPERTIES: Columns overwritten
    Both have been applied but the issue remains. Has anyone seen this before?
    Business Objects Edge XI 3.1 SP2 on linux.
    Integration Kit SP2

    Hi Keith,
    We are facing the same problem!
    Did you find any solution for it yet?
    If so, can you please share it?
    Kind regards,

  • How to enable Drill option in Webi Report based on BW universe.

    Hi All,
    We are working on BOBJ/BW sandbox misgovernment .
    We are building Webi report to explore Hierarchies based on BW (Cube/BEx report) universe, the drill option is disable in webi,
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    webi report on efashion having the same issue.
    Webi we are using trial key --> is this some thing to do with this ?
    Or , some thing we are missing.
    Can you please help us on this.
    Best Regards,

    I am also facing same problem and nw m using Administrator(userName) then there is no need to be give other rights(administrator using FullControl) as u given
    Applications->Web Intelligence->User security()->Assign security->Advanced rights->Add/remove rights->Application->Web Intelligence->Enable drill mode.
    Plz let me any other solution.

  • Drill Down and Drill UP on Web Analysis Report

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    I have a question regarding Drill down and Drill up on Web Analysis Report.
    The situation is the following:
    I've created a report with some account parent elements in row. The dimension account has a multiple hierarchy.
    I need to drill down on the child of these elements keeping the parente on top and so i've selected the option "Selected Member First".
    The drill down it's ok for the first drill to go on the next level but when i drill down once more to go on the next level of the selected member hierarchy the drill move this level out hierarchy.
    Can someone help me on this point?
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    Thanks for the help.
    Best Regards
    Eugenio Gualtieri

    Hi John,
    thanks for your answer.
    I've trayed to set the report on Smart View to virify tou test your advise.
    The situatio is the following:
    If I take only one parent member the drill up works fine but if i take all 2 memeber as above and i decide to drill up on one of the two element occur that the drill work for the two elements at the same time.
    Afetr the drill in this case the situation is:
    Can be a problem due to shared memebers?
    Thanks for your help.
    Eugenio Gualtieri

  • Issue about web analysis

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    I am facing an issue about Web Analysis. When I use the version pre-9, I can access web analysis directly with html client or java client.Then I set each user with each POV. Now I am using EPM11, I can just access web analysis by workspace.Then if I would like to access java client, I click Tools->links->web analysis studio. While I access html client by clicking explore in the workspace toolbar. However, if the user doesn't belong to admin group, I can't find the explore toolbar. Then I can't access html client. As we know, not all web analysis users should be admin users. This issue puzzles me very much. Is there someone who can give some good suggestions? Thanks a lot.

    The user needs the 'Explorer' role to see the 'Explore' button. The user does not need admin privs for this.
    To access Web Analysis Studio directly, go to http://<server-name>:19000/WebAnalysis/WebAnalysis.jsp or http://<server-name>:16000/WebAnalysis/WebAnalysis.jsp.

  • How to add a barcode font for use in Web Intelligence (WebI) XIR2 and 3x?

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    Hi Kevin,
    Also, if the solution provided in the previous post doesn't helps you then try the following solution.
    Following are the steps to apply barcode font (IDAutomationHC39M):
    1) In Windows Explorer, browse to the following folder:
    -- C:\Windows\Fonts
    2) On the File menu click Install New Font then browse to the font you want to install.
    3) Edit the properties on the fonts you have just added:
    In the "Embedding" tab, you should get a property like "Preview & Print embedding allowed".
    But, nothing related to a license limitation regarding the embedding, else, you will not be allowed to use the added fonts in PDF or XLS generation.
    4) Once the above points have been done:
    -- Copy the .ttf fonts you want to use in the following XIR2 folder:
    <BO_INSTALL_DIR>\Business Objects\j2sdk1.4.2_08\jre\lib\fonts
    5) Add the following entries into the fontalias.xml file, which is in the following folder:
    <BO_INSTALL_DIR>\Business Objects\BusinessObjects Enterprise 11.5\win32_x86\fonts
    The template looks like the following one:
    <FONT NAME="IDAutomationHC39M">
    <FONTFAMILY PLATFORM="ttf" NAME="IDAutomationHC39M (IDAutomationHC39M)">
    <FONTATTRIBUTE BOLD="false" ITALIC="false" LOGICAL="IDAutomationHC39M" PHYSICAL="IDAutomationHC39M.ttf"/>
    <FONTFAMILY PLATFORM="win" NAME="IDAutomationHC39M"/>
    <FONTFAMILY PLATFORM="java" NAME="IDAutomationHC39M"/>
    <FONTFAMILY PLATFORM="html" NAME="IDAutomationHC39M"/>
    6) Add the following entries into the u2018i18n.xmlu2019 file, which is in the following folder:
    <BO_INSTALL_DIR>\Business Objects\BusinessObjects Enterprise 11.5\win32_x86\scripts
    You have different sections in this i81n.xml file.
    -- Under the first section
    <font key=u201DIDAutomationHC39Mu201D value=u201DIDAutomationHC39Mu201D/>
    </ FontFinder>
    < FontFinder2>
    <font key=u201DIDAutomationHC39Mu201D value=u201DIDAutomationHC39Mu201D/>
    </ FontFinder2>
    -- Under the u2018font_aliasingu2019 section
    <font name=u201DIDAutomationHC39Mu201D>
    <os type=u201Dallu201D>
    <Attributs style=u201D0u201D filename=u201DIDAutomationHC39M.ttfu201D encoding=u201Du201D aliaspsname =u201CIDAutomationHC39Mu201D/>
    7) Save the both files.
    8) Restart the Businessobjects servers or local computer.
    9) Login in to infoview and create a new web intelligence report by using the Java Report Panel or Html Report Panel;
    10) In the left pane, select the "Cell Format Properties": you will notice that an entry "IDAutomationHC39M" has been added into the font dropdown list.
    Just test the above u2018IDAutomationHC39Mu2019 barcode font, at your end and update me with the results.
    Sarbhjeet Kaur

  • Drill down in webi report

    Is there any way to display the drill down in webi report.  For example:
    if the drill the Year option I can able to see all Quarter level measures and if I drill down further I can get into Month level measures and Week level and so on .
    But my question is When I drill the Year to Quarter...I want it to display both Year and Quarter and If I drill down further
    I want all the measures related to Year ,Quarter, Month and so on
    Basically want I need is a tree level hierarchy......Could any one plz help me what all changes I need to make in order to get a detailed report.
    Edited by: Sushma Reddy on Feb 9, 2010 9:44 PM

    Try to create a Class e.g Time in universe and objects to that class as year, quarter,month as
    Year Object -> data type -> D/N
    select To_date('sysdate','YYYY) as year from dual
    Month object-> data type -> D/N
    select to_date)'sysdate','MM') as month from dual;
    Quarter -> data type -> D/N
    case when @select(Time/Month) in (1,2,3) then q1
             when @select(Time/Month) in (4,5,6) then q2
              when @select(Time/Month) in (7,8,9) then q4
               when @select(Time/Month) in (10,11,12) then q4
    Then create a hierarch in tools -> hiearchy ->custom hierarchy and add the above class there then in any report (Deski/WebI)
    you will get the above hierarchy and use it according to your requirement.
    Suresh Aluri.

  • Drill filters in Webi

    Hello All,
    I have the following requirement in Webi XIR 3.1..
    I have a hierarchy defined as Country,State,City and Area..When i right click on Country,i have options to drill by which shows State,City and Area..I need to capture the option which the user clicks on drill by (either State,City,Area) so that i can display a table related to that particular dimension..
    If i use DrillFilters function,it shows me the values of a particular dimension..This does not work out for my requirement..
    Please let me know if there is any way to capture State or City or Area..
    Sowrabha Sadanand

    Hi Sowrabha,
    Yes. You can achieve this functionality through "Drill Across" in WebI.
    For this you need to create a separate hierarchy and link to main hierarchy in Universe level.

  • Bex Free characteristic drill down in Web i report

    I have a question, we are using bex query as source for our web i report.
    for that if you have an idea on Bex query analyzer, we can drill down on a free char list in bex and each and every drill down bex query go back to cube and fetches and refreshes the data based on the selection.
    In the same way can i get the same feature in Web i report, when i drill down my web i report should go back to the Bex query
    and should refresh the data.
    Any help in this regards is greatly appreciable
    Thanks in Advance,

    What you described is an OLAP 'slice and dice' type workflow - try the Analysis web application (in bi4.0 launch pad). WebI can do some drill down,  but it is really best at consuming small chunks of rowsets (not 'flattened' OLAP datasets)
    webi does go back to hit the database,  but only when you click "refresh".  so you can add a new object, and it sometimes says "#TOREFRESH" - then user refreshes to expand the scope of analysis.
    this process was automated in XI3.1 (where the interface didn't prompt for the refresh) and customers typically complained of slow response times. i.e. they didn't realise the inclusion of a results object fired a new query.

  • Issue in web template (version 3.x )

    Hi Experts,
    we have web templates in 3.x versions. Today, some changes were done in the Bex queries underlined.
    Normally, the changes in the Bex query will be reflected correctly in the web templates without any problem (no need to adjust the web templates). However, we are having issues - the web template doesn't display the changes made in the query.
    If you have any ideas how to fix this issue, please help me.
    I found two programs:
    Does any expert know, if I could use one of the to generate the template in production without damaging anything?

    The programs mentioned by you are for executing a template  / viweing the HTML code within the template.
    Go to RSRT and select HTML from the dropdown and then give the following line in the text box below :
    &template_id=<your template Technical name>
    Also try clearing your HTTP cache in SMICM and then try...
    Edited by: Arun Varadarajan on Jan 6, 2010 2:08 AM

  • Performance issue at Webi/Universe

    Hi BO Experts,
    I am new to Business objects.
    I have developed a new universe and webi reports, but I am facing some performance issues at webi side. Below I am furnishing my development details; please let me know how I can overcome with the performance issues.
    1. Created a Query on Multiprovider (query is having nearly 125 objects (Info objects (restricted with hierarchies), navigational attributes & restricted key figures).
    2. Developed a new universe on the query.
    3. As part of performance- restricted the some fields at query filters and also applied conditions at universe level.
    4. Created a webi report and it is generating the results for 8 fields (4 characteristics (hierarchy levels) + 4 restricted key figures) and also I used 5 conditions at webi report filters.
    Finally, my Webi results are matching with BW query results, but Webi report is taking more time ( approximately 15 min. ) when I compare with BW query results( approximately 1min. ) and MDX query(approximately 2 min.) results. Requesting t you to please let me know, if I need to do any changes at universe or webi or bw query level  to overcome with this performance issue.
    Awaiting for your response.

    Here are few steps to improve the performance:
    Try to build the aggrregrates at Cube leve for those Characterstics which u are using frequenlty in WEBI Reports.
    As you are using Hierarchy, the report performance will be always not good.
    I suggest this can be best handled in BI Modelling Level only instead of handling the same at WEBI Report Level as at WEBI Reports we dont have much options to improve the performance
    Also, I suggest you to look into the Query performance at BEX Level and then use the Query for further connections

  • Unable to do Drill by in webi report and source is BW Query

    Hai All,
    I have Dimension ID and Description Columns, when i try to drill one by one it  is working fine and it is showing descriptions accordingly. when i use Drill By on Dimension ID it is working for ID only but Description are not changing accordingly.
    Source is BW QUERY->universe->Webi report

    Check these Links
    I Hope it willl Definately Help u

  • Issue with "Drill" & navigation for Web Intelligence Rich client

    I  have created a document by using a local Excel file in Web Intelligence Rich client tool.
    1.Now I want to use "Drill" option to my document...can you please help me in this respect as I am not getting the "Analysis pane" & other standard options(for Drill) that we get for a document created from a Universe?
    2.I have 4 reports in this document. I want to  navigate from the first report to any other reports in the same document by clicking a button or link in the first report.Any idea how to do it?
    Thank you in advance for your help.

    1. have you created any hierarchy in the universe ? after creating required hierarchy, in the webi report you need to enable drill mode.
    2. you can use opendocument url with sReportName parameter. Please check this doc for details: http://help.sap.com/businessobject/product_guides/boexir3/en/xi3-1_url_reporting_opendocument_en.pdf
    But for this you need to export the report to InfoView.

  • Bex Hierarchy issue on Webi report

    Hello Experts,
    We are facing issues on use of Bex hierarchy in webi report,
    Issue statement: We have webi report on bex query which have table and chart with input control on year and month to filter the report, table and chart uses hierarchy object to disply data. When we refresh report table and chart shows data with hierarchy on first level but once we check or uncheck any value from input control hierarchy in table and chart gets expanded and shows as flat structure. to get correct behaviour we have to collaps hierarchy.
    Above behaviour happens for all report level filter like, block filter, drill filter, input control.
    Please help me to know this is a bug or something wrong happened with development.
    Priyank Bhayani

    Hello Everyone,
    I have got SAP note which states this is expected behaviour hence closing the discussion.
    1702356 - Hierarchy Nodes expanded automatically to all levels after selecting value in the input control in a webi report.
    Priyank Bhayani

  • Missing records when performing drill down in Webi

    Hello everyone!
    I have a Webi report over a OLAP universe (BEx query), in which I have, among other objects, company code, wage type with hierarchy and personnel number.
    I want to build a report with the following layout:
    Company code 1 | Employee 1 | Wage type hierarchy | Amount
    With this layout, when I try to drill down through the wage type hierarchy, the displayed values are not correct (some records are apparently missing).
    When I remove personnel number from both query and report, the displayed values are correct.
    Has anyone encontered a similar issue?
    Thanks in advance for your responses!

    Hi all,
    Turns out that our backend BW system was seriously outdated. There has been recently many corrections to the MDX interface. We have updated our service packs and this has resolved our issue.
    Thank you all for your help. Points assigned
    Best regards,

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